Dyslexia and learning styles

Dyslexia and learning styles

Ellis (1985) described a learning style as the more or less consistent way in which a person perceives, conceptualises, organises and recalls information.

There are many ways of looking at learning styles.

Here is one classification system of learning styles:

Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile.

Those who prefer a visual learning style often recognise words by sight, using displays or posters, etc., and using lists to organise their thought processes. Therefore, teacher should use many visuals in the classroom, such as posters, flash cards.

Those who prefer an auditory learning style prefer the teacher to provide verbal instructions,like role-plays, and use rhythm and sound as memory aid. Therefore, teacher should usestorytelling, videos, songs, etc.

Those who prefer kinesthetic learning style like being actively involved, find it difficult to sit still for longer periods of time, and use movement as memory aid. Therefore, teacher should use physical activities, competitions, etc.

Those who prefer a tactile learning style learn well with hands-on activities like projects, and use writingand and drawing as memory aids. Therefore, teacher should use board and card games, etc. use while listening and reading activities, e.g. ask the students to label a diagram while listening.

Davis (1995) said that dyslexia can be a gift. He noted that people with dyslexia are highly creative and always interested in how things work. They think mainly in pictures instead of words and so find it difficult to understand letters, numbers or symbols, as they are too abstract. They can learn to read, write and study efficiently when the methods used suit their learning style.

Early identification and treatment is the key to helping dyslexic achieve in school and in life. Therefore, if teacher observes several of the difficulties period of time, he or she should contact a parent and then a specialist should be contacted either by teacher (if there's one at school, for example) or by the parents.

Many students with dyslexia need one-on-one help so that they can move forward at their own pace. If teacher has large group of students, then a class assistant to work with the students would be ideal. If not, teacher could ask the student to sit close to him or her, but not isolated from the rest of the class, so teacher can easily monitor their work and provide support and also to avoid distractions from the class.

Students with dyslexia can be given extra time to complete tasks, or help talking notes.

Teachers can give audio tests or allow dyslexic students to use alternative means of assessment.

Students may also need help with the emotional issues that sometimes arise as a consequence of difficulties in school. Therefore, both teachers and parents should be supportive, motivating and demanding, but also set realistic goals.

Futhermore, due to memory problems that the children with dyslexia experience, a variety of memory strategies should be presented to them. Such strategies will indeed be very beneficial for all the students we teach, as nowadays students tend to use only electronic devices to store information and not their own memory.


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