Starr Oliver The Strong and the Weak

The Strong and the Weak
By Starr Oliver
Punk waited until the big dogs had eaten their fill and then
he went in, growling at the pups until they made room. It
was a big kill -- food had to be getting scarce in the tree
lands if the bears were coming in this far. Of course that
meant plenty of food for all of them and he didn't have to
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fight for a good share for himself. Or count on Xavier to do
it. Not that Xavier wouldn't, but a wolf had his pride and he
hated it when he couldn't fend for himself. Once his belly
was full, he cleaned himself in the trough and drank some
water from the big bowl before going to look for his mate.
Xavier liked to sleep after a good feed, a nice nap
somewhere out of the way before something more
He glanced up at the sky as he loped up the stairs -- it
wouldn't be long before the moon was gone and the human
took over. Punk moved faster; he wanted to be with Xavier
when that happened.
He found the huge pale form curled in the lee of a building,
snoring quietly, tail draped over the long snout. He moved
in close, settling against the big, warm body.
Those pale-pale green eyes opened for a second, long
enough to give him a long look, then closed again, Xavier
curling around him. He gave a single happy bark, warm and
full. He dozed with Xavier, his mate's warmth and scent
slowly arousing him.
The moon faded, leaving him held in strong, warm arms,
Xavier's cheek against his shoulder. He slid his hand along
Xavier's arms, the change waking him fully.
Xavier smiled, stretching against him, all long, strong heat.
He whimpered softly, wanting.
"Wanton." Xavier's voice was a raw, low growl, those light
eyes twinkling.
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He nodded eagerly. For Xavier he was. His mate's strong
body made him need, always.
The quietest laugh sounded and Xavier rolled atop him,
mouth hot and hungry as it crashed against his own.
Whimpering again, he arched up, mouth open wide for
Xavier's kiss.
Xavier took his mouth, hands surprisingly gentle, almost
careful against his skin. It melted him; Xavier could do
anything he wanted to him. Forever. For always.
One of his legs was draped over Xavier's hip, big body
rocking in the slow, steady way that reminded him of the
way his lover ran. He grabbed Xavier's arms, holding on
tight. Long, shining hair fell around him, thick and heavy,
scented with wood smoke and something rich and male.
"Xavier. Oh... love you."
"Yes, my Own." So few words, but they said so much,
when matched with those eyes, those hands adoring him.
He didn't know what Xavier saw in him, but he never
questioned it out loud, just accepted it because he loved the
big guy. Their pricks slid together, hot and hard, Xavier
strong above him, moving tirelessly to bring them together,
to make their spirits run. He licked at Xavier's skin, taking
the flavor, the musk of his lover into himself.
Xavier rumbled low, lifted his chin, offering the long, pale
throat, trusting him implicitly. He whimpered, teeth
scraping across the sensitive skin. A sharp bark sounded,
Xavier stretching up. "More."
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Oh. His mate gave him so much. So much. He wrapped his
lips around Xavier's neck, sucking up a mark. His mark on
None other in all the packs could claim this privilege, this
right. None other was allowed so close. With a whimper he
came, giving everything he was to his mate.
Xavier's yelp was triumphant, fierce, full of a wild pride
and love and need. The strong body moved against him
faster, running now, the huge heart pounding against him as
his lover marked him with heat and musk and seed.
He held tight to Xavier's strength, rocking in his mate's
arms as they rode the pleasure together.
"Mmm..." Xavier rolled them, drawing him close, scenting
him. "Morning."
"Hey, Xav." He nuzzled and licked at the mark -- his mark
-- on Xavier's neck.
Xavier rumbled, shivering a bit. "You make me want."
"What do you want?"
A hot tongue teased his ear, his jaw. "You."
"Oh." He gasped, putting his head back, exposing his neck
to Xavier. "You have me."
A soft affirmation was breathed against his skin, then hard
lips fastened onto his skin, teeth nipping and sharp.
It made him whimper.
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It made him need.
Xavier was so strong and beautiful and Punk loved the big
werewolf with everything he was.
That love was returned, too. He could smell it on the long
lines of Xavier's skin, feel it in those square hands. Xavier
had found him and defended him and eventually claimed
him as mate, binding their scents together.
He was one lucky pup.
He stalked from the Circle of Elders, snapping and snarling
at anyone who dared get close.
Xavier walked through the pack, moving toward his house.
It had been a church before the Fall and now it was the
house of the Gerat, the alpha male, the One who Leads.
Xavier loved it -- loved the arched ceilings and the
windows and the cold stone walls. Loved the space to pace
and to play. Loved the mazes and rooms to hunt his mate
At the thought of his mate, Xavier growled again. Assholes.
