Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days -- Appendix C -- Building Internet Applications
Teach Yourself Borland Delphi 4 in 21 Days
- Bonus -
Building Internet Applications
Internet Components Available in Delphi
Building a Web Browser
Who Needs Yet Another Browser?
First Steps in Building Your Browser
Adding a Progress Indicator
Some Finishing Touches
Using Internet Explorer as an ActiveX Control
Sending Mail
Deploying Internet Applications
Are you one of those people who think the Internet is just a fad, something that
will never last? If so, let me tell you something...you're wrong! The Internet is
huge and it's getting bigger every day. In part, the Internet is about the Web and
about people spending hour after hour browsing the Web. But the Internet is also
about file transfers, email, and electronic commerce. The Internet is big business.
It isn't going away anytime soon, so you might want to polish your Internet programming
skills. Thankfully, Delphi makes it easy to experiment with Internet programming
and to do serious Internet programming as well.
Today, you look at some aspects of Internet programming with Delphi. There's a
whole world waiting out there on the Internet, so let's get to it.
Internet Components Available in Delphi
The Internet components in Delphi are located on the Internet page of the Component
palette and come in two categories. The first category is a group of components provided
by NetMasters. With one exception, these are native VCL components. The exception
is the THTML control, which is an ActiveX control. Table BD.1 lists the NetMasters
controls and provides a description of each control. The controls are listed in the
order in which they appear on the Component palette.
Obtains the date and time from Internet daytime servers.
Sends text to and receives text from Internet echo servers.
Obtains information about a user from an Internet finger server.
Performs file transfers between networked machines using FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Performs file transfers using HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol). Hypertext documents
are normally viewed in a Web browser. You use THTTP to retrieve Web documents that
don't need to be displayed in a Web browser.
Sends simple ASCII text messages using TCP/IP.
Receives messages sent with the TNMMsg control.
Sends messages to and receives messages from Internet news servers using NNTP (Networking
News Transfer Protocol).
Retrieves email messages from mail servers using POP3 (Post Office Protocol).
Encodes or decodes MIME or uuencoded files.
Sends email through SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail servers.
Sends data streams to a network or Internet stream server.
Receives streams sent by the TNMStrm control.
Obtains the date and time from Internet time servers.
Transfers data across networks using UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
Encapsulates the Winsock API.
Used for general TCP/IP servers.
Displays HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) files. This is a Web
browser component.
Converts URL data to a readable string and string data to URL format.
The second category of controls includes native VCL components provided by Borland.
The TClientSocket and TServerSocket components come with both the Professional and
Client/Server versions of Delphi. The Web Broker components (TWebDispatcher, TPageProducer,
TQueryTableProducer, and TDataSetTableProducer) come with only the Client/Server
version. The VCL Internet components are listed in Table BD.2.
Manages a TCP/IP client socket connection.
Manages a TCP/IP server socket connection.
Converts an ordinary data module to a Web module.
Enables building of dynamic HTML pages.
Takes TQuery results and generates an HTML document from them.
Takes TDataSet records and generates an HTML document from them.
These two groups of controls give you all the power you need to build high-quality
Internet applications.
Building a Web Browser
One of the most visible Internet programming tasks is building a Web browser.
Certainly it's the most glamorous. The good news is that it can also be the easiest.
Who Needs Yet Another Browser?
You might be wondering why anyone would want to build a Web browser. After all,
the world already has Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, so who needs another
browser? True enough, you probably aren't going to try to build a Web browser that
competes with Netscape or Microsoft. On the other hand, consider a company that has
hundreds or even thousands of employees who need access to the Web. It can be very
costly to license thousands of copies of a commercial Web browser. On the other hand,
you can write a quality Web application with Delphi in just a few hours, thereby
saving the company a lot of money.
Another reason a company might want a custom Web browser is to restrict access
to the Web. For example, there might be sites on the Internet that employees have
to visit from time to time. A custom Web browser enables access to authorized sites
on the Web but not to any other (unauthorized) sites. In fact, a custom browser is
perfect for your kids!
Finally, one of the most compelling reasons for a custom Web browser is an intranet.
