You Were Mine

You Were Mine -- Section I

By Christine Marie

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Section I, Next Section

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Part 1

Posted on Tuesday, 16 March 1999

Elizabeth Bennet, successful, beautiful, and single, burst through the door of her apartment and dropped an armload of groceries, junk mail, and papers on the couch. All would have to be dealt with, of course, but first she had to get out of the hose and heels. Another day of pounding against the glass ceiling in the world of high-tech applications had left her exhausted, as usual.

Elizabeth peeled off the offending professional wear and put on some leggings and a T-shirt. Her cat, Emma, jumped on the bed and began yowling for attention. Elizabeth sat down and cuddled her baby for a minute, then Emma sprang out of her arms and scampered away. Of course Emma was not the best name for a cat, but Elizabeth often said that if she had to live with the name of a Jane Austen character, so did her cat!

The blinking light of the answering machine caught her eye, and she played the messages. Billy Collins, asking her out, no thank you. Her mother, checking on her love life, delete. Her father, begging for a visit, she'd think about it. Two hang-ups, probably telemarketers. Finally, the last one. Elizabeth smiled when she heard Jane's voice, but frowned at the urgent tone.

"Lizzy, it's Jane. Could you call as soon as you get in? It's kind of an emergency."

Was she crying? Elizabeth's blood ran cold. Had something happened to one of the kids? Jane Bingley and her husband Charles had two children, four-year-old Beth and two-year-old Alec. Elizabeth loved her niece and nephew dearly. Her one regret about her job was that it required her to live several hours from them. Please don't let it be Beth or Alec, she prayed.

Elizabeth quickly dialed Jane's number. She was relieved when her sister answered, for if anyone was injured or ill Jane would likely be at the hospital. "Jane, it's Liz. What's wrong?"

None of Elizabeth's wild imaginations could have prepared her for what Jane announced tearfully. "Lizzy, it's Charles. He's left me and the kids."

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Part 2

Posted on Tuesday, 16 March 1999

Elizabeth could hardly believe what she had just heard. "Jane!" she cried out, horrified. "When did this happen?"

"I don't know, he just told me today." Jane was really crying now. "He said all this stuff about not wanting to be second-best anymore, he deserved better than a wife that didn't love him, being empowered to live his life to the fullest -- Lizzy, I don't know what he's talking about! I've devoted my whole life to Charles. How could he say I don't love him?"

Elizabeth had no ready answer to that one, but she realized that there were some very practical problems that needed attending. "Jane, what did he take with him?"

"Just a few of his clothes, a shaving kit. He said he was staying at a friend's house!" Jane burst into tears again. "Do you think it's some other woman?"

I think we have a pretty good idea of what Charles has "empowered" himself to do, thought Lizzy. Out loud she said, "Try not to think about it right now. I'll be there in five hours."

"But Lizzy, it's a 7 hour drive!"

"That's what radar and laser detectors are for," Elizabeth said grimly. "Oh, and Jane? I'm calling Charlotte. When she comes over, do whatever she tells you. Do you understand?"

At first Jane protested at Charlotte Lucas being informed, but she finally agreed, realizing that keeping the situation hidden was futile.

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Elizabeth was packing furiously while on the phone with Charlotte. "Lizzy, don't you have a job to go to?" Charlotte asked, concerned.

"I'll tell them my brother-in-law died. When I find him, it may not be a lie," said Elizabeth as she angrily stuffed some clothes into an overnight bag. "But Charlotte, do go and help Jane. She's so distraught she can't even think straight. And I don't want to see her in trouble financially on top of it all."

Charlotte laughed. "Lizzy, remember who you're talking to," she said. "I can be as sleazy a lawyer as they come. And as for the money, well, I can only say that Charles' honey had better be worth it, because this will be the worst financial decision of his clueless life. I'll get Mary to help out with her, uh, creative bookkeeping skills."

"Thanks, Charlotte, I knew I could count on you," said Elizabeth hurriedly. She left a message on her boss's answering machine informing him that a family emergency had arisen, a matter of life and death. She didn't specify whose life/death was hanging in the balance.

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Jane Bennet Bingley sat in the den of her large suburban house. Fortunately Beth and Alec were used to going to bed early, so she did not have to deal with their questions. There was a fire going, and Jane stared into the flames, remembering.

It was their first night in their new home. Charles had not wanted to move in until everything was completely finished, inside and out. The new furniture had not yet been delivered, so Jane and Charles ate dinner on a blanket in front of the fire. They did not leave that spot until the next morning. Nine months later Beth was born.

The radio was set on a country music station -- Jane's favorite. Charles like it too and would often sing along. But lately he had seemed embarrassed by it. The Dixie Chicks' latest hit come on, and Jane began crying as she realized how much the sad song applied to her.

I can't find a reason to let go,
Even though you've found a new love
And she's what your dreams are made of

"Is that what happened, Charles? A new love?" asked Jane aloud.

I'll do anything for you," Charles said. "You are the one love of my life. Please marry me."

"I have to wait. I promised Dad I'd finish school," Jane protested.

"For what? So you can work at some job you hate? I know you, Jane. You were meant for this," Charles declared as he gestured toward one of Jane's paintings. "And I'll work my tail off to make your dreams come true. I love you!"

Of course Jane had given in. Who could resist her sweet Charles?

I can find a reason to hang on.
What's been done can be forgiven,
Without you it ain't worth livin' anymore.

How could he say she didn't love him? She would do anything in the world for him!

"Tell me what you're thinking, Jane," he begged the morning after their wedding.

Jane was too shy to tell her new husband what she was really thinking, so she made some remark about the view from the hotel room. Charles looked away in disappointment.

"Tell me you love me," he said one evening as they walked hand in hand through the mall.

"I love you," Jane said softly.

Charles stopped walking and looked Jane earnestly in the eyes. "Tell me again and again," he pleaded.

"I love you I love you I love you," Jane said quickly, feeling uncomfortable in such a public place.

Sometimes I wake up crying at night
And sometimes I scream out your name.

Jane dreaded sleep, though nothing could be worse than the nightmare she was going through.

What right does she have to take you away
When for so long you were mine?

Who is she, Charles? Jane wondered. What could be worth what you're doing to our family?

The song went on to talk about the wedding day of the ill-fated couple. Jane remembered "a time of love and laughter", just as the song described. But her last shred of composure was destroyed by the bridge of the song:

I can give you two good reasons
To show you love's not blind.
He's two and she's four
And you know they adore you
So how can I tell them you've changed your mind?

"No!" Jane cried. "Just like Beth and Alec! How can I tell them we'll never be together again?" The doorbell rang and she ran to it, hoping against hope to see Charles.

Charlotte Lucas and Jane's sister Mary stood at the door.

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Part 3

Posted on Wednesday, 17 March 1999

Charlotte Lucas and Mary Bennet, attorneys-at-law, both felt an unusually deep wave of compassion as they saw Jane's tear-stained face. They knew the job that had to be done, but first some comforting was in order. Mary gently guided her sister over to the couch and held her like a little child. Charlotte, not wanting to bother them any more than necessary, headed straight for the study.

Bingley's desk was a disaster, of course. Charlotte rolled her eyes at his obvious ineptitude and began trying to make some order of the chaos. She knew what she was looking for -- records of any and all bank accounts, investments, etc. She only hoped that Charles had put things in both his and Jane's names. Otherwise the task would not be impossible, but rather difficult.

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Jane was stretched out on the couch, her head in Mary's lap. "Please don't tell Mom," she pleaded. She looked for all the world like a small girl, with her blond hair in a ponytail and no makeup.

"Of course not," Mary said soothingly. "Maybe this is all some misunderstanding. Maybe Charles took some kind of weird medication."

"I'm afraid it's real, Mary. He has been acting strangely for several weeks, so distant. But I still didn't see this coming!"

Mary had seen enough of straying men not to be too surprised. Her good-hearted brother-in-law would have been last on the list of suspects, however. "See if you can think back, Sis. If we can figure out what is wrong with him, we might be able to straighten this all out."

"One event does stand out," Jane admitted. "It happened about six months ago, I think. Will had invited us all to Pemberley for the weekend. . . ." Her voice trailed off as she remembered....

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Charles was gripping the steering wheel so tightly that his hands were turning white. "Why do we always have to go to Pemberley?" he asked angrily. "Isn't our house good enough for Will to come visit?"

Jane stared at Charles in amazement. "Darling!" she exclaimed. "Why this sudden resentment?"

"Sure, go ahead, take up for our rich friends. And I guess he will have some new model there with him, probably showered in jewelry. Between Will's girlfriends and his sister, I'm surprised even he isn't bankrupt." Charles' voice was full of contempt, something Jane had never heard before. "And here you are, wearing department store clothes and only that tiny diamond from your engagement ring. They'll either think I've neglected you or I just can't afford to buy you decent things."

"Charles, we have so much to be thankful for! I don't feel deprived at all! And I love my ring," Jane added softly.

"Yeah, that's me, Charlie Bingley, supposed to take whatever I can get with a smile on my face and groveling in gratitude."

Jane did not know how to reply. Why this sudden resentment of Will? Or was it really so sudden?

Charles was a jerk the entire weekend.

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"You think Charles left you because he felt jealous of Will's money?" Mary was confused upon hearing Jane's story. "He's jumping from the frying pan into the fire. He'll think poor with a capital P when Charlotte and I get through with him."

Jane did her best to put on a strong face. "No, I don't want his money! I can make it without him, I'll get a job."

"What about Beth and Alec? What are they going to do, languish in day care ten or twelve hours a day? They're already losing one parent." Mary liked to listen to Dr. Laura when things were slow in the office. "Come on, Jane, just because Charles is being an idiot doesn't mean you and the kids should have to struggle financially. He's the one in the wrong, he should have to cough up."

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"Yes! Pay dirt!" Charlotte exclaimed as she finally dug through the pile of papers to some bank records. Checking account, savings account, mutual funds, everything a divorce attorney's dreams are made of. She frowned when her eyes landed on the credit card bills. "Living beyond your means, are you, Charlie?" she muttered. But her eyes grew wide and she began chuckling softly. While all the bank accounts were held jointly by Charles and Jane, the credit cards were apparently only in Charles' name. Talk about stupid. Charles Bingley, we're going to bury you!

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"So that's how it started, and then what?" Mary wondered.

"Charles became obsessively jealous of Will. Nothing we had was ever good enough. Charles started complaining about his job, how demeaning and unfulfilling it was. I suggested he take some classes, try to get into a different field, but he said it wouldn't work, he had too many responsibilities." Jane remembered this being spoken contemptuously by Charles.

At that moment Charlotte appeared in the doorway. "Jane, are your bank cards in your purse?"

Jane nodded, and Charlotte continued. "I need to take you to an ATM. Mary will stay here with the kids. Now don't look at me like that. Someone has to think about these things."

Jane shrugged and got her purse and jacket.

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Elizabeth was doing 90 mph down the highway, pretending that the space under the accelerator was Charles' face. What had gone wrong with her sister's seemingly perfect marriage. "I knew Jane should have waited awhile," she said out loud. But there had been no convincing her sister. And Charles had been in such a hurry as well.

It was a wonder that Charles and Jane ever found each other. They had moved in quite different social circles. They had met at an amusement park. Jane was there with some younger cousins, Charles was goofing off with some fraternity brothers. One look, and they were both lost.

How long ago had that been? Close to eight years? Elizabeth supposed it was a case of the seven-year-itch. One thing she was sure of -- Charles would live to regret this.

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Part 4

Posted on Wednesday, 17 March 1999

Charlotte took Jane to the nearest ATM where they made the maximum withdrawals from both checking and savings accounts. Back at the house, Mary got on-line and sold out all of the mutual funds, ensuring that none of Charles' investments would be of any use to him. She also began drafting a lawsuit for Bingley vs. Bingley that would claim fifty percent of Charles' earnings until Alec turned eighteen.

A few small doubts trickled through Mary's mind. What if they were moving too fast? Should they be trying harder to locate Charles and reconcile the couple? It might not be too late. Mary's experience with divorces, however, kept her from being too hopeful.

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At 11:30 p.m. Elizabeth pulled up in the driveway. Charlotte and Mary were still working fast and furiously. Jane was sleeping with the condition that Elizabeth would wake her immediately upon arriving.

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Charles Bingley drove aimlessly in his Ford Expedition. What should he do now? His intention when leaving the house was clear in his mind, the key Rebecca had given him was burning a hole in his pocket. What's stopping you, man? he asked himself....

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Rebecca approached Charles after the meeting. Her every move spoke of seduction. "Charles, I think you and I are working through some of the same difficulties in our lives. Maybe we should get together and talk about it sometime, away from the rest of the group?"

Charles could only stand and gape like an idiot. So he wasn't wrong! She had been coming on to him the last few weeks! Rebecca was staring at him with more passion in her eyes than he had ever seen from Jane. Apparently his lack of speech did not bother her, for she slipped her apartment key into his hand and whispered, "I'll be home every night this week."

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The memory still made Charles' head spin. Rebecca was gorgeous, and she did not try to hide it the way Jane seemed to. A guy could really feel like a man with a woman like that.

Poor Charles! At least that is how he was seeing himself. Forever in Will Darcy's shadow, never as good-looking or as smart or as rich. He was stuck on a treadmill of responsibilities while Darcy got to live an adventurous life. He was passed up for the more exciting promotions because the positions required so much travel. Everyone knew old Charlie Bingley was the family man.

Caroline had suggested therapy. It was a self-esteem issue, she said, probably stemming from the womb. Maybe that is why he had settled for marriage to Jane, rather than looking for true love.

There was a time when Charles would have told Caroline to go take a long walk off a short pier. But he did have this constant feeling of inferiority nagging at him. So for once he took Caroline's advice.

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"Good heavens! Charles is in therapy?" Elizabeth had great respect for the counseling profession and could not blame anyone for needing a psychologist's guidance. But her brother-in-law was the last person Lizzy would have suspected of feeling any sort of depression or other psychological difficulty.

"He said he was trying to work out some self-esteem issues from his childhood," Jane explained. "I was willing to go along if it would get him out of these moods. He seemed to resent anything that had to do with me or the kids."

Mary snorted. "Self-esteem comes from fulfilling one's responsibilities and keeping one's promises."

"Save it for the judge, Mary," said Elizabeth impatiently. "Charles isn't asking any of us for advice right now." Lizzy felt instant remorse for snapping at her sister and apologized.

"Lizzy, I'm a lawyer - my skin is very thick," said Mary. "We need to make some discreet inquiries among Charles' friends to find out what he is doing. And Jane, do you happen to know the name of Charles' therapist?"

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Charles cursed himself for his weakness as he ignored Rebecca's key and checked into a hotel room. Why did he always have to live for others and not for himself? he wondered. For whatever reason, his self-esteem problems would not turn loose of him enough for him to act on what he really wanted to do. (Author's note: That's sarcasm, in case you couldn't tell.) Charles was sure a few more sessions with Dr. Wickham would do the trick.

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Part 5

Posted on Friday, 19 March 1999

The next morning Elizabeth woke up more than a little groggy and slightly disoriented. What a crazy dream, she thought. Then she looked around and realized she was in Jane's guest room. It had not been a dream after all.

The Vamps of Vengeance had also stayed over, and were already in full gear. Jane had insisted that Elizabeth be allowed to sleep in after her long drive.

Lizzy made her way downstairs, and found Mary getting the children dressed. Charlotte was cooking breakfast, giving instructions to Jane the entire time.

