Name: ………………………………………………………….

Year: II (3-year system)

Time: 90: 00 min

TASK ONE. Provide suitable article of a/an or the where necessary. If NO article is required, put ( - )


a) …… L plate …… lunch

…… SOS …… little - known artist

…… great many …… best party

…… ten …… deaf

…… thousand …… earth orbit

…… kilo and ……. half …… Cape of Good Hope

…… half - holiday …… Sudan

10p …… dozen …… Mars


It is almost unimaginable how large (1) …… discrepancies there are between (2)…… living standards and economic system of (3) …… wealthiest and (4) …… poorest world countries. Such (5) …… differences, more strikingly, are present in every single continent in (6) …… world. Take Europe, for instance. On one hand, (7) …… oldest land in (8)…… globe seems to be (9)…… most civilized, but on (10)…… other, in such countries like Albania, people are dying from (11) …… hunger. Albania itself has been without functioning government since 1992, when (12)…… last president, Enver Hodza resigned from holding his power. Today, as a result of (13) …… destabilization of (14)…… political life there, (15)…… turmoil and (16)…… political chaos are spreading through (17)…… country. Such things are never likely to happen in any civilized corner of Europe, as in (18) …… Netherlands, in (19)…… UK, in (20)……. Germany, (21)…… France or in (22)…… Polish country.

TASK TWO. Supply the following nouns with their singular/plural forms. If any noun of these does

not possess a singular/plural equivalent, insert ( - ) instead.

eel …………. bacterium ………… oases …………

darts ………… sheaf ………… louse ………….

memorandum …………….. chaos …………

pyjamas ………… knife …………

outskirts ………… half …………..

doe ………… lioness …………..

radius ………… stairs …………

TASK THREE. Match the following uncountable and abstract nouns with their expressions of

quality/quantity and adjectives.

  1. a place for 1……. horror

  2. a jug of 2……. experience

  3. a drop of 3……. damage

  4. little 4……. beauty

  5. a source of 5……. camping

  6. justified 6……. beer

  7. lack of 7……. evil

  8. a lot of 8……. help

  9. the embodiment of 9……. oil

  10. a site of 10….. fear

  11. dazzling 11….. hope

  12. serious 12….. information

TASK FOUR. Decide which form: Simple Present or Present Continuous best suits the dialogue.

Circle the correct form then.

A: You always make/ are always making so much noise every morning! Why is it so, honey?

B: Oh, mum… don`t be silly. Every day I do / am doing the same things: I wrap / am wrapping up my

sandwiches, I pack / am packing up my lesson books and I go / am going out.

A: It seems / is seeming you try to wake me up every morning while do / doing the above things.

B: Come, on. I do not intend / am not intending to wake you up.

A: Really? I strongly doubt / am doubting in your good intentions.

B: You usually doubt / are usually doubting in everything, don`t you?

A: Don`t you think / Aren`t you thinking you should go out / be going out by now? It`s already 7o`clock.

B: I just leave / am just leaving.

A: Hey, wait a little. It pours!/ It is pouring! Why don`t you wait / are you not waiting till the rain stops / is


B: All right. I wait / am waiting a sec, then.

TASK FIVE. From the fragments, form up full, grammatically correct sentences in Present Perfect

Simple or Continuous Tense.

  1. How long / you work / in this company?

  1. You / already / finish your homework ?

  1. We / wait for an hour / but there be still no sign of him.

  1. I / not see Tom this morning / He must / disappear.

  1. A: I / look for / my stamps

B: You / find / any ?

  1. Jerry / have a bad car crash. (he is probably still in hospital).

  1. She / ring up/ three times this morning already.

  1. A: You / ever/ fall off a horse?

B: Yes, I / fall off quite often.

TASK SIX. Put the verbs in brackets into the Simple Past or Past Continuous Tense.

  1. When I (reach) the street I (realize) that I (not know) the number of Tom`s house. I (wonder) what to do about it when Tom himself (tap) me on the shoulder.