An intranet is a Web site that is local to a particular network. An intranet can
contain a variety of information for a company's internal use--information on company
benefits, company policies, an employee address book, meeting schedules, or even
information on the company bowling league. A custom Web application can provide access
to an intranet and prevent access to the Internet.
So with that in mind, you'll build a simple Web browser. You'll probably be surprised
how easy it is.
First Steps in Building Your Browser
The THTML control is a ready-to-use Web browser. All you have to do is place one
of these controls on a form and call the RequestDoc method. Well, that might be a
little oversimplified, but you can display a Web document from anywhere on the Internet
as easily as that. With that in mind, let me show you how quickly you can write a
Web browser application. Here are the first steps:
1. Start with a new application. Change the form's Name property to WebMain
and the Caption property to EZ Web Browser.
2. Place a Panel component on the form and change its Align property to
alTop and its Height property to 60. Clear the Caption property.
3. Place a ComboBox component on the panel. Move it near the top of the
panel and make it as wide as the panel itself. Change the Name property to URLComboBox.
Change the Text property to an URL of your choice (try http://www.turbopower.com).
Double-click the Constraints property and change the AnchorHorz constraint to akStretch.
4. Place a StatusBar component on the form. It will automatically position
itself at the bottom of the form. Change its Name property to StatusBar and its SimplePanel
property to True.
5. Place an HTML control in the middle of the form. Change its Align property
to alClient. The HTML control fills the screen. Change the Name property to HTML.
Now your form should look similar to the one shown in Figure BD.1. If your application
doesn't look exactly like Figure BD.1, adjust as necessary or just leave it. (A little
individuality isn't a bad thing, after all.)
At this point, you should save the project. Save the form as WebBrwsU.pas and
the project as WebBrows.dpr. Now you'll add just enough functionality to make the
browser do something useful.
new Web browser after the first steps.
6. Click on the URL combo box. Generate an event handler for the OnClick
event. Type the following code in the event handler:
if URLComboBox.Text <> `' then
The RequestDoc method loads the requested document after first checking that
the combo box contains text.
7. Now generate an event handler for the OnKeyPress event. Type the following
code in the event handler:
if Key = Char(VK_RETURN) then begin
Key := #0;
if URLComboBox.Text = `' then
This code first checks the Key parameter to see whether the Enter key was pressed.
If so, it sets Key to 0 and calls the URLComboBoxTest method (created in step 6).
Setting Key to 0 prevents the speaker from beeping when the Enter key is pressed.
The call to the URLComboBoxClick method loads the URL into the Web browser.
8. Now compile and run the program. Type an URL in the combo box and press
Enter. If you typed in a valid URL, the page will load in the HTML control.
Wow! A Web browser in 15 minutes! Notice that the browser acts like any other
Web browser...well, sort of. You need to add a lot of functionality, but it's a start.
NOTE: If you are fortunate enough to have a full-time Internet connection,
your new browser will work immediately. If you are using dial-up networking with
auto dial enabled, the dialer will start automatically and connect to your Internet
service provider (ISP). If you don't have dial-up networking installed, you have
to connect to the Internet manually before running the program.
Adding a Progress Indicator
You now have a good start on your Web browser. One of the features you are missing
is some status information on each page as it loads. What you'll do is add a routine
that updates the status bar as a page loads. You make use of the THTML control's
OnUpdateRetrieval and OnEndRetrieval events to obtain periodic status updates. You
will use the GetBytesTotal and GetBytesDone methods to calculate a percentage and
then display the percentage loaded in the status bar. Ready?
1. Click on the HTML control on your form. Generate an event handler for
the OnUpdateRetrieval event. Add code to the event handler so that it looks like
procedure TWebMain.HTMLUpdateRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
Total : Integer;
Done : Integer;
Percent : Integer;
Total := HTML.RetrieveBytesTotal;
Done := HTML.RetrieveBytesDone;
if (Total = 0) or (Done = 0) then
Percent := 0
Percent := ((Done * 100) div Total);
StatusBar.SimpleText := Format(
`Getting Document: %d%% of %dK', [Percent, Total div 1024]);
2. Now generate an event handler for the OnEndRetrieval event. Type this
code in the event handler:
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Done';
Take a closer look at the code in step 1. There isn't very much to it. The GetBytesTotal
method tells you how many bytes are in the document or the embedded object currently
being loaded (objects include images). The GetBytesDone method gives the number of
bytes that have been retrieved for the page or object up to this point. From there
it's a simple matter to calculate the percentage of the object that has been retrieved.
