Almost a year to late

Almost a year to late.

“Oh Jane, I sent Lizzy a letter over 4 days ago. Where on earth can that child be” shouted Mrs Bennet angrily.

“Mama, I'm sure she will come she” Jane unfortunately did not get to finish her sentence.

“Missing her own sisters wedding, what kind of impression does that give Mr Bingley and that arrogant Darcy, I wouldn't have invited the horrid man. If only he weren't friends with Mr Bingley.

Jane sighed, her wedding wasn't for over a week and Lizzy had wrote back to her promising her she would come and Lizzy never broke a promise. Jane sighed again, I married to Mr Bingley in just a week all her dreams had come true. All that was left was Lizzy to arrive.

Jane's trail of thought got interrupted by Hill knocking and introducing Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy.

Jane turned I looked at Mrs Bennet, who was looking extremely flustered. Then Jane noticed why, her mama wasn't properly dressed. Jane felt for her. Then a smile played upon her lips as she thought of how Lizzy would of laughed at mama's situation, Jane could see humour in it to.

Mr Bingley noticed her radiant smile and said, “how beautiful you look Miss Jane, you are looking very happy. Has your sister arrived yet.”

Mr Bingley looked hopeful. Jane's smile fell “Unfortunately not Mr Bingley”

Mrs Bennet was still gushing at Bingley when she turned and curtly said, “Good morning Mr Darcy” and promptly turned.

Jane had noticed over the past couple of weeks, Darcy seemed to become more friendly and Meryton even had the honour of gracing his sister. Jane fancied that the town was growing on Darcy but that was just wishful thinking. His sister seemed very shy and Jane could barely get two words from her in one evening. The people of Meryton didn't know who she was as Darcy didn't want anyone to know.

So unfortunately, when Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst went shopping in Meryton that very same day(yes Jane was surprised too) with Jane they brought Miss Darcy with them. So when people came and commented on Jane's good fortune and, how beautiful Miss Bingley's and Mrs Hurst's gowns were. Nobody noticed the small and shy Miss Darcy she faded into the background but Miss Darcy wandered off into the bookshop and she was unfortunately followed, by Miss Brown and Miss Field and their group. Now everyone in the village hated them because they were so mean. The only person who wasn't afraid of them was Lizzy and well she wasn't here. Jane couldn't have done anything anyway because they always insulted the Bennets, saying that they were stupid and unaccomplished. Jane had heard Lizzy on one occasion arguing with them over it. The conversation went something like this.

“You Bennet's are awful and rude and Lizzy your sisters are sooo stupid. The book I was reading how to be a perfect bride said”

Lizzy had interrupted and exclaimed “you can read, I thought you were still just about learning your abc's”

“Just because were not a blue stocking like, doesn't mean you can insult us Bennet. You will never find a husband your not pretty at all. I mean look at you, my mama says you will never catch a husband with your sharp tongue and lively manner. Gentlemen prefer calm and gentle, kind and loving girls like me.”

All through this speech Jane had noticed Lizzy's eyebrows go up.

“Are you sure your mama was talking about you because to be perfectly honest if I was a man, and I saw you I would run as fast as I could in the other direction.

“My mama says you're a witch”

At this Lizzy groaned she couldn't believe this.

Lizzy just replied that if she was she had been spending too much time with them and they reminded her of the witches in Macbeth.

With that she turned on her heel and quickly walked away.

Anyway back to Miss Darcy, Jane didn't know what had happened in the bookshop but Miss Darcy came out looking at absolutely terrified but she looked a litle comforted by something. A while later she was followed by Miss Brown and Miss field and the group. They looked angry and annoyed they shot daggers at Miss Darcy.

Jane could tell she wanted her brother, but there was nothing she could do.

Oh Lizzy I wish you would hurry up and return.

The next evening at dinner, the Bennets, the Bingleys and the Darcy's are dining at Longbourn.

“Oh Mr Bingley, I am soooo looking forward to the wedding. Everything is set all that is needed now is Elizabeth.”

The last bit was said very bitterly, Jane sighed. Their mama was blaming everything that was going wrong on Lizzy, as she wasn't here to defend herself.

The flowers were late, because of Lizzy

Mr Bingley was late tonight, because of Lizzy.

The sun wasn't shining because of Lizzy.

To tell you the truth even though Jane was a very patience person. Her mama was beginning to tear her nerves into shreds.

She wished that mama would just leave Lizzy alone but she couldn't shout at Mrs Bennet because it wasn't polite and it would be frowned upon.

So here Jane was listening to Mrs Bennet rambling away to Mr Bingley with Mr Bennet looking very amused. Obviously thankful it wasn't him.

Mary was sat next to Mr Darcy neither of them speaking. Mary because even though she wouldn't admit was in awe of Mr Darcy and Mr Darcy because he did just not wish to speak with her. Why had mama placed them together?

Thankfully mama had the good sense to put Miss Darcy next to him. There was space left for Lizzy next to papa, and Mrs Hurst and opposite Mr Darcy. We had left it empty in hope she would return to tonight but it didn't seem she was going to make it.

We had just begun to start our starter when the door opened, but nobody took any notice as we thought it was the maid bringing in more food.