  1. I (look) through the classroom window. An English class (go) on. The teacher (explain) grammar tenses on the blackboard and (ask) questions.

  1. Most of the students (listen) to the teacher but a few (whisper) to each other, and Mandy (read) a history book. Mandy (hate) English; she always (read) history during her English lesson.

  1. They (build) that bridge when I (be) here last year. They haven`t finished it yet.

  1. The dentist`s waiting room was full of people. Some (read) magazines, others just (turn) over the pages or (watch) TV. A woman (knit); a kid (play) with a toy car. Suddenly the door (open) and the nurse (say) `Next, please!'.

  1. A: The house next to yours (be) full of policemen and police hounds yesterday.

B: What they (do)?

A: I (hear) that they (look) for drugs.

B: They (find) any?

A: I believe one of the hounds (discover) some cannabis.

  1. While I (wonder) whether to buy this expensive palmtop or not, someone else (come) and (buy) it.

  1. As it (rain) the children (play) in the sitting room. Dad was there too. He (try) to write a letter but he (not get on) very well because the kids (keep) on asking him questions.

  1. A: How you (break) your leg? B: I (fall) off a ladder when I (put) up curtains.

  1. As they (walk) along the road they (hear) a car coming from behind them. The guide (turn) round and (hold) his hand. The car (stop).

TASK SEVEN. Fill in the following sentences with common phrases used with Present Perfect


(1). `Um, that`s ………………….! Do you think the boss will strongly complain about the crashed monitor?

(2). After several failures and disasters, Sarah …………… finally …………. and last week she was

promoted within the corporation.

(3). When someone is in a real trouble we can say to him: `You …………………….. !'

(4). Now you ………………………… ! So what are we going to do now with such a mess?

(5). A: What happened to Paul at the meeting? As a chairman he should be composed I believe.

B: Well, he ………………………….. it, I think.

(6). After I have done all this donkey work for you, I am fed up. I do not want to do any more. In other words:

I …………………………….. .

(7). Wow! They …………………………… ! They defeated MU and they come to the next round!

(8). A: If you are such an expert on the field of biology, do tell me when did the last dinosaur perish?

B: Man, you ………………………………..! I haven`t got the faintest idea when it was….

TASK EIGHT. Decide whether the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous best fits each bracket.

  1. A: I (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning

B: How many you (make) so far?

A: I (make) 300.

  1. That girl (eat) seven ice - creams and she (not stop) eating since she arrived.

  1. I (grease) my car. That is why my hands are so dirty.

  1. He (collect) matchboxes ever since he left school. Now he (collect) so many that he doesn`t know where to put them.

  1. A pair of eagles (build) a nest in the porch since last week. I (watch) them from my window since they began.

  1. Everyone is convinced that there is gold in these hills of Bangor City, but we (search) for 6 months and (not see) any sign of it.

  1. It was lovely at ten o`clock, but since then the sky (get) steadily darker and the wind (rise).I am afraid the fine spell (come) to an end.

  1. That guy (stand) at the bus stop for the last half hour. Shall I tell him that the last bus already (go)?

TASK NINE. Fill the empty spaces in the following sentences by using time expressions of FOR,


1. A: Sir, can I help you? B: No, thanks. I`m …….. looking.

2. ………….. we play in the Premiership, there is no place for such amateur mistakes any more.

3. As an aspiring writer, she has……….. written her first novel, The Chelsea Set.

4. He has ……….. gone out, but if you hurry up, you will catch him on his way.

5. We had to leave, ………… we had a flight in 1 hour.

6. The feast had lasted ………. 2 weeks, but ……then the treasure was empty.

7. I have been using the same copywriter ……….. 10 years.

8. When walking through the campus, I noticed certain things have changed ……….. I was a student here.

9. Pilsudski had been the President of the State ……….. 1918.

10.I have been working as an academic teacher ……. 20 years now.

Score …….. / ……..


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