"Now Jane, what you don't want to do is go in there looking like anything is wrong," Charlotte advised. "Wear your favorite outfit and fix your hair. You'll feel better about yourself and people will be too intimidated by your looks to ask very many questions. Oh, good morning, Lizzy."

Elizabeth was still rubbing her eyes. "It will be better when I get some caffeine," she mumbled.

"Coffee's brewing," Charlotte said brightly. "It should be ready in about two minutes."

"Ugh! The idea of something that hot in my mouth this early! Jane, are there any cold Diet Cokes?" Lizzy pleaded.

Jane nodded, and Elizabeth made her way to the refrigerator. Passing Charlotte, she whispered, "How can you act like you're enjoying this?"

"Act is the operative word. We have to help keep a positive attitude around here."

"Whatever." Elizabeth found a can of Diet Coke. Drinking it almost immediately made her feel more like herself. In fact, she wondered if she was addicted to aspartame rather than to caffeine.

"So, General, what are my orders?" she asked Charlotte as her head cleared.

"Jane and I are going to the bank to clean out the accounts, then on to my office to draw up some papers. Mary is gathering up all Charles' belongings to stash at her place."

"Charlotte!" Jane was shocked. "What if he comes back?"

"I'm surprised you didn't say Mary was taking them to the Salvation Army," Lizzy commented wryly.

"If he's not back in a week, that's exactly what we're going to do," said Charlotte as she expertly broke an egg and began beating the yolk. "Anyway, Lizzy, I hope you don't mind kid duty."

"A chance to spend time with my favorite niece and nephew? I'd love it!"

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Charles called Dr. Wickham's office from the hotel room.

"Dr. Wickham's office, this is Miss King speaking, how may I help you?" came the voice on the other end.

Charles identified himself, and the voice switched to very unprofessional tones.

"Charles! Sweetie! How are you doing?"

"Fine, I guess," Charles stammered. "Could I speak with Dr. Wickham?"

"Well, sure you can," Miss King cooed. "He's with another client right now, but he should be finished any minute now. Would you like to hold?"

Charles agreed. After all, he had nothing better to do, having slept too late to bother going in to work.

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Lizzy's morning passed as uneventfully as a preschooler and a toddler will allow. About 10:30, Charles' boss called wondering why Charles had not reported to work. Elizabeth felt no need for mincing words.

"Sir, this is Mrs. Bingley's sister. Mr. Bingley has not been seen since last night. I believe he is off trying to find himself or some such nonsense. Perhaps you should obtain a directory of bimbos and call those numbers until you find him."

The boss was understandably taken aback, and excused himself from the call quickly.

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"Charles, my boy!" exclaimed George Wickham as he answered the phone. "What's going on in your life?"

"I guess you know that as well as anyone," replied Charles.

"Ah, so you told her then? How did she take it?"

"Pretty well, I guess, but she seemed shocked."

"But no screams, threats, flying objects? See, Charles, I told you it wouldn't be so bad. So, where did you stay last night?"

"At a hotel," Charles admitted.

"What?" Wickham laughed. "Charles, I was sure you had a more pleasant option than that."

"You knew about Rebecca giving me her key?"

"Charles, Charles. You forget Rebecca is my client also. Now I don't think it would be breaking doctor-patient privilege to tell you I've known for some time of her feelings for you." And her feelings for me and everyone else with a Y chromosome, but Wickham saw no need of informing Charles of that.

"Tell you what, Charles. Why don't you come in this afternoon. I have an open spot at 4:00. We can talk about your next steps."

"Okay, Dr. Wickham, I'd like that. Yes, I'd like that very much." Charles did his best to make his voice sound confident.

Charles hung up the phone, feeling grateful for the extra session. Now on to the more pressing problem of where to stay. He mentally ran over his list of friends. Darcy was out of the question. Rebecca, well, he was not quite ready for that. The simplest would be Caroline. She would understand and not ask too many questions.

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At 11:30 the phone rang again at the Bingley house. Elizabeth answered with only a "Hello" without identifying herself.

"Jane? It's Will. Is Charles around?" came an impressive male voice. "I tried him at work, but they said he wasn't in. I was going to try to set up something for lunch."

"Will Darcy?" The nerve of this man calling here!

"How many Wills do you guys know?" Darcy laughed. "Jane, what's up? Your voice sounds strange."

"Mr. Darcy," Lizzy began. "This is Elizabeth Bennet, Jane's sister. You may remember me."

Darcy searched his memory. Maid of honor at Bingley's wedding, right? Cute, but very young and very opinionated.

Elizabeth did not wait for an affirmative from Darcy. "How dare you call here after what has happened? This is some kind of joke, right? Bingley may be your friend, but does that give you any right to take his side and hurt my sister?"

Darcy was stunned. Was Jane's sister a madwoman? "Miss Bennet," he said impatiently as if talking to an irrational child, "might you give me some clue as to what you are talking about?"

"Don't pretend you don't know Charles Bingley has deserted my sister?"

"Miss Bennet, I have no intention of pretending anything. I am sorry to have bothered you." He hung up the phone in disgust. This Elizabeth Bennet must be a lunatic! Charles would never leave Jane. He shrugged. He would try the Hursts.

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Part 6

Posted on Friday, 19 March 1999

Charles stayed at the motel as long as he could before having to pay for another night. He then left without having any destination until his appointment at 4:00. The idea occurred to him to go back by his house and pick up some more things. As he approached the house, however, he recognized Elizabeth's car in the driveway. Normally Charles felt a great affection for his sister-in-law, but given the circumstances, his affection was overshadowed by fear, and he drove by quickly.

What will I do now? Charles wondered. He decided to get some cash. He had used nearly all he had for the motel room.

He went to an ATM, but it was not working. The machine repeatedly told him, "Insufficient funds." So Charles went inside the bank.

"I need to make a cash withdrawal from my checking account," he told the teller.

"There is an ATM outside," the teller said impatiently.

"Well, it's not working."

"Really? That must have happened in the last hour. What is your account number, sir?"

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Darcy called the Hursts' house, but no one was home. With great reluctance, he dialed Caroline's number.

Caroline was thrilled to hear from him, of course. "Will? What can I do for you?" she purred.

Jump off a bridge, woman, as soon as you tell me where to find Charles. "I was wondering if you had heard from Charles. He's not at work, and I tried his house, but only Jane's sister was there."

Caroline shuddered at the thought of any of Jane's sisters. "Which one?"

"The one from out of town. Elizabeth, I think. Did you ever hear of her having mental problems?"

"Not specifically, but nothing from that family would surprise me. Why?"

"She started ranting about how I was only trying to torment them and how Charles had run off and left Jane. Completely irrational, don't you think?"

He did it? Charles left that little simpering blonde nincompoop? Caroline was overjoyed. Dr. Wickham must have done a marvelous job with him. "Oh, didn't Charles tell you they were splitting up? I'm quite sure it was a mutual decision. You must be right. That sister of Jane's is off her rocker. But why don't you come over here and wait for Charles? He should be here any time now. He's always known he has a place here when it's necessary."

"No, I have some errands this afternoon. I'll try calling back later." Darcy's mind was still reeling. Bingley, I think you've destroyed my last bit of faith in true love.

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"What do you mean, the account has been closed?" cried Bingley.

"What else could I mean?" asked the bank officer. "The customer came in this morning and withdrew all the funds from this account. If you did not know that, then I question your business with this account at all."

"But I am Charles Bingley!" He thrust his driver's license in front of the officer. "See, here is my identification!"

"I'm truly sorry, sir, but when two names are on the account, either party can withdraw the funds at any time."

Jane?! How could she do this to me? Charles was shocked as much by the fact that Jane obviously thought of cleaning out the accounts as he was by the apparent lack of caring on her part. I was right, he thought angrily. She was only out for what she could get from me.

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Jennie Darcy closed her book with a sigh. There was nothing better than a sweet ending to a romantic story. Jennie felt rather like a bum for doing nothing, but Will had insisted on her taking a real break. "It's bad enough you're going to summer school," he said. "But don't spend all of May working. Come on up to Pemberley and relax. I forbid you to do anything that requires more thought than playing the piano for fun.

"You're too good to me, Will," Jennie had said, and she meant it. After what they had gone through last summer….

Jennie decided just to be completely lazy, and she turned on the TV, hoping to find a brainless show. Instead she saw the one face she never wanted to see again.

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"Where's the kitty, Aunt Lizzy?" Beth wanted to know.

"Yeah, where that cat?" said Alec gruffly. "I'm gonna eat you cat!"

"Silly boy, you'd get a furball," said Elizabeth. "Emma's probably sleeping. We should be very quiet and not disturb her."

"Aunt Lizzy, I want a mo-mo!" announced Alec.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. Apparently the recent events had been traumatic enough to drive Alec back to the bottle. She knew Jane had said earlier that he no longer needed one.

"Well, Alec, I'll try to find one, but I'm not sure we have any. There aren't any babies here anymore, you know."

Elizabeth rummaged through the cabinets, but if Jane had saved any bottles, they were nowhere to be found.

"That cat got my mo-mo," said Alec grimly. "Hey cat! You give me back my mo-mo!"

Elizabeth sighed. Alec needed a nap. So did she.

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Jennie stared at the TV screen, frozen in fear, certain this had to be her imagination.

"Don't hold your problems in," said Dr. George Wickham. "Come and talk to me. My training and experience combined with your own personal wisdom will reach the perfect solutions to your frustrations."

A number flashed on the screen to call for an appointment.

How can he still be in practice? After he nearly destroyed us? Jennie was distraught with rage and fear. She went to the phone to page her brother.

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Part 7

Posted on Monday, 22 March 1999

"So Charles," said Dr. Wickham, "in summary, you need to put aside all these irrational fears. Move beyond this middle-class idealistic morality that has kept you trapped for so long. Life is too short to spend it with someone who won't make you happy."

"You're right," agreed Charles. "Besides that, you were right about Jane just wanting money and security. She cleaned out my bank accounts and I only have five dollars left in my wallet."

"Well, I'm sure you have a lot to do and think about for the next few weeks, so why don't you think about what I've said today, see what happens, and make another appointment for next month some time." The last thing George Wickham needed was a client who couldn't pay.

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Jane and Charlotte finally returned late that afternoon. "Where were you guys?" Elizabeth asked. "Mary and I were wondering what was keeping you."

Jane smiled guiltily as she held up a large package. "Charlotte talked me into it," she admitted.

"Yes I did," said Charlotte proudly. "I told Jane she needed to do something for herself to get her mind off all this mess."

"So what is it?" Mary questioned.

"Just some stuff to start painting and drawing again," said Jane as she pulled out some items from the best art supply store in town.

"I see," said Elizabeth. "I don't suppose you would have a bottle in there, would you? Your son has apparently fallen off the wagon, and has been demanding a mo-mo."

Beth and Alec, hearing their mother's voice, ran into the room and pounced on Jane. "Mommy!" they cried excitedly. "Did you bring Daddy with you?"

Jane squeezed her eyes together tightly as if in great pain. More than anything, she hated dealing with this with her children. "Daddy has to stay away for a little while," she explained, hoping it was not a lie. Fortunately they were satisfied with this answer and began rummaging through her bags.

"I was going to cook something," Elizabeth began.

"But I rescued all of us and talked her out of it," finished Mary. Elizabeth was not known for her cooking skills.

"Let's not even mess up the kitchen," suggested Jane. "I'll buy Chinese if someone else will go pick it up."

Elizabeth, glad for a chance to get out of the house, volunteered.

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Darcy frowned as he saw Jennie's personal number on his pager, especially when he saw the message, "I saw Wickham." He nearly tripped running for the phone.

"Jennie? You saw him? Where? Did he bother you?" Darcy had so many questions he could hardly get them out in a coherent manner.

"I saw him on TV," Jennie explained. "He was running an ad for his counseling services."

"I knew I should have shot him," said Darcy. "Why did he come here to start up business?"

"I don't know," Jennie said, almost crying. "But do you think he knows we're here? He threatened us, you know, implying that he had recordings of my sessions."

"Please try to be calm, sis," Darcy pleaded. "I'm leaving right now, I'll pick up some dinner on the way, and we'll spend the evening together. Don't you worry about that low-life, we're Darcys and we can take care of him. Now, Chinese or pizza?"

Jennie chose Chinese, and hung up the phone gratefully. Having no living parents, Will was the most important person in her life. George Wickham had tried to destroy that relationship as well as to ruin Will forever. Jennie would always hate him for that.

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Caroline Bingley was thrilled to see her little brother on her doorstep, and even more elated to hear that Darcy had heard correctly about the breakup of Charles' marriage.

"See, Charles, I knew going to Dr. Wickham was just the thing for you!" she cried. "Now we are finally rid of those Bennets. You can find someone more in our social class. My goodness, ladies everywhere will be happy to know that you're available again."

"Caroline, this has been very difficult for me," Charles protested. "And I'm worried about the kids, too."

"Charles, dear, that enormous Bennet clan will take care of them," Caroline said reassuringly. "Now you're welcome to stay here as long as you need to. Do you have an attorney yet?"

Charles admitted that he had not even thought about it. "Although right now I don't have any money," he explained. "All the bank accounts have been cleaned out."

"Oh my poor brother! And you refused to make Jane sign a pre-nup like I advised. And one of those Bennet girls is a divorce lawyer! Oh dear," Caroline fretted, but not for long. "But I'm sure everything will be cleared up soon. We'll talk to Will about it, I'm sure he knows plenty of lawyers. He's already heard, you know. Apparently he called your house looking for you and talked with Elizabeth." She said the name as though it were an obscenity.

Charles groaned. "I saw her car there when I drove by. She's going to kill me, you know. Or worse." He shuddered as he thought of ways an enraged Elizabeth Bennet might avenge her sister.

The doorbell rang. "There now, Charles, here comes someone to cheer you up," said Caroline with a wink as she opened the door and let Rebecca in.

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"Jane, I got some movies we can watch after Beth and Alec get in bed," Mary said. "We can have 'girls' night' and try to forget about Charles for a while."

"Sounds nice, if it's possible," agreed Jane. "What movies did you get?"

"Well, here's A Time to Kill."

Jane turned pale. "Please, no Matthew McConaughey. Haven't you ever noticed the resemblance?"

"All right. Now I haven't seen this one in a long time. How about you, Charlotte?" Mary asked, holding the movie out to her.

"Ooh, Thelma and Louise! It's been forever!" squealed Charlotte.

"Ugh, I hate that movie!" said Jane with unusual force. "Even after the events of the past two days, I don't consider myself a man-hater just yet."

"Jane, I'm not a man-hater," protested Charlotte. "Men are like Microsoft: an overall good concept with great packaging that rarely works like it's supposed to."

Jane threw up her hands. "Tell me there's something else in that bag."

"Well, if you insist," said Mary teasingly. She pulled out the last video and handed it to Jane.

"A Room With a View! My favorite!" Jane looked at her sister suspiciously. "You intended this one all along, didn't you?"

"Would I be a little sister if I didn't play with your mind?" asked Mary.

"I wonder where Lizzy is with the food?" asked Charlotte.

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Elizabeth never saw the black Mercedes coming. One second, she was pulling out of the driveway of the restaurant, the next, she heard a sickening crash and felt her car spinning across the road. Oddly enough, her first thought was to check the bags of Chinese food, which were splattered all over the inside of her car.

Could this week get any worse? she wondered. Elizabeth knew the accident was her fault. She could only imagine how her insurance rates would skyrocket. Quit it, you're lucky not to be hurt, she scolded herself. Her car door wouldn't open, so she scooted across the passenger seat, through the fried rice and duck sauce, and opened the passenger door. She made a very unladylike exit from the car only to see the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on standing over her with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm so sorry, I was going way too fast," the man began apologizing. "Are you all right?"