Finally, you format a string with the information obtained from the HTML control
and send it to the status bar. The code in step 2 simply updates the status bar after
the entire document has been loaded.
Run the program again and watch what happens when you load a page. The status
bar shows the percentage loaded for the page and for any embedded objects.
Some Finishing Touches
Now for some finishing touches. First, you'll add some buttons beneath the URL
combo box. (For a peek at the finished product, see Figure BD.2.) Here goes:
1. Place a button on the panel beneath the URL combo box. Make its Name
property GoBtn and change its Caption to Go!.
2. Generate an event handler for the OnClick event for the new button.
Enter the following code in the event handler:
3. Place another button on the panel, just to the right of the first button.
Change the Name to StopBtn and the Caption to Stop.
4. Generate an event handler for the OnClick event for this button and
type the following code in the event handler:
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Done';
5. Place a third button on the panel to the right of the other two buttons.
Change the Name property to ReloadBtn. Change the Caption property to Reload.
6. Create an event handler for the OnClick event for this button and enter
the same code as in step 2:
7. Place a fourth (and final) button on the panel. Change the Name to
SourceBtn and change the Caption to View Source.
8. Create an event handler for the OnClick event and enter this code:
HTML.ViewSource := not HTML.ViewSource;
if HTML.ViewSource then
SourceBtn.Caption := `View Document'
SourceBtn.Caption := `View Source';
Your form should now look like the one shown in Figure BD.2.
EZ Web Browser with buttons in place.
These steps introduce a couple of new THTML elements. The Cancel method stops
the process of loading a document. The ViewSource property is used to toggle between
viewing the document as HTML source or as a regular HTML document.
Now run the program again. Check out the new buttons and see what they do. In
particular, give the View Source button a try.
Okay, you're almost done with your Web browser. Let's add a couple of more features.
You are going to respond to two more events of the THTML control in order to provide
more status information.
1. Generate an event handler for THTML's OnDoRequestDoc event. Type this
code in the event handler:
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Connecting to ` + URL + `...';
2. Now create an event handler for the OnBeginRetrieval event. When the
event handler appears, type this code:
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Connected...';
URLComboBox.Items.Insert(0, URLComboBox.Text);
In this sequence, step 1 makes use of the OnDoRequestDoc event, which is generated
when a document is requested. The URL parameter of the DoRequestDoc event handler
is the URL of the site to which you are connected. As long as the URL is provided,
you can use it to build a string to display in the status bar. Step 2 adds a little
more status information when the document actually starts to load. It also takes
the URL and adds it to the URL combo box's list. You need to make sure that you have
connected to a site before adding the URL to the list of visited sites.
Congratulations, you have finished (or nearly finished) your first Internet application.
Figure BD.3 shows the EZ Web Browser in operation.
finished EZ Web Browser displaying a page.
Hey, that's good work! There are some things that your Web browser doesn't do,
but it does a lot, so you can be proud. Stand back and admire your work. You can
take your new creation and add some new features of your own. One feature you might
want to add is a list of URLs that can be used to implement browse buttons (back
and next). You could also replace the standard buttons with a toolbar and add glyphs
to the toolbar's buttons. If you really want to add the ultimate touch, provide an
animation while the document is loading so that your users can tell when your browser
is doing something. You can do that most easily with a TImageList component, although
the TAnimate component would work, too.
The THTML control has several properties that I didn't cover. Most of these properties
have to do with user preferences such as background color, the color of links, the
color of visited links, the various fonts used for each heading size, and so on.
I'm not going to explain those properties because they are easy to figure out. For
the most part you can just accept the default values for these properties. If you
want to customize your browser further, though, you can certainly spend some time
reviewing the properties list for the THTML control.
