The Only Way

The Only Way

Chapter I

“Lizzy, I will gladly stay here to keep you company, even if it means risking Lady Catherine's censure.”

“Charlotte, that is not necessary. I am truly fine. It is just a headache, which shall pass. I believe I have just walked too far today. That is all.”

Mrs. Collins looked at her friend skeptically, “Lizzy, as long as I have known you, you have never suffered from a headache after a long walk. And you are pale.”

“Charlotte, maybe it is just because my time of the month is coming.” Elizabeth said, lowering her voice slightly not to be overheard by anyone, “You know I am always out of sorts then.”

“I shall try to return as soon as possible.” Mrs. Collins assured her with an apologetic look.

Mr. Collins burst into the room, “My dear we will be late! I am sure cousin Elizabeth will be fine staying alone for one afternoon.” he cried.

“Indeed, I shall.” Elizabeth smiled reassuringly. “It is really late. You should go. Please be so kind to explain my absence and give my excuses to Lady Catherine.”

“My dear poor cousin, I am sure Lady Catherine will understand your condition perfectly.” Mr. Collins' sweaty reddish countenance lightened as always when speaking of his patroness. “Suffering from headaches and dizzy spells is, after all, a common predicament among elegant ladies. I am also sure her ladyship will be so kind to offer some advice how to bring you relief in your state, or perhaps even…”

“My dear it is really late. “ Mrs. Collins interrupted her husband's monologue.

“Oh, why have you not said anything?” the parson exclaimed, directing himself abruptly towards the door. “You know how much Lady Catherine stresses the importance of punctuality; especially among the men of church.”

Elizabeth sighed in relief when she was at last left alone in the parsonage's small parlor. She could not possibly attend tea at Rosings today and calmly face Mr. Darcy; certainly not after what she had found out about his interference with Mr. Bingley and Jane. She was afraid that this time she would not be able to conceal her hostility towards him. She doubted her ability to control her temper now, knowing that the man was responsible for her sister's broken heart and misery. She could easily say something she might later regret. Although, little did she care about Mr. Darcy's opinion of her, her uncivil behavior towards him could put Charlotte in an awkward and unpleasant situation. Elizabeth was Mrs. Collins' guest after all, and insulting her patroness' nephew and likely her future son-in-law as well, could only breach the good relations between the parson's wife and Lady Catherine. Charlotte was so proud of her household, and seemed so happy with her present situation in life. The last thing Elizabeth wanted was to cause harm to her friend in any way. It did not matter that she still found it difficult to accept the truth that her intelligent and sensible friend could feel almost happy being married to such a man as Mr. Collins. Charlotte did all her best to make Elizabeth's stay in Kent pleasant and comfortable. It was not Elizabeth's intention to repay for her friend's kindness and hospitality by offending Lady Catherine's family. Moreover, there was no reason to show her real feelings towards Mr. Darcy in front of Colonel Fitzwilliam. Elizabeth was not enamoured with the Colonel, but she liked and respected him enough not to wish him witnessing an uncontrolled outburst of indignation towards his cousin.

Elizabeth looked at the dull brownish wallpaper in her friend's cherished private parlour. Her first intention of spending the afternoon here, having some tea and rereading the letters from Jane, lost its appeal. She walked to the window and looked at the lush green spring countryside. Perhaps it would have been better to go out after all. Just the second day after her arrival, Elizabeth had found a beautiful spot in the semi wild grove. The place was situated on slightly higher ground, and the breathtaking view of the vast fields and meadows spread from there. She would go sit there and watch the sunset.

Pleased with her idea, she ran upstairs for her spencer and gloves. She decided against the bonnet, knowing very well she would promptly remove it. Her hair was a mess, disobedient curls escaping the pins somehow more that usual. But no one was to see her, so she did not bother to smooth them.

She ran lightly down the stairs and outside the house, heading rapidly in the direction of the grove. Were she not so engrossed in her thoughts, she would have noticed a tall man following her. She reached the grove in just a few minutes, breathless, as she was almost running. She leaned against the thick tree and stared for a long moment at the landscape spread before her. She closed her eyes with a sigh, deeply happy she would return home soon, leaving Lady Catherine and Mr. Darcy far behind. Poor Charlotte, not only was she married to the stupidest man in England, who could not possibly appreciate her the way she deserved it, but to be dependent on such a person as Lady Catherine de Bourgh as well.

Elizabeth felt relieved that in just three days, she would see Jane. She would be able to decipher by herself her sister's true feelings and state of mind. Jane's letters from London sounded almost too cheerful. She described what she did and saw with their Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. She wrote about the tricks played by the little Gardiners and the people she met during her stay in town. But since that letter from January where she wrote she had been sure that Mr. Bingley did not care about her at all, she had never mentioned a word about him. Neither did she write about her own feelings and emotions. Elizabeth could only hope Jane would manage to forget Mr. Bingley. There was certainly no hope now for him to ever come back to Netherfield.

Elizabeth was now almost sure that Mr. Darcy was perfectly aware of Jane's stay in London. Mr. Darcy and Caroline Bingley had to do all in their power to hide Jane's presence in town from Mr. Bingley. She really found it hard to comprehend why anyone would want to harm Jane so much. Her sister was the sweetest person, she had never harmed a soul, and now she was left heartbroken due to Mr. Darcy's cruel interference. He surely could not bear the thought of one of his friends being married to a woman with relatives from Cheapside. He did not care that her sister suffered deeply as a result of his selfish action. Such a thought surely had not even crossed his mind. Hateful, hateful man!

“Miss Bennet.” The man's voice drew her from her thoughts. She opened her eyes only to see Mr. Darcy standing close to her, staring at her, with a deep crease on his forehead.

“Mr. Darcy! What are you doing here?”

“I have been worried for you. Mrs. Collins said you were unwell. I had meant to call on you at the parsonage, but on approaching it, I saw you running outside. I have followed you.”

Elizabeth furrowed her brow in obvious confusion “But sir… I do not understand why you…”

“Are you well? You look pale. Has something happened?”

Elizabeth lifted her chin slightly “I am fine. It is just… There is certain matter which upsets me greatly; but truly, Mr. Darcy, I do not see any reason for you to…”

“Perhaps I could help you. If someone has hurt you…”

Elizabeth stared at him blankly for a moment and then redirected her eyes to the rich meadows spreading beneath the grove. “It has not been me who was hurt. However, there is a man whose selfish actions have hurt a person who is very dear to me. I am worried for her. But I really do not understand why it should bother you, Mr. Darcy. Not to mention why you have followed me here.” she remarked coldly, still not looking at him.

He moved even closer to her and looked down at her “You really do not understand…” he said in a strangely rasping voice. She raised her eyes at him in confusion. He stood so close to her that she could smell not only his manly scent, but also feel the warmth of his body.

“You must have seen my feelings for you.”

“Your feelings?” she echoed him incomprehensibly.

“I have struggled with this, but it would not do.” He said softly taking her gloved hand gently in his much larger one and cupping her face with the other. “Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance I have felt a passionate regard and admiration for you. You must know this.” He whispered further while stroking her cheekbone with his thumb. "You must know that I… I love you, Elizabeth."

Elizabeth stared at him with wide eyes. He loves me? She could not comprehend any of what he was telling her. She stood numbly, letting him stroke her cheek and squeeze her hand. She sensed him leaning closer and heard his husky whisper, “I cannot live without you, Elizabeth. I have tried to conquer these feelings I have for you, but I cannot. I do not want to… Marry me, my dearest, loveliest ELizabeth.”

“Mr. Darcy…” she whispered in utter bewilderment. She saw him leaning towards her face with the obvious intention, his eyes dazed and unfocused. The panicky thought crossed her mind that he was actually going to kiss her. She pushed decidedly at his chest, backing away from him. “You forget yourself, sir.”

He stepped back from her immediately, but he did not seem offended “I am sorry. Pray forgive me, my sweet.” Her eyes widened at the endearment and his warm tender tone. He took her hand and raised it to his lips. But instead of kissing the glove, as she expected him to do, his lips touched the soft skin of her wrist which was left uncovered. “It was not my intention to frighten you.” To Elizabeth's utter amazement, he chuckled softly. ”I have thought so much about you for the last months; since the ball at Netherfield when we danced together. You have been constantly on my mind for these many weeks. I have dreamed of being with you, near you, so many times, touching you, that I sometimes forget you are still just an innocent maiden.”

“Mr. Darcy!” Elizabeth cried fiercely, taking another step from him. She could not believe what she had just heard. 'Had the man truly just outwardly acknowledged having, or even worse, indulging himself in the most improper musings concerning her person? Had it been this that he had been doing when she caught him staring at her all those times? Mr. Darcy, of all people! I cannot believe this!'

“Do not fret yourself.” He spoke, his voice low and gentle. “I would never do anything to disgrace you or make you uncomfortable. I would never take unwanted liberties with you. We shall take things slowly.”

“Mr. Darcy, I think there is some misunderstanding here. I just cannot believe all you are saying.” She tried to sound calm and composed, but it was hard to accomplish as Darcy again moved slightly closer to her. She felt uncomfortable and overwhelmed with him staying so close to her, feeling her personal space was being invaded.

Darcy smiled at her with understanding. “I know. I cannot believe it myself. The difference in the positions of our families is so great that any reasonable man must think our marriage a highly incomprehensible thing. I have tried to fight this, my attraction to you. I could not get you out of my mind, despite your mother's, let us just say, peculiar behaviour, the unfortunate relatives in Meryton and those in Cheapside; not to mention your younger sisters' scandalous conduct and their shocking lack of manners, any sense of decorum or propriety, and even sometimes your father's….”

“My father?” Elizabeth cried indignantly.

“Well, yes. I know you love him, and it only speaks highly of you, but it is obvious for anyone that he does very little, or even nothing to take the reigns of his family, especially of your youngest sisters. But now the most crucial thing is that we are going to be together. I shall take you to Derbyshire, you will meet Georgiana. She needs someone like you in her life. She is so shy and insecure of herself. You shall love Pemberley. I am sure of that. The grounds are beautiful. We will walk together every day…”

“Mr. Darcy, you presume far too much. If I understand you properly, you have just proposed to me.”

He smiled at her and raising her hand to his lips again, whispered softly “Yes, I have.”

Elizabeth removed her hand from his slowly but decidedly, and spoke in a clear voice. “But I have not given you an answer. So your plans concerning your future, not to mention your forward behaviour towards my person, are rather hasty. I thank you for the honour, sir, but I cannot possibly accept you.”

“You refuse me?”He asked, clearly dumbfounded.


“May I ask why I am being refused?”

“There are a number of reasons which make my acceptance of your offer impossible. I am not even sure whether you would want to hear all of them.”

“There are so many of them?” Darcy asked bitingly.

“Actually, yes, there are.”

“Pray, continue madam.” Darcy's voice was getting more and more sarcastic.

“First of all, how can you possibly believe I could accept the man, who ruined perhaps forever the happiness of my most beloved sister.”


“Can you deny you separated Jane and Mr. Bingley?” Elizabeth cried fiercely.

“How do you know about this?”

“It does not matter how I came to know this. The fact is that you convinced Mr. Bingley to leave Netherfield without even saying goodbye, and then saw to it he would stay in town and never come back. I am almost sure you were aware that Jane stayed in London and hid the fact from your friend. Can you deny it, sir?”

Darcy straightened himself, and lifting his head, spoke in a sure, haughty voice. “I have no wish to deny it. I have done everything in my power to separate them, and talked Bingley out of the marriage to some country Miss, with no fortune or connections, but with an embarrassing family and relations. I have been kinder towards him than towards myself.”

“Do you hear yourself, sir? You are surprised why I refuse you. I am a member of the same family.”

“I have told you that I have struggled with this, but I just cannot stay away from you. I…” He raked his hand through his dark curls. “You invade my dreams at night and my thoughts during day. I have to have you.”

"I am not an object you can order into your life!" she cried with a great force.

Darcy approached her closely one more time and grasping her shoulders spoke fervently. “Elizabeth, I would take care of you. I shall love you. You shall see. You will lack nothing. The issues with your sister and Bingley can be repaired. There is still a chance for them. I promise to talk with him. And we…” He paused, his dark burning eyes focused on her face, his hands kneading her shoulders gently. “We are perfect for each other. Can you not see this? You must feel it.”

Elizabeth released herself abruptly from his hold “Mr. Darcy, I do not feel or see anything. I do not know you, sir. You are stranger to me. How can you expect me to have any kind of regard for you? You have scarcely spoken with me a couple of times, or rather argued with me to be precise, and danced with me once. And this is in your opinion foundation for a future life together? I do not think so, sir.”

“We shall know each other better during our engagement. I will not press you to marry me instantly. I can wait, though God knows how much it would cost me, if you need more time to know me better.”

Elizabeth stared at her companion in exasperation. The man was not listening to her. His propensity to touch her and stay constantly close to her was most unsettling. She would have to be blunt. She took a deep breath to calm herself and started again calmly, hoping to sound firm and decided. “Mr. Darcy, I do not need more time to know you better. I simply do not want to marry you.”

“Elizabeth, my dear, you cannot be serious. You must see your good fortune in my proposal.” He said this as if she had been a child, scolding her gently.

Elizabeth began to lose her composure, answering in a raised voice. “Forgive me, sir, but I cannot see any fortune in marrying the man who not only ruined the chances for happiness of my dearest sister, leaving her heartbroken for months, but who always acted with arrogance and cold, selfish disdain towards all the people around him.”

“You cannot expect me to be pleased with the society in Meryton . You are far too intelligent not to notice their narrow-mindedness, overall inferiority, and silliness.”

“I may be aware of that, but it does not mean I should ridicule them and consider myself too good to even speak with them.”

“Elizabeth, none of that is important. Those people from Meryton, or even Bingley and your sister… All that matters is us.”

“Mr. Darcy you do not listen to me. There is no us, sir!” She almost shouted, losing her temper at last. “And never will be.” she continued in a much calmer voice “From the very first moments, almost from the beginning of our acquaintance, I knew you were the last in the world I could ever consider as my fiancé or husband. Even before I learned from Mr. Wickham about the despicable way you have treated him. “

Darcy's face went red and he approached her hastily, towering over her petite frame. “Wickham! What lies did he tell you?”

“He told me enough! He told me about his misfortunes.” she cried.

“Ah, yes! His misfortunes have been great indeed.”

“And of your infliction! You reduced him to almost poverty, refusing him the living, that your father promised him, and now you dare to ridicule him and his misfortunes.”

“It is a nice a story he told you.” Darcy was walking back and forth in front of her. “I thought you smarter than this to believe his tales. Pray tell me, did he happen to tell you as well that he almost succeeded in seducing my sister when she was just fifteen?”

Elizabeth's eyes widened and she whispered “That… cannot be true.”

“You can ask Colonel Fitzwilliam for confirmation. It happened last summer at Ramsgate. Georgiana was there with her companion Mrs. Younge, who turned out to be Wickham's partner in his detestable design.”

“But why would he have wanted to do something like this? Your sister must have been so young. Still a child.”

“She was fifteen, your youngest sister's age.”

“But why…?”

“You cannot be so naïve.” Darcy cried aggravatingly, walking to the edge of the grove, his eyes focused on the horizon. ”Money, Elizabeth. Money.” He continued. “My sister's fortune of thirty thousand pounds. And he wanted to take revenge on me; of that I am sure. He always hated me. Thank God I came a few days before their planned elopement. Georgiana confided their secret. You can imagine what I did and how I acted. Poor Georgiana. She was devastated. That bastard convinced her that he truly loved her. She has not returned to her old self, even now.” The last words were said in almost a whisper. He turned and looked at Elizabeth, standing demurely behind him. “You still do not believe me.” He remarked bitterly in a hurt voice.

Elizabeth shook her head slowly “No. I do believe you. I do. I cannot imagine you could invent such a tale about your own sister. It is just so horrible what he wanted to do to her. He should be punished for this; scorned by society.”

“I could not do it. You must understand, I do not want anybody to know about this. My sister suffered enough, and I do not want the blemish on her reputation. It only infuriates me that the scoundrel dared to turn you against me.”

There was a long silence before Elizabeth spoke quietly. “It was not he who turned me against you.”

“You still defend him?”

“No, I admit I was wrong that I believed him. Nevertheless, it was your own haughty, selfish and ungentlemanly conduct which decided my opinion concerning your person in the first place. And it had been long before Mr. Wickham spoke to me about you. I would have never been so susceptible to Mr. Wickham's tales if you had not given me reason with your own arrogant behaviour in Hertfordshire. I would have never believed such a history told about Mr. Bingley or even your cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam.”

“I see. And I thought that you… Well, I think there in nothing more to say Miss Bennet.”

“Yes, I agree, Mr. Darcy.”

At length Darcy spoke with what seemed to be a listless quality in his voice “I leave tomorrow for London. I wish you every happiness, Miss Bennet, for it is doubtful we shall see each other in the future.”

“Thank you. And Mr. Darcy… I…” she started uneasily.

“Pray, I think you have said enough.” He interrupted her quickly, his voice suddenly croaking. He stayed by her side for a few moments as if wanting so say something more, but at last he bowed and turned around, leaving the grove hastily.

Elizabeth sat heavily on the ground, suddenly feeling very tired. She supported her back against the tree. 'Mr. Darcy in love with me! Charlotte was suggesting the entire time he had feelings for me, but I had just dismissed such notions as completely impossible. How could I have been so blind? Should not a woman feel such things? Should I not be capable to recognize when a man was partial to me? But it still makes little sense to me. After all Mr. Darcy said himself he had found me not handsome enough to temp him, to even dance with me, not to mention him ever wanting to marry me. But he seemed to be so ardent, so…tender with me just now, for those few moments when he had believed that I would have accepted him. And Mr. Wickham! Who tried to elope with a fifteen year old girl, his poor sister, Miss Darcy. The mere thought of such a thing makes me ill.. What kind of man was he to be ready to do something like that, just for money… thirty thousand pounds? Oh no, what is even worse is that he is still in Meryton, around Lydia and Kitty. Well at least, fortunately they are too poor to entice him.'

Elizabeth was so engrossed in her thoughts, she did not notice the sun had set completely and it was getting dark. She raised herself slowly from the ground and walked back to the parsonage. She was approaching the house when she saw Charlotte running out of it in a hurried manner.

“Lizzy, where have you been?” her friend cried.

“I had decided to walk some more and lost sense of time.”

“Lizzy, I do not know how to tell you this.”

Only then did Elizabeth took into her friend's pale features. “Something has happened.” she whispered. “There was an express from London, just a half hour ago, from your uncle Gardiner.”

Elizabeth's eyes widened in alarm. “Something happened to Jane!”

“No, she is fine. It is your father. He…”

“Charlotte, tell me.”

“He decided to go to London, to escort Jane and you home himself. His carriage had an accident just on the outskirts of town. Mr. Bennet was still alive and had been taken to a doctor; but he died the very next day. I am so sorry Elizabeth.”

Chapter II

It was barely eight o'clock in the morning when Colonel Fitzwilliam walked into the breakfast room. He expected to meet his cousin there, but Darcy was not present. The servant informed him that Mr. Darcy had not yet been seen. Fitzwilliam found it surprising, as Darcy had been always an early riser and liked to eat something before his usual morning ride, or lately, his morning walk. He had little doubt that those recently introduced early walks so eagerly cultivated by his cousin had much to do with a certain bright eyed young lady who was a great walker as well. The colonel's amusement was stirred up when each morning he observed his dignified cousin striving to swallow what was placed on his plate as quickly as possible without choking himself, only to, mere seconds later, rush out of the house in the direction of the park. The colonel had heard from Mrs. Collins that her dear friend kept a steady routine developed years ago to wake up very early to take a walk before breaking her fast.

Lady Catherine, being aware of her nephews' early morning habits, mercifully ordered to have breakfast served earlier than was customary, whenever they visited Rosings. Her ladyship never appeared downstairs earlier than 10 in the morning. Cousin Anne usually took her breakfast in her own rooms. Consequently Darcy and Fitzwilliam always had the morning meal to themselves when staying at Rosings.

The colonel sat at his usual place and helped himself with a healthy portion of cold meat, eggs, rolls and bacon. As a soldier (and a bachelor), he often ate things which could be called barely edible in the least, so he relished any opportunity to eat well. The top positions on the list of places where the man could be fed decently were held by Pemberley and Matlock Manor; Rosings Park easily occupied the third place. The annual visits at Rosings could not be called pleasurable under many circumstances, but the food was always excellent.
Sipping his tea, Colonel Fitzwilliam pondered on the fact that Darcy's absence was rather unexpected, especially today. They were to leave for London together at noon if not earlier. He was sure Darcy would wish to breakfast early in order to call on the lovely Miss Bennet one last time. Her presence had been sorely missed yesterday, and with Darcy's disappearance just after the party from Parsonage arrived, the evening had been unbearable. Gazing into Miss Bennet's fine eyes, listening to her musical laughter, and discretely appraising her delectable figure, was undoubtedly a more pleasant way of passing the afternoon or evening than listening to the parson's paeans about his aunt, Lady Catherine.

Undoubtedly even more entertaining was observing Darcy's behaviour when he found himself in Miss Lizzy's presence. The colonel had once overheard Mrs. Collins using this nickname when referring to Miss Bennet, and he thought it suited her very well indeed. He wondered whether his cousin was aware of the expression of the utter delight invariably painted on his face whenever he happened to sit next to the young lady or chanced to speak directly with her. Darcy in love! In some way it was quite amusing. For years, the Colonel had doubted if his cousin was ever able to feel like that about any woman at all. Usually Darcy looked at women only to find some blemish. There had been countless remarks from Darcy concerning various ladies of the ton. According to his cousin, most of them were silly, lacking wit and quickness of mind, plain, not accomplished enough, too loud, too brazen, not symmetrical enough (whatever he meant by this) or simply lacking any sensibility in his opinion.

Then along came the lively Miss Bennet and his discriminating cousin appeared as if he was about to throw himself at her any moment. Apparently the lady was not at all intimidated by the illustrious Mr. Darcy of Pemberley. She did not try to please him or flatter him. On the contrary, she openly contradicted him in that sweetly arch manner of hers. Miss Bennet was intelligent and a sensible young woman, very clever and witty; the fact could not be denied. Fitzwilliam applauded her treatment of his cousin, but at the same time he wondered whether she was conscious of the effect she had on Darcy. She could not possibly be totally unaware of that. It was plainly visible for anyone. However, she had to know that though Darcy might have admired her, he would never propose to her; or at least the chance was very small. He knew that many of the ladies in her position would readily agree to become Darcy's mistress, without much hesitation. But Miss Bennet certainly did not seem to be that kind of a lady, which made the colonel respect her even more. Not that his cousin would have ever involved himself in such a situation. Miss Bennet might have been poor and her connections not wonderful, but she was still a gently bred young lady, a gentleman's daughter. His cousin's moral standards were too high to seduce such a girl.

Fitzwilliam thought that if he were in Darcy's position with his vast financial status he would not hesitate to propose to Miss Bennet. She would do only good for him, draw him from that broodiness of his. He knew Darcy had been given too much responsibility too early. Uncle Darcy had not been himself after his wife's premature death, and his son had virtually run the estate by himself since his teenage years. Miss Bennet was certainly a perfect choice to brighten his life. Unfortunately the colonel was deeply convinced that Darcy had his duty first and foremost on his mind. Such duty would oblige him to provide for Pemberley as a new Mistress at least the daughter of Earl. But no; a Duke's daughter would be even better, only to raise the family's position in the eyes of the society.

Colonel Fitzwilliam had almost finished his breakfast, and still Darcy was nowhere to be seen. Clearly he had risen long ago and gone riding. The colonel decided against lingering more at breakfast in hope of seeing his moody cousin, and gulping the second cup of tea (the action which would undoubtedly brought frown of disapproval from his mother), headed rapidly upstairs to fetch his hat and gloves. He was walking down the corridor leading to his rooms when he saw Darcy's valet walking out of his cousin's chamber.

“Peters, here you are. How long ago did your Master leave? I have not seen him at breakfast.” he asked in his usual rather loud voice.

The servant closed the door gently and spoke in a hushed tone, “Mr. Darcy is still within his rooms.”

The Colonel's eyebrows shot up his forehead “At this hour?” he exclaimed.

“I am afraid Mr. Darcy is not feeling well, or rather is not his own self today. He was up late into night, and only went to sleep around dawn.”

The colonel was not listening to the man any more, but entering Darcy's chamber. He closed the door behind him and walked to the bed. Darcy was laying on his stomach, in the clothes he had worn the previous evening, clearly slumbering.

Colonel Fitzwilliam shook his cousin's shoulder. “Darcy, wake up. It is almost nine in the morning. Cousin...” Darcy murmured something but did not open his eyes. The colonel leaned forward to check whether his cousin was drunk, but he could smell no alcohol.“ Darcy!” He shook him more vigorously. This time Darcy rolled on his back and murmured “Lizzy” a few times under his breath.

The colonel straightened himself. So that was the reason for this peculiar behaviour. Miss Bennet it was, as he had no doubt of which “Lizzy” his cousin was dreaming. It was evident that Darcy was deeply in love with her. Something must have happened that previous afternoon. Neither had been present at Rosings, so perhaps they had secretly met each other. It didn't explain his cousin's current state though. Had he had proposed to her, he would have undoubtedly been knocking at the parsonage door at first light to see her again. Could he have offered her the position of his mistress; or even worse, tried to seduce her? That could not be; Darcy had to much integrity for that. Despite all his faults, brooding moods, irritable little habits and sternness, he was a good and honorouble man. Something must have happened to put him in such a state, and surely Miss Bennet played a crucial role.

“Darcy, wake up.” he ordered, employing his most commanding tone. Darcy opened his eyes at last and raised himself on his arms gingerly. “Richard? What are you doing here? What time is it?” he rasped.

“It is nine o'clock. I came here because I planned to visit the parsonage to say goodbye to Miss Bennet before our departure. I thought you would wish to join me.”

Darcy shifted his body to a sitting position slowly and muttered “I do not want to see her.”

Colonel decided to play dumb for the time being and started cheerfully “Why not? I thought you rather liked her. The way you have been devouring her, I thought you would burn a hole in her dress with those heated stares.” In an answer he was acknowledged just with the roll of his cousin's eye. “Why have you slept in your clothes and why did you oversleep? “

“I went to bed quite late.” was all Darcy said as he walked to the water basin.

The colonel's eyes narrowed into two slits while resting on his cousin's back “What happened yesterday?” he asked, this time his voice deprived of any warm tones. “Where were you all afternoon?”

“It does not matter.” Darcy muttered before sprinkling his face with water.

“Darcy, I have to ask you this. Have you seen Miss Bennet?” His only answer was the shrug of Darcy's shoulders.

The colonel was instantly behind Darcy, his muscular arm clenching on his cousin's shoulder. “Have you hurt her?” he barked.

Darcy turned around immediately, his face still wet and cried with genuine surprise “What are you speaking of? Of course not.”

“But you cannot deny you have seen her. What did you say to her?”

“It is nothing of consequence now. And it is certainly nothing which should concern you, Cousin.” Darcy said quietly, drying his face completely with a towel.

“Darcy, I shall loose my patience in a moment. What happened when you were alone with Miss Bennet?”

“Why are you so interested in her?” Darcy murmured, dropping his body in the armchair situated close to the balcony window.

“Because I like and respect her; and I will not let you harm her.”

“Do not worry yourself on her behalf. She can stand her ground against me well enough and protect herself from my clearly unwanted attentions.”

He walked energetically towards his cousin, crying exasperatedly, “I cannot believe what I am hearing. What did you do to her?”

“Apart from proposing to her, nothing.” Darcy said quietly.

“You proposed. Good for you!” the colonel cried, the relief evident in his voice. “She is perfect for you. I acclaim your taste.”

“Too soon for the felicities, Cousin. She certainly does not share your enthusiasm.”

The colonel furrowed his brows “You do not mean she refused you?” he asked unbelievably.

As Darcy did not deny the fact, the intelligence slowly sank in. She refused him! He could not repress a smile, and soon started to laugh, louder and more animatedly with each passing moment.

“I am happy I can serve as a source of entertainment.” Darcy remarked dryly.

“Forgive me, Cousin. But I like her even more now. You need someone like her who would set you down from your lofty place from time to time.”

Darcy at last seemed to lose his patience “What nonsense are you speaking about, Richard? She refused me! She says I am the last man in the word she could ever marry.”

“You can at least be sure she is not mercenary. Did she give you reasons for her refusal?”

“She seemed to be surprised by my proposal. First I thought she just played coy with me, but she was truly astonished that I wanted her as my wife. I thought I was being pretty obvious.”

“You were to me, and probably to Mrs. Collins as well. I saw the way she observed the two of you. But Miss Bennet, despite her impertinence and bravado, is truly just an innocent, sheltered young woman. Her experience with admirers is nonexistent. Trust me. Otherwise she would have noticed a long time ago that she has you wrapped around her little finger. It also does not help that you are quite often very hard to read, for strangers especially.”

Darcy sighed heavily “I believe you are right. I had to repeat myself a few times, and she still found it hard to believe my affection for her”

“Was it the only reason for her refusal, the fact she did not expect you proposal?”

“Oh, no. According to her estimations, I am also arrogant and selfish. Moreover, I treat others with disdain and haughtiness.”

Fitzwilliam could not help but smile a little. “Well I agree with her, you are and you do.”

“Thank you. It is good to hear such a faithful account of my character twice within such a short time.”

“You are also loyal, honorouble, responsible, the best friend that man can have, especially in hard times. She is just not aware of it yet. You must just show her the real you. You guard yourself so fiercely from strangers. In consequence, only a few people know you. But there is no reason why you should hide yourself from the woman you love.”

Darcy shook his head decidedly “No, Richard, it is too late. There are other reasons. She will never forgive me the matter with Bingley and her sister. She found out somehow that it was I who talked Bingley out of courting her elder sister.”

Fitzwilliam stiffened slightly before asking. “The lady you mentioned when we talked about Bingley was Miss Elizabeth's sister?”

“Yes, she was. Miss Jane Bennet.”

“Darcy, it was I who told her about your interference.” the colonel said uneasily, raking his hand nervously through his sandy blonde hair, “I met her yesterday on her walk, and it slipped from me. I did not think it to be of any consequence. I thought it was just idle talk. I was trying to compliment you as a good friend to Bingley.”

Darcy just waved his hand “It does not matter now. She would have discovered it sooner or later. It did not cross my mind she would react so fiercely about this.”

“It speaks rather highly of her that she cares about her sister so much.”

There was a moment of prolonged silence before Darcy spoke sadly “Yes. It does.”

Fitzwilliam leaned over the other man, putting the hand on his shoulder and speaking reassuringly, “I think she is worth fighting for her feelings. You cannot walk from her now. You must just convince her you are a man worthy of her affection.”

“I cannot imagine how I could do that.” Darcy said quietly.

“Let us start today and go visit the Parsonage before we depart to London.”

“You know very well she would not wish to see me.” Darcy cried impatiently.

“Did she say that she did not want to see you again?”


“Come on, Darcy. You want to see her. You know you do. Come with me. I will do all the talking and you can just stare at her as much as you want.”

Darcy managed to smile a little, and at length said, “Give me twenty minutes. Wait for me downstairs.”

The colonel just grinned at him and left the room.

Half an hour later, the cousins were walking briskly through the park, taking the shortcut to reach the parsonage as quickly as possible. After a few minutes, Darcy slowed down visibly.

“Richard, this is a mistake. I am sure of it. She will just leave the room on seeing me. She will not want to stay in the same room with me.”

“Why should she do anything like that? You have just proposed to her. It was her right to refuse you, but I am sure she feels sorry that she had to do that.”

“Richard, there is more to that. I was rather rude to her.”

“Rude? Can you specify that?”

“I explained to her reasons for which I decided to separate her sister and Bingley.”

“I imagine you said you believed you were rescuing your friend from unhappy marriage.”

“Not exactly. To sum up I said that in general I found her family unsuitable, and in detail, her mother vulgar, her younger sisters shameless little flirts and her father too lazy and neglectful to control his own family.”

The colonel did not said a word to this, but the look he gave his cousin, made Darcy almost visibly cringe even though he was much taller than his cousin.“I just wanted to be sincere with her.” Darcy murmured defensively.

“So you wanted to be sincere with her, you say. And pray tell me whether you would be satisfied when she informed you that she found you lacking only because one of your aunts is the most rude, stupid, ill-bred and narrow-minded woman in the whole kingdom together with the colonies, I believe; that your father had loved his wife more than his own children, and practically stopped speaking with them after her death, not taking care of what they did and what they felt. She may as well dislike the fact that your own great grand mother had been the King's mistress before he decided to marry her to a Mr. Darcy from the very far Derbyshire, paying him substantial sum in return for her shocking lack of virtue. Not to mention your ….”

Darcy raised his hand “That is enough, Richard! I should not have spoken to her like that. I must have hurt her deeply. You see there is no point for me to see her.”

“Nonsense! I would never expect you to act so cowardly, afraid to face a woman.” the colonel cried. “We are approaching the parsonage. They can see us through the windows already. You cannot go back now.”

Colonel Fitzwilliam went ahead and knocked decidedly at the door. Darcy was just behind him. The young, rosy faced maid opened it and showed them to the small downstairs parlor. The colonel sat comfortably, but Darcy started his usual pacing, only to stop just in front of the window and stare outside. They waited merely a few minutes when Mrs. Collins came.

The colonel stood up immediately and said pleasantly, “ Mrs. Collins, it is pleasure to see you, as always. We hope we are not disturbing you. We thought it would be a good idea to call one last time before our departure to London. We hoped we could see Miss Bennet as well, and of course Miss Lucas; but I guess your sister and friend have chosen to walk this very morning.”

A quiet sigh escaped Mrs. Collins, and she started to speak in a clearly distressed voice. “Oh, dear Colonel, I am afraid it is not the best time for visits. My friend is upstairs, not feeling very well. She would not be able to receive anyone today”

Even before Mrs. Collins finished speaking, Darcy was before her, asking sharply. “What has happened to her?”

Mrs. Collins raised her pained face at the taller man. “It is not she . Yesterday, just after we returned from Rosings, an express came with such dreadful news. Elizabeth's father decided to go to London to fetch his daughters home himself. There was a carriage accident just outside the town. He survived, only to pass away from his injuries the very next day.” Mrs. Collins stopped and tears rolled down her cheeks. “Poor Lizzy. She loved him so much. She is devastated.” she said in a broken whisper.

For the next few moments, the prolonged silence remained in the parlor. Seeing that Darcy did not intend or perhaps rather was not able to say anything for the time being, the colonel offered his condolences on behalf of both of them, and asked her to repeat them to Miss Bennet.

“When did it happen exactly? When is the funeral?” Darcy's harsh voice was heard unexpectedly.

Mrs. Collins seemed startled by the question, but answered promptly. “The accident happened the day before yesterday. Mr. Bennet's last wish was to be buried in Longbourn. Lizzy wishes to go to London by post early tomorrow morning. She should be able to arrive in London by the early afternoon.”

“There is no need for that!” Fitzwilliam cried vehemently.” She can go with us instead traveling alone with strangers.”

Charlotte shook her head slowly “It would be very convenient, but you must see that it would risk her reputation. You are bachelors after all, and she is unrelated to you in any way. I thought about going with her, but it could be read wrongly by her family. After all, Longbourn is entailed to Mr. Collins. I think that maybe Lady Catherine would allow one of her manservants to go with her tomorrow.”

The colonel would have nothing of this and cried with great energy “Damn the propriety! I cannot imagine anyone seeing anything improper if she travels with us. Time is crucial here, and going with us today, she would be with her family much earlier. Darcy, support me on this!”

“My cousin is right. There is no point for Miss Bennet to travel by post.” Darcy said absently, as if thinking about something else. He turned to Mrs. Collins and spoke calmly “ Madam, could you please talk with your friend and inform her of our offer to take her to London? Perhaps she would reconsider her decision. We shall stop our carriage here in about an hour and a half.”

“Yes, of course, I shall speak with her, but I cannot promise anything.”

“We do understand that. I think that under these sad circumstances, we have taken your time long enough, Mrs. Collins.“ Darcy bowed and headed energetically towards the door, a surprised Colonel Fitzwilliam following him promptly.

The cousins were already outside when Fitzwilliam managed to catch up with the other man. “Darcy, why are you rushing so much?“ When his cousin did not answer, nor slow down his pace, he added. “This is a sad affair with Miss Bennet, is it not? Poor girl.”

They were outside the small gate leading to the parsonage when Darcy suddenly stopped and said loudly “I believe I have forgotten my gloves. I shall go back there to fetch them. This is my favourite pair.”

The colonel's dark blue eyes looked searchingly into his cousin's, and after a moment, he gave him a small reassuring smile, speaking quietly. “I shall see the carriage will be ready on time.” Then he turned around and walked in the direction of the manor, leaving his cousin on the lane leading to the Parsonage.

Chapter III

Mr. Darcy knocked energetically at the parsonage door. It was opened instantly, and Mrs. Collins herself stood on the other side. Without a word, she let him into a small hall.

“Forgive me, Mrs. Collins, for interrupting you again, but I believe I have forgotten my gloves.” Darcy spoke in a decided, emotionless tone.

“Have you, sir? I have not noticed. Let me check in the parlour.” Charlotte replied, visibly confused. She did not even manage to move in the direction of the parlour's door though, when Darcy came close to her and took her arm with a gentle firmness. Mrs. Collins raised her bewildered eyes at him, and Darcy leaned towards her, speaking in a hushed whisper. ”Let me see her.” He paused a little and added. “Please.”

Charlotte's eyes widened and she whispered back uneasily, “Mr. Darcy... I truly cannot. She is so upset. She is not in any condition to receive visitors; not to mention your presence in her room would be far from proper.”

Darcy shook his head. “Mrs. Collins, please let me see her. I ensure you that my intentions are nothing but honourable. I want to help her.”

Charlotte gazed searchingly at the man standing beside her and asked calmly “Honourable? Do you mean honourable enough to marry her?” Darcy nodded instantly, his face serious. Charlotte looked for a long moment into the dark burning eyes, and lowering her head while looking to the side, she whispered, “Second door on the left.” She felt her palm being squeezed, and she heard a quietly muttered “Thank you.” When she lifted her head, he was already on the stairs. Watching his tall frame on the narrow staircase, she whispered to herself, “Do not ruin this, Elizabeth.”


Darcy stopped before the simple, white painted door which had been pointed to him. He wished his heart would stop racing so much. He needed to calm down and compose himself. He took a deep breath then raised his hand, knocking lightly.

There was a silence for what seemed an eternity, when a weak, unnaturally high pitched voice was heard. “Come in, Charlotte.”

Darcy entered quietly and closed the door behind him soundlessly. Elizabeth was turned with her back to him. She was bent over the bed, strewn with various elements of feminine clothing, slowly folding some lacy garment. Beside the bed, her the traveling trunk was open. Darcy looked over the pale blue room, his eyes first resting on the unfortunate closet in which his aunt had advised how to arrange shelves. His eyes returned to Elizabeth. She was wearing a simple cotton, light mint green dress, the same she often wore during her walks. But her hair was not pinned tightly at the top of her head as always. It was hanging down her back, in a rich, tangled heavy curtain of curls. He was surprised to observe how long those tresses were. He knew from Georgiana that most of the ladies wore hair not longer than reaching the shoulders. She had explained to him that it was much easier for a maid to arrange it when it was shorter. What am I thinking about? He scolded himself. Closets and hair length in such a moment!

“I saw Colonel Fitzwilliam and Mr. Darcy coming.” Elizabeth said listlessly, focused on arranging what seemed to be her stockings in a neat pile. “Charlotte, pray tell them I will not go with them to London today. Please thank them for their kindness, but I simply cannot go with them unchaperoned. I shall go tomorrow by post.”

“Miss Bennet.” Darcy said gently. Elizabeth stiffened immediately, her whole body stilled, her hands stopped in motion over her clothes.

At last she spoke in a trembling voice, still turned with her back to him. “Mr. Darcy, what are you doing here?”


She leaned even more over the bed and whispered brokenly, “I appreciate your concern, Mr. Darcy, but you do not have to feel that you owe me anything. You are not obliged to me in any way. You should not have come here…” her last words were barely heard. She sniffed and raised her palm to her nose in a quick movement.

Darcy walked behind her and whispered softly, “Elizabeth, how could you think I would ever leave you alone at such a moment. I still remember how devastated I felt when my own parents…” He sighed heavily, “…as if it were yesterday.”

Elizabeth cringed even more into herself and started weeping brokenly, choking so hard that her entire small body shook violently. Darcy put his hands on her delicate shoulders and leaning over her whispered. ”You are not alone with this. You have me by your side. We will go together through this. I shall help you. I want to help you. Please allow me to do so, Elizabeth... please.”

He turned her gently to him. Her head was lowered, but he could see that her eyes were puffed, eyelashes wet and her lips swollen. She was biting her lower lip, tears running quickly down her cheeks. Darcy stood silently for a while, just looking at her steadily and stroking her shoulders with his thumbs slowly, just the way he had done the day before in the grove. At last she raised her eyes up to him. His heart sank when he saw the amount of pain painted in those beautiful dark eyes that had captured his very soul almost from the first moment he had known her. Suddenly she stepped into his arms with a loud thud, hiding her face in his chest. Darcy's arms went immediately around her. She was crying uncontrollably, almost hysterically now, wetting his shirt and coat. Darcy just held her tightly, rocking her gently and kissing the top of her head from time to time.

A quarter of hour later, when Mrs. Collins entered her friend's room, she saw Mr. Darcy sitting in the armchair beside the window. He held Elizabeth closely cuddled to his chest, her face hid into his neck, lolling her to sleep like a little girl.


The elegant open carriage stopped in front of the parsonage. Mr. Collins jumped out of it hastily, and half bent in his usual subservient pose, held out his hand to help his patroness, Lady Catherine, to step down. When the lady was safely on the ground, he closed the carriage door and ran forward to open the small gate to the garden in front of the parsonage. The moment Lady Catherine was on the walk leading to the entrance, Mr. Collins rushed ahead of her, crying, “Mrs. Collins, my dear, come and see who has honoured us with a visit today!”

He opened the door himself and cried from the hall “Mrs. Collins, where are you? We have the most honourable guest! Make haste.”

“What are you crying so, my dear? Has something happened?” Charlotte's calm voice came from the landing of the stairs.

“Her Ladyship decided to visit us today! She is right behind me!” Mr. Collins exclaimed, all thrilled and beaming.

“I have already come, Mr. Collins. Lower your voice. It is not proper for a man of your profession to use such a loud tone.” The moment she spoke those words, the parson closed his lips tightly and bent in half before her.

Lady Catherine turned to Charlotte, who curtseyed before her politely. “Good morning, Mrs. Collins. I have heard from your husband what has happened to Miss Bennet's father. Poor girl. I always say we do not know the moment when the Lord will call us to him.”

“We thank you for your visit, Lady Catherine. Let us go to the parlour.” Charlotte said calmly, trying not to think how her ladyship would react should she discover her nephew was alone upstairs with Elizabeth, while her husband was already opening the door to the parlour.

Lady Catherine walked slowly and sat in a comfortable armchair. She looked around the room, carefully examining every single detail, as if it had all belonged to her, and said. “I am glad, Mrs. Collins, that you have obviously listened to my advice and arranged the curtains in such a simple way. Elaborate draperies would not suit the parsonage.”

“I ensure you, your ladyship, that both I and my dear Charlotte always follow all your excellent…” Mr. Collins started eagerly but was immediately silenced when Lady Catherine raised her hand at him in dismissive gesture.

“I feel very sorry for poor Miss Bennet.” Lady Catherine started in a clear melancholic voice. “What a tragedy. Her situation is desperate now, is it not? With her father's estate entailed to Mr. Collins. Well, I could never understand the sense of passing the estate to the male line. But it is too late now. Mr. Collins,” she turned to the parson whose face immediately took the expression of eager anticipation.” It is my wish for you to go to Hertfordshire immediately and take care of your matters there. I still want you to be the parson here though. You will hire a steward to run the estate. And Miss Bennet, how is she?”

“Not well, I am afraid.” Charlotte answered evenly. “She is resting upstairs. She does not receive any visitors.”

Lady Catherine nodded her head slightly “It is understandable in her situation. I remember only too well my own grief when my own dear father, the earl, left this world. I was not able to speak to anyone for weeks, I was so shaken.” Lady Catherine sighed quietly, waiting for Mr. Collins to nod in understanding, and continued. “As for Miss Bennet, I wish to do something for her. Mr. Collins tells me she wants to go to London by post on her own. That is highly improper, and I cannot allow it. I feel responsible for her. I shall allow her to travel in one of my own carriages. My daughter's companion shall go with her so she will not be alone.”

“That is very generous of you, Lady Catherine.” Charlotte said evenly.

“Oh, yes, my dear, most generous!” Mr. Collins exclaimed.

“I am afraid that Miss Bennet will not be able to accept your offer, Aunt. She is going today with Fitzwilliam and me.” Darcy's steady voice was heard from the door.

Her Ladyship raised her eyes to her nephew in astonishment “Darcy! You know very well she cannot go with two unmarried men, unrelated to her in any way! What nonsense is that? And what are you doing here?”

“Miss Bennet is not unrelated to me anymore, Aunt. I proposed to her and she has accepted me. I cannot see anything improper in escorting my fiancée to her father's funeral.”

Lady Catherine stood up abruptly and cried with great force. “What nonsense is that! I demand an answer! You cannot be engaged to her! You are engaged to my Anne!”

Darcy looked steadily at his aunt for a moment, then turned to the Collinses “Mrs. Collins, I believe it would be for the best to leave Lady Catherine and me to ourselves for a few minutes. We have some important family matters to discuss.”

“Yes, of course, Mr. Darcy.” Charlotte replied quickly, rushing to the door before she returned to drag with clearly disoriented Mr. Collins along with her.

Upon closing the door to the parlour, Charlotte spoke to her husband. “ Come, my dear, we should give them some privacy.”

“But…” the parson mumbled.

“Come, Mr. Collins.” Charlotte said decidedly, taking her husband firmly by the arm and leading him outside.

For the next several minutes, only the raised voices from the parlour were heard. After the first shock, Mr. Collins wished to go back inside, probably to be able to hear better what they were debating; but his wife held him firmly, close to herself on the small garden bench.

The sound of a carriage drew their attention. Even before it had stopped next to Lady Catherine's phaeton, Colonel Fitzwilliam jumped out of it. He opened the small gate leading to the front garden, with the obvious intent of entering the parsonage without delay. However, upon noticing the Collinses sitting on the bench, he turned and approached them.

“Is my Aunt here?” he asked without preamble in an agitated voice.

Charlotte stood up and said worriedly. “Yes, she is. She came to offer her help so Lizzy could go tomorrow by her coach, with Miss de Bourgh's companion.”

“Colonel Fitzwilliam, allow me to express something which you surely know; your Aunt has been most cordial, such extraordinary kindness is rarely to be seen…” the parson started his usual speech.

“And Darcy?” Fitzwilliam asked, completely ignoring Mr. Collins.

“He was upstairs with Lizzy, in her room, when Lady Catherine arrived.”

“Dear Charlotte!” Mr. Collins exclaimed, clearly shocked. “Alone in one room? How could you allow this? It is no wonder Lady Catherine is so seriously displeased. Mr. Darcy does not need to feel obliged to marry my cousin just because of that. He is, after all, engaged to Miss de Bourgh.”

Colonel's eyes went from the parson to his wife. “Darcy said he wants to marry Miss Bennet?”

Charlotte nodded, her eyes worried “Yes, he came to the parlour when we were there with your aunt. He announced Elizabeth is going to London today with the two of you as she is his fiancée.”

Fitzwilliam furrowed his sandy brows “I take it my Aunt has been rather disturbed with this news?”

Charlotte pointed with her head to the parlour's windows overlooking to the garden. “They have been alone there for some time already. They are talking.”

“Yes, I can hear that.” Fitzwilliam said sarcastically, referring to the sound of Darcy's raised baritone coming from the house, and with a sigh walked decidedly towards the entrance. The Collinses trotted just behind him.

On entering the small hall, Colonel Fitzwilliam heard his aunt's voice, crying with great force. “You will not dare! I demand that you fulfill your duty and marry Anne as was your mother's wish.”

“I have nothing more to say on this matter.” Darcy's much quieter voice was heard. The colonel could detect from the tone that his cousin was furious.

Fitzwilliam was about to enter the parlour when the door opened and Darcy came out. His lips were pressed tightly together and his eyes almost black.

“Darcy, come back here! Where are you going? We are not finished!” Lady Catherine cried. Noticing her other nephew, she turned instantly to the colonel. “ Fitzwilliam, good you are here! Get him to see reason, for he has lost all his sense about that impertinent hussy.”

“What has happened?” Fitzwilliam asked, hoping to sound indifferent and composed.

“Can you imagine that Darcy insists on marrying that chit, Miss Bennet?” Lady Catherine cried indignantly. “He dares to tell me they are engaged. Tell him, tell him that... that... low class country nobody shall never be acknowledged in our family. Tell him.”

Fitzwilliam slowly stepped closer to Darcy, and pulling his right hand said calmly. “I congratulate you on your choice, Cousin. I hope you and your lady are going to be very happy, even under these sad circumstances of Mr. Bennet's death.”

Darcy immediately shook his cousin's hand and spoke “ Thank you, Cousin. I shall never forget this.” Fitzwilliam smiled and they embraced shortly.

Their aunt stood silently, red in the face, looking from one man to the other, as if she was about to succumb to an apoplexy.

“Colonel Fitzwilliam.” The quiet feminine voice was heard.

All three pairs of eyes flew to the direction from where the sound came. Elizabeth Bennet was standing on the stairway landing. She was very pale, her face tear-stricken, but her hair was swept up on the top of her head in a neat, tight, simple bun.

“Elizabeth, go to your room. Now.” Darcy said commandingly, but Elizabeth shook her head slowly. ”Elizabeth…” Darcy started again, but Lady Catherine interjected.

“Here you are! Shameless girl! Tell me now. What have you done to him to entice him so? What arts and allurements have you used so he forgets about his duty, family, his mother's wishes? Answer me!”

“Lady Catherine…” Elizabeth started, but Darcy interrupted her almost harshly. “Elizabeth I shall deal with her. I told you to go to your room!”

Elizabeth shook her head and whispered “Mr. Darcy, it is not my wish to cause misunderstandings among your family.”

The expression on Darcy's face hardened when he looked at his aunt. “Lady Catherine de Bourgh does not count as my family any longer if she is unwilling to accept my future wife and welcome her as her niece. Aunt, Miss Bennet is my fiancée and deserves your respect.”

“Respect? That nobody? Welcome her? Are you out of your mind, Darcy?” Lady Catherine stepped forward and cried fiercely in the direction of Elizabeth. ”I know your kind very well. He lost his head for you eyes, smiles and most of all for those dresses cut straight to the navel. All men are the same...”

“Aunt, you forget yourself!” Fitzwilliam cried sharply.

“You too? Has she warmed the bed for both of you?” Lady Catherine demanded, looking at Elizabeth with contempt.