"Yes," answered Elizabeth. "Although the same can't be said for my car, obviously. And since I was pulling out, legally the accident is my fault. I'll just go back into the restaurant and call the police."

"There's no need for that," the man said graciously. "I have a phone in my car. I need to call my sister to let her know I'm running late, and she can call the cops for us. I'm afraid things like this usually take a while, though. Do you need to call anyone?" Like a husband or boyfriend? I hope not, Will Darcy thought, noting what a beautiful lady he had plowed into. Plus the fact that she was willing to take the blame spoke well for her.

"If you don't mind, I should call my sister as well. I was taking dinner back for all of us," Elizabeth explained.

Darcy made his call, and then offered the phone to Elizabeth. When she heard her sister's voice, Lizzy said, "Jane? I think you had better order a pizza." She explained the situation. Then after hanging up quickly, she handed the phone back to the beautiful man, as she was referring to him mentally.

"I have a suggestion," he said. "We should go ahead and exchange information so it will take less time when someone gets here. I can also call a tow truck for your car."

Elizabeth looked at her pathetic vehicle and agreed that it wasn't going anywhere. "Just a minute, let me get my wallet from my purse."

She returned and dug her driver's license and insurance card out of her wallet. "This should be everything," she said, as she traded cards with the other driver.

They reacted simultaneously as they looked at the cards.

"William Darcy?"

"Elizabeth Bennet?"

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Part 8

Posted on Monday, 22 March 1999

Darcy could hardly believe that this beautiful woman was the irrational Elizabeth Bennet he had spoken with earlier. She had certainly changed since age nineteen. Seeing the fury in her eyes, he decided to counter her attack before it began.

"Miss Bennet, I had nothing to do with the breakup of your sister's marriage," he insisted. "In fact, I only found out about it when you told me on the phone this morning. Besides, why would you blame me? I understood it was a mutual decision...." His voice trailed off as Elizabeth crossed her arms, ready to do battle. Okay, so it wasn't a mutual decision. How stupid could I get, believing Caroline?

Elizabeth was still mentally kicking herself for not recognizing Darcy. Even after eight years, she should have remembered the man who had slighted Jane. She remembered the remark she had heard him make at the wedding rehearsal dinner to another of Charles' friends.

"Well, Rick, I guess we've lost Charles. And to who? A little princess who smiles too much. Good heavens, can he even talk to her? She might be plotting to kill him behind that smile for all we know."

"How can I believe you?" Elizabeth demanded. "You never liked Jane. You're probably glad to have Charles back in your bachelors' club. No doubt you have a string of your discarded women lined up waiting to meet him."

"What?!" Darcy was astounded at this accusation from a virtual stranger. "Did I miss something here? Why didn't anyone tell me about these women? I haven't had a relationship since college," he said in self-defense.

This was a point Elizabeth had not expected him to debate. "Come on, Mr. Darcy, I've heard about how you always have a different model up at your house whenever your friends are visiting."

Darcy laughed. "Do you know Charles' sister Caroline at all?"

"I'm afraid so," replied Lizzy as she made a face and wondered what Caroline had to do with anything.

"Then can you understand why I might have a strong motivation for making sure there is always a lady at my side when she's around? My dates are always either trusted employees or clients from a talent agency run by a friend of mine. It's all done on a strictly platonic level, I assure you."

Elizabeth could hardly blame any man for avoiding Caroline, but this revelation made her suspicious. "Are you that opposed to relationships with women?" she asked.

Darcy sighed, wondering why he felt the need to explain himself to this woman. "Yes, unless I intend for that relationship to culminate in marriage. Unfortunately, with every woman I've met so far, I'm able to eliminate her as a potential wife within five minutes. So pursuing a relationship is a waste of time."

Elizabeth laughed in spite of herself. "I suppose you disqualify most of them on the basis of looks or style alone."

"No, I always make a point of talking to them to see whether or not I could imagine living with them. And within five minutes I can see that it would be impossible."

"How amazing! You could make even more money by marketing this remarkable talent. Please explain it to me."

"I don't think it's something that can be explained," Darcy protested.

"Nonsense! You even have an example standing here. Tell me what you have discovered about me in these last few minutes which makes me impossible to live with."

Darcy thought. Well, she's very outspoken, not to mention nosy. But her conclusions were understandable given the circumstances. She's beautiful, intelligent, witty, and interested in finding out about me rather than fawning over my money. He took a deep breath before answering.

"I'm afraid you make for a poor demonstration. So far I have discovered nothing."

"Coming from you I suppose that's tantamount to a proposal," Elizabeth answered sarcastically.

"No, I'm a little bit more romantic than that. I'll at least wait until after the cops are come and gone," Darcy replied.

Elizabeth looked at him in disbelief. Doesn't he know that's nothing to joke about? she wondered. But her annoyance was pushed away by the realization that his eyes were even more gorgeous when he was teasing her.

However, Will Darcy was not so sure he was teasing. Take your time, he mentally instructed the police. I don't want to let this woman go yet.

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Part 9

Posted on Monday, 22 March 1999

Darcy had to fight an urge to slap himself on the forehead as he realized what he was doing. "Please forgive me for being so insensitive," he requested. "My best friend is destroying his marriage with your sister, and that's what I should be concerned with right now, not flirting with a stunning woman."

"I couldn't agree more," Elizabeth said.

"About what I should be concerned with or about your being stunning?" asked Will.

"Mr. Darcy!"

"Sorry, couldn't resist that one. Now what did Charlie-boy do?"

"I haven't put together all the pieces yet. Even Jane isn't sure what went wrong. But he seems to be having a very early mid-life crisis, feeling trapped and unsuccessful and inferior to certain rich single friends." Lizzy looked meaningfully at Darcy, whose eyes widened as if to say, "Who, me?"

"On top of it all," Elizabeth continued, "he started seeing some shrink who appears to have convinced him that Jane doesn't love him and that he should look for happiness elsewhere."

Darcy groaned. "He's like a brother to me, so I can say this: What an idiot!! So this is why he's been avoiding me lately. If anything, I should be jealous of him. He has two precious children, he's married to a gorgeous woman whose last name used to be Bennet…." His voice trailed off as he looked at Lizzy and grinned.

"I'm going to quit addressing you respectfully if you are going to keep this up. Which do you prefer, Billy-boy, Slick Willie, or Sweet William?"

Darcy grinned. "Just call me Will."

"And you may call me Elizabeth or Lizzy."

Will gave an old-fashioned bow. "It is an honor, fair Lizzy."

Fortunately the police car pulled up then, so Elizabeth did not have to think about how adorable Will Darcy was.

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"Rebecca!" Charles exclaimed. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Didn't you? Well, we have Caroline to thank. She certainly knows how to make things happen," Rebecca whispered.

Charles was taken aback by the woman's boldness. She did look good, though, he decided, with her long dark hair flowing like a gypsy. And her dress, well, it was certainly like nothing his modest wife would ever wear. Enjoy the evening, he instructed himself. You don't have take any steps you're not ready for.

"You know, Charles, I was in Dr. Wickham's office when you called," purred Rebecca.

"Isn't Dr. Wickham wonderful!" cried Caroline. "We should drink a toast to him tonight. I think he has done so much in all our lives."

"Well, I know he's done a lot for my life," agreed Rebecca, looking at Charles adoringly.

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Elizabeth had received her ticket, and a wrecker had towed away her car. Now she was stuck with no ride and no dinner.

"Elizabeth, I have plenty of food that didn't get thrown around in the car," Darcy said. "If you would like to come back to my house and eat, I would appreciate it very much."

"Go to the house of a man I've just met? What do you take me for?"

Lizzy could not help noticing that Will actually turned red. "No! I'm sorry to imply anything of that sort. My sister will be there, I promise! And I'll have you home before midnight," he added, in case his mind was not playing tricks on him and she really was Cinderella.

"I don't know. I generally make it a rule not to get in a car with a man I've just met, either. A girl can't be too careful these days, you know."

Will had to think fast. He grabbed the cell phone out of his car and dialed a number quickly. In a moment Lizzy heard him say, "Jane? This is Will. First, I want to say that Charlie's being a jerk and I'm going to beat this foolishness out of him when I see him. Second, I'm the guy that plowed into your sister's car. Will you please tell her I'm not dangerous so she'll agree to go back to Pemberley and have dinner with me and Jennie?" He paused a minute before giving the phone to Lizzy. "Your sister wants to talk to you," he said with a grin.

Elizabeth took the phone. "So, sis, your love life's doing better than mine for a change," teased Jane.

"What put you in such a good mood?" Lizzy wanted to know. She hoped Jane had not been drinking.

"Mary rented A Room With a View, and we're going to watch it later. Hurry and get back from your hot date so you don't miss the make-out scene at the end."

Lizzy could hear Mary in the background. "Hot date, huh? Maybe she won't miss it anyway!" She then heard Jane explaining, "She's going out with Will Darcy," followed by some very unladylike whistles and catcalls from the peanut gallery. Then she heard Charlotte say, "Hey Jane, let me talk to her."

A minute later Elizabeth handed the phone back to Darcy. She was nearly purple from trying not to laugh. "Let me in on the joke," he asked her.

Elizabeth, mortified, could only shake her head no. There was no way she would repeat to Darcy or any man what Charlotte had just said.

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As they were driving, Darcy suddenly remembered something. "You said Charles was seeing a shrink," he reminded Elizabeth. "Do you happen to know who it was?"

Lizzy did not. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, there is at least one very disreputable so-called therapist in the area. I have some first-hand knowledge of his methods. They go way beyond incompetent to the point of evil."

"Maybe Caroline would know who it is," Elizabeth suggested.

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Part 10

Posted on Wednesday, 24 March 1999

"So, isn't it a little pretentious to have a name for your house?" asked Elizabeth, only halfway teasing. "Does the car have a name also?" She patted the dashboard.

Darcy was surprisingly unbothered by Elizabeth's impertinence. "My grandfather built Pemberley and named it," he explained. "My grandmother was from England, and had grown up at an estate called Pemberley. So Grandpa spent years trying to duplicate Grandma's ancestral home so she would not miss England so much."

"What a sweet romance!" Elizabeth cried. "How she must have loved him to leave her native land to be with him!"

"And how much he loved her to go to so much trouble and expense for her happiness and comfort," Will said softly. "I was never able to imagine such love until...."

Elizabeth interrupted quickly. "How did they meet?"

Curses, foiled again, thought Will. "Grandpa was actually in England tracing his genealogy. In the course of his research he discovered he was distantly related to some Darcys living in Derbyshire. He visited them to see if they had any additional information about his family history." Will laughed. "Turns out they had an enormous influence on his future family history."

"So your grandmother was a Darcy also?" Elizabeth guessed.

"Right," said Will. "And don't look at me like that! They were about twenty-third cousins, so I'm not exactly a product of inbreeding."

"Well, that would explain some of your behavior," commented Elizabeth.

"My conduct is ruled by the vision of your loveliness."

"Are we almost there? I'm about to lose my appetite."

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Jennie was happy to see her brother and surprised to see a lady with him. "Let me guess, you're the victim of Will's reckless driving," she said after introductions were made.

"To be honest, the accident was my fault. I was the one turning left," Lizzy admitted. "And your brother was so moved by pity for me that he set aside his 'five-minute test' and invited me to eat with the two of you."

"I am very glad not to be alone this evening," said Jennie. "I had a little scare this afternoon. But I'm all right now," she reassured them. "And so you are Jane's sister? I'm surprised we never met before. Will, we should invite Charles and Jane for dinner sometime. I haven't seen them in ages."

"Uh, Lizzy, do you mind Jennie hearing why that might be a problem?" Will asked.

"Not at all. Jane certainly doesn't have any reason to be ashamed."

Darcy explained Charles' strange behavior. "Which reminds me, I need to call Caroline to find out which therapist he's been seeing."

"Oh, Will, you don't think -- " Jennie shuddered and she couldn't finish her sentence.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out right now." Will turned and went to his study.

"Excuse me for a moment, Elizabeth," Jennie said.

She followed Will. As soon as they were out of earshot, she hissed, "You told her about your test? I'm surprised she even talks to you."

"What can I say? She passed with flying colors. How would you like a sister?" And Will winked at his stunned sister.

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"Jennie, I think this food is rather cold. If you'll point me in the direction of the kitchen, I'll heat it up in the microwave," said Elizabeth when her hostess returned.

"Here, I'll go with you," Jennie offered. "Pointing won't do you much good in this museum."

"It is a gorgeous house. I thought we would never get here. The driveway itself seemed to go on for miles."

"You'll have to see the grounds by daylight sometime. It's like being in an old-fashioned English romance," Jennie laughed. "It seems like a waste just for me and Will, especially since I'm away at school so much."

The discussion then turned to Jennie's music studies in New York. As Jennie talked to Elizabeth, she began to agree with Will's decision. I hope she likes him, Jennie thought. Jennie was about to hint such a thought when Will burst into the kitchen angrily.

"I'm going to kill him!" he exclaimed.

Elizabeth was confused. "Who, Charles?"

"No, I'm afraid we have someone worse than Charles to blame for this," he answered.

"Oh no, Wickham!" Jennie cried.

"Could someone explain? Who is Wickham?"

"He's the disreputable therapist I mentioned earlier," Will said. "We have to get Charles away from him."

"Why can't you just tell Charles what he's like?" asked Jennie.

"He won't talk to me," Will said sadly. "You were right, Elizabeth, he's holding a grudge against me. Of course, now I know Wickham probably gladly poisoned him against me."

"Well, let's eat," suggested Jennie, eager to put memories of Wickham out of her mind. "We can figure out what to do later."

"All right, but we had better figure it out quick," Darcy warned. "Caroline has one of her flaky friends over there as well as Charles. She implied that there is something going on between them."

"Poor Jane!" Lizzy sighed.

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By the time dinner was over, Will had a plan. "Charles would talk to Rick," he said. "If Rick can get Charles out of the claws of those women and Wickham, we might be able to de-program him."

"That's a wonderful idea!" Jennie said excitedly.

"Now if only I can get hold of Rick at home on a Friday night."

Miraculously, Rick Williams was home and dateless for once, but he had a hard time following his buddy's frantic phone call. "Use shorter sentences, Will, and talk slower. It's been a rough week," he pleaded.

"Okay. Wickham's back. He's been counseling Charles. Suddenly Charlie's left Jane. He's having or about to have an affair with one of Caroline's friends."

"Yikes! What am I supposed to do about it?"

"I was thinking of The Truman Show. You know, how Jim Carrey's friend always showed up with a six-pack in time to prevent disaster? Take Charles up to my lake cabin for a weekend of male bonding or something."

"I'll have to cancel a date!"

"She'll forgive you. They always do. This is an emergency. I'll show up tomorrow when he can't escape and talk some sense into him."

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Part 11 A

Posted on Saturday, 27 March 1999

Will hung up the phone and turned cheerfully to Jennie and Elizabeth. "Well, ladies," he announced, "that's all that can be done for tonight. It's in Rick's hands now. Jennie, maybe you could play for us."

"My pleasure," Jennie replied. "This way, please."

Jennie led them into the music room. "Look what a good brother I have, Elizabeth," she said as she gestured toward the piano. "It was waiting for me when I got back from school this spring."

"A nine-foot Steinway. I'm impressed. What will you be playing for us?" Elizabeth was looking forward to listening to someone with Jennie's talent.

"Play something romantic, Sis," Will suggested. "For luck." He paused. "I mean, good luck for Charles and Jane, of course."

