egzamin gimnazjalny cz 2

Egzamin gimnazjalny
Przykładowe zadania
Część 2
Odbiór tekstu słuchanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie rozmowy. Przyporządkuj każdej z nich miejsce, w którym się odbywa (A C),
wpisujÄ…c odpowiednie litery w luki 1 2.
A street B bus C school
1 _____
2 _____
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie dwie rozmowy. Zdecyduj, kto bierze w nich udział (A C), wpisując odpowiednie
litery w luki 1 2.
A two friends B a teacher and a student C a parent and a child
1 _____
2 _____
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
Zadanie z lukÄ…
Przeczytaj ogłoszenie i uzupełnij poniższą notatkę. Wpisz jedno słowo w każdą lukę (1 5).
New English Club
Class 7 is going to start an English Club next week. We would like
students who like films to come to the club. We want to meet at the
same time every week and there will be films in English twice a month.
You don t have to pay for these.
Mr Brown will let us use Room 12 near the library on Wednesday
afternoons. Please speak to Joanna if you want to know more about
the club.
See you next Wednesday at 4.30!
The first meeting of the club is next week on
There will be meetings 2 _____________________ a week.
Students who are interested in 3 ___________________ are invited.
You will pay 4 _______________________ for watching films.
You can get more information from 5 _______________________.
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru
Przeczytaj list i zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedz: A, B lub C.
Dear Tom,
I m back home again. The journey was awful
because the train was late and I missed the
bus home. I had to wait at the station for an
hour. Anyway, I don t want to complain about it
but to say how nice it was to be your guest.
I had a wonderful time with you and your family.
I enjoyed every minute of my stay. Thank you
very much again.
Best wishes,
Mark writes the letter to:
A wish Tom all the best.
B complain about the journey.
C thank Tom for having him.
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3
Zadanie z lukÄ…
Przeczytaj poniższy list, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. Uzupełnij luki w tekście zdaniami podanymi
poniżej (A E) tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Wstaw odpowiednie litery w luki 1 4. Jedno zdanie nie
pasuje do żadnej luki.
Dear Mrs Grant,
Thank you very much for letting me stay with you
in Oxford. 1 _____
Now my friends and I are on a camping holiday. 2_____
Every day we visit a different place. 3_____
We did some shopping there and had lunch in
a fish restaurant. At night it rained but today it is
4_____ I hope we catch a lot of fish.
I will write again soon.
A There are only eight tents on the camp-site.
B He loves a camping holidays.
C I had a lovely time.
D Tomorrow we are going to go fishing.
E Yesterday we walked to a small town.
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 4
Przyporządkuj napisom (1 4) odpowiednie miejsca (A E). Jedno miejsce nie pasuje do żadnego
1 Fasten your seatbelts. _____
2 Don t drop litter. _____
3 The 7.30 race is cancelled because of bad weather. _____
4 Please do not disturb. _____
A street
B hotel
C plane
D classroom
E stadium
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 5
Przeczytaj tekst i dopasuj nagłówki (A D) do akapitów. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w luki (1 3). Jeden
nagłówek nie pasuje do żadnego akapitu.
1 _____
Thousands of years ago the people of Britain were pagans. In their religion, the sun, the moon, the
winds, rain, animals and trees were all important, and they had festivals for them. When Christianity
came to Britain, the people wanted to keep some of their old festivals, so many lived on, but as Christian
festivals. Hallowe en, Christmas, Saint Valentine s Day and Easter are all examples of this. Today, many
people celebrate these festivals and also many other festivals which started in the church.
2 _____
Food, family and flowers are an important part of most celebrations. Most people have a big family
dinner at Christmas; Canadians and Americans get together at Thanksgiving too. A lot of people give
chocolate and other sweets as presents at Christmas, Valentine s Day and Easter, and some festivals
have special food. Flower shops sell a lot of flowers on Valentine s Day and Mother s Day.
3 _____
People today often live far away from their families, so they send greetings cards at special times like
Christmas, Mother s Day and Easter. The cards say things like:  Thinking of you across the miles . Post
offices and telephones are very busy too.
A Special food for festivals
B Keeping in touch
C Festivals in the past and nowadays
D Special things for special occasions
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Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 6
Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru
Przeczytaj tekst i wybierz tytuł, który najlepiej pasuje do jego treści. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.