Darcy turned instantly red, his jaw clenching, and said “Elizabeth, we are leaving! We shall not stay here a minute longer.”

“You will not go anywhere.” Lady Catherine stepped in his path and said commandingly. “You shall put her into the carriage alone and send her to her family at once. Then you will return to Rosings and propose to Anne, as you should have done years ago.”

Darcy ignored her ladyship, and stepping on the first step of the stairs, said gently. “Come my love. Come to me.” He extended his hand to her. Elizabeth stared at his hand for a moment, but when Darcy spoke her name again she stepped down a few steps, and reached out her own small trembling hand. On seeing this, Lady Catherine gave a short shrieking cry and rushed to them. In a split second, Darcy turned around to his aunt and effortlessly grabbed her wrists in one hand, stopping her in motion. “Fitzwilliam, take her with you to the carriage.” he said, pointing with his head to Elizabeth.

Colonel Fitzwilliam immediately moved to Elizabeth and said. “Miss Bennet, we are leaving. I shall accompany you to the carriage.” When Elizabeth did not answer or move, still staring with her mouth agape at Darcy, who was holding his aunt pinned to the wall, the colonel grabbed her arm unceremoniously and dragged her down the last few steps, through the hall and out of the parsonage. Only when Elizabeth was outside, did Darcy let go of his aunt; then without word, left the building as well.

Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth were already standing next to the carriage when Darcy joined them. Elizabeth found her voice at last “Mr. Darcy, it is so horrible. It has been never my intention…”

Darcy smiled tightly at her, and cupping her cheek, said gently “Do not fret yourself over this, Elizabeth. It would have happened sooner and later. Lady Catherine never wanted to understand I had never wished or intended to marry Anne.”

“You can talk later. We should be going.” Fitzwilliam said apprehensively, his eyes on the parsonage.

“You are right, Cousin. Come Elizabeth.” Darcy said, taking Elizabeth's arm lightly and directing her to the open carriage.

“I cannot go. All my things are still inside.” Elizabeth protested, trying to free herself from his grip and looking at the house.

“Elizabeth, I am sure Mrs. Collins shall send your trunk later.” Darcy said reassuringly.

“But how can I go like this, without spencer, bonnet, or gloves; just in home slippers.” Elizabeth cried desperately, almost on the verge of tears.

Darcy placed his hands on Elizabeth's shoulders and spoke gently “We shall buy everything you need on the first stop to change horses.” Elizabeth blushed, humiliated because he presumed he would buy her things, as if she had been his kept woman. “You cannot go back there.”

“Darcy is right, Miss Bennet. Aunt is surely rallying the troops by now.“ Fitzwilliam supported his cousin.

Elizabeth was still shaking her head in denial. It dawned on her that the moment she stepped into that carriage with Mr. Darcy there would be no return from this decision. She felt Mr. Darcy simply handing her, almost forcefully, to the carriage. Colonel Fitzwilliam climbed in after her, and when Darcy was preparing himself to do the same, a feminine voice was heard crying.“Lizzy, Lizzy…”

Elizabeth immediately looked out of the vehicle, and seeing her friend running towards them instantly jumped outside. “Charlotte!” she cried and soon the two women were embracing tightly. It was Mrs. Collins who stepped back first.” Lizzy, I have got your things.” she said, holding forth Elizabeth's brown spencer, bonnet and gloves. I shall pack the rest of your clothes and send your trunk later.”

Elizabeth took her things and hugged her friend again. “Thank you, Charlotte. I am so sorry about all of this, I did not want for any of this to happen...” she whispered brokenly.

“I know, Lizzy. Do not worry about me. I shall be fine.” Charlotte said, smiling at the other woman. ”But you should really go now.” she added seriously, looking at Darcy who stood guard behind Elizabeth the entire time. She observed him putting her friend gently, but decidedly, back into the carriage and closing the door behind them. Mrs. Collins stood on the lane staring after them until the carriage disappeared around the turn in the road.

Chapter IV

For the first minutes of the ride, Elizabeth sat numbly staring at her things gathered in a small heap on her lap. She did not move or say anything, neither did she remove her eyes from her belongings. Colonel Fitzwilliam sat on the opposite seat while Mr. Darcy sat closely next to her, looking at her with concern. She did not return his persistent gaze, as if she had not been aware of it. But she was, because when he leaned a little closer towards her, she stiffened instantly.

Darcy covered her small cold hand with his large one and spoke tenderly. “Let me help you with these, Elizabeth.” She lifted her face to him instantly, her eyes meeting his.

“I thank you, sir, but I will manage on my own.” she said, dodging from him as far as the length of the carriage would allow. She sat very close to the window, turning slightly with her back to both men and hastily, with trembling hands, put on her spencer, bonnet and gloves. Having secured the bow under her chin, she stared out of the window at the passing countryside.

Darcy, clearly disconcerted by her behaviour, looked at his cousin with a question in his eyes, but the colonel just shook his head. Darcy gazed once again at Elizabeth, who was now almost completely turned with her back to him, and moved from his place, sitting on the opposite seat, in front of Elizabeth. His eyes rested on her delicate profile, not leaving her face for a moment. She must have found his staring uncomfortable, because she stilled herself, clasping her hands together tightly.

Colonel Fitzwilliam dodged Darcy with his arm, pointing with his head to Elizabeth and shaking his head again, creasing his brows this time. Darcy rolled his eyes at him, but did not say anything. Fitzwilliam moved closer to the other the window. He stared pointedly at Darcy until his cousin very reluctantly moved to his previous place. Elizabeth was left alone in one corner of the carriage, still partially turned with her back to her companions. However, judging by her less ridgid posture, she had relaxed a little.

None of them spoke until the carriage stopped at Bromley to change horses. Colonel Fitzwilliam got off first and Darcy moved to Elizabeth and turned her gently to him. Her head was lowered still, and she would not look at him.

“Elizabeth, let us go. You shall have some tea. Have you eaten anything today?” he inquired gently.

Elizabeth shook her head slowly. “I will stay here. I do not want to go anywhere.” she whispered.

“Elizabeth, you cannot stay here. Come. Let us go.” Darcy's arm crept slowly around her frame and he leaned closer to her.

Elizabeth pushed at him strongly “Sir, I do not want you to touch me. I do not wish to go anywhere.” she said angrily, her lips pressed tightly in a thin line.

The colonel's head appeared in the open door. “What is taking you so long?”

Darcy looked helplessly at him. “She does not want to go.”

Colonel Fitzwilliam took quick look at Elizabeth's pale features and the adamant expression on her face and said to his cousin in what seemed to be a casual voice, “Darcy, go and see to our places at the Bell. I am sure Miss Bennet would like something warm to drink.”

Darcy hesitantly and very unwillingly stepped out of the carriage while his cousin stepped in. He walked slowly towards the inn. Just before reaching the entrance, he turned around, but the door to the carriage was closed, and neither Fitzwilliam nor Elizabeth were anywhere to be seen. He knew Elizabeth was in shock because of all that had happened this morning, and still devastated with the news of her father's sudden and unexpected passing. However, her behaviour towards him baffled and worried him most seriously. Since they left Hunsford, she had treated him the same as the day before in the grove, not letting him touch her, pushing him away, refusing to look at him.

The moment he entered the inn, the owner himself rushed to him, offering the place in the quiet corner of the room, next to the large window. Darcy ordered tea and some light snacks for Elizabeth, hoping he could convince her to eat something. Darcy sat at the simple wooden, but covered with a clean white cloth, table and stared out the window, locating his carriage. With relief he noticed the door being opened and Fitzwilliam stepping out of it. He held out his hand, and Elizabeth appeared in the open door looking hesitantly at the muddy ground beneath her. It was indeed very muddy, and Darcy remembered she just wore her thin slippers, the shoes were certainly not appropriate for the journey and wading in the clay. Fitzwilliam must have immediately noticed the same as he quickly stepped into the mud in front of her, and putting his hands around her waist, carried her effortlessly a few steps and put her gently on the dry ground.

Darcy`s heart cringed in his chest with jealousy. It should be him helping her, not his cousin! Yet she had refused to go with him; said she did not wish him to touch her, though she let Fitzwilliam carry her without a word of protest, without one grim or defiant look, with trust. Darcy wondered whether she preferred his cousin. She had always been animated in Richard's company, smiling at him, playing the pianoforte for him. She always welcomed the colonel's company. But only this very morning she let him comfort her, it was he who held her in his arms. He could not deny himself the pleasure of basking for a few seconds in the memory of that short moment when she allowed him to hold her so closely to him, cuddled against him in the armchair. He knew she was devastated, miserable, in utter despair, but he could only think of the weight of her warm, soft body against him. He felt ashamed that while she was dozing on his lap, exhausted from all her crying, he could only think about her full breasts pressed against his ribcage. It was enough for him to just peek a little towards her décolleté to see her soft mounds spilling out of the low cut of her dress. He was sure he had even seen the trace of one pink nipple. He knew it was wrong to feel aroused at such moment, when she was weak and not thinking straight, but it could not be helped. Afterall, he was just a man and totally besotted by her. The curve of her hip, her tiny feet dangling in the air, her small palm with tapered fingers clasped on his shirt…

“Darcy, have you ordered our tea?” the colonel's voice brought Darcy abruptly from his pleasant musings.

“Yes, I have.“ Darcy answered, standing immediately and eyeing Elizabeth. She stood demurely, very close to the colonel, her eyes lowered to the floor.

“How are you, my dear?”

“I am fine. I thank you, sir.” She answered quickly, not looking at him. She motioned herself to the chair on the other side of the table from him. The moment she sat down, the gentlemen did the same. The uncomfortable silence remained, during which Elizabeth removed her gloves and bonnet methodically, Darcy was staring at her and the colonel occupied himself with glaring at his cousin with a frown on his forehead. Fortunately the owner's wife came with a young girl carrying the tray with tea and sandwiches. The whole company busied themselves with the cups which were placed in front of them.

Elizabeth sipped her tea slowly, when Darcy touched her free hand resting on the table. “My dear, please you must eat something. You shall faint without any nourishment. I am sure you have not eaten anything since yesterday.” Elizabeth did not answer, but removed her hand carefully from his and looked to the side, her lips again pressed together in a tight line.

“Miss Bennet,” the colonel inquired gently. “There is still a couple of hours of ride before us. Perhaps you should try to eat something?”

Elizabeth looked at the colonel, and something resembling a trace of smile appeared on her countenance, and she took a little bite of sandwich. She ate her sandwich slowly, drank some more tea and raised herself, saying. “Excuse me, I shall go refresh myself a little.”

Two pairs of eyes followed her until she disappeared behind the small side door, asking the girl who had brought the tea about the direction.

The cousins eyed each other for a few moments before Fitzwilliam spoke first “Darcy, you are pushing her too hard. Remember she refused you only yesterday. You cannot believe her feelings for you have changed over one night.”

“What did you do with her in the carriage?”Darcy barked, his jaw's clenched.

The scowl appeared on Fitzwilliam's face. “Darcy, what the hell are you speaking of!? Listen to yourself! She lost her father yesterday. She is no mood for any nonsense...”

“You almost carried her out of the carriage.” Darcy interrupted with force.

Fitzwilliam's voice raised in irritation “Because you rushed her so much that she could not even change her shoes and was made to travel in those thin slippers.”

“It was not me, but our aunt who rushed her so.”

“Oh, yes, and you of course had to march in there and announce your intentions to the world. Could you not have waited and broken the news in more delicate manner? Can you imagine how humiliated she must feel now? Being called your whore, not to even mention mine too, and now being reduced to travel alone with both of us?”

“She has nothing to fear from me. I shall protect her.” Darcy announced haughtily.

“Oh, come on, Darcy.” the colonel cried in exasperation.“We are not in Derbyshire, I am not one of your tenants, and your `Master of Pemberley' tone does not affect me. As for Miss Bennet, she does not want your protection. She is not your sister, and you cannot order her around. She is a grown woman, not a little girl under your care.”

Darcy's eyes narrowed and he spoke angrily, “She is my fiancée, I do not need your lectures on how I should treat her. I would never do anything to…”

Fitzwilliam laughed unpleasantly, “Your fiancée? You are convinced that she is of the same opinion? Perhaps we should ask her.”

Darcy turned red in his face and seethed “That is none of your business…”

“Calm yourself, cousin. She is coming. Keep your hands to yourself and do not refer to her in such familiar way. It upsets her.” Fitzwilliam whispered the last words quickly, before standing up to assist Elizabeth, helping her to be seated, again. “Was everything to your satisfaction, Miss Bennet?”

“Yes, I thank you Colonel Fitzwilliam. It was very decent, very clean indeed.”

“Would you care for some more tea?” Elizabeth nodded and the colonel waved at the servant to bring fresh tea. When it came, she concentrated all her attention on her cup. Darcy and Fitzwilliam spoke very little, and Elizabeth nothing. Darcy stared at her steadily, despite the warning glances shot at him by the colonel. When it was time to go back to the carriage, Elizabeth excused herself and went to the necessary room once again.

The cousins stood next to the carriage, waiting for her. Darcy was glaring apprehensively in the direction of the inn, when Fitzwilliam said with sarcasm “Do not worry. She will not escape. She has nowhere to go. You took care of that, after all. She is reliant upon you.”

Darcy said nothing to this, but the look he gave his cousin could not be called a brotherly one. His expression relaxed some when he saw Elizabeth making her way towards them. The moment she reached the muddy spot, Darcy approached her energetically, and without a word, placed his hands firmly on her small waist. With the challenge in his eyes sent in the direction of Fitzwilliam, he carried her the few paces and put her on the carriage steps. Elizabeth stiffened visibly, and as quickly as possible, freed herself from his hold and sat in the far corner of the carriage, again with her back to her companions.

This time Darcy did not try to touch her or talk to her, leaving her alone in her corner. However, when about a half hour later, she started to sag against the window pane, he sat himself quietly next to her. She seemed to curl into a small bowl on her spot. Darcy retrieved the soft woolen blanket from under the seat, the same which Georgiana often covered herself during their travels. Then he very gently and slowly turned Elizabeth's limp body towards him, tucking her carefully against him and putting the blanket around her. He was sure that because the day was rather chilly for April, she had to feel cold in that thin dress. He observed her eyelids fluttering a little when he was arranging her against him, but she did not open her eyes. After a while, Darcy heard a soft sigh escape her and he felt her burying herself more firmly into him, rubbing her nose against his coat. A feeling of deep contentment spread in his chest. She was sound asleep in his arms, as it should be.


When Elizabeth opened her eyes the next morning, she could not decipher where she was at first. She looked around the moderately sized, tastefully decorated room, and recalled being at her aunt and uncle's house at Gracechurch Street in London. Then the events of the last two days flashed in front of her eyes, and she felt the terrible dull pain, that ache, starting somewhere in her throat and ending down in her stomach. Papa was dead. She felt tears gathering in her eyes and the onset of sobs in her chest. She could not fathom what would pass now, how she would live without him in her life. She wanted to bury herself in bed and stay there forever. She looked at the clock on the armoire. Ten in the morning. She had not remembered ever sleeping so long. She was surprised she had slept at all. The previous night she was interchangeably crying, and thinking whether her father suffered much in his last hour.

She moved the covers aside and climbed out of the huge, old-fashioned bed she had always shared with Jane when they were both visiting the Gardiners. She walked to the window and gathered the lacy curtain aside, looking at the outside world. It was a beautiful day. She stared at the blue skies over the roof of the house on the other side of the street. The sound of a carriage stopping in front of the house drew her attention. She looked down and saw a gentleman stepping out of it. The man looked up, and Elizabeth gasped, raising her palm to her lips. She drew the curtain back and turned with her back to the window abruptly. It was Mr. Darcy! She had completely forgotten about him. How would she ever disentangle herself from all of this? Good God! Had he truly introduced himself yesterday as her fiancé? She had been so exhausted last evening that she just walked upstairs with Jane and went to sleep practically the moment her head touched the pillow.

The sound of door opening drew her from her thoughts. The dear face of her sister appeared in it. Jane smiled at her and spoke in her usual serene voice.

“I see you are awake, Lizzy. Have you slept well?”

“Yes, I have. Thank you.”

The maid who entered after Jane, left a tray with what seemed to be Elizabeth `s breakfast. The moment they were alone, Jane walked closely to her sister and smiled sadly.

“Oh, Jane. Tell me this. Did he suffer much?”

Jane did not answer, but her pretty blue eyes brimmed immediately with tears. The sisters embraced silently. They stood close together for a long moment, before Jane whispered “He was asking about you Lizzy, even in fever.”

“Where is he?”

“Uncle's acquaintance has a funeral house near the inn where he was carried after the accident happened. We decided to leave him there until the journey to Longbourn. There is been no point bringing him here. It is not a sight for the children. Uncle arranged for the body to be transported tomorrow.“

Elizabeth gripped her sister's hands and cried “Jane, but how could this happen? Mr. Hill is such a careful driver.”

“We are not sure. We could not find anyone who actually saw what had happened. Uncle said that Mr. Hill had to try stopping the carriage abruptly, perhaps someone tried to run in front of it. The carriage rolled to the side of the road. Father was found unconscious, but it did not look so serious. When we went to the inn, we thought he would be fine. The doctor said that his inner organs were badly damaged. In the evening he got very high fever and at dawn...”

“It is so hard to believe. How could all of this happen to us? It has to be a nightmare. I still think we will just wake up from this together at Longbourn, walk down for breakfast as usual, and see him reading his paper, sitting at the head of the table.”

“I cannot stop thinking that if we had stayed home, nothing would have happened.” Jane whispered miserably, sitting heavily on the bed.

Elizabeth squeezed her hand, sitting by her side. “Because he would have never decided to go by himself to bring us home.”

“Lizzy, you should eat something.” Jane spoke at last.

Elizabeth shook her head “I cannot.”

“You must. We need our strength now for Mama and our younger sisters. Mr. Darcy told Aunt that you have not eaten since the day before yesterday.”

Elizabeth's eyes widened “He did? When?”she cried.

“Apparently after you went upstairs yesterday. Lizzy, what is happening? Why did you return with Mr. Darcy and his cousin alone, unchaperoned? Mr. Darcy said you are engaged. What is the meaning of all of this?”

Elizabeth stood up and started pacing agitatedly, clasping her hands nervously “Oh, Jane. I can hardly believe it all. Mr. Darcy proposed to me.”

“Lizzy, you accepted him? I cannot believe that. You always disliked him so strongly. Moreover, I clearly remember you wrote to me that he is engaged to Lady Catherine's daughter, Miss de Bourgh.”

“I thought he was.” Elizabeth cried with force. “Jane, I was as surprised as you are now. Two days ago he followed me on my walk and met me in the grove near Rosings. He said he loved me and wanted to marry me.”

“And you agreed?”

“No, of course not. Though he was clearly sure of my consent. I cannot comprehend where he found the idea I liked him. My behavior in his company easily bordered on simple rudeness.”

Jane creased her delicate brows, and shaking her head spoke “But I still do not understand why he has said you are engaged. Even now he is talking with Uncle in his study.”

Elizabeth raised her hand to her mouth, involuntarily nibbling on her nails “Oh God, Jane. How can I get out of this now?”

“Lizzy… please speak more clearly...”

Elizabeth took a deep breath and started speaking quickly “I refused him and walked back to Hunsford. Then I learned the news about Papa. The very next morning he came to my room at the parsonage and was so kind. I let him comfort me. He held me a little. Oh, Jane I was not myself. I was so miserable, I had been crying all night and I was not myself, and he was so tender. I let him embrace me. But then his aunt came to the parsonage and he simply informed her we were engaged to be married. He must have assumed that those liberties I had allowed him equalled my consent. He said he had no intention of marrying Miss de Bourgh, and that he required her respect for me as his future wife. Oh, Jane, his aunt was so enraged. She said such horrible things. She virtually called me his mistress and that I…” Elizabeth stopped for a moment, biting her lower lip. “Jane, it was so humiliating. I was not even given the chance to pack my things. I could not stay there. Lady Catherine was ready to strike me right then. Mr. Darcy and Colonel Fitzwilliam virtually forced me into the carriage. Charlotte managed to somehow bring my bonnet and spencer at the last moment, otherwise I would have gone as I stood, just in one dress.”

Jane put her arms around her sister, hoping to comfort her, and spoke softly “Oh, Lizzy. I am so sorry. Mr. Darcy must care about you very much if he protected you so bravely against his aunt…”

Elizabeth looked back at her with great confusion. “Jane, I do not understand him. I always thought him so cold, so… emotionless. And when we are alone, he is so… I cannot explain this… so different. He speaks differently, he is so gentle and…”

“He must love you.” Jane stated simply.

Elizabeth stood up abruptly and walked to the window “Love me!? He treats me like a child! Always telling me what I should do, where I should go, what I should eat or drink, as if I were his puppet.”
Jane stayed silent for a while before she answered thoughtfully “He has younger sister. Perhaps he thinks that this is the way of treating a woman under his care.”

“Jane, I do not care what he thinks!” Elizabeth cried impatiently, raising her hands to her temples. “I just want him to disappear from my life and leave us alone with our grief.”

“He wants to help you.”

“I do not want his help!” Elizabeth cried defiantly, then added in a broken whisper “He cannot do anything to bring Papa back.”

“Nobody can… Lizzy, there is no point for us to debate this now. Promise me you will eat something, and I shall see to your bath. It will do you good.”

Elizabeth sighed and looked at her sister with a small, sad smile “Thank you, Jane. I think you are right. I will do anything which can keep me from Mr. Darcy as long as possible.”

The sisters hugged once more, and Jane left Elizabeth to her breakfast. The hot, steaming bath was soon ready, and Jane helped to rinse Elizabeth's long hair. Half an hour later, Elizabeth was sitting on the bed in her sister's dressing gown, drying her hair with a thick towel. The door opened, and Jane walked in, carrying one of her dresses. “Here you are, Lizzy. This one should be good for you. Uncle asks you to come downstairs to his study as soon as can be. Mr. Darcy wants to speak with you.”

Elizabeth's expression instantly fell. “He is still here? I thought he had gone.”

“No, he has not. Aunt told me that Uncle and Mr. Darcy have finished their conversation barely a few minutes ago.”

“What could they have been talking about for so long?” Elizabeth wondered with a deep frown on her forehead.

“Uncle seemed to be very displeased when Mr. Darcy came in the morning.” Jane said confidentially, lowering her voice.

“And now?”

Jane shook her head slowly, “He was not angry. He has just asked me to tell you to come downstairs.”

Elizabeth sat quietly for some time before raising herself slowly. “Jane, help me with my hair. There is no point in delaying the unavoidable.”

Fifteen minutes later, Elizabeth was dressed in a simple pale blue dress of her sister's. Her hair was still damp, so it was arranged in a loose plait tied with a simple dark ribbon. She wrapped her aunt's shawl around her, and with a determined sigh, motioned herself towards the door.

Jane's calm voice stopped her just before the door. “Good luck, Lizzy. And please do not be angry with me for saying this, but do you remember what you once said…?” Elizabeth turned around, looking questionably at Jane. “One of us must marry very well.” Jane finished sadly, looking aside as is if not having the courage to meet her sister's eyes.

Chapter V

Elizabeth was descending the stairs slowly, wishing secretly they would never end, when she saw her aunt with all her three children gathered in the hall downstairs. They were clearly preparing themselves to go out, as Mrs. Gardiner crouched in front of her youngest daughter, almost four year old Emily, putting the bonnet on her head. Julia, the eldest of the Gardiner children, leaned over her three years younger brother trying to button his coat. The task was hard to accomplish as Peter Gardiner detested wearing the navy blue velvet outfit, which his mother insisted he wear whenever they were going for a walk, enjoying very much for her children to look elegant. The pouting boy kept his arms folded against his chest, which prevented his sister from completing her task. Julia tried to disentangle his arms, but he just looked defiantly up, trying at the same time to evade his sister's hands. His face lit when he noticed his elder cousin on the last steps of the staircase.

“Cousin Lizzy!” He cried excitedly, running towards Elizabeth, catching her skirt, and embracing her legs.

Elizabeth immediately leaned over the boy, hugging him to her and stroking his blond hair “How are you, Peter?”

“I am fine, cousin Lizzy.” The boy answered, raising his head from her skirt and looking up.” Cousin Jane has told us you came yesterday. We wanted to go to see you, but she said you were very tired and you were asleep.”

“I have been a little tired.” Elizabeth smiled at the boy and then turning to her aunt said. “Good, morning Aunt.”

“Good morning Lizzy. I am so sorry, my dear.” Mrs. Gardiner whispered, approaching and hugging her niece tightly.

The embrace was broken with Peter tugging insistently at Elizabeth's skirt. “But you can go with us now?” The boy cried eagerly. “We are going to the park with Mama because our nanny is with her sister who is sick. Will you go with us, cousin Lizzy and play with us?”

Elizabeth crouched in front of the boy, buttoning his coat successfully. “I cannot, my dear, I have to speak with your Papa now.”

“Papa has been in his study all morning with the very tall gentleman.” Julia said, approaching Lizzy closely.

“Yes, very, veryyyyy tall.” John emphasized stretching himself.

“You are wearing Cousin Jane's dress.” Julia observed.

“Yes, I am. Jane has lent me her dress for today.” Elizabeth gathered Julia to her side, thinking she looked exactly like Jane at nine years old.

“I would like to be a grown up lady like you and Cousin Jane so I could wear such gowns.” Julia said with a longing in her sweet voice, tracing with her fingertips the delicate lace at the décolletage of her elder cousin's elegant dress. “Will you lend me one of your dresses when I am a grown up lady?”

“Of, course I will. If you only ask.” Elizabeth smiled and added. “If your mother allows, we could one day try to arrange your hair the way Jane and I do.”

The girl's eyes lightened “Oh, Cousin Lizzy, that is wonderful. When?” Julia cried eagerly.

Mrs. Gardiner shook her head and spoke matter of factly. “Lizzy, you know you will not get away with this now.”

“You know that I do not mind, Aunt.” Elizabeth responded softly.

“Julia, your cousin is occupied with other things at the moment.” Mrs. Gardiner admonished her daughter. “You were to finish dressing you brother.”

Julia's expression faded slightly, but she obediently went to the side table to pick her brother's hat. Elizabeth took it from her with a smile and combed her fingers through the boy's hair, arranging it neatly aside and aside and then putting the velvet hat on his head that matched his outfit.

“You look very handsome, young man.” she said and smiled at Peter. He was such an amiable child, like all the Gardiner children. They were cheerful, smart, spirited children; it was so easy to like them. When Elizabeth raised her eyes from the boy, she saw her uncle standing in the open door to the drawing room, and not surprisingly, Mr. Darcy just behind him.

“Oh, Lizzie, my dear. Here you are. Come to us.”Mr. Gardiner said.

Mrs. Gardiner looked thoughtfully at Mr. Darcy, and then at Elizabeth, who stared uneasily at her feet, and spoke to her husband “My dear, I think that Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy need some time to speak on their own, privately. Perhaps you should accompany us on our walk. I will need some help with the little ones , especially today with their nanny at her sister's.”

The children started bouncing around their father, tugging at his coat and crying excitedly, encouraging him to go with them. Soon Mr. Gardiner was putting on his own topcoat and hat with his children clustered around his legs. A few moments later, the entrance door closed behind the Gardiner family.

Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth stayed alone in the suddenly empty hall. Elizabeth wrapped the shawl more tightly around herself and walked decidedly in the direction of the drawing room's open door, where Mr. Darcy stood. When she was walking past him, his hand placed on her shoulder stopped her.

“How are you today, my dear?” he said softly leaning slightly towards her.

Elizabeth closed her eyes for a few seconds and when she opened them, she looked at him and answered calmly. “I thank you, sir. I am much better. I believe there are things we should discuss, Mr. Darcy. Shall we enter?” she said, walking into the room.

“Yes, of course.” He said mechanically, following her and then closing the door after them.


Elizabeth stood by the window looking at the Gardiners walking toward the nearby park. Mr. Gardiner was carrying Emily, with Peter was running beside him, while Julia was engrossed in conversation with her mother.

“Happy family they are.” Mr. Darcy said, standing close behind her.

“Yes, that is true. It is rare to see such a family.” Elizabeth said absently, giving one more look in the direction of the Gardiners before she turned to her companion, raising her eyes at him. “Mr. Darcy could you please tell me what you have said to my uncle? Jane has told me that the both of you have talked for quite a long time this morning.” she said evenly.

Darcy seemed to be distracted with her eyes resting on his face, and he started somehow hesitantly, “I have told him that I proposed to you. I explained that in most unfortunate circumstances my aunt learned about my intentions towards you. I described her reaction to this intelligence and that was the reason why you came here yesterday together with me and my cousin Colonel Fitzwilliam. I also assured him that I am ready to keep my word given to you and take care of you and your family in this tragic moment of your father's death.”

“I understand. And pray tell me sir, have you mentioned to my uncle that I refused your proposals?” she asked in a calm voice.

“Elizabeth…” He started but she interrupted him quickly “Mr. Darcy, I am aware that you may very well believe that the fact I have allowed you those liberties when in my room at Hunsford, indicates my consent, but it is not like that, sir.” She stopped for a moment, twirling the ends of her shawl between her fingers before she spoke again. “ I… my feelings towards you have not changed, and I am truly sorry I might have given you a hope with my behavior. Pray believe me it was not my intention to sway you, to play with your feelings. The only explanation I have is that I was not myself at that very moment. I was so… so distraught that I believe I simply needed someone to comfort me.”

Darcy placed his palm on her fingers, stopping their movements and leaning slightly whispered “Elizabeth, I am always here, by your side, to comfort you…”

Elizabeth raised her anguished eyes at him and said pleadingly “Sir, please, do not make it so difficult, I cannot.”

Darcy's arm came around her and he motioned her towards the nearby sofa “My dear, please, sit down, come here. Tell me why you cannot.” He asked soothingly sitting beside her.

Elizabeth gave him a determined look and said with force. “Mr. Darcy, nothing has changed from that afternoon in the grove when you…”

“When I said that I love you.” He spoke softly, looking at her lovingly and raising her hand to his lips.

“Yes. “ Elizabeth said uneasily, removing her hand from his, and strengthening herself a little. “I admit I was very wrong in my assertion of your character as far as Mr. Wickham is concerned. Although I still believe that you had no right to separate my sister and Mr. Bingley and I truly cannot understand why you…. ”

Darcy put his finger gently on her lips and said “I shall speak with Bingley, explain to him the whole situation, that I was wrong about your sister's feelings towards him.” he said, trying to meet her eyes.

She only shook her head and spoke earnestly. “Mr. Darcy, a marriage when one person cannot return the feelings of the other cannot be a happy one. That is why I cannot accept you.”

Darcy took her hands into his and spoke softy “My dear, pray tell me only one thing. Have you ever been in love?”

Elizabeth raised her eyes to him, then shook her head slowly “No, I have not. I liked several gentlemen in the past, but every time it was not much more than a girlish infatuation, I believe.”

“So there is a chance I am to be first, is there not?” he asked, his tone low and husky, stroking her cheek with the back of his forefinger.

“Mr. Darcy…”

“Shh, Elizabeth…” he murmured, leaning closely and kissing the soft skin just below her ear.

“No.” she said firmly, turning her face from his and backing away from him decidedly to the far end of the sofa.

Darcy's eyes narrowed at her for a moment and then he stood up abruptly, walked to the mantelpiece and leaned against it.

At last he spoke, the tone of his voice cold and haughty, so different from the one he had used when he had sat beside her not so long ago, that involuntarily an unpleasant shiver ran through Elizabeth's body “Well, Miss Bennet, pray tell me what other choice you have now other than to marry me?'

“It was you who involved us in this situation.” Elizabeth cried indignantly.

“You are correct, madam. However, you cannot be surprised I felt it proper to announce our commitment after what had occurred in your room at the parsonage. I thought the liberties you allowed me to take meant your attitude towards me had changed, that you have, after all, some feelings for me.”

“Sir, it was you who came to my room uninvited. I asked you to leave me alone.”

“That is true, but I do not recall a word, or even a single gesture of protest when I was holding and comforting you. You went into my embrace of your free will. You sought comfort in my arms.” Darcy pointed out confidently.

Elizabeth's voice turned desperate “I have told you I was not myself. I…”

Darcy interrupted her with a force “And if it had been someone else there with you, another man, let us say, Mr. Collins, would you have allowed him to comfort you in the same way.”

“No, of course not.”

“So, you would not have permitted any man to comfort you the way you allowed me to do. However, you still tell me that it was of no consequence at all. You contradict yourself, Miss Bennet.”

Elizabeth rose and walked to him, crying with energy “Sir, you are twisting my words. I was not thinking straight…”

“And what about my cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam? Would you have allowed him to comfort you?” Darcy spoke with narrowed eyes, towering over her.

Elizabeth's eyes sparkled angrily and she cried boldly “Perhaps. He is kind to me. He never forces his company on me, or orders me around as if I was five years old…”

Darcy rolled his eyes and said dismissively “Oh, yes, your behavior is very mature indeed.”

“Your cousin is at least a true gentleman.” Elizabeth cried with a challenge in her eyes.

Darcy smirked at her “Do not be naïve Elizabeth. He will never marry you. He looks for some well-dowered and well connected young lady. He is the second son, and simply cannot afford to marry you. You should give up your hopes on him.”

“I have no such hopes!” she cried, raising her hands in a frantic gesture. “I have never said I expected his proposals. I like him as a friend.”

Darcy stared at her steadily for a few moments before he spoke evenly. “Elizabeth, we have to marry. Your reputation will be ruined if you break the engagement. You forget that our understanding was announced in front of my aunt and cousin?”

“Sir, I am sure your aunt would happily forget about this if you agreed to marry Miss de Bourgh.”

“I have said this before; I have no intention of marrying Anne. I never did. The only woman I have ever wanted to marry is you.”

“But Sir, I truly cannot comprehend your sudden interest in my person.” Elizabeth cried unbelievably.

Darcy creased his brows in confusion “Sudden?”

“I heard you said yourself I was not handsome enough to tempt you. ”

Darcy sighed audibly and shook his head, a small smile appearing on his face. “Elizabeth, please let us sit down.” He said, motioning her to the comfortable armchair. He took a chair and placed it next to her, sitting on it. He leaned towards her and spoke. “I admit that I have developed, over the years, a very bad habit of criticizing every young lady introduced to me. I cannot stop thinking that all they can see is my income. That evening at the Meryton Assembly, when we were introduced, I was in a fool mood. I hate crowds and strangers. I was angry at Bingley because he had talked me into going with him that night. I am sorry that you overheard what I said about you. I never even meant it to be personal to you. Please let me assure you, I admired you almost from the very beginning, from the first hours of our acquaintance. When you stayed at Netherfield nursing your sister, the only thing I could think at night was that your room was just a few steps from mine and that you were there alone, just in your nightclothes…”

Elizabeth's eyes widened in horror, and she blushed from the tops of her breasts to the tiny baby hair curls around her forehead “Mr. Darcy!”

Darcy smiled at her helplessly “Elizabeth, I am aware that you are an innocent, but you could not possibly be so oblivious. All the times when you noticed me staring at you…”

“I thought you looked at me to find some fault.” Elizabeth murmured, clearly dumbfounded, her brows creased.

Darcy's smile grew even bigger and he shook his head, looking at her warmly “Elizabeth, I can see that my cousin was right about you. For all your impertinence and boldness, you are just a little innocent. You know very little of men, and I cannot wait to broaden your horizons on the subject.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at him “Mr. Darcy, my state of ignorance as far as the opposite sex is concerned should not bother you.” She spoke angrily, and after a while she added firmly. “Sir, I cannot accept you.”

Darcy stayed silent for some time, staring at some nonexistent point in front of him. Next he stood up slowly and walked to the window and stared out of it, the same way Elizabeth observed him doing numerous times at Netherfield, Rosings and Hunsord. At length he spoke as if indifferently, with his face still to the window “Elizabeth you have no choice. In the eyes of the world we are engaged. I will not allow you to break the engagement. I am a serious man. I will not allow you to ruin my own reputation and the good name of Darcy. It is against my moral standards to break the engagement with a gentleman's daughter who traveled with me alone and unchaperoned in my private carriage. Your uncle has given his consent. You must simply accept the situation and deal with it, despite your obvious abhorrence for my person.”

Elizabeth raised herself and approached him, standing next to him “Mr. Darcy, I do not feel abhorrence towards you. I just simply do not love you. I have observed for years in my own family what the results of such marriage can be, when one partner does not respect and love the other one. Neither of them can be satisfied and happy in such an unequal marriage. Moreover, really sir, I feel I am not in state to be a wife to anybody at this very moment, when I must consider the fact that... that my father... ” She lowered her head for she could not speak of it anymore.

Darcy turned to her and started again patiently, “I have never said I would demand from you to marry me within the next few days or weeks or even months. I respect your sorrow over your father's death, and I understand that you need time to grieve before you will be able to start a new life. All I want is your word that you will marry me after the mourning period comes to end. During this time, I will court you properly so you can know me better. And Elizabeth, you must remember about your family situation. Your father is dead. Longbourn is entailed. As far as I know, my aunt has that fool Collins already on his way to Hertfordshire to claim his rights to the estate. You and your sisters have no fortune, no dowry to speak of, and none of you is married. Where are you going to live now? Have you given thought to that? You think your mother shall be able to economize? Is she capable of managing all your affairs now that your father is gone? She will probably spend all the money she receives in the matter of a few years, if not earlier. Only I can prevent this. As your fiancé I am in a position to help you and all your family. I will lease some neighbouring estate for your mother so she may live there peacefully and comfortably for the rest of her days. Your sisters could stay with her until they marry. I can introduce them to the single men among my acquaintance. I will talk to Bingley and explain the reasons I told him your sister did not care for him. You will have no worries about the future of your family. You must see that marrying me is the only way to rescue your family from poverty, from losing its place in society.”

Elizabeth remained silent for a long time, her arms crossed in front of her. At last she looked at him sadly before speaking in a soft earnest voice “Does it not bother you that that in my accepting your hand I will do so only because you can help my family? Does that not mean that I will be looked upon as mercenary? You have said yourself you clearly despise all those women who see only your wealth.”

“Elizabeth, so far my fortune has not brought me much happiness. Money did not stop my parents from dying prematurely. It certainly has not protected my sister from the attentions of one the most degenerate rakes in the country, but the contrary. Now if my fortune can make the future with you possible, I can only be grateful for that.” He took her hand and placed it on his chest, continuing gently. “My dear, I know you are not a mercenary. You see, I just cannot leave you on your own now. Knowing you will suffer from poverty, worrying yourself over your and your family's future, or even worse, being forced to take a position somewhere among strangers, and be treated like a servant. I simply cannot allow it. Not when I can prevent all of this so easily. You can ask anyone who knows me, Colonel Fitzwilliam or Georgiana, that I would do everything in my power for my family, for my beloved ones when they are in need. And you my dearest loveliest Elizabeth, are among the very few people I care for. No matter what you say or do, nothing can change that. I cannot stand by calmly and do nothing when I know that in two days time perhaps you and your family may no longer have a place to live.”

Elizabeth stared at his chest, where her right hand was placed, covered with both of his. At last she lifted her eyes at him “You promise to help my mother and sisters?”

He gave a solemn nod, squeezing her hand.

“Well, Mr. Darcy. You have convinced me. You have my word. I will marry you. On my behalf, I promise to be a good wife to you, bear you children and care for them, and shall not ever bring shame to your name.” she said earnestly.

“Elizabeth, I have never doubted you will be a most excellent Mrs. Darcy in every respect.” Darcy assured her, taking a step towards her, and leaning to her face, trying to meet her eyes.

She looked at him uneasily, and biting her lower lip spoke nervously “I would only ask you for some time to adjust to this new situation in my life, and to your company and …” she made a pause and continued uneasily, not looking at him. “…to your presence by my side, to your…. I mean... that is... I believe I will need time to know you better, as you have said yourself.” she finished awkwardly.

Darcy looked thoughtfully at the embarrassed expression on her face, closed his eyes for a moment and then spoke evenly. “Of course, my dear. I understand you perfectly. Thank you.” He kissed her hand tenderly, but he did not try to kiss her face or embrace her as before.

Elizabeth gave him a relieved smile. “Would you stay for tea, Mr. Darcy? I am sure my aunt and uncle, with their children, are to come in any moment. I am sure the little ones have gotten hungry since breakfast.”

Darcy smiled at her warmly. “I saw you talking with you cousins earlier. You must like them very much.”

“It is so easy to like them. They are such good children. I have not as much patience with them as Jane though.”

“But you appeared to deal with them very well in the hall.”

“Well, I think children appreciate when you simply take the trouble and time to just talk with them and show some interest in their matters. But you must know this, sir. You must have been more a father to your sister than a brother, I believe.”

“Yes, that is true. Georgiana was just ten when our father died. I am near certain, she cannot remember our mother, as she was just a baby when she passed away. It has been a constant challenge to take care of Georgiana. I will never forgive myself that I let the situation from last summer happen.”

Elizabeth stepped towards him, and placing her hand on his arm, spoke earnestly “Oh, sir, it was not your fault. How could you know that something like this would happen? You sister must trust you if she confided in you on such a matter. You will not always be able to protect her from the all evils of the world.”

Darcy stared at her small hand placed on his arm before directing his gaze to her face “But, I shall try.” he said with a smile and continued. “I hope you will help me with this. Georgiana needs female companionship. She is shy, and perhaps you could try to help her emerge from her shell.”

Elizabeth smiled at him and said. “It will be my pleasure if I can help, sir. I cannot wait to meet her.”

They stood together by the window, looking at each other, until the clatter from the hall was heard, signaling the return of the Gardiners.

Chapter VI

I would like to direct a special thanks to Teg for her help with horsemanship issue in this chapter.

Elizabeth was sitting on the floor in one of the downstairs rooms at Purvis Lodge, surrounded by piles of books which were brought from Longbourn library when the Bennets moved out. She was leafing through the pages of her father's copy of `Paradise Lost.' The book was well worn, and there were numerous notes on the margins made by Mr. Bennet's hand. She was so much engrossed in her thoughts, that she did not hear her fiancé entering through the open door.

“Elizabeth.” He said softly, approaching her closely.

She raised her head at him and said with a smile “I thought you would not come today. Mr. Bingley came alone.”

Darcy stared at her, sitting on the floor, her legs curled under her, with a book on her lap. He decided it would be better for his peace of mind and the hope of a decent rest this night, to lower himself to her level. With her kneeling before him, her gaze focused on him, her mouth slightly parted, her breasts so temptingly displayed before his eyes, a whole range of improper thoughts started involuntarily invading his mind. She would probably run away from him instantly if she could have guessed his musings.

“Mr. Darcy, are you all right? Is there something amiss?” she asked, starting to raise herself.

Darcy's hand stopped her, however, and he knelt beside her. “There was a certain matter I had to resolve first thing this morning. That is why I did not come with Bingley . I see you are arranging your father's books.”

She nodded absently, her fingertips tracing the places with her father's handwriting on it. “Yes, I am. At last. I have not felt up to doing this earlier. I simply could not make myself.” she whispered brokenly.

Darcy, noticing that she was about to fall into one of her brooding, grieving moods again, which would undoubtedly lead to some weeping on her part as well, spoke quickly, hoping to draw her attention away from the painful thoughts. “I am surprised Collins allowed you to take all of them. This alone is quite a fortune, a first edition, I see.” he said, taking the copy of Milton from Elizabeth.

Elizabeth raised her brows and looked pointedly into her companion's eyes, a trace of a smile on her lips. “Fortunately my cousin found my father's library unholy and indecent. He suggested most of these books should be burnt. I think he would have only liked to keep Mary's sermons.”

Darcy cocked his brow. “He found Milton unholy?”

“No, Shakespeare's sonnets actually, and some of Jane's and my novels, `Pamela,' `Moll Flanders' and `Clarissa,' for example.” Elizabeth answered, reaching forward to take the thick book from the nearby pile.

“I should not be surprised.” Darcy said, noticing that what Elizabeth was holding in her hands, was indeed a copy of `Clarissa' by Samuel Richardson.

“Well, the truth is, that my father owned some books which certainly could be pronounced unholy and immoral.” Elizabeth said, putting the book to its former place. “I once saw him reading Marquis de Sade, but later when I tried to find that book I could not locate it anywhere. I am sure father kept it and the others of that kind in this cabinet.” She said pointing to the elegant richly encrusted furnishing, standing not far from where they sat. “It is terribly heavy, and it is locked. I cannot find the key. It is a beautiful piece, is it not? I would not want to destroy it, trying to open it by force.”

“Perhaps it simply contains some old estate papers?” Darcy suggested.

Elizabeth shook her head “No, the archived papers were found elsewhere. Besides, it is too heavy. I am sure father locked in there some truly interesting books which he found unsuitable for his daughters.”

“It was very wise on his part. Young ladies of your station should not indulge themselves in some types of literature.” Darcy said in his usual stern tone.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “Oh, please sir, your poor sister. I am sure you allow her to read only the books you find safe.”

“Well, yes, and `Moll Flanders' is not the best advice for a young lady.”

Elizabeth stared at Darcy for a moment, her brows raised, clearly exasperated with him. “I cannot believe what I am hearing. You sound exactly like my cousin, Mr. Collins. You once said yourself that an accomplished lady should improve her mind through extensive reading.”

“That is correct. However, I meant books on history and literature or poetry.”

Elizabeth raised her eyes directly at him, and smiling sweetly with her head turned slightly to the side, spoke “I must warn you, Mr. Darcy, do not even try to tell me what I can read and what I cannot. One day I shall find the key to this cabinet.” It was said in a light tone but Darcy knew her well enough to decipher she meant every single word.

“But first you should give it to me, so I could advise you which of those books are worthy your time and attention.” he replied with a pleasant smile.

Elizabeth smiled back at him, and nodding her head said, “Well, I thank you for your offer, sir, but I think I can judge on my own.”

Darcy opened his mouth to say something more, but decided against it. Lately she had started to behave less formally in his company, and the last thing he desired was to ruin this by quarrelling with her. He would start worrying himself over the content of the cabinet when she found the key to it. Certainly he did not wish his fiancée to read Marquis de Sade. He would teach her all she needed to know about the subject by himself. He made a mental note to remove the books from the top shelves of his libraries both in the townhouse and at Pemberley and lock them away somewhere as well. He had never thought to do it before, but Georgiana was not as inquisitive as Elizabeth. Darcy was drawn from his thoughts by his future mother-in-law's high pitched voice. It was truly a blessing that Elizabeth had not inherited the modulation of her voice from her mother.

“Lizzy, child, what on earth are you doing here on the floor?” Mrs. Bennet exclaimed, her eyes round.

“We were looking through Papa's books, Mama.” Elizabeth said calmly, turning her head towards her mother.

“I am sorry, sir, that she kept you on your knees. I assure you, I have never taught her to receive her intended in such a wild manner.” Mrs. Bennet cried, clearly horrified with her daughter's manners.

“I am perfectly fine, Madam.” Darcy said, raising himself to his feet and standing in front of Mrs. Bennet, bowing his head. He held out his hand, helping Elizabeth to stand up as well.

“Come for tea, both of you.” Mrs. Bennet said impatiently, directing herself toward the door.” I must call Jane and Mr. Bingley as well. The cook made his favourite ginger cookies. Kitty! Kitty! Where is that girl when I need her? Kitty, go to the garden and call your sister and Mr. Bingley for tea!” Mrs. Bennet cried from the corridor.

Kitty's calm voice was heard. “Mama, I can hear you. You do not have to shout so.”

Elizabeth glanced at Darcy who looked as if he had no intention of moving from his spot. “I believe, sir, we have to join the others in the parlour.” she said, knowing very well that her fiancé still found it rather difficult to deal with her mother. At least he was civil, if not exactly amiable.

“Yes, that is true.” Darcy said almost gravely. Elizabeth moved to the door first, but she was stopped by Darcy's hand on her elbow, catching it gently.

She looked at him curiously. “Is something the matter?”

“No, I just wanted to explain myself; why I have come later today.”

“Mr. Darcy I do not expect you to report every hour of your time to me.” She said with a polite smile.

Darcy creased his brows, as if displeased with her words, before speaking slowly “It is about Georgiana. This morning I sent an express to London for her to come here. You know I did not want her here with the Militia in Meryton.”

“Yes, of course. Your poor sister has suffered enough.” Elizabeth spoke earnestly, lowering her voice slightly. “Perhaps I should instruct Lydia and Kitty not to mention Mr. Wickham around your sister.”

“I do not think it would be a good idea. They would start asking questions, and we cannot silence the whole neighbourhood on the subject of Wickham. I will explain everything to Georgiana by myself when she arrives.”

Elizabeth bit her lower lip in apprehension. “Yes, I agree, it would be best if you speak with her. I am happy that I shall meet her at last. The letter she wrote to me was so sweet, so genuinely kind. She seems truly…”

Elizabeth's speech was interrupted with her mother crying at the top of her voice “Lizzy! Lizzy! Where is that girl? We are waiting only for you to come have with tea with us. Why are you keeping Mr. Darcy there all alone with you? I am sure he is hungry! You can talk here!”

“I believe we must finish this conversation later, sir.” Elizabeth said with an apologetic smile.

“So it seems. Let us go.” Darcy said resignedly and offered Elizabeth his arm.


After the whole company finished tea, Jane and Elizabeth proposed to walk the gentleman back to Netherfield. Thanks to her future son-in-law's generosity, Mrs. Bennet and her daughters were able to move to their new home, Purvis Lodge. The whole neighbourhood was shocked with Mr. Collins' behaviour, as he practically ordered the widow and their daughters to move out in a matter of days; not even weeks. His behaviour was condemned by all four and twenty families that the Bennets kept relations with, including his own father-in-law. Eventually, mainly due to the help of Mr. Darcy, Mr. Bingley and Sir William Lucas, Mr. Collins was convinced to offer the Bennets one month to pack all their belongings and move to their new home.

Purvis Lodge was situated within only two miles of Netherfield Park, and the sisters found it to be a pleasant walk. Both gentlemen had come on horseback, so now they were walking beside their ladies with their horses stepping closely behind. Jane and Mr. Bingley walked ahead while Elizabeth with Mr. Darcy kept some distance after them.

“You were telling me about Georgiana's letter to you, before we were interrupted. “ Darcy started the conversation.

Elizabeth's face immediately brightened. “Ah, yes. I wanted to say her letter was so kind. She seems to be genuinely happy that I am to be her sister. I cannot imagine what you could have told her about me.” She looked at Darcy from under her long eyelashes.

He smiled at her. “I think it is enough for her that she sees me happy since our engagement.”

To these words Elizabeth glanced away from him, but her delicate brows were moving slightly, indicating to him that she was somehow moved with his statement. At length she spoke, “She also mentioned Colonel Fitzwilliam's mother, Lady Matlock.”

“And…” Darcy said looking at her with anticipation.

“Well, I was a little surprised with that; to be honest, even more than little. She wrote that her aunt and uncle, the earl and his wife, eagerly anticipate meeting me.”

