on account of

on account of --- ze względu na
now and again --- od czasu do czasu
be in the dark about sth --- nic nie wiedzieć o czymś
to the best of my knowledge --- o ile mi wiadomo
affluent --- dostatni
discern --- dostrzegać, rozróżniać
benevolence --- życzliwość
intrinsic --- wrodzony
cumbersome --- nieporęczny
strive --- dążyć
commence --- rozpoczynać
roam --- włóczyć się
intimidate --- zastraszać
volatile --- niestabilny A highly volatile situation from which riots may develop.
quandary --- rozterka
procure --- zdobywać (np. bilet do kina) She managed to procure a ticket for the concert.
prevalent --- powszechny These prejudices are prevalent among people from North.
compulsive --- nałogowy
imminent --- nieuchronny, bliski (arrival) An announcement about his resignation is imminent.
immaculate --- nieskazitelny
unfeasible --- niewykonalny
intrepid --- nieustraszony
concede --- dać za wygraną, przyznać He reluctantly conceded the point to me.
alleviate --- złagodzić (ból)
scorn --- pogarda, gardzić
pluck up the courage --- zebrać odwagę
conjure up --- wywoływać (np. wspomnienie) That smell always conjures up memories of holidays in GB.
in the vicinity of --- w sąsiedztwie Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar Square.
nagging --- dręczący np. pytanie
without more/further ado --- bez dalszych wstępów We set to work without further ado. (wym. adu)
freeze in your tracks --- zastyc w bezruchu
malevolent (- benevolent) --- wrogi (ant. uprzejmy, miły)
eavesdrop --- podsłuchiwać
stride --- krok, kroczyć
impale --- nadziać She impaled a lump of meat on her fork.
breach of sth --- naruszenie czegoś (np. prawa ) They are in breach of Article 119.
fletten fringe --- wyrównywać grzywkę
to extricate from --- wyswobodzić z
flick through --- kartkować
flummox --- peszyć I was flummoxed by her question.
dispense with sth/sb --- pozbyć się czegoś, wydawać I think we can dispense with the formalities
fully-fledged --- 100%-towy, wykwalifik.
sulk --- dąsać się
abstain from --- powstrzymać się od
commemorate --- upamiętniać, obch. rocznicę
to be knowledgeable about --- dobrze znać się na
to add insult to injury --- dodać oliwy do ognia
to make up for --- odsypiać, zrekompensować How can I make up for the way I've treated you?
abound in/with --- obfitować w This forest abounds in mushrooms.
in compliance with --- zgodnie z This is in compliance with law.
do a good turn --- wyświadczyć przysługę She does her friends a good turn.
in terms of --- pod względem They haven`t been in speaking terms for a day.
It has been a terrible year in terms of business.
craving for --- ochota na I get sudden cravings for sweets.
refrain from doing sth --- powstrzymać się od zrobienia sth He has refrained from criticizing the government in public.
ance --- przeszkoda His new ideas may be more of a hindrance than an asset.
render sth im/possible --- uczynić coś możliwym A lack of access rendered a fair trial impossible.
austere --- surowy; zwykły
fortuitous --- przypadkowy His success depended on a fortuitous combination of digits.
aptitude --- uzdolnienie
baffle --- zdumiewać His behaviour baffles me.
decrepit --- zniedołężały, walący się Could the decrepit nanny have done this?
indelible --- nieusuwalny, nie do zmycia
callous --- bezduszny
plead --- tłumaczyć się, prosić He pleaded to be allowed to see his mother one more time.
~sb`s case --- bronić czyjejś sprawy
~with sb to do sth --- błagać by tkoś coś zrobił
~ guilty --- przyznać się do winy
fissure = cleft --- szczelina
rambling --- chaotyczny
exacerbate --- zaostrzać
withhold --- odmawiać coś dać; zataić She was accused of withholding information from the police.
futile --- daremny
riveting --- pasjonujący
adverse to --- niekorzystny, niesprzyjający Lack of money had an adverse effect on the programme
interim --- tymczasowy (konstytucja) an interim government
reprisal --- odwet They shot ten guys in reprisal for killing of their leader.
defer --- odraczać
dilute --- rozcieńczać
disenfranchise --- pozbawić praw obywatelskich
reticent --- małomówny
accrue --- gromadzić, narastać
penchant --- skłonność He has a penchant for fashionable clothes.
chagrin --- rozgoryczenie To her chagrin, neither of her sons became doctors.
run the gauntlet of --- być narażonym/wystawionym na They now had to run the gauntlet of rifle fire from the cliffs.
subdue --- tłumić, ujarzmić This thought subdued my initial delight at the news.
galvanize --- zdopingować, pobudzić, The urgency of his voice galvanized them into action.
succumb --- ulegać He finally succumbed to the temptation to have another drink.
susceptible --- podatny na Some of these plants are more susceptible to frost
daunt --- onieśmielać She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task.
ambiguous --- dwuznaczny, niejasny Her account was deliberately ambiguous.
bolster --- podbudować, polepszyć Falling interest rates may help to bolster up the economy
explicit --- wyraźny, klarowny He gave me very explicit directions on how to get there.
disgruntled --- rozczarowany
divulge --- wyjawiać, The police refused to divulge infos about the suspect.
insatiable --- nienasycony There seems to be an insatiable demand for more computers.
sanctity --- nienaruszalność I believe in the sanctity of human life.
muck in --- przyłączyć się She mucked in with a band of chamber music players.
entail --- pociągać za sobą The move entailed radical changes in lifestyle.
converge --- zbiegać się The paths all converge at the main gate of the park.
inflict --- wyrządzać (krzywdę), zadawać The suffering inflicted on these children was unimaginable.
concieve (of ) --- postrzegać I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.
pertain to --- odnosić się do I think my uncle still conceives of me as a four-year-old.
rule out --- wykluczać The murder cannot be ruled out.
off the peg --- gotowe (peg- wieszak) He bought his clothes off the peg.
deputize for --- zastępować The budget was delivered by Lynch, deputizing for Haughey.
facetious --- żartobliwy I love his facetious remarks. / He is just being facetious.
destitute --- bez środków do życia The floods left thousands of people destitute.
tamper with --- majstrować przy I saw that the lock had been tampered with
overthrow --- obalić The government in Chile was overthrown in 1973.


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