Business Etiquette and Protocol in Japan

Business Etiquette and Protocol in Japan
Øð Understanding of Foreign ways
üð The Japanese comprehend the difficulty perceived by foreigners to work in Japan,
and as such, show patience and appreciation towards the idea of you learning the
Japanese language with time.
üð Genuine respect must be shown at all times and when mistakes are made, you are
expected to take charge of remedying them even though a support group will
always be present. Quite often, while helping you, they might feel embarrassment
at their own English abilities.
Øð Relationships and Communication
üð The Japanese prefer to do business on the basis of personal relationships and in
general, being introduced or recommended by someone who already has a good
relationship with the company is extremely helpful as it allows the Japanese to
know how to place you in a hierarchy relative to themselves.
Øð Business Meeting Etiquette
üð Appointments are required and, whenever possible, should be made in advance
with the confirmation of both parties present.
üð Punctuality is crucial.
üð Since this is a collectivistic society, even if you think you will be meeting one
person, be prepared for a group meeting. As far as seating is concerned, the most
senior Japanese person will be seated furthest from the door, with the rest of the
people in descending rank until the most junior person is seated closest to the door.
It may take several meetings for your Japanese counterparts to be comfortable with
you and be able to conduct business with you.
üð As far as business trial is concerned, you may be assigned a small amount of
business as a trial to see if you meet your commitments. If you respond quickly and
with excellent service, you prove your ability and trustworthiness.
üð If a request seems difficult or non-profitable in the present light, take the time to
consider its long term merits. The Japanese are looking for a long-term relationship.
Øð Business Negotiation
üð The Japanese are a non-confrontational business group and show difficulty with
saying the word  no . And so, you must be vigilant at observing their non-verbal
communication. It is best to phrase questions so that they can answer  yes . For
instance, do you disagree with this?
üð Japanese business structure is decentralized so group decision making and
consensus are important.
üð The Japanese can often remain silent for long periods of time. Be patient and try to
work out if your Japanese colleagues have understood what was said. Some
Japanese close their eyes when they want to listen intently. You must never lose
your temple or raise your voice during negotiations.
üð The Japanese value open negotiations and place high stake on relationship status. In
other words, re-negotiations are an option (to a certain extent and only if mutually
agreed upon) when a profitable relationship is at stake.
Øð Dress Etiquette
üð Business attire is generally conservative where men show a tendency to wear
dark-colored suits and women dress conservatively.
Øð Business Cards
üð Business cards are exchanged constantly and with great ceremony. As such, always
keep your card in pristine condition and treat the business card you receive as you
would the person.
üð It is also wise to have one side of your business card translated into Japanese and
give it with the Japanese side facing the recipient.
Business cards are given and received with two hands and a slight bow.


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