Darcy shrugged his shoulders. “Why should it surprise you? My uncle has pressed me for a long time to marry.”

Elizabeth stared at the ground uneasily and spoke hesitantly. “I must admit that I expected them to be displeased with your choice of wife. I thought they would be against me. I presumed your sister was just kind…”

Darcy put his free hand on her arm reassuringly. “Georgiana would not write anything that is not true, I assure you. The invitation had to come from my uncle and aunt themselves. I believe that Richard explained everything that happened in Kent, especially the despicable behaviour of Lady Catherine towards you. My aunt and uncle are nothing like Lady Catherine.”

Elizabeth gave him a small smile. “I must admit I am relived to hear this. I should not have been surprised since Colonel Fitzwilliam is their son after all.”

Darcy's jaw clenched and he only muttered. “Yes.”

Elizabeth seemed not to notice his displeasure over mentioning his cousin, and asked with eager anticipation. “How soon do you think we can expect Georgiana?”

“Mostly likely by the end of this week.”

“I am glad.”

They had walked for a while in companionable silence, when Darcy stopped and spoke hesitatingly. “I have a certain idea, but I would ask your opinion on the subject.”

“Yes?” she asked, looking at him expectedly.

“My sister previously attended a school in London for young ladies. She made many friends, and I believe, learned a lot. They teach manners, drawing, needlework, but also languages, history and literature. I was very satisfied with Georgiana's progress, and she felt welcomed among the other girls. I have thought that maybe your youngest sisters, Kitty and Lydia, would wish to attend the school. I think they would gain much.”

“But sir, you have already done so much for us, for my sisters and me. I do not expect something more from you. It is too much. The expense of such a school, I could not accept it.” she cried with feeling.

“Elizabeth, do not worry yourself about the expense.” Darcy spoke calmly.

“But such a school must be dreadfully expensive, and you have already done so much…” Elizabeth still protested, but was interrupted by Darcy. “Elizabeth, only one thing really matters. Do you think your sisters would benefit from such education?”

“Yes, there is no doubt about it. I think that Kitty would especially, she is very intelligent, but she is too much influenced by Lydia.”

“So it is done.” He said simply. “I shall write to the principal. If your mother agrees, they could go there this autumn. And please do not fret about expense. My true income is much underestimated, I can assure you. I have made some very profitable investments since my father's death. I must say I was reasonably successful. Ten thousand a year is just the sum I get from Pemberley. If Wickham had been aware of the real state of my finances, my sister's virtue would have been his mark long before.” The last words Darcy said in a clipped bitter tone with his jaws tightly clenched.

Elizabeth stepped closer and looked at him with concern. “You cannot torment yourself with this forever. She is safe and sound now. For certain, it was a horrible experience for her, but it could have ended much worse. We shall never have to deal with that man again.” She spoke calmly, her voice soft. She put her hand on Darcy's arm and added with a spark in her eyes and a big smile on her face. “Do you remember his expression when he first saw us together in Meryton? I almost felt sorry for him.”

“I can imagine it was not the most pleasant experience for him.” Darcy answered calmly, but Elizabeth could feel a note of deep satisfaction in his voice. “I have one more thing he desired.” He added, reaching out to stroke her cheekbone.

Elizabeth deciphered easily he was very close to falling into one of his `dangerous' moods, so she cried instantly, with great feeling, raising her brow impishly at him. “Sir! I am shocked! You call me a thing?”

“It was not what I meant…” Darcy started nervously.

But Elizabeth interrupted him smilingly. “Oh, I know what you meant, sir. But seriously, I am more than sure that Mr. Wickham was never really interested in me. I presume he represents the type of rake who thinks it is his responsibility to flirt with every single woman in his company.”

Darcy thought differently on the subject, but he did not fancy to elaborate on it any longer. “Returning to the issue of my financial affairs.” He continued. “I shall acquaint you in detail with all my businesses when my lawyer has finished preparing the marriage settlement. I already showed the draft of it to your uncle when I was in London three weeks ago.”

“Sir, that is truly not necessary. I trust you on that matter.” she said uneasily, fidgeting her fingers.

“Elizabeth, you will have to have your own pin money.” Darcy spoke calmly. “There is also the matter of setting aside money for our children. I must say your Mr. Gardiner is a very reasonable men, and a very clever businessman. I have even invested some money in one of his businesses.”

Elizabeth glanced at him curiously. “I was not aware you were interested in spice import, sir.”

“I do not know much about it; I am much more a farmer than anything else, but your Uncle's business seems to be very reliable. It was not much of a sum; just a couple thousand pounds, but I will invest more if the rate of interest proves to be as your uncle assured me. I plan to one day be independent of the income from Pemberley.”

“I do not know what to say, sir.” Elizabeth said simply, “I must admit I know so little about it. My father never acquainted me with his financial matters.”

“I saw the Longbourn books. Your father was a reasonable man. Collins inherited quite a profitable estate; I can assure you. However, I would like you to learn all of my business affairs. If something were ever to happen to me, you would …” Darcy did not finish, because to his great surprise, he was interrupted with a loud shriek from his fiancée.

During the conversation, their pace slowed considerably, and for at least ten minutes, the pair had been simply standing on the road talking. Clearly, Mr. Darcy's horse had become impatient with this arrangement. He nudged Elizabeth strongly from behind which caused her to give out that undignified sound.

Darcy looked at her with concern, touching her arm “Are you all right?”

“That animal touched me!” Elizabeth cried, looking pointedly at her fiancé's horse, who was perhaps more terrified than herself, jerking his head up and away, his nostrils flaring rapidly.

Darcy patted horse's neck soothingly. “He is harmless. He has just demanded your attention. He is very sociable.”

Elizabeth made a face in the direction of the horse and spoke brusquely “I do not wish him to touch me. He nearly knocked me down.”

“Do not be afraid. I would never let him harm you. Come, you can touch him.” Darcy said gently.

Elizabeth shook her head decidedly.”He makes me nervous. Do you really have to have such a big, black horse?”

“You do not ride, am I correct?”

“No, I have never been much of a horsewoman. None of us is, I mean my mother and sisters. My father adored horses, and there was a time I tried very hard to learn horse riding, but unsuccessfully. I think he was a bit disappointed with me on this matter.”

“I am sure he was not.” Darcy said reassuringly, but he had to admit that he had wondered why Elizabeth did not insist on bringing any of her father's horses. At least one of them was an excellent horse which he would gladly have paid to buy from Collins.

“I am just afraid. I have always been. Papa said that the horse could feel my fear, and he was restless because of that.”

“Exactly, the animal must know you are to ride him, not the other way round. You cannot scream around him if he touches you. You have terrified him.”

“It was not my intent.” She looked at Darcy's mount guiltily. “I have just reacted from being surprised. I have always felt myself too small to control such a big animal, even Nellie, though she was much smaller than Papa's stallion. I cannot comprehend how one can find pleasure in riding, it is so uncomfortable, as if being tossed around and about.”

“It may feel like that, especially at the beginning, but later when you learn to move in the same rhythm with the horse, it is quite comfortable.”

Elizabeth sighed with exasperation. “You sound exactly like Papa when he was teaching Jane and me. Jane did much better. She was so calm and poised. She did not make any abrupt movements. Moreover, she always kept herself straight, whereas I tended to lean over the horse, gripping him tighter with both my hands and legs, and he immediately started moving faster. Papa kept telling me I had to keep my back straight, my body relaxed, press my weight in the saddle, and keep my hands quiet. It was so hard to do all those things at once. Finally one day, Papa said I was a danger for myself when on horseback. I had to promise I would never try to ride by myself, without anyone around. I do not have much strength in my hands, perhaps it is the reason.”

“Controlling the horse is not about the size and the physical strength so much.” Darcy remarked.

“It is easy to say for you, sir. You are big and strong.” Elizabeth pointed out.

Darcy smiled to himself, hearing her describe him like this. “Perhaps I could try to teach you.” He proposed. “We could go together one day. You could sit in front of me and see there in no reason to be afraid.”

Elizabeth's eyes widened, and she cried almost panicked .“No, sir. I thank you. Please do not demand this from me.”

“I will not.” Darcy said gently, slightly surprised with her violent reaction.

There was a visible relief written on Elizabeth's face. “You frightened me. I was beginning to think you were going to say that every Mistress of Pemberley should ride like an Amazon.”

He smiled at her. “No, that is really not necessary; though there are several lovely places in Debryshire that are best reached on horseback. And as both the mistress of Pemberley and my wife I would dearly love to show you.”

“I prefer walking.” Elizabeth stated firmly.

“I understand. My mother was afraid of horses as well. She was very petite, even smaller than you. I reached her height at eleven. Perhaps she was afraid she would not be able to control the horse as well. She was terrified when I rode too fast.”

“I can well believe that. Your poor mother. If I had a son, I would never allow him to ride so recklessly.”

“Elizabeth you are not being rational. The boy should learn to ride confidently, and yes, sometimes even a bit risky.”

“Like you?” she cried with feeling, her hands on her hips. “You do ride too fast, sir. And I truly do not consider it to be necessary, not justified. I have seen you a couple of times on horseback, galloping through the fields. I noticed as well that Mr. Bingley rides in a very different, much calmer way.” she pointed out reasonably.

“It is a matter of temper, I believe. I like to feel the maximum speed from time to time.” He smiled at her devilishly.

“Whatever for?” she cried exasperatedly.

He leaned forward, looking deeply into her eyes and speaking in a low, deep voice. “It is hard to explain. You would simply have to experience it to understand, I believe.”

“Well, I think that the way you ride is simply dangerous, and very risky. You shall break you neck one day.” Elizabeth looked at a grinning Darcy suspiciously. “Why are smiling like that? Have I said anything amusing?”

“Oh, nothing, I just like it when you are scolding me.”

“You do?”

“I do. You are worried for me. It means you care about me, if only a little.” he clarified.

“I think we should join Jane and Mr. Bingley. I am sure they reached Netherfield long ago.” she said quickly, starting off eagerly at a fast pace. She had not walked far when she felt herself grabbed by the waist from behind. She felt a hot kiss on her neck, with his other hand placed low on her stomach. “You are worried for me.” he murmured close to her ear.

The very next second she was alone, and Mr. Darcy was walking briskly in front of her with his mount following him obediently.


“Here you are, Darcy.” Bingley said, handing him a glass of brandy. It was quite late, and both men were sitting alone in the darkened library at Netherfield.

“Thank you.”

“You must agree your future mother-in-law is a piece of work.”

“It is your own fault, you know, that you admitted to her you have a sweet tooth.” Darcy pointed out while sipping from his glass slowly.

Bingley stretched lazily on the sofa, patting his middle. “I think I shall never again taste ginger cookies of my free will. I do think that Mrs. Bennet's intentions are for the best.”

“Perhaps. However, I sometimes wonder how Elizabeth and Miss Bennet could possibly be related to her.” Darcy said haughtily.

Bingley looked at his friend with concern and spoke slowly. “Darcy, you should not say that; especially not in the presence of Miss Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet is her mother after all. There is a strong bond between Mrs. Bennet and her daughters; even stronger now since Mr. Bennet has passed away. You cannot have this kind of condescending attitude towards their mother.Besides, Jane looks a lot like Mrs. Bennet.”

Darcy just shrugged his arms dismissively. “Thank goodness for your sake, Miss Bennet did not inherit her mother's disposition. Elizabeth has clearly taken after her father's side, to which I thank heavens to be so."he said this while putting the half empty glass aside and stretching himself in a comfortable armchair.

There was a prolonged silence between the men. Bingley still considered that Darcy should not refer in such a manner to the mother of his fiancée, but he remained silent on the subject. After a while, he spoke again. “Both our Miss Bennets appear to be in better spirits, have you not noticed this, Darcy? They are not so sad and grief stricken as they were just after Mr. Bennet's funeral.”

Darcy shook his head “It has only been two months since Mr. Bennet died. Elizabeth is far from being her old self. Every conversation, almost every subject turns her thoughts to her father and reminds her of him. She becomes gravely quiet and starts crying.”

“It is the same with Jane. But you are lucky, you at least have the right to comfort your Miss Bennet.” Bingley said wistfully.

“You are sure of that?” Darcy interrupted with harsh bitterness.

“Of what?” Bingley asked, clearly dumbfounded with the sudden switch of his companion's mood.

“Nothing.” Darcy murmured darkly.

“But you know today, Jane finally smiled at me.” Bingley babbled dreamily.

Darcy looked at him with a smile. “You hope to win her. You have said our Miss Bennets.”

“Why yes, you have said yourself she was in love with me last autumn, that she was heartbroken when I left.”

“That is what Elizabeth told me.”

“It must be true.” Bingley announced happily and added “They are very close.”

“True. But if she is only a little like her sister, I would watch your guard, and what is more important, your heart.” Darcy said blankly, rising from his place and walking to the mantelpiece.

At length Bingley spoke hesitantly. “Darcy, is something wrong between you and Miss Elizabeth?”

Darcy stared in Bingley's direction, but as if not seeing him, and said slowly. “No, I think she starts to warm to me a bit. But sometimes I think it is just her kind heart and that she is just grateful. Nothing more. That she feels obliged to me.”

“I see.” Bingley's quiet voice was heard.

Darcy smiled ruefully “I doubt she is even aware what power she has over me.”

“They are not like that, Darcy; I mean Jane and Miss Elizabeth. I do not imagine them to harm or use us, or anyone for that matter, on purpose.”

“I know. Otherwise I would not know what could happen with me. Sometimes I simply think I am obsessed with her. She not like any other woman I have ever know… I do not know.” he said, pacing, his hand raking through his curls.

Bingley approached him closely, and placing his hand on his arm, spoke reassuringly. “Darcy, that will change. You will marry her eventually, you will know her better, and from a more earthy side as well. Live with her every day. The children will come, and that will strengthen the bond between you.”

“Bingley, I want her to need me, to love me as I need and love her; not because I can get her with child, but because she loves me for myself.” Darcy cried almost brokenly.

“All in time, man. All in time.”

“Yes. Hope you are right. I am tired, Bingley. I bid you goodnight.” Darcy said leaving the room without one backwards glance.

Chapter VII

“What do you think about this idea, Kitty?” Elizabeth asked her sister. All of the Bennet ladies and Mr.Darcy were gathered in the drawing room at Purvis Lodge. Elizabeth had just acquainted her two youngest sisters with the design of them going to school in London this autumn.

“Oh, Lizzy, I have never thought about such a thing, but I think I would like it very much indeed; going to a school and learning how to be a true lady.” Kitty said, shyly looking at her elder sister's intimidating fiancé and adding, “I thank you, Mr. Darcy.”

Darcy looked somewhat surprised at these words, but answered earnestly. “You are welcome, Miss Catherine.”

“And what about you, Lydia?” Jane asked gently.

Lydia pursed her lips and spoke with nonchalant confidence. “I do not see any need to go to a school. I know everything I need to be the most sought after and admired lady among the officers. I do not wish to know history and poetry. I can get the gentlemen's interest without all that reading you do, Lizzy. Being too smart only frightens the most amiable men away. Mr. Denny told me himself, he did not understand half of what you told him when you once danced together. I do not need to learn more. What I need, is to go to Brighton.”

“To Brighton?” Jane echoed.

Lydia raised her chin high and spoke proudly “Yes. I got a letter from Mrs. Forster this morning. She has invited me to spend time with her at the seaside to draw myself from the sad thoughts, as she wrote. She is convinced that some sea bathing and the company of my numerous friends from the regiment will do me good.”

Mrs. Bennet interjected fretfully, “Lydia, child, you must see you cannot go there. I told you earlier today that we are in mourning and we cannot entertain now. What would people say?”

Lydia shrugged her arms dismissively “I cannot see why I cannot go. I am always deprived of the greatest fun. It is unfair.”

“Lydia, Papa died only two months ago. How can you think about such things as officers or sea bathing at such a moment?” Kitty cried with feeling.

“Oh, Kitty you have turned so boring lately. You have started keeping to Jane and Lizzy, but I know you are just jealous, because it is I who has been invited to Brighton as the peculiar friend of Mrs. Forster and not you. If you were in my place, I am sure you would wish to go as well without a moment of hesitation.”

“That is not true!” Kitty cried fiercely.

“Oh, yes it is true. It is the same, like the fact that all the officers admired me and not you. They only keep your company just because I drag you with me everywhere and now you repay me like this. You can study for ten years at this school but even then you never will be so popular among gentlemen as myself.”

“Lydia, that is enough!” Elizabeth said in a firm, composed voice. “You will not go to Brighton. You shall go to school and try to gain some sense and reason in that silly head of yours. You should be grateful you have such an opportunity.”

Lydia glared at her elder sister with narrowed eyes and cried haughtily. “Do not be so smart, Lizzy! You are so important now because you are to marry first; but in truth you are just jealous, the same as Kitty is, because Mr. Wickham has liked me more than you, even though you fancied him first. And now he is in Brighton, and I am not be able to see him because you say so? I do not envy you your fiancé. You think you are so clever, but I would never have agreed to marry a man I despise only because of his fortune. We all know that the sole reason why you marry him is because he is rich. We know how you hated him in the past; and I feel sorry for you because you have to marry that bore!”

Mrs. Bennet stood up, her face pale, her brow furrowed, and spoke firmly “Lydia, you will go to your room. This very instant.”

“But Mama!”

“Go to your room, or I shall call the servant to take you there. You shall stay there until you apologize to your future brother.” Mrs. Bennet said harshly.

“What did I say? Lizzy said herself, many times last autumn, that he was the most disagreeable and arrogant man she ever met; and even that he should not appear in company because he makes other people uneasy and that…”

“Lydia!” Jane exclaimed.

“What! It was Lizzy who said that, not me.” Lydia cried with tears in her eyes as she added brokenly, “I hate you all! You are all against me! Father would have let me go to Brighton.” She stared desperately at her family, only to flee a moment later from the room with a loud sob. Mrs. Bennet, Jane, Kitty and Mary followed her, leaving Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth alone.

For the first few moments, Elizabeth was simply afraid to look at him. He had been standing by the window staring out of it, his hands clasped tightly behind him, since the moment Lydia had mentioned Wickham. Elizabeth walked to him slowly and touched his arm gently. He turned to face her, and her heart cringed on seeing his eyes. Such a heart wrenching deeply hurt expression in his dark eyes made her do the only thing which she thought she should have done and which just felt like the natural to do. She raised herself on her toes and hugged him to her, as far as the considerable difference in their sizes and heights would allow. She stroked his curls and kissed his cheek. Soon she felt his arms coming around her waist drawing her to him, almost lifting her from the floor. He sighed, dipped his head into her neck and crushed her to him.

“I am sorry.” she whispered into his ear after a long moment. Darcy put her gently on the floor, but did not remove his hands from her waist. He shook his head with resignation. ”Do not apologize; not for the truth. Did you really hate me so much?” he asked, his voice sad and miserable.

She stepped a little closer to him, so their bodies were touching lightly, and spoke softly, her hands on his chest. “It was not like that. I let my own pride and prejudice influence me. You hurt my feelings and my vanity when you said to Mr. Bingley that I was not handsome enough for you. I pretended it was funny, an excellent anecdote to tell friends, but in truth I covered up my hurt feelings.”

Darcy looked at her worriedly. “But I hope you have changed your opinion about me, if only a little.”

“Of course I have.” She rolled her eyes, smiling at him and raising her brow impishly. “Several times, I must say.”

His face broke into a smile and he spoke tenderly, cupping her check and stroking it lightly.“You little minx."

Elizabeth's smile grew bigger. “I am not that little, sir; for a woman at least. I am taller than many ladies of my acquaintance. It is just that you are so uncommonly tall.”

“And do you object to me being tall?” he teased her.

Elizabeth stared at him thoughtfully for a moment and spoke earnestly “No, it is quite comforting, I must say.”

Darcy looked into her eyes and then stared at her lips. When his gaze returned to her eyes, he searched for some sign of objection, but he found nothing like that. He dipped his head lower, and Elizabeth closed her eyes. Soon she felt his breath on her face, and a moment later, his lips on hers. It was a gentle kiss, just a light pressure of his lips on hers. He finished it quickly and looked back at her. She opened her eyes very slowly and looked at him, dazed, her lips parted. Then his left hand embraced her waist firmly, bringing her steadily to him, while his right palm cradled her face. He lowered his head again, and this time caught her lower lip between his lips and tucked at it gently. Then he kissed the corner of her mouth lingerly, then her cheek and the soft skin just beneath her ear.

He looked at her again, but she just stared at him with look of utter wonder, her eyes unfocused, her mouth slightly agape. He chuckled “And how did I do? I mean for your first kiss.”

“It was not my first kiss.” She answered without second thought still in a daze from his kiss and not really thinking sensibly.

“What! Who!?”

Elizabeth's eyes widened when she realized what she had just said, “Oh my, sir... uhm... it happened a long time ago. It was truly nothing.” She babbled.

“Elizabeth, who?” Darcy asked with a dead seriousness in his voice.

She was perplexed with his glaring burning eyes and his commanding tone and whispered. “It was Lady Lucas' cousin. He was visiting together with his sister. Henry Crawford.”

Darcy went red in the face and seethed. “That rake.”

“You know him?”

“Do I know him? He seduced the wife of one of my acquaintances. He dared to touch you?”

“Pray sir, please calm down! I do not think he even remembers me. I was thirteen at the time and he was just a few years older. He met me on one of my walks, he started to flirt with me saying I looked like quite a woman and just did this..." Elizabeth quickly pecked Darcy's lips to demonstrate to him how that rake kissed her. "Then I pushed at him and ran away. You see it was nothing. And very much different from how you just kissed me.”

“I shall kill him.” Darcy muttered.

“Please, be reasonable.” Elizabeth pleaded, grasping his hands. “It was nothing. In fact I saw him a year ago in London and he did not even recognize me. I assure you. Please.”

“If he ever dares to even speak with you…”

“There is little chance of that. I should not have told you. It was nothing, and I cleaned my mouth for the next three days. What you did cannot be compared in any way, so we can count your kiss as my first real kiss.” she whispered, smiling sweetly at him, her fingers stroking his chest through his shirt.

He stared happily at her, but his expression faded when she started speaking again. “I am so sorry for what Lydia said.”

“I think she is simply missing your father, but cannot yet express her pain, she is still young and cannot master her emotions.”

“You are too kind. She is spoiled, rude and cruel, that is what she is. Poor Mama cannot control her at all. She has indulged her too much in the past. She is the youngest of us, and perhaps because of that, her favorite. Mama spoiled Lydia for certain, but even so, she does not deserve such behavior in her own house. Father was the only one able to curb her. I do not know how we should deal with her now.”

“Elizabeth, please do not fret over this. You have enough worries.”

“How can I not? She is my sister, after all. I feel responsible for her.” Elizabeth whispered miserably.

“I would interfere but…” Darcy started but Elizabeth interrupted him quickly, crying with a feeling. “No, no. You are not her father, and it is not your responsibility. I would die with shame if you were to admonish her. You have done enough. She will have to accept this. She has no other choice.”

Darcy gathered her closely to him and placed her head on his chest, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her temple. “Please, love, do not worry yourself over this. Do not think about her right now. She will have to accept the situation. She just needs some time. That is not worth your nerves.”

Elizabeth sighed softly and nodded her head into his chest. Darcy rubbed her back and hugged her tighter to himself.

* * *

To Mrs. Bennet's great distress, Lydia refused to apologize to Mr. Darcy for her behavior. She still insisted on going to Brighton, and no argument could convince her of the impropriety of such trip merely two months after her father's funeral. Mrs. Bennet, who first tried pleading, and later threatening Lydia, soon went into hysterics, pronouncing her to be the most ungrateful of all her children, ready to ruin the future of all of them because of her whims and caprices.

It was Jane who interceded, sending Mary and Kitty with Mrs. Bennet to her room to calm their mother. Lydia was locked in her room without dinner. Jane announced firmly to her that she was not to leave it until she agreed to apologize to Mr. Darcy. Furthermore, she ensured Lydia that she would write to Mrs. Forster herself informing her that her dear friend would not be able accept her kind invitation because of the whole family still mourning the passing of their family and of the plans of being send to school in the near future.

The very next day, Lydia was still locked upstairs as she stubbornly refused to cooperate. She was given just bread and milk instead of proper breakfast. It was early afternoon, and the rest of the ladies were sitting in the parlor, expecting Mr. Darcy or Mr. Bingley, or preferably both of them to call on such a pleasant, sunny day.

To their great surprise, a grand carriage pulled in front of the main entrance. Soon Mr. Darcy emerged, handing down two elegant ladies.

“It must be Miss Darcy, but who is the older lady? Perhaps someone from Mr. Darcy's family?” Kitty cried excitedly, hiding behind the curtain to see better.

“Oh, Kitty, child, come back here! They will enter any second, and they cannot see you peeping on them through the window!” Mrs. Bennet hissed nervously.

The moment Kitty returned to the settee next to Mary and took back her needlework, Mr. Darcy and his companions entered. The Bennet ladies stood up in unison while Darcy turned to Mrs. Bennet and spoke formally. “Madam, may I introduce my aunt, Lady Matlock and my sister, Miss Georgiana Darcy.”

Mrs. Bennet curtseyed with elegant dignity and spoke in a well measured pleasant voice. “Lady Matlock, Miss Darcy, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Welcome to our home.”

Darcy stared with wide eyes at his future mother-in-law as if he had seen her the first time in his life, but soon recollected himself and finished the introductions. “Aunt, Georgiana, may I present Miss Bennet, Miss Mary Bennet, Miss Catherine Bennet and my fiancée, Miss Elizabeth Bennet.”

Elizabeth was the last to curtsey, and the eyes of both Miss Darcy and Lady Matlock rested on her with rather ill hidden curiosity. She returned their gazes with a shy smile, her eyes sparkling warmly.

Mrs. Bennet's calm voice was heard. “Lady Matlock, Miss Darcy, would you please be seated? May I offer some tea and refreshments?”

Lady Matlock sat and spoke kindly. “Yes, I thank you Mrs. Bennet. We came to Netherfield merely an hour ago. My niece has been so eager to meet her new sister, or rather sisters, I should have said, that we have not had an opportunity to partake of any refreshments after our journey.”

“You must be exhausted from your travelling. “Mrs. Bennet cried with concern in her more usual, slightly agitated tone.

Lady Matlock shook her head and spoke good-humouredly. “No, no we are just fine. It is such a short distance from London, and the weather today is perfect for traveling; not too hot.”

“Even more, we are honored you have decided to visit us within such a short time after your arrival.” Mrs. Bennet said, and soon added in a lowered voice. “Kitty, child, please see to the refreshments.”

“It is we who should apologize for calling on you without proper notice.” Lady Matlock said and added seriously. “May I, as well, give you our sincere condolences on the passing of Mr. Bennet?”

“I thank you, madam. It is a great loss to all of us.” Mrs. Bennet said with a quiet dignity.

Lady Matlock nodded her head slightly with understanding, and turning slightly in the direction of Elizabeth, spoke. “Miss Elizabeth, I must say it is a pleasure to meet you at last. I have heard much about you; not from Darcy, of course, he is very secretive about you, but from my younger son, Colonel Fitzwilliam. He praised you so highly, telling me that Miss Bennet did this or said that. At some point I seriously wondered whether such a young lady could really exist.”

Elizabeth smiled prettily, her eyes sparkling and said softly, “Colonel Fitzwilliam is just too kind to me, Lady Matlock, I assure you. There is nothing unusual about me. Perhaps sometimes I express my opinions too freely.”

Lady Matlock shook her head at Elizabeth with a smile “Do not be so modest, my dear. A woman should have a mind of her own. I am also convinced there must be something unique about you, when even my own, I can assure you, very selective nephew fell for your charms. Over the last few years, I have introduced him to at least a dozen young ladies, and he scorned all of them, insulting two of them to such an extent that their mothers refuse to keep my company even now. We were worried he would never marry, and leave Pemberley without an heir. We are glad he has found such a sensible and handsome young lady like you, Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth blushed and nodded her head slightly. “I thank your ladyship for your kindness.” she said earnestly, before turning to Georgiana and addressing young girl in her most amiable and engaging tone. “Miss Darcy, I am so happy to meet you. Your brother has told me so much about you.”

“I… I am happy as well to meet you, Miss Elizabeth.” Georgiana answered quietly, gazing at Elizabeth shyly.

Lady Matlock seemed to wait for her niece to speak more, but when Miss Darcy focused her eyes on her lap again, only glancing curiously from time to time at the Bennet sisters, she enquired of Mrs. Bennet. “I believe I was told that Miss Elizabeth has four sisters?”

“Yes, your ladyship, however I am afraid that my youngest daughter is not feeling well today. She has stayed upstairs.” Mrs. Bennet answered with a semblance of calm.

“I hope it is nothing serious.”

“Oh, no, just a temporary indisposition.” Mrs. Bennet smiled meekly.

Gratefully, the maid entered with tea and refreshments, which to the great relief of Mrs. Bennet and her daughters, put the subject of Lydia and her indisposition to a natural end. Elizabeth and Jane occupied themselves with serving the tea. Lady Matlock observed keenly when Elizabeth brought Darcy his cup. Noticing the love struck look Darcy gave his fiancée when she was performing such a simple task as serving him tea, she had to agree secretly with her younger son that this was a Darcy she had never seen in her life.

For some time the whole company was occupied with taking their tea, speaking very little. At last Lady Matlock addressed the mistress of the house. “Mrs. Bennet, I have a favor to ask you. I have to leave for Debryshire tomorrow, early in the morning. My husband has pressed me to join him in Matlock for the last few weeks, but I did not want to leave Georgiana alone in town until I escorted her safely into her brother's hands. However, I would wish to know my nephew's fiancée better, spend some time with her. Would you be willing to allow Miss Elizabeth to join us tonight at Mr. Bingley's home for dinner?”

“Ah, yes naturally, Lizzy should go. Lizzy?” Mrs. Bennet spoke, looking pointedly at her second daughter.

“Yes, of course, your ladyship. I thank you for the invitation.” Elizabeth answered politely.

Lady Matlock's face broke into a smile, which instantly reminded Elizabeth of Colonel Fitzwilliam. “Excellent. I think that seven should be fine. Mr. Bingley will not mind, will he, nephew?”

His aunt's words interrupted Darcy's usual staring session with Elizabeth as his sole point of attention, and he replied somewhat distractedly. “I am sure he will not.”

Lady Matlock simply smiled to herself, shaking her head slightly, and asked Miss Bennet for another cup of tea.


A few minutes past six, the carriage came to take Elizabeth to Netherfield. Darcy waited for her in front of the main entrance to the manor and helped her to get out of the carriage. She thanked him with a sweet smile and took his offered arm. To her surprise, he did not lead her directly to the drawing room, but to the small side room next to the staircase. Elizabeth looked at him questioningly, but he just approached closely and smiled shyly at her. She rolled her eyes at him and smilingly raised herself on her toes, supporting herself with her hands on his chest for balance, and kissed him on the cheek. He caught her mouth instantly with his own, kissing it gently. Soon she ended the kiss and stepped from him, still smiling. They walked out of the room together.

After dinner, the whole company gathered in the drawing room. Elizabeth directed most of her attention to Georgiana, trying to engage her in conversation. Despite the obvious shyness, Miss Darcy did make a visible effort to talk with her brother's fiancée as much as possible. Elizabeth, on her part, used all her inborn easiness of manner and natural communicative skills to put the young girl at ease. Lady Matlock seemed to mostly occupy herself with observing the two young ladies, speaking little herself.

When Georgiana was asked by Elizabeth to provide some music, Lady Matlock was most astonished that her niece agreed, though she usually refused to play when in company different than the closest family. While Georgiana was playing, Lady Matlock, in a quiet voice, apologized to Elizabeth on behalf of the whole family for Lady Catherine's misbehavior towards her in Kent.

After the music, Georgiana returned to Elizabeth and her aunt; and on hearing they had talked about Kent and Colonel Fitzwilliam, the conversation started on him. Lady Matlock repeated how highly Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke about Miss Bennet, and Elizabeth, from her side, praised his kindness and understanding when the tragic news about her father's passing reached her in Kent. Georgiana added that Colonel Fitzwilliam was like a second brother to her, always finding time for her and taking her to places she would have not normally have had the opportunity to see, like the harbor for example. Elizabeth enquired of Lady Matlock about her son's whereabouts, as she had not heard about him since their mutual journey from Kent to London. Lady Matlock expressed her surprise that she had not been informed on this matter by her fiancé, but promptly informed Elizabeth that her younger son was at the moment with his regiment, but should be given a few weeks of leave early in autumn.

Elizabeth was so engrossed in the conversation with Miss Darcy and her ladyship, that some time had passed before she noticed that Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley had not gone to the library, but stayed the whole time in the drawing room. Mr. Darcy sat close enough to hear the entire conversation between the ladies, and though he seemed to observe them keenly, he spoke not at all. It reminded Elizabeth of the earlier times in their acquaintance, when he always stood somewhere near her, staying silent, but listening attentively to her conversations with other people. Now she was aware of the reason for his odd behavior back then, but what was the cause for this now?

Elizabeth had managed to know him well enough to be sure he was seriously displeased with something. However, she was in the dark about what could have happened to bring him into such a foul mood. She shrugged at these thoughts for the time being though, and asked Georgiana what new pieces she had been learning lately on the pianoforte.

The hour grew quite late, and as Lady Matlock planned to continue her journey quite early in the morning, the carriage for Elizabeth was ordered to be prepared. Elizabeth said warm farewell to Lady Matlock and Miss Darcy, as well as Mr. Bingley, after which Mr. Darcy escorted her from the room. She walked directly to the entrance door, where the servant was already waiting with her bonnet and spencer, when Darcy caught her elbow and led her without one word to the library.

“Is something the matter?” Elizabeth asked, clearly baffled with his behavior, when he closed the door behind them.

Darcy walked to the mantelpiece, leaning against it for a moment, then he started pacing back and forth in front of the more and more confused Elizabeth.

At last he spoke harshly. “Please enlighten me on this, madam. Do you really have to ridicule me in front of my closest family and my best friend?”

Elizabeth's eyes widened in bewilderment “Ridicule you? I not know what is your meaning, sir.”

Darcy walked to her and stared down at her with narrowed eyes. “You do not know, you say? Pray remember you are engaged to me, and not to my cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam.”

“But, sir…” she cried incredibly, but was soon interrupted by his raised voice. “All I have heard for the whole evening is how wonderful my cousin is! He was the sole subject of your attention. You have spoken only about him!”

Elizabeth's face went pale and she looked at him unbelievably “I do not intend to speak with you in such a manner, sir.” she said with all the calmness she could muster at the moment. “We may talk tomorrow when you cool down a bit. I bid you good night.” she added coldly, turning from him and walking to the door decidedly.

When she reached for the doorknob to open the door, Darcy appeared behind her and placed his arm above her head on the door frame cutting her way of escape. “You shall not go anywhere.” he muttered.

He turned her to him and hoisted her high into his arms, so her feet dangled in the air. Then he started kissing her with rough urgency. Elizabeth struggled against him, but being physically weaker, could do little to free herself. When at last he released her from his grip and put her on the floor again, she straightened herself, lifted her chin high and slapped him on the face. This time Darcy did not try to stop her as she left the room.

Chapter VIII

Next day after breakfast, Elizabeth was walking slowly towards the Netherfield. She had promised Miss Darcy she would call on her today. Elizabeth had felt a genuine sympathy to her fiancé's sister, and there was no reason to reject her just because of what had occurred between her and Mr. Darcy. The events of the last evening had occupied her thoughts for the most of the sleepless night. She could barely believe she had actually slapped him on the face. However, the slight ache in her right wrist was the best proof that she had done something so violent, something she had never perceived herself to be able to do. Even more perplexing for her was Mr. Darcy's behaviour though. Only yesterday she had been deeply convinced he was a man who would never raise his voice to her, not to mention force himself on her. He had always been so tender and gentle, and when he had addressed her, it had always been in such a warm voice, so different than he used with other people. Despite what had happened the evening before, Elizabeth was sure that the man who treated her so forcefully was not the real Fitzwilliam Darcy, whom she had learned to like and respect.

If the reason for such uncharacteristic conduct was his jealously over his own cousin, the man Darcy clearly in more usual circumstances cared for and trusted implicitly with his sister's well being, it meant that she, Elizabeth Bennet, grossly underestimated the depth of her fiancé's feelings for her. She had been aware he loved her; he had told her this many times. She was not confident enough as to the specifics of the marriage bed, but he obviously desired her physically as well. Once she had thought he simply wanted to own her, rightly thinking that due to his fortune and station in life, it was in his power to have her. But now she was sure he needed her as well, and that her careless words could hurt him deeply and very easily. Hurt him to such a degree that he could have behaved utterly against the usual restraint of his character and inborn gentleness. There was a warm feeling in Elizabeth's heart when thinking that he actually needed her for his happiness, needed her caring, her kindness, and not just her body or the simple distinction of owning her as his property.

“Elizabeth.” The well known deep voice drew her from her thoughts. She raised her head to see Mr. Darcy just in front of her, with Netherfield in the background.

“Mr. Darcy.” She curtseyed formally and took in his features. He looked horrible; as if ten years older with his drawn face and the hollow look in his dark eyes. “Yesterday I promised Miss Darcy to call on her today.”

“Yes, I know; she has told me. She is in the music room, I believe; practicing.”

“Oh. I think I will go directly to her.” she said uneasily. She waited for him to say something else, but when he spoke no more, just staring to the side with his brows creased, she started walking slowly past him. After a few steps, she felt the fleeting touch of his hand on her arm. She looked up at him.

“Elizabeth, I am so sorry. Forgive me … forgive me.” He whispered fervently kissing her hand. Before she could stop him, he was before her on his knees, his arms around her, murmuring against her waist. “Do not leave me.”

Elizabeth put her hands on him gently and looked around to see if there was anybody to observe them. “Please, sir, stand up. Please, there is truly no need for this.” She spoke softly, trying to lift him up, but he shook his head and buried himself more deeply into her small body.

Elizabeth sighed audibly, and leaned forward hugging him to her. “It is all right. It was my fault as well. Please, stand up. I do not wish anybody to see you like this, please.” She pleaded till he raised himself slowly and looked at her. His eyes were wet, and Elizabeth lifted her hand and dried the wetness from the corner of his eye with her thumb, smiling at him. “I really should go to see Georgiana now; but perhaps we could talk later?”

Darcy nodded and spoke in his more usual controlled voice. “I will be in the library.”

“I shall come.” She smiled at him one last time and walked briskly in the direction of the manor.


The moment she entered the foyer, Elizabeth heard loud, intense music coming from down the corridor. She followed it straight to the music room, and stood before the closed door. The composition was undoubtedly very difficult to play, something which Elizabeth was well aware she could not perform with her poor technique. However, what was more astonishing, was that the piece was so stormy and dramatic, and full of violent emotions, she could hardly believe it could be played by such a peaceful creature as Georgiana Darcy seemed to be at one's first impression of her. Elizabeth opened the door quietly and entered, hoping not to disturb the performer.

Elizabeth stared, overwhelmed with amazement, at the young girl. Could it be the same young lady who only yesterday had found it so hard to participate in a simple conversation to a point that she struggled to express her own opinion on the most trivial issues? Georgiana's whole countenance was changed, her eyes half closed, her cheeks flushed, her entire body moving together with the melody and the rhythm of the music. She seemed to be transformed by the music, as if she, the music and the instrument were one.

For a long moment after the music ended, there was a silence in the room. At last Elizabeth spoke, “That was wonderful.”

Startled, Georgiana looked up from the keyboard, and in a moment, she was her old usual self, the shy, much younger sister of Mr. Darcy of Pemberley, Derbyshire. She managed a smile and spoke “I thank you, Miss Bennet. I… I was not aware you had come. Let us go to the drawing room.”

“Can we not stay in here?” Elizabeth proposed on impulse. “The drawing room is so spacious and formal. I think this room is much more pleasant.”

“Oh, yes!” Georgiana cried enthusiastically, and then added more calmly. “ If you do not mind, Miss Bennet, I would prefer to stay here as well.”

They called for tea, and while they were waiting for it to be delivered, Elizabeth spoke warmly. “Your playing is… I simply lack the words - truly exceptional. For certain, your technique is superb, but I have never heard anyone who could play with such strong feeling, with such richness and variety of emotion.”

“I enjoy music.” Georgiana stated simply with a smile, and after a moment, she added thoughtfully, “It helps me to forget about everything. There is just the pianoforte and me. Brother has told me you play with great feeling as well, and that he has rarely heard anything which could equal your performance.”

Elizabeth smiled doubtfully. “I think that your brother has grossly overestimated my abilities on the pianoforte.”

“But my brother never lies!” Georgiana exclaimed.

Elizabeth raised her brow impishly and spoke lightly. “I do not imply he does. I simply think that his opinion on my performance is strongly influenced by other issues which rather effectively blur the clarity of his vision in this case.”

Georgiana looked at her slightly confused. “Oh.”

“He likes me much more than my playing, I am afraid. He seems to have problems with separating these two things.” Elizabeth said confidentially in a lowered voice, and was delighted to observe Georgiana's face break into a broad smile, similar to the one she could sometimes discern on her brother's face.

“But returning to your performance, I am sure you have had to work very diligently to achieve such, I am not afraid to use the word, virtuosity on the instrument.”

Georgiana blushed at the compliment and said modestly. “I practice from three to five hours a day. When I cannot practice because of various reasons, like yesterday, I practice an hour or two longer the next day.”

Elizabeth shook her head in bewilderment. “I can only admire your devotion and how hardworking and industrious a person you must be. I would not be able to bear more than a week of such a regime. I lack the consistency, and I am simply too lazy to work so hard each day.”

“But I do enjoy it.” Georgiana said with great conviction. “I cannot explain it, but it gives me the awareness of some purpose in my life. Sometimes I feel safer with my music than with the real people around me.”

Elizabeth did not say anything to these words, and Georgiana continued happily “My brother enjoys my music very much. He always asks me to play for him. He is the only person who hears most of the compositions I have learned. When I play for family or friends, like Mr. Bingley for example, I always choose something more appropriate, something calmer which…”

“Which does not attract so much attention.” Elizabeth finished for her, and Georgiana nodded her head in acknowledgment.

The maid entered and the ladies occupied themselves with taking tea and refreshments. Elizabeth stared at Georgiana thoughtfully for a moment and enquired gently “Have you ever thought about performing in front of a larger audience?”

“I do. I play often for my aunt and cousins, and for Mrs. Reynolds. She is our housekeeper at Pemberley. She is like a mother to me; and she enjoys when I play lively pieces just for her.” Georgiana explained with a smile.

“I have rather meant public concerts, in London for example, for your family's acquaintances perhaps.” Elizabeth said cautiously.

Georgiana's eyes widened and she shook her head decidedly. “Oh, no! I would die with mortification playing in front of complete strangers.”

“But you said yourself you tend to forget about your surroundings while playing.” Elizabeth pointed out reasonably.

“Yes… that is true. “Georgiana said slowly, but soon added with a great feeling. “Even though I still cannot imagine how could I walk to the pianoforte and start to play in the first place with so many strangers around. And if I failed and brought the shame to the family?”

“I am sure you would not. I have mentioned the public concerts because I have had the opportunity to attend such concerts by professional musicians when in London, and I can safely state your performance was not in the least inferior to theirs, on the contrary.”

“Brother has said the same many times, but I have always thought he is just being kind.”

“No, it is you who underestimates yourself.” Elizabeth cried excitedly. ”And do you not know that your brother never lies and always says the absolute truth?”

A fleeting smile appeared on Georgiana's face, and she spoke after a moment. “But perhaps his vision is also blurred in my case, the same as in yours?”

Elizabeth did not comment on this; she simply smiled to herself, shaking her head in amusement. Speaking of your brother, I am afraid I have to leave your company and have a small talk with him as I promised him earlier.”

“Oh, yes, please do.” Georgiana cried eagerly, only to add worriedly. “He has been so miserable since you left yesterday. He has been barely speaking to anybody, and his face looked so sad, as if he had been crying. I was afraid that … that perhaps…” Georgiana started awkwardly, but Elizabeth placed her hand on her arm reassuringly.

“We had a small disagreement last night.” she said calmly. “I spoke with him shortly before I came here, and it is all right now.”

There was a visible relief on Georgiana's face. “I am glad. I was afraid that something serious happened between you and my brother. He looked so devastated.”

“No, it was nothing really serious. We are getting to know each other better, and sometimes we see things differently. Every couple disagrees sometimes, I believe.” Elizabeth said quietly.

Georgiana nodded her head slowly. “Yes, I can imagine that. But brother is so…,” she sighed audibly and added fretfully. “He likes you so much; and if something was to happen, I cannot imagine how he…”

Elizabeth felt suddenly very guilty, as if a heavy burden had been placed upon her heart. “Do not fret over this. Everything is well between us.” She reassured Georgiana gently, standing up and directing herself to the door. Just before she left she turned one more time and spoke softly. “I will try not to harm him. I promise.”


The library doors were slightly ajar, as if waiting for her. She pushed them and walked inside quietly. Mr. Darcy sat behind a large desk, writing a letter, while others were placed in the neat piles around him.

“You are working.” she said softly.

He raised his head at her instantly. “Yes. Some letters needed my attention.”

“From Pemberley?” she guessed.

Darcy nodded. “Yes, there are many things to deal with at this time of the year on an estate such as Pemberley.”

Elizabeth walked to the desk and looked at the papers on it, frowning a little. “I have kept you from your responsibilities for a long time.”

“I have an excellent staff. I managed to run the estate from afar when I was in the last year at the university, and my father was too ill and tired to take care of things by himself.” Darcy explained distractedly.

Neither spoke for some time when Darcy suddenly stood up to close the door. Elizabeth faced him and began to speak uneasily with her eyes downcast. “Mr. Darcy, I want to apologize to you. I cannot imagine why I acted like that yesterday. I should not have slapped you. ”

“Elizabeth is it I who should apologize, please, I beg for your forgiveness. You had every right to act like that, especially when I forced myself upon you so roughly.” He spoke gravely.

Elizabeth sighed audibly before she lifted her eyes at him, speaking worriedly “But still I cannot believe I could have reacted so violently. I have never hit anyone in my life.”

“How is your wrist?”

She looked at him in bewilderment. “How do you know?”

He took her hand in his, probing gently her wrist. “It is easy to hurt yourself if you do not know how to hit properly.”

Elizabeth shook her head and spoke unbelievably in a lighter tone. “You are telling me that you have fought in the past? I cannot believe that.”

“Oh, yes. I did. I was much the same as all boys my age. Richard and his brother are worthy opponents. They taught me how to protect myself when I was quite young. Does the hand bother you?”

“A little; but what about your cheek?” Elizabeth asked tentatively, stroking his face.

“It did not hurt as much as you intended, I am afraid.” He said, stopping her hand on his face and kissing the inside of it tenderly.

“I am relieved to hear it.” she said. After a while, she added, “Would please explain to me once again why you acted like that yesterday? You said you were jealous of Colonel Fitzwilliam, but I was merely talking about him with his own mother.”

Darcy dropped her hand and walked over to the window, staring out of it. “It infuriates me when you mention my cousin on any occasion.” he said, his voice calm, but somehow resigned and tired.

“But he is your family, he is Georgiana's guardian; and I have always thought there was a sincere friendship between you.”

“That is all true but to be perfectly honest with you I must confess that I cannot help but think that…I imagine you care for him more than you do for me. And if the circumstances were different you would prefer to marry him instead.”

Elizabeth walked behind him trying to get his attention, she spoke in a determined voice, “How can you say this? I do like him he is a very amiable and caring gentleman who has been very kind to me, but there is nothing more to it, why I barely know him.”

“Yes, that may be true, but when I proposed to you -- you said you barely know me as well.”

“I am not in love with your cousin.” she stated firmly.

Darcy turned to her slowly. “Perhaps, but every time you say his name it reminds me how animated you were in his company in Kent, and how you ignored me back then, how you rejected my help when we travelled to London and accepted his.”

“I was angry at you. I did it to spite you, not because I had feelings for your cousin.” Elizabeth cried impatiently. “I really cannot imagine how our marriage is to work if you react like this every time I mention some other man in your presence.”

“Elizabeth you must realize by now that I am possessive and jealous by nature. And when it comes to my feelings about you it is even stronger. I confess... well that is... I mean to say that I know you do not love me. I am afraid that you will easily fall in love with some other man.”

Elizabeth looked at him worriedly before closing her eyes for a moment and speaking quietly. “Mr. Darcy, I… .” She sighed again heavily and spoke in a lighter tone. “I think it is a high time for me to stop calling you Mr. Darcy when we are alone. You use my first name, and I would like to do the same. But your Christian name is so… formal. I must admit to being rather confused when I saw it for first time on the note you wrote to me.”

Darcy smiled helplessly and raised his brows, saying.“I loved my mother very much, I was heartbroken when she died, but I could never guess why she had chosen such a name for me. She never used it herself. She always called me William.”

“William. I like it. It suits you, William.” She whispered, looking warmly at him.

“Come with me. I want to give you something.” Darcy cried suddenly, taking her hand in his and leading her out of the room and up the staircase.

“Where are we going?” she asked, but he only flashed her a smile and accelerated his pace.

When they reached the first floor, Elizabeth looked around curiously, as she had not been upstairs since her stay at Netherfield during Jane's illness last autumn. Soon they stopped in front of the one of the rooms. Darcy opened the door confidently, letting her inside.

“Is it you room?” she asked shyly.

“Yes, it is. Wait here for me for a moment.” He said, kissing her lightly on the lips and disappearing in the adjacent room, which obviously had to be his dressing room. Elizabeth glanced around the room, searching for some sign of her fiancé's presence, but there was nothing which could indicate that a man was inhabiting it. She thought that he must be very tidy himself, or his valet was most diligent in his duties.

Darcy quickly returned to her, holding something in his hand.

“I have wanted to give this you for a long time, but I was not sure, I did not want to impose even more on you…” he said, opening the box which contained a beautiful, but simple, ring.

“It was my mother's. Would you care to wear it?” he asked hopefully.

“Oh, William. It is beautiful. I feel honoured. Thank you.” she whispered, touching the ring tentatively.

Darcy removed the ring from the box and put it gently on her finger. “You see, it fits perfectly.” He grinned at her and added with a smile. “My mother had such small hands, just like you.”

“Thank you for allowing me to wear it.” she said softly, raising herself a little and kissing his cheek.

He hugged her to him and whispered into her hair. “Only last night, I thought it was the end of the world for me.”

Elizabeth freed herself gently from his arms, and looking up at him, spoke earnestly. “Well, I think it has turned out only for the better. We have talked, and I think I understand you better now. It seems we have the propensity to show our worst possible behaviour to each other. Will you not agree?”

He stroked her cheek tenderly. “At least we are sincere. I abhor the disguise and pretence. I know you will always tell me how you feel.”

“Well, I think you can count on it.” she said, smiling mischievously and raising her brow at him.

