SHSpec 229 6301C10 How to Audit

6301C10 SHSpec-229 How to Audit

For years, we have had the problem of finding some PC who, even when run
on proper processes, tears up the neighborhood. This is the problem of the
missed withhold. That is all it is. "The biggest missed withhold you can
have is the missing answer to the auditing question. He didn't give you the
answer. He didn't put the item on the list." This is such a big missed
withhold that if you always got it right, you could virtually omit pulling
missed withholds. But you can't totally omit pulling missed withholds.
Here's why:

Among the manifestations of missed withholds are dope-off and boil-off.
Dope-off and boil-off are only caused by missed withholds, not by anaten
contained in GPM's. Anaten is contained in a list, but only acts on the PC
when there is an actual nearly-found-out in PT. You have to keep the little
missed withholds

cleaned up, because they are the ones that make the PC groggy and dopey, not
the missing items. It is a PT nearly-found-out that makes the PC "go under"
on an item or a list. It doesn't happen just from the list. R2-12 pulls
withholds by the carload on track. If you miss a package, it is a giant
missed withhold and a screaming ARC break. But if you see a PC go even
slightly groggy, dopey, slumping down and shutting his eyes, etc., on nulling,
"pull up right there and get the nearly-found-outs!" You are after regular,
PT-type missed withholds, because a missing item on a list doesn't give the
same dope-off symptom. Having missed an item will give this other phenomenon
"body". [See HCOB 3May62 "ARC Breaks -- Missed Withholds" for the fifteen
signs of missed withholds.] The expected behavior of the PC during L and N and
receiving or thinking of items is wide awake. though the PC could have his
eyes closed. This is terribly important during nulling, when you are
depending on the item rockslamming. It won't happen if the PC is anaten.
Meters don't rockslam when the PC is anaten. A meter will tick, but you can't
depend on it rockslamming when there is insufficient attention present to
charge up an item. The same is true for rocket reads in goal checkouts.

Boil-off, anaten, etc., were discovered in 1952 to be "a flow running too
long in one direction." A missed withhold is a restrained flow. Any effort to
outflow, by a PC who has a missed withhold, is blocked and only causes a
further inflow. The PC has a stuck flow. If the "PC has a missed withhold,
he's inflowed as far as he can go, and he's very, very prone to boil-off." He
is holding back a flow, so he gets a stuck flow very quickly.

Sometimes a missed withhold from out of session is keyed in by a withhold
in session. Then the PC boils off. In this case, you have to run the
out-of-session missed withhold. That is why "missed withhold" stays in as a
random rudiment. It gets you out of more trouble than it gets you into, if
you broaden the missed withhold question to include the track. Then you will
get the restimulated ones too. For instance, you might ask, "In the past
week, has a withhold been missed?" Do this when you can't wake the PC. Not
all missed withholds are on the second dynamic. If you start steering missed
withholds by dynamics, you will start more incomplete lists. Keep the
question general.

The nearly-found-out is a "left-hand" button, a suppressor-type button,
which doesn't necessarily read on the meter. If you pull a session missed
withhold but the PC goes dopey fifteen minutes later, prepcheck the
nearly-found-out button, with or without a time limiter.

Left hand buttons are those that prevent things from reading, e.g.
suppress, fail to reveal, anxious about, careful of, nearly found out.

Right hand buttons make things read, e.g. mistake been made, suggested,
decided, protested, invalidated. "Protested" follows on the heels of a
"nearly-found-out"; thus it is a point where left and right hand buttons

In a co-audit, watch for dope-off and put in the random rud yourself.
Don't try to get students to do it. Take for granted that it is something out
of session that keyed in. You can use, "Is there anything we nearly found out
about you?" The "we" limits the question. Or get the student to run the
random rudiment muzzled and repetitive, until the PC looks desperate and about
to ARC break. Then go back to listing.