"Of course," Jennie said archly, as she sat down and began a piece by Franz Liszt.

Elizabeth was transfixed. "Come on," Will whispered. "You'll enjoy it more sitting down." He gently led her to a sofa conveniently located on the left side of the room. "Here we can watch her hands without being a distraction."

"The piece is so beautiful," Elizabeth said. "What is it called?"

"Benediction of God in Solitude."

"I see. The composer had in mind a spiritual theme rather than a romantic one."

"The music stirs deep emotions," Will conceded. "But I must confess that right now I'm too distracted by what I see here to be able to have my mind on higher things." He was pleasantly surprised when Elizabeth did not rebuff his remark. Encouraged by her silence, he slipped his hand under hers and clasped it.

"I want to know more about you," he whispered.

"Such as?" Lizzy whispered back.

"What music do you like to listen to?"

Elizabeth decided to give him her own quick test. "Vince Gill and Gil Shaham." Most men she knew would make fun of Vince Gill's high tenor. As for Gil Shaham, most of her male acquaintances had never heard of the renowned violinist.

Darcy answered, "I like Faith Hill and Hilary Hahn."

Lizzy was astounded. He had passed her test of musical taste, matched her answer with another country singer and another violinist, and continued her play on names. Can this be real? she wondered.

"I'd like to make a bet," said Darcy.

This sudden turn in the conversation startled Elizabeth. "A bet?"

"Yes. I will bet my own future happiness that Charles and Jane get back together."

"How can you bet your future happiness?" Elizabeth asked skeptically.

"Very simply. If Rick and I don't succeed in bringing Charles to his senses, you never have to see me again."

"And if you do succeed?" Elizabeth was almost afraid to ask, but her curiosity got the best of her.

"Then you marry me."

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Chapter 11B

Posted on Monday, 29 March 1999

Elizabeth tried to jump up and bolt from the room. However, she forgot that Will was holding her hand. "Are you insane?" she whispered, trying not to disturb Jennie's playing.

Darcy shook his head. Without letting go of Elizabeth's hand, he stood up and began to lead her out a glass door in the corner of the room.

"What about Jennie?" Elizabeth asked.

"You're in worse trouble than you thought. She's in on it. Why do you think she played this piece?" Darcy said with a wink.

Something propelled Elizabeth out the door.

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"Now that we don't have to whisper," Will said as they stood in the garden, "let's discuss the bet. Are you in or not?"

"William Darcy, you cannot propose marriage like this! You've only known me a few hours. I'll make a bet of my own," she said, pointing a finger into his chest, "that you thought I was crazy when I lit into you on the phone this morning. How can you go from that to asking me to marry you?"

Will caught her finger and pressed her hand to his heart. "You obviously have never been a man," he said. Then looking her over carefully, he repeated, "Quite obviously. We tend to make snap decisions. I would guess that most men know immediately upon meeting their wives that they want to marry that particular lady. I happen to have the nerve to act on my decision.

"I'll admit that I was taken aback by your behavior on the phone today. But now that I understand the circumstances, I find it admirable. Just as I admire the fact that you took responsibility for the accident, and the fact that you treated me like a normal guy and not some freak with dollar signs on his forehead. That, combined with the way your sister has spoken of you over the years, convinced me that you were all I would ever need or want. Oh, and did I mention your stunning beauty?"

Keep control, girl, keep control, Lizzy instructed herself. "Yes, I think you did mention it. And I will concede that you have some method to your madness. But why on earth should I take you up on this bet?"

"Because I'm a nice guy."

Oh, he is maddening! thought Elizabeth. She had every expectation of him giving reasons to do with his wealth, status, looks, and so on. At the very least she thought he would threaten to withdraw his help with Charles and Jane. Lizzy decided to explore this possibility.

"And I suppose that if I don't, you'll let Charles continue to be stupid?"

Darcy grinned. "No, I guess I couldn't do that. You've found me out, Elizabeth. I'll do my best to fix their situation no matter what you decide."

"And so our bet is only on whether you'll succeed." Elizabeth paused. "I'll think about it." As she turned to go back into the music room, she thought of one last question. "Will, why did you disapprove of Jane when she and Charles got married?"

Will looked ashamed. "I didn't know her well," he explained. "She seemed hard to get to know -- as if it was impossible ever to know how she felt about anything. I wasn't sure if she was capable of loving anyone. Over the years I've come to see that I was wrong, but only after a long acquaintance."

"It is Jane's only fault," Elizabeth admitted. "I think she may be coming to realize it soon."

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Elizabeth sat in the music room without hearing one note of music. Her mind was too consumed with conversing with itself.

He is a nice guy -- nothing like I would have guessed. He doesn't approve of what Charles is doing, that's a good sign. He's willing to stick his neck out for a friend. He's generous, though that would be more impressive if he could afford it less. His sister obviously adores him. He knows what he wants and isn't afraid to go after it. He is drop-dead gorgeous. Jane obviously approves of him. He's smart, quick-witted, adorable.... Elizabeth searched her memory for anything that could be a red flag. She remembered one thing and, as Jennie's piece ended, found herself hoping that it could be easily cleared up.

Jennie turned from the piano. "Elizabeth, are you all right?" she asked, seeing Lizzy's pale, expressionless face.

Elizabeth looked up quickly, startled. "Does your brother often threaten to kill people?" she asked.

"No! Why would you ask such a thing?" Jennie wondered.

"Well, he mentioned that he was going to kill the therapist, what's-his-name, Wickley or something like that."

"Wickham! Elizabeth, I promise, that's the only person I've ever heard Will threaten to harm. And it's completely justified, I assure you. Right, Will?" she asked, looking toward the doorway where her brother stood.

"Yes, Elizabeth, I promise I'm no homicidal maniac, if that's all you've been able to find to worry about. Jennie, I think we have a story to tell our friend."

Elizabeth was eager to hear about this mysterious villain who had affected Charles as well as Will and Jennie. "How are you acquainted with this man?" she asked them.

Will sighed. "Where to begin -- let's see. I met him in college. He was a friendly guy, and on the surface there was nothing wrong with him. As I got to know him better, though, I realized that he was someone who would do anything or use anyone in order to get by without actually working. It was disgusting, the way he would brag about cheating on exams or flaunt his conquests of unsuspecting young women.

"After graduation, Wickham came to me hoping to use our supposed friendship to get a job in my dad's company. I told him to forget it, he wasn't trustworthy. Many times I've regretted that decision."

"But why? And how did he end up as a therapist?"

"I have no idea. Some diploma mill, I guess. But years later he saw an opportunity for revenge."

"Let me tell her," Jennie broke in. "Elizabeth, what happened next was partly my fault. I was too trusting. But I've moved on -- we've both recovered."

Jennie continued. "Dad died last year -- while I was a freshman. It was just more than I could handle with the pressures of school. I came close to dropping and coming home. But my resident advisor encouraged me to seek counseling instead and took me to Dr. Wickham.

"He was very kind and sympathetic. He said that my anxieties probably went beyond just simple grief for the loss of a parent. He suggested that I go under hypnosis to uncover the cause of my anxiety.

"After the hypnosis, I began having horrible nightmares. Dr. Wickham said that was a sign of repressed memories trying to escape. He put me under hypnosis again, and when I awoke from it...." Jennie's voice broke and she couldn't go on.

Will finished for her. "Jennie had been made to 'remember' things that never happened. That animal planted false memories of heinous abuse that supposedly happened to her years ago. Abuse at the hands of a brother who would kill to protect her." Darcy's voice was murderous as he remembered. But as Elizabeth looked at his face, she saw that he was fighting back tears. I could love this man, she realized.

"The day Jennie called and confronted me with this was the worst of my life, even worse than when either parent died. Yes, there were suddenly legal matters to deal with. My attorneys were busy trying to keep me out of jail, while I was trying to get my sister back. I'll spare you the details, but suffice it to say that last summer was something I would rather forget."

Jennie had gathered her composure enough to finish the story. "I was so miserable that I finally agreed to check into an in-patient clinic. I saw qualified psychiatrists who were experts in false memory syndrome, and they helped me come back to reality. Wickham apparently fell off the face of the earth, but he sent me a letter saying that he had tapes of my 'confessions', and that he would use them when the time was right to destroy us."

Elizabeth did not know what to say. She simply walked over to Jennie and gave her a long hug. Then she saw Will with his arms outstretched, waiting for his turn.

Lizzy thought about it, then shook her head no. Instead, she took his hand and shook it.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Our bet, Mr. Darcy. You're on."

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Part 12

Posted on Monday, 29 March 1999

The rest of the evening passed pleasantly. Mercifully, Jennie did not ask any questions about the bet, and she retired to her rooms early.

After Jennie left, Elizabeth became uncomfortable under Will's silent gaze from across the room. "What are you thinking?" she demanded.

"That I would give all of Pemberley for us to be closer together," was his answer.

"Good heavens, why do you have to be so dramatic? Come sit beside me, silly," Elizabeth laughed.

Will obeyed and joined her on the sofa. This time she took his hand in hers and began stroking his hand with her thumb. Will responded by gently tickling her palm with his fingers. Elizabeth felt like she could die right then. How could she be so affected? Was it because she had not held hands with anyone in six years? Or was it because this man was who she had been waiting for all this time?

They sat and tried to hold normal conversation, each pretending that their minds were not on what the two hands were doing. As Darcy was talking, Elizabeth just stared at his lips, imagining what it would be like to kiss him....

"So what do you think?" Will asked.

Elizabeth started like a kid caught daydreaming in class. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"Never mind." Will smiled. "Beautiful Lizzy, don't you know I can't say anything intelligent when I'm this close to you?"

"That's good because I can't listen anyway." Elizabeth could stand it no longer. She reached over with her free hand and ran her fingers first through Will's dark hair, then back down along his face. She had no time to contemplate whether such an action was appropriate, because suddenly she was being kissed.

I'm going to wake up, Lizzy thought. Any minute now I'll hear a "meow" and Emma will jump up on me demanding to be fed. As if Will could read her thoughts, he wrapped his arms tightly around her and intensified the kiss so that Elizabeth would have no doubt that this was real.

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Elizabeth would have preferred to sneak into Jane's house quietly. Unfortunately, because she had no key, she had to knock on the door and wait to be let in. Of course Will insisted on staying with her until she was safe inside the house.

Both of Lizzy's sisters and Charlotte were waiting for her. "Come on, girl, we want details," Mary insisted.

Elizabeth groaned. "I had very little sleep last night. I baby-sat all day today, I wrecked my car, and now it's already fifteen minutes into tomorrow. Can't the details wait?"

"No!" said all three interrogators in unison.

"Not when you were just out with that fine thing," added Mary.

"You two," Lizzy said, "are pathetic. I never saw women who thought of men as meat the way you do. And the details can wait," she went on stubbornly. "Will Darcy's on our side. Charles' shrink is a villain, and Caroline Bingley is in on the plot. Pemberley is fabulous, Jennie Darcy is a sweetheart, and Will is the best kisser ever born." She waited for that to sink in before dropping the bomb. "And he asked me to marry him. Good night, ladies."

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Saturday morning Elizabeth woke up very late, since she was once again allowed to sleep in.

"Lizzy, are you all right?" Jane asked concernedly upon seeing her sister.

"We didn't expect you to be down this early," added Charlotte. "I thought you would be sleeping off your hangover."

"What hangover?" asked Lizzy. "I didn't drink anything last night."

The trio looked at each other. "Then what was all that crazy stuff you were spouting off last night?" asked Mary.

Lizzy shrugged. "You wanted details. I gave you the Reader's Digest version."

The lawyers now took over. "You said Mr. Darcy was on our side. What does that mean?"

"Just what I said. Like he told Jane over the phone, he thinks Charles is being a jerk. He's going to try to help work things out."

"What about the shrink? What does 'villain' mean?"

"It means he has a vendetta against the Darcys and probably brainwashed Charles just for the fun of it."

Charlotte was clearly enjoying herself as she got to the "good" questions. "The best kisser ever born?"

"If that's not self-explanatory, I don't know what is," Lizzy said dryly.

Jane finally had to get in on it. "So if everything else is true, then did he really propose?"

"Well, yeah, sort of." Elizabeth explained the bet.

It takes a lot to shock two divorce lawyers into silence, but Elizabeth succeeded.

When Mary recovered enough to speak, her first words were, "You didn't sign anything, did you?"

"No, but we shook hands."

"Any witnesses?"

"Just Will's sister."

Mary looked at Charlotte, who shrugged. "We can get around that," she assured Elizabeth.

"But Lizzy, what were you thinking?" Jane asked, horrified. "You know I would never expect you to do something like that for me. Why, it's like selling yourself!"

"I don't know, Jane," said Mary. "Look at those starry eyes. Somehow I don't think she feels too sorry for herself."

Elizabeth blushed furiously and hid her face in her hands. "Jane, I promise, I didn't mean for this to happen," she said. And the stress of the previous thirty-six hours finally took its toll on her and she began crying.

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Part 13 A

Posted on Wednesday, 31 March 1999

Mary and Jane had rarely seen their sister cry, and they were not sure how to react. Charlotte was always ready, though.

"Don't worry, Lizzy. We'll make sure you never, ever have to see him again." In a very serious tone she went on. "You'll never have to look into those eyes or hear that voice or feel those lips or be held in those arms. And you definitely will never have to marry him - oh the horrors of all that would entail! And you'll never have to live in that disgusting house. Have no fear, dear friend, we will protect you!"

"Charlotte!" Elizabeth said rather sharply from behind her hands.

"What?" Charlotte asked innocently.

"Stop it before I scream!" And Lizzy showed her face, streaked with tears, but now from laughing rather than from crying.

"Okay, you've found me out. I am extremely infatuated. But you're right, I was crazy to enter into such an agreement. I feel so stupid!"

Now Jane had reached the end of her patience. Elizabeth had come supposedly to help, and now she was being irrational. "Lizzy, you're my sister and I love you. But I'm hoping for Will to win this bet, because I love my husband and I'd prefer to have him back. In my opinion, marriage is more than some Vegas casino game!"

Elizabeth, Charlotte and Mary all had one thought between them - a certain region somewhere in the universe had just frozen over. Jane lost her temper! They stared blankly at her.

Elizabeth shook her head vigorously in an attempt to bring herself back to reality. "Okay, Jane, I think you just shocked me back to normal. Here's the deal. If the plan has gone correctly, Rick Williams took Charles up to the lake cabin last night. This morning Will goes up there, and between the two of them, they will try to help him get over all this nonsense."

"I only hope that will be enough to do the trick," said Mary. "Obviously he's been brainwashed. Otherwise he would never say something crazy about you not loving him!"

Jane sighed. "I don't know. I have always been too inhibited - at least that's what I've been told. Charles is so different. He wears his emotions on his sleeve. Many times his feelings have been hurt by my reserve. I'm beginning to see that I've been just plain silly. Why should I hide my feelings for my own husband, after all?"

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Part 13 B

Posted on Wednesday, 31 March 1999

Jane's admission came as a relief to Elizabeth, who had been seeing this for a long time. "Well, Jane," she said, "now you just have to decide what you're going to do about it."

"Right now, I'm going to play with my kids." And Jane disappeared to the children's playroom.

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Rick Williams was not making much progress. Charles had reluctantly agreed to go with him, but was unwilling to admit to any wrongdoing. So Rick had to be content just to spend time listening to his friend spout off about how he refused to be trapped any longer.

Now is just as good a time as any to explain about the Darcys' "lake cabin". A lodge would be a better name, for it had accommodations for up to twenty people. The building was cleverly designed to look rustic while possessing every modern convenience.