He leaned in and started kissing her, as Elizabeth noticed instantly, somehow differently than he had done before. She closed her eyes and let herself surrender to the pleasure of the kiss. She tightened her arms around his neck and began to shyly kiss him back. She felt him bringing her closer to him, one of his arms keeping her to him steadily, and the other on her cheek, angling her face gently. She moaned softly on feeling his tongue gently probing the inside of her mouth. Soon she was not sure what felt better, the kiss itself, the sensation of his hard body crushed against her own, or perhaps his hand moving slowly from her neck, his fingertips stroking the skin on her collarbone, then the shoulder and arm, which was mostly left uncovered by the short sleeve of her thin cotton summer dress. His lips moved from hers, down her cheek and began kissing her neck while the hand that was previously stroking her arm was just gently placed on the underside of her right breast. Elizabeth moaned again and clung to him almost desperately, trying to get even closer to him. He helped by her placing his arm firmly on her back and lifting her up slightly against him. She began nibbling eagerly at his earlobe, raking her palms through his curls. At some point Darcy put his other hand on her back and pressed her lower body firmly to his. Elizabeth stiffened immediately and stopped her attack on his ear. Something very hard and stiff was poking directly at her lower abdomen. He held her to him for a few more seconds, breathing harshly before he put her down gently on the floor, stepping decidedly from her.

Elizabeth could barely look at him, but she could not stop herself and glanced quickly at the front of his trousers. Her eyes rounded and her mouth went slightly agape. What was that? She had many times helped her aunt Madeline change nappies when Peter was a baby, but surely he had nothing like this.

She heard Darcy murmuring excuses, before he walked quickly towards the dressing room, closing the door firmly after himself. Elizabeth stood astonished in the middle of the room for some time before she walked slowly to the door behind which he had disappeared. It was quiet there, but she thought she could hear some muffled groans. She knocked lightly. “William?” she asked tentatively, but there was no answer. She knocked again. “William. Are you all right?”

“Yes. I shall come in a minute. Wait for me there.” he answered in a strangely unnatural clipped voice.

Elizabeth walked away from the door and sat on the bed. The door opened a couple of minutes later, and he looked his own self again. His curls were neatly combed, his cravat at which she had tugged impatiently to get the better access to his neck, precisely tied again, and the whole rest of him was looking normal as well, except he seemed to wear different trousers, darker ones.

She rose and walked to him, catching his hands into hers. “You are well?”


She looked at him doubtfully “You are not sick?”

“No. What happened is perfectly natural for men in general when certain circumstances occur.”

“Oh.” She creased her brows. “And what happened exactly?”

“Something which should not happen again before we are husband and wife. I let myself get carried away.”

“It is because of how I have acted? Was I too brazen? It is my fault?” she whispered guiltily.

“Yes.” He smiled at her, placing his hand reassuringly on her arm. “ But you have done nothing wrong. I am more than pleased you react to me like this, but we should be more careful in the future. Do not worry yourself over this. I shall see to it that such a situation is not to happen until we are married.”

“I am afraid I do not understand.”

He sighed and hugged her very gently to him, placing her head on his chest, but keeping the small space between their bodies. “You will one day; after we are married.” He stressed. “Now, young lady I believe it is high time for you to return home.”

Elizabeth glanced at the clock on the mantelpiece and cried. “It is past three! I have been gone for more than five hours. Mama shall send a search party for me if I do not return soon.”

“I will order the curricle, and we shall be at Purvis Lodge in half an hour.”

“Thank you, William.” she said, visibly relieved.

They were outside Darcy's bedroom, in the hall, when they saw Georgiana creeping up the stairs as if she had not wanted anybody to see her.

“Georgiana? Is something wrong?” Darcy asked.

“Oh, Brother.” she whispered dramatically, her eyes wide. “She is here.”


“Miss Bingley. She has arrived just a moment ago. Thankfully the music room windows face the front courtyard and I noticed her before she entered the house.”

Darcy looked unconvinced. “She is here? Are you sure? Bingley has not mentioned that she was to come. Perhaps it was someone else.”

“ It is she. She was wearing a silk dress and the orange turban with three feathers.”

“I have to agree with your sister, William. Miss Bingley is the only lady of my acquaintance who would wear such an… well original attire on such a warm summer day and on a journey.”

“Perhaps all three of us should hide in some convenient closet.” Darcy said, his voice deadly serious. Elizabeth and Georgiana stared at him incredibly for a few moments before breaking up into animated laughter which lasted for a long time afterwards.

Chapter IX

“Poor, poor Georgiana. She will be completely drowned be the time she reaches Netherfield.” Caroline Bingley said with a sigh, her voice full of compassion; at the same time loud enough for Darcy, who was standing by the window, to hear her.

“You exaggerate, Caroline. It is merely a drizzle. They will be fine.” Bingley reasoned with her.

Caroline ignored her brother and continued confidently. “I say, Miss Eliza is determined to sway our dear girl into her wild country ways. Whoever heard of such a thing? To drag the poor girl out at seven o'clock in the morning to see the view from the Oakham Mountain.”

“Miss Elizabeth insisted that the countryside looks the best in the morning light. Moreover, when they left, the weather was very pleasant and sunny. Who could know it would start to rain?” Bingley pointed out calmly.

Caroline looked at her younger sibling with exasperation and spoke sharply. “Charles, I foretold yesterday it would rain. I warned dear Georgiana it was not the best idea to walk god knows how many miles only to see the view when it was positively going to rain.”

“They are coming.” Darcy said brusquely, and walked out of the room without a second glance at his companions. He walked briskly through the house, and soon was walking down the path from which Georgiana and Elizabeth were approaching. Despite the visible dampness of their dresses, their complexions had a healthy glow, due to the exercise. They were talking animatedly, smiling at each other. Some of Elizabeth's hair fell in small clipped ringlets, while Georgiana's curls, only early this morning artfully arranged by her maid, had straightened completely, and now loose blond wisps of her hair were hanging around her face, reaching her chin.

“Are you all right?” Darcy asked breathlessly when he reached them.

“I have been telling you.” Georgiana turned to Elizabeth with a knowing look.

Elizabeth smiled at Darcy mischievously and spoke with humour. “Georgiana has bet me you were standing by the window looking out for us, or walking around the house waiting for our return.”

“You are making fun of me.” Darcy pronounced in a offended way.

“No, of course not.” Elizabeth cried reassuringly, scooting to his side and placing her hand on his arm, but at the same time winking at Georgiana.

“We are quite well dear brother; truly. It was a very pleasant walk. The view from Oakham Mount is beautiful in the morning light.”

“Come inside. You must warm yourselves and change those wet clothes.” Darcy said, offering Georgiana his other arm.

“Perhaps I should go back home. I promised to help Jane in the garden today; and I am not really that wet.” Elizabeth said; but seeing the frown on Darcy's face, she just raised her hands in a gesture of surrender and spoke. “Oh very well. I will stay.”


Half an hour later, Elizabeth was sitting on the settee in front of the fire in one of the guest rooms at Netherfield, in her future sister's dressing gown. Her feet were bare, as her dress, together with her muddy half boots, stockings and petticoats were downstairs for cleaning.

There was a light knock, the door opened slightly and Darcy's voice was heard.

“May I come in?”

“You may. I am decent.”

Darcy walked in, closing the doors quietly behind him. He stood in front of her, taking his time to stare at her. She was hardly `decent' for him. Her hair was free, strewn down her back and chest. Though Georgiana's attire she wore was modestly cut, with long sleeves, he could still not take his eyes from her. She looked so intimate with her feet small feet exposed. It was so easy to imagine they were in their private rooms at Pemberley and she waited for him like this, sitting by the fire, as he came back home after the long day of surveying the estate.

She extended her hand towards him, and he approached her immediately with a smile. He took her hand and kissed it, sitting beside her.

“You have been worried about us?” she asked softly.

“No, no… Well. Perhaps a little.”

“It is stronger than you, is it not?” she enquired tenderly, scooting closer to him with a shy smile. She arranged herself with her back to his chest, her legs tucked under the full skirt of the dressing gown. She took his hands and placed them on her waist. Darcy instantly enveloped her tightly in his arms, burying his head into her hair. She sighed in contentment, and stared at the fire, her head lolling on his arm.

They sat like this for a long moment when Darcy began to slowly disentangle himself from her; but she stopped his arms and buried herself even more into his chest.

“Do not go yet.” she whispered. “Stay with me a little longer. I like when you hold me like this.”


“You are shivering… What is the matter?” She turned into his arms to face him.

He shook his head. “Nothing.” He said, stroking her cheek.

There was a knock at the door.

“Yes?” Elizabeth enquired in a polite voice.

“Miss Bennet, Miss Darcy sent one of her dresses for you.” the woman's voice spoke.

Darcy immediately stood up from the settee and walked the few steps towards mantelpiece, leaning against it. “Ah, yes. Pray, come in.” Elizabeth said, straightening in her seat.

Georgiana's personal maid, just a few years older than Elizabeth, entered with a freshly pressed light pink dress hanging over her arm. Noticing Mr. Darcy, she lowered her eyes to the ground and spoke quietly. “Shall I help you with your hair, Miss Bennet?”

“What about Miss Darcy? Perhaps she needs you?”

“Oh, no, ma'am. Miss Darcy asked me to come here and help you with everything.”

The maid walked to the bed, and Darcy approached Elizabeth closely and spoke in a lowered voice.

“I shall see you downstairs.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “I cannot wait. Miss Bingley will certainly have a great deal to tell me on the subject of my wild behaviour.”

Darcy leaned into her, looking at her worriedly. “Does she bother you so much? I can talk with Bingley...”

“No, no. It is just she irritates me somehow; more than when she was here the first time. Back then I could easily ignore her, but now...” She sighed. “I can quote Mama this time, and state that Miss Bingley affects my poor nerves.”

“You have been a lot through lately. It is natural you are more apprehensive and disquieted.”

“Yes, I think you are right.” She agreed distractedly.

“Come downstairs when you are ready. You shall drink some tea, and then I shall drive you home.” He kissed her forehead and walked out of the room.


A quarter of an hour later, Elizabeth, dressed in Georgiana's dress, with her hair elegantly pinned up, and a warm woolen shawl drawn over her arms, entered the drawing room. The gentlemen stood up instantly, and Elizabeth, having nodded her head with a smile at Mr. Bingley, sat on the sofa next to Georgiana. Mr. Bingley immediately enquired with feeling about how Miss Bennet fared this morning; to which Elizabeth smilingly answered that she believed her sister was well, as Jane had been still soundly asleep when she had left home.

Elizabeth was drinking her tea calmly, all the time aware of Darcy's steady gaze on her. His staring, which in the past, she had found uncomfortable, did not bother her anymore. It felt natural, and somehow comforting, to feel his eyes on her. She looked at him across the room, smiling, and was rewarded with such a warm tender and loving expression, that she felt a slight flutter low in her stomach and a squeeze in her throat.

“Pray, Miss Eliza, how was your walk?” Caroline's voice grated unpleasantly in Elizabeth's ears, almost making her spill tea on Georgiana's dress.

“It was quite a pleasant walk, Miss Bingley.” Elizabeth managed to assure her calmly.

“But a little wet, was it not?” Caroline asked with an insincere smile plastered on her face.

Elizabeth just smiled back at her, saying nothing, and returned to her tea. She managed to take no more than two sips when Miss Bingley decided to engage her in conversation once again.

“Miss Eliza, I must compliment you on your dress. Simply marvelous! What a cut, and such fine material, it is rarely to be seen. You had to order it in London, oh, I am sure of that! Pray tell me which seamstress did it for you, as I would readily like to have one made for myself in such a style.”

“Unfortunately I cannot help you with this, Miss Bingley. The gown belongs to Miss Darcy, who has been so kind to lend it me because my own dress is drying at the moment.”

Caroline clasped her hands enthusiastically. “I should have guessed that. Our dear Georgiana has the most marvellous taste for such young a person. It must be somewhat of a novelty for you to wear such a fine gown, Miss Eliza, is it not?”

Elizabeth looked straight into Caroline's eyes and spoke in a clear sure voice. “You are perfectly right, Miss Bingley. I have never had the opportunity to wear a finer morning dress than this one. I must agree with you, Georgiana's taste in clothes is implacable. Not every lady, even with sufficient means, can choose for herself an attire which would suit her age, position in life and what is more important, looks.”

Caroline's eyes narrowed at Elizabeth and she continued with forced smile. “Pray tell me, Miss Eliza, I am naturally curious as I have never had the opportunity to experience it; how does it feel to wear such a finery for the first time in your life? It must be quite a thrilling thing, is it not? I imagine your father could not afford the latest fashion for you and your sisters…”

Elizabeth put her cup soundly on the saucer, then placed it abruptly on the nearby side table. She raised herself from her seat, speaking angrily. “I forbid you to refer to my father, Caroline Bingley! I forbid you to talk about him at all! You can direct your spiteful remarks to me if you wish, but I shall never allow you to berate him in any way!”

Caroline sat with her mouth wide open for a moment before she found her voice. “Dear Miss Eliza, pray calm yourself. I never meant to…”

She did not finish because Elizabeth walked past her furiously, straight to Darcy, and standing in front of him, spoke quietly. “William, could you please take me home?”

Darcy stood up immediately and placed his arm around her, gathering her closely to his side, and spoke tenderly. “Of course, my love. Let us go.”

Just before reaching the door, Elizabeth turned to her host. “I understand we are to welcome you tomorrow for tea at Purvis Lodge, Mr. Bingley?”

Startled, and clearly not a little shocked with the turn of the events, Bingley nodded his head. “Yes, Miss Bennet. I do remember. I thank you.”

Elizabeth bowed her head at him, and with one last smile at Georgiana, she and Darcy left the room.


“Lizzy, perhaps you are too tired to work in the garden this afternoon after such a long walk this morning? I can ask Kitty to help me, and you can go upstairs and have a nap.” Jane said worriedly, looking at her younger sister's drawn face. They were both kneeling in front of the flower beds spread in front of the front parlour's windows, wearing aprons and thick gloves.

Elizabeth managed a small smile. “No, Jane, dearest, I am not tired. I am simply angry with Caroline Bingley.” Elizabeth said, forcefully pulling out the weeds that planted themselves between flowers.

“What has she done today?”

Elizabeth sat back on her heels and cried. “Can you believe she dared to make remarks about our father? She implied he did not provide us with proper dresses.”

Jane's face went grim. “I am afraid that my first impression of Miss Bingley when she came here last autumn was overly enthusiastic.”

“So you are ready to agree with me at last that she is a mean witch?”

“Oh, Lizzy.” Jane cried softy, shaking her head at her sister. “You cannot be serious calling her that - it is unkind. She is simply jealous of you. Can you not see that? Put yourself in her position. Imagine there is a man you have mooned over for years, hoping to draw his attention, and along comes some country girl, for whom he loses his head completely the first moment he looks into her eyes.”

“Oh, Jane it has not been like that…”

“Has it not, Lizzy? Truly? She has done everything in her power to engage Mr. Darcy's feelings, and she has failed utterly. While in her view, you did nothing at all to draw his attention, yet it is you who has his heart, his hand, his devotion; everything.”

Elizabeth raised her head sceptically “You have forgotten to mention his position and fortune, as I am sure these are the crucial matters for her.”

“Perhaps, but Lizzy… I think she is not entirely bad.”

“Jane! She is shameless! Have you not noticed the way she fawns over him every time I stand more than a few feet away?”

Jane nudged her sister's arm playfully. “You are jealous, Lizzy. My, my… my sister Elizabeth is jealous over Mr. Darcy.”

“I am not!”Elizabeth denied heatedly. ”But the fact is that he is engaged to be married after all. Consequently, any respectable woman would behave properly in the company of a man betrothed to another.”

Jane looked unconvinced with her sister's assertions and spoke in the same playful tone. “Am I wrong, dear sister, in saying that you have grown to like Mr. Darcy?”

Elizabeth's face turned serious and she spoke softly. “You are not wrong, Jane. I do like him. I was so wrong about him. I judged him so wrongly. I know how people perceive him, as a proud and disagreeable man. It was my own estimation of him, but in truth he is so wonderful. When we are alone, or just with Georgiana, he is so kind and tender; so loving.” Elizabeth closed her eyes dreamily. “Oh Jane, and when he holds me in his arms, I forget about the whole world.”

Jane squeezed her sister's hand. “I am glad, Lizzy. I feel relieved. I have felt so guilty that I pushed you into the arrangement with a man you could neither like nor respect, not to mention love.”

“You? Dear Jane! It is not your fault you were not born a boy who would inherit Longbourn and rescue us from entailment.”

“Yes, but it was I who said that morning at Gracechurch Street that one of us must marry very well. I know how much you value my opinion. It has tormented me, Lizzy; especially for the first weeks of your engagement. I observed how you behaved in his company, as if he had been a complete stranger; when you ignored him and stiffened the moment he came near you. I felt such a heavy burden on my heart, thinking, it is I who condemned you to life with a man you cannot stand to have by your side.”

“Oh, Jane…”

“But Lizzy, I have always felt he is a good man, somewhere deep in my heart. I just knew he could never hurt you.” Jane whispered fervently. The sisters hugged briefly and returned to their work.

They had been working compatibly in silence for a while when Jane enquired. “Lizzy, have you noticed that Lydia has many new things lately? Two bonnets and a new spencer, ribbons… I wondered how could she afford it?”

Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders. “Perhaps Mama has given her some money.”

Jane creased her delicate brows. “No, Mama is still displeased with her.”

“You think so? I thought that Lydia's apology to Mr. Darcy had brought her back into Mama's good favour.”

Jane shook her head. “No, Lizzy. Mama has changed her attitude towards Lydia. She told me herself she does not trust her anymore, and that we have to keep a watchful eye on her. She has even implied we could send her to school earlier than September.”

“Where could Lydia possibly get money for new things? Have you asked Kitty?”

“Kitty knows nothing about it.” Jane spoke confidently. “Lydia does not confide in her anymore. I think that Lydia has felt betrayed because Kitty has begun to spend so much time with Mary and Georgiana.”

“No one has forbidden Lydia to keep Georgiana's company.”

“Yes, but you know how Lydia is. She enjoys being in the centre of attention. Georgiana is in many ways more attractive for Kitty than Lydia.”

“Sincerely, I prefer Kitty looking up to Georgiana than Lydia. Oh, Jane, let us not speak about her anymore. Caroline and Lydia in one day is a bit too much for me. But our conversation reminded me that I am myself in dire need of a few new things; stockings, slippers and the new stays. I have not felt up to shopping before.”

“I could use some new undergarments as well.”Jane agreed.

“Perhaps we could go Meryton tomorrow; just you and me, like in the old days.” Elizabeth proposed with a smile.

“But Lizzy, have you forgotten?” Jane cried, with wide eyes. “Mr. Darcy is to call for tea tomorrow together with Mr. Bingley…”

“Ah, I see, together with Mr. Bingley… And you, I presume, would not wish to miss Mr. Bingley's visit, of course?” Elizabeth raised her brow, noticing with satisfaction a slight blush on her sister's face. “You know, he asked about you today.”

“He did?”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Yes, he did. It was the first thing he did when he saw me; which is nothing unusual, I believe. He always asks about you.”

Jane sighed with exasperation at her sister's teasing.“Lizzy, it would be just rude not to be home when they call.”

“We can easily go in the morning, before breakfast. We shall return by noon, and I am sure they would not call sooner that one o' clock.” Elizabeth proposed reasonably.

“Then it is settled.” Jane agreed. “I have the money Mama gave me last week. It should be more that enough for both of us.”

“And I still have the ten pounds father gave me before my trip to Kent.”

“You have?”

“Yes. I found it amongst my things which Charlotte sent me back from Hunsford. I could not spend it. But it is nonsensical; it is only a piece of paper after all.”


The next day, a few minutes before ten o'clock, Jane and Elizabeth entered the shop of Mrs. Field here they had always made their purchases, as it was their favourite shop. They liked the owner, a middle aged widow with several children of various ages.

The owner, Mrs. Field, welcomed them herself.“Miss Bennet, Miss Elizabeth. How nice to see you!”

“Good morning, Mrs. Field” Jane said, smiling politely.

“I felt so sorry when I heard about that horrible accident of Mr. Bennet's. He was a good man; a true gentleman. And that Mr. Collins! We were all shocked and outraged with his behaviour! Trying to throw the widow out of her home just two days after the funeral. The man has no heart or conscience; and he dares to call himself a man of church.”

“We thank you for your kind words, Mrs. Field, but we have little time, and quite a number of things to purchase.” Jane admonished the woman gently.

“Ah, yes, of course. I do understand.” Mrs. Field agreed immediately. She had always counted the Bennet sisters as one of her best clients. Their father had always paid all their expenses on time without a word of protest; not to mention the considerable bills for books purchased by the second Miss Bennet in her son-in-law's bookshop. And now with Miss Elizabeth engaged to a rich man like Mr. Darcy, and Miss Jane who would undoubtedly follow her footsteps with Mr. Bingley, they could undoubtedly buy more; and the price was no longer something that mattered.

Almost an hour later, all needed items had been chosen and tried if necessary. It was agreed that they would take a few things with them, while the remainder was to be sent to Purvis Lodge by the end of the day.

“Should I add this expense to Mr. Darcy's account, Miss Elizabeth?” Mrs. Field asked.

“Excuse me?” Elizabeth cried with more feeling than necessary.

“We want to foot the bill for now, Mrs. Field.” Jane said calmly, pulling out the money from her small purse.

Mrs. Field blinked in confusion. “Yes, of course. But I thought… Miss Lydia purchased so much lately, putting everything on Mr. Darcy's account, so I thought…”

“Lydia…?” Elizabeth whispered her face suddenly drawn from colour.

“Mr. Darcy opened an account here?” Jane interjected.

Mrs. Field's eyes went from one sister to another in obvious confusion. “Well, yes. Mr. Darcy came here two weeks ago with a very pretty and stylish young lady who wanted to acquire some things. The lady, Mr. Darcy's sister I understand, said my shop was recommended to her by Miss Kitty Bennet. Then I mentioned on my part that all you Miss Bennets had always done their shopping only at my shop, nowhere else. When Mr. Darcy heard this, he asked that all the bills of Miss Bennet to be sent to him. And when Miss Lydia came here last week, I thought that… well… Miss Lydia did not object, and… she seemed so sure that all the bills for her purchases should be put on Mr. Darcy's name as well.” Mrs. Field finished awkwardly.

“Yes, of course, Mrs. Field. But we would prefer to cover today's purchases by ourselves, this time in cash if you do not mind.” Jane spoke with gentle firmness.

“No, of course not.”

“Including our youngest sister's latest expenses as well.” Jane said quietly, handing the notes to Mrs. Field while glancing worriedly at her sister's furious expression and tightly pressed lips.

“Yes, of course.”

Suddenly Elizabeth stormed out of the shop without a word of goodbye and started to walk briskly through the main street of Meryton.

“I shall…. I will tear her apart.” she cried when Jane caught up with her.

“Lizzy, lower your voice. People are watching…”Jane whispered, grasping Elizabeth's arm firmly.

“I do not care!” Elizabeth cried and marched on even faster.

“Lizzy, wait…” Jane cried after her.

They were outside the town on a country road leading to Purvis Lodge when Elizabeth cried. “Oh, Jane! It is so humiliating!”

Jane tried to console her. “Lizzy, I am sure it was not Mr. Darcy's intention to make you uncomfortable.”

“I know, Jane, but it does not change the fact he pays for our life, for the home we live in, and for the carriage mama uses to visit Aunt Phillips, and he almost paid for Lydia's… Has she no shame, no tact? How dare she? After the way she behaved towards him!”

“Lizzy, I know how you feel. But it is natural that a man provides for a wife and his family…”

“I am not yet his wife, Jane! Why do we have to depend so entirely on men? Why have we no opportunity to earn our own living based on our worthiness and intelligence as human beings? Not just as a drawing room decoration, whose sole purpose is to speak pleasantly, perform music and entertain guests."

“It is just like that, Lizzy. The world we live in is designed like that. You cannot change it. We have to adjust; even if it is sometimes difficult to bear.”


Darcy and Bingley arrived at Purvis Lodge a few minutes before one o'clock. Darcy thought it a bit too early for the afternoon visit, but Bingley was so restless to see his angel again, whose view and company had been denied to him since they had dined with the Bennets last, a whole three days ago, that Darcy decided to take a pity on him and go earlier. Moreover, he wished to see Elizabeth as soon as possible as well.

The gentlemen entered the parlour to see Mrs. Bennet and her daughters arranged gracefully on the sofas, as they had expected them to be. Darcy noticed immediately his lady was not among them. Mrs. Bennet rushed to explain her second daughter was indisposed and resting upstairs, unable to admit guests. A panicked expression spread over Darcy's face, and in a raised, haughty voice he demanded an explanation of why the doctor had not been sent to aid her, as it had to be something very serious indeed if she was abed in the middle of the day. Mrs. Bennet interrupted him firmly, stating that her daughter was perfectly all right, and she should be perfectly well the next day. She added that such things happened to all ladies once in a month, of which he had to be aware, having a younger sister under his care.

Darcy stared at his mother-in-law to be with a frown for a moment, till the meaning of her words sank into him. He flushed a little and nodded his head in acknowledgment, not speaking more on the subject.


Elizabeth stood hidden behind the curtain watching her fiancé and Mr. Bingley walking out of the house, escorted by Jane. Her sister and Mr. Bingley stood next to his mount, obviously deeply engrossed in the conversation. Darcy stood beside his horse for some time before he looked up straight into the window of her room. Elizabeth backed away from it immediately, even though she knew he could not possibly notice her through the curtain. She walked to the window again and saw him entering the house quickly. She closed her eyes for a moment, and then quickly began removing pins from her hair. She took the woolen blanket from the chair she had been sitting in previously, kicked off her slippers and climbed on the bed, covering herself up to her very chin. She closed her eyes and made herself breathe deeply and regularly, despite her wildly racing heart.

Soon she heard his familiar walk on the corridor. There was a light knock at the door. After another knock the door opened.


The bed dipped beside her, and she felt his warm rough hand stroking her cheek. Then she felt him leaning and kissing her forehead, as if checking whether she was feverish. She conquered the impulse to open her eyes and throw her arms around his neck, drawing him to her. He sat beside her for a moment longer, when she felt him raising gently and kissing her forehead once again before leaving the room, closing the door behind himself quietly.

Chapter X

The next day Elizabeth woke up just before dawn. She got out of bed, and wrappng herself in the coverlet, she sat on the window sill, staring at the rising sun behind the clouds. Later she dressed herself with care and walked out of the house in the direction of Oakham Mount. She sat there on a flat stone for about an hour, staring at the Longbourn, which was easily seen from there.

She did not return home, but wandered around her favourite childhood haunts and secret places. Finally she turned decidedly in the direction of Netherfield. She reached the house and asked about Mr. Darcy. The surprised servant directed her to the library.

The door was left slightly ajar and she entered quietly. Darcy was sitting by the desk, diligently writing a letter.

“William.” she spoke softly.

Darcy raised his head from his work immediately. “Elizabeth, what are you doing here?” he cried with feeling. “Has something happened?”

Elizabeth shook her head and spoke quietly. “No, no, I just wanted to talk with you.”

Darcy furrowed his brows and stood up from the desk, walking to her. “How do you feel?” He asked, taking her hand and looking searchingly into her face.

“I am well.” Elizabeth answered mechanically.

“Your mother said you were indisposed.”

Elizabeth stared at him for a moment. She sighed very quietly and spoke. “William, I asked my mother to say that I am indisposed. I know you were in my room. I was not really ill. I pretended. I pretended I was asleep. I wanted to be alone yesterday. I needed time alone to think about some things.”

If Elizabeth had raised her eyes, she would have seen Darcy looking at her through narrowed eyes, with a frown on his face, and his jaws clenched. “Please, be seated.”

Elizabeth shivered slightly, hearing his harsh tone, but obediently sat on the nearby sofa. “You may be surprised with what I want to say, but I have thought about yesterday a lot, and the entire morning as well… I think it would be for the best, if you agree of course…”

“Elizabeth what is the point of this?” Darcy interrupted her harshly.

She looked up at him worriedly and spoke cautiously. “When we were discussing our future together, back in London, after you brought me from Kent, you remember…”


“We agreed that it would be for the best to wait after the mourning period with our marriage. It would consequently mean at least six months and preferably a year.” She paused and spoke in decided voice. “I would wish, of course... that is if you agree, to marry earlier.”


“I would like to marry earlier, before the end of mourning.”

“I do not understand.”

“I want the marriage to take place before…”

“Yes, I hear you, but I do not understand why…”

“There are many reasons. One of them is that I just feel, I am deeply convinced this is the best solution. I… my life is so barren and empty, aimless; and it would give me some meaning, some occupation. Here everything reminds me of Papa, and there are also other… notions which are painful for me here and difficult to deal with. I have given this much thought and consideration, I can assure you, and I am believe it will be for the best. What do you think?” she asked tentatively, looking at his back and he stood turned away from her now.

The very next moment she was lifted to her feet abruptly, engulfed in his arms, and kissed deeply. When she got her breath back she said softly. “Am I to understand that your answer is yes?”

He lifted her high in the air effortlessly and twirled her around. “Do you really think so, you little impertinent?“

“Put me down, you crazy man!” Elizabeth laughed, staring down at him, feeling pleased with his happiness.

He put her gently down, murmuring close to her ear, “Dear God, Lizzy you gave me a such a fright…”

“And I for a moment was afraid you might refuse me.” she whispered, her fingers gently stroking his shirt covered chest.

“I was just shocked. But is it really true? You are really my Lizzy?” he enquired, cradling her cheek and looking deeply into her eyes.

“Yes.” she spoke softly.

Darcy leaned down and placed a perfect simple kiss on her lips. “We can marry by special license, by the end of the week…”

“I have rather thought about four to six weeks.”

He made a puppy face. “So long?”

“Even a quiet and modest wedding requires some necessary preparations; not to mention I will need some new clothes as well. I have not thought about fashion much lately.”

“You can buy everything you need as Mrs. Darcy.” he murmured, spreading hot kisses down her neck.

Elizabeth sighed in pleasure at his ministration on her tender skin, even though she managed to speak with gentle firmness. “But truly, I need at least one new dress. I cannot marry in my old ballroom gown or an everyday ones. The wedding gown in my situation should be grey or violet, and the only grey dress I posses is worn, faded and too tight. I would not wish to bring you shame during the ceremony.”

“As far as I am concerned, you can go to the altar in a sack.”

“But I would feel uncomfortable. I could not bear Caroline Bingley sharpening her wit on me.” She looked into his eyes pleadingly. “Pray understand this, it is important for me. There are other things that have to be prepared as well.”

“Well, all right.” Darcy agreed, clearly very reluctantly. “ Four weeks, but not a day longer. Is it enough time to have a wedding dress prepared?”

“Yes, I thank you, William.”

“Oh, my dearest, loveliest Elizabeth.” he murmured, clearly elated, crushing her to him. She found herself enveloped in his arms again, one of his hands cupping her face and the other, around her waist, pressing her to him steadily.

The sound of a squeaking door, and a moment later, the voice of a clearly extremely embarrassed Bingley was heard. “Oh, I beg you pardon, Darcy. I thought you were alone.”

Darcy raised his head from Elizabeth's face and cried at the other man. “No, Bingley stay. Please. My lady has just announced to me that she wants us to marry earlier, within a month.” Darcy said, hugging her to him from the back.

Bingley's face beamed when he approached the couple. “Miss Elizabeth, my sincere congratulations.” he exclaimed. “I am so happy for both of you. And Darcy, you old dog, did I not tell you everything will turn out for good.” he said, shaking his friend's hand vigorously.

“I thank you, Bingley.”

“Brother.” Georgiana's hesitant voice was heard as she walked in. “I thought I heard Lizzy.”

“Come here, sweetling. Elizabeth has just agreed that our wedding is to take place as soon as can be.”

Georgiana's big eyes widened even more and she cried impulsively, jumping up and down excitedly. “Oh, it is so wonderfull Lizzy, we are to be sisters so soon! We shall spend Christmas together at Pemberley!”

Elizabeth returned Georgiana's hug, replying with a warm smile. “I am happy you approve.”

“So, when is the wedding?” Georgiana enquired, clasping her hands together, all anticipation.

“Your brother proposed it to be by the end of the week, but I have tried to explain to him, it is not enough time to prepare everything, even with a modest ceremony. I shall need a new dress and it takes some time to sew it.”

“Of course you will need a new dress.” Georgiana looked with condemnation at her brother before her eyes sparkled and she cried excitedly, clapping her hands. “We must go to London to order one!”

“Georgiana dear, how long do you think it will take to make a dress?” Darcy asked.

Georgiana gave him a thoughtful expression and spoke in a tone of utter importance. “I think two weeks, because it is to be a special order, should be enough. This way you could marry easily by the end of the month!” she cried.

“But I can buy the dress here.” Elizabeth said evenly. “There is truly no need to go to London to get one.”

“But Lizzy, only in London you can buy a really nice dress; and you will have the opportunity to see the townhouse.”

“But I am not sure whether my aunt would be able upon such short notice to let me stay with them. I would have to ask her.”

“You can stay with us…”

“But Georgiana, you know I cannot, it would not be proper.”

“Yes, it would be not… But your aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, you always speak so highly of her, I am sure she will agree. Perhaps she could go shopping with us. And William can send an express to Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner yet today, so we will have the answer tomorrow at the latest whether they are presently occupied.”

“Miss Bennet, I am afraid that a wedding before the end of July is a foregone conclusion. Miss Darcy is determined to marry her brother off as soon as can be.” Bingley remarked with big smile.

Georgiana gave him an offended look. “Mr. Bingley, I simply want to help.”

“Of course you do, my dear.” Darcy said with a smile, tucking Georgiana under his free arm and kissing her forehead.

Elizabeth freed herself gently from Darcy's embrace around her waist. “I would truly wish to stay here with you longer, but I am afraid I was so agitated this morning that I neglected to acquaint anyone with the fact that I left the house. They must be worried for me. My usual morning walks are rather short ones, and I always tell Jane or Kitty that I am leaving.”

“Yes, of course, my dear. I shall drive you home.” Darcy assured her. “Bingley, could you order the curricle to be prepared?”

“Yes, of course.” Bingley said jovially, slapping Darcy on the back before leaving.

Georgiana looked at them somewhat mischievously. “Well, I should leave you alone, I think.” She paused a little before hugging Elizabeth again and then her brother. “I am so pleased with the news.” she cried before running from the library.

Darcy and Elizabeth stared after her with astonishment before Darcy finally spoke. “I cannot believe how much she has changed; and it is all thanks to you, Elizabeth.”

“I have not done anything. I have simply spent some time with her.”

“Obviously you have done something. Last time I remember her like this was before our father's death.”

“I am glad. And I think that going to London is not such a bad idea. I would like to see my Aunt Madeline before the wedding, to talk with her and spend some time with her. I am also curious about my future home. Moreover, the change of scenery would do me good, I believe.”

“So, it is settled. I shall start with the preparations for our trip as soon I deliver you safely to Purvis Lodge.”

“William, I know I have already taken a lot of your time today…”

“Elizabeth, do not even say so…”

“No, I have interrupted your work.”

He stroked her cheek. “I do not mind. And it was certainly worth it.”

“Then if it is not too much more of a bother, I would also wish you to take me somewhere else before returning to Purvis Lodge.”


Elizabeth knelt in front of her father's grave in the yard behind the Longbourn church. Darcy's tall figure towered over her.

She stared for a long time at her father's name engraved on the tombstone, not speaking a word, when Darcy enquired softly. “ Dearest…”

“Yes, I am coming…” she whispered distractedly.

“No, we can stay as long as you wish.” Darcy assured her.

“I have wanted…” she started but paused. “I have not been here since the day after the funeral. I think he is happy for me; that I have such a worthy man as you by my side.”

“I am not sure he liked me.”

Elizabeth smiled to herself. “Oh, I think he did not pay much attention to your person. I remember, however, how displeased he was when he was told how you refused to dance with me when we were introduced. `He slighted my Lizzy?' he said.” She spoke in a tender tone, wiping the single tear from her cheek. “I know he was not perfect, but….” she whispered brokenly and started to cry in earnest.

Darcy reached for her and lifted her gently to her feet, straight into his arms. “Cry if you must. It helps sometimes.”

Soon her crying abated and she smiled at him through tears. “It seems I have a propensity to relieve my sorrows on your shirts. I am sure your valet is not satisfied with these.”

“Well, there are things that are to change, because now he will be the servant to a married man and not a bachelor.” Darcy spoke, taking out his handkerchief and handling it to her. She took it with a smile, drying her eyes, cheeks, and at the end energetically blowing her nose, at which Darcy grinned at her.

“I shall clean it and press it before returning it to you.” She said, tucking the small piece of cloth in the hidden pocket of her skirt.

“You do not have to…”

“And what your valet would say for this? Would he approve you messing your handkerchiefs?”

Darcy shook his head with a smile and spoke. “Come Lizzy, your family must certainly worry about you. If we do not return soon, your mother will send out a search party.”

“Yes, but there is one more thing I want to say to you.” He looked at her expectantly. “I… I want you to know how happy I am that I am marrying you, that I will soon be your wife.”

“I cannot tell you how much it pleases me. I have never wished your unhappiness, Elizabeth.”

“I know that. But now I think it is a high time for us to go.”


Half an hour later, Darcy pulled in front of Purvis Lodge. The moment he handed Elizabeth down, a seriously agitated Mrs. Bennet ran out of the main entrance.

“Mr. Darcy, where have you found her?” she cried.

“She came to Netherfield ma'am.”

“Oh, that girl! Prepare yourself, Mr. Darcy, that you will wake yourself one morning and she will be nowhere to be found! Not telling anyone a word of where she has gone! Oh, my poor nerves! We thought something terrible had happened to you, that you were abducted somewhere. Poor Jane and Kitty went in the direction of Oakham Mount to look for you. Mary went to Lucas Lodge to check whether you perhaps called on the Lucases. Lydia has gone to Netherfield to enquire whether you are there.”

“I am sorry, Mama, but I lost the sense of time. I had wanted some time to be alone and think things through. I got up before dawn and went for a walk.”

“Going for a walk before dawn! To be alone with yourself! What I am to do with you?”

“But Mama…” Elizabeth started, but was soon interrupted.

“We shall see whether you will have time for such nonsense in a few years with several little ones around your skirts and another one at your breasts.”

Elizabeth blushed brightly and whispered, greatly embarrassed, “Mama!”

“What? This is how life is, child. If you are to be a wife and mother, you will have to change your high minded ways, Miss Lizzy, that is how it is.” Mrs. Bennet stated firmly, her hands on her hips.

“Speaking of Elizabeth as my wife to be, we have agreed not to wait until the end of the mourning period. We would like to marry by the end of July if we have managed with all preparations.” Darcy decided to voice himself at last.

Mrs. Bennet's eyes went round as she first looked at Elizabeth and then fixing her eyes on Darcy. “So soon…”

“Yes, Mama. I think it would be for the best. I know there will be some talk, but…”

“The families shall say you have to marry sooner.” Mrs. Bennet stared pointedly at Elizabeth's middle. “Do you?” Her eyes flew to Darcy.

“Certainly not.” Darcy stated firmly.

Elizabeth looked confusedly from her mother to Darcy, before turning bright red again upon her comprehension of what had been implied. “Mama…!”

Mrs. Bennet shrugged her shoulders. “It would neither be the first nor the last time. Take her, Mr. Darcy, the sooner the better. I cannot tell how much longer my poor nerves will bear her wild behaviour. Now come inside and we shall take some tea, an herbal one for my poor nerves.”

“I am afraid I cannot, Mrs. Bennet. There is some urgent business I have to attend yet today.”

“You see, Lizzy, Mr. Darcy has important things to do, and you interrupted him with your wild ideas.” Mrs. Bennet said, looking pointedly at Elizabeth.

“Mama, I am truly sorry…”

Mrs. Bennet lifted her hand, silencing her. “Do not say more… I shall go upstairs and rest some after all these emotions. Goodbye, Mr. Darcy. I thank you for bringing home that wandering child of mine.”

“Always, madam.” Darcy bowed gallantly, following with his eyes Mrs. Bennet's figure disappearing in the house.

He turned to Elizabeth. “You should better go inside. They have been worried for you. I would be sick with worry if I found you missing one morning without a word. Your mother is right about that. You could have at least told Jane you were leaving.”

“I know, I should have.” Elizabeth whispered guiltily.

“Goodbye, my sweet. We shall see each other tomorrow.”

Elizabeth smiled at him and lifted herself on her toes while placing her arms around his neck, hugging him and kissing his cheek quickly, before running into the house.


Twenty minutes later, Darcy stopped the curricle in front Netherfield, and even before he managed to descend, he saw Georgiana, clearly agitated with something, running down the entrance steps.

“Oh, brother you cannot imagine what has happened…”

“Is something wrong?“

“Miss Bingley and Miss Lydia are locked together in the library.” Georgiana announced.

Darcy laughed shortly. “What are you talking about, sweetheart? Locked together?”

“Yes, about an hour ago Miss Lydia came here enquiring about Elizabeth. I explained you took her home. Then she said she was very tired because of the long walk, so I suggested she could stay and rest a little. We were taking tea together when I had to excuse myself for a moment. When I returned to the parlour, she was gone. Then we heard some cries coming from the library. It turned out that Miss Lydia went to the library and closed the door behind her. You know that door which should not be closed because the lock is old? And now the door cannot be opened.“

“What was Lydia looking for in the library?”

“I am not sure, but Miss Bingley was already there when Miss Lydia entered.”

“They are locked in together.” Darcy pronounced unbelievably and then started to laugh.

“What is so funny, brother?” Georgiana asked incomprehensibly.

“Nothing, Georgiana.” Darcy replied, squeezing her cheek lightly.

“We must try to set them free. They cannot stay there for the whole day.” Georgiana cried with certain exasperation at her brother's obliviousness.

“Ah, yes of course, Georgiana. And where is Bingley?”

“Mr. Bingley is in the corridor by the library. They are trying to open it with the butler.”

“Then let us go.” Darcy said, heading decidedly inside the manor.

“How is it, Bingley?” He asked when they reached the door. The butler was on his knees, obviously trying to open the door, putting a long wire into the keyhole.

“Difficult. I will have to send somebody to Meryton for help, perhaps a carpenter.”

“Charles, Charles, why is it still closed? I demand to be released this very instant!” Caroline's muffled voice was heard from behind the solid oak doors.

“Calm down, Caroline. We cannot open it. I shall send to Meryton for a carpenter.”

“It is unbearable! I will not stay here with that little shameless country chit a second longer!” Someone banged at the door from the other side.

“Caroline, do not do that anymore. You will harm yourself. Find some book to read and wait patiently until we can manage to open the door.” Bingley spoke calmly.

“I do not want to stay with her either. She is being very mean to me!” Lydia's pitiful voice was heard.

“We shall bring help as soon as can be, Miss Lydia.” Bingley assured her.

“Bingley, do you not think that it would be better if…” Darcy started with a twinkle in his eye, but then he looked at Georgiana and the servant standing next to them and taking Bingley to the side whispered something to him. Bingley seemed to be confused at first, but then nodded his head and grinned at the other man.


“Poor Lydia… Can you imagine that? Locked in the library without food or even tea for almost nine hours.” Jane said compassionately. The sisters were sitting together in Elizabeth's bedroom, Jane on a comfortable chair, facing the fire, while Elizabeth stood behind her and was putting her freshly washed and brushed hair in curl-papers.

“And with the Caroline Bingley to say the least. I can only sympathize with her.” Elizabeth murmured.

“Lizzy, do not be unkind.” Jane admonished her sister gently, turning her head slightly and looking up at her.

“Do not move your head. The curls will turn uneven and you will look a fright.” Elizabeth said, curling one long wisp of hair around the paper with concentration.

Jane obediently stared back at the fireplace in front of her. “I am surprised they could not find anybody who could open the door sooner.” she remarked after a moment, handing Elizabeth another curl-paper.

“Perhaps, it was not their priority.”

Jane turned her head abruptly and looked up again. “Lizzy, that cannot be… No, I cannot believe that Mr. Bingley or Mr. Darcy could have delayed the whole matter on purpose. Poor Lydia was so distressed when she came back.”

“Jane, I have asked you not to move your head. Now I have to start this one from the beginning again.” Elizabeth cried exasperatedly, patiently curling the previous wisp once again. She spoke when she had secured the paper to her satisfaction with a pin. ”Forgive me, Jane, but it is hard for me to pity Lydia after what she did yesterday. Moreover, I still cannot understand what she was doing in the library. Perhaps she entered the wrong room? But if that is the case, she would have left it at once and not have locked herself there.”

“I think I know the reason.”

“You do?” Elizabeth asked distractedly, focusing her entire attention on brushing another very long sunny blond strand of hair.

“Yes, Kitty hinted it to me. She said that Lydia had wanted to inspect the Netherfield library for a long time.”

“Whatever for?” Elizabeth cried in astonishment. “With all due respect to Mr. Bingley, you cannot place his library among the best in the country, or even in the county.”

“Yes, I know Lizzy, but Lydia got the idea from somewhere that in a bachelor household there must be the books, you know the books about those matters, indecent ones, which you, her dear sister, once insisted upon look for in father's library.”

“I can understand her curiosity, but the idea that Mr. Bingley has to have them just because he is a bachelor is so…” Elizabeth shrugged her arms. “...Lydia-like.”

“What do you think, Lizzy? What they were doing for so many hours there alone, I mean Caroline and Lydia.”

“I have no idea, but they have been undoubtedly charming company to each other.” Elizabeth answered dryly.

There was a compatible silence for a long moment between sisters before Jane spoke. “Lizzy…”


“Can I ask you about…” Jane started uneasily but Elizabeth interrupted her gently, “About my wedding, much earlier than expected.”

Jane bit her full lower lip. “Lizzy, are you sure of this?”

“Yes, Jane. I am.” Elizabeth answered calmly.

“Forgive me, but… is it Mr. Darcy who wanted for you to marry him so soon?”

“No, Jane. The decision was mine.”

“I cannot comprehend it, Lizzy. You almost have never spoken about the wedding; as if it was a matter of a very distant future for you.“

“Yes, Jane. That is true. So far, I have pushed the fact that the engagement will have to lead one day to a wedding from my thoughts. But now I feel relieved that I have finally made the decision and it is behind me.”

“But Lizzy…”

“Jane, I knew I would have to marry him one day, it was in our agreement. He promised his protection for my sisters and Mama, and in turn I vowed to be his wife. It is high time to face the reality and fulfil the obligation I had made to him.”

“Lizzy you sound as if it was a business deal.” Jane said after a while, in very quiet voice.

Elizabeth sighed audibly and spoke calmly. “Jane, I am not unhappy. On the contrary I eagerly anticipate my future. I cannot wait to see Pemberley. Georgiana has told me so much about it. Here everything reminds me of Papa. The year he promised me is not possible; not for me. He will not be able to stay here for the whole time, and I cannot allow him to still pay for everything from afar; for Lydia and Kitty's school, for Purvis Lodge, and on what basis? I will feel better with all that he is doing for us as his wife.”

“It sounds so sad, Lizzy.”

Elizabeth left the strand of hair aside and walked around the chair, kneeling in front her dearest sister, taking her hands in hers. “Jane, but it is not. I like him and Georgiana very much. They need me; and it is a nice feeling. And when I marry there may be a child; soon I hope. A little creature that will be only mine to love, cherish and care for. My only real concern which bothers me is how I will survive separation from you, my dear.”

“Oh, Lizzy.” Jane cried softly, and the women embraced shortly.

“Oh, Jane, do not cry, please.” Elizabeth whispered, she herself on the verge of tears. “Promise me you will visit me as soon I am settled in Derbyshire.” She spoke pleadingly, and Jane nodded her head, smiling through the tears.

Chapter XI

Fitzwilliam Darcy felt that everything in his life was as it should be. He felt simply happy and whole for the first time since his mother's death. He stared indulgently at his fiancée and sister sitting in front of him in the carriage, talking animatedly and smiling at each other. His life truly could not be better than now. Of most import was that the wedding with his beloved Elizabeth was to take place in merely two weeks, after which he would take his wife with him to London, and later to Pemberley, where she would stay with him forever.

Another matter to add to his happiness was that Georgiana not only accepted Elizabeth, but clearly admired her and felt herself drawn to her much as he was. He always had known Elizabeth would be the best sister he could give Georgiana. His little sister smiled more, spoke with great enthusiasm about the future, and even teased him a little, which was for him, the most convincing sign she had recovered from the events at Ramsgate the year prior.

Only at the blackest hour of the night did he wonder what really stood behind this unexpected decision of Elizabeth's for an earlier wedding. His reason hinted to him that there was a possibility that she simply felt obliged to him and her pride could not bear to owe him anything. Consequently, she decided to repay him in the only way she could, giving him what he wanted most from her, being his for keeps in the eyes of God and the low.

When the sunny morning came, he rejected these dark thoughts, accusing himself of pessimism, dejection and the propensity to invent the worst possible assumptions. Was it not true that lately she had not only accepted his company, but sought it as well? She went freely, with a smile, into his arms, welcomed his kisses and embraces, and often initiated the physical contact herself. Surely it had to account for her warm feelings for him. She was not the kind of woman who would have been able to fake desire and pretend that the man's touch and caresses were pleasant for her when they were not. He well remembered the times from the first weeks, or even months of their engagement, when she had been immediately stiffening and backing away from him the moment he approached her closely. There was no doubt that since then they had made progress. She was friendly; she was charming; she teased him, even provoked him in that sweetly innocent way of hers. She even clung to him the moment he began touching her. She was simply not yet ready to say the words.

“William … brother, you are not listening...” Georgiana cried, drawing him abruptly from his thoughts.

“I am, dearest, I am…” Darcy assured her, though in truth, he had no idea what she was talking about.

Georgiana raised her brow at him and spoke pleasantly. “Oh, yes, so please tell me what I have just asked you.”

“You have asked me about the wedding.” he stated calmly; that was easy.

“And in specifics?”


Georgiana shook her head with exasperation. “I have asked who will stand for you.”

“Bingley certainly.” Darcy spoke calmly

“Have you asked Mr. Bingley?”

“No, I have not. But he knows for sure, he expects it.”

“Perhaps, but would you not agree it would be common courtesy if you asked him?” Georgiana spoke earnestly. “We are to come back two days before the wedding, and he must have time to prepare himself as well.”

“Do not worry, my dear. I shall write to him today.” Darcy assured her.

“Good. We have agreed with Elizabeth to start shopping early morning tomorrow. There is no time to waste.” Georgiana pronounced with dead seriousness, with an air of utmost importance. To Darcy, it sounded as if she had prepared herself to go on some important mission, and not just to buy a few gowns.

“Brother, would you care to accompany us?” Georgiana's innocent voice rang in Darcy's ears.

A panic-stricken expression crawled across his face. “Is it really necessary…? I mean my presence. I will give you carte blanche, and perhaps Mrs. Gardiner will agree to accompany you.”

Elizabeth chuckled, trying to muffle it with her gloved hand.

Darcy looked through narrowed eyes at his companions. “You are making fun of me... Again.” He stated grimly.

