The States of Matter Pojecia

Ice -> Water -> Steam

Solid state - atoms and molecules are very closely packed together. In liquids is more space between the molecules, while the greatest space between molecules occurs in the gaseous state.

Solid - molecules moves very slowly but movement is usually confined to vibrations. When a solid is heated the molecules acqiure energy that resulting in stronger vibrations, eventually moleculeas break free from the forces holding them in position. Definte volumes and shapes, very slow vibrations, high density.

Liquids - less dense than solids, molecules more freely, forces of attraction do hold the molecules of a liquid together. Definite volume, takes shape of a container, moderate movement, medium density.

Gas - volume not definite - takes the shape of the container, fast random movement in all directions, low density.

Charles` law : the volume of a given mass of gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature as long as the pressure remains constant. V/T = k

convert centigrade skale or Celsius into absolute (Kelvin) - add to the centigrade temperature 273

Boyle`s law: the volume of a fixed mass of gas is inverly proportional to the pressure provided the temperature remains constant.

Charles` law and Boyle`s law can be combined to give a Gas Equation: P1*V1/T1 = P2*V2/T2


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