SHSpec 099 6201C11 How to Audit

6201C11 SHSpec-99 How to Audit

If a thetan can communicate directly and straightly with things, he
begins to communicate more directly with his body. Since the eyes are the
most direct comm route from a thetan, when you've done something with a
thetan, you will notice the eyes changing color. "If I can't make a PC's eyes
change color, I don't think I've done anything." Making somebody well is not
much of a trick. Bodies are OK, but to fixate on one totally is silly. If
you are dealing with a technology that can restore the comm lines of a thetan,
you are going to find psychosomatics knocked out. With 20-10, you may also
find pcs getting a whole new set of psychosomatics. A body responds in direct
ratio to the communication level of the thetan running it. A body will also
run on complete automatic, so a body can be in good shape when the thetan is
nowhere around, and because the thetan is nowhere around. You will see some
people -- Hollywood starlet types, for instance -- who are simply Operating
Bodies". These are people who are so irresponsible that they don't have
enough thetan horsepower to make a body sick. Similarly with the "dead
thetan" case, which reads at clear but with a stuck needle, aberration on
help, etc. If you process such a PC, hs will come uh into some degree of
density. If you don't get some physical changes, you are doing something
different from what LRH is trying to teach you with current technologies.

"A lot of you think you are doing fine. I don't think so yet, because I
haven't seen you changing the color of anybody's eyes.... I can, so why can't
you? ... I'll audit a PC until their eye-color changes. Maybe it's just a
very faint change, and maybe it's from brown to blue, but it's a change,
because that's the most direct channel of communication from the thetan to you
and to the outside world, and if you can improve that channel of communication
from the thetan outward, it can't help but do something to his eyes. They'll
at least sparkle or glisten differently."

"I'm asking you to audit the PC who is sitting in front of you and not
somebody else, and not some synthetic person that you dreamed up.... Audit
the guy who is there, please." To produce disaster, miss a withhold and you
have had it. The next time the PC has an ARC break, just follow it back to
the withhold. You can always hold a PC in session with technical tricks, but
don't stop with tricks. Audit the person in front or you -- that person! He
is no mystery, as far as fundamentals are concerned. He is nevertheless an
individual, peculiar, handmade mud pie. You have got to be able to put your finger on any button that is in there to be pressed and produce a considerable reaction in the PC. You have to be able to advance the PC's communication, and that is all you are trying to produce.

All that is wrong with the PC is that he has shortened the reach of his
communication. As his ability to reach -- which is to say, to communicate --
decreases, he considers that he is aberrated When you audit this person, all
you have got to do is to extend his communication reach. Workable processes
have all done this.

The PC's inability to reach can come about from two things:

1. He is restraining himself from reaching, in some fashion.

2. He doesn't know what to reach into or at.

Auditing the second button gives you the biggest gains. For instance, Routine
3D straightens out the messed-up condition inside his mind. On the first
button, the auditor has to figure out what the restraint of reach is about.
We call this "withholds". How is he restraining himself from reaching? He
has overtly reached at some point; then he has decided that was a bad thing to
do, so he withholds the reach next time. This gives you a confusion followed
by a rest point, the withhold, which locks it on the track and makes it float
rather timelessly. This is not as bad as a problem, but it is similar. Now
that the thetan has decided he must never exercise that type of reach again,
he has forgotten what type of reach he was exercising that he mustn't reach
again, so he is now in a total confusion as to what he is withholding.

So how are you going to get off this person's particular and peculiar
withholds? Not by virtue of any form LRH has made to get at his withholds.
He is, after all, unique. An auditor can get so lost in the infinite variety
of the PC's 3D package and the complexity and idiocy of the PC's withholds
that the auditor believes he can't reach. But that's the auditor's belief
that he can't reach. The reason the PC won't reach into black masses, or
valences, is that they are enturbulative. After all, they did kill him many
times, so he knows better than to touch them. They give him somatics even in
session: colds, etc., when he forgets himself and takes a direct (and
instantly forgotten) look at them.

People complain about scientologists' lack of sympathy. But "once you
have learned to handle something to the [degree that we have], confound it!
You just can't bring yourself to worship it anymore." You know too much about
the cause and effect of it all.

What are a person's basic withholds? They could be anything, but he
knows he will be punished for getting them off, because he's made people
guilty for doing such things. This is a great mechanism. He really knows his
withholds have nothing to do with his state of health or his brightness.
Ha!! A person can't improve his reach and communication while simultaneously
restraining his communication.

So an auditor has two zones of action. In dianetics, he has pictures,
which are a shallow look, compared to valences, which are whole packages of
pictures. Each valence represents at least one lifetime. So what things are
keeping the PC from communicating? He is impeding his own reach by having
things he feels he cannot communicate. Now it is up to the auditor to get
these off, by whatever means are effective. He has to be able to get that
PC's withholds. All you are trying to do is release the comm lines that the
PC has pulled in on himself so he can widen the zones into which he can again

All you have to do to get withholds off is to find where the PC isn't.
How come he blew from some elsewhere? He is at least withholding himself from
all the places he is not. That is not aberrative in itself. But you could
say to the PC, "Where haven't you liked to be?" The PC says, "I never liked to
be at the seashore." OK. He's not at the seashore and doesn't want to be. All
sorts of withholds could be developed from this. Ask him, "What have they
done to you at the seashore?" and, "Who was it who did it?", then, "Rave you
thought any critical thoughts about (the person)?", then, "What have you done
to (the person)?" So the procedure is:

1. "Where haven't you liked to be?"

2. "What have they done to you at (Location)?" Get details.

3. "Who did it to you?"

4. Get any critical thoughts about the person.

5. "What have you done to (that person)?"

In running 20-10, running havingness will get the PC to give you more

If the PC considers that he doesn't have any withholds, you can run what
the person about whom he is critical doesn't know about him, and he will
eventually come up to seeing his withholds and overts.

The trick is to audit with the ruds in and run the ruds, so they stay in,
and then throw the PC around. Stir up the PC's bank and get the withholds.
Don't muddy the still waters of the rudiments, so that the PC never dreams of
being anywhere but in session. Then churn up the PC's bank in the body of the
session. The PC has been careful not to do this for trillenia, so it is the
auditor who has got to make something happen.

So when you get something reading on the meter, get the PC talking about
it. Get his critical thoughts and let him get off the motivators and finally
go on to the trap: get the overts and withholds.

[Technique of running hidden standards, etc., with Routine 3D]


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