Listing BD.1 lists the browser program's main unit.
LISTING BD.1. WebBrwsU.pas.
unit WebBrwsU;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, OleCtrls, NMHTML, ComCtrls;
TWebMain = class(TForm)
Panel1: TPanel;
URLComboBox: TComboBox;
StatusBar: TStatusBar;
GoBtn: TButton;
StopBtn: TButton;
ReloadBtn: TButton;
SourceBtn: TButton;
procedure URLComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure URLComboBoxKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
procedure HTMLUpdateRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
procedure HTMLEndRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
procedure Gobtnclick(Sender: Tobject);
procedure StopBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure ReloadBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure SourceBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure HTMLDoRequestDoc(Sender: TObject; const URL: WideString;
Element: HTMLElement; DocInput: DocInput;
var EnableDefault: WordBool);
procedure HTMLBeginRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
WebMain: TWebMain;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TWebMain.URLComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
if URLComboBox.Text <> `' then
procedure TWebMain.URLComboBoxKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if Key = Char(VK_RETURN) then begin
Key := #0;
if URLComboBox.Text = `' then
procedure TWebMain.HTMLUpdateRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
Total : Integer;
Done : Integer;
Percent : Integer;
Total := HTML.RetrieveBytesTotal;
Done := HTML.RetrieveBytesDone;
if (Total = 0) or (Done = 0) then
Percent := 0
Percent := ((Done * 100) div Total);
StatusBar.SimpleText := Format(
`Getting Document: %d%% of %dK', [Percent, Total div 1024]);
procedure TWebMain.HTMLEndRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Done';
procedure TWebMain.GoBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TWebMain.StopBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Done';
procedure TWebMain.ReloadBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TWebMain.SourceBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
HTML.ViewSource := not HTML.ViewSource;
if HTML.ViewSource then
SourceBtn.Caption := `View Document'
SourceBtn.Caption := `View Source';
procedure TWebMain.HTMLDoRequestDoc(Sender: TObject; const URL: WideString;
Element: HTMLElement; DocInput: DocInput; var EnableDefault: WordBool);
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Connecting to ` + URL + `...';
procedure TWebMain.HTMLBeginRetrieval(Sender: TObject);
StatusBar.SimpleText := `Connected...';
URLComboBox.Items.Insert(0, URLComboBox.Text);
Using Internet Explorer as an ActiveX Control
If you have Microsoft Internet Explorer installed on your system, you can use
it as an ActiveX control. The first thing you need to do is import the control into
Delphi's Component palette. After that, you can place it on a form just as you would
any control. First, let me show you how to import Internet Explorer. (I showed you
how to import ActiveX controls on Day 15, "COM and ActiveX," but it doesn't
hurt to review.) Here are the steps:
1. Choose Component | Import ActiveX Control from the main menu. The Import
ActiveX dialog box is displayed.
2. Locate Microsoft Internet Controls (Version 1.x) in the list
of ActiveX controls (see Figure BD.4). If you have Internet Explorer 3 installed,
the version number will be 1.0. If you have Internet Explorer 4 installed, the control
will be listed as version 1.1. Notice that the Class names field shows TWebBrowser
as the control contained in this file. If you have Internet Explorer 4, the Class
names field will also show TWebBrowser_V1 (the original WebBrowser control) and TShellFolderViewOC.
Import ActiveX dialog box.
3. Click Install to install the control (the rest of the fields on this
dialog box can be left on their default values).
4. The Install dialog box appears asking for a package name. Click on
the Into new package tab at the top of the dialog and type IE in the File name field.
(You can type a description if you want, but it's not necessary.) Click OK to create
the package.
5. A confirmation dialog box appears asking whether you want to build
and install the package. Click Yes to create the package.
Delphi builds the package and then displays a dialog box saying that the TWebBrowser
control has been installed. Now you can try out the control:
1. First, choose File | Close All to close all windows, and then create
a new application.
2. Click the ActiveX tab on the Component palette. Choose the WebBrowser
control and drop it on your main form. Size the control as desired, but leave room
on the form for a button.