Unbeknownst to Rick, Charles made a call to Caroline early Saturday morning.

"Rick's got me trapped up here," he complained. "I'm bored out of my mind with no way of escape."

"Charles, I can't help you now," insisted Caroline. "Rebecca and I have a whole day of shopping planned. But we could show up there tonight and then take you back down tomorrow."

"Okay," Charles said, resigning himself to a day of ESPN and fishing. He smiled as he hung up the phone, realizing that he and Rebecca would be under the same roof tonight. This time, he promised himself, he would not be chicken.

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"I can't believe you made such an insane bet," Jennie scolded her brother as he prepared to leave Pemberley.

Will shrugged. "It worked, didn't it?"

Jennie wasn't so sure. "What if you don't win?"

"Little sister, I didn't turn my ten million dollar inheritance into real money by concentrating on the negative side of the what-ifs."

"Brother dear, if I ever meet a man with an ego to rival yours...." Jennie began.

"What? You'll marry him?"

"Maybe," Jennie giggled, "but only after cutting him down to size. Otherwise I couldn't take him anywhere because his head wouldn't fit through the door."

"And to think, I was afraid you were too emotionally fragile for me to leave you today," Will teased.

"I am a little worried," Jennie admitted. "I can't help but wonder what Wickham is up to."

"Well, call me if you need me. Why don't you give Elizabeth a call? Maybe you could visit with her and Jane and the kids today." Will made the suggestion casually, but it was actually the result of a call he had received earlier that morning.

"Great idea." However, Jennie was thinking about ways to stop Wickham from ruining any more lives.

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Jane was glad to have Jennie come over. Due to the circumstances, though, the visit was more business than social.

"My goal," Jennie explained, "is to put Wickham out of business, and destroy anything that he could use against anyone."

"Hey, I'm always up for that," agreed Charlotte. "But what's your problem with him?"

Jennie explained her ordeal with false memory syndrome. "He said he has tapes of my so-called confessions. Obviously, I'd like to see those tapes ground into dust."

Mary was appreciative. "Jennie, you have the makings of a great lawyer. Let's get to work."

"Mary, what are you up to this time?" Elizabeth asked doubtfully.

"Just let your future sister-in-law and Charlotte and me take care of this," Mary said mischievously. "I've got a plan that should make everyone happy. Or at least the beginnings of a plan."

"Whatever. Just try to stay out of jail. Y'all are the only lawyers I know."

Elizabeth made no protest against the quip about her future sister-in-law. This fact did not go unnoticed.

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George Wickham was feeling very pleased with himself as his last client of the morning left. True, seeing clients on Saturday morning cramped his party style on Friday night, but the few hundred dollars were worth it. And he would make up for lost time on Saturday night.

Wickham laughed softly as he pondered again the simplicity of his career. It was so easy! Just stroke people's egos, figure out what they really want to do, and give them permission. It was what Wickham was born to do.

He heard the outer office door open. Miss King did not come in on Saturdays, so he went out to see who was there. Three figures faced him, dressed in black, their faces hidden. His eyes widened as he saw that one of them was pointing a gun at him.

"My turn to give advice," said a voice that was strangely familiar. "Do exactly what we tell you and keep your mouth shut."

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Chapter 14 A

Posted on Friday, 2 April 1999

Wickham did not particularly enjoy looking down the wrong end of a gun barrel. He raised his hands slowly and flashed his most charming smile. "Now, gentlemen," he said, "I think we can work out these difficulties without resorting to violence."

He heard the click of the gun being cocked. "You're starting off on the wrong foot already," said the person holding the gun. "We're not here for a counseling session."

Wickham began laughing. "And you are definitely not a gentleman, Miss Darcy, though I can't be sure about your companions." Of course, that was how Jennie, Mary, and Charlotte had intended it when planning their disguises.

Jennie was not bothered by Wickham's recognition of her voice. "Whoever Miss Darcy is, I can assure you that you would be better off in her hands than in ours." To Mary, she said, "Tie him up. We need to get to work."

After making sure Wickham was secured to the chair, the women in black produced black plastic bags and began dumping files in them. Charlotte, knowing that nothing can ever be completely erased from a computer, simply opened up the computer and removed the hard drive.

Wickham tried frantically to think of a way to stop them, but came up with nothing. If only he had been willing to pay for office space in a more secure building! Perhaps he could outwit his captors.

"You know I have extra copies of all this at home," he taunted them.

"No you don't," Jennie stated calmly.

"Of course I do!"

"No, Dr. Wickham, Miss King was very obliging. You can imagine how she felt at seeing your very pregnant wife show up at the apartment. She was glad to give your wife all the materials she asked for. Very stupid of you, Wickham, mixing business with pleasure."

"But I don't have a wife!" Wickham exclaimed.

"As far as Miss King knows, you do. And by the way, she said she quits, so don't expect her to come in and rescue you Monday morning."

"You're going to leave me here? Jennie Darcy, I'll have you arrested on more counts than you can even think of!"

"I'm sure Jennie Darcy is busy with other people who can vouch for her whereabouts. You should forget about her and worry about me."

As they finished gathering all of Wickham's records, Charlotte pulled out a videotape. "I'm glad to see you have a VCR, Dr. Wickham," Jennie said, since Charlotte and Mary were remaining silent. "Here's a little something for your viewing pleasure. We even put it on a continuous loop so you can watch it the whole weekend."

As the Teletubbies began dancing across the screen and singing, Wickham screamed a Luke Skywalker "NOOOOOOOO!" The ladies walked out with their loot, laughing.

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Chapter 14 B

Posted on Saturday, 3 April 1999

Darcy had decided that the best approach would be to pretend that he knew nothing about Charles' problems. He arrived at the cabin acting very happy, trying to think mainly of Elizabeth.

Charles greeted his friend coldly, but Will pretended not to notice. He leaned back in a chair and put his feet up on a table. "I just had to tell you guys," he said. "I'm in love."

Rick and Charles both looked at Darcy in stunned silence. What's the punch line? they both wondered.

Finally Rick spoke up. "Okay," he said slowly. "Anyone we know?"

"Not unless you know the most beautiful, vivacious woman in the whole world," Darcy replied. He wasn't about to mention the name Elizabeth Bennet in front of Charles right now.

"Good grief, you do have it bad," said Rick, astonished. "When and how did you meet her?"

"Last night. We had a wreck. Her car and my heart got totaled."

Charles rolled his eyes. This was definitely a new side of Darcy.

"Charles, you can't imagine how happy I am," Will said, grinning. "All these years I've been jealous of you for having such a wonderful wife, thinking I would never find someone. And now I have. Now I know how you felt after meeting Jane."

"Yeah, Will, whatever," mumbled Charles.

Will did a great job of acting surprised. "Well, what's with you?"

Charles stuck out his chin defiantly, looking for all the world like a pouting five-year-old. "Jane and I are finished," he announced. "I have my freedom again."

"WHAT?" Darcy yelled. "Bingley, you are an idiot. My word, Caroline said something about that, but I never believe anything she says."

"Why do I always have to be the responsible one, while you two are out having a good time?" Charles asked. "And don't talk about my sister behind her back. If you want to insult Caroline, do it to her face when she and Rebecca get here this evening."

"Charles! You didn't invite them up here?" Rick groaned.

Charles glared at Rick. "Why not?" he asked. "You practically forced me up here. I'm entitled to enjoy myself."

"Who's Rebecca?" Darcy asked.

"A friend of Caroline's that I met at Dr. Wickham's office," explained Charles, with apparently no guilt.

"And she would be the reason you left Jane?" asked Darcy.

"If she is, it's none of your business."

Darcy suddenly looked at his watch. "Excuse me, guys, I have to call my lady-love," he said.

"Oh brother, we've lost him! We've really lost him!" said Rick, thinking all his friends had suddenly gone crazy.

Darcy went to make a phone call, but not to his lady-love.

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Caroline and Rebecca arrived at 10:00 p.m. The men were sitting around watching TV, drinking heavily. Well, Charles was drinking heavily, Rick was pretending to drink heavily, and Darcy was not pretending anything, since he was known not to drink alcohol.

"Sorry we can't be more accommodating, ladies," said Darcy, trying to be cheerful and friendly to his least favorite person and the woman who was fast becoming a close second. "Make yourselves at home, though," he added, waving his arm to include the whole cabin. "Maybe we'll be more sociable tomorrow."

Caroline had been chasing Darcy for years, but she knew when he meant what he said. She sighed and led Rebecca to some empty rooms. Rebecca was not phased at all. She knew what she had come for.

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At midnight, Charles stumbled up to his room. Rick and Will knew enough of Charles' ability to handle alcohol to skillfully bring him to the point of heavy confusion without unconsciousness.

He was about to fall asleep when his door opened. A dark-haired figure stood in his doorway. "Charles," she whispered. "Hasn't this silliness gone on long enough?"

Charles was intoxicated beyond his ability to resist. He beckoned her into the room.

Chapter 15

Posted on Monday, 5 April 1999

Back-Up To Saturday Morning

Upon leaving Wickham's office, the ladies quickly ducked into the restroom. There they changed clothes and arranged the evidence into briefcases. Anyone standing in the lobby of the building would see three young women leaving the building one at a time, not recognizing or acknowledging each other, leaving by different exits, and getting into different cars. No one would ever suspect them of being connected in any way.

At the law offices of Lucas and Bennet, they sorted the evidence. They soon found out how indiscreet Wickham had been.

"Why did he keep records of all this?" Jennie asked incredulously.

"I'm not sure I want to know," replied Charlotte, shuddering.

Mary was going through the audiotapes. "Jennie, you might want to see this," she said, holding out a stack of tapes.

Jennie's face turned pale. "The tapes of my therapy sessions," she whispered. "He really did have them!"

"Jennie, we can scatter those where no one will ever find the pieces," Charlotte assured her.

"Those tapes combined with these journals Wickham kept could probably be grounds for at least civil if not criminal charges," Mary pointed out.

"It's bad enough he recognized my voice this morning. I'd better not suddenly be in possession of these items," Jennie protested.

"Come on, lets get back to the plan," Charlotte said.

The search turned up more than the ladies had dreamed of. To say that Wickham's behavior toward his clients was unethical was a gross understatement. He manipulated, broke confidences, everything that a therapist should not do.

One tape in particular caught their attention. "Here we go, girls!" announced Charlotte victoriously. "Let's see if we can find an address for a Rebecca Norris. We have an interesting package to send her."

"Who's that they're talking about?" asked Jennie.

Charlotte turned up the tape.

"Charles!" Mary cried out. "This explains a lot."

"What's with this crazy chick?" Charlotte asked, disgusted. "She tries to steal Charles away from his wife, she lets herself get seduced by her therapist. She needs some serious help!"

"She needs to be dropped off a cliff," Mary muttered.

They gathered up the items pertaining to Rebecca, which included tapes of the "therapy" along with Wickham's journal in which he boasted of his conquests of Rebecca and several other clients.

"I bet she thinks he's in love with her," said Mary sarcastically.

"I'm not sure she cares," commented Jennie.

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Back To Sunday Morning...

Will went to the kitchen to find some breakfast. Rick was already there.

"So, how do you like the little home-wrecker?" Will asked.

"She needs a brain transplant, but man oh man, she's fine. If we need a new plan, I'll be glad to distract her away from Charles."

"Rick! You've got to be kidding!"

"Yeah, I know, it would be hard, but who better than me to make the sacrifice," Rick said, grinning.

"Just wait till you fall in love," Will warned.

"Oh yeah, you never did tell us who the lady is!"

"For the simple reason that I didn't want to get into a discussion with Charles. It's Jane's sister Elizabeth." Will got a sappy look on his face just from saying the name.

"So how does she feel?" Rick asked.

"I think she likes me, but it's moot unless I get the drunken blockhead straightened out."


"I made her a bet. If I get Jane back with Charles, she marries me. If not, she leaves and we don't see each other anymore."

"Will, do me a favor."


"Never, ever, ever, criticize anything about my love life again. I could never top that for stupidity."

Before Will could defend himself, Caroline appeared in the room. "Good morning, gorgeous," she said sweetly.

"Right back at you, Carrie," said Rick, pretending he did not know she was addressing Will.

Caroline glared at Rick. He was not nearly rich enough for her.

"Caroline, where's your friend?" Will asked nervously.

"Oh, I don't think she or Charles will be down for a while," Caroline said slyly. "I imagine they had a long night."

Will's eyes widened. He looked at Rick, whose face was expressionless. Even in his horror, he could only think of Elizabeth. She'll hate me! Somehow everything got messed up!

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Charles woke up with a splitting headache but pleasant thoughts. Memories of the previous night flooded his mind. Nothing could compare to that. He only wished he had met Rebecca years before.

Ha! I knew they were trying to get me drunk for a reason, but it didn't work, he laughed silently.

He felt her stir beside him. He reached for her. "Hey Becky," he said, opening his eyes.

"I think you can stop calling me that now," Jane drawled, looking her husband straight in the eye.

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Part 16

Posted on Tuesday, 6 April 1999

"What are you doing here?" Charles asked. His headache suddenly felt much worse.

"Saving you from your own stupidity," Jane replied calmly.

"But what about last night? Was that really you?"

"I'm your wife. Who else would you be doing those things with?" Jane raised her eyebrows, knowing the truth full well.

"But you had dark hair! I thought you were -- "

"Rebecca? Yes, you made that abundantly clear," Jane interrupted. "I'm an artist. Not knowing what the little twit looked like, I prepared for contingencies." She gestured toward the wig on the floor.

Charles' mind was reeling. "Jane! I just can't believe it! You never acted like that before!" He couldn't help but smile as he remembered her rather uninhibited behavior.

"Well, I hope you enjoyed it," Jane replied. She got up and dressed quickly.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hungry. I'm getting dressed and going downstairs for some breakfast." And she left the room.

Charles leapt from the bed, threw on his jeans, and followed her out the door.

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Darcy was devastated. Apparently nothing had worked out. He had called Jane immediately upon hearing that Caroline and Rebecca were coming to the lake house. She had told him not to worry but to make sure Charles got drunk that night.

"Rick?" he asked pleadingly, hoping his friend would have some answers.

Rick smiled and nodded toward the door where Rebecca stood.

"I don't think we've been introduced," Rebecca said sweetly to Darcy. "I'm Rebecca Norris. You have a lovely place here." She reached out her hand to Darcy languidly.

"William Darcy. And thank you," Will said curtly. "This is Rick Williams."

"Oh, we've met, haven't we, Rick baby?"

Will turned to Rick in horror. "You didn't?"

"No, he didn't," Rebecca answered. "He respects me," she said proudly as she sat down beside Rick.

"A new experience, I'm sure," Will muttered.

"Good morning!" announced Elizabeth, appearing in the room.

Will's entire face lit up. "I didn't know you were here!" he cried happily.

"Miss Bennet! What a -- surprise," Caroline said in forced cheerfulness. She could not help but notice Will's reaction to Elizabeth's presence.

Even the large kitchen was becoming crowded now, and it became more so when Jane walked in, followed by a half-dressed Charles.

"Baby, what's the problem?" Charles was asking his wife. "Everything's fine now, right?"

Jane turned and faced him. "Sure. Everything's fine. For all practical purposes, you cheated on me last night. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. The other person just happened to be different than you thought."

"But why did you do it?"

Everyone stood in silence, watching this little drama unfold before them. Jane did not seem to care that they were being observed. "Because I love you. Because I was hoping that you were only temporarily an imbecile. Because Beth and Alec need a dad. Because I realized that I've been unfair to you by being so reserved all these years."

"So can we go home now?" Charles asked eagerly.