Elizabeth moved from her place and sat next to him. “Do not be angry.” She pleaded, taking his hand. “Georgiana mentioned to me how much you despise shopping.”

“Despise is too strong a word. But she is correct, it is not my most favourite way of spending time.” Darcy acknowledged reluctantly.

“Oh, I see.” Elizabeth grinned at him and kissed him on the cheek quickly.

Darcy grunted with pleasure at her gesture, but spoke sternly, trying not to show he was a putty in his fiancée's hands. “We should stop for the change of horses soon. Would you care for tea at the inn?”


Darcy did not want to tire the ladies, so the journey to London took almost twice as long than when he travelled on his own. Consequently, it was well after five in the afternoon when they stopped in front the Gardiners' house. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, together with their children, welcomed them on the entrance stairs.

“Welcome.” Mrs. Gardiner said with a broad smile, warmly greeting Elizabeth and Georgiana, to whom the Gardiners had been introduced by Darcy during his previous stay in London. At the same time, Mr. Gardiner and Darcy shook hands. The children stood quietly behind their parents, peering curiously at the guests.

“We have been hoping you would take dinner with us, Mr. Darcy, Miss Darcy?” Mrs. Gardiner enquired.

“We do not wish to impose…” Darcy started with little conviction, as he did not want to be parted with Elizabeth yet.

“Nonsense, everything is prepared.” Mr. Gardiner cried.

Darcy looked at Georgiana for confirmation. “We thank you, and accept with pleasure.”

The whole company entered the house. Dinner passed in an amiable atmosphere, after which the children were sent upstairs, and the gentlemen sat in the study while the ladies took coffee in the parlour.

“You look tired, Aunt.” Elizabeth noted when the observations concerning weather and the enquires about the health of Mrs. Bennet and Elizabeth's sisters had been addressed.

Madeline Gardiner smiled sadly. “I am a little.”

“So perhaps it is too much for you to ask you to go shopping with us tomorrow?” Elizabeth asked with concern.

“Oh no, Lizzy. I think shopping is exactly what I need. Lately I have had so little time for myself. Edward has been so busy with business, so I spend whole days alone with children at home. There is no time to go to the theatre or a concert; not even a simple walk together. I hardly see him. He is home today just because we were expecting your arrival, Lizzy… Oh, I am sorry.” Mrs. Gardiner smiled apologetically. “I am whining.”

“No, Aunt, it is all right.” Elizabeth said, and that very moment she looked at her favourite aunt with different eyes. But she was just a few years older than herself… She was no more than thirty years old. Elizabeth looked at the pretty, elegant woman sitting next to her and saw herself in some ten years.

“I do not wish you to misunderstand me, my dears.” Mrs. Gardiner continued in a soft voice. “I love my family, and I would not change my life for anything else, but sometimes I feel exhausted and suffocated with this daily routine and monotony.”

“What about your plans for travels to the lakes? I am surprised you are still in London.” Elizabeth asked.

Mrs. Gardiner shook her head with a sad smile. “Edward's business has kept him in town. I know he does it for our future, he wants the children and me to have everything we need, but still…” She gave a little sigh. “He promised he would try to find some time in the middle of August. It will be too late to travel so far, so we could go only as far as Derbyshire. I would love to see it though. I have not been there since my maiden years; over ten years now. I am only worried what we will do with children… I thought that perhaps Jane and my sister could take care of them for a few weeks, but as you are in mourning, plus occupied with your wedding, Lizzy; and with my sister's fragile nerves, I think it would be too much to ask. They are small children after all. They need constant care all day long; and Emma often awakes at night with nightmares.”

“They could stay with us at Pemberley.“ Georgiana said. The older women looked at her with surprise, but they did not manage to respond because the gentlemen entered. Georgiana immediately turned to her brother and explained the whole situation.

“Certainly, the children should stay with us at Pemberley. If you are to tour Derbyshire, it is the most reasonable solution” Darcy spoke calmly. “We should be well settled there by the middle of August. What do you think, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth raised her brows at him and spoke hesitantly. “Yes, William, but…”

“…they are small children, Mr. Darcy.” her aunt finished for her.

Darcy looked offended. “I know they are small. I have seen them. They are perfectly well behaved, if sometimes a bit lively; but I find them quite manageable. We will take good care of them. I assure you. Pemberley is a perfect place for children.”


Darcy spent a busy morning with his solicitor. There we numerous matters to attend before the wedding, so he could devote as much time as possible to his bride in the first weeks of their marriage. He shocked the footman, when upon descending from the carriage, he took three steps in one leap. He felt elated as Elizabeth was to visit today. He had seen her rarely in the last couple days. Georgiana took the responsibility of shopping for the new Mrs. Darcy's wardrobe very seriously indeed. Consequently, Elizabeth was so exhausted at the end of each day of such excursions, that he had no heart to occupy her more.

He entered the house and asked the butler impatiently. “Where is my sister?”

“Miss Darcy is entertaining Miss Bennet and Miss Gardiner in the drawing room.”

“Miss Gardiner?” Darcy asked with confusion.

The servant raised his brow. “Yes, sir. Miss Julia Gardiner.”

Darcy entered the drawing room and saw his women taking tea. Little Julia Gardiner sat next to Georgiana, looking very calm and composed, with a big pink bow tied in her carefully curled hair, her posture perfect, her hands ideally clasped on her lap.

“Good morning.” Darcy said cheerfully, and three pairs of eyes instantly rested on him.

“Good morning, Brother.” Georgiana smiled at him and was gratified with a kiss on the cheek.

“How are you, my dear?” Darcy spoke, turning to his fiancée and raising her hand to his lips.

“I am fine.” Elizabeth answered softly, blushing prettily.

Darcy winked at Elizabeth and Georgiana and turned to Julia. “How are you today, Miss Gardiner?”

The girl raised her head towards the tall, intimidating man and she spoke quietly. “I… I am fine. I thank you, sir.”

“Welcome to my home.” he said, catching her tiny hand and squeezing it gently.

Julia's eyes widened as she stared at him. “We have come in an open carriage.” she said at last, clearly enthralled with the fact.

“You have? I hope the ride was a pleasant one.”

“Oh, yes!” Julia cried excitedly, and then she started to babble, her studious manner instantly replaced. “Yesterday the written invitation came to me from Miss Darcy. It was addressed to me, to Miss Gardiner. I have never thought of myself as Miss Gardiner. I know it is my surname, of course, but I was always just Julia Gardiner.” She reached to a small pink reticule and retrieved from it, a small cream fragrant card, and handed it to Darcy.

He took it from her and studied it with due attention. “It is written that I am invited for tea.” she informed him.

“Yes, I can see that. It is without a doubt, most elegant, Miss Gardiner.” he said, returning the card to its owner, who tucked it carefully back in her purse.

“We have been speaking, before you came, Brother, about Julia's lessons on the pianoforte.” Georgiana said, smiling at the girl.

“Miss Gardiner is a student of music; that is interesting. My dear, perhaps you could show our guest to the music room for her to see your pianoforte?”

Georgiana agreed readily, guessing her brother wanted to simply spend some time alone with his fiancée. When the doors closed behind Georgiana and Julia, Elizabeth spoke first.

“You were wonderful with Julia. She will never forget this. You have a friend in her for a lifetime.”

“She reminds me of Miss Bennet.” Darcy remarked casually.

“Yes, she does remind me of Jane, very much indeed. When they are together, they look like sisters; much more than Jane and any of us, her real siblings.” Elizabeth spoke distractedly, getting more and more flushed under Darcy's inquisitive stare. “We had not asked you, but perhaps you would care for a cup of tea?” she asked nervously.

Darcy did not fancy tea at the moment, but he could not refuse himself the pleasure of Elizabeth serving him a cup, so he answered with a warm half smile. “Yes, please.”

Elizabeth instantly busied herself with the cups and tea pot at the side table. “Here you are, still hot.” she said, handing him the cup with a slightly trembling hand.

“Sit beside me.” Darcy requested, his voice low, his eyes gazing into hers. His smile grew bigger when she immediately took her seat close to him. He had taken only two sips, all the time staring at her profile, when he put the cup aside.

“Do you not like it? Perhaps you would prefer the fresh one?” Elizabeth enquired.

“No, there is something different which I would prefer now.” he said in husky tone, leaning forward to kiss the tender skin on her delicate neck. He noted with satisfaction the goose flesh which almost instantly appeared, covering her throat and the expanse of her chest which was revealed by her décolleté.

He started kissing her collarbone, then inch by inch, he reached the swell of her bosom. Her breasts started to rise and fall as her breathing grew more laboured. He nibbled gently at the small birthmark situated just above the lace which decorated the neckline of her dress, while his hand cupped gently the underside of one full mound. She shivered and moaned softy, her palm grasping the material of her dress. Darcy smiled smugly to himself and lowered his head even more, nuzzling her breasts through the thin muslin, noticing the protrusion of her nipples .

“You are not wearing your stays today?” he murmured to her tummy while the fingers of his right hand were teasing one of her nipples through the cloth.

Elizabeth moaned again and shook her head, her eyes closed. “No, I preferred not to wear them on such a hot day as today. ”

“I see.” he murmured, tracing his own path back to her neck. At last he kissed her on the lips while she clung to him almost desperately.

He ended the kiss gradually, placing a few smaller kisses on her flushed cheek, then asked. “Would you like to take a tour of the upstairs rooms?”

“What…?” Elizabeth whispered obviously still dazed, her head on his shoulder.

Darcy chuckled and repeated his question. “Ah, yes, of course.” she said, as if she was not certain to what she was agreeing.

Darcy stood up, still smiling, and enveloped her small hand firmly in his. “Let us go.” he said, pulling her to her feet.

When they reached the second floor, he began explaining. “On the right there are guests chambers, and on the left the family apartments. Are you curious to see your future rooms?”

“Yes, I am.” Elizabeth said, looking around the dark panelled corridor. Darcy guided her farther and pointed to the nearest door. “Here is Georgiana's room, over there is the nursery, but it has obviously not been used for many years now, and here is your room.”

Elizabeth looked curiously at the door. “May I?” she asked.

Darcy simply made a sweeping gesture with his arm.

Elizabeth opened the door cautiously and walked inside. She looked around the room silently for a long time.

“I know it needs to be cleaned and aired out. It was last redecorated over thirty years ago, in the first years of my parents' marriage.”

“It is perfect. I love the colouring; and that design on the wallpaper is simply beautiful. I have never seen anything like it.” Elizabeth said, touching the wall. “It feels like silk.”

“Because it is, I believe. It was ordered in France. I heard that similar wallcoverings were made for the private apartments of Marie Antoinette at the Petit Trianon.

“Your mother had marvelous taste. Now I know from whom Georgiana inherited her aesthetic sense. Her ability to match colours and patterns is simply amazing. Were it necessary, she could have done it professionally. If you could have seen her at the seamstress'; she is so confident about the materials, designs and the latest fashions.”

Darcy raised his brows and spoke with amusement. “Believe me, I have seen her at the seamstress'. I prefer to leave her an open account there and arrange for someone else to accompany her. For some time she even tried to change my wardrobe. She insisted that I should broaden the selection of colours and wear some brighter clothes.”

“Well, I must agree with her on this. You wear nothing besides black, dark brown or very dark green.” Elizabeth pronounced earnestly.

Darcy frowned and spoke gravely. “I like those colours. They suit me very well. I will not let her, or you, make some dandy out of me.”

“Grey or blue would not make you look less respectable, but they would soften your overall image a bit. You would look younger and more relaxed.” Elizabeth said gently; and despite his heavy frown, she added. “During the summer, would you not prefer to wear some light beige instead of dark brown like today?”


Elizabeth's brows rose high on her forehead. “I see. I think I can understand why Georgiana has not succeeded in changing your wardrobe.”

“Here is the dressing room.” Darcy said, opening the side doors while Elizabeth peeked inside curiously.

“And that door?” she asked after inspecting the dressing room and returning to the main room.

“My bedroom.” Darcy stated calmly.

Elizabeth's eyes widened and she walked near it cautiously. “You may enter it.” Darcy spoke with amusement. “There is nothing very frightening inside there.”

“I know.” she said nonchalantly, and opened the door decidedly.

She walked around the room slowly.

“What is your impression?”

Elizabeth pursed her lips and an audible sigh escaped her. “It is rather dark; and so… tidy, as if no one lived here.”

“I like it when everything is in its place.”

“You do? In that case, perhaps you should not marry me.”

Darcy walked to her and asked with a frown. “Why do you say that?”

“Because I am terribly untidy. I never put things where they should be.”

Darcy looked instantly relieved. “I can deal with it.”

Elizabeth gave him a doubtful look. “We shall see.”

She walked to the window and cried softly. “The garden! And quite big for town.”

“Yes, it is quite big.” Darcy said distractedly, standing right behind her. She leaned trustingly into his solid frame with a soft sigh. His arms went naturally around her, rocking her a little.

“I think I am falling in love with you.” she whispered.

Darcy stilled completely for a moment. Elizabeth turned around very slowly and looked up at him. The next moment she was in his arms and they were kissing passionately. Darcy moulded her body to his, and she was not longer intimidated by feeling his excitement pressing into her belly. They tumbled on the bed in a tight embrace. Soon the upper part of her dress was pushed down, and he was focusing all his attention on her uncovered breasts, trying to swallow one soft peak with his mouth while kneading the other one with his palm. When he raised his eyes to her face, he saw her looking exactly like the images of her in one of his fantasies. Bared before him to her waist, her arms thrown around her head in utter abandon, eyes closed, lips half open, soft sighs escaping them. He tugged at her gown to reveal more of her middle, kissing the path from the undersides of her breasts down her stomach. Elizabeth moaned audibly when he flipped his tongue around her belly button. Her hands clasped at his arms firmly, and she brought him to her face.

“You are so sweet.” he murmured between their kisses when Elizabeth was trying frantically to push the coat off his shoulders. He knelt on the bed and began undressing himself. Elizabeth lifted herself as well and began to tug at his neck cloth impatiently. He helped her, getting rid of it in one movement. She pushed him decidedly on his back, and Darcy's immediate attention caught her swaying breasts when she loomed over him, working on the opening of his shirt. He focused on attempting to catch the delicate light pink tip of her breast in his mouth. At last she managed to slide her hands under his shirt. Darcy moaned, harshly feeling her cool hands stroking his sides and stomach while she placed moist kisses on his chest. Soon she was on her back again, and his right hand was firmly under her skirts. He felt her calf, knee and soon, the top of her stocking. He moved his hand over the top of her thigh which felt warm and fleshy to his touch. He dipped his face into her neck, pressing his chest into her breasts, while his fingers darted between her thighs, finding heat and the incredible softness of her intimate folds.

It took a few seconds for him to notice she had stopped returning his kisses and lay passively in his arms. He looked into her eyes searchingly, and clearly did not like what he read there as he mouthed angrily a crude word under his breath, and rolled himself from her on his back.

“I beg your forgiveness. You deserve better. I am a brute.” Darcy panted hoarsely, staring at the canopy. He moved to the other side of the bed, only to stand up next to it, with his back to her, raking his hands through his hair.

When he looked at her at last, she was blushing brightly, tears gathering in her eyes. She tried to frantically cover herself, putting her dress back in place awkwardly, her hands trembling visibly.

“Let me help you,” he whispered, walking to her side of the bed and helping her to put her arms back into the short sleeves of the dress.

Elizabeth's lips trembled. “You are angry with me.”

“I am not.” He said brusquely, buttoning her dress at the back.

Elizabeth shook her head, scrambling out of the bed on her feet. “You are.” She insisted as tears ran down her cheeks.

“Yes, I am furious, but not with you, but myself.” He spoke indignantly, his voiced raised. “I have just nearly seduced my innocent fiancée in the middle of the day, when my baby sister can enter the room any moment looking for us.” He hugged her to him from behind and kissed her hair. “I am sorry. Have I hurt you?”

“No, no! Of course not.” she cried vehemently, turning into his arms. “It all felt so very lovely, truly wonderful, but when you started to touch me there…” she murmured uneasily into his still partially uncovered chest.

He put a finger on her mouth. “You do not have to explain. I have rushed you. Good God I have nearly...”

She took his hand and spoke calmly. “I have eagerly participated in it.”

“I should have known better. Have I frightened you very much?”

“No, it is just when you touched me there I suddenly remembered what Mama told me, my sisters and me…”

Darcy furrowed his brows. “Which is…”

Elizabeth looked at him with big eyes and spoke softly “That we cannot let anyone touch us in our private places. It is sinful; and it brings some horrible diseases.”

He looked at her with concern, stroking her cheek. “I am so sorry, sweetheart. It was unforgivable of me. I… would never do anything to hurt you. I just wanted to… I think I lost control and…” Darcy took a deep breath and enquired gently. “Dearest, has your mother talked with you about what happens between man and wife; where the babies came from… No?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, she has not, but I know what it means when a woman is pregnant and how the baby is born. I am not certain as to the specifics, though I have certain ideas of course. I do know it requires sleeping in one bed, and that you can avoid it very well by claiming a headache.”

Darcy smiled. “Yes, but do you know what happens exactly?”

“Tell me.”

Darcy looked at her hesitantly. “Elizabeth perhaps your mother should speak with you on it or your Aunt Gardiner…”

She looked into his eyes earnestly “Please. I feel so foolish not knowing.”

“This part of me enters your body here.” He said taking her hand and placing it on the lap of his trousers and then at the juncture of her legs. “When the man is inside, he leaves some part of him there, and sometimes a baby is conceived, but not always.”

Elizabeth stared at the front of his trousers. She swallowed. “Will it fit?”

“Yes, but I have heard the first time can be painful for a lady. I assure you that what I have done, the way I attempted to touch you; it is perfectly natural and permissible between man and wife. It is to help a woman, to prepare her for what is to happen next.“

Elizabeth creased her dark eyebrows in confusion. “But…”

“Elizabeth, I think it would be the best for your mother or perhaps even better your Aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, to talk with you in detail about this.“ Darcy interrupted her gently. “But trust me on this; everything I have done is perfectly natural and normal between husband and wife.”

“You must think me terribly naïve.” Elizabeth murmured, greatly embarrassed.

Darcy took her arm gently and led her to the small sofa, situated near the fireplace. He sat on it, and pulled Elizabeth on his lap. “I do not think you to be naïve or foolish as you said before. It pleases me very much that you know so little about the intimate relations, and the only experience you are to gain is from me. I cannot imagine it any differently for my wife. This is the way young ladies of your station are brought up in our society. I think that your mother told you and your sisters all those things to protect you from any man that would try to harm you. She has frightened you with it, to be sure, but I can understand her reasoning.”

Elizabeth rested her back more comfortably against his solid chest and looked up at him. “But is it true? I mean what Mama told us about those dreadful illnesses.”

“Yes, it is sometimes. It can even lead to death in most drastic cases. But never in marriage as long as the man and wife are healthy, and faithful to each other. You do not have to be afraid. I am healthy. I cannot say I am inexperienced, but I am much less experienced than the most men from my social circle. I have always been very cautious.”

There was a moment of silence before Elizabeth spoke shyly. “You mean with other women.”

“Yes.” Darcy spoke in a hesitant voice. “Elizabeth there were not many of them, and I have never ruined any young woman. They were all actually a few years older than me. And I never felt anything similar to what I feel with you, when I hold you in my arms, when I touch you.”

Elizabeth gave him a small, unsure smile. “Thank you for being sincere with me.” she whispered politely and then looked to the side uneasily. She straightened herself a bit in his arms and her delicate eyebrows began moving slightly, as always when she was pondering some matter seriously.

Darcy observed her keenly for a moment and then spoke slowly. “Elizabeth, I know it is all very new for you, and perhaps you would wish to wait a bit. I would not mind.”

Elizabeth's eyes widened. “You want to postpone the wedding?”

“No, no. Certainly not.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “I mean that I do not expect you to come to my bed the very first night. We can have separate bedrooms for the time being. I do not wish you to feel that you must do it. We have our whole lives together, and if we wait a few weeks or even …” He swallowed and added somehow weakly. “… even months, it shall not change anything. For now it is enough you are to be my wife; that we are together.” Darcy stressed, then hugged her to him closely and murmured into her ear. “I can see you are still uncomfortable with what is to happen in the marriage bed. I do not want you to feel unhappy because of that.”

Elizabeth looked into his eyes earnestly and spoke softly. “You are a good man, William.”

Chapter XII

On the eve of Elizabeth's wedding to Mr. Darcy, Mrs. Bennet entered her second daughter's bedchamber. She found her two eldest daughters cuddled together on the bed, whispering something to each other and laughing, the same as when they had been little girls. Her heart tugged at the thought it was probably the last time she would find them so.

“Jane could you please leave us alone? I want to talk with Lizzy.”

“Certainly, Mama.” Jane agreed immediately, and saying goodnight to her sister and mother, left the room quickly.

Mrs. Bennet sat on the edge of the bed stiffly. “We have not talked for a very long time, daughter. Perhaps never. I know how much you loved your father…” She paused and added quietly. “more than me.”

Elizabeth stared at her mother visibly surprised with her words. “It is not like that…” she began uneasily. “I have not liked him more, just … differently. It was easier for me to talk with him and…”

Mrs. Bennet shook her head and took Elizabeth's hand, kissing it lightly. “Lizzy, I want to, I need to, before you go with your husband, to thank you and apologize to you.”

“Thank me and apologize? For what?” Elizabeth asked even more confused.

Mrs. Bennet sat silently for some time before she began to speak quietly. “I know I have not treated you the way I should have treated a daughter. It was hard for me; not because I love you less than others girls, but it was difficult for me to show my feelings for you. It was easier to cuddle Jane or Lydia, they are much like me, both in their looks and disposition. And you were always such an independent spirit, so stubborn, not girlish enough for me.” Mrs. Bennet tugged at one of Elizabeth's disobedient curls, trying to put it back into the place. She smiled, shaking her head helplessly when it instantly sprang back the moment she moved her hand back. “No matter how hard I tried to arrange your hair, they always escaped from the pins and ribbons. You ran around the village with the Lucas boys and tore the prettiest dresses I bought for you. Jane always cared about her clothes as I taught her, and when I asked her to sit motionlessly not to crumple the ruffles, she simply listened to me and you…”

Elizabeth smiled. “And I climbed the nearest tree.”

Mrs. Bennet gave a small chuckle. “Your father just laughed, hugged you and carried you around in his arms every time you came back home all dirty and wet, with ruined slippers and petticoats because you decided to wade in the stream or in a muddy puddle. There was a time I was desperate you would grow into some half wide creature, which resembled in nothing a gently bred young lady. But I was wrong. I was so wrong about you, Elizabeth.” Mrs. Bennet repeated, squeezing her daughter's hand. “I am so proud of you Elizabeth. You must know this. You are a beautiful young woman; charming, intelligent, accomplished, well read, well spoken, sensible, kind, a true lady. Someone I have never been.”

“Mama that is not true!”

The older woman smile sadly. “No, child. I know who I am. I am silly and shallow, just a simple weak woman. A man like Mr. Darcy would never turn his eyes to someone like me.”

Elizabeth looked at her mother as if she had seen her the first time in her life. She wanted to say something back to her, but she lacked the right words.

At length, Mrs. Bennet spoke first in a lighter tone. “Have I ever told you about your grandmother, your father's mother?”

“No, but father mentioned many times that I was named after her and that I look like his mother very much.”

“Indeed you do. When they first handed you to me, just after you were born and I looked at your pretty little face and I immediately thought - Lady Elizabeth. Mrs. Bennet chuckled. “I was horrified. Sometimes it is almost frightening how similar you both are. The way you speak, move, arch your brow, those marvellous eyes of yours. I sometimes wondered whether you are really mine. If I had not carried you in my body for the nine months, I would not have believed that you are my own child.”


“Your grandmother did not like me.” Mrs. Bennet spoke, her voice bitter, her expression sober, her back stiff, her hands clasped tightly together on her lap. “She found me not good enough for her only son. Did you know her father was a lord?”

“A lord?” Elizabeth cried in astonishment, her eyes wide. “Father never mentioned that.”

Mrs. Bennet waved her hand dismissively “Well, you father never cared about such things. His mother had married much below her station. It was a love match, I heard. Her parents were furious. She was their only daughter, and they disinherited her for that. She soon became a widow. Your grandfather died young because of fever; your father was just five. I am not sure whether her family ever contacted her after she widowed. I had not even known her family name till I found it in the family Bible. It all happened before I was even born, so all I know is from the other people.”

“So they never contacted her…” Elizabeth repeated slowly, hugging her knees to her chest. “But she was their daughter and she had a baby, their grandson. I cannot imagine that.”

“My thoughts exactly, Lizzy.” Mrs. Bennet patted her daughter's hand. “I always found it strange that her family never tried to help her somehow. She was left alone with a small boy. She was not destitute, of course, there was Longbourn, but as you said, your father was their grandson after all. They should have taken some interest in him; despite the fact his mother disobeyed their wishes. But the very rich people are like that, ready to break bonds with their closest relatives just because of the money and the position in the world.”

“Did Papa ever speak with you about this?”

“No, he did not. He never mentioned the family from his mother's side. I have never asked. I thought that perhaps he was hurt that they rejected him. And for what reasons! Bennets were always among the best gentry in the county, even in the whole of England, my dear, no doubt about that. Anyway Lady Bennet wanted for her only son a gentleman's daughter, in the least; and though my father was wealthy, he was just an attorney. And his father was just a shoemaker. I was nothing to her. I believe that your father would have never married me if his mother had still been alive. He would not dare.”

Elizabeth looked at her mother with compassion. “I am so sorry, Mama.” she said softly, squeezing her hand.

Mrs. Bennet shrugged her shoulders. “It was a long time ago… But I still remember the way she, your grandmother, looked at me, as if I was not more than dirt on the road.” The tears stood in Mrs. Bennet's eyes and she spoke brokenly. “God forbid me, but every time you look at me with those fine eyes of yours, her eyes, I feel as if she had been looking at me, judging me. I know it is silly, but I cannot help it.”

“ Mama … I have never been aware.”

Mrs. Bennet cupped Elizabeth's cheek. “It is not your fault that you are her spitting image.”

At length Mrs. Bennet spoke again. “Lizzy, you must know; I want you to know that I married you father because I loved him.” Mrs. Bennet's face relaxed and she smiled happily to her memories.” Oh, Lizzy, he was so handsome, the most sought after bachelor in the whole county; so charming and so intelligent. I could not comprehend half of what he was telling me.” She laughed to herself and patting Elizabeth's hand leaned into her confidently. “He travelled to Europe before the Revolution; he was educated at the university. I could not believe my own luck when he started to notice me and pay me attention. I was so happy when he married me. He was good to me, and he was not angry at me at all when I gave birth to Jane instead the heir to Longbourn. He said that the girl looked just like me, so she would surely turn him around her little finger. I was so happy, Lizzy. Then you were born and he … changed.” Mrs. Bennet paused staring with unseeing eyes in the space in front of her. “You were such a pretty, lively child. You were so smart from your earliest years. You did everything earlier and better than other children. You read fluently at the age of three. Every time he came back home he cried “Where is Lizzy? Where is my little girl?”

“Oh, Mama…”

Mrs. Bennet looked to the side and spoke uneasily. “It is a shame to acknowledge this, but I was jealous of you. I know that I should not have been, but it was stronger than me. He stopped talking with me, walking with me, sharing his thoughts and plans with me because he had you. Sometimes I thought he needed me just to warm his bed.”

Elizabeth blushed heavily hearing the last words, but managed to say gently “Mama, I am sure it was not like that.”

“Perhaps it was not, but it was how I perceived it. And I always felt guilty that I could not give him a son.”

“Mama, it is nobody's fault you and Papa did not have a son. I think that it is something that we cannot control.” Elizabeth said gently.

“Oh Lizzy, it is easy to say!” Mrs. Bennet cried exasperatedly. “But a woman always feels guilty when she cannot bear a boy to inherit the estate. I do not wish you ever go through something like this. How would you feel, giving birth after birth to girls, when you know that everyone expects the heir to inherit your husband's estate?”

The women were silent for a long moment before Mrs. Bennet spoke again.“Lizzy, it is my duty to prepare you for what is to come after the wedding when you will be left alone with your husband at night. Tell me child how much you know about marital relations?”

“I understand the mechanics. “ Elizabeth said uneasily, preying her mother not to ask her about the source of her knowledge, so she added quickly. “From what I have heard over the years, it is not pleasant, and that a lady must bear it for the pleasure of having children.”

“Well Elizabeth, to cut the things short, what you heard is not entirely true.” Mrs. Bennet announced gravely.

Elizabeth smiled.“I know.”

“You know?!” Mrs. Bennet's eyes narrowed at her daughter. “He has already…”

Elizabeth blushed, guessing her mother's meaning and cried vehemently “No, no! We just … well… kissed and I began to wonder what is more to that. Back in London I asked Aunt Gardiner to explain it to me. She said that the first time can be uncomfortable, even painful, but when a man cares, he can help his wife, and the discomfort will be very little. Moreover, she said there is pleasure for the lady as well.”

“Yes, Lizzy, that is all true. I can say the same from my own perspective. You must remember your father was a true gentleman in that respect. My sister speaks from her own experience as well when my brother is the most gentle and caring man you can find. It is not like that for all women.”

“I cannot believe that my fiancée could act differently.” Elizabeth stated firmly.

Mrs. Bennet looks at Elizabeth with concern and spoke fretfully. “Lizzy, child, you know nothing about men, my poor dear. You are the smallest of all the girls, and he is so big. I am afraid he can hurt you in some way.”

Elizabeth smiled and even rolled her eyes. “Mama, he treats me like a China doll. He is always very gentle.”

Mrs. Bennet looked unconvinced. “Yes, perhaps now, but later when you will be left alone with him… He can stop controlling himself. When a man is in the throes of passion, he seeks only his own gratification.” Mrs. Bennet spoke dramatically, her eyes wide.

“Mama, Mr. Darcy would never hurt me!” Elizabeth cried with great conviction.

“Lizzy you do not know my meaning…”

“Mama, I perfectly understand your meaning. He is always in control for himself and for me as well. He proved it when…. We were alone in my future rooms at his townhouse last week and the things went perhaps farther than they should have… But Mama, he stopped immediately the moment he saw I was uncomfortable with what was happening. He apologized as well that he had rushed me. He did that though he knew we were alone in the room, in his house and I could not have stopped him even if I had wanted to, because as you said yourself he is stronger than me.”

“Well I can see he is a gentleman.” Mrs. Bennet agreed reluctantly. “And if the things between you have gone so far, you know that you must allow him to prepare you. You have to forget about all I once told you and you sisters; that you cannot allow anybody to touch you in your private places. I did that to protect all of you. Without dowry, your virtue is your only fortune. Now, Lizzy, you must allow him to touch you. Otherwise it is going to be painful for you. If you see he does not intend to do anything like this, you have to encourage him to touch you there.”

Elizabeth blushed heavily, remembering vividly the afternoon in Darcy's bedroom. She could not possibly tell her mother that her fears in this respect are unjustified. She started uneasily. “But Mama I could not possibly…”

“Lizzy, child, it is not the time for maiden coyness.” Mrs. Bennet stated firmly. “It is the matter of how to protect yourself from being seriously hurt. I do not think that your fiancée would be so inconsiderate and cruel after what you have told me. Your father never was, but I heard enough stories about such treatment of wives. You can never be sure. Marriage and the marriage bed are nothing like courtship. After the ceremony, you are his, and no one can help you.” Mrs. Bennet cried, seriously agitated. After a moment she spoke more calmly. “And Lizzy, one more matter. Daughter, I know you always wanted to marry for love. I understand you because I wanted the same. I want to thank you that you are marrying Mr. Darcy. I could not live in poverty, economizing, not being able to take the carriage whenever I want, or being unable to go visit friends or shop for trinkets every second day. Your Mr. Darcy was very generous towards us; but I know you dislike him.”

“Mama that is not true!” Elizabeth cried fiercely.

Mrs. Bennet shushed her. “You do not have to pretend in front of me, my dear. I know you are making a sacrifice. He is such a disagreeable man; nothing like your father when he was young. I still think that for you, marrying Mr. Collins would have been much better. He may not be so very rich or good looking or bookish like Mr. Darcy, but he is stupid. It would be easy for you to manage and control him like it is for Charlotte, I am sure. It would be enough to let him into your bedroom once a month, which will be quite impossible for you to accomplish with Mr. Darcy, I can tell you that. Mr. Darcy is clever, I think even more than you father was. He is proud, conceited, demanding, strong willed, inflexible, and there is something in his eyes I do not like. I pray every night for you to avoid pain and humiliation being married to him.”

“It is not like that, Mama.” Elizabeth spoke firmly. “He is very gentle with me. You cannot imagine how good he is to me when we are alone. I like him, respect him and trust him. I shall try to make him happy.”

Mrs. Bennet stroked her daughter's cheek. “Lizzy, how very naïve you are. You have to be aware he must desire you very much. I think he admires your intelligence, of course, the fact you will grace his home and will never bring shame to his name, but he could have all of that with many other women. I believe that first of all he must feel strongly attracted to you; physically, I mean. Do you understand what I am saying ?” Elizabeth blushed heavily, but nodded her head. “I am not surprised that he tried to take liberties with you when you were alone. It was the same with your father. I think it was the reason why he married me in the first place. He wanted me in his bed, but he was far too honourable to get what he desired in an ungentlemanly way by making me his mistress, for example, so he married me.”

“Mama! I am not sure I want to hear more.” Elizabeth cried with embarrassment.

“Lizzy, I know it is shocking to hear something like this for a young woman like you on the eve of her wedding. But it is better to hear this from me, than to learn it by yourself in a few years. I think that your Mr. Darcy is much the same in this respect as your father was. A mature woman like me notices such things. The way he looks at you; be prepared he will demand sharing your bed every night, and even sometimes during a day. He will certainly want to look at you without your clothes. Men are just like that. This passion is just stronger with men than woman. Obey him in this, and he will be pleased with you. It is that simple.”

Mrs. Bennet raised herself slowly. “Well Lizzy, I hope I did not shock you too much. My intentions are the best. I do not want to frighten you. I want to prepare you for what will begin in your life from tomorrow.”

“I know, Mama; but I truly consider that your worries are unjustified in this case. He said he will wait till I am ready to share his bed. He says it is up to me when we… you know.”

“That is good Lizzy, if he is sincere in this, that is very good. It means he really cares about you. Child, look at me.” Mrs. Bennet tilted Elizabeth's chin. “You must remember I love you very much. Please write to me how he treats you. I will pray for you to find peace and happiness with him.”

“Thank you, Mama. I love you too.” Lizzy whispered through tears and tightly embraced the older woman.

After a long moment, Mrs. Bennet freed herself brusquely from her daughter's arms “Well, well. Go to sleep girl! It is high time. The wedding is tomorrow. You must look your best.” Mrs. Bennet said in her usual harsh manner, already standing at the door. Elizabeth smiled at her because in these last words, Mrs. Bennet sounded more like her own mother than she had for the last hour.


“At last.” Darcy gasped with relief when the carriage doors had been closed, and the family and wedding guests disappeared by the turn of the road.

“Yes.” Elizabeth agreed tiredly, slowly removing her gloves and untying the ribbons of her bonnet. “And I was afraid it was going to rain. This is perhaps the hottest day of this summer.”

Darcy removed his neck cloth and took and took a deep breath. “That is better.”

“William, perhaps you will be more comfortable if you remove your coat as well.” Elizabeth said, at the same time getting rid of her diminutive grey spencer.

“You are right.” Darcy said, and soon his coat joined his wife's spencer on the seat. Darcy raked his hand through his curls and settled more comfortably, stretching his long frame as far as the spacious carriage would allow. His attention was soon fully engaged by his wife's actions though, as she clearly had not yet finished undressing herself for seeking comfort on this hot day. She unlaced the ribbons around her ankles and kicked off her flat ballerina shoes, discarding them carelessly on top of his dark coat. Very soon a pair of silk stockings joined the rest of their clothing on a rather messy heap in the corner.

Elizabeth wiggled her toes happily and supported her pretty feet on the opposite seat.

“You have nice feet.” Darcy observed, gently taking one small foot in his hand. It looked almost crowded in his large hand. “So tiny.”

“ No…” Elizabeth giggled because he tickled her lightly on the sole and she retrieved her foot abruptly from his hand. “Which cannot be said about yours.” She cried, rubbing her feet against her other leg to relieve the itching he created and at the same time looking pointedly at his large shoe.

At length Elizabeth changed her seat, arranging herself in her favourite position, with her back supported against his chest, her legs tucked under her skirts.

“William, perhaps you would prefer to sit alone?” She asked with concern, glancing up at Darcy.

His arm immediately tightened around her. “Of course not.” He murmured, kissing the crown of her head.

“I am asking because none of my sisters ever wanted to sleep with me on hot summer nights. They insisted I gave so much heat with my body that the hot bricks in the middle of winter placed in the foot of the bed would be not needed.”

The arms tightened around her even more and Darcy spoke. “I am fine.”

“You look very lovely today.” He whispered after a few minutes of compatible silence.

“Thank you. That dress is beautiful.” Elizabeth said, lightly touching the delicate lace around her décolletage. “Georgiana chose this design and talked the seamstress into introducing some changes into the cut as well. I am also glad that Georgiana convinced me to use this thin cloth. I thought it a bit impractical, but I would boil today in something thicker. Did you see Caroline Bingley's face when she saw me in this dress!? The green of her complexion at last matched the orange of her gown.” Elizabeth looked up at Darcy and soon he was given a decided punch on his arm.

“Ouch! What was that for?”

“You were not listening to me.”

“I was.” Darcy cried, rubbing his arm. “You said it was Georgiana who had chosen the dress for you.”

“Oh, yes Mr. Smart. So pray tell me what I said after that?”

“You said that the dress she chose is very … elegant and… Ouch!” Another punch was directed at his chest.

“Your sister was right about you! You go deaf the moment one starts talking about fashion. I asked you an important question.”

“Which was?” Darcy asked meekly.

“Did you see the face of Caroline Bingley when she saw me in this dress?”

Great confusion appeared on Darcy's handsome face. “No.”

“You never see things which are really important.” Elizabeth accused him bitterly.

“Next time you must tell me earlier if I am to observe the faces of other woman and their reactions to your appearance in a new dress. Besides, the only woman I have noticed today is you. I was not aware Caroline Bingely was even there until you mentioned her.” he said, kissing her neck. Elizabeth was clearly satisfied with his explanations as she purred a little and leaned against his chest again.

Another couple of minutes of compatible silence passed, filled with small caresses and light kisses, when this time Elizabeth spoke. “I am worried about Georgiana.”

“She will be fine.” Darcy assured her calmly, his hand playing with her fingers.

“But she will be alone with my mother and sisters for five days.” Elizabeth cried fretfully. “Will she not feel that we have abandoned her?”

“No, Lizzy. She would be uncomfortable in the company of newlyweds, she would think herself intruding. She understands I am married now and things must change.”

“But we left her alone with my sisters.”

“I think she finds herself very well in their company. She can play pianoforte with Mary or shop with Kitty. I left her ten pounds. I am sure she and Kitty will go to Meryton first thing in the morning tomorrow to spend it on some trinkets. And please remember, my dear, that Miss Bennet is with them. I am sure that Jane will keep her eye on them.”

“You are right. Jane will not allow anything wrong to happen.”

“Exactly. And in five days Georgiana, Kitty and Lydia will come to London.”

“Yes, and that is what worries me even more. I cannot stop thinking about Lydia starting school just in a few days. I worry how she will behave there. I feel it will all lead into a complete disaster.” Elizabeth sighed audibly, but then spoke more cheerfully. “But I am not going to ponder this today. No worries today because it is a happy day.”

“Very happy.” Darcy murmured, lifting her slightly up against his chest and kissing the tender skin below her ear. His left arm moved up from her middle and stopped just under her bosom, while his right hand dipped into the décolleté edge of her dress, under her stays, cradling her warm, slightly damp breast in his palm.

Elizabeth closed her eyes, her head sagged against his shoulder and she gasped softly. “I love when you do that.”

“I will bear that intelligence in my mind, dearest.” Darcy assured her softly, his fingers grazing her nipple lightly. “I meant to say something earlier, but I forgot; you hair looks different.”

Elizabeth opened her eyes immediately, and turning into his arms abruptly, she cried with energy. “You noticed!”

“Of course I noticed. You have more hair around your forehead.”

“It is called fringe.”

Darcy pretended to be offended. “I know that.”

Elizabeth knelt on the seat beside him and started to babble enthusiastically. “Georgiana and Jane talked me into this, to cut it at last, and make it shorter at the front. This way I can use more styles and my head feels lighter and not so hot. It was getting troublesome to have such a mess kept pinned to my head.”

Darcy stared at her happily seeing her enthusiasm but soon his expression clouded, his brows creased and he spoke cautiously. “Wait a minute dearest… You mean you cut only those wisps at the front, around your forehead, right? Am I correct?”

Elizabeth shook her head smilingly. “No, Georgiana's maid cut at least ten inches, it reaches just passed my shoulders now, but you cannot see it, because they are pinned now.” She said turning her head, showing Darcy the back of her head where the complicated looking construction of tiny curls, ribbons and silk flowers was arranged.

“Why did you not ask me?” Darcy asked gravely, his brows creased.

“Ask you?”

“Yes, ask me. You have cut your hair without my permission.” He said sharply.

Elizabeth stared at him, mouth wide agape and then chuckled. “You expect me to ask you when I want to change my hairstyle?”

“Not hairstyle but the hair length. I require it to be long.” Darcy spoke haughtily.

“You require my hair to be long.” Elizabeth repeated and then added laughingly “ You cannot speak in earnest.”

“I am completely earnest. You have not asked my permission.”

“Your permission to shorten my own hair…” She repeated incredulously and as the true understanding of his words dove on her she cried angrily. “Pray enlighten me, husband, on other matters I need your permission for?”

Darcy did not manage to answer because the carriage came to an abrupt halt.

Darcy opened the door and cried “What is the matter?”

“Tis a Fallen log after t'night's storm affore us Master. Twill take some time to clear t'road.” The driver's voice was heard. Darcy jumped out of the carriage and spoke to Elizabeth in a well measured decided voice. “Stay here. Do not leave the carriage.”

When he returned to the carriage, after helping his men to remove the log, he found the carriage box empty. He noticed instantly that the little defiant of his had left all her things inside, including her shoes, so fortunately she could not walk far. He stepped out of the carriage and turned to the stable boy who had always travelled with him, taking care of horses. The boy was an orphan, a tenant's son from Pemberley, whose all family died in the fire of their cottage a few years previous.

“Hey there, Ben!” He cried, and the boy immediately ran to him. ”Have you seen the Mistress?”

“Aye, Master.” The lad answered in a strong Derbyshire accent. “Th' Mistress walked down't hill to t'creek o'ver there.” The boy pointed to the small lake down in the valley some thirty yards from the road.

A quarter of an hour later, the driver, who was already seated atop, ready to go, could observe the Master walking calmly in the direction of the carriage with Mrs. Darcy arranged securely over his right shoulder, her bare feet kicking furiously in the air, her small fists pounding at her husband's back.

“Drive on.” Were the only words Darcy spoke before climbing into the carriage together with the wiggling burden on his arm.

Lynne was so kind to add the translation:
Aye - Yes
Affore - before
Tis - It is
Th' - the
Down't - down the
O'ver - pronounce `hover' meaning over
T'nights - the nights
T'road - the road
T'creek - the Creek.

Chapter XIII

Darcy walked in the direction of the creek pointed out by Ben, and soon he saw Elizabeth. She stood basked in the sun amidst high grass and bushes growing along the water's edge. Her skirts were raised, showing her calves almost to her knees, and she was wading in the water. She must have heard him coming, because she stiffened, turned with her back to the bank and stared at the other end of the creek.

“I told you to stay in the carriage.”


“Elizabeth, we can go now. The road is cleared.”

She did not answer this time either, but she raised her skirts a bit higher, so he could see the delicate skin at the back of her knees, and she stepped further into the water.

“Elizabeth, stay there, do not go father. There might be some holes and whirlpools in the bottom.”He was not acknowledged with an answer, but he noticed her shrug her arms dismissively. He was sure she rolled her eyes as well.

Darcy felt himself losing his patience. She was behaving like a disobedient, stubborn child. Georgiana had never acted like this. She had always been sweet and compliant, and had always stayed in the carriage when asked.

“You are not going to speak with me, I see." Another shrug of arms, chin high in the air.

“You are going to stay in this water the whole day?” Elizabeth turned sideways so he could see her profile. She stared at the sun with great interest, shading her eyes with her palm, a small pout on her lips.

“I see. Unfortunately, dearest, we have not enough time for this.” Darcy walked into the shallow water and threw her over his right shoulder in one swift movement.

“Put me down!” she shrieked.

“So you are speaking to me after all.” He noted dryly.

Elizabeth wiggled wildly on his shoulder, trying to dislodge herself somehow from his firm grip. She hit his back with her fists and cried furiously. “Fitzwilliam Darcy I demand to be freed!”Another punch on his back. “Now!”

“As you wish, dearest.” Darcy stepped decidedly further in the water, so it now reached almost the top edge of his high riding boots.

Elizabeth eyes widened in panic. “What are you doing?'

“You wanted to be put down.”He said calmly, leaning forward as if he really had intended to drop her.

“No!” She clung to him. “I cannot swim!”

“It is not that deep, dearest.” Darcy shifted her down from his shoulder, so now she faced him. Elizabeth turned her head fretfully and saw the dark green water behind her. She could not see the bottom. Her hands gripped Darcy's neck tightly.

“And what if there are some holes in the bottom after all?” she squeaked.

“Oh, I do not think so.” Darcy assured her, and let her slip a few inches more, so their faces were at the same level. Elizabeth glanced behind her shoulder once again and then stared at Darcy. He was holding her very close to the water's surface, and if she had straightened her legs, her feet would have reached it easily; but at the same time, he kept her firmly pinned to his body, one of his hands around her waist and the other under her bottom.

She smiled sweetly at him. “You will not do that. You would never let me fall.” She raised her brow at him. “I am not afraid, Mr. Darcy.”

Darcy kissed her smiling lips. She closed her eyes and responded to the sweet pressure of his lips. Without breaking the kiss, Darcy bent forward abruptly. Elizabeth opened her eyes in alarm and glanced back. The very dark, almost black water was just a few inches from her face.

“No!” She cried, clinging to him desperately, her eyes shut tightly.

Darcy straightened and laughed out loud deeply, holding her to him, rubbing her back and kissing her neck. Elizabeth wrapped herself around his form, and only a few seconds later opened her eyes. Darcy grinned at her and kissed her nose.

“You are mean.” she seethed.

He kissed her cheek with a smile. “Let us go back to the carriage. It is high time for us to continue the journey.”

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed. “I will not go anywhere with you.”

“Ahh… A challenge. You want to play more, I see.” he stated, and threw her back over his shoulder. “Good girl.” he said, patting her bottom, and walking out of the water. “You know, wife, now I know why my father insisted I carry those sacks with corn when I was a lad, together with the field workers. He must have guessed I would need that kind of practice to manage my lively wife.” He smiled when she began wiggling wildly again. “Very lively, indeed.” He patted her bottom again.

By the time they reached the carriage and Darcy placed the still fuming Elizabeth safely inside, ordering the driver to go, he started to feel guilty. He had her really scared. He felt her heart beating wildly in her chest when he had pretended he would drop her into the pond. She was clearly afraid of deep water, poor dear.

He looked at his little impertinent wife. She had not said a word to him since the carriage began to drive again. She was busy picking her things from the heap of their clothes in the corner. He sat near her and took her hands in his. “Lizzy, I am sorry. I should not have scared you. You are right, I would never drop you.”

She freed her hands gently, took one of her silk stockings and started putting it on her leg. Darcy swallowed when she was securing it at her thigh with a garter. He stared as she repeated the same with the other leg. Her thighs looked very shapely from what he was able to see of them; soft, smooth and fleshy. Unfortunately, very soon she covered her legs with her skirts and petticoats and moved over him to take her shoes. She sat again, bent down, and started putting them on her feet, tying the ribbons around her ankles meticulously.

Darcy leaned over her and kissed the tiny curls at the back of her neck. He pulled her back against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “Forgive me.” he murmured into her ear.

Elizabeth sighed and leaned into him. “I am not angry, even though you did scare me. I simply hate it when you turn all haughty and high handed. You remind me then of the Mr. Darcy I met last fall at the Meryton Assembly.“ She turned in his arms and cupped his cheek. “It is not really you, it is not my William.”

“It is convenient for me to turn into the Mr. Darcy as you put it. It helps in many situations and is very effective, in business for example, or when I have to deal with new people, but I guess not with you. I was simply very disappointed when you told me you cut your hair. I loved your long hair so much, from the first moment I saw it unbound, that morning in your room at Hunsford.”

Elizabeth leaned back against his chest again. “I had no idea it was of such importance to you. If I had known, I would not have cut it. It did not cross my mind you could care about such a thing. Georgiana's hair is the same length as mine now so…”

“Georgiana is my sister, it is different with her.” Darcy interrupted her.

Elizabeth creased her brows. “Different how?”

“Your hair has a special effect on me.”

Elizabeth looked up at him, dumbfounded. Darcy lifted her slightly up his chest and whispered something into her ear, his palm kneading her breasts gently. Elizabeth's eyes widened and she blushed from the tops of her breasts to her new fringe. “No wonder you did not tell me this when I was still a maiden.” she whispered.

Seven hours later, Darcy Townhouse, Master bedchamber

Darcy looked at her unfortunate locks, now reaching just past her shoulders. One of his longstanding fantasies was gone. It had appeared in his dreams regularly from the first time he saw her curls unbound at Hunsford. He dreamed of her making love to him, arching over him, her hair like a dark curtain around them. Now it would take at least two years for the dream to come true.

“It will grow back.”Elizabeth said, and only then did he notice he was absently playing with the end of one single lock.

Elizabeth's hands went to her dressing gown. She untied the ribbon under her breasts and removed the garment. She stood in front of him in just her nightgown, holding the dressing gown in front of her. She looked up at him, but he was just staring at her, neither moving, nor speaking. She looked around and put the garment on the nearest chair. Next she lifted the heavy coverlet and slipped into the bed, covering herself up to her very chin.

Darcy still stood next to the bed when Elizabeth spoke lightly, smiling at him sweetly. “William, we will not accomplish much this evening with you standing there and me in the bed alone.”

Darcy looked at her incomprehensibly. He still could not replace the image of her, just how she looked after removing her dressing gown. The nightgown she wore was completely transparent. He could see clearly…well, everything. And when she walked to the chair and later climbed into the bed, the view of that round bottom of hers simply undid him. And now she dared to tease him.

Darcy walked stiffly a few steps to the same chair and removed his dressing gown, placing it over Elizabeth's. Then he walked to the bed and raised the covers. Elizabeth scooted away to make room for him. Once in bed, Darcy sat and removed his nightshirt.

“I would like you to remove your nightgown as well.” he said.

