present simple present continuous


Napisz w jakim czasie są poniższe zdania (Present Simple, Present Continuous).

Przetłumacz niezrozumiałe słownictwo. Wytłumacz dlaczego uważasz, że zdanie jest w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous.

  1. I usually work 8 hours a day.

  2. He drinks milk twice a day.

  3. We go to work six times a week.

  4. Tom is writing a letter.

  5. You are reading a book.

  6. I never smoke, but Alice smokes occasionally.

  7. They always go for a walk in the evening.

  8. She likes him very much.

  9. I always feel so great in spring.

  10. Does she smoke?

  11. Mary is having breakfast.

  12. Do we always have to be late?

  13. Are they running?

  14. How do you do?

  15. They are running.

  16. Where does she work?

  17. When does he leave?

  18. How much do you earn?

  19. Am I taking my bag?

  20. What does it mean?

  21. I am taking my bag.

  22. We are waiting for my uncle.

  23. Is Mary having breakfast?

  24. Where do you live?

  25. I don't like milk.

  26. He is looking at the stars.

  27. Mike doesn't read books very often.

  28. I don't go to work on Sundays.

  29. We are doing our homework.

  30. Are you reading a book?

  31. We usually don't sing in the middle of the street.

  32. John never drinks alcohol.

  33. I always wake up before 8 o'clock.

  34. I love you.

  35. She doesn't love him.

  36. Are we waiting for my uncle?

  37. Do you know my name?

  38. Is he looking at the stars?

  39. They seldom go to work by bus.

  40. Tom lives in New York.

  41. Are we doing our homework?

  42. We like playing tennis.

  43. Tom is not writing a letter.

  44. You aren't reading a book.

  45. She studies philosophy.

  46. Anna likes studing philosophy.

  47. Mary isn't having breakfast.

  48. They aren't running.

  49. You don't like running.

  50. I am not taking my bag.

  51. We aren't waiting for my uncle.

  52. John meets Kate and they fall in love.

  53. They live together and plan their future.

  54. You love living together.

  55. Mary is reading an interesting book.

  56. To live means to be alive.

  57. I'm drinking hot coffee now.

  58. Why are you helping him?

  59. He's showing his sister his new book.

  60. Are is the plural and the second person singular of the present tense of the verb be.

  61. Are is often shortened to -'re after pronouns in spoken English.

  62. What is John doing?

  63. When children, animals, or perhaps adults play, they spend time doing enjoyable things, such as using toys and taking part in games.

  64. He's repairing his car at the moment.

  65. We are waiting for the doctor.

  66. He isn't looking at the stars.

  67. We aren't doing our homework.

  68. They want to have three children.

  69. Look at them. They are kissing again.

  70. Your sisters usually buy fruit at the market.

Ex. 2

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika z nawiasu. (Czas Present Simple)

  1. When you ............ (play) the ball or ..............(play) a shot in a game or sport, you kick or hit the ball.

  2. You .......... (like) him very much.

  3. He always ............... (feel) so great in spring.

  4. My son seldom ................... (visit) his cousins in the country.

  5. Her sister always .............. (buy) fruit at the market.

  6. They often .............. (go) to the mountains.

  7. She never .................. (smoke). She is allergic to nicotine.

  8. My sister always ............. (read) books in bed.

  9. His parents never .............. (let) him go out after 10 pm.

  10. My friend's cat always ............ (eat) fish.

  11. Our neighbours' dog often ................ (barks) at night.

  12. I usually ............... (get up) at 7.

  13. You and I usually ............... (get up) at 7.

  14. She usually ............... (get up) at 9.

  15. He ............... (do) shopping in the supermarket round the corner.

  16. You and he ............... (do) shopping in the supermarket round the corner.

  17. You often ................(smile) to people you meet everyday.

  18. They ................... (play) tennis twice a week.

  19. She ................... (play) tennis twice a week.

  20. The students ..................(learn) German and English.

  21. The student ..................(learn) German and English.

  22. I ..................(learn) German and English.

  23. You and Anna ..................(learn) German and English.

  24. I usually .................. (drink) one coffee per day.

  25. She usually .................. (drink) one coffee per day.

  26. It often ......................(rain) in autumn in my homeland.

  27. The postman ........................ (bring) mail to me every other day.

  28. My brother often ............... (play) football.

  29. My brothers often ............... (play) football.

  30. May .................... (come) after April.

Ex. 3

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika z nawiasu. (Czas Present Continuous)

  1. The cat ........................... (play) in the garden.

  2. The cats ........................... (play) in the garden.

  3. Our teachers ...................... (sit) at the school meeting.

  4. The boys .................... (play) football.

  5. The boy .................... (play) football.

  6. My mother ................... (talk) to my father.

  7. Our grandmother .................... (read) a magazine.

  8. Tom ............... (walk) to school.

  9. Ann ................... (work) in the kitchen.

  10. Ted and Edy ...................... (laugh) at the movie.

  11. Edy ...................... (laugh) at the movie.

  12. My sister ................. (prepar) lunch.

  13. The lady over there .................. (speak) on the phone.

  14. Sue ............ (go) to the church.

  15. Sue and Tom ............ (go) to the church.

  16. I ............ (go) to the church.

  17. Bob and Tom ................. (listen) to the radio now.

  18. The workers ............. (build) the station.

  19. She .............. (sleep) in her bedroom.

  20. You .............. (sleep) in your bedroom.

  21. He .............. (sleep) in his bedroom.

  22. It ................... (rain) in Chicago today.

  23. The children .................. (draw) in their room.

  24. Look! The TV set ................ (burn) .

  25. He ........................ (drink) milk right now.

  26. She ........................ (drink) milk right now.

  27. I ........................ (drink) tea right now.

  28. I ........................ (dream) about my holiday in Greece.

  29. She ........................ (dream) about my holiday in Spain.

  30. We .................... (learn) Spanish at school.

Ex. 4

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika z nawiasu używając czasu Present Continuous lub Present Simple.

  1. I ................. (drink) tea every morning.

  2. She ............... (play) basketball now.

  3. The cat .................. (run) away from a dog at the moment.

  4. Excuse me, ............. you ....................... (speak) English? I need some help.

  5. Where .................... she ................... (come) from? France?

  6. Where's Tom? He .................. (have) a shower.

  7. She .............. (love) sport.

  8. The water ................. (boil) . Turn it off please.

  9. I ................. (go) on holiday next week.

  10. It's late. We ................ (leave) the party.

  11. Summer ................... (begin) around July.

  12. The shops ................. (close) earlier today.

  13. I ............... (see) my father every month.

  14. Look! It ....................... (snow) again!

  15. Tom always ................ (get up) early and ............. (eat) his breakfast quickly.

  16. My sisters never ............... (wear) dresses, they ............ (prefer) jeans because they are more comfortable.

  17. Your sister .............. (have) lunch now.

  18. Mike ...................... (not read) a book now. He ............ (eat) his lunch.

  19. Wild flowers ................ (grow) in the wood and girls usually ................. (pick) them.

  20. Look! Our uncle .................. (come)!



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