reading voc Because we are so poor

Because we are so poor

bar•ley /0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
li; NAmE 0x01 graphic
b0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
rli/ noun [U] a plant grown for its grain that is used for making food, beer and whisky; the grains of this plant

crop /kr0x01 graphic
p; NAmE kr0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
a plant that is grown in large quantities, especially as food

hud•dle /0x01 graphic
h0x01 graphic
dl/ verb, noun
verb [v, usually + adv. / prep.] ~ (up)
1 (of people or animals) to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear

1 a small group of people, objects or buildings that are close together, especially when they are not in any particular order

dawn /d0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
n/ noun, verb
1 the time of day when light first appears 0x01 graphic
daybreak, sunrise:

2 ~ (of sth) the beginning or first signs of sth
verb - (of a day or a period of time) to begin

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
cave 0x01 graphic
in (on sb/sth) (of a roof, wall, etc.) to fall down and towards the centre

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
cave 0x01 graphic
in (to sth) to finally do what sb wants after you have been strongly opposing them

stink /stI0x01 graphic
k/ verb, noun
verb (stank /st0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
k/ stunk /st0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
k/ stunk, stunk) [v] ~ (of sth) (informal)
1 to have a strong, unpleasant smell 0x01 graphic

2 to seem very bad, unpleasant or dishonest

trash /tr0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ noun, verb
noun [U]
1 things that you throw away because you no longer want or need them 0x01 graphic
note at rubbish
2 objects, writing, ideas, etc. that you think are of poor quality

cor•ral /k0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
r0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
ll/ noun -a fenced area for horses, cows etc. on a farm or ranch

splash /spl0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ verb, noun
1 to fall noisily onto a surface

2 o move through water making drops fly everywhere

1 the sound of sth hitting liquid or of liquid hitting sth

2 a small amount of liquid that falls onto sth

cur•rent /0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
r0x01 graphic
nt; NAmE 0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
r/ noun
the flow of electricity through a wire

tam•ar•ind /0x01 graphic
t0x01 graphic
m0x01 graphic
rInd/ noun - tropical tree that produces fruit, also called tamarinds, that are often preserved and used in Asian cooking

rav•ine /r0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
vi0x01 graphic
n/ noun - a deep and narrow valley with steep sides 0x01 graphic

pound•ing /0x01 graphic
pa0x01 graphic
ndI0x01 graphic
/ noun - a very loud repeated noise, such as the sound of sth hitting sth else hard; the sound or the feeling of your heart beating strongly

gate /0x01 graphic
eIt/ noun
1 a barrier like a door that is used to close an opening in a fence or a wall outside a building
2 an opening that can be closed by a gate or gates

rib /rIb/ noun - any of the curved bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest

calf /k0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
f; NAmE k0x01 graphic
f/ noun - a young cow

spot•ted /0x01 graphic
sp0x01 graphic
tId; NAmE 0x01 graphic
sp0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
t/ adj. having a regular pattern of round dots on it

whore /h0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
(r)/ noun
1 (old-fashioned) a female prostitute
2 (taboo) an offensive word used to refer to a woman who has sex with a lot of men

day•time /0x01 graphic
deItaIm/ noun - the period during the day between the time when it gets light and the time when it gets dark

de•cent /0x01 graphic
di0x01 graphic
snt/ adj.
1 of a good enough standard or quality

2 acceptable to people in a particular situation

Because we are so poor

fire•wood noun - wood that has been cut into pieces to be used for burning in fires

bel•low /0x01 graphic
bel0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
; NAmE lo0x01 graphic
/ verb
1 ~ (sth) (at sb) to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry 0x01 graphic

2 when a large animal such as a bull bellows, it makes a loud deep sound

whis•tle /0x01 graphic
wIsl/ noun, verb
1 a small metal or plastic tube that you blow to make a loud high sound, used to attract attention or as a signal

2 the sound made by blowing a whistle

3 the sound that you make by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed

4 a piece of equipment that makes a high loud sound when air or steam is forced through it

1 to make a high sound or a musical tune by forcing your breath out when your lips are closed

2 [v] to make a high sound by blowing into a whistle
3 [v] to make a high sound

sin /sIn/ noun
1 an offence against God or against a religious or moral law

2 the act of breaking a religious or moral law
3 an action that people strongly disapprove of

evil /0x01 graphic
i0x01 graphic
vl; 0x01 graphic
i0x01 graphic
vIl/ adj.
1 (of people) enjoying harming others; morally bad and cruel
2 having a harmful effect on people; morally bad
3 connected with the Devil and with what is bad in the world
4 extremely unpleasant

pun•ish /0x01 graphic
p0x01 graphic
nI0x01 graphic
/ verb [vn]
1 ~ sb (for sth / for doing sth) to make sb suffer because they have broken the law or done sth wrong
2 ~ yourself (for sth) to blame yourself for sth that has happened

stream /stri0x01 graphic
m/ noun, verb
1 a small narrow river

2 ~ of sth a large number of things that happen one after the other

0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
run 0x01 graphic
1 to lose power or stop working
2 to gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
run sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 to make sth lose power or stop working
2 to make sth gradually stop functioning or become smaller in size or number
0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
run sb/sth0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
1 (of a vehicle or its driver) to hit sb/sth and knock them/it to the ground
2 to criticize sb/sth in an unkind way: He's always running her down in front of other people.
3 to find sb/sth after a search

com•fort /0x01 graphic
k0x01 graphic
mf0x01 graphic
t; NAmE f0x01 graphic
rt/ verb

to make sb who is worried or unhappy feel better by being kind and sympathetic towards them

sob /s0x01 graphic
b; NAmE s0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
b/ verb
1 [v] to cry noisily, taking sudden, sharp breaths

2 ~ sth (out) to say sth while you are crying

tug /t0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ verb
1 ~ (at / on) sth to pull sth hard, often several times
2 [vn + adv. / prep.] to pull sth hard in a particular direction

trem•ble /0x01 graphic
trembl/ verb
1 ~ (with sth) to shake in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are very nervous, excited, frightened, etc.
2 to shake slightly 0x01 graphic
3 to be very worried or frightened

tit /tIt/ noun - (also titty) (taboo, slang) a woman's breast or nipple

swell /swel/ ~ (sth) (out) to curve out or make sth curve out

splash /spl0x01 graphic
0x01 graphic
/ verb
1 [v + adv. / prep.] (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface

2 [vn] ~ sth (on / onto / over sb/sth)| ~ sb/sth (with sth) to make sb/sth wet by making water, mud, etc. fall on them/it
3 [v] to move through water making drops fly everywhere


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