Elizabeth did not reply to this, but dove under the covers, did a little wiggle under them, and soon the gauzy garment was thrown carelessly next to bed. She laid back on her side, keeping the sheets tightly around herself, and stared at him with wide eyes.

Darcy cupped her cheek and spoke earnestly. “We do not have to.”

Elizabeth moved closer to him, so her thigh touched his. She placed her hand tentatively on his waist and kissed the dip in his throat.

“It is your turn to do something.” She said softly, but when he still did not take any visible action, she tickled him a little on the ribs, and whispered laughingly. “Your move.”

Darcy threw his head back and laughed out loud. Elizabeth laughed as well, seeing his reaction, but soon the breath was knocked out of her as she was pushed squarely on her back, and her six foot, three inch tall, 180 pound heavy, clearly very aroused husband, settled himself comfortably between her widespread legs.

“How do you like my next move, Mrs. Darcy?” he growled, rubbing himself lightly against her softness. His weight was supported on one of his arms, while his other hand was placed gently on her throat.

Elizabeth simply started at him, mouth agape.

“Well, well … I have silenced my little impertinent at last, I see.” Darcy murmured close to her lips, before kissing it lightly. He looked into her eyes, and stroking her cheek with the back of his forefinger, whispered. “Close your eyes.” He kissed her eyelids and then murmured into her ear. “Do not think, just feel.”

Minutes passed, and every inch of Elizabeth's body from her neck to her waist was properly worshipped and attended. At some moment, Elizabeth grew impatient with her passive role, so she brought her husband decidedly to her face level, with no fear bringing him into the cradle of her body. Darcy moaned, feeling the warm soft thighs clasped tightly at his sides, her hands raking through his hair, grazing his arms, back, and all the places she could reach. She was moving under him, wiggling her pelvis. Darcy shut his eyes tightly, feeling that in a few seconds, he would loose control. He lifted up from her on his outstretched arms and looked down at her. Those fine eyes burned, looking at him. She lifted herself a little, and started spreading hot kisses from his neck and down his chest, her hands stroking his sides. He could not believe that a sheltered virgin could so easily bring him into such a state. He moaned harshly when he felt her teeth on his nipple, her little, soft hands around his belly button. The little vixen was a fast learner. She seemed to imitate everything he had done to her earlier. He knew that they had to slow down a bit, otherwise he could become too rough for her. Very reluctantly, he rolled on his back and raked his hand through his hair, breathing harshly. He looked to the side, meeting her smiling eyes. Good God she was having fun with him. She lay on her side, supported on her arm. She leaned with a smile and started kissing his neck again, rubbing her breasts against his side.

“Oh, God Elizabeth, sweetheart… We must slow down a bit.”

“Why? Is it not pleasant for you?” she whispered, stroking the thin path of hair which ran from his chest to his groin.

“Very pleasant, dearest… even too pleasant…” Darcy rasped, but at this moment, Elizabeth made an abrupt movement with an obvious intent to crawl over him. Unfortunately, she supported all her weight on her right thigh, and the knee, which somehow slipped between his legs, hit with the full force, the most vital part of his body.

Darcy cursed loudly. Terrified, Elizabeth could only observe her husband bent in a half, biting his lower lip, keeping his hands to his sheet covered middle.

“William! Are you all right? What have I done? Should I bring your valet? A doctor? You are in pain!”

Darcy soon recovered enough to bring her to him, arranging her securely with her back to his chest, spooning behind her.

“Elizabeth do not talk for a minute, and do not move, I beg you.”

“I am sorry.” She whispered, on the verge of tears, kissing his arm placed over her chest.

“I am all right. Just I need some time to recover before we proceed. You must remember that a man is very sensitive where he is a man, and you must be very careful not to hit certain spots in the future.”

They lay quietly for a few minutes before Darcy said, “I think I am all right, sweetheart.” He turned her on her back. “Now, where were we, Mrs. Darcy?”

Minutes passed as they become one flesh. Darcy waited till he felt her relaxing under him, her delicate tissues stretching around him. Then he started to move slowly inside her.

“Elizabeth, help me. I will not be able to hold much longer.” Darcy rasped, supporting himself on one arm while putting his other hand under her bottom and lifting it. “Move with me. Yes, like this, sweetheart.”

Soon Darcy heard Elizabeth's soft moans, and felt her nails digging into his back painfully, her thighs trembling, her muscles clenching around him rhythmically. The joy burst through him that he could bring pleasure to his beloved, and with relief, he gave himself to his own fulfillment, at last collapsing heavily on the soft damp form of his young wife.


Elizabeth woke up from the light sleep and felt immediately that she was alone in the huge four poster bed. She lifted herself on her elbow and saw her husband crouched in front of the mantelpiece, tending to the fire. Her naked husband.

“William?” she enquired in a soft sleepy voice.

He turned around instantly. ”You are awake.” He put the last touches to the fire and raised himself. “I noticed the fire dying down. I did not want you to get cold.” he said, walking to the bed.

Elizabeth's eyes rested on his middle, and she stared at it with her head curiously titled to the side.

“Elizabeth, you are staring.” he said with a smile.

“You object me looking at you?” she asked distractedly, not removing her eyes from the area below his waist and added “You have stared at me many times. I have never seen a naked man before.”

Darcy climbed into bed next to her and gathered her to him closely, dipping his head into her neck and nibbling her gently. Elizabeth started to crawl over him to the other side of the bed.

“I want to see the fire.” she explained, lying on her back and turning her head to the mantelpiece. Darcy lay closely to her side, raised on his arm, playing with her curls resting against her front.

“You are staring again.” she said, turning her head to look at him. “And now you are grinning. Even your dimples appeared.” She stroked his already stubbled cheek with her thumb. ”Why?”

His smile grew even bigger. “You do not know why?” he asked sheepishly.

Elizabeth creased her brows. “No.”

He leaned into her, placing a small kiss on her sheet covered breasts. Then he put his head on her chest and hugged her to him tightly.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “You cannot be serious. Just because of what we did earlier?” she asked unbelievably. He nodded eagerly, burying his head more firmly into her breasts.

She ruffled his curls and said “I never, ever thought I should say this about you, but you are so shallow, Mr. Darcy.”

He raised from her and loomed over her on his outstretched arms. “I am not shallow. I have waited for this the last ten months at least.”

“You want to tell me you thought about this since last autumn? Shocking! I thought you respected me.”

He leaned into her and started kissing her neck “I did.” he mumbled.

“I do not understand.”

“I was in love with you.” he murmured to her collar bone.

“So you want to say that every time when a man is in love, he thinks only about one thing.” she concluded.

Darcy began uncovering her breasts. “No, not only about this, but a physical attraction is a very important matter for a man. A normal, healthy man, I mean, not someone like Mr. Collins for example.”

Elizabeth looked down at him, observing as he cradled her breast in his palm, rubbing the nipple. She stroked his hair. “My mother suggested that you were marrying me just because you wanted me in your bed; and that you were a gentleman, too honourable to make me your mistress, so you proposed to me.”

Darcy cupped her face and spoke earnestly. “Elizabeth, that is not true. I cannot explain how I feel about you. I need you like nothing else. When you are by my side, everything in my life is fine. When you are not, I am miserable. It is not only your body, but all of you, your voice, your smell, your touch, your laugh, your eyes, your personality. At first it was a physical attraction, or at least I allowed myself to acknowledge that I was attracted to you physically, because how you look matches my general taste in women. I never considered offering the position of mistress, but at the same time, for a long time I was convinced you could not be my wife; for reasons you already know. I was so happy when I finally decided that I could allow myself to love you, to marry you. When you turned me down flatly, well… it was the greatest shock of my life, to say the least.”

Elizabeth stroked his cheek and whispered. “I feel guilty because of all I told you that afternoon in the grove.”

“I deserved everything you said.”

“But I think I was not sincere when I said that I could not see or feel that we were perfect for each other. You know when I saw you first time at the Assembly, I did not notice Mr. Bingley or Mr. Hurst at all. It was only you who I saw, and my heart started to beat faster; but then you refused to dance with me, and I overheard what you said to Mr. Bingley about me, and well, I simply decided I was going to hate you.”

“And I, against everything, started falling in love with you. You cannot imagine how relieved I felt when you left Netherfield with Jane. I was afraid that if you stayed a day or two longer, I would simply pin you to some convenient bookshelf or wall, and you know what would have happened.”

Elizabeth looked at him innocently, fluttering her long eyelashes. “I cannot imagine your meaning, sir.”

She looked at him expectantly and squeaked joyfully when he pinned her to the bed, her hands imprisoned by his over her head. She sighed softly when he started to kiss the already familiar path down her body. At last her reached her breasts and uncovered them again. Elizabeth lifted herself on her elbows and observed his delighted expression when he stared at her bosom. It crossed her mind that he did not look particularly intelligent at the moment. He was more like her six year old cousin, Peter, at a candy store.

Darcy started drawing the sheet lower, uncovering more of her, but Elizabeth stopped him. “No.” she said, drawing the sheet up quickly.

Darcy looked at her with concern, and drawing her closely to him, placed her head gently on his chest, murmuring, “Have I hurt you that much?”

“No, not at all. I have not felt any pain since.”

“So what is the matter, sweetheart?” he asked, rubbing her back.

Elizabeth sighed audibly and spoke slowly. “I do not wish for you too see me. Earlier we were under covers, so you could not see that much.”

“Lizzy, I understand you are shy with me. It is all very new for you, and you have the right to feel apprehensive, but there is nothing wrong with this, and we can see one another without our clothes.”

“It is not that I am shy with you. Not that much, at least.”


She shook her head, stroking his chest hair slowly.


Another loud sigh was heard and she murmured. “I do not wish you to look at my fat thighs and big bottom.”

“What are you speaking of?” Darcy cried unbelievably, cupping her face, making her look at him.

“You do not have to be nice, not wanting to upset me. I know how I am built. Short and chunky. Not to mention endowed with a bosom twice big as most women of my acquaintance. If not all that walking, I would be as round as Lady Lucas. I always wanted to look more like Jane, tall, slender and willowy, or like Miss Bingley…”

“Elizabeth, do not ever suggest such a thing. Caroline Bingley! You want me to have nightmares? I love your body. You are perfect to me. Soft and curvy; so many places a man can find comfort. And you have most perfect breasts in the world.”

“Perhaps, but they are protruding to much.”

Darcy grinned at her. “I love how they protrude.”

“But William, you do not know how it is when gentlemen do not look into your face, but lower, and how mortifying it is when your mother insists you wear such low cut gowns. I have always asked her to make them more covered at the front, but in vain. She insisted every time we went to the seamstress.”

“Well, I must say her tactic worked with me.”

“You are horrible!” she smacked him strongly on the chest. “One good side of being married is certainly that you can wear whatever you wish.”

“Well, Lizzy, let us make agreement. You shall have some dresses to be watched only by me, and the other for the world. I do not wish anyone ogling what is legally mine.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “William, they are just breasts; and I know very well my body is very imperfect.”

“Lizzy, your body is perfect to me, and that should be enough for you. I do not wish to hear this nonsense any more.” Darcy spoke firmly, at the same time arranging her so she lay on her tummy. Next he took the sheet which covered her and drew it from her. He laid flat on the bed and stared at her bottom, moving his hand over her body from the dip of her waist through the curve of her bottom to her thighs.


Highly mortified, Elizabeth hid her face in the pillow; but when he started to nibble gently on the skin of her bottom, the soft chuckles started to escape her. Seeing her reaction, Darcy doubled his efforts, biting her bottom lightly and blowing noisy raspberries onto it. Soon, Elizabeth was giggling so hard she could not catch her breath.

At last he drew her back into his arms and arranged her comfortably against his side. “Now, go to sleep. You must be tired. This has been a long day.”

“Yes, the wedding, our first fight, well as a married couple at least, and our first time together.” Elizabeth counted on her fingers.

“A fight over hair length.” Darcy chuckled, but then went serious. “About the first time… Are you really all right?”

“Yes.” She said squeezing his hand before closing her eyes.


Four days later, Darcy was sitting on the bench in a spare room at his fencing club, breathing harshly. That morning, Elizabeth literally pushed him out the door to go to his fencing club, saying they could not possibly stay abed till midday for many days longer, and that some exercise and a change of scenery would do him good. He tried to convince her that he was getting enough exercise with her, but she was adamant.

“Darcy… Here you are.” The tall blonde man dropped next to him on the bench. “What is the matter, man? I have not managed to beat you since our first year at Oxford.”

Darcy shrugged his shoulders dismissively. “I have simply not had an opportunity to practice lately.”

“Oh, come on! There are only two better fencers in England, to my knowledge. George Wickham and that cousin of yours, the colonel, but he is professional soldier, so it does not count. And as for, Wickham, have you heard he was dismissed disciplinarily from the militia?”

Darcy looked at the other man, a serious expression upon his face. “No, I have not. Do you know the details?”

“No, I have not asked. But you know him; you can imagine the reasons. I think he should be locked, or degraded and sent to the West Indies as a private. It is not even that he likes gambling and women. He is sick. I feel guilty when I think we did not do enough when in Oxford to lock him.”

“There was no proof.”

“But perhaps if we pressed him that time.”

“He denied everything.”

The other man stood abruptly and started pacing the room agitatedly. “Darcy, my niece is the age of the girl he raped. Every time I visit my sister and I see Becky running to show me her latest drawing, that girl always stands in front of my eyes; or rather what was left of her when he finished with her. Good God! She was barely thirteen!”

Darcy lowered his head. “I know, I think about the same. I feel as well that I have not done enough to put an end to his wickedness.”

There was a moment of silence between men before Darcy received a slap on his shoulder. “But let us not talk about such sad subjects! You are a newly married, I hear. You know, I think I know the reason for your poor form. Tell me, is it your young wife which worn you so much? Country girl, I heard... Do not glare at me like that. So when am I to meet her?”

“Not soon. She is still in mourning after her father, and we go to Derbyshire in a few days.” Darcy said, standing up from the bench and removing his soaked shirt.

“So I was right. No wonder you have little energy for fencing.” the other man said laughingly, looking pointedly at Darcy's back.

Darcy looked over at his lower back where the red scratches from Elizabeth's nails were visibly printed.

“Oh, bagger off, Wakefield.” Darcy cried brusquely, quickly pulling on his clean shirt.

“Has she got sisters? Perhaps you could introduce me? Marriage to such a woman must not be as bad as I have always thought.”

Chapter XIV

Darcy finished the conversation with his driver, settling with him that the carriage should be ready the next morning at nine. Had he been travelling on his own, he would have appointed a much earlier hour for sure, but when his sister and wife accompanying him, things were different. He did not want to tire the ladies, no matter how much they assured him that they were not exhausted. He knew better; they were women, so they were naturally weaker than men. Moreover, they were under his care, and he loved them both most in the world, so there was really no discussion as to providing them with the best possible comfort during the travel. He had planned the journey from London to Derbyshire carefully, choosing the most comfortable inns for the night's rest. Now at the end of the first day of their trip, he was climbing the stairs, his heart beating slightly faster in anticipation that in a moment, he would open the door and find his lovely wife of eight days waiting for him in bed just in her nightclothes, or perhaps already without them. He was ashamed to admit it, but though he had always found great joy in travelling with his sister, now as a married man, he felt some drawbacks of this situation. With Georgiana accompanying them, he could not indulge himself in certain activities during the dull hours in the carriage with his lovely and lively wife. Even more, he anticipated their night alone.

He opened the door, perfectly aware of the silly grin plastered on his face, but there was no lively and lovely wife waiting for him. There was evidence that she had certainly been in the room. With her new maid having been sent to Pemberley a day earlier, she had already managed to change the room completely, imprinting her unique personality on it. Her trunk stood wide open in the middle of the room with a few dresses and some petticoats half drawn from it. Her half boots, which she had worn today were dropped dismissively next to the bed. She must have been undressing herself next to the bed, as now the most of if it was covered with her dress, stays, stockings, pantaloons (the garment which he had learned to dislike very much), gloves and bonnet. On top of it all were the book she was reading, the silver hairbrush he had bought her on their first walk as a married couple and her reticule.

When she had told him before the wedding that she was untidy, he had truly not realized the extent of the problem. She was messy, this wife of his, and his well organized self gradually started to rebel against it. He still felt elated that he had gained the access to this intimate world of hers, but at the same time, he could not comprehend how she could function in such disorder every day. He truly did not want to subdue her liveliness, but he could not stop himself from making some remarks concerning her messy ways. For example, two nights previous, he had found her in their bed reading a book and eating chocolate cookies from a paper bag. He had lectured her very gently that it was very unhealthy to eat after dinner, for the teeth especially, and also that it was not good for her eyes to read in bed, with just a small candle on the bedside. Moreover, he had pointed out to her that it was rather uncomfortable to sleep with crumbs all over the bed. She had not commented on his remarks, but given him the look, and he was almost sure he heard her murmuring the bore. She had closed the book soundly and scrambled out of bed. She had put the book on the nearby table, but as for the cookies, they went with her into her dressing room. Had she been afraid he would have eaten her cookies? Perhaps it was the result of living with four sisters for so many years?

The sound of wild and prolonged giggling drew him from his thoughts. It was coming from the adjacent room. He should have guessed she was with Georgiana. He smiled to himself, hearing another wave of giggling. He decided to wash himself now and perhaps shave. Elizabeth had such delicate skin, he did not want to leave burns on her body like the last time. He expected she should be back when he finished.

When he come back twenty minutes later, toweling his still damp hair, to his great disappointed, his wife was still not present in the bed, but he heard the giggling again. He walked out into the corridor and knocked decidedly on the door to Georgiana's room.


They were cuddled together on the bed, both already in their nightclothes.

Georgiana started to speak excitedly. “Oh, brother, Elizabeth has just been telling me…”

Darcy interrupted her gently but firmly. “Yes, dearest, I am sure it is very important and amusing, but we have to get up early in the morning.”

“But we are not tired, brother. We have slept in the carriage.” That was true, just after the first change of horses, he had ended up with both of them draped on either side of him, sleeping soundly.

“Even so, I think it is high time to go to bed, young ladies.” He tried to sound stern, but the effect of his speech was not quite what he had intended, because they started to chuckle, trying to muffle it with their hands over their mouths. He decided that he had created two monsters. He had spoiled them too much for his own good, and now he had to bear the consequences.

“Brother, cannot Elizabeth stay with me tonight?” Georgiana pleaded.

Darcy frowned. “Certainly not. Neither of you will have a minute of decent sleep. Elizabeth.” He extended his hand. “Come.”

He saw Elizabeth rolling her eyes and winking at Georgiana, but he decided to ignore it to preserve at least some of his dignity.

“Good night, sister.” He stroked Georgiana's head.

“Good night, brother.” She kissed his cheek.

Already in their room, Elizabeth began gathering her things from their bed. Darcy was pleasantly surprised that she clearly intended to clean the mess she had made. His expression fell when he saw her throwing everything into her open trunk, before removing her slippers and climbing into the bed.

He blew out the candles and slipped into the bed beside her, spooning behind her small form.

“William, what are you doing?” Elizabeth whispered after a moment.

“You cannot tell?” Darcy murmured his hand moved actively under the covers.

Elizabeth slapped his hand, which already managed to wander in the vicinity of her upper thigh, under her nightgown.

“You are unwell?” Darcy asked with concern. “Have I… done something which hurt you? I know that last night… perhaps I was too…”

“No, I am all right, but we cannot do it here.”


“How can you ask? Georgiana.”

“What about Georgiana? She is not here with us.” Darcy began rubbing himself against Elizabeth's bottom.

“She is the next room, and those walls are very thin. She will hear everything.”

“We will be very quiet.” Darcy murmured, his hand again going under her nightgown.

Elizabeth stopped his hand on her navel. “What about the bed? It is squeaking.“

Darcy rolled on his back with a heavy sigh. “Lizzy, you cannot be serious.”

“But I am. I could not look poor Georgiana in the eye tomorrow. Moreover, I would not be able to relax, knowing she may hear something. Good night.” She gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek and scooted from him to the far edge of the bed.

They were lying silently like that for some time when Darcy's pitiful voice was heard. “Lizzy…”

She sighed heavily and rolled back into his arms. “Just an embrace.” She stated firmly when he pulled her partially on top of his body, tucking her under his chin, kissing the top of her head.

“William!”she whispered feeling his erect manhood poking at the side of her stomach.

Darcy moved restlessly. “I cannot help it.”

Elizabeth lifted herself slightly, her arms supported on his chest. “Perhaps I could, you know, do the same you do to me, touch you there?”

“Lizzy?” He glanced at her unbelievably.

“You know…” She whispered moving her palm down his body and placing it lightly on his shirt covered manhood. The moment she touched him he moaned audibly.

“Be quiet and do not move.” she seethed.

“I will … I will, but do not stop.” he rasped.

Elizabeth tugged at his nightshirt. Darcy sat up in the bed and removed it. Still sitting, he caught her lips with his, his hands covering her breasts. Elizabeth broke the kiss and pushed him decidedly on his back. She snuggled next to him, then began placing delicate kisses on his throat and chest. At the same time, she wrapped her fingers gently around his manhood and stroked it lightly.

“Am I doing it right, William? Is it pleasurable for you?”

“Oh, God, Elizabeth…” he gasped, squeezing his eyes. “I cannot…”

She kissed the dimple in his throat. “Show me what you like.”

Darcy's hand joined hers under the covers. He covered her small palm with his, guiding it, showing her what to do.

“Harder.” he breathed, and Elizabeth complied.

His breathing grew more laboured, and Elizabeth felt his arm pressing her to him, he put his fist into his mouth, trying to muffle his grunts when he spent himself in her hand.

Elizabeth kissed his cheek and scrambled out of bed. She trotted to the washstand and wet the towel. She returned to the bed and sat on the edge of it. She lifted the covers and washed him the best she could, then dropped the towel on the nearest chair and slipped into the bed, snuggling to his side.

Darcy's arm went lazily around her. He found her hand, and lifting it to his lips, kissed it. “Thank you, sweetheart.” he whispered.

“You are welcome.” she whispered back and closed her eyes.


Mrs. Reynolds stood in front of the main entrance of Pemberley manor. The rest of the house servants were gathered behind her in a well ordered row, according to rank. She looked one last time at everyone, making sure that everything looked as it should, and again she stared back at the road. They should be have been there already. She had received a message a few minutes prior, saying they had left Lambton nearly three quarters of an hour before now.

“At last.” she whispered to herself when the carriage appeared at the turn of the road. Mrs. Reynolds felt her heart flutter. She was afraid of this young woman, the new Mrs. Darcy. For the last months, every letter from Master William had mentioned her name several times. The number of things which came for her personal use from London in the last months; books, landscape paintings, furniture, a new pianoforte, a completely new wardrobe; it was almost outrageous. It was not hard to guess he was completely besotted with her; but who was she? Was she a lady of the ton, like that Mr. Bingley's sister, whose eyes crawled all over Pemberley, as if hungerly screaming this would soon be all mine? If so, Mrs. Reynolds knew there was no place for her here any more. She could not stand calmly, watching some manipulating miss using the poor boy, ordering Miss Georgiana around, and changing Pemberley into some overly decorated palace.

The carriage stopped, and Mr. Darcy emerged first, handing down Miss Darcy. Then a young girl appeared on the carriage steps. She smiled at Master William, and descended lightly, barely supporting herself on his hand. She was not at all what the housekeeper had expected. She looked so inconsequential and so…small. She looked tiny beside him. She did not even reach his shoulder. Her dress was finely made, but certainly more for comfort than anything else. She looked so young, more like Miss Georgiana's peer, though Mrs. Reynolds had been informed that she was twenty years of age. Her face was quite pretty, fresh and innocent looking, but she could by no means be considered a reputed beauty. She looked more like a country lass, lively, full of energy, but not very sophisticated. She was a tiny little thing, very slight, but still with some curves, which was little surprising for Mrs. Reynolds as Master William's eye had always wandered after the girls with some flesh on their bones.

Master motioned the girl forward. “My dear, let me introduce you. This is Mrs. Reynolds our housekeeper.”

The new Mrs. Darcy approached her with a smile and spoke in warm voice, “I am glad to meet you at last, Mrs. Reynolds. I have heard so much about you from my husband and my sister.”

Mrs. Reynolds curtseyed and smiled back. It did not escape her attention that when the girl said `my husband,' Master William presented a toothy grin, which she had not had the opportunity to see on his face since… well; perhaps never.

“Welcome to Pemberley, Mrs. Darcy. We are all happy there is a new Mistress. Would you like to be introduced to the staff now, or perhaps later.”

“Now, certainly.” The girl spoke with energy, her eyes sparkling; and Mrs. Reynolds that her first impression was quite wrong. She was very pretty, especially those dark eyes.

Mrs. Reynolds started introducing her to the servants, observing keenly her behaviour at the same time. The girl, or rather Mrs. Darcy, had a warm smile for everyone, and she seemed to listen carefully to their names and positions. She exchanged a few words with some of them, asking questions about their work and responsibilities. Mrs. Reynolds glanced back at the Master, who stood a few steps behind them, watching his wife with pride and warmth in his eyes.


For the first few weeks, Mrs. Reynolds discretely observed the new Mrs. Darcy, and she soon discovered that the girl was much more complex than at a first sight. She walked every day. Mrs. Reynolds was a tad surprised when only the first day, Master invited her to his study. He asked her to arrange one of the footmen to follow his wife, very discretely, so heaven forbid she would notice it, when she took her walks. In a matter of a week, Mrs. Reynolds understood these concerns, for Mistress' walks were truly very long ones. She could disappear easily for a few hours. Moreover, quite often her muddy half boots and petticoats were sent downstairs for cleaning. For sure she walked far out of the graveled park paths; not to mention that the man who was designated to follow her often returned from such walk on his last legs and just as untidy as the Mistress.

She was quite accomplished (not as accomplished as Miss Georgiana for certain), but undoubtedly well versed and well read. She played pianoforte (but not nearly as well as Miss Georgiana), though her voice when she sang was a very pleasant and rich one, full of emotions. She read French books and poetry, together with thick the historical books from the library. She spent many hours with Master in his study. While he was working, she was curled on the sofa reading books, letters or scribbling something in a thick leather cachet, which had to be a journal or a diary of a kind she kept. She was writing and receiving lots of letters. Correspondence from the south came nearly every day. Most of the letters were from Miss Bennet, or Miss Kitty Bennet, more rarely from Miss Mary Bennet and Mrs. Bennet. There were frequent letters from Kent, from Mrs. Collins as well.

On only the second day of her arrival, she asked her to acquaint her with the household affairs. After just a few conversations on the subject of running the house, Mrs. Reynolds found her intelligent, sensible, very level headed, and knowledgeable in the matters at hand. When Mrs. Reynolds praised her that she knew so much about this, she stated it was solely her mother's credit, as she had insisted all her daughters know how to manage household and estate affairs from the earliest years.

Mrs. Reynolds also noticed changes in the house from almost the first days. Mrs. Darcy did not demand any instant changes, but everything seemed to change. Miss Georgiana was merrier and laughed more, her playing was more cheerful as well. Master William seemed to be a different man all-together. He was happy.


Pemberly, Derbryshire
17 August 1812

Dear Mama,

Your wild child at last comes to fulfill her promise and writes to you on the subject of her new life as Mrs. Fitzwilliam Darcy. I know it has already been three weeks since I left Hertfordshire, but truly, Mama, so much has happened during this time. There have been so many changes in my life, that only now do I feel ready to share some intelligence about my situation. However, first I would wish to enquire about your health and wellbeing. I trust you are well and the same with my dear sisters, Mary and Jane.

In the first words I want to ease your fears and assure you I am well, both in spirits and in health. I truly do not know where to start, so many thoughts are crossing my mind at the very moment. I am so happy, Mama -this may perhaps summarize my feelings the best . I am aware that I have been married for only a couple of weeks, but Mama, I simply cannot imagine that my happiness can ever diminish in the course of time. When I was entering the engagement to Mr. Darcy, I was in despair, both from Papa's death and from the awareness that I had condemned myself to a life with the most disagreeable man in England. Now, I can only laugh at myself and how silly I was.

You were right that my husband is strong willed, but so am I, and I must admit we have already had several arguments on certain aspects of our new life together. However, I must assure you they ended very quickly, and each time, the making up was very satisfying to both of us. But Mama, he is so good to me. I feel truly loved and cherished. He guesses my every wish, and showers me with gifts, though I have tried to explain to him that I truly do not need so many things. He has many duties running such vast estate, and he spends long hours in his study or on horseback supervising the works. Even though he always finds time for Georgiana, who I am coming to love as my own sister, and me.

My new home is very grand, the estate is very large indeed, and Derbyshire is the most beautiful county. The nature here is so different than in the south, much more wild and unrestrained. I cannot wait until you and my sisters will come to visit us and see everything with your own eyes. I walk every day, and I know the immediate surroundings of the manor quite well already, I dare say. Every time I leave the house, my husband sends a man, who walks some half a mile after me, hiding himself in the bushes when I turn my head. I have great fun with this, but I pity the man who is rather worn out after such excursions with me, so I plan to acknowledge to Mr. Darcy soon, that I have been aware of his brilliant plan to look after me during my walks from the very beginning.

As I have mentioned, Pemberley is a grand estate, and I devote a few hours every day to learning all the household affairs. I must thank you here, Mama, and at the same time apologize to you. I know that in past years I tried every imaginable (and unimaginable as well) excuse not to take part in the lessons you insisted upon giving us all concerning running the household. Nowadays, I find all your teachings most useful. Although Pemberley is much bigger than Longbourn, the basic ways of how everything functions is the same. Even Mrs. Reynolds, the housekeeper, who remembers the times when the Mistress here was Mr. Darcy's mother, Lady Anne, praises my knowledge of household matters.

I must admit as well (blush covering my cheeks when I am writing these words, I can assure you) that you were quite right about Mr. Darcy in another aspect, with concern to our intimate relations. I do agree with you that admitting him into my bedroom once a month will not do. I want to stress, however, that he is nothing but very gentle with me, and caring and… well perhaps I will stop here. All that Aunt Gardiner told me about the wedding night turned out to be true for me as well. I can assure you that due to my husband's care, my discomfort was very little the first night. I want you to know as well that he never imposes himself on me. He always first makes sure whether I am ready and willing to be with him.

There are many other matters I wish to tell you about, but I am afraid that I have to finish for now, as I see my husband is already waiting for me. He wants to show me more of the countryside in the phaeton he has lately bought. I will await your answer most impatiently; and please write to me in detail how things stand between Jane and Mr. Bingley. You know how secretive my elder sister can be on this. I could not figure out anything binding on the subject from her last letter.

I hope God will keep you in good health and spirits, Mama.

Your daughter

Elizabeth Darcy

PS: I have forgotten to tell you that we expect the Gardiners tomorrow. I am very excited about their visit.

Chapter XV

Ben Connor was pacing in front of the Pemberley stables courtyard, glancing nervously from time to time in the direction of the manor. He wore his best shirt and his usually disheveled hair was neatly plastered to his head. Ben knew that the guests from London had arrived a week before; Mr and Mrs Gardiner with their children, the Mistress' family. The guests were of special interest for Ben. He could not help it, but his heart began to thud loudly in his chest every time he saw her sweet face and the long blond hair fluttering around her. He had managed to see Julia Gardiner three times already since her coming to Derbyshire, but only from far away. He hoped to see her today face to face. Master had talked with him yesterday, asking him to prepare Miss Darcy's pony for this afternoon, as the Gardiner boy wished to ride it. Perhaps she would accompany her brother.

Ben had been just eight years old when his parents and younger siblings died in the fire at their cottage. That year, the summer had been uncommonly dry and hot in Derbyshire. The fire had spread in a matter of minutes, and all his family had died in their beds. He had survived only because he had slept in the barn that night to look after a newborn calf. He still remembered waking up, hearing the cries, people running, smoke and bright flames around him. He had been pulled out of the barn seconds before its roof collapsed. When he regained his senses, there was nothing left. Their cottage had been burned to the ground, and he had no family anymore. They had not let him look at the bodies of his parents and siblings. He was taken to the manor and slept near the kitchens for a few weeks. Then one day Master asked him whether he would like to help with the horses.

For the next five years, Ben had travelled everywhere with Master. He had seen more of England than anyone from Pemberley. He had been to London, Kent, Hertfordshire, Oxford, Ramsgate and Bath. Master had become like a father to him. Ben was always somewhere near him, and he knew that Master trusted him. Master talked with him often, let him go with him into many interesting places, like his fencing club for example, or Mr. Gardiner's warehouses. It was he, as well, that Master asked to accompany Miss Georgiana and the Mistress when they took the phaeton while visiting tenants or going to Lambton.

Ben glanced once again in the direction of the manor. At last he noticed the familiar tall figure of the Master and two smaller ones walking beside him towards the stables. She was here. The sensation of being cold suddenly hit him, and his stomach clenched. He felt dazed, not even sure whether he greeted the Master properly. She looked beautiful; like the picture of an angel in his prayer book.

“Ben, bring the pony.” He was barely aware of Master's voice.

“Ben!” He felt Master's hand at his shoulder. He looked up. The Master was smiling at him. “Ben, is the pony ready?”

Ben reflected himself at last and bowed. “Aye, Master. At once.” he cried and ran towards the stables.

When he brought the pony, the Master turned to the girl first.

“Julia, do you want to try it first?”

The girl looked at the pony with interest, but shook her head. “No, I thank you, sir. Perhaps some other time. I do not wish to ruin my dress.” She smoothed her pale blue dress with a wide ribbon tied in the middle.

Then Master sat the boy on the pony and began instructing him how to keep himself properly on horseback. Ben tried not to, but he could not help himself and kept staring at the girl. He was sure she glanced at him from behind her long dark eyelashes a couple of times as well. At one point, she lifted her eyes directly at him and gave him a small smile. Ben blushed furiously and looked to the side in embarrassment. At the same time, in the corner of his eye, he noticed the Mistress running rapidly towards them with a paper in her hand. Pleased to be distracted with something, Ben walked to the Master and spoke loudly.

“Master, the Mistress...” He pointed with his head in the direction of the running woman. As he expected, the Master at once lost all his interest in the pony and the Gardiner boy while hurriedly passing the reins to him, cried. “Ben, keep an eye on him.”

“He will be all right, Master. The pony is very calm.” Ben assured the already hastily retreating Darcy. Soon Ben observed the Master reaching the Mistress and placing his hands on her arms. She started to explain something to him, gesturing animatedly, trying to catch her breath and laughing at the same time.

“Your name is Ben?” He turned around abruptly and looked down at the girl. She was quite tall for her age, though he could have guessed she was no more than ten.

Ben blushed again, and pretending to concentrate all his attention on the pony and the boy who was clutching the animal's mane, answered, “Aye, Miss.”

“I am Julia.”

He glanced at her. Such dark blues eyes she had; he had never seen anyone with eyes of such a colour. “I know.”

“You were looking at me.”

Ben felt his face flush instantly. “I was not.“ He denied heatedly.

The girl gave him an understanding smile and spoke calmly, with all the confidence of a ten year-old beauty. “Yes, you were. Once when you came with Mr. Darcy to my Papa's warehouses, I was there with my brother, and you stared at me the whole time. You were staring a moment ago as well.”

“I have better things to do than that, Miss.” Ben murmured brusquely.

The girl raised her brow.“Oh really?”

Ben lifted his head and spoke confidently. “I am in charge of Master's horses, and I travel with him everywhere.”

“What places have you been?” She sounded interested.

“Wherever Master goes; London, Kent, Ramsgate…”

Her eyes widened and she enquired softy.“ You have been to the seaside?”

Ben liked the way she looked at him, listening attentively to what he was telling her.“Aye. More than once. With Master and Miss Darcy.”

“I would like to see the sea one day.” There was a wistfulness in her voice that he easily detected.

“I want down.” Peter squeaked. Ben pulled the boy down.

Julia stepped towards the animal. “It is a beautiful pony.”

“Aye, it was once bought for Miss Darcy, but she is a grown up lady now, she has her own mare.”

“It has to be very difficult to ride a real horse.” Julia followed with her eyes one of Darcy's stallions eating grass on the nearby pasture.

Ben smiled at her. “There's nothing hard about it Miss.”

“You can ride, I presume.”

Ben straightened himself. “Sure I can. My father had taught me when I was younger than your brother.”

Julia stroked the pony's mane. “Your father works with horses too?”

Ben looked down, but answered calmly.“My parents are dead, Miss. I have no family.”

He glanced at her; she looked sad and distressed. “I am sorry.” she spoke gently. “It was not my intention to bring such sad memories to you.”

“Tis all right, Miss.” Ben replied a bit brusquely, avoiding her eyes, only to hide how much he was touched with her kindness. “If you would like to try, I am sure you could learn how to ride a real horse.”

Julia looked hesitantly at the nearby pasture. “I am not sure… I do not want to ask Mr. Darcy. He is very kind, but very busy as well.”

“Aye, he has the whole of Pemberley on his head.” Ben agreed, observing Master and Mistress turning to walk in their direction.

On seeing Elizabeth approaching, Peter ran towards her and caught her skirts.

Elizabeth bent down over the boy. “How was your first ride, Peter? Did you enjoy it?”

The boy gave her a thoughtful expression and answered after a moment of hesitation. “I do not know.”

Elizabeth took the boy's hand and started walking towards Julia and Peter. “But you will like to try riding once again, will you not?”

After another moment of hesitation the boy spoke cautiously. “Yeeees.”

Darcy crouched in front of the boy. “Peter, perhaps first you would like to look at the horses which we keep in the stables?”

The boy nodded and took Darcy's hand trustingly when the man was raising himself up. Darcy smiled at the boy and ruffled his hair when he felt Elizabeth's hand on his arm.

She shaded her eyes with the other hand and looked in the direction of the manor. “William, something must have happened. One of the footmen is almost running in our direction.”

On reaching the Darcys, the servant bowed in front of Darcy but turned towards Elizabeth. “Mistress, Mrs. Reynolds asks to tell you that Sir John Edwards has called with his wife and a son.”

“Oh, Good Gracious!” Elizabeth cried agitatedly turning to her husband. “What will they think of me? They are left all alone there. I asked Georgiana to stay upstairs with Emma to see that she would take her nap.”

Darcy put his hand on his wife's shoulder and squeezed it gently. “It is all right, my dear. The Edwardses are reasonable people. They will not mind waiting a bit.” He turned to the footman. “Tell Mrs. Reynolds that we will arrive directly.”

“I am afraid, Peter, we will have to see the stables tomorrow.” Darcy leaned to the boy.

“Perhaps Ben could show Peter the stables?” Elizabeth turned to Ben who was keeping himself close to the pony. “If he has not planned some other obligation for this afternoon, of course.”

Ben bowed deeply. “I have not, Mistress. I will show him around.”

“Thank you, Ben.” Elizabeth smiled at the lad and turned to her little cousin. “Will you stay with Ben? He will bring you back to the manor before Tea Time.” Peter nodded and walked to the older boy.

“Ben, keep an eye on him.” Darcy spoke firmly, looking pointedly at Ben, before offering his arm to Elizabeth.

“Aye, Master.” Ben bowed again. He observed the Master walking away, with Mistress supported on his right arm. Julia walked closely to the Mistress, who was looking down at the girl, telling her something. At some point, Julia turned her head and looked back straight at him, smiling sweetly. Ben felt the heat creeping from his neck to his face. He glanced away for a moment, embarrassed, but when he turned his eyes again at her, she was not looking at him anymore.


“And who is this little beauty?” Lady Edwards enquired after Darcy introduced his wife to the guests.

Julia moved forward and dropped a perfect curtesy in front of the lady. “And what manners for such a young age.” Lady Edwards exclaimed. “What is your name, my dear?”

“Julia Gardiner, your ladyship.” Julia smiled, showing perfect white teeth and dimples.

Elizabeth stood behind the girl and smoothed her long hair. “She is my cousin. Her parents live in London, and now they are touring the country. We are taking care of their children.”

“Mrs. Darcy.” Sir John spoke. “Will you forgive me if I engage your husband's attention in his study for some time? There are certain matters I wish to discuss with Mr. Darcy.”

“But of course, Sir John. I shall send you tea and refreshments.”

Sir John bowed while Darcy took Elizabeth's hand and kissed it lightly before leaving the room with the other man. It was just a casual kiss (even though his lips seemed to linger on her fingers a bit too long), but still Elizabeth flushed with embarrassment. She was used to his touch and caresses when they were alone, or just with Georgiana, but he was always most proper when in the company of strangers.

Lady Edwards seemed to notice Elizabeth's predicament delivered by her husband's actions. Consequently, she directed her attention to Julia, which allowed Elizabeth a few moments to compose herself. “Tell me my dear, have you got brothers and sisters?” She said inviting the girl with the gesture of her hand to sit near her.

Julia sat next to the lady, her back straight, her hands clasped elegantly on her lap. “Yes, your ladyship. My younger brother is six and my sister is just three.”

“I see. You are the eldest; and where are they?”

“Emily is taking her nap and Peter is at the stables. He wants to learn to ride. Our father wishes him to learn as well.”

“He is six, you say? Yes, I would think it is high time for such lessons. My son already rode quite well at his age.” Lady Edwards turned her head to her thirteen old son standing nearby. Master Henry Edwards was a tall boy as for his age, of bulky build and quite handsome, but perhaps his complexion had a bit too healthy a glow, giving him a somehow reddish colouring. The boy seemed not to notice that his mother's speech referred to him, because he was mostly occupied with staring at Julia. The girl, perfectly aware of the attention she was given, raised her chin a bit higher, pursed her pink full lips and smoothed her dress.

Lady Edwards could not help but notice her gesture. “What a beautiful dress you have.”

“It was a gift from my cousin Lizzy.” Julia cried enthusiastically, only to add quickly with more dignity. “I mean from my cousin, Mrs. Darcy.”

“I would wish to have a daughter like you whom I could dress in such pretty dresses. My son is too big to dress up.” Lady Edwards looked up at her son once again, seeing that his attention was unchangeably focused on the girl sitting beside her. She lowered her head slightly to hide her smile.

Elizabeth seemed to notice what was happening, because she touched the girl's hands and spoke softly. “Julia, perhaps you would be so kind to take Master Henry for a walk? Show him the ponds.”

“Yes, of course.” Julia stood, curtseyed in front of Lady Edwards one more time, and motioned herself towards the half open floor length terrace door. Master Henry walked after her without a word or a second glance at his mother or Elizabeth.

The women exchanged the amused smiles. “Her parents will have their hands full with her in a few years.” Lady Edwards spoke. “I have never seen such a pretty child. She will grow into a rare beauty, there is no doubt about that.”

“I think you are right, your ladyship. Julia very much resembles my elder sister, Jane. My father had to protect her from unwanted attentions of sometimes even much older admirers since she was just fifteen. As for Julia, she is kind and sweet, but she has matured very much in this last year, and she starts to be aware of her own beauty. She is a little vain, I am afraid.”

“Well, at least she has a very good reason to be vain. Henry was like a bolt stricken when he saw her, though I have never noticed him to be interested in girls. He has always been taken with horses, dogs and the estate, just like his father.”

Elizabeth did not manage to answer her, because the servant with the refreshments entered. Elizabeth instructed the maid to send another set to the study as well. The ladies occupied themselves with tea for a minute or two. It was Lady Edwards who spoke next.

“You mentioned your sister earlier, my dear. Have you got more siblings?”

Elizabeth put her cup on the saucer with a smile. “Oh, yes. I am the second of five sisters.”

“Five daughters” Lady Edwards cried in astonishment. “Your mother had to be occupied all day long when you were children.”

“Yes, I believe she did. There is only a seven year gap between my youngest and eldest sister. My two youngest sisters, Catherine and Lydia, are currently at school in London. Mary lives with my mother, keeping her company. As for my elder sister, Jane, I have received today the most wonderful news.” Elizabeth could not stop the broad smile appearing on her face. “A few days ago she became engaged to their neighbour, my husband's best friend, Mr. Bingley.”

The older woman clasped her hands excitingly. “Mr. Bingley! He is the most charming young man I have ever met. Such a pleasant and open manners are rarely to be seen. He often visited here in Derbyshire and attended all the parties and assemblies. Your sister could not find a better man.”

“I cannot disagree with that.” Elizabeth smiled at Lady Edwards. She soon noticed her guest was appraising her carefully. She put on a pleasant expression and waited for further enquiries.

At last Lady Edwards asked. “Excuse me, my dear, but I see you are wearing black ribbons in your hair…”

Elizabeth lowered her head and spoke quietly, her voice suddenly throaty.“Yes, my father died last April.”

“Oh my dear, forgive me, I did not know, I am so sorry.” Lady Edwards patted Elizabeth's hand resting on her knee. “ Oh, dear; me and my big mouth. I did not intendto upset you.”

Elizabeth just nodded her head and smiled tightly. She still found it hard to control her voice and expression when talking about Mr. Bennet.

Lady Edwards must have noticed her state, because she spoke again quickly in a lighter tone. “I must tell you, my dear, that I was very impatient and curious to meet you. I have heard that Mr. Darcy is utterly love struck with his young wife.”

Elizabeth raised her eyebrow. “I was not aware that I was such a point of interest for the neighbourhood.”

“It is no wonder, my dear. The Darcys, while not titled, have always been the leading family of the county. There is no bigger estate here than Pemberley. For years there have been speculations who Mr. Darcy would marry.”

Elizabeth smiled to herself, sipping her tea and shaking her head slightly. It all sounded as if she had married the second to the throne of England, and not just a gentleman landowner. She looked up at Lady Edwards when the woman cried with great exuberance. “Yes, yes my dear! The news that Mr. Darcy found himself a wife has vastly disappointed certain mamas and their daughters. All we knew was that the new Mrs. Darcy is from the south of England.”

“Yes, from Hertfordshire.” Elizabeth confirmed. “My father's estate was there.”

“Oh, I see.” Lady Edwards smiled and took a bite of a small cookie. “This was a happy home once.” She spoke again after a moment, her eyes wandering over the elegant surroundings. “When I was a young bride, and your mother-in-law Lady Anne was still in a good health, there were parties and balls held here very often. It was before Miss Darcy was born. Your Mr. Darcy was such a handsome boy; it was clear even then he would grow up into a fine man. He has broken the heart of more than one lady, I can tell you. But he had much to overcome and many responsibilities to handle after his father's death. And if you ask my opinion he has done and excellent job of it all.”

Seeing that Elizabeth had suddenly become very quiet, Lady Edwards managed to recall to herself stating, “But I am sorry, I do carry on talking too much all the time.”

“No, no, your ladyship.” Elizabeth cried softly, smiling warmly at the other woman. “I wish to learn more about my husband's family. Mr. Darcy is rather taciturn, he does not speak a lot about his parents. I only know he loved them very much. He always refers to his father with the greatest respect and he has said himself he loved his mother very much.”

Lady Edwards' gaze rested on Elizabeth's right hand.”I can see you wear her ring.“

“Yes, William… I mean Mr. Darcy asked me to wear it when we were yet engaged.”

“Yes, he must love you very much if he asked you to wear it.” Lady Edwards took Elizabeth's hand to inspect the ring. “His mother was always very delicate and… well, you are a married woman now, so I can speak with you about these matters openly. She had problems with keeping her pregnancies to term. Mr. Darcy came into the world when they had been married for several years already. And what a joy it was! His parents almost worshipped him. I can understand it.“ The woman sighed. “We have only Henry.”

“I can well imagine that. Although my parents had five children, they always wanted a son who would inherit the estate.”

Lady Edwards placed her hand on Elizabeth's arm impulsively. “You cannot think that it means that you cannot bear a son to your husband.” She took her hand back on seeing Elizabeth's surprised expression. “I am sorry, my dear, I have embarrassed you.”

Elizabeth shook her head slightly. “No, your ladyship. It is simply that I have not given much thought to it yet. We have been married only a few weeks.”

“But of course.” Lady Edwards patted Elizabeth's hand. “You have time. Pray tell me whether you enjoy balls.”

“Yes, I do, very much indeed. It was at a ball I met Mr. Darcy.”

The older woman clapped her hands soundly. “And you danced together and fell in love; how romantic. Am I correct?”

Elizabeth bit her lower lip smilingly. “Not exactly. He was rather resentful to dancing with anyone that evening, including me. I did not like him very much back then, and I am afraid I let him feel that.” She took the sip of her tea. “Acutely.”

“Good for you, my dear. He was a bit spoiled by all those fawning women.”

Their pleasant conversation was suddenly interrupted when, soaking wet and covered with mud and some water plants, all in tears, Julia ran into the drawing room, leaving wet traces on the floor.

“What happened?” Elizabeth cried with a feeling, standing up abruptly.

“He …” the girl wailed. “ He… pushed me into the pond!”

“Who?” Elizabeth and Lady Edwards cried in unison.

“He…” the girl pointed into the direction of Master Henry, who had just run into the room as well. He was wet, but only up to his waist.

Lady Edwards stepped towards her son, clearly shocked with the whole situation. “Henry how could you?”

“I did not mean to do it… I… I had only slightly touched her… when… well… uhm… I mean…”

“He pushed me! And earlier he had pulled at my hair!” Julia insisted.

That very moment, the library door opened, and Darcy together with Sir John entered.

“We heard someone cry... What happened?” Darcy exclaimed, approaching the girl and Elizabeth.

Greatly embarrassed, Lady Edwards spoke. “It seems that my son has pushed her into the pond.”

Sir John's expression turned instantly furious.“What?!” He turned to his son. “Is that true?”

Master Henry seemed to suddenly look smaller and very unsure. “Father, it was not my intention. I only touched her very lightly.”

“Are you blind? She is half your size! “

“I did not think…” Henry started, but his father interrupted him harshly.

“She could have drowned herself!”

“I jumped after her instantly, pulled her out and apologized.” The boy defended himself.

“My dress, my new ribbons … all ruined…” Julia cried into Elizabeth's waist.

“What came into your mind to do something like this? Answer me!” Sir John demanded.

Master Henry turned red in the face. “She pretended I was not with her. She did not want to speak with me. She ignored me!”

“Do not raise you voice, son.” The older man growled.

Elizabeth titled the girl's chin gently. “Julia, why did you not speak with him?”

The girl shook her head.“I cannot tell.”

“Why?” Darcy looked confused.

“Because I am a lady, and it would not be polite to tell him that he is boring. He spoke only about himself and how important he is.” The girl stated with a pout.

Elizabeth and Lady Edwards clearly tried very hard to suppress laughter, and Elizabeth allowed herself a small smile, hugging the girl to herself so she would not see it.

Sir John however, was far from finding the whole situation amusing. He walked decidedly to his son, towering over him, and spoke harshly. “And that, in your opinion, is your reason for pushing her into the water? It is a woman's free will whether she likes or dislikes to speak with you. The gentleman your mother and I wish you to become must simply accept this. No horse riding till your departure to school, and you will work in the field until you repay for the dress you ruined. Now apologize to her.”

“But I have already…” the boy started; but seeing his father's hard expression, he walked a few steps to the girl still clinging to Elizabeth's side.

“Forgive me. It was not my intention to harm you.” He said, holding out his hand.

“Julia.” Elizabeth said, turning the girl gently so she faced the boy.