Punk was his -- small and thin, but not weak, not unworthy.
His mate. His lover. His Own.
And the next beast who suggested otherwise would lose
more than an ear.
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Punk was near their home, playing with a pup, fighting
with the young one over an old bone. It was a good game,
Punk knew all about protecting what belonged to him from
a larger wolf.
He didn't stop, just kept moving until he was alone in the
dim open space below the biggest window. He paced and
snarled, moving with a random fury, the air around him
Xavier didn't know how long he'd been at it when Punk
padded in, his mate coming up to him and rubbing against
him as he paced. No one else would have dared such a
move. He responded to the gesture, rubbing their cheeks
together, letting Punk know that someone else was the
focus of his anger.
Punk bounced and barked, baring his teeth, ready to stand
with him against his enemy. He barked and bobbed his
head, snapping at the air and vocalizing his frustration in
low rumbling sounds that echoed against the stones.
Punk lay at his feet, head up for a soft howl.
Finally his temper eased, the simple act of sharing with his
mate soothing him deep within, soothing man and beast as
no one else could.
Xavier plopped down next to Punk, panting softly, touching
their noses together. Whimpering, Punk licked his face.
The smells were good smells. Home smells. Mate smells.
He moved closer, nosing along Punk's ruff. Punk's paw
moved, settled over his, a quick, happy bark sounding. His
tail started wagging, slow and easy, and he met Punk's
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liquid brown eyes, all teeth and smiles. Love you, Mate.
Love you.
The toothy smile was returned and he put his head back and
howled, loving him back. How could anyone wonder why
he loved Punk? How could everyone not see?
Punk slunk closer, inching along the ground until they
could lift their heads together and rub necks. He rubbed,
moaning and whining happily. Small and compact and
brown and scented like trees and soil-- his mate was most
perfect, most needed. Worthy.
His own love started making happyplease growling noises,
his scent becoming richer, muskier.
Xavier rolled Punk, muzzle sliding along the soft belly,
teasing and touching the sensitive spots. Punk whined, one
leg jerking slightly, the scent growing stronger still. He
started taking love bites, the scent of his lover impossible to
resist, instinct driving him to taste, to touch, to take what
was his own. That leg started moving rhythmically, small
yips accompanying the movements.
Time hiccupped, slowed as it always did when the scents
and the furs and the sounds where all he knew, when his
world was the long, icy slide from need to pleasure.
Punk was shaking when he shifted, turning to present his
He let his tongue trail along the shuddering flesh, eyes
watching the sunlight hit the stained glass as he changed
and slid up along Punk's body.
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Punk rippled, fur becoming skin as the sun overcame the
moon. On his hands and knees, Punk pushed his ass back,
still whimpering, begging. He took his lover without a
word, just pushing deep, growling, teeth fastening onto
Punk's bare nape.
Punk growled long and low, body pushing back against
him, meeting him. Their motions were sure, strong, better
than hunting or fighting or running. Better than anything.
"Xav..." His name was a howl, Punk's skin shimmering in
the sunlight.
He grasped Punk's long cock in his fingers, started pulling,
insisting his mate follow him, chase him into the light.
Punk howled, body tightening around his prick. He shook
his head, marking his mate's neck, hips slapping against the
thin ass as he spent.
Punk collapsed onto the ground, whimpering softly,
He settled atop his mate, licking the dark mark, rumbling
"I love you, Xav." The words were soft, content, like the
loose body beneath him.
"Mmm." He nodded, holding his lover, his Punk.
"Sweet sunlight, Mate." Punk's hand slid along his, closing
their fingers together.
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"Yes." He dropped a soft kiss on Punk's soft hair. "Sweet
Punk wriggled his ass, chuffing happily. Then his mate
stilled. "Everything okay?"
"It is now." He rumbled softly. "I bit Jerrod's ear off."
Punk gave a surprised yelp and then started to laugh.
Xavier grinned, his low laughter mingling and mixing with
his mate's.
"I love you, Xavier," Punk said again, rubbing back against
"Love you, my Own." He nodded. He did. He would
defend his mate for always, against all comers.
And the next comer would lose more than just an ear.
Punk lay curled up in a dark corner of one of the old
warehouse on the east edge of the city.
He'd gotten caught after sundown a little too far from
Xavier's influence and a group of males had taken him
down. The fact that he knew this part of the city a little
better than they did was the only thing that had saved him.
If that's what you'd call it.
He'd managed to find a safe, hidden corner and had spent
most of the night drifting in and out of consciousness.