"I can go home. You aren't coming."

Will groaned and hid his face in his hands.

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Part 17

Posted on Thursday, 8 April 1999

No one in the room moved. Caroline started to say something, and for once thought better of it.

"What do you mean, I'm not coming?" Charles asked. "I'll admit it, I was wrong about you. I shouldn't have left. I wouldn't have left if you'd done that a long time ago. And I thought you were just a little goody-two-shoes ice queen," he laughed. "But I guess you're a real woman after all -- "

The next sensation Charles encountered was one of extreme pain on the right side of his face. It took him a minute to realize that his sweet wife had slapped him -- very hard.

"The question is, are you a real man?" Jane said. "How dare you talk like that to me, especially in front of other people? You may know how to behave like a male animal, but you've forgotten everything about being a man or a husband.

"You think I'll just pretend that none of this ever happened -- that I'll forget the way you were calling me by another woman's name. It's not going to happen, Charles. Just because your ego is all inflated now doesn't mean anything to me. I have no assurance that this won't happen again the next time you're feeling unfulfilled."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Charles wondered. It had never occurred to him that Jane would not want him back.

"Go find your self-worth in something meaningful. There's a wonderful national organization that builds houses for the homeless. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday who's involved with them. She said they would be overjoyed to have someone volunteer for a three-month term to help with some house-building down in Georgia."

"Georgia? For three months? What about my job?"

"Find a new one this fall. You'll have a lot of opportunities for soul-searching. At least I hope so, because you're not coming back into my life until you have some growth in your life."

The word "until" struck Will. There was still a chance!

"What about our bet?" he finally burst out.

"Did you really think I would marry you after one evening's acquaintance?" Lizzy asked him, grinning.

"Marry him?" Caroline squeaked.

The light bulb came on. "You had this planned all along!" he cried.

"Had what planned? And what's this about a bet?" Charles demanded.

"Let's continue this show after we eat," Rick broke in. "I'll play the role of detective and explain the whole mystery."

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The scene was set after breakfast. Rick stood in front of the group. "I always wanted to do this, just like in the movies," he explained.

"Here," he gestured dramatically to Charles, "is a man feeling frustrated with life. He doesn't like his job, he thinks his marriage has gone stale -- no offense, Jane. Such negative thoughts come to the best of us, and Charles could have approached his wife or his friends for help. Instead he goes to the one person who isn't thinking about his best interests."

He paused and then whirled around to face Caroline. "You saw your chance," he accused. "You never liked the Bennets and you wanted Charles' marriage to fail. So you sent him to your accomplice, Dr. Wickham.

"That piece of dirt has been taken care of, I understand. Because of a personal grudge, he manipulated Charles into turning against Will. He used another client to drive a further wedge between Charles and his wife. I can only guess that his motive was to gain control over as many people as possible, hoping eventually to get a chance for attacking the Darcys again.

"Now for the events of this weekend. Will meets Elizabeth and falls in love. He bets her that he can reunite Charles and Jane -- the terms of the bet being marriage. I was dispatched to get Charles away from Caroline and Rebecca.

"However, Charles outsmarted me by inviting them up here. As soon as Will heard this, he suddenly remembered a phone call. I'll admit, it took me a minute, but then I realized it had to be either Elizabeth or Jane that he called. By calling Jane's house, I discovered that I was right -- he had called Jane.

"Jane had instructions for me -- help Will get Charles drunk, and distract Rebecca temporarily.

"So, ten o'clock, Rebecca and Caroline get here. Charles is already pretty much smashed. We get rid of the ladies. I sent Will on up with Charlie and waited. I was right -- Jane and Elizabeth showed up. With me as consultant, they got Jane's disguise in place.

"I then went to Rebecca's room and invited her to come star-gazing with me. I'll admit, the timing was risky. If she had already acted on Jane's idea, the plan was blown. But she was still beautifying herself, so we were safe.

"Now, Rebecca and I had a nice time outside, talking about everything in the world, including the disadvantages of chasing after every man in sight and being a homewrecker. And I think that I managed to convince her that Dr. Wickham is not the best choice of therapist. Is that right?"

Rebecca nodded sheepishly.

"So there you have it. Caroline assumed that Rebecca was with Charles and said as much to Will. Will's been thinking his bet's messed up and so he can't think straight. But only Jane, Elizabeth, and I knew who was seducing Charlie-boy last night. And if you have any working brain cells, Bingley, you'll walk on your knees to Georgia and do whatever this woman wants you to do. A marriage is a terrible thing to waste."

Rick sat down, feeling very pleased with his performance. Charles' conscience finally kicked into gear. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice breaking as though on the verge of tears. "I will do it. I'll do anything for you, Jane."

Jane smiled. "Have a wonderful three months, dear."

Will's mind was still on only one track. "So, Elizabeth, where do we stand now?"

"I guess the bet is not officially settled yet," she said innocently. "Three months should give us time to get to know each other, don't you think?"

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Part 18

Posted on Monday, 12 April 1999

Without saying a word, everyone agreed that the party was over after Rick's revelation of all the mysteries. Caroline was eager to leave, wishing to retreat before beginning another assault on Darcy. Rebecca had already transferred her affections from Charles to Rick, who was eager to get away from her at least until she acquired a brain. Jane missed her children. Charles had resigned himself to penance in the South. That left --

Will and Elizabeth.

"What are your plans?" he asked her as they were walking to the cars.

"Well, I have to go back to work tomorrow -- oh no! I forgot I don't have a car!" Elizabeth cried.

Will only had to think for a second before answering. "Would you be opposed to borrowing one?" he offered.

"I suppose not, if I was borrowing one from the speed demon who demolished my own car," she answered sweetly.

"Then you can ride back with me and we'll pick one out for you," Will said, glad for the chance to buy some more time with Elizabeth.

"By the way," Will added, "what is she going to do with him?"

Elizabeth did not have to ask to whom Will was referring. "Charles is going to ride back with Rick. Then Jane will let Mary and Charlotte know to put everything back in order and give Charles his stuff back. Jane wants to stay away from him because she doesn't trust herself."

"She's afraid she'll give in and take him back?" Will guessed hopefully.

"She's afraid she'll push him off the side of the mountain."

Will choked back a laugh. "Remind me never to make you mad after we're married."

Elizabeth turned and faced Will, standing so close to him that they were almost touching. "Are you really still serious about all that?"

Will answered by kissing her gently, which was the last thing Caroline Bingley saw in her rearview mirror as she headed down the mountain.

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Part 18 B

Posted on Wednesday, 14 April 1999

Elizabeth was pleasantly surprised to discover that Will's kiss was just as thrilling as the first one. Apparently kissing did not follow the law of diminishing returns, she decided, remembering the multitude of seemingly endless kisses on Friday night.

However, a small corner of her brain alerted her to the fact that this was a time when words were necessary. She broke away from the kiss. "Seriously, Will, we need to talk about this," she said.

"Okay, we can talk on the road," Will said as he unlocked the car.

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"This is rather awkward to discuss," Elizabeth began after they started down the mountain.

"You want out, don't you? Of the bet, I mean."

"Will, I never would have accepted the bet if I wasn't interested in you." There, I've said it. Lizzy was just old-fashioned enough to feel very self-conscious about telling a man she liked him.

"So the problem is…?"

"The problem? Will, we don't know each other at all. I have to go back home to my job. What are you going to do, come down and throw me over your shoulder in three months?"

A smile played along Darcy's lips as he pondered that interesting image.

"I suppose I'll have to run my company from a phone and a laptop for the summer so I can stay down there and court you properly."

"And where will you stay? Not with me," Lizzy added hastily.

"Of course not, that wouldn't be courting you properly at all. Don't worry about me, Lizzy. Just consider every weekend booked for the summer."

"You're pretty confident, aren't you? What if I have other men in my life?"

"Well, that would require some thought. How would you prefer I dispose of them? Pay them off or beat them up?"

Elizabeth thought of Billy Collins, the only man who had been asking her out lately. "Beat him up, please. I'll even help."

"Just one?" Will asked in feigned shock.

"Just one, and he's a pest. So I guess you win the battle for my time."

"That's good, because I hate losing." And Darcy looked at Elizabeth in such a way that she could not mistake his meaning.

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When they arrived at Pemberley, Jennie was waiting for her brother. "How did it go?" she asked.

"I'm not even sure how to answer that," Will admitted. "Charles is banished for three months to think about what a bad boy he's been. Jane might take him back after that."

"She might take him back? Wow, Elizabeth, you Bennets sure know how to turn the tables on people."

"It was a survival skill we learned growing up. I suspect you've already seen Mary's talents at work," Elizabeth guessed.

"Um, yeah. Will, I wanted to talk to you about that. Please make sure you have your digital phone with you at all times for the next week or so," Jennie requested. Upon seeing Will's questioning look she explained nonchalantly, "I may need you to bail me out."

"Bail you out? What for?"

"I'm not quite sure what I could be charged with. Assault with a deadly weapon, grand larceny, maybe fraud. I don't know exactly."

Will was astounded at his little sister. "Why?" was all he could get out.

"It's better that I don't tell you. Then you can say honestly that you don't know anything."

Elizabeth laughed, guessing that this had something to do with Mary, Charlotte, and Dr. Wickham. "Congratulations, Jennie, I think you've become a Bennet."

"Thanks, Elizabeth, now we just have to make you a Darcy," Jennie said and winked.

"Argh! I take it back! You are definitely your brother's sister!"

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Jane had picked up her children from her parents' house and returned home to start packing. She was going to move into Lizzy's apartment with Beth and Alec for the summer. That afternoon, Charles came over to say good-bye.

Beth and Alec flung themselves upon their father, whom they had not seen for four days. "Daddy!" they cried.

Jane tried not to be affected by the scene. Charles had always loved his children before he started going loopy.

"I missed you, Daddy," said Beth.

"I missed all of you," Charles said. "But I have to go away again."

"Why?" asked Alec, always ready to use his favorite word.

Charles glanced at Jane, who shook her head as if to say, I'm not going to help you out of this one, buddy. Charles thought a minute, and then said, "You know how we put you in time-out when you've done something you shouldn't?"

The kids nodded. Charles went on, "Well, I have to be in time-out for awhile. And grown-ups' time-out is longer than kids' time-out."

"Longer than a day?" asked Alec.

"I'm afraid so," Charles said. "But I will come back, I promise."

The children were happy, confident that their dad would keep his promise. They hugged him and he left without a word to Jane.

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Elizabeth Bennet pulled up to work on Monday morning in a cute little BMW. She walked through the office to her cubicle and suddenly realized that she was the object of smirks and whispers.

"So, what did you do this weekend, Elizabeth?" asked one of her co-workers.

"I had a family emergency," she replied coolly, thinking that they were referring to her missing work on Friday.

"Yeah, sure, like I believe that."

"Why wouldn't you? My sister's husband left her and she needed me up there."

"Check out your desk and see why I don't believe you, and neither does the boss."

Elizabeth ran to her cubicle. There on the desk was an enormous vase of red roses. A college degree was not necessary for her to know where they had come from. Give me a little space, Will Darcy! She read the card:

I know what you're thinking, too much too soon. But please allow me to do this. I'm catching up on many years of loneliness.


Elizabeth shook her head. She had definitely met her match.

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Chapter 19

Posted on Tuesday, 20 April 1999

Author's Note: I can no longer go without naming cities. Elizabeth is in Memphis. Jane was in Knoxville but is now staying with Lizzy in Memphis. Charles is banished down to deep Georgia, where it's hot!

Elizabeth decided to meet the problem head-on. She walked into Mr. Debourgh's office confidently. "I owe you an explanation about Friday," she began.

"You certainly do, Miss Bennet, unless you no longer wish to continue working here. A matter of life and death usually does not result in flowers sent to the office on Monday morning. That is more indicative of a romantic weekend in my opinion."

Elizabeth mulled this over in her mind. Would he possibly believe that both had occurred simultaneously? Probably not, but she had to go with the truth, well, a version of the truth that Mr. Debourgh would approve. "My brother-in-law left my sister. I had to go up there to keep her from falling apart and to try and reconcile them. While I was there I met one of my brother-in-law's friends, who now thinks he's in love with me. Ergo, the flowers."

"How'd the marriage come out?" Debourgh asked sarcastically.

"She might take him back after he does penance for his crime of infidelity." Elizabeth was not sure that her boss was going for this, so she took a different line. "If you want to fire me, I can just take my latest software idea to the Darcy Corporation. I have some connections."

Debourgh hesitated. The last time Elizabeth Bennet had come up with an idea for new software, stocks had gone up and his annual bonus was quite high. "Fire you? Of course not! I'm glad everything turned out all right." He smiled insincerely before Elizabeth went back to her office.

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It was not a pretty sight when Wickham was found on Tuesday morning after an anonymous tip to the Knoxville police. He had been tied to a chair for three days with no food, water, or bathroom. Nothing, in fact, except for those Teletubbies. The officers who discovered him pitied him, for he was very pathetic and told his story so well.

Sure enough, Darcy received a call from Jennie. He thought she sounded rather strange, perhaps from fear at being taken in for questioning. In truth, Jennie was doing a very good job of playing a brainless airhead. Charlotte had chosen a simple defense strategy -- deny everything. Jennie did so with such believability that the police were forced to drop all charges, especially after Mary King denied ever being visited by "Mrs. Wickham." Wickham was defeated. Something about Jennie Darcy's two lawyers seemed familiar, but there was nothing he could do about it.

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Darcy was at Lizzy's apartment every evening, visiting with her, Jane, and the kids. Elizabeth noted that Beth and Alec adored him. On Friday night, she allowed Will to take her out for a "real" date.

"You're too quick to agree with me on everything," Elizabeth complained as they returned to her apartment on Friday after dinner. "It makes me think you're just trying to win me over."

"I apologize. I'll try to do better."

"See? There you go again!"

"I wonder where Jane and the kids are?" Will asked, changing the subject, since he already had a plan.

"They went up to my parents' house for a few days. So it's just me and Emma."

"Oh yeah, the furball. I don't see how anyone could have a cat in the house." Will said this with a perfectly straight face, so of course Lizzy thought he was serious.

"How could you say such a thing?" Lizzy cried, picking up the cat. "You'll hurt Emma's feelings!"

"And why on earth did you name her Emma, anyway?" Will was enjoying this.

"Because she's so nosy, just like Emma in the book. Didn't you ever read Jane Austen?"

"No, not a page. It's girl stuff."

"What? Well, you'll just have to read some. Maybe you could start with Pride and Prejudice. I'm named after one of the characters, you know, and for that matter, so are you." Elizabeth was amused as she pondered this.

"And what if I don't?" Darcy said, flopping onto the sofa.

"Then I'll have to do this!" Lizzy said, and she swooped down upon him and began tickling him. She was rewarded for her efforts. Will was very ticklish around his stomach and rib cage. Within a few seconds he was laughing and gasping for breath.

"Okay! Please! I was just trying to argue with you. I love cats, and I've read every word of Pride and Prejudice and I've seen the movie five times! Colin Firth is my idol! I aspire to be like him!"

"I don't believe you." And Lizzy continued tickling him. "I suppose that if that's true, then you named Pemberley yourself just to go along with the whole Darcy thing."

"No, that part's true! I promise! Please STOP!"

And so Lizzy did stop. She moved her hands around to his back and began kissing him.

In between kisses, she murmured, "You know, you're cuter than Colin Firth any day of the week."

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Chapter 20

Posted on Wednesday, 21 April 1999

As the weeks passed by after the Bingley and Darcy cases were wrapped up, Charlotte Lucas became more and more restless. One day at lunchtime, she could not take it any longer.