The girl folded her arms against her chest defiantly.

“Julia.” Darcy spoke. The girl looked up at him, and letting an exasperated sigh, stepped forward and held out her small hand. Henry clasped it as if it had been made of glass and shook gently.

Lady Edwards walked to her husband and supported herself on his right arm. “I think we should be leaving. We are so sorry for all the trouble.” She turned to Julia. “My dear, I shall send you another dress to replace this, equally pretty.”


Elizabeth was already buried comfortably under the covers, lying on her side, her head supported on her palm, her nose stuck into the thick book. She felt the bed dip on the other side, and soon her husband's large body spooned behind her.

“What are you reading?” Darcy put her hair aside, kissing her neck.

“Mrs. Radcliffe.” Elizabeth answered, her eyes still focused on the text, bravely resisting the highly distracting sensation of her husband's lips on her neck. Not to mention his fondling, she thought, feeling his big warm hand caressing her bosom.

“You have read it many times.” Darcy tickled her ear, taking the book from her.

“But it is one of my favourite novels.” Elizabeth protested, trying to get the book back. “I do not mind reading it again and again.”

“I can be your Valancourt for tonight. What do you think about that, Mrs. Darcy?”

“You have read it! You know the characters. Yet you dare to mock Georgiana and me when we read Gothic romances.”

Darcy put the book decidedly on the bedside table on his side of the bed. “I had to read it to add to my own knowledge and opinion about it… for this very reason. That I could discuss it with either of you intelligently.” He stated simply, gathering Elizabeth close to his body before she could retort, kissing her with obvious intent.

Soon Elizabeth sighed sweetly into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, returning his kisses eagerly. Darcy's mouth moved from her mouth to her neck; at the same time he threw the covers aside, his hands wandering all over her nightdress covered body. Elizabeth relaxed on her back, her eyes half closed, her palms raking absently through her husband's thick hair. Darcy gave her breasts a gentle squeeze, but he did not linger on them as long as usual. Elizabeth opened her eyes, confused with this omission, and lifted herself slightly on her elbows to look at him. Darcy smiled rakishly, kneeled up next to her and kissed the tip of her nose before decidedly reaching for the hem of her nightgown and tugging it up. He moved between her thighs, spread them wide, and slipped his head under her nightgown. Elizabeth dropped back on the pillows, throwing her arm over her head and closing her eyes, but not completely. She was ashamed to admit it, but she enjoyed looking at him when he was loving her like that. It made her feel even more aroused. Consequently, she peeked down from behind her eyelashes from time to time at this handsome devil of hers, splayed between her legs on his stomach, his head under her nightgown, his arms wrapped around her thighs, his hands tugging at the opening of her nightgown, palming her breasts. Nothing in the world could have prepared her for the delights of the marriage bed for sure, she thought, feeling the wave after a wave of indescribable pleasure hitting her.


Half an hour later, Elizabeth dropped heavily into her husband's arms, her heart still thudding wildly against her ribcage. She felt him pulling her even closer, tucking the bed sheets around her carefully. Elizabeth knew, as an experienced wife of over a month, what would happen next. He would give her a bear hug, stroke her hair, kiss her forehead, and patting her bottom, he would murmur - Thank you, sweetheart. After which he would fall asleep quite soundly in a matter of a minute or two. While she would lay wide awake for a long time yet; aware of his heavy arm draped over her waist and his light snoring next to her ear, unable to calm and compose herself enough to close her eyes and rest after a long day.

But today, Darcy, after the usual cuddling and thanking her, yawned wildly and spoke. “How is Julia? Will she not catch a cold? It is almost autumn, after all.”

Elizabeth stroked his shoulder absently. “No, I do not think so. She rarely gets ill, unlike Emily who is much more prone to colds, sometimes with such bad coughing. Moreover, I ordered Julia a hot bath and got her out of that wet dress immediately.”

Darcy rolled his wife onto her back, and supporting himself on his bent arm, loomed over her, smoothing her unruly curls. “You know, you always pronounce Julia to be Jane's mirror, but since today, I think she is very much like you under that angelic exterior.”

Elizabeth gave him a quizzical look. “Why?”

“Because you did not want to play with me...“

“What?” Elizabeth laughed.

Darcy rolled on his back. “You ignored me.”

“You cannot be earnest. How can you compare those two situations?”

“Oh, but I can. I can only sympathize with poor Master Henry.” Darcy said compassionately, his hands folded comfortably behind his head. ”Here is a pretty little girl you fancy from the first moment you rest your eyes on her, and she just pretends you are not there. You try to make an impression on her, and she ignores you. He must feel terribly humiliated.”

Elizabeth sat up, hugging her knees to her sheet covered chest and looked at Darcy. “You have never pushed me into the water.”

“No, because I am a gentleman, and Henry is still learning how to be one. Moreover, I truly do not envy your uncle. Julia is only ten, and she already turns the heads of all the boys around. Have you not noticed Ben lately? He walks after her like a puppy. He had to be walking after them today, together with Peter. He jumped into the pond to help her as well. I understand that there was some misunderstanding which of them should rescue her. He was waiting in the kitchen, by the hearth, completely drawn, to enquire whether she was all right.”

Elizabeth supported her chin on her knees. “Poor Ben. He is a nice boy.”

Darcy stroked the uncovered skin of her smooth, graceful back with his finger. “He is very smart, sensible, and loyal. He perhaps knows more about me, about us, than any other servant. He has been always with me.”

“William, you say he is smart. I saw him reading a few times. Perhaps it is would be a good idea to send him to school?”

Darcy's expression clouded. “I am not sure of that, Elizabeth. I have bad memories with educating servants' sons. I plan to lease him a farm when he becomes of age, plus give him some capital for the start.”

“That is a very generous of you, that you are thinking to give him land in the future, but the education could only help him become a better farmer. I do not say Eton or Oxford, but some good boarding school, why not? I think that Ben has already proved to you that he can be trusted. What I have observed of his behavior is always respectable and honourable. I do not think it is fair that you should not allow him an education because of past experiences with… uhm… well, all I ask William is that you think more about this, will you?”

Darcy lifted himself and kissed the back of her rounded shoulder, supporting his chin on it. “Perhaps I will need some small encouragement.”

Elizabeth turned herself so she faced him, kneeling in front of him. Darcy reached, and hooking his forefinger behind the sheet which still covered the front of her body, pulled it down.

“You cannot be serious.” Elizabeth shook her head. “You will not be able to…again.”

“To what…” Darcy leaned forward to kiss her neck.

“You know … to perform.”

“Let us see, shall we?”

Chapter XVI

Elizabeth stumbled into the adjacent room which had once been Darcy's bedroom, but since his marriage had served only as his dressing room.

“William…” She murmured, rubbing her sleepy eyes. She gasped softly, noticing her husband's valet to be in the room. Aware of her highly disheveled state, she began to back away from the room hastily on her tiptoes.

“Stay.” She heard Darcy's deep voice. He instructed the servant to leave them alone. Only when the door closed after Peters, did she lift her eyes from the floor.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” Darcy spoke good humorously, as he was tying his neck cloth, his warm eyes never leaving her form.

Elizabeth walked to him and supported her forehead on his arm heavily, her eyes half closed. “I am sooo tired this week. I have never felt like this in my life. I usually wake on my own shortly after dawn.”

Darcy finished with his neck cloth and enveloped her into his arms. “I have noticed. Last night, when I came to bed you were already fast asleep. It was not even ten o'clock.”

“I do not even remember you coming to bed. I am sorry.” she murmured into his chest, rubbing her nose against his crisp white shirt.

Darcy smoothed her tangled hair, kissing the top of her head. “No harm done. I did not want to wake you. You were sleeping so soundly, and it was not my intention to disturb your rest. I just snuggled next to you.” He squeezed her rosy cheek. “You know how much I enjoy having you so close beside me at night.” He whispered into her ear, hugging her to him to emphasize his words. “Not to mention, I felt very pleased that I did not have to share you at night with Miss Emily Gardiner.”

Elizabeth looked up at him guiltily. “What else could I have done? She was having nightmares, calling her mama and crying all night long.”

“Ah yes, but the moment you put her in the bed with us, she fell asleep immediately.” Darcy murmured dryly.

Elizabeth stared at him pleadingly. “Because she needed to be reassured that she was not alone.”

“But did she really need to be reassured for over a week, till her parents returned?” Darcy stepped from her, walking to the nearby chair where his coat had been placed by Peters. “I am afraid your aunt will have a problem with her now. You have spoilt her.”

“Oh, William, I could not bear her crying at night.” Elizabeth walked to him; she smoothed the lapels of his coat and adjusted his cufflinks. “I felt it was the right thing to let her sleep with us. Can you not understand this?”

“What I do understand is that you have tender heart, my dear, but children need to know the boundaries, as do we all.” Darcy sighed, his forehead stressing his frown. “What I am worried about is your tiredness of late. I have also noticed you barely touch your meals. It is not like you at all.”

Elizabeth's eyes narrowed and she huffed at him, pretending the offence. “Do you imply, sir, that I eat too much?”

Darcy pulled her to him more closely. “Elizabeth, I am serious about this. Are you feeling all right?”

“Yes. I am just sleepy. It is during the day as well. I simply lack the appetite for certain foods these days, that is all.” She rubbed her middle. “They upset my stomach.”

Darcy frowned and cupped her small face into his hands, appraising her carefully. “Elizabeth perhaps a doctor should see you.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “William, be reasonable, you want to call doctor just because your wife overslept.”

“Go back to bed.” He patted her backside. “Rest today if you are tired.”

She let an exasperated sound escape her. “William, I cannot. I must make myself ready soon. I am visiting tenants today with Georgiana.”

He raised his brow.“Today as well?”

She shrugged her shoulders with a smile. “It is not our fault you have so many tenants, you know.”

Darcy looked into her face searchingly once again, as if wanting to reassure himself that she was indeed well. Elizabeth smiled at him brightly, her eyes sparkling as to convince him that she was truly all right. At last Darcy spoke with a sigh, “I must go to the Lambton now, but I will be back early in the afternoon. Can you come to my study around three o'clock?”

“Yes, I can. We should be back by the time. Georgiana will certainly want to attach herself to the pianoforte as soon as we return.”

“Good. Come to my study. There is a certain matter I wish to discuss with you.”

Elizabeth let a puff of air. “Oh, William, another lecture about sheep breeding?” She murmured, her arms folded under her breasts. “I really do not think it necessary for me to learn it in such a great detail.”

Darcy smiled at her reaction. “No, that is something entirely different from what I wish to discuss with you.” He spoke in a low voice. He walked to her and turned her around so she stood with her back to his front. Elizabeth looked up at him in surprise, but he only drew her more tightly to his tall frame. One of his hands went under the neckline of her nightgown, cupping her breast, squeezing it gently and rubbing the nipple. The other warm hand stopped low on her stomach, pressing her bottom against his body. “Come to the study in the afternoon.” He rasped into her ear, rubbing himself against her soft behind. His hand lowered even more, going between her legs, and rubbing her there gently. “Do not wear your pantaloons today, sweetheart.” Darcy murmured, before kissing the side of her neck lightly and squeezing her bottom.

The next thing Elizabeth heard was the sound of the door closing after her husband. She stood for some time in the middle of the room, feeling dizzy and dazed as if she was about to collapse any moment. She walked slowly to the window, her knees weak, uncomfortable wetness pooling between her thighs. She supported herself against the thick velvet curtain, her heart beating wildly in her chest. Soon she saw her husband walking out of the house, the servant already waiting with his horse. He mounted it in one swift movement and looked up, meeting her eyes, and smiled at her. She waved at him and smiled back. She stared after him until he disappeared from her sight.


Elizabeth lay on her bed, staring at the canopy and smiling to herself. It had to be this, it simply had to! After what had happened today when they had been visiting the tenants, she was almost sure. She had made Georgiana and Ben swear that they would not tell anything to William for the time being. She needed some time to think on this in peace, and she knew very well how her husband would have reacted if he had been told. She felt all giddy inside. She well remembered when she had been seventeen, and Aunt Gardiner had spent the summer with them at Longbourn. Her dear Aunt had lacked appetite, and she had been dizzy and constantly tired. One afternoon, when the three of them had been walking, Aunt had fainted, giving her and Jane a great fright. And the next winter, Emily was born! Elizabeth turned on her side and grinned, looking down at her stomach, wrapping her arms around her middle. She had noticed her body changing too. Earlier in the study, when William was making love to her, and kneaded her breasts, it almost hurt as they were more tender. She felt so exhausted afterwards, when she collapsed in his arms spent, her heart racing so fast. She could barely return to her room. Moreover, she had missed her courses for the second time; they should have come almost two weeks before. Mama had said once the courses would always come, otherwise the woman was with child.

There was a soft knock, and the door opened quietly. William walked to the bed and sat beside her. “You are not sleeping?” He asked worriedly. His expression was distressed when he put his hand on her forehead and then on her cheek.

“I cannot sleep.”

Darcy leaned over her and kissed her temple.“I am sorry, sweetheart, for what happened in the study. I was carried away.”

Elizabeth sat up and put her head on his shoulder. “I was a little taken aback when you turned me around.” she murmured into his neck, unable to meet his eyes. “Before, I could always see your face when we were together.”

Darcy cradled her face, making her look at him. “Lizzy, sweetheart, if you were not comfortable, it is all right to say so. There is no satisfaction for me if you are unhappy with what we do.”

“No, William, I did enjoy it.” she assured him shyly.

Darcy did not seem to be convinced with her words. “You do not have to say that because you want to please me.”

“William, I truly enjoyed it. Perhaps I cannot speak so enthusiastically about it because it is still difficult for me to talk about these matters openly.” She was blushing brightly, still not meeting his eyes. “Ladies should scorn such delights; I heard from the earliest years. You see it is hard to discuss it like this…” She paused as if looking for the right words. She looked up at him. “But I want you to know that I do like to be with you, and I do enjoy what we do; the same as you. I am very pleased you are so diligent in your marital duties and that you are... inventive.” She whispered the last words, her eyes again downcast.

Darcy tilted her cheek, smiling. “Well, that was very ladylike speech, indeed.”

She punched him playfully on his arm. “What did you expect me to say? Perhaps 'Dear husband, you can bend me over the armchair in your study whenever you wish?'” She spoke the last words highly mortified, blushing furiously.

Darcy put his hands on her shoulders. “I like the sound of that; but I want to be certain you are truly fine with what I did earlier.”

“More than fine. I am adventurous too, you know. I like when you go so… so unrestrained, and loosen up your reserved nature and…” Her eyes widened and she smiled cheekily. “go wild with me.”

“But you were… I do not know...” Darcy frowned. “… somehow different.”

Elizabeth stayed silent for a long moment before speaking hesitantly.“There is something on my mind which concerns me greatly.”

Darcy frowned. “Someone has upset you.”

She shook her head. “No, it is something very good. I want so much to tell you about this, but I am not sure whether it is really what I think that it is.”

Darcy gave her puzzled look. “You are making me worried.”

“I did not suspect till this morning, when we were visiting tenants with Georgiana.” Elizabeth paused a little, being perfectly aware of the effect that what she was going to say would have on her husband. “I fainted.”

“You what?!” He stood up abruptly, the scowl on his face. “And I hear about this only now?”

“I made Georgiana promise she would not tell you anything for the time being.”

Darcy's hand raked through his curls. “Elizabeth you should not have hidden this from me. I have right to know when something wrong happens with you.”

Elizabeth caught his hand and pulled him to sit back on the bed next to her. “William, do not be angry… I had my reasons. I was not sure, and I am still not, but… “She knelt on the bed in front of him, taking both of his hands into hers. “I have fainted!” She grinned at him, looking into his eyes as if wanting him to understand something. “I am fatigued, and sick to my stomach when I am never tired, and I usually can eat everything. We have been together almost every night since our wedding. Every night without interruption.” She brought his hands to her breast. “Did you not notice earlier today when you touched me?”

Darcy palmed her breasts, his expression still puzzled. “Yes, they are fuller…” A deep crease appeared between his eyebrows. “You cannot possibly say that you are…”

Elizabeth nodded her head eagerly. “I cannot imagine that this could be anything different.”

Darcy shook his head. “Elizabeth how can this be? It is too soon. We have been married for only two months. That cannot be.”

Elizabeth turned her head to the side with a smile. “William, it would be not the first time that a child is born nine months after the wedding.”

Darcy rose from the bed and walked to the window.

Elizabeth looked at him confused. “William…”

“I shall send a man to Lambton to bring the doctor.”

“William, it is nearly five o'clock. It is too late. We can go tomorrow.”

“No, Elizabeth, we must confirm this.” His voice was firm; for Elizabeth even harsh. “And if this is something else, and you are really ill.” He sat beside her once again, stroking her cheek, looking at her worriedly.

Elizabeth stopped his hand on her face. “William, I have never been ill in my life. At least not that I remember.”

“But you have never been with child either, so you cannot be sure of that.” Darcy cried exasperatedly.


He gave her a peck on the cheek. “I shall go to Lambton myself to bring Doctor Johnson. He has been our family doctor since I remember.”

Elizabeth stared for a long time at the door which closed after him. At length, she laid back on the bed and curled into a ball on her side. She pulled the blanket over herself because she felt suddenly somehow chilly. She was confused; no she was more than confused. She was stunned and a little hurt with his bizarre reaction to her news. She had been most certain he would be as elated as she was. Perhaps he was just surprised. Yes, that had to be it; he simply did not expect this. Moreover, the idea of bringing the doctor was not so bad. She felt her heart flutter in anticipation; perhaps before the evening she would have confirmation that she was indeed with child.


Darcy sat on the chair in the Master bedroom and stared at the closed door leading to Elizabeth's room. This day had started in such a perfect way. He woke up early with the burden of her sweet smelling warm soft form in his arms. Then, when she appeared in this very door, all sleepy and tousled, straight out of bed, bare footed, yawning like a little kitten, her cheeks flushed, her lips puffed, her locks like corkscrews sticking out in all directions… she looked absolutely adorable. And later when she came into his study in the afternoon; he was all over her the moment she closed the door. He did not let her say a word. In a matter of the minutes they were making love, she bent over the leather armchair, which remembered the times of his grandparents, at least, practically lifted from the floor by him to adjust to his height. She had laid listlessly in his arms later, her heart thudding wildly. God, he should not have taken her like that. Darcy hid his face in his hands. She deserved better than that. She was his wife, and no matter how much he desired her, he should control himself better than this. She said she did not mind, but still he could have hurt her, especially now, when she might be…

His thoughts were interrupted when the door opened and doctor entered.

Darcy jumped to his feet. “How is she?” He walked to the door, trying to look over the doctor's head into her bedroom, but the man closed the door decidedly.

“I think your wife needs a few minutes of privacy as the moment. Her maid is with her.” The doctor walked to the small table near the window, putting his bag on it, arranging his instruments into order. He closed the bag and turned to Darcy, who was still standing beside the door to his wife's bedroom . “I congratulate you, Mr. Darcy. You can expect your firstborn son or daughter this very spring.” Doctor Johnson smiled at the younger man.

Darcy walked to him, raking his hand through his hair. “Doctor, how can this be?”

The doctor's brows raised high on his forehead, and he looked at Darcy from behind his spectacles. “Mr. Darcy, I think I do not have to explain to you where babies come from.” He spoke dryly.

“No, of course not. But it is so soon; we have been married for only two months.”

Doctor Johnson smiled. “And that is quite enough, sir, I assure you. After the conversation with your wife, I can safely state that the child had to be conceived in the first days of the marriage. It should be born in seven months, late April or the beginning of May.”

Darcy did not reply to his words. He stayed gravely silent, his expression sullen, his eyes unreadable. The doctor observed him carefully before he spoke again, this time in a gentler voice. “There is nothing to be worried about, Mr. Darcy. Your wife is young, strong and healthy. She is rather petite, but not too thin or anemic. She told me her mother gave birth to five healthy infants in less than ten years. I do not perceive any problems.”

Darcy shook his head, putting the back of his hand into his mouth. “God I just cannot imagine how she will be able to… It is all my fault.”

“Mr. Darcy, it is what the marriage is about, is it not? Mrs. Darcy is a young married woman. What happened is more than natural and expected. I repeat that there is no reason to worry yourself. She is of strong build and seems perfectly capable of carrying a child to term and giving birth to a healthy infant.”

When Darcy did not comment on this either, the doctor continued in his usual professional tone. “She says she has no much of an appetite, which is nothing surprising in the first months. There may appear a morning sickness soon, meaning she would return all she consumes, but still she has to eat properly not lose her strength.”

Darcy nodded. “I understand.”

“You can also expect her moods change. She can be more emotional, which is all perfectly normal in her condition. She cannot tax herself, but she can follow her daily routine, only she must rest more often, especially when the tiredness she described to me comes over her.”

“I will see to that.” Darcy murmured, his voice distant.

Doctor Johnson took his bag and walked to Darcy. “My boy, forgive me for addressing you so in saying this, but I think I have the right; I helped you and your sister to come into this world, after all.” The old doctor put his wrinkled, calloused hand on the strong arm of the younger man. “She is not like your mother. You cannot allow yourself to think that what happened with Lady Anne will repeat itself with you wife. You chose well; she will bear you many healthy babies, and she will be well as well, being a good mother to them. Now go to her. Women need more affection and support when carrying a child. I say this as a husband who survived through three pregnancies, not a doctor. You do not want her to fall into depression, do you?” Darcy shook his head. “She is very happy with the news.” he added.

“Thank you, Doctor.” Darcy said, bowing his head with respect. “Perhaps you would wish to stay for the night? It is late.”

“No, my wife expects me to return home for the night.”

“Pray, Doctor, send your wife my apologies. I am sorry to have interrupted your dinner.”

The doctor waved his hand dismissively. “She is used to it, being married to a man of my profession for nearly thirty years now.”

Darcy shook the doctor's hand firmly. “Thank you.”

“It will be all right.” the elder gentleman smiled reassuringly and left the room.

Darcy took a deep breath and walked decidedly to the door connecting his room with Mistress'. He knocked.


She was sitting on the bed, wearing an elegant, but modest, dressing gown. She looked up at him, her eyes searching his. Darcy sat next to her, took her hand and kissed it. He felt her arms coming around his neck tightly. He sighed and hugged her to him.

“William, you are happy, are you not?” Her wide, worried eyes stared into his face.

Darcy cupped her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. “Of course I am, sweetheart. I am very happy that there is to be a baby.” He kissed the tip of her nose.

Her face broke into a big smile. “What would you prefer a boy or a girl?” She did not give him a chance to answer, because she cried enthusiastically. “I know a boy to inherit Pemberley!”

“First of all, I want you to be in good health during the whole confinement, and especially when the time comes for the baby to be born.”

She enveloped his large hand into both of her much smaller ones and gave it a squeeze. “I am fine, and I am not afraid.” She grinned again. “But you were surprised, were you not?”

“I simply did not expect it to happen so soon.”

Her delicate brows creased. She looked worried again. “But you are happy?”

“Yes. You are the only woman I have ever seen as the mother of my children.”

She smiled blissfully and sought the comfort of his arms again. “Oh, William, my darling love.” she murmured, her face hidden in his neck. “I am so exited about it, I could not be happier.”

Darcy kissed her forehead and rubbed her back, staring at the space in front of him. My darling love she had addressed him; it was the first time ever she called him her love, and it was only now, because he had conceived a child with her. She stayed in his arms till a knock on the door was heard. It was Georgiana, asking whether she was all right. Elizabeth looked up at him and whispered. “Can I tell her?” He nodded and she fled from his arms, opening the door and sharing the news with his sister.

It was nearly eleven o'clock when he at last managed to put her into bed. She snuggled into his arms with her back to his chest and took his right hand, placing it on her belly. With a soft happy sigh, she closed her eyes.

Chapter XVII

Darcy woke early in the morning to the wrenching sounds coming from the adjacent room. He gave a weary sigh and got out of bed. He pulled on his breeches and tucked his nightshirt into them carelessly.

On entering the dressing room, he saw Elizabeth on her knees, bent over and emptying herself into the chamber pot. He knelt behind her, gathering her hair to the side and rubbing her back.

When her vomiting came to end, he arranged her against his chest and dabbed her face with a wet towel. Next he hoisted her into his arms and carried her back into the bedroom.

“Sit with me.” She murmured, her eyes closed, when he laid her on the bed.

Darcy sat on the edge of the bed, his large palm on her tummy, messaging it gently.

Elizabeth turned her head to the side, and still not opening her eyes, spoke. “Are you going to Kedleston Hall to see Sir John today?”

Darcy cupped her face, stroking her temple with his thumb. “Yes, I had planned to, but I can stay with you.”

“No, I am fine.” Her eyes opened and smiled at him. “It is the worst in the morning. Lady Edwards promised me a herbal tea for the morning sickness when I saw her in Lambton last time. She said it helped her when she was with child, and one of her friends as well.”

He lifted her hand to his lips. “I will remember.”

“Thank you.” She closed her eyes again.

Darcy stayed by her side for a while longer, stroking her hand imprisoned in both of his.

“William, I am fine.” She looked up at him again, lifted herself and snuggled against his chest. “You remember what Doctor Johnson said; that it is all very normal, the sickness, it shall pass in a few weeks.”

Darcy did not answer her, but hid his face in her hair. Elizabeth's arms went around him as if she had wanted to fill him with her strength. “What is the matter?” she whispered in a soft voice. “You have been so grave of late.”

“I am worried for you.”

“There is no reason. I am fine. I am young and healthy.”

He squeezed her to him. “I know, but it is hard for me to think about it in terms of reason. You see my mother…”

Elizabeth put her finger on his lips. “Shhh, I know about your mother. I understand, or rather I hope that I can understand, what you can feel, but I am not her.”

Darcy put his hands on both sides of her face. “I could not lose you. If anything happened, I would not be able to live without you, Elizabeth. I would not be able to pull myself together one more time. I cannot lose another person I love.”

“You will not.”

He shook his head, his expression distressed and vulnerable at the same time. “I am afraid. That fear in me is not rational. I cannot control it.”

Elizabeth brought him to herself again. “Everything is going to be well.”

“How can you know for sure?”

Elizabeth rubbed his back. “I just know.”

Darcy freed himself from her embrace gently and stood up. “I had better go wash and dress if I want to manage with everything today.” He leaned and kissed the top of her head. “Promise me that you will take care of yourself when I am absent.”

“I will.” She gave him a reassuring bright smile. He smiled back at her at last, and leaning forward, placed a kiss on her temple before leaving the room.


Darcy stopped his horse and looked down at Pemberley. It had been a busy day, and he was tired. After the sunny morning, it began to rain and dark heavy clouds drew over Pemberley. It suited his mood, and the dark thoughts which had invaded him, very well indeed. He felt restless today, and to be honest with himself, he had felt like this since he had known about the baby. When he was falling in love with Elizabeth, when he battled with himself against the overpowering attraction he felt for her, when he proposed to her, when he was fighting for her good opinion and feelings, it had always been she who was on his mind. He had always wanted to be with her, but he gave little or no thought at all to having children with her. Certainly he had always presumed he would have children at some point of his life; even though it had never been his aim in marrying Elizabeth. His only intent was being with her and loving her.

He had not expected her to conceive so quickly. It was still almost impossible for him to imagine that in a few months the baby would appear. The little creature which would take all her attention and love for certain. He had noticed how well she interacted with children. She would be a wonderful and devoted mother, he had no doubt. He had been so concentrated on her, on their happiness since that day in the townhouse when she had told him she was falling in love with him. However, she had never said - I love you. Perhaps it was just infatuation on her part. She was simply overwhelmed with the physical demonstration of their love.

She was so happy about the baby. Despite the fact that she had been ill every single morning for the last two weeks and exhausted with her sickness so much that she unable to return to bed on her own, like this morning, she had never said a word of complaint. Darcy did not allow himself to even think that something might go wrong when the time would come. He once had felt frustrated and even angry with his father, because he had neglected Georgiana after their mother's death. Now he understood his father very well; there would be no point for him to live if Elizabeth was to…

Darcy clenched his jaw and kicked his heels into the horse's sides decidedly. He could not allow himself to think like this. Nothing good could come from such thinking. On reaching the manor, he left the horse to the servant, and asked the butler about his wife's whereabouts. Having been informed she was upstairs in her room, he went there directly.

He entered their room and saw her bent over the bed.

“You are here at last, I was worried for you.” She cried with a smile, running into his arms. He picked her up and buried his head into her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, basking into her warmth. He felt immediately better.

He held her like this for a long moment till he felt her struggling gently out of his embrace. “Look what I have bought today.” She took his hand with a smile and led him to the bed. “On impulse Georgiana and I decided to take a carriage and go to Lambton.”

Darcy stared gravely at the baby clothes strewn over the bed coverlet; pastel dresses, little hats and tiny shoes. “Are they not beautiful?” She took one pale yellow outfit, embroidered into pink and blue flowers, and put it to herself. “I cannot imagine that our baby will be so small to wear it.”

“Elizabeth it is too early to buy such things.”

She gave him a helpless smile. “Oh, I know, but I simply could not help myself when I saw them.”

Darcy shrugged his shoulders dismissively. “Forgive me, but I do not see the point in buying clothes for a baby that is not yet born.”

He watched the smile disappear from her face slowly. She turned from him and leaned over the bed, arranging the items into one pile. She brought them to her chest and made a move to walk past him. Darcy caught her arm and tried to pull her into his arms, but she backed away from him. She walked past him to the dressing room. Darcy followed her. He watched as she opened one of the drawers in the armoire, and tucked the baby clothes into it.

This time when she tried to walk past him he stopped her decidedly, and pulled her almost forcefully into his embrace.

She stood stiffly in his arms, not fighting him, but neither melting into his frame as she usually did. The painful sensation clenched his heart. He remembered at once when he had pulled her into his arms the day after Mr. Bennet's funeral in the Longbourn garden. It had been the same, he could feel her body against his, but he felt her resistance at the same time. He was an intruder. His arms tightened around her.

“How can you be so cold?” Her voice was muffled against his chest when she spoke. “This is your baby.” She raised her head at him. “You do not want this baby?”

She searched his face for an answer, but his voice turned into his old haughty tone. “What are you talking about? That is nonsense.”

Elizabeth stared into his eyes till he glanced to the side with a frown. “I had thought that the reason for your mood was because of your mother.” she whispered. “I have been worried that you were comparing her with me; that you were afraid that what happened with her could repeat itself now. But there is more to this mood of yours, is there not? You do not want the baby at all.”

Darcy straightened himself and walked from her a few steps. “I do not know what you are talking about. These must be those moods Doctor Johnson mentioned. He warned me you can misinterpret some things in your state.”

Elizabeth caught his arm and cried. “Oh, no, you will not walk out from me like this! You never talk about the baby and you always seem irritated when I mention it or anything which refers to it, like a moment ago with the things for the baby.”

“I simply do not the see point in buying things for the child so early in your confinement. Besides, it would be hard for me to talk on the subject when you do it all the time.“

Elizabeth's eyes widened. “You are jealous.“ she mouthed. “Yes, you are jealous of your own child. I cannot believe this.”

“That is ridiculous.” Darcy shrugged his shoulders, his face expressionless, his voice cold. He moved past her and walked to the window.

Elizabeth ran a few steps and cut his way, standing between him and the window. “Do not hide behind your Mr. Darcy face, I know you too well. How can you be jealous of your own child? Your own flesh and blood.”

Darcy's lips tightened in a thin line and he spat at last. “Because you already love it more than me!”


Darcy grabbed her shoulders. “I was stupid to think that I had earned some place in your heart, but the child has taken it all now. You have the child so you do not need me any more!”

“How can you be so selfish?” Elizabeth cried, tears brimming her eyes. “How can you be so cruel? I thought you were different, but I was right about you! My first impression was correct. It only matters for you what you want. You want something and you have to have it no matter what!”

Elizabeth started to pace the room agitatedly, breathing deeply, tears running down her cheeks. Darcy stared at the ground, his brows creased, his expression unreadable. “Have you not thought that I am so happy about the child because you are the father, because I carry the child of a man I love, because I want to give you children?” She spoke in a broken voice at last.

She did not wait for him to answer and she cried into his face. “No, because you can think only about yourself!” She ran towards the door, but Darcy caught her into his embrace before she managed to reach it.

Elizabeth tried to free herself for a few moments, but soon she let him cradle her into his arms, her head placed on his chest. They stood like this for a long time before Darcy hoisted her into his arms, and carried her a few steps to a comfortable armchair, sitting himself on it and arranging her on his lap.

He kissed her forehead and his arms tightened around her. “I just thought we would have more time for ourselves before the children came.”

Elizabeth gave a soft sigh and looked at him sadly. “You sound almost regretful. I always thought you would welcome our child.”

“It is not like that, Elizabeth. Children bring lots of responsibilities. It was a constant challenge to raise Georgiana.“

“William you sound as if our child is just an unpleasant responsibility. I never thought you could be disappointed because I carry your child. I do not understand you. Aunt Madeline said once that when a man loved a woman he always wanted children with her.”

“I had hoped that I earned a little place in you heart, and now the child takes all your love.” He murmured bashfully, not daring to raise his eyes at her.

Elizabeth cupped his cheek and spoke gently. “William, you cannot think like this. You cannot be jealous of your own child. You cannot treat it as your rival. He or she is your own flesh and blood. Such an attitude is just wrong.”

“I cannot help it, Elizabeth. You have never been so happy as my wife till now, when you carry the child.”

“That is not true. It is in woman's nature to be happy when expecting, especially when, like me, she has a husband who cares for her, and who is so good to her. I want your child. I am so happy because the child is a part of you, because I carry the child of a man whom I love.”

“You do?” He looked into her eyes, his expression vulnerable and unsure.

“Can you not feel it? I would never be able to open myself so much to you, to trust you so, especially when we are intimate, if I did not love you.” She kissed his lips softly. “I love you, Mr. Darcy."


Elizabeth left the bookshop and looked around for the characteristic tall figure of her husband. Soon she saw him talking to a woman on the other side on the street, next to the house of the local attorney.

Without much thought she, went into his direction, guessing that the elegant lady was the wife of one of their neighbours.

“Will you not introduce me?” She enquired with a polite smile when she reached her husband.

Darcy turned to her, and at that moment, Elizabeth knew that something was wrong. He simply looked panic-stricken. He could not meet her eye.

She wondered what could have happened to put him into such a state, when the woman in front of them spoke in a rich, pleasantly modulated voice. “It is a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs. Darcy. The whole neighborhood is so curious about you. Your husband should throw a ball to introduce you to our modest social circle here.”

“I thank you, madam. It is pleasure to make your acquaintance Mrs…” Elizabeth paused, waiting for her husband to introduce the lady to her at last.

The older woman eyed Darcy with a smile and spoke animatedly. “Oh, I can see that the famous Darcy reserve comes to voice. Let me introduce myself. I am Mrs. Clarkson, my late husband and Mr. Darcy's father were best friends for years.”

Hearing this, Elizabeth frowned slightly. The lady's late husband was her father-in- law's friend? But she was no more than five and thirty years old. No, perhaps she might have been slightly older, perhaps six and thirty, but nevertheless she looked very attractive as for a woman her age. Even though her husband had to be much older than herself for sure. “Our estate is no more than ten miles from Pemberley. You must visit me, Mrs. Darcy. I like the good company of young people.” Mrs. Clarkson added.

“We will be honoured to visit you. I thank you for the invitation. I am anxious to meet all of the local families.” Elizabeth assured her politely with a smile.

The women smiled back and asked pleasantly. “You are from the south of England, I hear?”

“Yes, from Hertfordshire.” Elizabeth spoke slowly and looked at the woman searchingly. There was something familiar in her. She looked like… well yes, she looked like herself very much. They were of similar height, and Mrs. Clarkson had beautiful, dark thick hair. She was not exactly beautiful, but she had very striking fine eyes. They were blue, not dark green like hers, but still very dark, under the shade of her bonnet, looking almost black. As for her figure, she was curvy to be sure, with prominent bosom and well rounded hips, but she was perhaps plumper than Elizabeth.

“Here is my son. Harry come here!” Mrs. Clarkson cried after the young man who approached them rather reluctantly. He was tall, but not as tall as Darcy, and quite handsome. Elizabeth guessed he was a year or two younger than herself.

“Madam, it is pleasure to make the acquaintance.” Mr. Clarkson bowed his head politely towards her, but he barely acknowledged Darcy. Elizabeth found it most odd. All the people she had been introduced to since the day she had come to Derbyshire were most amiable in their relations with her husband, eagerly starting conversation with him. She looked at William questionably, but he refused to meet her eyes, as if he had been ashamed of something. He acted terribly awkward, and was certainly ill at ease.

“We must go.” Darcy said at last in a distant voice, his gaze focused somewhere above the heads of his companions.

“If you must.” Mrs. Clarkson spoke good humouredly with a sigh, a small pout on her plump lips. She squeezed Elizabeth's hand. “My dear, we must meet again soon. There is more that we have in common than you can imagine, Mrs. Darcy.” She smiled at Elizabeth almost cheerfully, and as if winking at Darcy, took her grumpy son's arm, and walked away.

Elizabeth stared after the woman for a few moments, her forehead furled. Then she looked up at Darcy through narrowed eyes. He still avoided her gaze. “Did you find anything interesting in the bookshop?”

Elizabeth ignored his question. “She is one of them, is she not?”

“I have no idea what are you talking about.” Darcy said, trying to sound haughty.

“Do not play dumb with me! She was your lover.”

“Elizabeth, lower your voice.” Darcy seethed looking around.

“So it is true...” Elizabeth whispered. She turned around and ran, not looking much where she was going. Soon she heard some cries, and she felt Darcy's strong arm going around her middle and pulling her back abruptly. Only then did she notice that she nearly ran before a passing carriage.


Elizabeth lay on the bed in her room, her eyes closed, pretending that she was asleep. Thankfully she had been left in peace since they returned to Pemberley, as William was called to the stables because some accident had happened there with a newly bought horse. He tried to speak with her during their ride home, but the only words he heard from her were, 'Do not touch me. I do not want to speak with you now'. She could hardly believe what had had happened today. It was completely unexpected… Everything had been going so well lately. They had been so happy for the last few weeks since their quarrel over the baby clothes. He had seemed to accept her condition; he had even started saying that it was a high time to renovate the nursery.

She heard the door being opened and his familiar gait. The bed dipped beside her, and she felt his hand on her cheek. She opened her eyes and said very clearly. “I said I did not want you to touch me.”

Darcy took his hand away reluctantly, but spoke softly leaning towards her. “Sweetheart.”

Elizabeth sat on the bed abruptly and cried furiously. “I am not your sweetheart!”

Darcy placed a calming hand on her arm. “Lizzy.”

Elizabeth scrambled from the bed to her feet and cried even louder. “I am not your Lizzy either!”

Darcy sighed heavily, his watchful eyes on her as she was pacing the room back and forth, waving her arms in great agitation.

He walked to her and tried to pull her into his arms. She slapped his hands and walked from him to the other side of the room. “Elizabeth. I am sorry. It was an accident. It had not crossed my mind you might meet her.”

“An accident you say! Pray tell me, was it an accident as well when she was your mistress?”

“Elizabeth, she was never my mistress.” Darcy growled, raking his hand through his hair.

“So, what would you call it? Perhaps your relationship with that woman was a purely platonic one?”

“No, but… I was very young and curious back then… And she was a widow already, and I had been enamoured with her since I had been a lad. She had often visited us with her husband... It just happened, shortly before I went to university.”

“Oh, so it just happened!” Elizabeth exclaimed, her voice high pitched, and Darcy could swear that it had the same quality as his mother-in-law's at that very moment. “And pray tell me why you obviously did not happen to think about me when it just happened?”

Darcy could not repress a smile. “Lizzy, how could I think about you back then, I did not know you. Moreover you were what; ten or eleven years of age back then?”

“Oh, do not be so smart!” She approached him and pushed strongly at his chest. “I wonder what you would do and feel if one day you encountered my previous lover on the street, by accident as you say?” she cried into his face.

“Elizabeth do not even jest so; that is not amusing at all!” Darcy spoke angrily.

“Oh, it is not amusing for you? Well, it is not amusing for me either! So, what would you do?” she baited him.

Darcy's jaws clenched. “Kill him.”

Elizabeth gave a short laugh. “Unfortunately, I cannot fence or use pistols, so perhaps I should simply scratch her eyes out?”

“Lizzy, be reasonable.”

“I do not want to be reasonable! You should have perceived you would meet me one day, and that I would meet her one day, and you should not have involved yourself with her in the first place!”

Darcy stared at her with his mouth agape, his forehead creased as if trying very hard to follow her reasoning. At last he gave a weary sigh and started again patiently. “Dearest, pray believe me, I have not talked with her for many years now. She saw me in the street; it would be impolite to pretend she was not there. Her husband was…”

“I heard who her husband was!” Elizabeth exclaimed and ran to her vanity. She took a jewellery box he had given her in the first days of their marriage. Soon the box hit the wall, passing slightly next to Darcy's ear.

“Elizabeth!” Darcy cried in astonishment.

But the only answer he was given was the music box, silver hair brush, crystal swan, and the small volume of poetry thrown in his direction as well. Unfortunately, due to Elizabeth's great agitation, her aim was poor and none of the objects reached the attempted target.

However, when she took the heavy vase full of water and flowers, Darcy approached her decidedly. “That is enough. You will harm yourself.” He spoke firmly, taking the vase from her and putting it back on the small table where it stood.

Having the vase being taken from her, Elizabeth attacked her husband and started hitting him with her small fists wherever she could reach. Darcy bore the attack calmly for some time, but then he grasped her wrists gently, but firmly, and hugged her to him, tightening his arms around her even more, each time she tried to free herself. After a long time, her breathing evened, and she stood in his embrace calmly, her face buried in his chest.

“My love, she is nothing to me.” Darcy murmured into her ear. “I was very young when she and I… It happened almost ten years ago, and lasted only a few weeks. I soon left for university, and have seen her but a few times since then, and only in the company of others. You are the only woman in my life; now and ever. I love only you. I love you and our child.”

Chapter XVIII

Elizabeth was standing sideways in front of the floor length mirror, her nightgown drawn tightly around her middle, looking carefully at herself with a slight frown on her forehead.

“You are feeling well today, Lizzy?” Her husband's voice came from the bed.

“Yes.” She spoke distractedly, smoothing the nightgown over her belly.

“No nausea? No dizziness?”

Elizabeth shook her head, and glancing one last time at her reflection, she walked to the vanity and started brushing her hair. “No, I just felt tired in the afternoon, so I took a short nap.”

“So, you are feeling well now?”

“Yes, I am.” She smiled at him and approached the bed, slipping under the covers. Already settled, she started drawing her nightgown up. To Darcy's great dismay, her progress was stopped just below her breasts. She lay on her back beside him with her middle uncovered. She pushed the covers almost to the line of her hipbones, baring her lower abdomen.

She raised herself to her elbows, and staring at her middle, asked. “Do you think it shows?”

“Shows?” Darcy repeated blankly, staring longingly at her navel.

“Yes. The baby. Has my middle thickened?”

Darcy smiled, kissed her temple, combed a few of her curls away from her forehead, and spoke. “Lizzy, it is too early to see anything.”

Elizabeth's big eyes stared at him eagerly. “But it could already be the fourth month. My last monthly bleeding was before our wedding, so if I conceived in the first days as Doctor Johnson perceives, the baby is now over three months old.”

Darcy placed his hand on her belly, stroking it lightly in a circular motion. “Lizzy, I cannot notice any change yet, you even seem to be thinner.”

“Yes, I have lost some weight due to feeling sick so often.”

Darcy lifted her gown higher, baring her breasts. He dipped his head and gently kissed one dark pink nipple.

“These are definitely bigger.” He stroked her breast with the back of his finger.

Elizabeth hand dove into his curls. “And more tender.”

“Does it hurt when I touch them?”

“No, but could you please not squeeze them as you usually do. It is very pleasant normally, but now…”

“I shall not.” Darcy murmured to her nipple, suckling on it lightly. He loomed over her, supported on his arm, his mouth on her chest, while his free hand began to stroke her bottom.

Elizabeth gave a sweet sigh, closed her eyes and relaxed under her husband's gentle caresses. However, after a few moments, her fingers stopped combing through his curls. “William...?”

“Mhhm…” Darcy murmured from his occupation of placing tiny kisses on the underside of her right breast.

“Are you sure it is safe now… with the baby?”

“Lizzy, I shall be careful and do it very…” A kiss on her nipple. “ Very...” Another on her shoulder. “Slowly…” The last kiss was placed on the underside of her jaw.

He kissed her lips softly. “And gently.”

Elizabeth looked seriously into his eyes. “Yes, but if we hurt the baby?”

“Lizzy, I will not hurt the baby.” Darcy spoke evenly.

“How can you be so sure?” She sounded distressed. “Have you talked with the doctor about it?”

“No, Lizzy dear, I have not. But we have known about the baby for a month, have we not? You said yourself you had to be with child earlier than that. We were together every day for the first months and nothing bad happened.”

“Well, that is true.” Elizabeth agreed with relief evident in her voice.

“Do not worry, dearest. He or she is safe and sound inside you.” Darcy murmured, turning her into his arms, spooning behind her, rubbing himself against her soft bottom.

Elizabeth lay compliantly in her husband's embrace for some time, and judging by her soft sighs, she was clearly enjoying his ministrations, when he felt her to stiffen once again. “William, but if you scare the baby?”

Darcy raised himself on his arm and mouthed incomprehensibly. “What?”

Elizabeth rolled on her back, and drew the sheet over her body. “Yes. The baby is inside me, so it feels everything that I can feel. So it can get simply terrified when you…”

“I terrify you?!” Darcy interrupted her, looming over her.

“No, of course not.” Elizabeth smiled at him reassuringly, cupping his cheek. “But all that shaking and thrusting. And it can hear you when you grunt, moan and cry `Lizzy.' The baby may think that something dangerous is happening. And what if it sees you?” Elizabeth's eyes widened and rested on his sheet covered lower body.

Darcy lay heavily on his back, his eyes closed. The moment passed before he spoke again. “Elizabeth, I truly cannot comprehend how you can pronounce all that nonsense and what is even worse, believe it? The child is too small to hear or see anything.”

“How can you say this? I am sure the baby feels everything!” Elizabeth cried fiercely, sitting up. “You cannot pretend it is not here with us now!”

“Elizabeth, be reasonable. Good God, you sound like your own mother at this very moment.” Darcy murmured as if to himself, his hand covering his eyes. He sensed her scooting away, and soon the sound of quiet weeping came to him.

“Oh, no. Not that.” Darcy rolled to her and pulled her into his arms. “No, please, Lizzy, I apologize.” He kissed her wet cheek, holding her tightly to himself. “My love, do not cry, you know I cannot bear your tears. I am sorry, I should not have said that.”

“I truly think that the baby can feel everything.” Elizabeth squeaked into his bare chest.

“I know, sweetheart, I know.” He kissed her neck and rubbed her back.

Darcy sighed wearily and looked at the canopy, holding Elizabeth pinned tightly to his side. When he looked back at her again, her eyes were closed, and she was breathing deeply, something like very quiet snoring was escaping her.


The next morning, Darcy woke up early. Elizabeth was curled by his side, sleeping soundly. He tucked the covers around her carefully and slipped out of bed slowly, so as not to wake her.

When he returned to the bedroom, he was already dressed and groomed for the day ahead of him. He sat beside her on the covers and leaned over to kiss her forehead. She stirred and her eyes opened.

“I have awakened you, I am sorry.” He spoke gently.

Elizabeth closed her eyes again, a small smile creeping on her face. “No, I have not been asleep for some time. I have noticed lately that I always seem to wake up when I cannot feel you beside me.”

Darcy smiled and brought her hand to his lips. “I must go, my love, to inspect the work on repairing the fences before winter on the north side of the estate.”

Elizabeth stretched, yawned and rolled onto her back. “I feel guilty. You work so hard, and I just do nothing all day long, apart from taking naps, perhaps.” She looked up at him seriously.

Darcy lifted her hand to his lips again. “There would be little sense to my life without you, Elizabeth, you know that.” He continued playing with her fingers. “Moreover, Mrs. Darcy, your role is very crucial, you carry the heir to Pemberley under your heart, after all. But seriously, you should make the best of this time, my love; when the child is born you will have little time for rest.”

Elizabeth sat up in the bed and began playing with his cufflinks. “I am sorry about last evening, William.”

Darcy shook his head, not meeting her eyes. “That is nothing…”

“No, it is. It is.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “I know that it has been a little over a month since we… were together… last. I must admit I have not felt like making love for the last weeks.” She gave him an apologetic look. “I am not sure why, but I felt so sick to my stomach, and so overwhelmed with the news, I could not think about anything other but the baby.”

“Lizzy, you do not have to explain…” Darcy started, but Elizabeth interrupted him. “But I want to. I have felt much better for the last days, and I thought that perhaps I will go to Lambton today to see Doctor Johnson, and to make sure it is safe in my state. There is no woman close enough to me here whom I could ask about such an intimate thing, and it would take at least a week to send a letter to Aunt Madeline in London and receive an answer. And I know how important it is for you…”

Darcy stood up and his eyes smiled at her. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. “We shall see each other in the afternoon.” He murmured against her temple. “I love you.” He gave her one more quick kiss on the cheek and he was gone.


It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon when Darcy entered the great hall. He saw Georgiana walking down the stairs with sheets of music pressed to her chest.

“Brother, you have returned.” She ran to him with a smile.

Darcy leaned over and kissed his sister's pale cheek. “How are you today, sweetie?”

“I am fine. We went to Lambton earlier today because Elizabeth wanted to see Doctor Johnson.”

“Yes, she mentioned it to me before I left today.” Darcy gave his greatcoat to the servant. “So you did call on Doctor Johnson?”

“Yes, but he was not home. Elizabeth decided to wait for him, whereas I went and bought myself some new music sheets.”

“So Elizabeth saw the doctor, did she not?”

Georgiana nodded. “Yes, I think she did. She was leaving the doctor's house when I returned to the carriage. She seemed very pleased.”

“She did?” Darcy hoped not to sound too eager.

“Mhhm. Oh, and she has asked me to tell you that she has a surprise for you in case I met you downstairs.”

Darcy's face lightened. “She has.”

Georgiana stared at her brother's grinning countenance suspiciously. “Yes, she has. I am going to the music room now. I will practice until dinner.”

Darcy smirked at her. “I understand; you are not to be disturbed unless the house is on the fire.”

Georgiana made a face at him and walked down the corridor with great dignity.

Darcy waited till she disappeared from his sight before running up the staircase, taking three steps at once.

He was slightly out of breath on reaching the Mistress' bedroom. He opened the door without knocking and looked around. She was nowhere to be seen.

“I am here.” Her voice was heard from his old bedroom.

Darcy walked to the door connecting the two rooms and pushed at it. There on the middle of the great four poster bed sat his wife. She was naked apart from the thin semi transparent shift, reaching her mid thigh, and doing nothing to hide her breasts from his eyes.

“How was your day, my dear husband?” Elizabeth purred at the same time slowly loosening the ribbon at her bosom.

