Additional Exercises Part 1 Revision of Vowels 2

Additional Exercises Part 1 Revision of Vowels 2 -

Transcribe the following words - quick revision of Vowel Part 2 Symbols

  1. cot, fox, box, popular, sorry, horrible, lost, wander, costs, dogs.

  2. Sordid, mall, port, fault, stalk, horns, thought, taught, bought, jaws.

  3. Pull, push, wood, wool, shouldn't, fulsome, cushion, books, bush.

  4. Too, tomb, ruler, fool, tune, youths, moods, move, moon, tooth.

  5. Heard, third, journey, urgent, purse, purrs, births, berths, worth, work.

Circle the words with the same vowel sound as in the word:

1. bird / / ----- heart, hurt, worm, warm, world, walked, worked, deer.

2. ball / / ----- won, sorry, Austria, cords, shone, Sean, sword, word, stock.

3. book / / ----- school, tooth, mute, look, boots, shoes, butcher, budget, push, loot

Strong and Weak Forms - transcribe the underlined words:

  1. That's the picture I was looking at.

  2. He's younger than I am.

  3. They were being looked for by the police.

  4. We have to go.

  5. You have seen them.

  6. I need some money.

  7. Some of the people were there.

  8. She says that she's ill.

  9. I need that book.

  10. Do I know you?

  11. Do they want to?

  12. The apples were good.

  13. You always say that.

  14. You can't be serious.

  15. That's his hat. That hat is his.

Transcribe the following sentences paying special attention to weak forms:

  1. How did you get here this morning? I didn't see you at the station.

  2. I came by car, by i wouldn't do it again.

  3. The alarm clock didn't go off. There must have been a power cut last night because the numbers were blinking.

  4. You shouldn't worry too much about it. He'll have forgotten all about it by tomorrow. He always does. It's one of his few good qualities.

  5. I'd do my very best if I were you. You mustn't underestimate him. Besides, there are quite a few people around that would love to have a go at your job. Nothing personal, you understand.

Part 2 Revision of Diphthongs

Transcribe the following words containing diphthongs:

  1. plane, name, gain, age, plate, rate, ray, raced, nails, bouquet.

  2. Stones, most, cold, slow, code, coat, goal, toast, woke, below.

  3. Child, white, iron, lions, pint, libel, quiet, pious, desirable, violent.

  4. Bow, cow, drown, frown, stout, loud, towered, hourly, grouse, south.

  5. Joint, voice, royalty, coins, poison, pointed, oyster, employer, Royce, ointment.

  6. Cheers, cheered, pierce, fierce, Canadian, career, audience, theory, idea, peers.

  7. Bear, shared, scarcely, parents, Mary, mayor, chair, square, declared, aerial.

  8. Poor, jury, brewer, surely, curious, viewer, fewer, truer, usually, valuable.

Circle the words with the same vowel sound as in the word:

  1. take / ei / ----- tear, tame, time, die, line, lane, remain, remind, say, says.

  2. bike /ai/ ----- tide, glide, pies, piece, ties, chirp, pint, milk, infinite, determined.

  3. dear / / ----- beer, bear, fear, fare, deer, dare, Lear, employer, admire, played.

  4. cow /au/ ----- mouse, mousse, frown, dome, foam, phoned, found, saw, down, sound.

  5. fair / / ----- dear, employee, employer, parents, her, hair, hare, fur, airport, here.

Transcribe the underlined words:

  1. I saw a big sow with six little piglets.

  2. The subject bowed to the queen who was holding a bow in her hand..

  3. I've sewn up the tear in your trousers.

  4. He made a row because she'd arranged the desks in the row.

  5. I like raw fish so just put it that bowl.

  6. They were so tired of rowing that they had to lie down.

  7. He didn't sow the whole field as the forest workers were sawing the trunk trees.


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