My Best Friend 2

My Best Friend

I believe that relationship evolves with the passage of time. People should spend a great deal of time to get to know each other. I can say that my best friend is my kindred spirit (bratnia dusza) and my lifelong companion because we have known each other for thirteen years.

I met my friend in primary school. We were in the same class and we got on like a house on fire (przypaść sobie do gustu) immediately. He was not a person I would call at a pinch (ewentualnie) if I felt like going to a disco. He was the person I enjoyed spending my free time. We have had our ups and downs (wzloty i upadki), that is we have not sometimes seen eye to eye. I believe some misunderstandings (nieporozumienia) are likely to strengthen friendship.

My best pal (kumpel) is not so tall. He has blue eyes and dark hair. Sometimes he is quick-tempered (porywczy) since he gets angry without having a good reason. He tends to be conservative (konserwatywny) since he is unwilling to accept new ideas. Furthermore, he tends to be very stubborn (uparty). When we want to go to the cinema, he wants to stay at home or in the pub. However, he has some positive features of character. For example, he is generous (hojny) since he likes helping the poor and disadvantaged (pokrzywdzeni przez los) children. He is unstinting in his efforts (nie ustaje w dążeniach) to gain his aim, that is he can be very industrious (pracowity). He can be very witty (dowcipny). He knows a multitude of amusing jokes that make us laugh.

Although we have had arguments, I like my pal because only he can console (pocieszyć) me when I feel down (jestem przygnębiony).

What makes two people friends?

Friends has a great value in our live.What makes frienship?Probably the common interest, the same hobbies, the similar point of view and characters.A lot of people strike up a friendship because they feel alone.A friend is a person ,who we can trust ,who is loyal and sincer for us.He can listen to ,understand and help us.People who have similar problems, are the same age become very often friends.But it doesn`t happen always.Also friends are people who work together,for example :they are partners in the same company.I think that this kind of frienship isn`t a very strongone , it can broke when they get a lot of money. The strongest friendship is such ,which has notthing to do with money.


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