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Now it was day and he still held his wolf form, proof that
he was as badly hurt as he felt. He was pretty sure he would
be okay, given time to heal, but he needed food, water, and
not to be attacked again until he was back on his feet.
If Xavier didn't find him, he wasn't going to make it.
If he wasn't hurting so badly, that would have galled him.
As it was, all he could do was pant and hope another wave
of unconsciousness would hit him -- at least then he didn't
have to deal with the hurt.
A dark shadow passed before his eyes as he floated,
something large and man-shaped and growling. Something
near vibrating with fury. Oh, this was it. He struggled,
panting, trying to stand -- he wouldn't go without a fight.
He still had his teeth -- if they wanted him, someone was
going to lose some blood besides just him. He bared his
teeth, hoping he looked even just the faintest bit
intimidating. Then he heard it, the low, familiar growling
bark that was his alpha, his mate, his Xavier. The shadow
became worried, shining eyes, silver and grey hair flowing
over scarred shoulders, the form of his Xavier reaching out
for him, completely unafraid.
"Been looking for you. Come home now."
Oh, his Xavier. Oh.
He whimpered, legs collapsing from under him. Still, he
managed to raise his head, making small noises, desperate
for his mate's touch.
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Strong arms lifted him, Xavier's cheek warm against his
muzzle. "Mine. Home." The words were a low, rolling
Punk licked at Xavier's cheek, giving himself over to his
beautiful, strong, magnificent lover. Xav tasted so good,
like love and home and healing.
Xavier hummed to him, rumbling and easing him on the
walk home to their stained-glass haven, to the soft pile of
blankets that smelled of love, of mating, of them together
He was spread out so gently on the blankets and given
some cool, fresh water to drink before the bitter pain-killer
was forced on him. He nearly spat it back up, but he knew
Xavier would never hurt him, so he let it down, pained
whimpers easing with the hurt itself. He searched for
Xavier's eyes as he felt the pills pulling him toward sleep,
needing to see his love once more.
Xavier was wetting a cloth, slowly cleaning his wounds,
those pale-pale green eyes watching him closely. "Rest, my
Own. I will watch over your dreams."
He barked, just a short yip that meant I love you and I'm
glad to be home and then he managed a weak howl, enough
though to let the rest of the pack know -- Punk was still in
the land of the living.
Then Xavier lifted his head, man voice sounding a still
most-fierce howl, declaring vengeance on those who
touched what was Not Theirs.
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He hoped Xavier waited to do his damage until he was
awake again. He wanted to watch.
Xavier was there every time Punk came round, loving on
him, giving him water and food and more pain pills.
With that kind of love and support behind him, it wasn't
long before his body healed and one morning he woke as a
man, lying in the colored light of the sun through the
stained glass windows.
His Xavier was curled behind him, one hand petting him,
soft rumbles sounding, even in sleep. He made a happy
noise in his throat, feeling well enough to appreciate
Xavier's long body pressed up against his. He slid his own
hand over Xav's big, square one, petting happily.
Warm, soft lips brushed over his nape, tickling and so
good, so right.
"Xavier..." he murmured, voice rough from disuse, throat
He heard Xavier wake up, heard and felt the way those
sleepy rumbles became a sharp growl. "Punk. You need
some water?"
"Yeah, and then I need you."
"Wanton." Xavier stretched, body rubbing against him as
Xav reached for the water, bringing the dish to his lips. He
drank eagerly before answering, the water cold and good
going down his throat.
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"How long has it been?" he asked.
"Five days. The last two have just been good sleep, though.
Real sleep."
He growled -- he hadn't realized he'd lost that much time.
"Do you blame me for wanting you?" he asked. "Needing
you?" He wasn't wanton, he was just in love.
"No." His shoulders were slowly explored, Xav rumbling,
tongue sliding over him, over his mostly-healed wounds.
He shivered, emotion and desire slamming through him.
"Oh, Xav, I need you."
"Mmm... kiss me." Xavier turned him, pulled him close and
took a long, hard kiss, a little wild, a little fierce. He
wrapped his arms around Xavier's neck, clinging and not
caring, kissing back with everything he had. Xavier rolled
him, rubbing, rocking against him, eyes desperate.
"Thought I would lose you."
"Yes, Xav, I thought so too. I just wanted to see your face
one more time."
"No." Xavier took his mouth again, growling low. "Mine.
They can't have you. No one can. Mine."
He nodded, returning the kisses, body growing desperate,
needing to be claimed by his mate. "Yours, Xavier. Yours."
Those clear pale eyes caught his, so serious, so sure.
