revision of tenses

Group the time adverb into the relevant tenses

  1. every month

  2. 3 years ago

  3. ago

  4. in 1997

  5. already

  6. always

  7. at 3 o’clock

  8. last

  9. for three days

  10. since 8 o’clock

  11. at that time

  12. at weekend

  13. before

  14. during

  15. last week

  16. ever

  17. every day

  18. for 10 years

  19. on my birthday

  20. in 2000

  21. in the mornings

  22. just

  23. last Easter

  24. lately

  25. never

  26. now

  27. occasionally

  28. this year

  29. often

  30. on Mondays

  31. on weekdays

  32. previous

  33. rarely

  34. recently

  35. last year

  36. right now

  37. seldom

  38. since 1999

  39. so far

  40. sometimes

  41. the other day

  42. this

  43. today

  44. twice a week

  45. usually

  46. when

  47. while

  48. since he was born

  49. yet









Present Perfect Simple

Write the verbs in the proper tenses

  1. They …………………….. (wait) for their teacher to come, but the teacher ……………….. (not/come) yet.

  2. We ……………….. (wait) for my mother to come when she ……………… (call) and ………………. (tell) that she would be late.

  3. We ……………….. (buy) this bicycle last week, but look my brother ……………….. (already/break) it!

  4. The time what you ………………… (spend) in the library yesterday was enough to do your homework.

  5. While we ………………… (talk) to the teacher, the bell …………….. (ring).

  6. She …………………. (just/tell) me that our teacher ………………… (fall) ill.

  7. The children outside are very loud! I guess they ……………….. (play) hop scotch.

  8. I ………………………… (finish) school in 1999. Then I………………… (enter) the university.

  9. We ……………….. (already/write) three essays this term.

  10. Kate ……………… (read) a lot of magazines. She usually ……………… (buy) three or four magazines every week.

  11. Many students ……………………… (not/like) to do their homework, but then their teacher usually ……………….. (give) them a bad mark.

  12. My father ……………….. (work) very hard recently.

  13. We …………………. (just/buy) a new house now we …………….. (renovate) it. We ………………… (not/move) in yet.

  14. We ………………. (have) a good time at our holiday last year.

  15. As we ………………. (not/have) a camera during our vocation we ……………… (not/take) any pictures.

  16. When Tom ……………….. (pass) his driving test he ……………. (be) very happy.

  17. I …………….. (go) to work by bus, but my sister usually …………… (walk) as she ………………. (think) that it is healthier.

  18. When my granny ………………… (give) me a little puppy as a present for my birthday I ……………. (be) very happy.

  19. The family usually ………………… (travel) together. They …………….. (be) to many different countries.

  20. We ………………… (not/decide) yet where to go. I ………………… (think) we will go to the place where we ………………….. (go) last year.

Write the verbs in the proper tenses

  1. I ………………… (see) you in town the other day. You ………………… (sit) in a café with Linda. You were both so excited that you ………………. (not/see) me. What …………………….. (you/talk) about?

  2. John ………………….. (read) three books this week. He usually …………….. (not/like) to read, but last week he ………………. (get) two bad marks as he had not read the books for school.

  3. I ……………….. (not/eat) anything today. I am so hungry! I ……………. (think) I will go to the café and buy a sandwich!

  4. I ………………… (practice) the piano twice a week. My sister also ………….. (like) music, but she ……………….. (not/play) any musical instruments. She ……………… (sing) in a choir.

  5. We usually………………… (eat) our lunch at home but today we ……………….. (eat) at a famous restaurant.

  6. When she ………………. (come) into the room she ……………… (see) that the children …………….. (play) with the cat.

  7. While they ……………… (have) lunch their cat ………….. (run) into the room with a mouse in its mouth.

  8. She ……………… (be) deaf since she was born. She ………………… (visit) many famous doctors with no result so far. She ………………… (hope) that one day she will hear.

  9. She ……………….. (not/decide) where to go after school yet. When she …………….. (be) a little girl, she ………………. (want) to be a teacher, but now she ……………….. (not/want) to do it any more.

  10. Mark ………………… (get) up early in the mornings. He …………….. (start) his work at 6 o’clock and it …………………. (mean) that he ………….. (have) to get up at 4:30. Yesterday he ………………. (be) late as he had forgotten to set his alarm clock.

  11. I ……………… (just/do) my work and I can go out. I am very happy because my boyfriend …………………. (have) a party and he ………………. (invite) all of his friends

  12. Tom and Mary ………………… (go) to visit their friends last Easter. They ……………….. (stay) there for three days.

  13. I …………………….. (work) a lot lately. My exams ………….. (start) on 1st May and I still …………… (have) a lot to do. I ………………. (read) three books but I …………….. (have) two more to read.

  14. She ……………….. (never/ride) a horse. She ………….. (think) that it might be dangerous.

  15. I am busy at the moment. I ………………. (write) an essay. I …………… (need) some more time to finish.

  16. I ………………….. (listen) to a beautiful song now.

  17. We occasionally………………. (go) to the cinema. Last time when we …………. (go) there we …………….. (see) a very interesting film.

Correct the mistakes

  1. They have seen a lot last week.

  2. She hurted her knee.

  3. Childs wore nice uniform when they went to the cinema.

  4. I has learned a lot this year.

  5. We did not wrote the essay.

  6. She go to work every day.

  7. Went you to school last week?

  8. Do you gone there yet?

  9. She did drive home after the party.

  10. We not worked hard.

  11. She are writing a poem now.

  12. They buyed a new car last year.

  13. Did she knew the answer?

  14. She have cooked a lot yesterday.

  15. Do she knows the right answer?

  16. They run along the sea last summer.

  17. They knows what it mean.

  18. Does he works very hard?

  19. Have you already ate?

  20. While she waited for me she was calling me three times!

  21. As they come to see me last week, they said that you have bought a new car.

  22. My teacher have given me a lot of homework to do.

  23. See they already the movie?

  24. I listening to music, don’t disturb me.

  25. She promise me to come, but she not come yet.

  26. We read many interesting articles at school.

  27. We are seeing that wonderful picture! Come and have a look.

  28. The children has many toys.


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