when while

Uzupełnij zdanie używając czasowników podanych w nawiasach. PAST SIMPLE PAST CONT.

1) While I (talk) with my boyfriend on the phone, my mum (come) into my room.

2) When I last (see) him, he (look) unhappy.

3) Tim and Tom (fight) with each other when Tim (get) injured.

4) Tessa (watch) TV at seven o'clock yesterday.

5) I (pick) fresh vegetables and (put) them in my basket when I (see) a worm crawling among them.

6) Little Jane (climb) the tree when its branch (snap).

7) While the employees (gossip) about the boss, she (hear) them and (fire) them all.

8) Janet (clean) the house when her twin boys (rush) into house with their muddy shoes.

9) Megan's foot (slip) and she (fall) while she (have) a shower two days ago.

10) Detective: What you (do) at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, Mr.Bones?

Mr.Bone: Hmm,let me think..Oh, I (be/not) even awake at that hour! I (sleep).

11) Mary (give) a birth to her first child while her husband (wait) outside,(pace) down the corridor.

12) Jake (wear) his new shirt when he accidentally (rip) its sleeve.

13) It was a lovely morning yesterday.The sun (shine), the birds (sing) and the wind (blow) warm and sweet.

14) They (not/go) to the cinema when you (see) them last Tuesday.They (go) to the bookstore.

15) Kim: What (happen) to your hand?

Hank: I (fry) french fries for dinner last weekend and I (burn) my hand.

16) The girls (have) a party in the house when the thief (break) into and (steal) the computer.

17) While I (look) for my watch, I (lose) my glasses!

18) You (drive) at high speed when you (hit) the tree?

19) The children (run) after Zack when he (turn) the corner and (disappear).

20) The dog (swim) in the sea while his owner (take) his pictures.

21) Newton (sit) under a tree when an apple (fall) on his head.

22) Last May, I (study) for my last exams at college.

23) Lauren (stop) when the lights (turn) red.

24) Which country Mark (visit) when he (learn) that his credit card was cancelled?

25) The child (not/stop) playing with the matches when his mother (warn) him.


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