I only noticed, when I heard someone quietly reach for a seat, I turned and saw Lizzy gently easing into her seat so no one would notice her, which seemed to have worked as nobody looked up.

She looked at me and smiled, she hadn't changed much thankfully, mama had decided to send her to the Gardiner's in hope they would help Mrs Bennet get rid of Lizzy sharp tongue. So Lizzy over the past few months, had been sending two letters, one were she sounded like the posh snobbish ladies of town (which pleased mama to no end) and the other were she was herself, commenting on the fashion sense, peoples manners, how the ladies acted, (which mama never got to see)

Lizzy got a plate brought to her straight away but Jane still couldn't understand how nobody could have noticed that she was there. Oh well they will find out sooner or later. Probably later I should imagine.

Jane took another look at Darcy, Lizzy and Mr Darcy would make an excellent couple. Mmmh yes Mrs Elizabeth Darcy that does sound good.

Its time I did a little matchmaking of my own probably won't work but it's worth a try, Jane thought with a smile.

Elizabeth's point of view.

I had just arrived at Longbourn, exhausted and irritated and I did not feel like having dinner but knowing mama she would come and claim that me not coming to dinner had torn her nerves into to shreds. I would just have to grin and bear it.

Oh well Lizzy it won't be as bad as the even bigger dinner mama is having, two days before the wedding.

Though I must say I am very eager to meet the famous Mr Bingley the man who stole my sweet sisters heart and the infamous Mr Darcy, I have heard different accounts of him which puzzle me exceedingly. Mama writes of how nasty and ungrateful the man is. Mary and Kitty say he used to be handsome but now they know him they've changed their minds. Papa thinks that he is interesting and how I will enjoy examining his character. Jane writes I will like him if I get to know him.

I do hope Jane isn't going to try anything.

Anyway back to the dinner I sneak in hopefully nobody will notice me. Especially not mama.

When I got comfortable I decided to look around the table. Guessing instantly that the gentlemen mama is talking to is Mr Bingley, as she is doing it so very happily. The snobbish looking women I presume are Mrs Hurst and Miss Bingley and the man bursting out of the seams is Mr Hurst.

I notice a man opposite me, he is very handsome, I sigh this couldn't be Mr Darcy. He's sooooo pleasant to the eye, oh I cannot believe it. It's a shame he is supposed to have a cold and haughty manner. I think in any other situation I would loved to have taked to him. I move to his left. The girl from the bookshop. Oh dear, would Mr Darcy be angry if he knew I helped her? Would he think I was just doing it for his wealth. I hope not I didn't even realise she was Miss Darcy.

I groan and return to eating my meal.

We were well into our desert when,

"ELIZABETH, when did you arrive"

“Well say something to your mother, with which you haven't seen for a long while. Why didn't you notify me of your arrival?”

She ran to me and crushed me into a bear hug. What was the matter with her? She's never showed me this much affection before.

“Answer your mother then.”

Well you seemed to be enjoying gushing at Mr Bingley so I thought I'd best leave you to it. Elizabeth thought but just forced a tight smile instead.

“Mama I did not wish to interrupt your pleasant conversation with I presume Mr Bingley”

“Ah yes, that reminds me, Jane introduce Elizabeth to our guests.” said Mrs Bennet enthusiastically.

She was obviously showing off to HER OWN daughter.

Jane P.O.V

Right lets get this over with. I know Elizabeth might not be too fond of Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst but no doubt they will grow on her but I mainly need to introduce her to Mr Darcy.

Mrs Bennet's P.O.V

Oh my, god has been good to us.

Elizabeth P.O.V for the rest of the chapter.

Please Jane get this over with quickly and painlessly as possible.

“Lizzy this is Mr Bingley”

“Miss Bennet, how delightful it is to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you”

I like the look of him. So what Jane told me about him was true.

“This is Miss Bingley, Mrs Hurst and Mr Hurst”

“Miss Eliza, yes we've heard so much about you” she said snottily

Ah so your not delighted to meet or see me. Oh believe me it's mirrored. How many more people did I have to meet now? All I want to do is go to bed.

“Elizabeth” Jane said with a huge smile. I didn't trust her at all. “Meet Mr and Miss Darcy”

I straightened myself up just a tiny bit. Okay I admit it I am just a little bit interested. He's gorgeous what do you expect? I know I haven't got a chance at all but he's very nice to look at. I think I could get used to his company. A smile played across my lips.

“How do you do” I noticed that Miss Darcy was just staring at me. I hoped I hadn't scared her. I think Mr Darcy noticed as he gave me a very dirty look. Oops I think he's got the wrong end of the stick.

“Yes, Miss Bennet. Pleasure” Mr Darcy said very coldly and sourly.

I think I was in big trouble but even though my brain said be careful, my heart was saying get to know him.

Please Miss Darcy stop staring at me.

Of all the arrogant…


“Yes, Jane”

“Are you okay”

“Yes Jane, why wouldn't I be?”

“Well you seem kind of annoyed”

“Well I'm not” my voice rose a bit at the end.

