The Creativity Crisis VOCABULARY LIST

To decline - spadać, zmniejszyć się, kończyć się - to decrease in quantity or importance, to become gradually worse in quality

To remember sth vividly - pamiętać coś dokładnie - vivid memories, dreams, descriptions etc are so clear that they seem real

To recall - unieważniać, przypominać, powtórzyć - to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past

To indicate - wskazać, pokazać, oznaczyć ,świadczyć - to show that a particular situation exists, or that something is likely to be true, to direct someone's attention to something or someone, for example by pointing, to show the direction in which you intend to turn in a vehicle, using lights or your hands [= signal]

To rattle off - to say several pieces of information or a list quickly and easily from memory

Removable - usuwalny, ruchomy - easy to remove

Spring - sprężyna; źródło - something, usually a twisted piece of metal, that will return to its previous shape after it has been pressed down; a place where water comes up naturally from the ground

To impress sb - robić wrażenie, imponować - to make someone feel admiration and respekt, to make the importance of something clear to someone

Scholar - naukowiec, uczony - an intelligent and well-educated person, someone who knows a lot about a particular subject, especially one that is not a science subject

Diverse/diversity - różny / różnorodność - very different from each other / the fact of including many different types of people or things, a range of different people, things, or ideas [= variety]

To reflect - odzwierciedlać, myśleć - if a person or a thing is reflected in a mirror, glass, or water, you can see an image of the person or thing on the surface of the mirror, glass, or water; to think carefully about something

Divergent vs convergent thinking - rozbieżne a zbieżne myślenie - converge → if different ideas or aims converge, they become the same [≠ diverge]

To track sb - śledzić - to search for a person or animal by following the marks they leave behind them on the ground, their smell etc

To found/establish/set up a business - zakładać biznes - to start something such as an organization, company, school, or city, often by providing the necessary money [= establish], the act of organizing something, such as a business or a computer system

To award sb a grant - nagradzać, przyznawać stypendium (darowiznę) - to officially give someone something such as a prize or money to reward them for something they have done, to officially decide that someone should receive a payment or a formal agreement

To tally - klapować (?) - if numbers or statements tally, they match exactly; to calculate a total number

To implement - wdrażać, wprowadzać - to take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen

To accomplish / accomplishment - osiągnąć, wykonać, zrealizować/ umiejętność, osiągnięcie, dokonanie, wykonanie - to succeed in doing something, especially after trying very hard [= achieve]; something successful or impressive that is achieved after a lot of effort and hard work [= achievement]; an ability to do something well, or the skill involved in doing something well

Entrepreneur - przedsiębiorca - someone who starts a new business or arranges business deals in order to make money, often in a way that involves financial risks

Discrete - dyskretny - clearly separate

Phenomenon / phenomena - zjawisko / zjawiska - something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand

Enriched - wzbogacony - to improve the quality of something, especially by adding things to it

Reverse (trend) - awers - the exact opposite of what has just been mentioned; the less important side or the back of an object that has two sides

To inch up / downward - posuwać bardzo powoli / zniżkowy - to move very slowly in a particular direction, or to make something do this; towards a lower level or position

Sweeping (consequences) - całkowicie - affecting many things, or making an important difference to something

Ingenuous / ingenious / ingenuity - (adj) prostoduszny, naiwny / (adj) genialny,pomysłowy / (n) pomysłowość - an ingenuous person is simple, trusting, and honest, especially because they have not had much experience of life / an ingenious plan, idea, or object works well and is the result of clever thinking and new ideas, someone who is ingenious is very good at inventing things or at thinking of new ideas / skill at inventing things and thinking of new ideas

Undisputed - bezdyskusyjny,bezsporny, niepodważalny, niekwestionowany - known to be definitely true, accepted by everyone

CEO - dyrektor naczelny, dyrektor generalny - Chief Executive Officer - the person with the most authority in a large company

To sustain economic growth - utrzymywać wzrost ekonomiczny - to make something continue to exist or happen for a period of time [= maintain]

To emerge - pojawiać się, wynikać - to appear or come out from somewhere, if facts emerge, they become known after being hidden or secret [→ come out]

