integrate and test 68824DB7

Activity: Integrate and Test

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Activity: Integrate and Test

This covers the activities required to fully integrate and test the product. It includes all of the various scopes of testing, including all of the levels and types of tests planned for the iteration, further scoped by the portions of the system appropriate for the test.

Extends: Integrate and Test

DescriptionWork Breakdown StructureTeam AllocationWork Product Usage

Team Breakdown = {
title: "Team Breakdown", summary: "Team Breakdown",
columns: [
["presentation_name", "Breakdown Element"],
["model_info", "Model Info"],
["teams", "Team"],
["type", "Type"],
["is_planned", "Planned"],
["has_multiple_occurrences", "Multiple Occurrences"],
["is_optional", "Optional"]],
rows: [

{id: "802b8632", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CR-7gRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementer", title: "Implementer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementer_64A09AF9.html",
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repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "14eb2b4e", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_developer_test", title: "Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_developer_test_17CB912E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
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{id: "46a56d9a", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_element", title: "Implementation Element", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_element_EA8BB344.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
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{id: "a60b056", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_subsystem", title: "Implementation Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_subsystem_AB48C12D.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
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{id: "abd0c390", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_developer_test", title: "Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_developer_test_17CB912E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "8f6bbb88", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_log", title: "Test Log", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_log_269633E2.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "adb496d4", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "perform_developer_test", title: "Execute Developer Tests", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/perform_developer_test_3F5DC181.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "915da64e", parentId: "802b8632", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "implement_developer_test", title: "Implement Developer Test", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/implement_developer_test_616ACA87.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "c0596b4e", parentId: "", relPath: ",_MpqsUUofEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_integrator", title: "Integrator", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_integrator_4CDC1E5A.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "5503253c", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_build", title: "Build", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_build_481ED197.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f393251a", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_integration_build_plan", title: "Integration Build Plan", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_integration_build_plan_3D80F187.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "83669ffe", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_build", title: "Build", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_build_481ED197.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "127fe6a2", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_implementation_subsystem", title: "Implementation Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_implementation_subsystem_AB48C12D.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "97801b82", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "integrate_subsystem", title: "Integrate Subsystem", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/integrate_subsystem_423E3E4A.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "47cbffa", parentId: "c0596b4e", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "integrate_system", title: "Integrate System", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/integrate_system_6EBE4304.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "17609928", parentId: "", relPath: ",_pjCkAEoiEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_process_engineer", title: "Process Engineer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_process_engineer_B6023E.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "7b6a26da", parentId: "17609928", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_development_process", title: "Development Process", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_development_process_92B5F490.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "14bf6d7a", parentId: "", relPath: ",_pZATsEohEdqrjq4i3fchvA", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_analyst", title: "Test Analyst", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_analyst_F836F4E6.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f98879ec", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_results", title: "Test Results", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_results_CC338534.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e2099e16", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_ideas_list", title: "Test-Ideas List", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_ideas_list_847A8DF9.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "950406fc", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_evaluation_summary", title: "Test Evaluation Summary", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_evaluation_summary_C195A524.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "51b5a2c4", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_results", title: "Test Results", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_results_CC338534.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "5224e786", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_ideas_list", title: "Test-Ideas List", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_ideas_list_35A82644.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "973a6ba4", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "determine_test_results", title: "Determine Test Results", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/determine_test_results_AFA8EC72.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "28d090f8", parentId: "14bf6d7a", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "identify_test_ideas", title: "Identify Test Ideas", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/identify_test_ideas_B6EBB07B.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "11982aac", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CTmsIRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_designer", title: "Test Designer", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_designer_911E8755.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "b27146aa", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_strategy", title: "Test Strategy", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_strategy_7FB79B6B.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f3389e86", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_suite", title: "Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_suite_F1637807.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e6211daa", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_strategy", title: "Test Strategy", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_strategy_C055A7E6.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "17277574", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_suite", title: "Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_suite_18C2BDB8.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2550ae7e", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "define_test_approach", title: "Define Test Approach", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/define_test_approach_A948CE9A.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "723225e2", parentId: "11982aac", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "structure_the_test_implementation", title: "Structure the Test Implementation", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/structure_the_test_implementation_639FF693.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "2f9af344", parentId: "", relPath: ",_mNQLsEsZEdqlNo9QEt4izQ", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_manager", title: "Test Manager", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_manager_49D65242.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "false", optional: "false", planned: "true", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "f8a7836", parentId: "2f9af344", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_evaluation_summary", title: "Test Evaluation Summary", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_evaluation_summary_C195A524.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "8274bada", parentId: "2f9af344", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_evaluation_summary", title: "Test Evaluation Summary", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_evaluation_summary_C195A524.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "6b1724de", parentId: "2f9af344", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "assess_advocate_quality", title: "Assess and Advocate Quality", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/assess_advocate_quality_737D42B0.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "38831b30", parentId: "", relPath: ",_CT5ACRi2Edq_uI8xTPML6g", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 0, hasChildren:true,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_tester", title: "Tester", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_tester_1F053E21.html",
predecessors: "", info: "", type: "Role",
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{id: "f54523fc", parentId: "38831b30", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_log", title: "Test Log", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_log_1C3E1D2.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Responsible For", type: "Artifact",
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{id: "607447b2", parentId: "38831b30", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_log", title: "Test Log", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_log_1C3E1D2.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "1c446b5a", parentId: "38831b30", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "rup_test_suite", title: "Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/rup_test_suite_F1637807.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Modifies", type: "Artifact",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "e48746f0", parentId: "38831b30", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "execute_test_suite", title: "Execute Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/execute_test_suite_38D6CCD4.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},

{id: "9c287000", parentId: "38831b30", relPath: "", isSuppressed: "", indentSize: 1, hasChildren:false,
index: "", prefix: "", name: "implement_test_suite", title: "Implement Test Suite", url: "./../../core.base_rup/capabilitypatterns/implement_test_suite_4D41C58F.html",
predecessors: "", info: "Performs as Owner", type: "Task",
repeatable: "", multiOccurences: "", optional: "", planned: "", ongoing: "", eventDriven: "",
team: "", entryState: "", exitState: "", deliverable: "", variabilityType: ""},


©  Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2006.  All Rights Reserved.



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