“I mean HE just had to make the wrong assumption didn't he” I said as I carried on


“Acting if I had done something wrong didn't he”

“Who, Lizzy”

“HE who thinks he is better then us”


“Well, Mr Darcy of course”

Jane frowned. “You don't like him”


Jane's frown suddenly turned upside down. She had NEVER seen Lizzy so annoyed by someone. Oh yes, he had definitely made an interesting first impression.

“Dearest Lizzy, what has he done?”

“Made an arrogant presumption”

Jane watched as Lizzy sat there huffing and puffing and muttering to herself. Jane's smile grew even bigger, when Lizzy crossed her arms.

I think she likes him.

“Well I am going to say goodbye to Charles” Lizzy noticed that Jane blushed. “I will send him your best regards Lizzy. As I don't think it would be a good idea for you to say goodbye to our guests”

Lizzy just harrumphed.

OOOOH she couldn't believe what had happened. The night only got worse after she was introduced to the Darcy's.

Was there really any need for what he said?


Miss Darcy was still staring at me and things weren't going that well.

“Miss Eliza, it is such a shame you couldn't have arrived earlier” said Miss Bingley

“Yes, we went into to Meryton and had an interesting time” added her sister.

Then suddenly Darcy spoke up and may I add a very nice voice at that.

“Lots of interesting things happen in Meryton, and some people are nicer than others. I hear you like going into bookshops, Miss Bennet why is that?” his voice was like ice.

“Because I like books” I said in the same tone as him. Wasn't that obvious

“When was the last time you visited the bookshop in Meryton”

Oh he did not just ask me that

“I'm not sure”

“Well maybe I could refresh you memory, do you make a habit of scaring young girls?”

Oh that was the last time I was going to help someone I didn't know


Everyone turned round in shock.

It seemed that Miss Darcy had lost her nerve or forgotten what she was going to say, which probably wasn't likely.

“Mr Darcy, what are you trying to imply?”

“I think you know”

“Right, shall we go into the drawing room” inquired Jane.

We stood up and Mr Darcy came up behind me and said.

“Stay away from my sister, Miss Bennet. She's been through enough these 2 years”

Well I kind of lost my temper. I ran through the door and slammed it. Which wasn't a good idea, as I heard “Elizabeth, don't be so rude and unladylike”

At that point I didn't care and this was how Jane found me.

End of flash back

I mean he had been incredibly rude and so had Miss Bingley but she hadn't bothered me. Only Mr Darcy had.


Oh dear, why did I have to tell my dearest brother?

He seemed so angry when he found out about it. It was just, I was so frightened and scared when I returned to Netherfield. I requested to see my brother immediately. He told me to relay everything that had happened to me.

I did not particularly want to go to Netherfield I do not like meeting new people, Mrs Reynolds is always telling me I am a lot like my brother. I have known Mrs Reynolds all my life and I believe her, my brother and I would be lost without her.

I have just begun to notice that Mrs Reynolds dislikes Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst a great deal and I have noticed why. It seems that Miss Bingley can be very sharp and insensitive at times but does try to show me kindness; I think she is the only “friend” I've got.

At first when Mr Bingley had invited me to Netherfield I was a bit scared, I had over heard my brother previously telling Mr Bingley how the people acted like savages but I was pleasantly surprised when I met Miss Bennet. She seemed to be a kind lady with a beautiful countenance and a graceful air about her. I liked her almost instantly. I hope that we will becomefriends and I was eager to get to know her better. I was very happy when I was invited to join Miss Bingley, Mrs Hurst and Miss Bennet to go to Meryton but we did not get far. It seemed the whole of Meryton wanted to congratulate Miss Bennet on her forthcoming marriage, I did not mind, I could go into the bookshop. There was no point in asking Miss Bingley or Mrs Hurst, they aren't very fond of books. I continued to the bookshop myself and I was apprehended by a group of ladies who seemed intent on making me uncomfortable.

At first they just seemed to be following me around but then they started to get personal asking who I was and were I was from. I quickly answered them and moved away, hoping they would take the hint

They didn't, they began to show me pictures they had painted and asking what I thought, I did not know quite what to say. Were had they got them from? .They just looked like blobs of paint in different colours and it took me a while to reply, but I wondered if this made me look rude. After five minutes they grew impatient and I said they looked good but they only sneered, and asked what I saw, I started to panic, what could I see.


They started laughing and jeering at me, I started to breathe more and more heavily, they were frightening me.

They started to circle like a pack of wolves or vultures, surrounding me. What were they going to do to?

Thankfully I heard a voice.

“Leave her alone now”

“Oh, go away Elizabeth. No one wants you here”

I do

“No, not until you leave that poor girl alone”



Elizabeth pushed her way through them and gently took hold of my hand, and gave me a reassuring smile.

She pulled me out of the circle and told me not to worry and that she would make sure I did not get hurt. She gave me a handkerchief, at first I wondered why but then I realised that tears were cascading down my cheeks.

“Not so fast, Elizabeth, we have a bone to pick with you.”

“Go quickly” she whispered to me.

“WHY, did you have to interfere?”

I left them arguing with her.

Once I had told my brother this story he was outraged.

“How could they do this to a 16 year old girl?” he shouted

I quickly excused myself, later that night I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up early after a restless sleep, I wondered about the girl who had helped me. Was she from around here, how old was she?

When I arrived at breakfast, Mr Bingley happily told me that we would dine at the Bennet's.

