impulse studios jquery cheat sheet 1 0

jQuery 1.4 Cheat Sheet
Core Selectors Effects Events Ajax
jQuery Function Basic Basics Document Loading Global Ajax Event Handlers
$(selector, context) jQuery .hide(dur, cb) jQuery .load(fn) jQuery .ajaxComplete(cb) jQuery
$(html, owner) jQuery .show(dur, cb) jQuery .ready(fn) jQuery .ajaxError(cb) jQuery
$(callback) jQuery .toggle(dur, cb) jQuery .unload(fn) jQuery .ajaxSend(cb) jQuery
.class .toggle(showOrHide) jQuery .ajaxStart(cb) jQuery
No Conflict Event Handler Attachment
.ajaxStop(cb) jQuery
selector, selectorN
Fading .bind(type, data, fn) jQuery
jQuery.noConflict(bool) jQuery
.ajaxSuccess(cb) jQuery
.bind(events)* jQuery
.fadeIn(dur, cb) jQuery
.unbind(type, fn) jQuery Helper Functions
.fadeOut(dur, cb) jQuery
parent > child
.unbind(event)* jQuery
General Attributes .fadeTo(dur, opacity, cb) jQuery jQuery.param(obj, traditional)* string
ancestor descendant
.live(type, data, fn)* jQuery .serialize() string
.attr(attribute) obj prev + next
.die(type, fn) jQuery .serialzeArray() array
.attr(attribute, val) jQuery
prev ~ siblings .slideUp(dur, cb) jQuery
.one(type, data, fn) jQuery
.attr(attribute, fn) jQuery
Low-Level Interface
.slideDown(dur, cb) jQuery
jQuery.proxy(fn, scope)* fn
.removeAttr(attribute) jQuery
.slideToggle(dur, cb jQuery jQuery.ajax(settings) XHR
jQuery.proxy(scope, name)* fn
.html() string
.trigger(type, params) jQuery
.html(string) jQuery
Shorthand Methods
.animate(prop, dur, easing, cb) jQuery .triggerHandler(type, params) obj
.text() string
jQuery.get(url, data, cb, type) XHR
.animate(prop, options) jQuery
.text(string) jQuery
Browser Events
[attribute=val], data, cb, type) XHR
.delay(dur, queueName)* jQuery
.val() string, array
.error(fn) jQuery
jQuery.getJSON(url, data, cb) XHR bool
.val(value) jQuery
.resize(fn) jQuery
jQuery.getScript(url, cb) XHR
.stop(clearQueue, jumpToEnd) jQuery
.scroll(fn) jQuery
CSS [attribute]
.load(url, data, cb) jQuery
[attribute1=val1] [attribute2=val2] Form Events
Style Properties Traversing
.blur(fn) jQuery
Basic Filter Copying
.css(property) string
.change(fn) jQuery
Tree Traversal
:animated .clone(withDataAndElements) jQuery
.css(property, val|fn)*
.focus(fn) jQuery
.children(selector) jQuery
DOM Insertion, Around
.select(fn) jQuery
Class Attribute
.closest(selector, context)* jQuery
.wrap(element|fn)* jQuery
.addClass(name|fn)* jQuery .submit(fn) jQuery
.closest(selectors, context)* array
.wrapAll(element) jQuery
.removeClass(name|fn)* jQuery
.find(selector) jQuery
:first Keyboard Events
.wrapInner(element|fn)* jQuery
.hasClass(name) bool
.next(selector) jQuery
.focusin(fn)* jQuery
.unwrap()* jQuery
.toggleClass(name|fn, switch)* jQuery
.nextAll(selector) jQuery
.focusout(fn)* jQuery
DOM Insertion, Inside
.nextUntil(selector)* jQuery
Dimensions :header
.keydown(fn) jQuery
.append(content|fn)* jQuery
.offsetParent() jQuery
.keypress(fn) jQuery
.height() int :lt(index)
.appendTo(target) jQuery
.parent(selector) jQuery
.height(val) jQuery .keyup(fn) jQuery
.prepend(content|fn)* jQuery
.parents(selector) jQuery
.width() int
Mouse Events
Content Filter
.prependTo(target) jQuery
.parentsUntil(selector)* jQuery
.width(val) jQuery
.click(fn) jQuery
.prev(selector) jQuery
.innerHeight() int DOM Insertion, Outside
.dblclick(fn) jQuery
.prevAll(selector) jQuery
.innerWidth() int .after(content|fn)* jQuery
.hover(fn, fn) jQuery
.prevUntil(selector)* jQuery
.outerHeight(margin) int .before(content|fn)* jQuery
.mousedown(fn) jQuery
.siblings(selector) jQuery
.outerWidth(margin) int .insertAfter() jQuery
.mouseenter(fn) jQuery
Visibility Filter
.insertBefore() jQuery
Offset .mouseleave(fn) jQuery
DOM Removal .eq(index) jQuery
.mousemove(fn) jQuery
.offset() obj{top,left}
.filter(selector) jQuery
.detach(selector)* jQuery .mouseout(fn) jQuery
.offset(coordinates)* obj
Child Filter .filter(fn) jQuery
.empty() jQuery .mouseover(fn) jQuery
.position() obj{top,left}
.first() jQuery
:first-child .remove(selector) jQuery .mouseup(fn) jQuery
.scrollLeft() int
.last() jQuery
.scrollLeft(val) jQuery
DOM Replacement
Event Object
.has(selector)* jQuery
.scrollTop() int
.replaceAll() jQuery
event.currentTarget element
.has(contained)* jQuery
.scrollLeft(val) jQuery
.replaceWith(content|fn)* jQuery anything
.is(selector) jQuery
event.isDefaultPrevented() bool
Utilities .map(cb) jQuery
event.isImmediatePropagationStopped()bool, key, value) jQuery .not(selector) jQuery
jQuery.contains(container, contained)* bool
event.isPropagationStopped() bool, key) obj .not(elements) jQuery
jQuery.each(obj, fn) obj
event.pageX num
.queue(queueName) array .not(fn) jQuery
jQuery.extend(deep, target, obj, objN) obj
event.pageY num
.queue(queueName, newQueue|cb) jQuery
:enabled Miscellaneous Traversing
.clearQueue(queueName)* jQuery
jQuery.grep(array, fn, invert) array
:file .add(selector) jQuery
event.relatedTarget element
.dequeue(queueName) jQuery
jQuery.inArray(val, array) num
:image .add(elements) jQuery
event.result obj
jQuery.isArray(obj) bool
:input .add(html) jQuery
Miscellaneous event.stopImmediatePropagation()
jQuery.isEmptyObject(obj)* bool
:password .add(selector, context)* jQuery element
Collection Manipulation
jQuery.isFunction() bool
:radio .andSelf() jQuery
event.timeStamp num
.each(fn) jQuery jQuery.isPlainObject(obj)* bool
:reset .contents() jQuery
event.type string
jQuery.isXMLDoc(node) bool
:selected .end() jQuery
Collection Manipulation event.which string
jQuery.makeArray(obj) array
.get(index) element, array
Legend, cb) array
.index(selector|element)* num
jQuery.merge(array1, array2) array light text optional parameter cb callback
.size() num
Properties of the Global jQuery Object
jQuery.noop* fn item|item or num number
.toArray()* array obj
jQuery.trim() string obj object val value
jQuery.browser map
jQuery.unique(array) array bool boolean dur duration
jQuery.browser.version string
fn function * new or updated in 1.4


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