Which model session should one use? As much as necessary; no more.
Model session has these elements:

1. Adjust the PC's chair.

2. Get a can squeeze.

3. Give the R-factor for the session.

4. Give Tone 40 start of session.

5. Find out if the session has started for the PC.

6. Have the PC set goals for life and livingness and the session.

What you do next depends on whether you are going to list or null today.
Don't worry about ruds in a listing session. Who cares what the needle is
doing? A dirty needle can best be cleaned up by listing. The dirty needle is
probably being caused by thoughts about doing the list. If the list is
complete, the PC's list will be clean. In this case, it is no-auditing to do
anything other than to null the list. Take a chance on between-sessions
out-ruds. Only get worried if the PC starts to boil-off. Get off missed
withholds if possible. If it is not possible, the list is incomplete, so
extend it. In a listing session, get goals set and go right into listing.
That is more effective in cleaning up the needle and having the PC in session
then anything else. If the PC won't sit there and list, that is different.
If the PC stops listing, it is either suppress or inval. Forget the rest of
the ruds. Take any items the PC gives you on these buttons, put them on the
list, and go right back into listing. That was the purpose of the rud, after

At the end of the session, discuss where you and the PC have gotten to
and where in general you are going. Close off the body of the session. Then
check end-ruds at sensitivity 64. Get the PC out of the auditing environment
with, "In this session, was the run all right?" Get your question answered,
but don't grind the PC to death. Check protest if this looks necessary.

Refer to Scientology 8-8008. It talks about a thetan in the physical
universe. All the thetan is doing is stacking himself up against the physical
universe and batting around like a bluebottle fly in a cage. If you want to
free the PC from the session, ask if the room was OK. Then you have got the
thetan and the physical universe straightened up. If the PC starts inventing
answers or seems nerved up, it is probably a missed withhold. You won't do
anything about it.

Then get a can squeeze. Asking about whether the run was all right
usually gets his havingness back up. But if he is down on havingness, don't
work over ruds. Run some havingness for a few commands, to restore the can
squeeze, not to run the bank. The best havingness processes are:

1. Feel that _______ .

2. Touch that _______ .

3. Notice that _______ .

Only use a few commands, not more than twelve. This is also a good way to get
the PC back in session.

Then take up session goals, not life and livingness goals. Take down
whatever gains the PC mentions. Get ask/say. Answer a question if he has
one. Don't start handling what comes up. You are ending session. Don't
press for more.

Give the PC a Tone 40 end of session, and have him tell you that you are
no longer auditing him. Give him an altered visual aspect also, to keep him
from going on running his case. Look more cheerful and natural. Ask for a
cigarette or something.

This is Routine 2 model session. Using more than this minimum can get
you into trouble. For a nulling session, you can show the PC the list and ask
for any major thoughts that he has had about it. This practice lets the PC
get off out-ruds on the list. Then you don't have to ask for them.

If the PC gets agitated in a Routine 2 session, the first thing to assume
is that there is something wrong with the Routine 2. If the PC gets
self-audit-ish or interrupts to get his ruds in, just give a cheery
acknowledgment and go on. Don't let the PC obscure reads while listing.

If you are nulling, just go down the list, going, "Bark! Bark! Bark!" If
the needle gets dirty, don't assume that it is out-ruds. It is more likely
that the list is wrong way to or from a wrong source, especially if your
nulling was too brisk to give the PC time to think. Even more likely than the
above is that the item is not on the list. If a list is incomplete, a PC
won't register protest on the meter when you ask for more items, even if he is
protesting verbally. You could also list for pages beyond where the list was
complete. Then the needle can go dirty on protest. But all other crimes fall
short of not completing the list.

R3-21 requires more mid-ruds than Routine 2 [See p. 371, above for R3-21].
As soon as you have PTP's out of the road, the case is ready for R3-21. Find
his goals nice as you please. It is safer for an expert auditor to do goals
on a case than to do Routine 2. An inexpert auditor is safer with Routine 2.

The list, "In PT, who or what are you upset about?" would probably run
more easily on a PC simply in the form, "Who or what does present time consist
of?" [Cf. Expanded dianetics PT environment list.] This is the basic model,
but you could use, "Who or what are you in contact with in PT?" On missed
withholds, realize that you can list whichever area is of most interest to the
PC. If you pick the wrong one of the three (Session, Life and Livingness,
Parts of Existence) to do first, it can react like a missed withhold. Make
sure you get the universe where the problem lies.


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