They seemed a pleasant family but I still do not know what to make of Mrs Bennet. My brother and Mrs Bennet do not seem to like each other I gathered this, the first time I saw them together. My brother did not seem to be acting himself around her; he seemed haughty, cold and devoid of any feeling, which I know not to be true.

Dinner at the Bennets was lively, they were excited about the arrival of their sister and the house was in an uproar.

However all the way through dinner my brother scarcely said more than 3 words and if he did it was either yes, thank you or please.

I was too wrapped up in my own thoughts to notice anything else. It wasn't until dessert that I heard Elizabeth; I looked up and to my surprise the girl from the bookshop was there. You can only imagine my shock and I just sat there staring at her, and my brother noticed. I hope he doesn't think that she is one of the ones who “attacked” me.

Unfortunately it turns out he did and he shouted at her.

I would have to apologise to her in private and speak to my brother.

I just hoped that a would be friendship had not been ruined. I think this Elizabeth could be a person I could trust and from previous experiences I now found it hard to do.

There was a time when I trusted to easily and the consequences were awful.

I cried myself too sleep again; I had been doing this a lot frequently. It has been Wickham's fault; I hope that no other girl will fall for his charm. He ruined my faith in people, and trust, and any thoughts I had over love. He had ruined my life.

How could I have been so foolish, I was young and naive, I didn't realise at the time, what he was really like, I saw the signs, but I chose to ignore them. He used to flirt with women, touch their legs, but I being young didn't realise what was going on.

If he did that in public, I blush to think what he did in private, he did try once to be alone with me in my bedroom, but thankfully my maid had knocked. Thinking back he charmed her into not saying anything, how could I have been so silly, I had always prided myself on not being silly and ignorant like other young girls, and here I had gone, and fallen for an accomplished rake. He had seemed romantic,nice, charming, just like in my books, and he had taken an interest in shy little Georgiana. I had wanted to tell my brother, of our blossoming romance, but Wickham said to leave it a surprise.

I will always remember the look of rage on my brother's face; I thought he would be happy.

Apparently not.

I had made a deadly mistake, and I am determined never to give my heart away ever again.

I sighed, I needed to go for a walk to clear my head of all thoughts of Wickham, but all I could see was his leering face, as my brother confronted him. I had hoped, he would say Darcy, I love your sister with all my heart, I would dearly love to marry her, but he didn't.

“You can keep her, it's not worth the trouble, and I'll just take the money”

Those words he uttered will remain with me forever, as will everything that happened, I just need more time, lots more time.

I could just stay at Netherfield all day, and just entertain myself, and only have my brother's, Bingley's and Miss Bingley's company.

Or I could go for walks, read books outside, and perhaps ask Miss Elizabeth to come and play a duet. She and my brother needed to get along. I thought she would make an excellent sister in law, and I would be "related" to Bingley.

Yes I decided happily, I was going to enjoy myself here, for the first time for a long time. I will dance with “savages”, and have fun, and I will not act like the Georgiana after Wickham. I will make friends, and not just be a wallflower.

I turned the corner.

“Georgiana, what a pleasure it is to see you again.”

I shuddered, I knew that voice.

“Wickham” I whispered. He smiled “lovingly” at me, “Georgiana, my sweet, you do not know how I have longed for us to meet again.”

I shuddered, how dare he, how dare he, come here and have the audacity to speak to me, after all he's done, my brother, would retrieve his rifle if he knew. I was disgusted with Wickham's behaviour.

He reached for my arm, and touched me; I drew back as if it burnt. Wickham sneered, “Come Georgiana, I know you can reciprocate better then that”

I gasped, did he have no sense of propriety.

“Georgiana, I am still willing to elope with you, do not worry, I do not hold a grudge against you. I was heartbroken though”

I just stood there; I asked him the first thing that came into my head.

“How did you find me?”

“Georgiana, I just followed my heart”

How could I have fallen for this all those months ago?

“I'm awfully sorry, Mr Wickham”

“Mr Wickham?” He gave a harsh laugh.

“Yes, Mr Wickham, I am sorry, if I've caused you any inconvenience of travelling thus far, but I do not sought your affection, Mr Wickham” I needed to make sure, he knew that I wasn't as naïve as I used to be. I wasn't going to just, whimper and say thank you, my dear George.

“Well Madam” he said with a sneer. “You will seek it again soon”

With that, he was gone.

I learned against a tree, and slide down it, hardly ladylike, but at that moment I didn't care. I wish my brother was here to comfort me, actually I wish anyone was here too comfort me. I felt lost and threatened, a tear slide down my face, I thought that Wickham had gone, and had let my brother and I be. Apparently not.

A handkerchief dangled in front of me, I hesitantly reached for it, and I looked up. I just stared, I know it must have been rude but I could not help it.

“Don't worry, it's clean”

A man maybe in his early twenties stood before me, brown hair, and curly like my brothers, but instead of brown eyes. He had the brightest blue ones, he was quite tall, but he was smaller then my brother. He was exceptionally handsome. I felt myself blushing, I smiled shyly at him.

“Thank you”

“It is a pleasure to meet you… Miss….?”