Populace - formal the people who live in a country

Receptive (to) - chłonny, otwarty - willing to consider new ideas or listen to someone else's opinions

Conclusive / conclusively - ostateczny, rozstrzygający / bezapelacyjnie - showing that something is definitely true ; conclusively - adverb

Culprit - delikwent, winowajca - the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong

To engage in (e.g., creative activities) - pasjonować się - to be doing or to become involved in an activity

It's the luck of the draw - the result of chance rather than something you can control

Concerted (effort) - wspólny, uzgodniony - a concerted effort etc is done by people working together in a carefully planned and very determined way

To nurture (e.g., creativity) - czuwać nad, wychowywać,pilęgnować, żywić, krzewić - to help a plan, idea, feeling etc to develop

Curriculum / curricula (pl) - program nauczania - the subjects that are taught by a school, college etc, or the things that are studied in a particular subject

To revamp - zmienić, przerobić - to change something in order to improve it and make it seem more modern

To hold a conference - odbywać naradę (konferencję) - to have a meeting, party, election etc in a particular place or at a particular time

To institute (a program) - wdrażać - to introduce or start a system, rule, legal process etc

To rig sth up - to make a piece of equipment, furniture etc quickly from objects that you find around you

Moped - motorower - a small two-wheeled vehicle with an engine → motorcycle

Faculty - zdolność, umiejętność, talent, wydział - a natural ability, such as the ability to see, hear, or think clearly, a particular skill that someone has, a department or group of related departments within a university

Rote memorization / rote learning - wykuć coś na blachę - formalSE when you learn something by repeating it many times, without thinking about it carefully or without understanding it

Overwhelmed by - przytłoczony, zasypany - if someone is overwhelmed by an emotion, they feel it so strongly that they cannot think clearly, if work or a problem overwhelms someone, it is too much or too difficult to deal with

Fortunate - szczęśliwy - someone who is fortunate has something good happen to them, or is in a good situation [= lucky]

Non sequitur - nielogiczna uwaga, błąd wnioskowania - a statement which does not seem to be connected in a reasonable or sensible way with what was said before

Unfounded - bezzasadny, gołosłowny - unfounded statements, feelings, opinions etc are wrong because they are not based on facts

Deviation - wychylenie, odchylenie, zboczenie - a noticeable difference from what is expected or acceptable

Home room - American EnglishSES a classroom where students have to go at the beginning of every school day

Trade-off - a balance between two opposing things, that you are willing to accept in order to achieve something

Lore - tradycja ludowa - knowledge or information about a subject, for example nature or magic, that is not written down but is passed from person to person

Perpetual / perpetually - wieczysty (adj) / wiecznie, nieustannie (adverb) - continuing all the time without changing or stopping [= continuous]

On the tip of one's tongue - a.) if something is on the tip of your tongue, you really want to say it, but then you decide not to, b.) if a word, name etc is on the tip of your tongue, you know it but cannot remember it:

Beyond reach - the distance that you can stretch out your arm to touch something

Hemisphere - półkula - half of a sphere (=an object which is round like a ball) ; one of the two halves of your brain

Reverse gear - zmienić przekładnię ,skrzynię biegów - the position of the gears in a vehicle that makes it go backwards

In a flash - w mig, piorunem - in/like a flash also quick as a flash very quickly

Disparate - consisting of things or people that are very different and not related to each other

Shred - skrawek, strzęp, ułamek - a small thin piece that is torn or cut roughly from something

To bind / bound / bound - wiązać, przywiązywać,łączyć / poruszać się lekko,energicznie, odbijać się / skok - to tie someone so that they cannot move or escape; to form a strong emotional or economic connection between two people, countries etc [= unite]

Insight - wgląd - a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea

Spark - iskra - a very small piece of burning material produced by a fire or by hitting or rubbing two hard objects together

Novel / novelty - nowatorski, osobliwy, powieść / nowinka, nowość - a long written story in which the characters and events are usually imaginary, not like anything known before, and unusual or interesting / the quality of being new, unusual, and interesting, something new and unusual which attracts people's attention and interest

To pursue (e.g., an idea) - ścigać, prześladować - to continue doing an activity or trying to achieve something over a long period of time

