present i past simple i continuous odpowiedzi

1. Podane czasowniki wpisz w odpowiednie rubryki tabeli.

strat, kiss, talk, try, say, study, wash, get, give, use, work, visit, walk, teach, do, go, carry, finish, tidy, like, watch,

-s -es -ies
strat, talk, say, get, give, use, work, visit, walk, like kiss, wash, teach, do, finish, watch try, study, carry, tidy

2. Uzupełnij odpowiednią formą czasownika w nawiasie:

Luke gets at 8 o’ lock every day. He has breakfast and washes his teeth. Then he goes to school. He doesn’t like school. After school and dinner Luke and his friend John go to the gym where they practice football. Football is Luke’s favourite sport. After the training boys come back to Luke’s house. Luke’s mother makes a supper for them. When John leaves Luke does  his homework. Then he has a bath and goes to bed.

3. Wstaw do lub does.

4. Podane zdania zamień na pytania i na przeczenia:

5.     Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi formami czasowników w nawiasach:

          Jill is making a cake now.

          Helen and Tom are eating sandwiches.

          Mum and dad are watching TV.

          Lisa is doing her homework now.

          I am going to the cinema tomorrow.

6.     Zdania z zadania 2. Zmień na pytania i przeczenia:

          Is Jill making a cake now? Jill isn’t making a cake now.

          Are Helen and Tom eating sandwiches? Helen and Tom aren’t eating sandwiches.

          Are Mum and dad watching TV? Mum and dad aren’t watching TV.

          Is Lisa doing her homework now? Lisa isn’t doing her homework now.

          Am I going to the cinema tomorrow? I’m not going to the cinema tomorrow.

7.     Napisz zdania przeczące wstawiając czasowniki z ramki w odpowiedniej formie czas Present Continuous.

do        listen            work                  enjoy               expect            travel

          Derek looks bored with the party.=

Derek isn’t enyoing himself at the party.

          We haven’t invited anyone for tomorrow. = Aren’t expecting any guest tomorrow.

          It’s Sally’s day off today. = Sally isn’t working today.

          The train is terribly slow! = We aren't travelling very fast.

          It’s the third time you haven’t heard my question! = You aren’t listening to me again!

8.     Napisz pytania do podkreślonych informacji:

          They’re leaving on Friday. When are they leaving?

          We’re staying at my aunt’s house. Where are you staying?

          I’m talking to Mary. Who are you talking to?

          She’s waiting for her sister. Who is she waiting for?

          We’re listening to the radio. What are you listening to?

          He’s flying to Paris tonight. Where is he flying tonight

9.   Uzupełnij tekst odpowiednimi formami wyrazów w nawaisach:

Mike gets up at 6 o’clock every day, but today he is getting at 10 o’ clock because he is sick. His Mother always makes him breakfast. Mike is visiting a doctor in the afternoon. He doesn’t like school, so he is happy because he isn’t going to school this morning.

10.   Przetłumacz zdania na język angielski używając słów w nawiasie.

a.    Odwiedzę Cię jutro wieczorem. (see)

I’m seeing you in the evening tomorrow.

b.   Widzę drzewo. (see)

I see the tree.

c.    Mama  próbuje zupę. (taste)

Mum is tasting the soup.

d.   Czuję smak soli w zupie. (taste)

I (can) taste salt in this soup.

e.    Uważam, że masz ładną sukienkę. (think)

I think your dress is pretty.

f.     Myślę właśnie o zadaniu domowym. (think)

I’m thinking about my homework.

11.   Zaznacz poprawne formy czasowników.

         We must hurry. Our train leaves at six o’clock.

         Slow down Mike. You are driving too fast.

         My grandmother stays with us every Christmas.

         Excuse me, I am looking for a post office.

         Mandy speaks English very well.

         I am not thinking about the argument we had yesterday.

12.   Uzupełnij podane pary zdań, wpisując podane czasowniki w odpowiednim czasie.

         My brother studies Medicine. Today he is studying for an important exam. (STUDY)

         My grandparents go to the seaside every weekend. This weekend they are going to the mountains. (GO)

         I watch a lot of horror movies. I am watching a good one at the moment.(WATCH)

         The S&S shop sells high quality stereo equipment. This week they are selling some brands at lower prizes.(SELL)

13.   Ułóż pytania w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous, używając.

A: Mark, are you leaving the party now?

B: Yes, sorry, but I feel unwell.

A: Mary, do you need my laptop at the moment?

B: No, I’m not using it now.

A: I can’t understand the guide. Is he saying anything important?

B: Not really.

A: I’ve just got a postcard from Mary, she’s in Africa.

B:Is she enjoying her trip?

14.   Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w nawiasie w czasie Past Simple.


15. Wpisz czasowniki w nawiasach w formie przeszłej.
1. Ken watched a great film two weeks ago.
2. Did  Sue study for the exam last night? Yes, she did.
3. Paul didn’t ask his dad to borrow the car last night.
4. How many songs  did you download from the Internet last week?
5. When did Jack move to his house?
6. I did’t enjoy the play at all.
7. The brave man killed the monster.
8. Then he saved the princess.
9. My dad didn’t repair my computer.

16. Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w czasie Past Continuous.

         This time yesterday I was lying on a sandy beach.

         The band was practicing before a concert for all night.

         Mary was reading a book in bed from 10:00 to 11:00.

         Tommy was riding his bike for 3 hours in the morning.

17.   Zaznacz poprawne formy czasowników:

While we were talking in the living room, the kids were playing in the garden. Jill just was talking about their trip to Paris when we heard a strange noise. We looked out of the window and saw little Jim who was standing on the lawn. It was Mike who first realized that the boy was choking. When Mike picked him up and was slapping him on the back a little stone came out of Jim’s mouth.

18.   Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z nawiasów w czasie Past Continuous i Past Simple:

         While we weren’t looking the cat jumped on the table and stole one of the fish sticks.

         It was midnight and we were sleeping when the doorbell rang It was Jill. She didn’t have the keys to open the door.)

         Jeff was watching TV in bed when he heard some voices outside. He looked out of the window and saw a group of young people who were standing


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