gimnazjum christmas

Zadanie 1.

Zapoznaj się ze zdjęciem. Odpowiedz po angielsku na poniższe pytania. Udziel odpowiedzi

pełnymi zdaniami

0x01 graphic

1. What are the people in the picture doing?

2. What time of the year is it? Why do you think so?

3. How do you like spending Christmas?

Zadanie 2.

Uzupełnij odpowiedź na poniższy list tak, aby uzyskać logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Dear Ala,

It was very nice to get Christmas greetings from you. Thanks a lot. I'm writing to ask you how you spent Christmas. What presents did you get? Where did you go on New Year's Eve?

Write soon.



Dear Jenny,

My family and I spent Christmas with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Every year we

1. _____ at my grandma's place on Christmas Eve, but this year we went on December 23rd because

my Mom wanted 2. _____ my grandma. It was even 3. _____ than last year because my aunt Karolina

came for Christmas from the USA. I got 4. _____ presents: a book, a record of my favourite pop group

and new skis. We went to the mountains for New Year's Eve and I could try 5. _____ out. There was also

a New Year's Eve party there and I enjoyed it very much.

I hope you had a nice Christmas, too.



1. A. met B. are meeting C. meet

2. A. to help B. help C. helping

3. A. more nice B. nicer C. nicest

4. A. a lot of B. much C. lots

5. A. they B. their C. them

Zadanie 3.

Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto kilka zdań. Uzupełnij luki w tekście zdaniami podanymi poniżej (A-F) tak, aby był on spójny i logiczny. Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.


Christmas is a very important time in the Christian year, but it is also very important for those who do

not go to church. 1. ___ People start to get ready for Christmas in late October or early November. Shop-keepers decorate their shops with lights, trees and other decorations, and shoppers start to look for presents. Shops get very busy and stay open later. In the middle of December, most families buy Christmas trees. 2. ___ They also send cards to friends and family. The cards say things like `Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year'. These two traditions both started in the middle of the 19th century

The Christmas holiday begins on 24th December: Christmas Eve. People stop work early then and have

a drink together, or finish their Christmas shopping. 3. _____ Mothers and fathers tell them that Santa

Claus only comes when they are sleeping well, but they do not usually sleep well. Christmas Day (25th December) is a holiday. Children usually wake up early. 4.___ After breakfast they open their other presents around the tree. Christmas dinner is in the afternoon and it is the biggest meal of the day. Before they start to eat, people pull crackers. The crackers make loud noise and have a small game or paper party hat inside. Boxing Day (26th December) is also a holiday, but many shops are now open on this day. 5. ___ Some people go out to watch some sports.

A They look in their stockings to see what Santa put there for them.

B They put them inside and decorate them.

C If the house has a fireplace, they leave their stockings by the fire.

D Children leave a stocking for Santa Claus when they go to bed.

E It is a time for buying and giving presents, having parties, and being with family.

F It is another day for eating, drinking and watching television at home.

Zadanie 4.

Przeczytaj rozmowę dwóch nastolatek, a następnie wybierz odpowiedź zgodną z treścią

informacji. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

1. Ania spent last Christmas A at home with her family. B at her aunt's house. C at her grandma's house.

2. Ania learnt how to A ski. B make a bonfire. C skate.

3. Ania got _______ as a Christmas present A two teacups B a pair of skates C a pair of gloves

4 Ania is going to spend next Christmas A at her place. B at her aunt's place. C abroad with her family.

A Ania, can you tell me about your last Christmas?

B Oh, it was wonderful. We usually stay at home or go to my grandma at Christmas, but last year my

aunt invited us to her house so my parents, my two brothers and I went there. The house is in the

mountains and there was a lot of snow there so we had a great fun. My cousin, who is a ski instructor,

gave me some skiing lessons. We also made a small ice rink at the back of the house and I could teach

my cousins how to skate. One evening we made a big bonfire. It was really nice.

A What about Christmas traditions?

B We had a very big Christmas tree in the sitting-room. We decorated it together. On Christmas Eve we put a lot of presents under the tree. I got a lovely jumper and a pair of woollen gloves and my brothers got the latest CDs of their favourite groups and a pair of new skates. My parents were very happy to receive two beautiful teacups.

A Are you going to your aunt's place this Christmas too?

B I'd love to but my parents have booked a skiing holiday in Italy this year so I'll go there with them. It's possible that my aunt and her family will join us there, so I hope it will be great too.

Zadanie 5.

Dopasuj odpowiednią reakcję do wypowiedzi. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C.

My friends and I are having a New Year's Eve p 1. arty. Would you like to come?

A No, I don't want to.

B Thanks, but I'm going away.

C Sorry, I'm not coming.

2. Merry Christmas!

A You have too.

B And to you.

C The same to you.

3. Where are you going to spend Christmas?

A I don't know yet.

B I'm going.

C I usually spend it.

4. Are you doing anything on New Year's Eve?

A Nothing special. And you?

B I do. And what about you?

C What about your plans?

Zad 1

Zad 2 Key: 1. C, 2. A, 3. B, 4. A, 5. C

Zad3 Key: 1. E, 2. B, 3. D, 4. A, 5. F

Zad4 Key: 1. B, 2. A, 3. C, 4. C

Zad5 Key: 1. B, 2. C, 3. A, 4. A


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