To marshal (one's brain into bilateral mode) - kierować, uporządkować , zestawiać, uszeregować - to organize your thoughts, ideas etc so that they are clear, effective, or easy to understand

Learnable -

Innate (feature) - od urodzenia, wrodzony - an innate quality or ability is something you are born with, an innate belief is something you feel strongly about and are unlikely to change

Prone to - podatny - likely to do something or suffer from something, especially something bad or harmful

Diligent / diligently - pilny, skrzętny/ sumiennie,skrupulatnie, z zaangażowaniem - someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough, diligently - adverb

Consistent - konsekwentny, stały, spójny - always behaving in the same way or having the same attitudes, standards etc, continuing to happen or develop in the same way

Cognition - percepcja, poznanie - the process of knowing, understanding, and learning something

Stimulus / stimuli - bodziec, zachęta / something that helps a process to develop more quickly or more strongly, something that makes someone or something move or react

To distract / distraction - dekoncentrować, denerwować / roztargnienie - to take someone's attention away from something by making them look at or listen to something else / something that stops you paying attention to what you are doing

To align - wyrównywać, ustawić w szeregu, układać równo, ułożyć - to arrange things so that they form a line or are parallel to each other, or to be in a position that forms a line etc, to publicly support a political group, country, or person that you agree with, to organize or change something so that it has the right relationship to something else

To conduct an analysis - kierować, toczyć, prowadzić analizę - to carry out a particular activity or process, especially in order to get information or prove facts

Analysis / analyses - analiza, rozbiór - a.) a careful examination of something in order to understand it better, b.) the way in which someone describes a situation or problem, and says what causes it to happen

To alternate - następować kolejno, zmieniać kolejno - if two things alternate, or if you alternate them, they happen one after the other in a repeated pattern

A bout of - walka, pojedynek - a short period of time during which you do something a lot, especially something that is bad for you

Vast - rozległy, olbrzymi - extremely large [= huge]

To anticipate - przewidywać, wyprzedzić, oczekiwać - to expect that something will happen and be ready for it, to think about something that is going to happen

Pitfall - problem, kłopot, pułapka - a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity

Drape - firanka - American English DHHlong heavy curtains

To baffle - udaremnić, zaskoczyć, zbić z tropu, wprawić w zakłopotanie - if something baffles you, you cannot understand or explain it at all

To muffle a sound - ściszyć, wyciszyć, stłumić - to make a sound less loud and clear, especially by covering something

Pane (of glass) - szyba - a piece of glass used in a window or door, f.e. windowpane

Pleasing - przyjemny, ładny - giving pleasure, enjoyment, or satisfaction

Fibreglass - włókno szklane - a light material made from small glass threads pressed together, used for making sports cars, small boats etc

Sample - wycinek, przykład - a small part or amount of something that is examined in order to find out something about the whole

Janitor - portier, dozorca, oddźwierny - American English someone whose job is to look after a school or other large building [= caretaker British English]

Unwitting / unwittingly - nieświadomy - in a way that shows you do not know or realize something; unwittingly - adverb, unwitting - adjective

To master sth - przećwiczyć posiąść, wyuczyć się - to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty with it

To enroll / enrollment - zapisać się /nabór, zapisy, lista przyjętych - to officially arrange to join a school, university, or course, or to arrange for someone else to do this, enrolment British English , enrollment American English0x01 graphic
the process of arranging to join a school, university, course etc; the number of people who have arranged to join a school, university, course

To spring - wzrastać,podskoczyć - to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction, especially by jumping [= leap]

Coincidence - zbieżność - when two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual

To plummet - upaść, runąć w dół, gwałtownie spaść - to fall suddenly and quickly from a very high place, to suddenly and quickly decrease in value or amount

To embody - wcielić - to be a very good example of an idea or quality, to include something

Responsive to - reacting quickly, in a positive way, eager to communicate with people, and to react to them in a positive way

Anxious / anxiousness / anxiety - niepokojący (adj)/niepokój, obawa, lęk (n) - worried about something/ the feeling of being very worried about something [= concern]

To flourish - kwitnąć - to develop well and be successful [= thrive], to grow well and be very healthy