"I'm going out for some pasta. You want any?" Mary asked as she poked her head into Charlotte's office.

"Let's just lock up and eat out today," Charlotte suggested. "I need to vent."

"I'm sick of divorce law," she announced to Mary over the salad. "The situation with Jane and Charles just soured me on the whole thing. I'm afraid -- "

"Afraid of what?" Mary wondered.

"That I'm growing a conscience or something! It just pains me to see marriages breaking up. I find myself wanting to reconcile everyone."

"Do you feel any regret over what we did to George Wickham?"

"No, not at all."

"How about any guilt over lying like dogs to get Jennie Darcy off the hook?"

Charlotte thought a minute. "Not a single pang."

"Do you wish we hadn't mailed Wickham's records to all his clients?"


"Good. Your conscience is safely absent." Mary paused before continuing. "You know, I really enjoyed the Wickham-Darcy incident. All the intrigue, the sneaking, the bending and ignoring of the law, it just gave me such a rush!"

"Me too! I keep wishing for another case like that, but all we get are custody battles."

"Maybe it's time for the Bennet and Lucas team to turn in a different direction."

"Lucas and Bennet."


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"Mom called today," Jane informed Elizabeth when she returned from work.

"Sorry I missed her. What did she say? Anything sensible?"

"Well, I won't bore you with her usual rantings about how I'd better run after Charles or he won't ever come back. And then her quizzing about your love life. By the way, you owe me big for keeping Will Darcy a secret from her all this time. Good grief, Lizzy, don't look like that every time I say his name. You've been dating him for six weeks. When are you going to come back to earth?"

"Hmm -- how about never?" Lizzy suggested.

"And I thought I knew my sister. I have never seen you like this before."

"You've never seen me with Will before." Elizabeth began twirling around the room. Alec demanded to be included on this, so she picked him up and held him horizontally as she spun. This was their "airplane" game.

"Lizzy, your silliness almost made me forget the big news. Mary's moving to New York!"

Elizabeth landed her nephew on the sofa. "New York? What for?"

"We probably should call Mary herself to get the details. But according to Mom, she and Charlotte are going to be private detectives or something. Mom is rather upset about it. She is worried about the depth of that relationship."

Elizabeth caught Jane's meaning clearly and almost choked from laughing. "Mom needs to spend an evening with them watching Harrison Ford movies. That would convince her there's no cause for concern. Those two may have no respect for men, but they certainly have appreciation!"

"Well, you know Mom."

"Unfortunately, I've known her my whole life." The phone rang. "Will!" Lizzy exclaimed excitedly.

Jane shook her head. Her mature, responsible sister had metamorphosed into a giddy teenager.

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"So why don't you drink?" Elizabeth asked Will at dinner one night. "I mean, I never acquired a taste for alcohol, plus I'm too stingy to buy it. But what about you?"

Will lowered his head, embarrassed. "It has to do with the reason I haven't dated anyone in so long."

"Well, you may as well tell me. I know just about everything else about you."

"I guess you have heard most of my life story. Okay, my first year in college I got really drunk at a party. And, well, a girl did the same thing to me that Jane did to Charles up at the lake cabin."

Elizabeth took a deep breath. "Just please tell me it wasn't Caroline Bingley."

Will laughed. "I would have killed myself. This girl wasn't that bad. But she was convinced that we were an item because of that incident. Pretty sad for her because I don't even remember what happened. But it disgusted me so much that I decided to stay away from drinking forever and from women until I was ready to get married."

Elizabeth sighed at the integrity of this man. "I'm impressed," she said softly, taking his hand across the table.

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Chapter 21

Posted on Saturday, 24 April 1999

"Do roller coasters really make you sick?" Elizabeth asked Darcy incredulously.

They were spending the day at Libertyland. Jane had taken the kids on the carousel, but Lizzy was up for something a little more exciting.

"You have to ride the Zippin Pippin," she insisted. "It's historical. This was Elvis' last public appearance, you know. Just before he died he rented the thing out all night for him and his friends."

"See? Now we know what killed him," Darcy said. "I'll end up throwing up all over you."

"Does that mean you're going? It's not really that wild. It doesn't even go upside down."

"In honor of the King, I guess I will. But don't say I didn't warn you." Will acted as though he was going to his death.

Will did not get sick, however. In fact, the Zippin Pippin was much more enjoyable than he ever could have imagined. They had kissed through the whole ride.

After rejoining Jane and the children, Elizabeth suggested that they all ride something together -- Old Hickory.

"The infamous log ride," said Will. "Every amusement park has one."

"And we can all go together," said Jane. "This will be perfect."

The line was mercifully short, and after a brief wait the group climbed into their log. Beth sat in the front, followed by her mom. Alec was sandwiched between Jane and Lizzy, with Will in the back. Lizzy leaned back against Will and tried to remember how long this ride was. Hopefully very long.

Beth made ghost noises as the log passed through the dark tunnel, frightening Alec. Jane had just managed to comfort him when they began the long ascent up the hill. Then it was Beth's turn to be scared.

"Mommy , I'm going to fall out when we go down," she whined.

"No you won't, baby, I'm here holding on to you," Jane assured her. "And Alec's holding on to me."

"Is Aunt Lizzy holding on to Alec?"

"Yes, sweetheart. And Will's holding on to Aunt Lizzy."

"He's always holding on to Aunt Lizzy," Beth pointed out with her four-year-old bluntness.

"For as long as I can," Will said low enough that only Elizabeth could hear him.

Finally they reached the top of the hill. It seemed like eternity before the log finally pitched downward. They all screamed, as is customary on such rides, until the log landed with a splash in the water.

Elizabeth was disappointed that she did not get wet. The cold water would have felt good in this heat, she thought. When they got out of the log, Alec started giggling. "Will gots wet!" he exclaimed, pointing to Darcy.

Lizzy reflexively turned to look and the air suddenly felt much warmer. Apparently all the water had landed on Will's white t-shirt. Immediately she caught herself before her mouth dropped open.

Stupid, a person would think you've never seen a man's chest before, she admonished herself.

Another voice in her head. countered, I haven't ever seen the chest of a man that I'm in love with, so back off.

That I'm in love with????

Lizzy suddenly felt faint. She put her hand to her head. Will rushed to her side. "Elizabeth, are you okay?"

She couldn't answer. All she could think of was the realization that had hit her with all the force of an atomic bomb. She had fallen in love with Will.

Darcy took her silence as a "no" answer. "Let's go sit somewhere," he insisted. "I'll get you something to drink."

He was so kind, so...perfect. Then why am I so miserable? she wondered.

Because falling in love wasn't part of the deal. This is a game to him. You're taking it too seriously, like a schoolgirl. Grow up, Elizabeth Bennet.

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Part 22

Posted on Monday, 26 April 1999

Elizabeth lay in bed that night and pondered her situation, trying to remember how she got into this mess in the first place.

You agreed to base the most serious decision of your life on a gamble, remember?

Elizabeth had never had much luck with men. She intimidated her high school classmates with her intelligence and forceful nature. In college she was too busy pulling a double major and a job. Since then, well, she just had not met anyone. So her concepts about love were still stuck somewhere in the fairy-tale stage, where the handsome prince came and swept the girl off her feet. Will Darcy had been that handsome prince, charming and good-hearted. She had been opportunistic, looking for romance and adventure, no better than Rebecca Norris or Caroline Bingley.

But what about Will? Why did he do such a thing? Elizabeth thought cynically that he must have enjoyed the challenge she presented. She did not throw herself at him, so he used the first means he saw to try and win her. Typical of men used to getting their own way, she thought.

Her thoughts spiraled downward in this negative path. Finally she gave up on sleeping and went into the kitchen for something to eat. She found her sister reading in the living room.

"Jane, what are you doing up?" Elizabeth whispered.

"You don't have to whisper," Jane said. "Beth and Alec can sleep through a tornado. You've caught me at my regular late-night activity."

"But why? When do you sleep?"

"I catch naps here and there." Jane paused. "I miss him the worst at night."

"Oh." Elizabeth felt ashamed for being so thoughtless as to what her sister must be going through. Her problems were insignificant compared to Jane's. "Well, I can't sleep either, so if you want to talk...."

"He's supposed to be back in three weeks. I don't even know what's going to happen then. We'll be starting all over with everything, just like newlyweds, only with two kids."

"You think you'll be taking him back, then?"

"I'm hoping for the best. He's lasted this long down there, so I assume he wants to make this work."

"Jane, you are so good. Just to be willing to forgive him is proof of that."

"That's what happens when you love someone." Jane noticed a flush on Lizzy's face at the mention of the word "love". "Anything you want to tell me, little sis?"

"Only that you're right, and that marriage should be taken more seriously than a casino game. Now go ahead and say 'I told you so'."

"What caused this sudden revelation?" Jane asked.

"I love him," Elizabeth said simply. "I adore him more than I ever thought it possible to adore another human being."

"Well, since you virtually agreed to marry him, being in love isn't the worst thing in the world."

"But it's all a game!" Lizzy said in a tragic voice. "He is just looking for a challenge. If he knew I was taking this to heart, he'd laugh at me."

"Listen to yourself, Lizzy! You say you love and adore this man, and yet you accuse him of deliberately mistreating you and leading you on. If he is really like you say, you should forget about him!"

"But how will I ever know for sure how he feels?"

"I'll put it into gambling terms, since that's what got this all started. You have to call his bluff."

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Lizzy called Will at his apartment the next day. "We have to talk," she said. "Can I come over?"

When Lizzy arrived at Will's place, she took a deep breath before beginning. "Jane has come to a decision," she announced. "She isn't taking Charles back."

"What?" Will was stunned.

"She said that she can't ever trust him again, and she'd rather raise the kids alone than with a man she can't trust." Elizabeth looked expectantly at Will, waiting for his reaction.

Will's voice was stony when he finally spoke. "Well, allow me to congratulate you, Miss Bennet. You have won your bet."

"Congratulations to you as well, Mr. Darcy. You have been saved from a most inconvenient marriage." Elizabeth's heart was breaking, but she was determined not to show it.

Darcy spoke without looking at Elizabeth. "I suppose there is no reason left for me to stay here. Perhaps Jane would be interested in this apartment for herself and the children."

"I think they will be staying with me for awhile. Jane does not wish to work full-time while the children are so little. We're going to pool our resources."

"I wish you all the best. Good-bye, Elizabeth."

Hearing Will say her name broke something inside Elizabeth. "It's not true!" she burst out. "I made it all up! Jane wants to take him back. Please forgive me for being such an idiot!" And she ran out of the apartment in tears.

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Will caught up to Elizabeth quickly and spun her around to face him. "Why?" he asked quietly.

"To let you out," she answered. "You were taking the game too far. It wasn't fair for you to have to throw your life away just for a stupid bet."

"Elizabeth, I felt my life being thrown away when I heard you congratulating me on being saved from an inconvenient marriage. Don't you know that I would want to marry you even if Jane and Charles Bingley didn't even exist?"

"Do you love me then?" Lizzy asked incredulously.

"More than life," Will promised. "I'll admit that I made the bet just out of infatuation. You might say that I saw potential for being able to fall in love with you. But it didn't take long for that potential to be realized. And all I can ever hope for is that you can love me just a fraction of how much I love you."

"I do love you!" Elizabeth cried, feeling the weight lift as she confessed it to him. "I recognized it yesterday. But I was afraid you were only playing with my mind."

"So you were testing me, were you?" Will asked.

"Yes," Lizzy admitted. "I thought that if you did love me, you would beg me to marry you anyway."

"You forgot to factor in my stubbornness."

"That combined with my pride almost separated us forever. If you had called me Miss Bennet one more time, we would have been lost."

"I'll never call you Miss Bennet again, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth."

"You weren't joking about watching Pride and Prejudice five times, were you?"

"I'm up to seven now," said Will Darcy before kissing his Elizabeth.

Will broke away from the kiss only long enough to ask, "Marry me?"

"Not yet," replied Elizabeth.

"Why not? I think we can safely say that all bets are off."

"I don't want to announce an engagement while Jane's future is still hanging. You can wait three weeks."

"As you wish."

Elizabeth laughed. "I see you've added Princess Bride to your repertoire."

"Of course. You're my princess, and someday you'll be my bride."

"I would call you my Man in Black, but I prefer you in white, I think. Especially in the presence of water."

Darcy sighed. "I'll never understand the female mind. But I look forward to trying to understand yours for the next century or so." And they spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying the freedom of discarding the flirtations (for the time being) and telling each other all that they felt in their hearts.

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Chapter 23

Posted on Tuesday, 27 April 1999

The package was addressed to Jane Bingley. Elizabeth wondered who would be sending Jane a package that would know where she was staying. It looked as though it might be a book of some sort.

"Jane, you got a present," Elizabeth sang out as she walked through the door.

"Present! Present!" Beth and Alec cried, running into the living room. To them, presents meant toys.

"I don't know what it could be," Jane said as she took the package. She opened it carefully and pulled out a notebook. A piece of paper was attached to the notebook, which Jane read silently:

The director of our program suggested that I write this journal. He's been very helpful, a kind of mentor to me. I owe a lot to him. I'm sending it to you so you can have some idea of what I've learned this summer. Please take it in consideration when making a decision regarding our future. Give the kids a hug for me. I look forward to seeing all of you next week. I love you forever, Jane. Please believe that.


"Jane? What is it?" Elizabeth inquired.

"It's Charles' journal. He wants me to read it." Jane looked at Elizabeth, tears filling her eyes. "He said he loves me, Lizzy."

"Not such a bad thing since you're married to him," Lizzy teased. "I'll take the kids and go see Will. You read that journal."

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Jane pored over the journal as though her very existence depended on the contents. Charles' early entries were full of confusion and self-pity. He expressed anger at Jane for forcing him to spend three months building houses. The jealousy he felt toward Will was obvious. This was the Charles that Jane had been dealing with for the several months preceding the incident.

The entries became longer, less complaining, more introspective. Charles began talking about how much he missed Jane, Beth, and Alec. His attitude was more humble and grateful. He described the people they were helping and the poverty they encountered.

By the end of July, Charles was writing every day, sometimes filling several pages. He quoted Scriptures and inspirational passages. He expressed his dreams of beginning again with Jane and the children. He praised Jane's loving nature, integrity, talent, and beauty.

The last entry, dated only a few days previously, consisted simply of a prayer:

Please, God, I know you've forgiven me, but please let her forgive me too. If Jane doesn't take me back, I'll make it somehow. I'll dedicate my life to helping the less fortunate. But please, let my Jane love me. Please, God, please.

As Jane read these words, all the feelings she had bottled up throughout her life broke forth in a torrent of tears. She hugged the book to her heart and cried tears of sorrow for the time they had lost, along with tears of joy for the hope that this book had held out for her. Elizabeth found her later that evening, asleep on the couch with the book in her arms.

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Chapter 24

Posted on Tuesday, 27 April 1999

The temperature was a steaming 98 degrees, not counting the infamous Memphis humidity. "I can't wait to get out of this town," Jane muttered to herself. The air conditioning in the apartment was on the blink. Elizabeth had taken the children to Will's apartment to swim. Jane was glad for the quiet, but she hoped that her sister was not spoiling Beth and Alec too much. Actually, their "Uncle Will" is more likely to be the one spoiling them, Jane thought wryly. Come to think of it, when did this "Uncle Will" thing start? Jane shook her head. There would most likely be an engagement announced soon. Elizabeth was trying to play things down for her sake, she knew, but no one could miss the love she saw on those two faces.