“Miss…..Charston….. Yes Miss Charston”

I didn't want him to know who I was; I didn't want anyone judging me, because of my family's wealth.

“How do you do, Miss Charston”

“How do you do”

I didn't want to pry for his name, as he did not seem willing to give it. I wondered was he some notorious villain, who wanted to keep his identity hidden, or perhaps………..

“Miss Charston, do you live in Hertfordshire?”

Why was he asking me these questions? I felt so comfortable with him, I decided to humour him.

“No, I live in Lancashire”

“Beautiful place, I visit there often, where do you like do to take your walks?”

Oh dear, he had to have an excellent knowledge of the place didn't he. I did know someone from Lancashire, Miss Olivia, but my mind had gone blank, on were she said she liked to go in her letters.

“The park”

“The park, oh how delightful, I love the park. I love everything, especially walking in a park”

I smiled he reminded me a lot of Mr Bingley.

“Even though, I am finding this conversation most interesting, I need to speak to you on a serious matter”


“It is about that man your were just with, I do not wish to cause you discomfit. But it must be said.”

My smile fell immediately from my face, did he know Mr Wickham, and was trying to persuade me to marry him.

“Yes” I replied hoarsely

“Do not trust him, Miss Charston. He is a dangerous man, and I don't want your heart to get broken”

I laughed bitterly to myself; it was a bit late for that.

“I am quite safe from him I assure you”

The man seemed quite relieved by this.

I could not help but ask, “Why are you so concerned, he could be preying on another innocent girl while you are talking to me. Aren't you better going to save them?”

Where was this forwardness coming from, I was acting like……Miss Elizabeth?

He smiled at me, and my heart fluttered. Be careful Georgiana I told myself.

“I do not think any of them would be as beautiful as you?”

I just squeaked.

“I wonder, Miss Charston, would it be too forward of me to engage you for a dance, if I ever become acquainted to you again at a ball?”

“No, it would not be too forward” I sighed.

“Good” he seemed pleased. “I must depart now, until next time Miss Charston”

With a deep flourish of a bow he had gone.

I let out a girlish giggle, and I quickly clamped my hand over my mouth.

Then reality set in, I probably couldn't trust him, he could be like Mr Wickham.

My heart argued, he seemed so nice, another part of me though said he couldn't be trusted.

My heart won.

For now.

I sighed, and I ran happily back to Netherfield, I bounded very unladylike into the parlour, my brother, Mr Bingley and Miss Bingley looked at me in shock.

“Are you feeling well, Georgiana?”

“Yes thank you, William. Much better than I have in a while”

My brother looked like he was thinking, and then suddenly a big smiled lit up his face.

He came towards me, “I am very pleased, and may I enquire what has brought about this transformation”

I dared not tell him, he would be furious, he would shout, and say I could never speak to him again, unless my brother knew everything about him.

“I think it is just the Hertfordshire air”

My brother looked alarmed, “You prefer it to Derbyshire”

“No brother, I prefer nothing to Derbyshire”

This seemed to relieve some of the tension in his face.

“Georgiana, dinner is going to be served, in half an hour; will you be ready by then?”

“Yes brother”

“Oh and the Bennet's will be dining with us”

I grinned and my brother looked confused, my smile fell. I remembered I had to speak to my brother, before or when he saw Miss Elizabeth. I didn't want a repeat of what happened at Longbourn.

“Brother, I must talk to you urgently, it is about Miss Elizabeth”

“You need not defend her”

I did something I had never done before.

“WILLIAM, listen to me, you have got this all mistaken”

He looked at me, “I will explain soon, I promise brother”

He nodded; and I quickly departed, to get ready for the evenings festivities, I was quite looking forward to meeting the Bennet's again, I knew my brother didn't like them. Perhaps they would grow on him soon.

I quickly got changed; I was looking forward to this evening now, after meeting Wickham.

I quietly crept down the stairs, and into the drawing room.

“Ah dear Georgiana, how I have longed to see you this past few days”

I looked up at Miss Bingley, it looked like she was waiting for me to answer, but when I didn't she continued.

“Will you play for us, before those awful Bennet's come?”

Mrs Hurst laughed cruelly, “Oh Caroline, you are to cruel”

I just smiled politely, and waited for my brother, and Bingley to return, unfortunately I had to hear, Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst's opinion of Miss Bennet, and Miss Elizabeth.

“I say, Louisa what pray do you think of Miss Elizabeth”

“Must I answer dear sister?”

“Nay, but I will. She thinks herself better then us, I can tell. She is so rude and uncaring, I must admit I despise her greatly, and so does Mr Darcy”

I smiled; Caroline always loved to put my brother's name and hers together in the same sentence, even though I am young. I've seen plenty of women like Miss Bingley, seek out my brother, and soon they will then learn that my brother hates fortune hunters.

I have begun to notice that, the richer the women are the ones who go after my brother. Look at Miss Elizabeth, she didn't seem at all intimated or in awe of my brother, this is a good sign. Perhaps this will recommend herself to him, and I noticed her eyes are lovely, I hope my brother will notice them.

To drown out Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst, I quickly complied there request to play the piano again, but I could still hear them. I played loudly, but I could still hear there hurtful comments.