3. Drop a Button component on the form. Double-click the button to generate
an OnClick event handler. Type the following code in the event handler (use any URL
you want):
EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam, EmptyParam););
As you might surmise, the Navigate method loads the document in the Web browser.
4. Click the Run button to run the program.
When the program runs, click the form's button. The Web page will load and be
displayed in the WebBrowser control.
When you install this control, Delphi creates a unit called SHDocVw_TLB.pas. You
can look at this unit to see what properties and methods are available for TWebBrowser.
TIP: You can find documentation for the WebBrowser control on Microsoft's
Web site. Search the Microsoft site for the text Reusing the WebBrowser Control.
Notice that you can't redistribute the TWebBrowser control itself without obtaining
a license from Microsoft. However, if you know your users have Internet Explorer
installed on their systems, your application will work because the control is already
installed. You still have to register the control on your user's machine for your
application to run. See "Deploying Internet Applications" later in this
chapter for more information on registering ActiveX controls.
Sending Mail
There are many reasons you might want to send mail from one of your applications.
The good news is that sending email isn't difficult at all. Maybe you want your program
users to be able to email you with any problems they encounter. In that case, your
application could pop up a form containing a Memo component and a Send button. Your
users can type text in the Memo component, press the Send button, and the message
is emailed to you. You can even go so far as to attach a log file from your application
to diagnose any problems the user is having.
The TNMSMTP control is used for sending mail through an SMTP server. SMTP is an
odd protocol in that it doesn't require authenticated logon to the server (at least
on most SMTP servers). You can simply connect to any mail server, send the email
message, and disconnect. The Host property is used to specify the host name of the
mail server to which you want to connect. Most of the time, you can just use mail
as the host name. Specifying mail tells the TNMSMTP control to connect to your local
mail server, whether it's your ISP's mail server or your company's mail server.
If you want, you can specifically set the mail server name (such as mail.mycompany.com),
but it isn't usually necessary. If you specify an incorrect mail server, you get
an ESockError exception. The Port property is used to specify the port on which to
connect. The default SMTP port is port 25. The Port property defaults to a value
of 25, so you shouldn't have to change this property.
All the pertinent information for the mail message itself is contained in the
PostMessage property. This property is a class that contains properties such as ToAddress,
FromAddress, Subject, Body, and so on. You fill in the appropriate fields of the
PostMessage property and then send the message.
Before you can send a mail message, you need to connect to the SMTP server. This
is done with the Connect method:
SMTP.Host := `mail';
After you're connected, you can send the email. The OnConnect event handler is
a good place for this code because you know that you are connected to an SMTP server.
For example:
procedure TMainForm.SMTPConnect(Sender: TObject);
with SMTP.PostMessage do begin
FromAddress := `bilbo@baggins.com';
Subject := `Test';
Body.Add(`This is a test');
This code sets up the FromAddress, ToAddress, Subject, and Body parameters of
the PostMessage property and then sends the message with the SendMail method. It's
as simple as that. Notice that the ToAddress and Body properties of PostMessage are
TStringLists. The mail message body can contain several lines of text, so it's not
surprising that the Body property is a TStringList. The ToAddress property is also
a TStringList, so you can specify several recipients for the message.
NOTE: The FromAddress and ToAddress fields are required fields. All other
fields (even the message body) are optional.
After you know the message has been sent successfully, you can disconnect from
the SMTP server. The OnSuccess event is generated when the mail has been sent. Your
OnSuccess event handler might be as simple as the following:
void __fastcall tform1.smtpsuccess(tobject *sender then
You can send several messages per connection, of course. If you have several messages
to send, you don't have to disconnect from the server and reconnect for each message.
Just connect once, send all your messages, and then disconnect from the server.
Your mail message might go through without incident, or it might fail in one way
or another. In either case, you must be prepared to disconnect from the server. The
OnFailure event is generated if the mail message fails to go through, so you can
use that event to disconnect from the server as well as the OnSuccess event. The
book's code, found at http://www.mcp.com/info, contains a simple mail program that
illustrates how to send mail with TNMSMTP.