`Fine,' Darcy wanted to say, but the only sound which he produced was the incomprehensible hoarse croak. He cleared his throat. “Fine.”

“If that is so, I am very glad.” She scrambled out of bed and walked to him slowly, swaying her hips. He stared at her legs when she was walking, his mouth hanging wide open.

“Not too tired?” she murmured, lifting herself on her toes in front of him and placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

Darcy shook his head, still not closing his mouth. Elizabeth smiled and looked down at her already quite revealed décolletage. “Oh, my.” she gasped. “Look at this. There is a knot in this ribbon.” She tugged at the pale pink piece keeping her whole outfit in place. “Will you help me with it, sir?” She raised her eyes at him pleadingly, and bit her lower lip.

A quarter hour later, Darcy rolled heavily off his wife. He was still wearing his shirt, breeches and riding boots, as in the great hurry he had not found the opportunity to undress himself completely. Elizabeth lay sprawled on the bed next to him, red raspberry marks all over her body, her shift in tatters, pulled around her middle.


In the first days of December, the temperature dropped considerably in Derbyshire, and the first snow appeared. The Darcys were preparing themselves for a quiet family Christmas. They expected Lord and Lady Matlock to visit them, but closer to the New Year. Elizabeth felt well, the faintness and dizziness from the first months had passed completely. Her appetite had recovered to such a degree, that her husband was occasionally awakened in the middle of the night because she suddenly craved dishes varying from blueberry jam to smoked salmon. At last her belly started to grow, and though she could feel the slight fluttering inside her stomach, the baby had not yet started to kick. Each evening, Darcy put his hand on the small bulge of their child, but he could not feel any movements yet.

At last, two weeks before Christmas, when they were sitting together in the smaller drawing room, as Georgiana played the new song she had learned in the last days, Elizabeth gasped softly.

“It has moved!” she cried excitedly, placing her palm on her slightly protruding tummy. She took her husband hand and placed it where her hand previously had rested. The baby behaved well, because it moved again in a few seconds to his father's delight. Soon the aunt to be ran from her place at the pianoforte, asking if she could feel the baby too.

Elizabeth took the girl's hand and placed it on her stomach. The baby behaved this time as well and gave a gentle push on the wall of its mother's belly.

“Oh, Lizzy, it is so wonderful! It is hard to believe that a real baby is in there.” Georgiana gently palmed her sister's belly. “It is so hard to the touch. I thought it to be soft.”

“Yes, it is quite hard.” Elizabeth knocked at her belly. “I think it is like this to protect the baby inside from any harm.”

“Perhaps I would play something especially for the baby?” Georgiana's eyes lightened. “Something cheerful.”

“That is an excellent idea, my dear.” Elizabeth smiled broadly at the younger girl. “I shall take a seat nearer to the pianoforte so the baby can hear better. Who knows, perhaps it will inherit musical talent like its aunt?”

It was past midnight that day when Elizabeth woke up, finding her husband perched at her side, her nightgown crumpled under her bosom, his hand on her bare tummy.

“William what are you doing?” she murmured. “Why are you not sleeping? It must be very late.”

“I am waiting for the baby to move again.” Darcy spoke with great determination.

Elizabeth gave a weary sigh. “The baby is asleep, and his mother as well.” she pronounced brusquely, closing her eyes and turning to her side away from him. Darcy snuggled up against her back instantly, his arm going over her middle, his hand placed on her tummy, stroking it gently.


Elizabeth stood in front of the door to her husband's study, clenching a small book in her hand. She raised her hand to knock, but then she hesitated and dropped it on her belly.

“We have to tell your Papa about this, you know that, little one, do you not?” She took a deep breath and knocked at the door.


Elizabeth stepped inside and closed the door quietly after herself.

“William, I know you are busy but…”

Darcy stood up from behind the desk instantly and walked to her. “You know I like when you pay me visits in the study.” He smiled devilishly, leaning over and kissed her cheek.

Elizabeth stepped with a sigh into his arms. “What is the matter?” he crooned into her ear.

“I received a letter from Kitty.” She murmured into his coat.

Darcy cradled her face, making her look at him. “And?”

“She is very pleased with the school, and other girls, she especially enjoys drawing lessons but...” Elizabeth lifted her eyes at him; they were full of worry. “It is about Lydia… read for yourself.” She retrieved the folded letter from the book, opened it and pointed to the paragraph at the end of the second page.

Darcy took it from her and started to read.

Oh, Lizzy, I truly do not know how to act with Lydia anymore. She has stopped speaking with me at all lately. She simply ignores me. She attends classes, and even seems to have become very close to some of the girls, but she puts very little or no effort at all to prepare for her lessons. Moreover, she has became very secretive in the last weeks. A few times I could not find her when it was time to change for dinner or the start of classes. Later, when I asked her where she had been, she answered that it should be no concern of mine, and that she had her own secrets now. Only yesterday, when we were taking our daily walk with the other girls in the nearby park, she disappeared from my sight again. I walked away from the main path, hoping to meet her. Soon I saw her talking with some gentleman! Well, I am not entirely sure whether she talked to him, but they were looking at each other for certain, as if they knew each other rather well. And Lizzy, I can almost swear it was Mr. Wickham! The man wore a top hat, and I could not see his face, but judging by his height, posture and the way he stood, it could only be Mr. Wickham. On the other hand, he did not wear his regimentals, so I cannot be entirely sure whether it was him. Anyway, he walked away soon and left Lydia alone on the spot. I asked her later, of course, whether it was Mr. Wickham, but she just gave me a disdainful look and said that she will not reveal her secrets to conniving little spies like myself. Lizzy, I truly do not know what I should think about all of this. I know that Lydia should certainly not keep secret meetings with any man, even if the gentleman is Mr. Wickham, which as I said, I cannot be entirely sure. I am afraid that our principal, Mrs. Lindsey, shall simply remove Lydia, and me as well, from school when she finds about it. Oh, Lizzy what a shame for all us it would be! I want to stay here, the school is far more interesting than walking to Meryton everyday to shop for trinkets. Do you think I should call on Aunt Gardiner and ask her opinion on the matter? I have written to Jane about this as well. I presume that I can expect her answer earlier than yours, so perhaps she will advise me on this…

Elizabeth observed her husband's expression changing from just curious to dark and sullen as he read. On finishing, he walked to the window and stared out of it, the letter crumpled in his hand.

Elizabeth walked slowly to him. “Do you think it was him?”

“Yes, it was. I have no doubt of it.” Elizabeth shivered; his voice sounded so cold, with a hard edge to it. She had not heard that tone from him since the evening when they had quarrelled over Colonel Fitzwilliam at Netherfield during their engagement, and even then it had not been so churlish and malevolent.

“But Kitty wrote he did not wear his regimentals.” she spoke at last, hopefully.

“It was him.” Darcy said without taking his eyes from the window. “He was dismissed from the militia this summer; that is way he did not wear a uniform.”

Elizabeth trembled. “What could he want from her?”

“The same he wanted from Georgiana.”

Elizabeth paled considerably. “No...”

Darcy looked at her worriedly, and instantly he was beside her, supporting her against himself. “Are you all right?”

“Yes, I am fine.” She lifted her eyes at him. “William, I am so sorry for Lydia's behaviour.” She shook her head. “Stupid, stupid girl.”

“No, my love.” Darcy stroked her cheek and then hugged her tightly to himself. “Your sister is just a pawn here, nothing more.” He murmured, supporting his chin on the top of her head. “He wants to avenge me. He wants to get even.”

“What now?” Elizabeth asked after a long moment.

“I must go to London to find him.”

“No, please do not go now.” She pleaded, clenching his hand in both of hers. “You cannot go now. You will not be able to return for our first Christmas.”

“The last thing I want is to leave you alone now, Elizabeth.” Darcy put his hand on the bulge of their child. “When was the letter sent?”

“Seven days ago.”

“So Jane knows already, as well.” Darcy paced the room. “I think we can safely presume that she has already informed Bingley and your uncle about the whole matter. They have taken some precautions for sure.”

“I think the best thing is to take Lydia from school and keep her under lock and key at Purvis Lodge.” Elizabeth said on approaching the small sofa and sitting on it.

“I do agree. Elizabeth, were not your sisters to travel back home for Christmas?”

“Yes, together with Aunt and Uncle Gardiner. They are to spend Christmas with Mama, so she should not feel alone. They should arrive at Purvis Lodge today.”

“That is very good. She is with the family now, and Wickham would not dare try anything with your Uncle so close. I shall send an express to London and Netherfield today to warn Bingley and Mr. Gardiner.”

Elizabeth clenched her hands tightly together over her belly. Darcy sat beside her and wrapped her into his embrace. “Do not worry yourself, dearest. Everything shall be all right.”

“How can you be so sure?” she whispered, a single tear running down her cheek.

Darcy wiped the tear tenderly with his thumb. “The most important thing is that Kitty informed us about what is happening. Now we know what to do. Leave it to me, sweetheart. Lydia will stay at Purvis Lodge. Kitty will return to school after the New Year alone.”

“Oh William, but I cannot imagine what we will do with Lydia later. We cannot keep constantly watched over for the rest of her life. What if he tries again in a few months?”

“Lizzy, I shall deal with him. My uncle, the earl, has powerful friends, and I have a few influential acquaintances from Cambridge as well. They will not refuse me help. Some of them know Wickham's ways very well. Perhaps we will manage to put him on a ship to the West Indies under some pretext so he will never return to England. I promise you, I shall deal with him, and we will not hear about him ever again.”

Elizabeth did not answer this, but snuggled closer to him.

“You must promise me one thing, you will not worry yourself about this.” Darcy kissed her forehead. “You must remember your health and about the baby. Your worrying is certainly not good for him.You have said yourself that he can feel everything you feel.”

Elizabeth nodded her head into his chest and then looked up at him with a smile. “You said `he.' You think the baby is a boy?”

He smiled back at her. “I do not know it, but for certain I would not mind a girl. She would wrap me around her little finger in no time, the same as you did.”

“And Georgiana.”

“Yes, and Georgiana.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Now, you will go to your room and have a rest, perhaps take a nap.”

“Shall you come to me?”

“Yes, but first I shall write the letters to your Uncle and Bingley.” Darcy gently lifted her up to her feet and kissed her hands “Everything is under control, dearest. Trust me.”

Elizabeth smiled weakly at him and left the room slowly. Only then did Darcy murmur to himself. “I shall destroy him.”

Chapter XIX

It was one of the quiet evenings at Pemberley, a week before Christmas. The Darcys were sitting in the smaller, informal parlour, enjoying Georgiana's music. Elizabeth, with her back supported comfortably against her husband's chest, listened to the melancholic melody the girl played. Darcy's hand alternated between stroking his wife's arm and rubbing her belly.

Georgiana knew the composition by heart, her big blue eyes most often gazing dreamily in the space in front of her.

On lifting her eyes from the keys another time, she stopped her fingers' movements and cried. “Cousin Richard!” She stood up abruptly and ran towards the tall blonde man standing by the door, throwing herself into his arms more in the manner of a small child, rather than an almost grown up young lady.

Colonel Fitzwilliam caught her into his embrace, lifted her off the floor, and let a dramatic sigh when doing so. “How are you, sweetling? A bit heavier, are you not?”

“Oh, Cousin Richard, you are always jesting with me.” Georgiana stepped from him, huffing, her hands enfolded in front of her body, but her eyes still smiling at him. “You have come to spend Christmas with us?”

“I have a month's leave from my regiment at last.” Fitzwilliam began explaining, his eyes never leaving Elizabeth, who stood up from her place and with a smile on her face and started walking slowly into his direction. “I am on way to Matlock; I plan to spend Christmas with my parents. I thought I could stay here for a day or two, if I do not intrude.”

“Certainly not. You are always most welcome, Colonel Fitzwilliam.” Elizabeth spoke warmly while he bent over her hand, kissing it gently. “It is only a shame you cannot stay longer than a few days.” Elizabeth continued with a friendly smile. “We expect Lord and Lady Matlock around New Year.”

Georgiana attached herself to Fitzwilliam's arm. “Oh, yes, Cousin Richard, you simply must stay longer.”

Colonel Fitzwilliam did not manage to respond to the young girl's plea because Darcy moved towards them, standing firmly behind his wife, his hands on her shoulders. “It is good to see you, Cousin.” he said in a polite, neutral tone, holding his right hand in the direction of Fitzwilliam, with his other arm wrapped safely around his wife's middle.

“Thank you, Darcy.” Fitzwilliam bowed his head and shook the proffered hand. A small amused smile crossed his face when he eyed Darcy, who was barely noticeably, but still steadily pulling Elizabeth closer to himself.

“I had not yet the opportunity to congratulate you on your wedding, and as I can see, the impeding birth of your first child.” Fitzwilliam's gaze rested on Elizabeth's belly.

Elizabeth put her hands on her slightly rounded belly and blushed lightly. “We thank you, Colonel Fitzwilliam.”

The colonel smiled at Elizabeth warmly. “I wish you every happiness.”

“We thank you, Cousin.” Darcy spoke formally, his posture stiff, his hand covering his wife's hand on their child's bulge.

Fitzwilliam seemed to ignore Darcy's words, because his gaze still rested on Elizabeth. “Mrs. Darcy, I must say you look positively radiant; glowing, I would say.”

“It is because I am so happy.” Elizabeth spoke softly, taking a small step back, leaning against the tall frame of her husband and looking up at him. Darcy instantly reacted to her movement, his hand wrapping more securely over her middle, his eyes melting into hers.

Fitzwilliam stared at the couple for a moment, and seeing that they were lost in their own world, he gathered Georgiana under his arm and spoke. “So, sweetie, tell me what new compositions have you learned on the pianoforte.”

“Oh, so many, Cousin, since you had the opportunity to listen last. I played the newest one before you came. I can play it now for you.” Georgiana spoke eagerly, already pulling him in the direction of the pianoforte.

“Georgiana, I think that Colonel Fitzwilliam may be tired and hungry.” Elizabeth spoke, gently stepping forward from her husband's embrace.

Georgiana let a soft gasp. “Oh, you are so right, Lizzy. I have not thought.”

“Do not fret yourself, little one.” The man smiled at the girl. “A few hours on horseback is nothing for an old soldier like myself. I will be happy to listen to you.”

Georgiana shook her head so vehemently that her artfully arranged glossy blond curls bobbed. “No, my sister is right. You must rest first and eat something warm.”

Elizabeth stepped closer to the Colonel. “We have already dined, but I will ask Mrs. Reynolds to set the table in the smaller dining room, or perhaps you would prefer to have your dinner served in the guest room upstairs.”

Fitzwilliam bowed with a smile. “I thank you Mrs. Darcy, the smaller dining room sounds very well indeed.”


“It has been a very pleasant evening, has it not?” Elizabeth remarked, her tone light and pleasant, sitting by her vanity and brushing her dark curls.

“Yes.” It was the only reply she was given.

Elizabeth looked carefully at her husband's grumpy reflection in the mirror in front of herself. She turned to him on the stool. “You will not tell me that you are still jealous over your cousin?”

Darcy enfolded his hands over his chest. “Did you not see the way he looked at you? He forgets you are not Miss Bennet anymore.”

Elizabeth smiled to herself, turning her back to him again. He sounded like a little boy in a grown up man's body. “Well, you certainly did everything short of breaching propriety to show him that I am yours; keeping me so closely pinned to your side the entire evening.” She glanced at him, her brow raised at him in the looking glass.

“You are my wife. I have every right to keep you by my side.” Darcy pronounced haughtily.

“William, I noticed that your cousin was laughing at your attitude a bit.” Elizabeth removed her elegant earrings, another present from Darcy, and put them carefully back into their box. “I saw him smiling secretively a few times on noticing how you were pulling me to yourself.”

“Are you coming to bed or not?” Darcy huffed.

Elizabeth stood up from her vanity, shaking her head with a smile and removed her dressing gown. She walked to the bed, reached for the covers and pulled them aside. She climbed on the bed and knelt in front of Darcy.

She reached to the hem of her nightgown, pulled it up and drew it over her head. “Come here.” she whispered, bringing him to her chest.

Darcy instantly buried his head in the valley between her breasts, his hands on her tummy. She tugged at his nightshirt and removed it as well. Next she pushed him on his back, and her lips began the slow journey from his throat down his body.

When she reached his manhood, she took it gently in her hand and wrapped her fingers around it. Leaning over, she placed a soft kiss on the tip of it. His throaty growl broke the silence of the room. Still cradling him in her palm, she leaned over and muffled his moans with a kiss.

She straddled him and began rubbing her private area against him. She closed her eyes at the pleasure of it, and then without hesitation, positioned him at the entrance to her body.

“Slowly love, you will hurt yourself.” Darcy placed his hands on her hips, trying to stop her.

“I am fine.” She half moaned, half groaned, taking her husband fully into her body, her eyes half closed, her head thrown back.

They began moving together, Darcy mesmerized with the vision of his love, rising and falling above him. She was beautiful. For some time, he simply stared at her before he reached his hand forward, stroking her rounded belly, and then rubbing the secret spot beneath it, the one hidden in her clipped damp curls. She reacted almost instantly, shutting her eyes tightly, biting her lower lip. Soon he felt her body grasping him tightly, and in consequence, bringing him abruptly to his own release.


The next day, Colonel Fitzwilliam was walking briskly towards the manor after his morning walk. He smiled broadly, noticing Elizabeth trotting down the lane in front of the house. Even from the distance, he could see how lovely she looked. She wore a thick velvet coat with fur around her neck and cuffs, with a matching bonnet with a big ribbon tied under her chin in the same shade of rich green. When she saw him, her face lite up and she waved at him. The colonel smiled back and hastened his pace.

Colonel Fitzwilliam bowed politely in front of the lady. “Taking the early morning air, I see, madam.”

Elizabeth smiled merrily and the man, as he stared at the pretty picture she made; her cheeks flushed, eyes sparkling, the puffs of air coming from her soft looking pink lips.

“It is not that early at all, Colonel Fitzwilliam; it is almost noon.” Elizabeth spoke lightly.

“Ah, yes. I feel ashamed that I languished in bed so long.”

“You have every right, sir, especially after such an exhausting journey yesterday. Moreover, we kept you quite long last evening. Georgiana has learned many new songs since the time you last saw each other.” Elizabeth raised her brow knowingly.

“Yes, she certainly has. I want to I thank you for the breakfast you sent to my room, Mrs. Darcy. It was very thoughtful of you.”

“You are welcome. When you did not descend to break fast with us downstairs, I simply thought you would perhaps like to have a warm meal when you awoke.”

“As I said, that was very kind of you.” The colonel took Elizabeth's hand, squeezed it gently and looked into her eyes. “I am not used to anybody taking care of me so much.”

Elizabeth did not respond to this; only kept smiling at him, but at the same time tried to remove her hand from his slowly.

“May I accompany you on your walk, Mrs. Darcy?” the colonel spoke at last.

“But you have just returned from yours, have you not?”

“I am not tired.” Fitzwilliam offered his arm.

Elizabeth accepted it with a polite smile and Fitzwilliam felt her leaning heavily on him. “But I warn you, sir, that I walk only back and forth this path today.”

“Just back and forth such short path? Forgive me, Mrs. Darcy, but I remember you to have ventured upon much longer walks as yet Miss Bennet.” Fitzwilliam teased her.

“Ah, yes, but back then, I had not the pleasure of carrying this little fellow everywhere with me.” Elizabeth placed her free hand on her belly and smiled up at her companion.

Fitzwilliam eyes rested on her already visibly rounded stomach. “That was thoughtless of me. I have forgotten your state for a moment. You are not feeling well?” His expression clouded.

Elizabeth shook her head smilingly. “I am very well, and I walk every day, but not as far as before, perhaps. It is just today, the ground is covered with snow and slippery, and I could fall easily. Moreover, this morning, my husband had some urgent letters to attend, so he could not accompany me as usual. This path is well cleared and sprinkled with sand, so I can walk without fear. I have also promised William that I would walk in front of the windows so he could see me from his study.” Elizabeth's gaze flew into the direction of the manor.

“I should not be surprised.” Fitzwilliam smirked. “This sounds very much like my cousin.”

“Yes, he is most caring towards me, and Georgiana as well, of course.” Elizabeth spoke softly.

They walked in silence for a few minutes when Elizabeth raised her head at the man beside her. “Colonel Fitzwilliam, I want to thank you for what you did and how you acted that day in Kent. You really helped me back then. I was almost on the verge of… well not behaving like a lady to say the least.”

“You mean you wanted to hit my cousin over his head another time if he called you dearest or tried to embrace you?”

“Yes, I did.” Elizabeth laughed. “How do you know?”

“You have very expressive features; and my cousin tends to treat women he cares for as weak kittens or abandoned lambs.”

“That is true, but I must say I have learned to appreciate this in him, along with many other admirable traits.”

“I am glad to see you so content.” Fitzwilliam stopped, covering Elizabeth's hand resting on his arm with his. “I always wished you well.”

Elizabeth gave him a warm look. “I know.”

They resumed their walk, and Fitzwilliam continued. “Despite Darcy's fortune and position in the world, I have never really envied him. Being the second son has some privileges, you have more freedom, you are not the one responsible for the welfare and good name of the entire family. However, now I feel I do envy him. He deserves his happiness, more than anyone, I think. But when I look at his life and compare it to mine, I feel emptiness, I feel that there is something crucial lacking in my own life.”

The man stopped and faced Elizabeth. “A wife whom I could adore, knowing she returns my feelings, and soon the child, some remnant of my life.”

Elizabeth's eyes looked into the man's sincerely. “You are still a young man, sir. You can still have all of this.”

The corners of his mouth lifted sadly. “I am not so sure. I always thought it would be reasonable, even expected in my situation to marry a well dowered lady, but now I know I want more than that.” Fitzwilliam stared at Elizabeth earnestly, so she could not mistake his meaning. She lowered her eyes and looked to the side uneasily.

“Pray tell me, Mrs. Darcy.” Fitzwilliam spoke after a long moment of silence. “You have four sisters? Am I correct?”

Elizabeth smiled to herself, guessing his intention. “Yes, sir, but my two youngest sisters Kitty and Lydia are only Georgiana's age. Mary, who is nineteen, seems to be more interested in reading and practicing the pianoforte than anything else. Whereas my eldest sister, Jane, who is by far the most beautiful of all of us, not to mention the most even tempered, has been engaged these last three months.”

“Is it this sister of yours who was…?” Fitzwilliam spoke hesitantly.

“Yes, it is Jane. She is engaged to Mr. Bingley.”

“So, all ended well.”

Elizabeth just nodded, looking at the snow hills behind the park.

“I imagine it was one of your conditions for my cousin.” Fitzwilliam spoke lightly, but Elizabeth's form supported on his arm stiffened and she gave him a sharp look.

“Forgive me. It is your private matter, which should not be of my interest.”

“Yes, it should not.”

There was a moment of an awkward silence when Fitzwilliam spoke again in a neutral, light tone. “So, you expect your eldest sister to marry soon?”

Elizabeth gave a little sigh. “No, not so soon, I am afraid. Jane is decided to wait till the end of the mourning period. And if so, the wedding should take place in May, but such a date would make it impossible for me to attend it. Jane wishes all her sisters to be at her wedding, but I will not be able to travel with a small baby, and I cannot imagine leaving a little one in its first months. I am trying to convince Jane to arrange a quiet wedding in spring and visit us for the summer. However, my sister…” Elizabeth's stopped on seeing her husband coming towards them.

Her face broke into a bright smile, and abandoning her companion's arm, she ran forward through the snow in the direction of the approaching man.

“Elizabeth, stay where you are! You might fall!” Darcy cried, running towards her rapidly. Elizabeth stopped, waiting till her husband reached her. She was given a quick hug, and both of them turned towards Fitzwilliam.

“You cannot imagine how difficult is to keep her home, Cousin. If the child is to take after her in that, he or she will cry `outside' first thing after waking up in the morning.”

“William, I walked along the path as you recommended; and Colonel Fitzwilliam offered his arm, so I was quite safe.” Elizabeth pouted.

“And pray tell me how you will explain that wild running a moment ago?” Darcy glared at her from his great height.

Elizabeth placed both of her hands on his arm and looked up at him with a sweet smile. “You always say you admire my lively spirit, and I could simply not contain myself when I saw you.”

“You have managed to effectively silence your husband, I think, Mrs. Darcy.” Fitzwilliam noticed jestingly when Darcy failed to find a suitable retort to his wife's words, too much lost into her pretty eyes.


“That is an excellent port, Darcy.” Colonel Fitzwilliam remarked when the cousins sat in the library later that day, after dinner.

“Of my own import.” Darcy remarked, casually stretched in the comfortable chair.

“You want to say that you involved yourself in business of sorts.” Richard looked up at the other man, stunned expression on his face. “That is rather unexpected.”

“ I invested some sum in the business of Elizabeth's uncle, and I have received my first profits already. You remember Mr. Gardiner?”

“Do I remember him?” Fitzwilliam's brows rose high on his forehead. “I thought he would tear us apart when we escorted his niece unchaperoned to his door.”

Darcy ignored his cousin's remark and continued matter of factly. “He is a very sharp businessman. I am seriously considering investing more than the initial five thousand pounds into his company.”

“I have a small capital put aside.” Fitzwilliam leaned back into his armchair. “Would you think that Mr. Gardiner could be possibly interested in taking another partner?”

“Oh, I think he would. His company develops itself rapidly. I shall write to him, but on the condition you will never mention to Lord Matlock that I invest money from Pemberley in trade.”

Fitzwilliam raised his hand in a defensive gesture. “You do not have to tell me this. I know very well my father's views on the subject of the gentry earning its income from sources other than land.”

“Times are changing.” Darcy spoke in a confident voice. “It is unavoidable; sooner or later, the landowners must start looking for different possibilities, especially if they want to keep the estates prospering and whole.”

“I agree with you, Darcy.” Fitzwilliam nodded. “But my father is of another generation. I leave it to my elder brother to explain such things to him.”

“On the other hand, Uncle did not mind matchmaking you with that lady whose father's fortune was from trade, did he not?” Darcy smirked.

“Just because her mother was our distant cousin.” The other man pointed out and continued more seriously. “I find it very hard to imagine that I will ever find myself a woman who would suit me and want me at the same time. You should appreciate your own situation, Darcy. Your wife is truly… she loves you for yourself, you know. When I talked with her earlier today, she spoke very highly of you. She admires and respects you.”

There was a moment of silence between two men before Darcy spoke. “I should thank you, Cousin. If not for your persuasion that morning at Rosings, I am not sure if all of this would have happened.”

“It would, Darcy, it would; I am sure of that. I know you Cousin.” Fitzwilliam smiled at the other man. “You would have run to her the moment you learned about her situation after Mr. Bennet's death.”

“Still I thank you, Cousin.” Darcy spoke earnestly.

“You are welcome, and in return, I reserve myself the role of the godfather to your firstborn son.”

Darcy bowed his head. “We will be honoured, Richard.”

The men returned to sipping their drinks and did not speak further, each seemed to be engrossed in his own thoughts. Suddenly, the door opened violently and a crying, shaking, tear stricken Elizabeth stood in the entrance.

“William, the express came from Uncle Gardiner...” She ran to her husband.

“What is the matter?” Darcy was already beside her, enfolding her into his protective embrace.

“It is Lydia…” Elizabeth raised her anguished eyes to him. “Oh, William, she has eloped with... she gave herself in the power of Mr. Wickham…”


It was well past midnight when Darcy entered the darkened Mistress' bedroom. He tried not to make a sound while removing his clothing, so as not to wake his wife, but the moment he approached the bed, he heard Elizabeth's voice.

“William?” she whispered, turning to the bedside and with trembling hands trying to light the candle.

Darcy stopped unbuttoning his shirt and sat beside her. “You are not sleeping?” He took the matches from her and lit the candle.

“I dozed off a little, but I cannot stop thinking.” Elizabeth supported her back against the headboard and clenched her hands nervously together over her belly. “ Stupid…stupid, thoughtless Lydia, a wrenched mistake. What will happen with her? Will he marry her?”

Darcy combed away a few curls which fell on her face. “I am quite sure he will marry her, sweetheart. He wants to be paid off again; it is that simple. It was the only reason why he involved himself with Georgiana, and now Lydia.”

Elizabeth shook her head. “I do not understand him. He is young, healthy and intelligent. He had such great opportunities to succeed in life thanks to your father's generosity, and he wasted it all. He should try to gain fortune and position in the world due to his own hard work and caring.”

“Elizabeth, not everyone is like your uncle, Mr. Gardiner.”

“I know.” She whispered miserably and lifted her worried eyes to him. “Why will he not leave us in peace?”

Darcy sighed heavily and leaned to her, his hand going on the bulge of their child. “How is the baby?”

A pale smile appeared on Elizabeth's face. “It is fine. It was kicking.”

“You see; and it is all that is really important.” Darcy murmured against her temple, his hand stroking her tummy. He separated from her only to divest himself of the rest of his clothing. Next he blew out the candle and slipped under the covers. He gathered her into his arms, arranging her by his side, her head on his chest, her warm hard tummy pressed against his thigh.

“Georgiana was so wonderful when the news arrived.” Elizabeth whispered after a while. “She stayed calm and composed while I went nearly hysterical.”

Darcy stroked her hair. “Yes, I could not be more proud of her.”

“You know she kept me company here until I fell asleep, all the time reminding me that I should not worry myself so because it was not good for the baby. She said you would take care of everything and that all would be well.”

“And you should listen to her in that respect.” Darcy gave her a squeeze. “I discussed the whole plan of action with Colonel Fitzwilliam. He agreed to go with me to London. He has more experience in such matters than me.”

Elizabeth lifted on her elbow abruptly. “You are going to London? But Lydia wrote in a letter she left on her bed at Purvis Lodge that they would go straight to Gretna Green.”

“No, Elizabeth, perhaps Wickham told her that, but I am sure they went to London. I will send a man to Gretna Green to make sure that they are not there, but it would be pointless for Wickham to marry her so soon. I know his way of thinking. He first will compromise her so there would be no other solution for her than to marry him. Then he will demand to be paid to save her reputation.”

Elizabeth buried her head into his chest. “It is so horrible …”

“Shhhh…” Darcy murmured, bringing her closer to himself, kissing her forehead and rubbing her tummy soothingly. “Try to fall asleep.”

“I would wish to go with you.” Elizabeth whispered.

“I know, but you know that would not be wise. I want to be assured that you are safe and sound here.” Darcy caught her lips in a sweet, short kiss. “Oh, you see we have awakened the baby.” He pressed his hand more firmly to the side of her belly, where his could feel his child's lazy movements.

Elizabeth sighed quietly and murmured. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed her tenderly again. “Now it is high time to close your eyes, Mrs. Darcy. I want to catch a few hours of sleep before dawn.”

Chapter XX

It was early afternoon, Christmas Eve. The day was grey, cold and rainy. The two elegant carriages stopped in front of the shabby, narrow, two story terrace house in the less than safe and respectable part of London. The four men stepped out, and after a short exchange of words, one of them stayed by the carriage while the other three walked to the entrance. The tallest of them stepped forward and knocked decidedly on the scratched door. It opened after a long moment, and a young woman, in her early thirties perhaps, answered.

“Mrs. Younge.” Darcy spoke coldly, without taking trouble to even nod his head in front of the lady. “We are here to see Mr. Wickham.”

The woman stared deftly at the gentlemen in front of her, not speaking a word and not making a move.

Colonel Fitzwilliam let an exasperated sigh and stepped forward, pushing the woman rudely aside, as if she had been no more than a bothersome object.

The men entered the small, dingy looking, dirty and smelly hall, with leaks apparent on the brownish walls; each of them looking around suspiciously.

“Well, well, what a visit.” The man's voice was heard from the landing on the stairs. All three pairs of eyes shot up to see George Wickham. He wore only his trousers and a simple white shirt, not even buttoned up completely. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had not shaved for several days. His hair was dishevelled and unwashed. He walked slowly down, a cynical smile gracing his countenance.

“What an honour.” He gave a deep bow, then he eyed each of the men. “Mr. Darcy of Pemberley, Colonel Fitzwilliam, second son of the Earl of Matlock, and Mr. Gardiner, the owner of the best shipping company in town, I hear. It is a great honour to have all of you call on us.” He bowed almost theatrically again, his hand on his heart. “Great honour.”

“Enough with the honours, man.” Mr. Gardiner barked. “Where is my niece?”

“Ah, yes, dear Lydia, she is here, of course, but still abed, resting upstairs, I believe.” Wickham smiled maliciously, raising his eyebrow. “She had a very industrious night.”

“You son of a…” Mr. Gardiner started, making a move as if he wanted to hit the younger man, but Darcy placed his hand firmly on his arm, and stepped towards Wickham himself.

“We must talk.”

“By all means.” Wickham smiled pleasantly, making a wide gesture with his hand, motioning the men towards the door which had to be parlour of some kind. Darcy and Fitzwilliam stepped together with him, but Mr. Gardiner ran upstairs.

“Darcy, friend, Happy Christmas, by the way, I am so sorry that you had to leave your lovely and most lively, I am sure, wife alone …” Wickham started in a mocking tone, but Darcy walked to him abruptly and seethed through clenched teeth. “Not a word about my wife.”

Wickham smiled broadly. “Easy friend, easy, we are to be a family, are we not? I simply cannot wait to see my future sister, the former Miss Lizzy Bennet. I acclaim your taste, judging by her younger sister's performance in the last days, you are a most lucky man. And I have always thought Eliza to be the most accomplished of all Bennet sisters in every respect.”

Instatnly, Darcy clenched his hands around Wickham's neck and pushed him to the wall, pinning him to it.

“I said, not a word about my wife.” Darcy muttered hoarsely.

“I will not stop him.” Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke calmly from his place by the window.

Wickham said nothing to this, being perhaps more concentrated on trying to catch his breath. Darcy released him slowly, walking away from him to the other end of the room. After a few moments of silence, Darcy spoke first, his voice clear and controlled. “You will marry Lydia tomorrow. We have acquired the special license. Everything is prepared. My sister will spend the night at her aunt and uncle's house, and you will meet her tomorrow, at eleven o'clock at St. Martin's.”

Darcy did not glance even once in the direction of Wickham while speaking the last words. He lifted his gaze only when the sounds of someone walking down the stairs were heard. Soon Mr. Gardiner appeared in the entrance with Lydia under his arm, her head cradled on his chest. She was hiding her face, and only once did she look up at the men gathered in the room. Darcy took in her features instantly; she did not look beaten, but she was very pale, with dark shadows under her eyes. She looked small, fragile and very frightened. She was covered in a blanket, from under which the crumpled nightgown was peeking.

“I am taking her home.” Mr. Gardiner spoke, exchanging the looks with Darcy, and already moving towards the exit with his niece still tightly drawn to his side.

Darcy walked to the window and observed Bingley helping to put Lydia inside one of the carriages. Charles talked shortly with Mr. Gardiner, before the older man stepped in as well and the carriage departed.

“What about her dowry?” Wickham's voice cut the silence.

“How much?” Darcy asked calmly.

“Thirty thousand pounds, plus the payment of all my debts.” Wickham spoke quickly.

“You are out of your mind, Wickham.” Colonel Fitzwilliam gave a short, unpleasant laugh. “You will get one third of it, not a penny more. As for your debts, they are bought out already. The choice is yours; you take what you are offered and marry Miss Lydia, otherwise the prison for debtors.”

“I can go to prison, I do not care.” Wickham spoke nonchalantly and added firmly, looking through narrowed eyes at Darcy. “Thirty thousand pounds.”

“I will pay.”

“Darcy!” Fitzwilliam cried, frowning at his cousin.

Darcy seemed to overlook his cousin's protest and took his top hat and gloves, directing himself already to the doors. “Be at the church, tomorrow at eleven o'clock. I will bring the settlement papers.”

A satisfied, and at the same time full of contempt smile crept on Wickham's countenance. “You see, Fitzwilliam. He will pay.” He walked closer to Darcy and spoke in a low voice. “He will pay because he would not be able to bear his lovely wife crying her pretty eyes over her poor younger sister living in shame.”

Darcy moved past Wickham, his face frozen, devoid of any expression. “Cousin, we are going.”

The cousins were already by the door when Wickham walked after them and cried almost cheerfully. “When the matters have been settled to everybody's satisfaction, will you not stay a little longer and drink to the memory of old times? Years ago when we were children and we all played together at Pemberley?”

Colonel Fitzwilliam turned his head slightly, and glanced at Wickham mockingly. “You are ridiculous, Wickham. You will never be accepted at Pemberley. And remember this well; you are just a servant's son, you never were, and you never will be one of us. You are nobody. Accept this at last.”

For a split of second, an unreadable expression crossed Wickham's face, but then he smiled again and cried jovially. “What a shame, we are to be brothers after all. I almost forgot Darcy.” He raised his voice because Darcy was already in the hall. “Congratulations on the impeding birth of your first child. You did not waste your time for sure to get her with babe. But I am not surprised, not in the least.”

Colonel Fitzwilliam's cold eyes narrowed, and he muttered. “Wickham, you are stepping on shaky ground.”

However, Wickham seemingly ignored the warning and spoke even louder, noticing that Darcy stilled, and though he was turned with his back to the other men, the slight movement of his hand and his fingers clenching his top hat, suggested he was listening carefully. “I am so pleased we are to be family. Brothers at last.” Wickham walked closer. “We share common things already, you know. I guess your sweet sister and your lively wife have never confessed to you how close we were in the past. We have our secrets, you know. I am in great anticipation to cultivate my very special friendship with them. All will stay in the family. ”

The next moment Wickham received a punch in his stomach, and a few furious kicks when he was already lying on the floor.

“I told you not to refer to my wife.” Darcy muttered furiously, standing over Wickham, who was bent in half, blood coming from his mouth. “I shall pay you nothing. We will meet tomorrow at dawn for a duel. You will pay for everything you have done. I should have done it a long time ago. You are not worth my wife and sister's tears and suffering.”

Wickham lifted himself slowly to his knees. “Do not be stupid, Darcy. I fence better than you, I have always beaten you before. You will not make your son an orphan, even before it is born.” He wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve. “But you know.” He looked up at Darcy. “It would not be that bad idea after all. Elizabeth would be a lovely widow for sure. I would take good care of her and the baby as a caring brother-in- law.”

“Tomorrow at dawn at Chalk Farm.” Darcy spat and fled from the home.

Colonel Fitzwilliam caught up with him only when he was outside. “Darcy, do not do it!” he cried, catching the other man's arm.

“Did you not hear? You would let him offend Georgiana and Elizabeth like this?” Darcy ranged.

“No, but he is right, he is a better fencer. I can defeat him. I have experience in battle and you have only fenced for sport. Let me do it.”

“Colonel Fitzwilliam is right, Darcy.” Bingley remarked, looking worriedly at his best friend.

“Let me stand instead of you.” Fitzwilliam tried to meet his cousin's eye. “I will finish him with pleasure.”

“I will do it myself.” Darcy snapped through clenched teeth, his eyes on the muddy ground beneath him.

Fitzwilliam placed a calming hand on Darcy's shoulder. “Darcy, your wife is in confinement, consider that. She needs you whole and most importantly, alive. Just imagine what would happen to her if anything happened to you.”

“I can protect my own family.” Darcy cried furiously and stepped into the carriage.


He was at Pemberley. It was summer, and it was hot. Everything seemed to be somehow bigger than he knew; the manor, the pond. Everything was fragrant, and there were big colourful butterflies flying everywhere and bees buzzing around him. He was chasing the butterflies when he stopped in front of a lady in a flowery dress. Then he noticed he was not his own self; he was a child again. He raised his head and saw his mother, so young and beautiful, leaning over him, smiling at him, stroking his curls. She looked like Georgiana. Then he felt himself being picked up from behind, twirled in the air a few times, and being seated high on his father strong arms.

“Are you all right there, son?” He heard his father's deep voice. He wanted to answer, but then the scenery changed.

He was… Where was he? Yes… Oxford. He entered the inn and someone wanted, some common drunk was trying to hit him with a chair. He stopped the chair, and threw it, together with the man, to the other side of the room. Then he saw a young skinny blond boy being held tightly from behind by one man, while the other hit him in the stomach. It was Bingley. He punched the man so he was lain flat on the floor and took Bingley outside. There, the very young Charles, spitting up blood said. “I thank you, sir. My name's Bingley. I am a freshman.”

Then he was in the music room at Pemberley. Georgiana was playing for him on the new pianoforte he had bought for her. He closed his eyes, listening to the music, and when he opened them, the view had changed one more time. He was in his bedroom at Pemberley, naked on the bed, lying on his back. Elizabeth straddled him, gasping softly while making love to him. Her head was thrown back, her hands clasping his legs for support, her very long hair strewing down around her form, catching at her stiff nipples. She moaned harshly, squeezed him inside her and exclaimed. “I love you, William!” He thought it had to be a dream, because she had cut her hair just before the wedding. Perhaps it was their future when her hair would have grown back?

There were no more visions. He thought he sensed some people beside him. Georgiana, Richard, Jane and Bingley. Bingley… who was shaving him? And Elizabeth. There was Elizabeth for sure. He could smell her scent. He also felt her lying next to him; he felt her heat and her fingers stroking his face. Another time, it was night, and it was dark in the room. There was just a candle on the bedside and the light from the fireplace. She was beside him, and his hand was placed on some warm hard to touch bulge. She was whispering. “Can you feel him? He is moving. He is kicking…. your son, William. Open your eyes, dearest. Open your eyes, my love.” He felt her warm soft lips on his forehead, and soon, her wet cheek next to his. “You have to wake up, William. We need you.”

The next thing he saw was Georgiana, looming over him. “Elizabeth, he is looking at me! Elizabeth he is awake!” Georgiana cried, cupping his cheek.
He remembered sleeping and waking interchangeably later; the doctor next to him all the time, Georgiana once again and Elizabeth. She looked different. Her figure had changed. Her belly was well rounded. She was walking more slowly, and she rubbed her back from time to time when lifting from the chair.

One day when he woke, he felt strong enough to keep his eyes open for more than a few moments. Elizabeth sat in the armchair opposite the bed reading, while Georgiana studied some music sheets sitting in another chair by the window. He tried to speak, but his throat felt dry and clenched, and only a quiet rasping sound came from it.

They had to hear it, because both of them ran to his bed instantly. Elizabeth brought a cup with water to his mouth and Georgiana supported his head so he could drink it.

“You shall be fine, Brother.” Georgiana smiled at him, gently putting his head back on the pillow. “Doctor said your life is not in danger any more.”

He stared at her. “My life…”

Georgiana stroked his cheek. “You have lost much blood. Later the pneumonia developed. You were unconscious for six weeks.”

His eyes widened. “Wickham…”

Georgiana put a calming hand on his chest. “He is dead. He died a week after the duel. He lost too much blood, the doctor said that more than you. But before that, Richard made him marry Lydia.”

He turned his head to the other side and looked at Elizabeth, heavy with child. “Six weeks?”

“Yes.” Georgiana spoke again. “Today is the nineteenth of February.”

Darcy looked back at his sister. “I saw Bingley.”

“Mr. Bingley and Jane married a week ago. They visit every day.” Georgiana lifted from her place beside him and walked to the side table.

Darcy turned his head slowly again and stared at Elizabeth. She was sitting somehow sternly at the far edge of the bed. He slowly took in every small detail of her lovely form. “You are all right?” His eyes rested on her large belly. “The child has grown.”

“Yes, it has. I am in the seventh month now.” Her voice sounded somehow different to him.

He tried to lift his hand to touch her, but he was too weak, and she sat too far from him to reach. “You are well?”

“Yes.” she answered shortly and averted her eyes.

“The baby is fine.”

She stayed silent for a moment, her lips tightly pressed together, before she started to speak angrily. “You did not think about me and the child when you risked your life fighting with George Wickham!” She stood up abruptly.

“Elizabeth… I had to… He offended you and Georgiana.”

“So what?” She moved closer to him, leaning over. “We do not care about that! We care about you!”

“It was my duty, my responsibility.”

“What are you speaking of? Your first duty is to me, Georgiana and the child I am carrying.” She cried, tears in her eyes. “And just because of your stupid pride, you almost made it half orphan before it was even born!” she added in a broken voice and fled the room.

Darcy wanted to stop her, to run after her. He tried to lift himself, but Georgiana stopped him, pushing him back to the pillows. “She will forgive you, Brother. She loves you very much, you know. She has barely left your side all this time. She is angry because she was so worried about you. We all were.”


In late April, Elizabeth Darcy, after a relatively easy labour, gave birth to a healthy strong boy. He was named Thomas after his maternal grandfather, and according to Mrs. Bennet, he bore great physical resemblance to her late husband. The rest of the family was not so much convinced of this, rightly thinking that the boy's features were not yet fully established at the mature age of three days when his grandmother first saw him. It was rather agreed that the infant could easily favour both his mother and father, having very large, dark eyes and thick black hair when he was born.

However, in the years to come, Mrs. Bennet's first impression of her grandson proved to be quite accurate. Thomas Darcy, though, inherited his father's calm character and rather reserved disposition (the traits which for certain allowed him a great deal of patience when dealing with his four younger, most lively little sisters) was called more than once Mr. Bennet's mirror image by people who knew his grandfather in person.

Over the years, all of the Bennet sisters married, and all of them in the end left Hertfordshire. Mr. and Mrs. Bingley moved to Derbyshire in the second year of their marriage, buying a good estate with the help of Mr. Darcy. Catherine Bennet married Mr. Wakefield, her brother-in-law's old university friend, whom she met during one of her stays at Pemberley. They spent most of the year in his estate in Yorkshire. Mary Bennet married Mr. Ashton, who was the parson at Kympton, the vicarage which had been once designed for George Wickham. She found that the life of a parson's wife suited her very well indeed, and the rumour had that the excellent sermons delivered by her husband were of her authorship. This way, all four sisters came to live close together, within a day's travel from each other.

The author would wish to say that the youngest Bennet sister, Lydia, after the past experiences with her elopement and all the sorrow which this decision brought to the entire family, had undergone a groundbreaking change of her character, which would make her less self-centred and egoistic. Unfortunately, though she confessed to her mother and sisters her late husband to be a common drunkard and brute, her general view of the world did not alter much. At the age of nineteen, she was introduced to a retired Admiral, who managed to collect a great fortune serving for over thirty years at sea. The man was convinced to be in love with the young widow, and married her just three months after they first met, despite the fact that Mrs. Wickham was exactly the age of his eldest granddaughter. The Admiral passed away in matter of few years, leaving all his fortune to his dearest Lydia, but at the same time disinheriting his own children. Lydia refused to share, in her opinion, her rightly earned fortune with her husband's sons, and the whole affair ended in court, causing a great scandal among the elegant circles in London. At last, when Lydia at the age of four and thirty entered the state of Holy matrimony for the third time, this time choosing for a spouse extremely handsome, much younger than herself, jobless actor, the elder sisters decided, for the peacefulness of their own families and the happiness of their respectable marriages, to break almost entirely the relations with their youngest sister.

Mrs. Bennet moved north as well to see more of her daughters and take care of her grandchildren, of which she had twelve before reaching five and fifty years of age. Mr. Darcy built for his mother-in-law, a pleasant cottage on the outskirts of Pemberley Park, which she decorated according to her own taste. Her grandchildren ran to her from Pemberley every day, where she could spoil them as much as she wanted. Not wanting to favour only the children of her second daughter, she often visited for prolonged stays, her daughter Jane, residing thirty miles from Pemberley, and as well her younger daughters Kitty and Mary. Her son-in-law, Mr. Darcy, always acclaimed those visits, offering Mrs. Bennet his most elegant and comfortable carriage for her travels. He many times suggested that Mrs. Bennet should not deprive her other grandchildren of her excellent guidance and should see them as often as could be.

When moving from Hertfordshire to the north, Mrs. Bennet tried to persuade her second daughter that it was a sheer madness to transport her father's library from Purvis Lodge to Pemberley. She even called to her son-in-law's common sense in this matter, but Mr. Darcy agreed readily to fulfill his wife's wish, knowing very well how much precious those books were to his beloved. Servants from Pemberley were sent to Purvis Lodge to pack all the volumes and brought them safely to Derbyshire. Together with the books, the richly incrusted cabinet was brought, which had been locked since the days when Mr. Bennet had been yet Master of Longbourn. While carrying the piece into the manor, it was accidentally dropped on the staircase and fell open.

The inside of the cabinet, which had once so much intrigued Miss Elizabeth Bennet, amazed the entire family. There were the old jewellery, stock papers of great value, and Mr. Bennet's, or rather Lord Wharton's, last will. Apparently Mr. Bennet inherited the title of baron after his mother, when her only brother died childless. He found it to be a great joke, never mentioning this tiny little detail of being rich and titled to his daughters or wife.

The only person who did not severely judge the old gentleman's peculiar sense of humour was his son-in-law, Mr. Darcy. How relived he felt that the cabinet happened to be opened in the year 1820, when his beloved Lizzy had been safely his for the last eight years, pregnant with their third child. The situation might not have been so advantageous for him had she found the key that afternoon when they sat together on the floor in the library at Purvis Lodge, looking through Mr. Bennet's that had been moved from Longbourn after his death.

According to the documents which were found, the special rule of this particular title, which passed on Mr. Bennet, stated that the title of Baron of Wharton could be inherited through the female line, which itself was a rare thing, but not impossible. In cases where there were no living male descendants of the baron, including male cousins and their heirs (which was proved to be true in this case), the title went to the eldest son of the eldest daughter of the baron. As Lady Elizabeth Bennet was the only living sibling of the last Baron Wharton, her only son in consequence inherited the title.

Mr. Bennet's last will stated that the whole fortune, around one hundred thousand pounds placed at the bank in London, was to be divided amongst his family. Each of his daughters was to receive fifteen thousand pounds, and his wife, to her sole use, twenty thousand. His sister-in-law, Mrs. Gardiner, for her kindness bestowed towards his two eldest daughters was to receive five thousand pounds, and her husband, the stock papers, which in the year when the testament was found were estimated at twenty thousand pounds. The title, together with the family estate in Hampshire and townhouse, which at that time both had managed to go slightly into ruin, were to pass, as it happened before, on the eldest son of the eldest daughter of Lord Wharton, meaning Mr. Thomas Bennet.

Mrs. Bingley, when interrogated, admitted that their father, just before death, had been saying something about looking for the papers and money in the library, but she thought he only meant the two hundred pounds they had found in the drawer of his desk.

Miss Caroline Bingley, who in the course of years, being seriously disappointed with her brother's, in her opinion, inferior marriage, largely severed her relations with his family. She did not visit his new home in Derbyshire even once. Perhaps contributing to her decision of not venturing north was the added fact that she had been told in no uncertain terms that she would be never admitted at Pemberley, as her presence had a very bad effect on Mrs. Darcy's poor nerves. We can imagine her surprise when one day, while reading her brother-in-law's abandoned newspaper, she encountered the most sensational news. The new Lord Wharton, of previously thought to be deceased family, was now found in the person of five year-old Mr. James Bingley from Derbyshire, who inherited his title after his grandfather from the mother's side.

The End.


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