“I wonder if any of the Bennets can play like Georgiana, probably not. Georgiana is of good breeding”

I outwardly winced; I did not want to be added into this conversation. I thought Elizabeth, and Jane are well bred.

“Imagine Mr Darcy, marrying one of them”

I couldn't take it anymore; I slammed down hard on the keys, making my brother and Bingley who had just come in the room jump.

My brother looked very concerned, “Are you okay Georgiana, you have been acting very out of character, are you well?”

“Yes I am fine thank you, William”

My brother didn't look too convinced.

I quickly noted that Mr Bingley looked exceptionally happy but a bit confused, and my brother looked completely miserable, and concerned.

I sighed; my brother never showed people his true colours, with me he was teasing, playful, and witty, but with other people he never showed these qualities. If only I could get Miss Elizabeth to see them.

If only……

0x01 graphic

What has Bingley got himself into, is he completely out of his senses by offering for one of those Bennets. Yes I admit Jane Bennet is beautiful, but what's to say she isn't some fortune hunter.

I must help him, I must.

Imagine having Mrs Bennet for a mother in law.

That would be hell in its self.

What of her sister, Miss Elizabeth, she is not taken by my wealth. I find her very odd, oh why am I thinking of her, I've only met her twice, and she is constantly on my mind.

My hand gripped tightly on my whiskey glass, and she made my sister uneasy. Although I do not think she has hurt her, well from what I can gather from Georgiana, but Georgiana doesn't seem in the right frame of mind though. After what I just witnessed in the drawing room, had Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst said something?

She had also said, I needed to speak to her, and she said it quite forcefully as well. What has happened to my little sister, has what happened at Ramsgate affected her so much? That she has grown up too fast, my grip got tighter, and if I ever saw Wickham again I would kill him.

I poured myself some more whiskey, and I lost myself thinking about Elizabeth Bennet, as soon as I saw her, that night when I first met her, I thought she was passable, but as the evening drew to a close. I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. But I couldn't get over the fact that she could have hurt my sister, so I quickly acted withdrawn and cold. I couldn't let anyone know Elizabeth Bennet had got to me.

I think I've had too much too drink it's just making me think of Elizabeth Bennet more.

I was going to see her now, I was dreading it, and I'd hate her to thinkthat she had Fitzwilliam Darcy in the palm of her hand.

I quickly drowned my drink; I needed all the support I could get, I would be meeting Mrs Bennet again.

0x01 graphic

The Bennet's are arriving now, but I can't get that gentleman from head.

I was certain I recognised him from somewhere, now I thought about it. But I couldn't for the life of me think where………….

“Oh Jane, what a fair prospect this is. Imagine you, being the mistress of Netherfield, oh how wonderful that would be! How wonderful you would be”

Elizabeth sighed. I hope mama will not continue like this in Mr Bingley's presence, the embarrassment would be too great.

Suddenly Mrs Bennet gave a loud squeal, not sounding much different from that of a pig. “Jane” she wailed as we drew up to Netherfield. “Is this not one of the most beautiful houses you have ever seen? Yes” she said nodding her approval. “This will do very nicely, very nicely indeed”

We drew up to the steps, and even I had to concede, it was a lovely house (well mansion). The door was quickly opened, and a man held out his hand to help mama out. Unfortunately mama was very eager to get inside to see if it was as beautiful as the front. Which of course we all knew it would be, but mama wanted to make sure. She quickly took the man's hand, and put all of her weight on him, and before the man could adjust. She began to ascend the carriage steps, causing the man to give a small yelp of pain with every step she took, mama of course not noticing. Lydia and Kitty practically ran after Mama in excitement.

Jane and I waited for the man to get over the shock of Mama, Lydia's and Kitty's lack of decorum. Then Jane gently took his arm, and was helped down, and was immediately apprehended by a gushing Mr Bingley.

“Miss Bennet, I can't tell you how delighted I am to see you again. Are you well?” I didn't get to hear her reply as the man was waiting patiently for me to get out of the carriage. Obviously thinking I was a bit of a daydreamer. I smiled and took his arm, and I descended the steps, it didn't feel like I was going to dinner. It felt like I was going to my doom.

I began to walk to the front door, but unfortunately I was grabbed gently by Mr Bingley. “Miss Bennet, you must allow Darcy to escort you in”

“Oh it isn't necessary Mr Bingley I assure you” Unfortunately I knew that there was no point arguing, Mr Darcy was to escort me in whether I liked it or not.

“Oh no, Miss Bennet we insist.”

I looked at Mr Darcy, and he looked about as happy as did. Well I thought happily at least I wasn't the only one.

He gritted his teeth and said, “Miss Bennet it would be a pleasure”

“No, Mr Darcy the pleasure is all mine, I assure you!” I made sure I said it with equal grittiness, but I also added a fake bright smile.

He held out his arm for, which I hesitatingly I took. As soon as I did this my arm began to tingle considerably, obviously because I detested him greatly! Yes, that was it.