The Channel Islands are nearer to
famous people visited the Channel
France than to England and have a long
Islands. Victor Hugo, the writer, had
and interesting history. The first people
a summer house on Guernsey, and the
to live on them were the Romans. In
artist Renoir painted many beautiful
the 12th century the French built Castle
pictures of places in the islands.
Cornet on Guernsey, the second largest
island in the group. The Channel
Islands became part of the British Isles
in 1204. In the 19th century several
A Famous people on the Channel Islands.
B Some geographical facts about the Channel Islands.
C Short history of the Channel Islands.
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Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
Zadanie z lukÄ…
Wstaw jedno słowo w każdą lukę (1 5) tak, aby uzyskać logiczną i poprawną odpowiedz na poniższą
Hi Basia,
I m so glad that I ll see you again next Friday. How long will you
stay? What would you like to do here? What food do you like?
Hi Maria,
Thanks for inviting me. I am 1 ________________ to stay with you 2 ____________ a week.
If possible I d like 3 __________ visit the zoo. I d also like to meet your friends. What
4 ________ going to the disco with them one night? I like Italian food very 5_________.
See you next Friday,
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Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru
Przeczytaj poniższy dialog. Każdej luce przyporządkuj jeden wyraz. Wpisz odpowiednią literę
(A, B lub C) w luki 1 5.
A I met 1 _____ girl last Saturday.
B Really? What 2 _____ she look like?
A She s not very tall. She s got long dark hair and beautiful eyes.
B Is she 3 _____ than me?
A Yes, a little.
B Where did you 4 _____ her?
A At the school dance. She was there with a group of friends and I just came up to her when she
5 _____ to my friend Peter.
1 A a nice B nice C the nice
2 A is B does C do
3 A shortest B short C shorter
4 A meet B met C meeting
5 A is talking B has talked C was talking
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Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3
Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie wypowiedzi. Wybierz właściwą reakcję na każdą z nich, wpisując
literÄ™ A, B lub C.
1 A Yes, I like.
B Yes, I do.
C I like this.
2 A Very much.
B I d like a coke.
C You can t.
3 A I agree to do it.
B Don t bother.
C I promise I will.
4 A Yes, please.
B I want.
C Please, do.
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Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 4
Zadanie wielokrotnego wyboru
Przyjrzyj się uważnie ilustracji i wybierz opis, który najbardziej do niej pasuje. Zakreśl A, B lub C.
A The picture shows a young woman in the kitchen. She is making a salad. She is a young
woman with long, fair hair wearing a T-shirt. She is cutting some vegetables.
B The picture shows a young woman in the kitchen. She is eating a salad. She is a young
woman with long hair, fair hair wearing a blouse. She is reading a book.
C The picture shows a young woman in the kitchen. She is making a salad. She is a young
woman with short, fair hair wearing a blouse. She is cutting some vegetables.
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Teksty do odczytania przez nauczyciela do zadań na słuchanie
Odbiór tekstu słuchanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
1 A Hi! I m Sue. It s my first day here.
B Hi, I m Bob.
A Bob, can you tell me where the gym is?
B Sure! Go downstairs, turn left, go past the canteen and you will see the gym.
A Thanks a lot.
2 A Excuse me?
B Yes?
A I m going to the railway station. Could you tell where to get off?
B I m going there myself so I ll tell you when we get there.
A Thank you.
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
1 A Hello, Mark!
B Hi!
A Have you done your homework yet?
B No, I haven t. It s very difficult.
A I ve done it and I can help you if you want.
B Thanks. Can I come round to you now?
2 A Peter, have you done you re your homework?
B Sorry, I haven t. It was too difficult.
A It s the second time this week, Peter.
B I know. I promise I ll do it tomorrow.
A Oh yes, you ll have to or I ll call your parents.
Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3
1 Do you like American pop music?
2 How can I help you?
3 Call me as soon as you get home.
4 Would you like some more ice cream?
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Odbiór tekstu słuchanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
1 C 2 B
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
1 A 2 B
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
1 Wednesday 2 once 3 films 4 nothing 5 Joanna
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3
1 C 2 A 3 E 4 D
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 4
1 C 2 A 3 E 4 B
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 5
1 C 2 D 3 B
Odbiór tekstu czytanego
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 6
Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 1
1 going 2 for 3 to 4 about 5 much
Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 2
1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C
Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 3
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A
Reagowanie językowe
Zadanie egzaminacyjne 4
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