Deploying Internet Applications
If your Internet application uses only the VCL Internet components, there is nothing
special to do when you deploy your application unless you are using runtime packages.
If you are using runtime packages, you need to ship INET40.BPL, and if you are using
the page producer components, ship INETDB40.BPL as well.
Deploying an application that uses ActiveX controls, however, requires more work.
ActiveX controls must be registered on the machine on which your application will
run. The easiest way to register ActiveX controls is with a good installation program.
InstallShield Express comes with Delphi Professional and Client/Server versions,
so you should try that program. Another good installation program is Wise Install
from Great Lakes Business Solutions. The better installation programs register, as
part of the installation process, the ActiveX controls that your application uses.
If you don't use a commercial installation program, you have to manually register
any ActiveX controls your application uses. The TREGSVR.EXE utility is used to register
and unregister ActiveX and OCX controls. This utility is in your Delphi 4\Bin directory.
For example, to install the EZ Web Browser application you created earlier today,
you ship the following files:
After you install all these files, you have to run TREGSVR.EXE on the HTML.OCX
and NMOCOD.DLL files to register them. From the command line, you type
Do the same for NMOCOD.DLL. The THTML control is now registered on your user's
machine and your program will run as intended.
NOTE: If you don't register your ActiveX controls properly, your users
will see a message box that says, "Class not registered." when they attempt
to run your program. Your application will then terminate, leaving your users wondering
what went wrong.
To unregister a control, use the /u switch as follows:
Here again, a good installation program will have an uninstall option that takes
care of this for you.
As you can see, ActiveX controls require a bit of work to install after your application
is built. If you aren't aware of the fact that you need to register the ActiveX controls,
it can lead to confusion for both you and your users. By the way, the files needed
to deploy an application using the THTML control total about 900KB, so using ActiveX
controls can be expensive in terms of disk space. I prefer to use native VCL controls
whenever possible for exactly this reason.
Today you learned about the Internet components provided in Delphi. You built
a simple but usable Web browser with the THTML control, and you learned how to send
mail using the TNMSMTP control. Internet programming is big business right now. It
certainly can't hurt to have some Internet programming experience.
The Workshop contains quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of
the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you
have learned. You can find the answers to the quiz questions in Appendix A, "Answers
to the Quiz Questions."
Q What components or controls should I use to create a TCP/IP client/server
A Use the TClientSocket and TServerSocket components.
Q Can I create Web pages from my database tables?
A Yes. The TQueryTableProducer and TDataSetTableProducer components create
an HTML document from a database table. You can learn more about these components
by examining the sample projects in the Delphi 4\Demos\Webserv directory.
Q The TNMSMTP control is for receiving mail and the TNMPOP3 control is for
retrieving mail. Why are there two controls for email operations?
A There are two controls because there are two separate mail protocols:
one for sending mail (SMTP) and one for retrieving mail (POP3).
Q When were most of the Internet protocols (SMTP, POP3, FTP, UDP, and so on)
A You might be surprised to learn that many protocols used in Internet
programming have been around for 20 years or more even though the Internet is much
younger than that. The Internet protocols were originally designed for the UNIX platform.
1. What control do you use to display Web pages?
2. What control do you use to connect to newsgroups?
3. What is the name of the method used to display an HTML document with
the THTML control?
4. What event is generated when an HTML document has completed loading?
5. What control do you use to send email messages?
6. What control do you use to retrieve email messages?
7. What is the name of the method used to send mail with the TNMSMTP control?
8. Can you freely distribute the Internet Explorer ActiveX control?
9. What is the name of the utility used to register ActiveX controls?
10. What company provides the bulk of the Internet controls that come
with Delphi?
1. Write an application for sending email. The application's main form
should have fields for the from address, the to address, the mail subject,
and the message text.
2. Add Forward and Back buttons to the EZ Web Browser application and
make them operational.
3. Extra Credit: Add animation to the EZ Web Browser application so that
the user can tell when the browser is loading a document.
© Copyright, Macmillan Computer Publishing. All
rights reserved.
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