I heard my mama gasp, and babble on to Mr Bingley, I looked up to see the reaction on Mr Darcy's face. I wasn't surprised to see his normal disapproving scowl on his face. Although I can not blame him, the way mama was going on. It was extremely embarrassing. The sooner this was over the better! I needed to get away from Mr Darcy's distracting presence. It was very disconcerting. My thoughts were immediately forgotten as we entered a beautiful dining area. The designs on the walls were so intricate, and beautifully done, that I let out a gasp, one that very nearly matched that of my mama. I quickly shut my mouth hoping that nobody had noticed, and quickly looked around. No, nobody had noticed that is until I looked at Mr Darcy. To find that he still had hold of my arm (which was still tingling, I really ought to go to the physician about that), and that he was watching me attentively. Oh dear, he had heard me. He probably thought me to be like my mother, easily impressed, and weighing up the house for when Jane marries Mr Bingley. Which I don't, because I know Mr Darcy isn't going to let Jane marry Bingley without a fight, and believe me I was willing to fight him to the bitter end. Jane wasn't interested in Mr Bingley's wealth, she was kind and caring, she knew she had to marry well to keep mama pleased, and to keep the family with the few pleasures they had.

Ever since we were small children, I promised Jane I would help her find a man of good fortune, who she would love, and he in turn would cherish and adore her. As children, I thought this would be very easy to do, I thought Jane would have no problems with getting married. She was so pretty, genteel and kind, surely she would find it easy to marry. Unfortunately I was wrong, your looks can only get you so far, and you also needed a good dowry, which papa could not offer. Mama it seemed even now, had the same ideas that I did as a child, she still thought Jane would marry easily, a large dowry or not. Jane was beautiful; it was me who would have the problem of getting married. Not Mary with her long boring sermons, and tedious piano playing, and awful singing, and who refuses to dance at balls or even gets asked for that matter, but me. Apparently my tongue was too sharp, I was much to clever for a lady, I sometimes didn't even act like a lady the way I barrelled round the countryside, oh and of course the way deliberately made myself disagreeable. She had not met Mr Darcy before she had said this.

The object of my scrutiny, coughed slightly bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him; he seemed to have an odd look on his face.

I frowned, “Mr Darcy, are you quite alright”

He jumped, “Yes, Miss Bennet I am quite well thank you. Why do you ask?”

“Err; you just seemed a little concerned about something”

“Oh no, Miss Bennet I assure you that I am fine”

“Oh” I replied awkwardly. What was it about this man that made me so uneasy? I was too deep into my thoughts to notice that I was being sat down. While Jane, Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst were being reacquainted.

It wasn't until I heard a “Miss Bennet” that I woke up.

I turned to my left to see Miss Darcy looking at me apprehensively and nervously.

I smiled a genuine smile, I liked Miss Darcy a lot, how could she have turned out so well when she had a brother who was rude and entirely disagreeable.

“Miss Darcy, a pleasure to see you again”

She seemed to relax, and some of the tension was relieved. She smiled, “No the pleasure is all mine Miss Bennet”

“Oh you must call me Elizabeth, if that is alright with your brother of course”

We both looked towards Darcy, for confirmation. I was surprised to find him watching us again; it seemed that he had heard the whole conversation. He had that indescribable look on his face again, the one that made me feel exceptionally uneasy.

“Is that alright, brother? May I call Miss Bennet, Elizabeth?”

“Yes Georgiana, you may”

She looked so grateful

“May she in turn call me, Georgiana?”

He hesitated, “Yes”

“Thank you, brother”

She quickly turned to me again, and said happily.

“You may call me Georgiana”

“Thank you, Mis…Georgiana”

“You are welcome, Elizabeth”

We both smiled at each other, yes I liked Miss Darcy immensely, and I hoped we would become good friends. Of course if Mr Darcy permitted it. Then I thought angrily, why should Mr Darcy have too permit it? He does not own me, but he is his sister's guardian, I thought with a scowl.

“Miss Bennet, are you alright?”

“Yes, Mr Darcy I am well, thank you.

“You just seemed a little concerned about something”

“No, I am fine”

“Oh” he replied

Then suddenly I realised, he was teasing me. He was relaying what I had said to him before. Well then Mr Darcy if that is the way you want to play it.

I glared at him, which caused him to smile gently. What had happened to him, to bring about this change? Well he was just as infuriating as before.

Miss Darcy, I mean Georgiana, must have noticed the uneasiness and said.

“Miss Bennet, have you ever been to Derbyshire?”

“No, I have not. I hear it is a very beautiful place, you live there do you not?”

My eyes not leaving Mr Darcy's, daring him to join in the conversation.

“Yes we do Miss Bennet, I love it there. Especially were we live, there is a lovely lake, my brother and I used to play in it as children, ice skating mainly, and for occasional swim. Although my brother did that more often than me”

I smiled, I couldn't imagine Mr Darcy as a child, I had never even considered it, true I hadn't thought of him coming into the world as a twenty something year old man, with an irritating disposition, and a scowl. But I still couldn't imagine him playing.

“When Jane and I were little, we used to go ice skating on a little pond near Meryton. Jane never particularly liked it, but she came to keep me company”

“That was nice of her. I hope you don't mind me asking Mis…Elizabeth, but was it safe?”

“It was when it first began to snow, but it drew thinner when the winter came to a close. I unfortunately made the mistake of going on it, when I was only eight near the end of winter. Jane unfortunately couldn't come out, I went alone. It wasn't far so my mama let me. I've never gone by myself again”

Miss Darcy looked quite horrified. “Were you alright, were you hurt? Did you fall in” She looked at her brother, who looked equally as alarmed.