"Forever, my Own. I won't do without you."
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Then his legs were parted, Xavier's heat insistent and hard,
pushing into him. Howling to the rafters, he wrapped his
legs around Xavier's waist and pulled his mate in.
Taking him with sure, firm thrusts, Xavier claimed him as
surely as that first night. There was no doubt in his mate,
none, and it felt magical, felt perfect. He slid his hands over
Xavier's shoulders and back, reveling in the warm skin and
strong muscles. Xavier's hair was like thick silk against his
own skin. Xav rumbled, moving faster, one hand cupping
his hips and drawing him closer, sinking that cock deeper.
He howled again, body bucking as pleasure shot through
him. His fingers dug into Xavier's skin as he pushed into
each thrust.
"Need you forever." The words were harsh, growled. "Need
"Yes!" He shouted the word, body jerking as he came.
Teeth scraped his skin as heat filled him, Xav humping
furiously. He whimpered, licking at Xav's skin, feeling
whole and right for the first time since he'd been jumped.
Xavier whined softly, hands searching him, body shaking
as he was held tight.
He rubbing Xavier's back, petting soothing. "I'm here,
Mate. You saved me."
"I thought I'd lost you." Xavier nuzzled into his neck,
cuddling, scenting him.
"Me, too," he told Xavier, leaning his head back, offering
himself. "But you found me. You saved me. I'm here."
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"Yes. Home." One mark after another was left on his
throat, Xavier's lips exciting, hot.
Punk moaned, shifting beneath the big body, satiation and
satisfaction turning once more to need, this one slow-
burning. They began to move together again, rocking in
slow waves, holding each other close.
"You feel so good, Mate." He pushed his fingers through
Xavier's hair, playing with the long strands. That mouth
moved, licking his ear, his jaw, his lips. "Mmm... More,
"Yes. Yes." He tugged on Xavier's hair, wanting that hard
mouth on his chest, against his nipples. Xav chuckled,
nuzzling, mouth teasing, hovering above his hard nipples.
"Xav!" He yipped, body pushing up. "Please."
"Please what, Punk?" Oh, good -- to have his Xav back and
playing, laughing.
He chuffed, aching in all the right ways. "Claim me, Xavier
-- I'm yours."
"Yes. You are." Those teeth closed over his nipple, filling
him with a sweet mix of pleasure-pain.
Punk howled, body jerking, bucking up against Xavier.
"Mine." Another bite. "Only mine. Forever." Dark marks
peppered his chest and throat, cock still moving inside him.
His whole body was tingling, each mark a bright spot of
pain, of pleasure, of knowledge that he was Xavier's.
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Then Xavier raised his head, offering that throbbing vein to
his lips, to his teeth. "Yours."
With another howl he raised his head, biting hard, leaving a
lurid mark. "Mine," he growled.
Xavier nodded. "Only yours. Forever."
"Forever." He repeated the word, liking the way it sounded.
"Forever mine, forever yours."
"Yes." The word was a growl and Xavier arched, pushing
deep inside him. "Mate!"
"Mate!" He answered Xavier's cry with his own, coming
They floated together in their bedding, Xavier holding him,
petting, tongue sliding along his skin, just loving him. He
nuzzled, returning the favor, hands moving over his mate's
skin. After some time he nudged lightly. "Xavier?"
"Mmm?" Xav met his eyes, eyebrow arching.
"The guys that did this... did you?"
"I did. No one touches what is mine. No one."
"Are they hurt? Maimed? Dead?" He didn't care if it was
vengeful and unforgiving, they had ganged up on him and
injured him.
"Dead. Their heads are displayed along the border walls as
warning." Those eyes were ice-cold, dangerous, fierce.
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"Good. I want to see."
Xavier nodded, licked his jaw. "Yes. Together. So that all
see my strong, brave mate."
He growled softly. "Yes. Tonight after sunset I will howl at
the moon with you for all to see."
Xavier huffed, nodded. "I am proud to stand with you."
He nosed the mark he'd left on Xavier's skin. "Yes. My
Mate. My Xavier. My Alpha. Mine."
Xavier nodded, hands curling around his hip. "Yours."
He growled softly, happily, the noise interrupted by a
Xavier chuckled, settled in. "Sleeping now. Then hunting
and feeding."
"Yes, love. Anything you want."
He was given a long, soft kiss, covers blanketing them.
"You. Forever."
"Done," he murmured, eyes drifting shut.
Xavier's forever. He could handle that.
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The Strong and the Weak
Copyright © 2007 by Starr Oliver
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / November
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press,
Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680
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