Expressing permission and ability EXPRESSING OBLIGATION AND PROHIBITION

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True or False? Correct the false statements:

  1. Tom can smoke inside the school.

  2. He likes French very much.

  3. The French teacher is authoritarian.

  4. William must shut the door, be quiet and sit down.

  5. Tom mustn't ask silly questions.

  6. The gym teacher is a nice man.

  7. Tom must be careful with his head.


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Expressing permission and ability.

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He can play the piano but he can't cook. They can't go in. They are smoking.

Example: go in / smoking- He can't (may not) go in because he is smoking

  1. Write exercise/ got pen

  2. Go restaurant/wearing jeans

  3. Read the newspaper / got glasses

  4. Park car / not permitted

  5. Drive / got license

  6. Do garden / raining

  7. Go classroom / wearing bathing suit.



Students mustn't smoke .

Students must bring their books and note books to class.


William: May I come in?

Teacher: Yes, and shut the door.

William: Can I open the window? It's too hot here.

Teacher: No, William. Sit down, will you?

William: But I …

Teacher: Sshh! Be quiet and sit down. Well we must learn some new French words today.

Tom: Excuse me, madam. What do you call "dictador" in French?

Teacher: Be quiet and don't ask silly questions.


Tom: Can I smoke here?

Janis: No, I'm afraid you can't. You may smoke outside. Or in the closet.

Tom: Ugh… rubbish!

Janis: Yes.

Tom: What's the lesson after the break?

Janis: it's French.

Tom: French? I hate French.

Janis: Really? Why?

Tom: because the teacher is always giving orders.


Tom: I love gymnastics.

Janis: It's great, isn't it? You can do all the exercises very well

Tom: Yes, I can, and the teacher is nice, isn't she?

Teacher: Tom, come here please. Can you show your classmates how to stand on your hands?

Tom: Of course, miss, I can.

Sue: Wow, Tom is terrific!

Teacher: Be careful, Tom. Mind your head.


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