past simple cw

→ Choose the right form:

1.My dad bought / buy / buyed me a great book yesterday.

2. Sally visited / visit / visited me 2 years ago.

3. She went / gone / goed to the beach 2 hours ago.

4. They swimed / swimmed / swam in the ocean.

5. She writed / written / wrote a letter to her mother.

→ Make a question:

  1. I went to a party last night.

  1. I wrote an interesting story for homework today.

  1. We did our English homework last night.

  1. We saw the new science fiction movie at the cinema last night.

  1. My dad brought bread from the baker's.

→ Complete the sentences using Past Simple.

1. We 0x01 graphic
DANCE and 0x01 graphic
TALK to many people at the party last night.

2. Bill 0x01 graphic
GIVE me a nice present which 0x01 graphic
MAKE me happy.

3. My parents 0x01 graphic
VISIT Rome two years ago and they simply 0x01 graphic
LOVE it.

4. I 0x01 graphic
KNOW the answer but I 0x01 graphic
GET nervous and I 0x01 graphic

5. I 0x01 graphic
LEAVE Spain six years ago, I 0x01 graphic
FLY to France and I 0x01 graphic
START a totally new life.


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