language test 2b

Language Test 2B Unit 2

1 Complete the gaps with the words in the box. There are two extra words that you do not need.

anti-sickness bag charger lotion medicine penknife plug towel waterproof

Things to take on holiday:

• A sleeping bag to sleep in.

• Suntan 1________ so I get a nice suntan.

• A 2________ jacket for rainy days.

3________ tablets for the journey.

• A 4________ to dry myself after swimming and showers.

• A 5________ to cut up food, open bottles, cans and other things.

• Some 6________ in case I get sick.

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2 Complete the gaps with the correct preposition or leave the gap blank if no preposition is necessary.

Travelling by train is very relaxing.

1 When are you coming _______ home?

2 Switch off the TV and get your bags. We're leaving _______ the airport in ten minutes.

3 Is it easy to travel ________ the stadium from our hotel?

4 The bus arrives ________ Milan at 5.30a.m.

5 Are you going to stay ________ friends?

6 Oh no! Our train going is to be delayed _______ three hours!

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3 Complete the missing words. The first letter of each word is given.

We can go shopping at the shopping centre.

1 We can walk along the c_______ and look at the sea.

2 We can go to the Van Gogh e_______ at the National Art Museum.

3 Hotels are very expensive but we can stay at a y________ h________.

4 Andy got up early to t________ some p_______ of the old town with his new camera.

5 We can get some maps at the t________ i_________ o________.

6 We can listen to music at the c________ h_______.

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4 Complete the indirect questions.

How much is the campsite?

Could you tell me how much the campsite is?

1 Is there free hot water?
I'd like to know ________________________.

2 What time does the shop open?
Could you tell me _______________________?

3 Where are the showers?
I'd like to know ________________________.

4 Do we have to be quiet after ten o'clock?
Could you tell me _______________________?

/ 4

5 Read the conversation and complete the questions and answers. Use the Present Continuous or going to and the verbs in brackets.

A Where are you going (go) on holiday this year?

B1_________________ (go) on the school summer sports camp in Wales. I have already booked my place.

A Oh, great! So when 2_________________ (leave)?

B We 3_________________ (leave) on July 21st.

A That is really soon! When 4_________________(start) packing?

B Not yet! I 5_________________ (buy) some new clothes for the holiday on Saturday.

A And what sports 6_________________ (do)?

B I'm not sure yet. I like football but I 7_________________ (try) something different this year, like volleyball or rugby.

A Have you got any other plans?

B Well, I want to have a really good time! I 8_________________ (not/think) about school work at all!

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