Hardship - niedola - something that makes your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult life

Role-play - an exercise in which you pretend to be in a particular situation, especially to help you learn a language or deal with problems

Hostile / hostility - wrogi, nieprzyjazny (adj.)/wrogość (n) - angry and deliberately unfriendly towards someone and ready to argue with them / when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another person, strong or angry opposition to something

Anguish / anguished - ból, udręka, cierpienie (n) / cierpię (adj) - mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry

Harbour - port, cicha przystań - an area of water next to the land where the water is calm, so that ships are safe when they are inside it

To peak - osiągnąć szczyt - to reach the highest point or level

Vacuum - odkurzacz, próżnia, pustka - a space that is completely empty of all gas, especially one from which all the air has been taken away OR a vacuum cleaner

Overloaded - przeciążony, przeładowany - to put too many things or people on or into something

To disrupt / disruption / disruptive - wzburzyć, zdezorganizować / zamęt, zakłócenie, przerwanie / zakłócający spokój, destrukcyjny - to prevent something from continuing in its usual way by causing problems, a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way / causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way

Detour - objazd - a way of going from one place to another that is longer than the usual way

To excel at - przewyższać, prześcigać, odnieść sukces - to do something very well, or much better than most people

To underperform - osiągać wyniki gorsze od spodziewanych - if a business underperforms, it does not make as much profit as it expected to make

To drop out of school - odpaść ze szkoły - to leave a school or university before your course has finished

To discourage sb from sth / discouraged - zrazić, zniechęcić - to persuade someone not to do something, especially by making it seem difficult or bad / (adj.) no longer having the confidence you need to continue doing something

To exhibit - okazywać ,wykazać, wykazywać się, wystawić jako dowód rzeczowy - to show something in a public place so that people can go to see it [= show]; to clearly show a particular quality, emotion, or ability

Content / contentment - treść (n), content (adj.) / zadowolenie (n) - a.) the things that are inside a box, bag, room etc, b.) the things that are written in a letter, book etc; the amount of a substance that is contained in something, especially food or drink, the ideas, facts, or opinions that are contained in a speech, piece of writing, film, programme etc / happy and satisfied - adj.; /the state of being happy and satisfied - noun

Complacent / complacency - zadowolony z siebie (adj.) / samozadowolenie (n) - pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things / a feeling of satisfaction with a situation or with what you have achieved, so that you stop trying to improve or change things

Subset - podzbiór - a group of people or things that is part of a larger group of people or things

Responent -

To conceive of - pojąć - to imagine a particular situation or to think about something in a particular way, to think of a new idea, plan etc and develop it in your mind

To handle stress - to deal with a situation or problem by behaving in a particular way and making particular decisions

Bump - huk, wstrząs, hałas, stłuczka - to hit or knock against something

To arise (e.g., problems ~) - pojawić się powstawać, ukazywać, zaistnieć - if a problem or difficult situation arises, it begins to hapten; if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc

Longitudinal study - podłużny - relating to the development of something over a period of time

To stifle / stifled - tłamsić, zagłuszyć, dławić / stłumiony, zduszony (adj.) - to stop something from happening or developing, to stop a feeling from being expressed

Run-in - dotrzeć - an argument or disagreement, especially with someone in an official position

Portable - nośny, przenośny - able to be carried or moved easily

Anti-inflammatory - przeciwzapalny, podburzający - an inflammatory speech, piece of writing etc is likely to make people feel angry, an inflammatory disease or medical condition causes inflammation

Antibiotic-resistant - uodpornienie na antybiotyki - not damaged or affected by something

To prize / prized - cenić, podważyć/ ceniony, ulubiony - to think that someone or something is very important or valuable / extremely important or valuable to someone

Unchecked - if something bad or harmful goes unchecked, it is not controlled or stopped and develops into something worse

Elusive - nieuchwytny - an elusive person or animal is difficult to find or not often seen

To twitch one's nose / a twitch of the nose - drgać - if a part of someone's body twitches, or if they twitch it, it makes a small sudden movement

A blink of the eye - mrugnąć - to shut and open your eyes quickly

Line of thought



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