“Yes I did, but I assure you, Georgiana I was fine. I've never done it since though. It put me off ice skating for a while; even now I don't go on often at all. Only when mama wants me to go with Lydia and Kitty”

“I love going ice skating to, but my brother always accompanies me. I love it, and we always have an enjoyable time, even Mr Bingley joins in from time to time. Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst never do, they say they haven't got the constitution for it”

“Oh dear, perhaps they will decide to try it soon” Poor Miss Bingley, and Mrs Hurst.

“Yes I suppose” I turned towards her sharply, she sounded disappointed. Perhaps she didn't like Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst at all. I can't say I blame her.

I was about to answer her, when Miss Bingley butted in and exclaimed “Georgiana, it is such a shame you're way over there. I specifically asked for you to be placed next to me”

She beckons towards a servant, the servant quickly walked over.

“Mr Beckett, when I ask for somebody to be placed next to me, I want them to be placed next to me”

“Miss Bingley it's perfectly alright, I'm near my brother and Elizabeth”

“Elizabeth?” she sneered.

“Yes, Miss Bennet” she said obliviously

“Oh yes, quite”

I was surprised, I was expecting something else. Unknown to me, although I wouldn't find out until much later, until Jane told me, the reason Miss Bingley had held her tongue, was because Mr Darcy had given her a warning look.

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Miss Bingley knew not to aggravate Darcy; he was her ticket out of her brother's care. The circles she would be invited into, the wealth, the jewels, and Darcy wasn't entirely unfortunate looking either. Yes Miss Bingley had planned a marriage to Darcy for a long time, and some country wench wasn't going to come and ruin that. She may have fooled Georgiana, but she won't fool me.

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Mama not noticing the silence which had gathered on the table intervened and asked.

“Mr Bingley, do you plan to stay long at Netherfield?”

Mr Bingley seemed quite relieved by this, “We do not know, Mrs Bennet. We are planning on going to Bath for a visit soon”

“Bath! I've always wanted to go to Bath” Lydia whined.

“Well, perhaps we could arrange for us all to go near the same time?”

Mama gave a delighted cry, and started to gush, and bless herself.

Miss Bingley dropped her fork, “The same time” she all but yelled.

“Oh yes, Mr Bingley, that would be wonderful. Do you think there will be many officers there?”

To this Mary sighed, “I do not care for officers, I would rather sit and read a book”

Lydia snorted. Oh dear, please DEAR sisters do not start to argue in front of our hosts.

“Yes, yes Mary” Mama shushed her with her handkerchief.

“Mr Bingley that would be delightful!”

“Good, then it is settled”

“Although, we will have to check with Mr Bennet first.”

“Of course”

“Is this generous offer extended to the whole family?”

“Yes it certainly is”

Mama sighed contently, and continued to thank Mr Bingley.

I sighed; I wonder how long we will have to stay in Bath for? Oh mama will have such a delightful time tomorrow, telling Mrs Lucas, and Aunt Phillips.

“Do you not wish to go to Bath, Miss Bennet?”

Trying to scare me into not coming Mr Darcy

“Yes I do wish to go; I wish to take a look at its historic prospects”

“You do?”

“Yes, I am a big fan of History, and I love scenery, and I hear Bath is nice”

“Elizabeth, I must show you around myself” said Georgiana very excitedly. “My brother, will help too, as he knows Bath better than me”

I grew suspicious, and looked at Darcy to see if he wore a pained expression. He didn't, his face was completely expressionless.

“What do you say, William?”

“It would be my pleasure”

I just stared at him, and he stared back. I think we were like this for quite a while, because I heard a giggle. I tore myself away from his face, and saw everybody looking at us, most of them wearing an amused expression. Bar Miss Bingley of course.

I knew I was blushing, oh what must they all think of me, most importantly what must Mr Darcy, and Georgiana think of me.

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This is perfectly delightful; it seems that my brother and Elizabeth are growing on each other. I would so love Elizabeth to be my sister in law. I hope I didn't seem to forward earlier, usually I am not like that. But as soon as Mr Bingley said that they could come to Bath with us. I was so excited. I wasn't looking forward to going before, but I've decidedly changed my mind today, partly because of my meeting with Wickham, and now because Elizabeth is coming.

“Oh yes, I forgot to mention”

I looked towards Mr Bingley.

“I'm planning on having a ball just before we leave”

“Are you planning on inviting everyone?” I asked anxiously.

I knew my brother would want an explanation later, so I will give it to him when I explain about Miss Bennet

“Yes I do”

The only thing I could think of was brown curly hair, and heavenly blue eyes.

Oh did I hope he would be there, I hoped he would keep his promise, and come and dance with me.

Brown curly hair and blue eyes.

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She certainly is intriguing. Although I'm still uncertain what happened with my sister and you, are you trying to make things write between the two of you. Did you say something to her, which you regret now? You're like a puzzle, and I intend to figure you out. You certainly don't treat me like other women do; you don't sigh, and simper at me. Yes you definitely are intriguing, Elizabeth


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