Jane's thoughts were racing from one thing to another. At least she knew her reason for agitation. Charles was flying in from Atlanta the next day. He still loved her, as evidenced by the letter and the journal. But would there be awkwardness between them? Would they meet as strangers or as a loving husband and wife? Jane felt as nervous as she had on their first date. She had been debating all week on what to wear to the airport, and had finally decided on her favorite blue sleeveless dress, one that made her feel her prettiest.

Everything was pictured in her mind. She would have the children sitting on each side of her in the airport terminal. They would wait expectantly as the passengers disembarked from the plane. Then as Charles came through the gate, the children would cry out "Daddy!" and jump in his arms. He would hug his children lovingly and then turn to her. Their eyes would lock and then they would both know that all was forgiven and forgotten. He would reach for her, and she would gladly submit to his kiss, oblivious to anyone watching them....

Despite the heat, Jane knew she had to stay busy in order to keep sane. She dug through the closet and found some cut-offs and an old T-shirt that she used to wear while painting. Then, after pulling her hair back in a ponytail, she grabbed a mop and other supplies and began cleaning the apartment furiously. She rationalized her frenzy by telling herself that Elizabeth was too distracted to think of mundane things like keeping her surroundings in order.

An hour later, Jane was scrubbing the bathtub, grimacing as she saw that some dirt had smeared on her arms. It was hard work cleaning away the evidence of two young children living in the apartment. She was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

Well, at least if they're selling something or proselytizing, I'll be able to scare them away with how I look, she thought as she headed to the door. She opened the door and her first thought was, What a body!

The man was tanned and muscular, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, his blonde hair bleached almost white by the sun. Jane was torn between shame for noticing his looks and shame for the way she knew she appeared. The man did not speak, and Jane looked at him, curious at his silence. One look in his eyes and everything snapped into place. "Charles?" she whispered, for her voice did not respond to the commands from her brain to speak.

"Who were you expecting?" Charles asked.

Jane could not answer, but only stared at her husband. Had his eyes always been that blue? And what was he doing here anyway?

"Your plane - I thought - tomorrow - oh, Charles!" And Jane fell into his arms.

He led her into the house and held her as if she might disappear if he ever let go. "I thought it less anticipation might result in less awkwardness," he explained. "I wanted to surprise you."

Jane laughed through her tears. "You certainly succeeded," she said as she sniffed. "Look at me! This is not how I wanted to look when we met again."

"You look beautiful," Charles assured her. "I couldn't wait another day when I had the chance to come early."

"And the kids aren't even here to see you! Lizzy took them over to Will's to go swimming."

"Oh! You mean we're all alone here?" Charles said in obviously feigned surprise.

Jane looked at him suspiciously. "You and Will Darcy had this all planned."

"And Lizzy too. I figured it was my turn to trick you. And as much as I love my children and I'm dying to see them, all the way here I could only think of you." He stroked her face and gazed into her eyes lovingly.

"Charles?" Jane began, not knowing quite what to say.

"What, my love?"

She could not come up with any words, and so she did something that the old Jane would never have done. She pulled her husband's face to hers and kissed him deeply and passionately.

"How fast can you pack?" Charles asked several minutes later.

"It depends. For how long?"

"Just one night for now. We can come back tomorrow and get everything else."

"Are we going back to Knoxville?"

"Tonight? No. Ever? I'm not sure yet. But tonight, I have a surprise for you."

"Another one?" Jane asked. "I'm not sure how many more surprises I can handle in one day. Well, as long as this one is as good as the last two have been...."

"The last two? What besides me showing up a day early?"

Jane grinned wickedly as she looked Charles over. "Darling, haven't you seen a mirror lately? What ever did they do to you down there? You've always been a cutie, but now you're just too fine for words."

Charles' eyes widened. "Are you flirting with me, young lady?"

"Can't I flirt with my own husband if I want to? Excuse me, I must pack and change clothes. I can't have you looking better than me."

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Will and Elizabeth were having a wonderful time as usual, but their fun was shadowed by concern. Will kept looking at his watch. "He has to be there by now," he said. "I just hope Charles doesn't say anything stupid."

"The bet's over, Will," teased Elizabeth.

"I know, but I do care about them. They're practically family. And these kids need two parents who love each other."

"Can we go for ice cream now?" Beth asked Lizzy.

"After swimming and a carriage ride?" asked Will. "Don't you kids ever get enough?"

"But you promised!" insisted Beth.

Will slapped himself on the forehead. "That's right! I did. Well, how about a huge ice cream sundae? I know just the place," he said, winking at Elizabeth.

Beth and Alec looked around the lobby of the Peabody Hotel, their eyes wide. "This isn't McDonald's!" said Alec. "Where's the ice cream?"

"This way, sir," Will said formally. He led them to Café Expresso, where he ordered ice cream sundaes for everyone. "Now when we're done, we can go wait in the lobby."

"For what?" Beth asked.

"It's a surprise," said Will.

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Will, Lizzy, Beth, and Alec were sitting in the lobby watching people go by. Suddenly the children began yelling, "Mommy! Daddy!"

Sure enough, Charles and Jane were at the desk, checking in. The children ran to them, squealing. "What are you doing here?" Charles asked his kids after hugging them thoroughly.

"I had to see this thing through to the end," Will explained. "Tell me, are you two officially okay now?"

Jane smiled, and she looked happier than Elizabeth had ever seen her. "Absolutely, one hundred percent okay forever!" she said, beaming.

Will sighed in relief. "Finally!" he shouted. People were turning to look at him and he said, "Sure everybody, watch the show. I've been waiting to do this for three months." He pulled a box out of his pocket, dropped to one knee, and said, "Elizabeth Bennet, will you marry me?"

Elizabeth's eyes welled up with tears and she nodded. "You know I will!" she said joyfully.

The onlookers applauded, but Elizabeth and Will did not notice.

"I hate to break this up," said Charles, "but you did promise kid duty tonight. Jane and I have plans."

Will forced himself to break away from kissing his new fiancé. "Come on, kids, let's go celebrate!" he said happily. He turned to Charles and Jane and winked. "You two behave yourselves!"

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Chapter 25 ~ You Are Mine

Posted on Wednesday, 28 April 1999

"I've never been more jealous of Bingley than I am right now," Will complained.

This comment caught Elizabeth off guard. She was deliriously happy, sitting on the sofa with her niece, nephew, and fiancé. They were watching "Anastasia," but Elizabeth could not stop staring at her ring. She was really going to marry Will Darcy, the most wonderful man in the world.

"Do you wish you were in Charles' place right now?" asked Elizabeth, feeling annoyed and threatened.

"Only if you were in Jane's place," Will whispered.

"Will!" Elizabeth's face turned red as she caught his meaning. "Just what are your intentions toward me?"

"To marry you as quickly as possible," Will answered. "And speaking of that, I hope you aren't going to tell me you want a huge wedding that takes a year to plan."

"I was thinking more along the lines of a month," Lizzy admitted. "Long enough for us to gather our families together and for me to get a dress. Then I thought we could book a time in one of the classier Gatlinburg chapels. A very small, sweet, old-fashioned wedding."

Will, remembering the pomp and pageantry of Jane's wedding, asked, "Will your mother go along with that?"

"As long as we promise to put a big announcement in the paper afterward, she'll be happy."

Will breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing that his future mother-in-law could be pleased so relatively easily.

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Jane woke up the next morning and frantically searched her brain, trying to remember if the previous day's events had been real or a dream. She sighed happily when she opened her eyes and saw her luxurious surrounding. She turned and looked at her husband, who was still sleeping.

He was so beautiful! Jane had always considered Charles to be handsome, but now he was breathtaking. She supposed it to be the result of the summer of outdoor physical labor. And his heart had changed just as much as his outward appearance. He was hers forever. They would never again be divided.

Jane was torn between her desire to kiss her husband and the knowledge that she should not wake him. But Charles was irresistible. She bent over and began planting tiny kisses all over his face, drinking in the feel of his skin on her lips. Finally his eyes opened and he grinned at Jane.

"Are you going to wake me up like this every morning?"

"Hmm - maybe. Or maybe I'll go back to sleep and let you wake me up," Jane teased.

Charles sighed in utter contentment. "Oh, Jane, we're going to have such a wonderful life."

"Of course we will," agreed Jane. "But what are your plans besides never leaving my sight again for the rest of your life?"

"I've been talking to Will. He is interested in starting an effort here in Memphis to make some of the neighborhoods safer by rebuilding parts of the city that have become run-down. He's perfectly willing to make it a charitable effort, but he thinks there is a possibility for some profit in it. And he has asked me to run the operation." Charles' excitement was evident in his voice.

"Charles, that's wonderful! You would be great at that!" Jane became serious. "But you would be working for Will, taking orders from him, dependent on him for your income. Could you handle that?"

Charles thought for a minute before answering. "I understand why you asked that. Let me promise you that I have put all of my jealousy behind me. I would not trade my life now for all the money in the world.

"Will was hesitant to broach the subject with me for that very reason. But the way I see it, he has an entire corporation to run. If he's going to start this project, he needs someone he can trust to be in charge, and he's willing to pay for it. So we're able to help each other. There is one small problem."

"What's that?" Jane asked.

"It would mean we stay here in Memphis."

Jane grimaced. The idea of living in Memphis indefinitely was almost too much. On the other hand, however, Lizzy had assured her that Memphis was quite pleasant in the fall and spring. She decided it was a small sacrifice for the happiness of their family. She smiled. "I guess I can handle it. But I expect to have plenty of time for visiting East Tennessee. You may can take this girl out of the mountains, but you can't take the mountains completely out of the girl."

"I would never try," said Charles.

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September 18, 1999

It was a clear, cool afternoon in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The leaves were just beginning to turn. Elizabeth breathed in the crisp air, almost euphoric from the weather and from the knowledge that this was her wedding day.

The guest list for the wedding was very small: Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, Jane and Charles, Beth, Alec, Charlotte, Mary, Georgiana, and Rick Williams. Da' Vamps had threatened all sorts of mayhem for Lizzy's bachelorette party the previous night, but Jane had convinced them to keep things tame. So the five ladies had gone out and played laser tag, followed by Lizzy's last viewing of Pride and Prejudice as a single woman. They all agreed that the movie would have ended much faster if Fitzwilliam Darcy had behaved more like Will Darcy.

Elizabeth was eager to walk down the aisle of the chapel, if for no other reason but so Will could finally see her dress. She had paid an obscene amount of money to a couturier to have a Regency-style wedding dress.

"Lizzy, I don't see why you couldn't get something more exciting," her mother complained while helping her get ready.

"Mother, believe me, Will is going to love this. And that's all that matters."

"Well, it's bad enough that you're practically eloping, you should have found a dress at least that flattered your figure."

"She looks wonderful!" said Jane. "Mother, leave Lizzy alone. She only has this day once."

"Just because I don't have frontage like Jennifer Ehle," Lizzy muttered under her breath. She knew Will would be smitten by the dress. And hopefully by her too, of course.

The time finally came for the wedding to begin. Mr. Bennet came to escort his favorite daughter to meet her husband. "I always thought you would find it too old-fashioned to be given away," he said.

"Not when it's by my favorite dad," Elizabeth said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Shall we go then?"

Elizabeth nodded and began the wondrous journey.

She was surprised to find that she felt no nervousness whatsoever, only an anxiousness to see Will. When she caught sight of him, she almost burst into giggles.

William Darcy was dressed in full Regency costume as well. They looked into each other's eyes and grinned. As soon as Elizabeth was standing beside Will, he said, "Great minds think alike, hmm?"

"Did you know?"

"Not a clue."

The wedding was short, but to Lizzy, the best moments of her life. And as they drove away to a destination unknown to all their friends (for very good reasons), Elizabeth Bennet Darcy was sure that no woman in the entire world could be happier than her.

She was wrong, because back in Memphis, Christine Marie Whelchel (formerly Christine Marie Grace) had just left her own wedding. And she was even happier.

Author's note: Now you know why I gave Lizzy and Will 9/18/99 as their wedding date!b2

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Posted on Thursday, 29 April 1999

October, 1999

Will and Elizabeth Darcy landed at the Memphis International Airport at 2:30 in the afternoon. Elizabeth was exhausted from the flight, but she was eager to see Jane. They were to spend a few days with the Bingleys while Will met with Charles to set up the new business.

The Bingleys met them at the airport. Hugs and kisses were exchanged all around, and then they traveled back to the small house Charles had rented for his family.

"So how was Europe?" Jane asked Elizabeth as soon as they were alone.

"Oh!" Elizabeth looked confused. "Is that where we went?"

Jane nearly choked. "Lizzy!"

"What?" Elizabeth asked innocently. Then she grinned. "Seriously, everything was wonderful. We went to Derbyshire while we were in the U.K. and visited the church where Will's grandparents got married. It was so romantic! I wish we could have been married there, but we didn't want to wait for everyone to get passports."

"It's so good to see you happy," Jane said. "You and Will are perfect for each other."

"Who would have ever thought it?" Lizzy giggled. "Jane, what are you wearing on your wrists?"

"These?" Jane said, holding up her arms to reveal two small grey bands around her wrists. "It's a form of acupressure. They're supposed to press on a certain nerve to prevent nausea."

Elizabeth looked at her sister quizzically. "Nausea?"

Jane could no longer keep a straight face and she started laughing.

"Jane!" Lizzy shrieked before Jane motioned to her to keep her voice down. "Are you pregnant?" she whispered.

Jane just nodded happily. "Don't say anything, though. I mean, Charles knows, of course, but I haven't been to the doctor yet."

"Oh, Jane, I am so happy for you!" Lizzy winked conspiratorially. "That night at the Peabody, hmmm?"

"Maybe," said Jane. "Or maybe your apartment half an hour before the Peabody." And the sisters hugged and laughed in sheer joy.

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"Today, on the Jerry Springer show, women who were betrayed by their therapists!" came the voice of the TV announcer.

"Elizabeth, why are you watching that trash?" Will asked.

"Because I'm brain dead from moving in," Lizzy answered.

A few minutes later, Will heard her shriek.

"What is it?" Will asked, running into the room.

"It's Rebecca -- that girl that was at the lake cabin."

They watched in horror as Rebecca screamed and cursed at George Wickham for seducing and betraying her. Chairs were flying, the audience was cheering, all in all it was not a pretty sight.

"Guess Rick's charms didn't work on her," Will commented. "How sad."

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Staten Island, New York

Mary Bennet smiled and worked the crowd at the fancy cocktail party in a fabulous mansion. Only the host of the party, who had hired her, knew that she was there to make sure that one particular person did not try anything sneaky regarding the jewels in the safe.

Mary spotted her target moving down the hall toward the study and began to follow. She had made it a few steps down the hall when suddenly someone grabbed her arm.

"Mary Bennet?"

"That's me. What do you want?" Mary saw a handsome man in his late thirties, dressed quite inappropriately for the occasion in a sport coat and tacky plaid tie.

"You're under arrest for the burglary of the Bennington Office Building. You have the right to remain silent -- "

"Save it, I'm a lawyer. Where's your ID and your warrant?"

The cop shoved a badge and warrant under her nose. "Happy now?"

"Not really, but I'm sure you can understand that, Detective Logan. Let's get this over with."

As they made their way out of the house, the pianist hired to play background music suddenly decided it was time for a bathroom break. She locked herself inside the bathroom and pulled a phone out of her purse. After dialing quickly, she said: "Charlotte, it's Jennie. Mary just got pulled in. If you hurry, you can beat her to the police station. I'll arm-wrestle you for the cop -- he was gorgeous!"

To be continued in a future story, but YWM is finished!


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