Modules 3 & 4 Progress Tes 2B
3 Z podanych liter utwórz nazwy postaci.
1 Zapisz daty dwoma sposobami.
We write:
3rd May 1954
We say:
the third of May nineteen fifty-four
/ 5
1 11/10/1789
4 Napisz przeciwiełstwa.
2 31/03/2012
1 short l
2 safe d
3 small e
3 02/02/1845 4 dirty c
5 normal s
/ 5
4 28/11/2003
5 Napisz czasowniki w czasie Past Simple.
5 16/07/1999
1 study
2 write
/ 5 3 go
4 win
2 Połącz połówki zdał.
5 prefer
d 6 do
They tasted
7 take
1 This soap
8 make
2 I didn t see
3 My grandfather left
/ 8
4 This spaghetti
5 She wore a very
a tastes delicious. Try some.
b my friends last weekend.
c big hat to the wedding.
d the new ice cream and loved it.
e school when he was twelve.
f smells lovely.
/ 5
Modules 3 & 4 Progress Test
Exam Expressions
6 Przeczytaj tekst. ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę
(A, B lub C).
8 Połącz pytania (1 5) z odpowiedziami (a f).
Saturday afternoon my friend and
Who s the man with the hat?
I 1 in a caf� when we decided 2
1 Did you have many friends at school?
to the cinema. We wanted to 3 the new
Ice Age film, but 4 we got to the Odeon 2 Where s your brother in the photo?
Cinema, there were 5 seats, so we went
3 Why did you have a part-time job?
to a restaurant for dinner. Unfortunately,
4 Do you get scared watching
I didn t have 6 money with me. I asked
horror films?
my friend to pay for me, but she didn t have
5 Who are the people in the photo?
money with her! When the bill
, we needed Ł1.00 more. I 9
a At the back.
some coins in my jacket pocket, but only 40p.
b My dad s family.
We still needed 60p. Suddenly, while I 10
c To pay for college.
in my bag for more money, I heard something
d Yes, very.
drop on the table and there, in front of me,
e Oh yes. A lot.
was a one pound coin. I have no idea how it
f That s my uncle.
got there!
/ 5
A Last B Before C Next
9 ZakreĘl właĘciwe słowo.
1 A were sitting B sit C sat
2 A go B going C to go
One / When cold, dark night I was walking
3 A hear B look C see
home because I didn t have the money for
4 A then B when C after
the bus. An old man was walking on the other
5 A no B some C any
side of the road. 1Suddenly / Quickly the moon
6 A any B no C some
disappeared behind a cloud and the street
7 A no B a lot of C some
lights went off. I couldn t see anything, but
8 A was coming B comes C came
I felt something touch my hand.
9 A found B find C fond
Where / When the moon reappeared and the
10 A looked B am looking C was looking
lights came back on, I saw that I was holding
an old photograph. The old man was at the
/ 10
front / end of a group of people and I was
sitting in the 4middle / right. Who was he? How
7 Uzupełnij zdania słowami z ramki.
did I get into the picture? I looked around,
hers his mine ours theirs yours
but he had disappeared. 5Suddenly / Honestly
I don t know what happened.
This bag says, David on it. It must be .
/ 5
1 Excuse me. Is this wallet ? I think you
dropped it.
2 We only like mushroom pizza, so this one isn t
. It s got pepperoni on it.
3 The mp3 player on the table is . I got it
for my birthday.
4 That isn t my grandparents house. is
smaller than that one.
5 Joanna loves handbags. That s one of
on the floor.
/ 5
Modules 3 & 4 Progress Tes 2B
12 Przeczytaj tekst. ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę
10 Posłuchaj nagrania. ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę
(A, B lub C).
(A, B lub C).
Yesterday was Danny s birthday so we
Gandhi was born in India in
a huge party for him. Everyone 1 funny
A 1968 B 1896 C 1869
costumes and there was a prize for the best
1 Gandhi married a girl who was .
one. I was in a vampire costume and people
A forty B fourteen C eighteen
said I looked very 2 . Anna, my best
2 Gandhi studied law in .
friend, was a zombie 3 dirty hair, a white
A India B London C South Africa
face and black rings around her eyes. She
3 Gandhi went to South Africa in .
looked 4 because ghosts never sleep! The
A 1893 B 1888 C 1891
girl 5 the mermaid costume was Jenny,
4 He went to prison for .
but she couldn t walk in it. In the 6 she
A organising protests
took it off because she kept falling over!
B being non-violent C being a lawyer
5 In 1915 he went to .
A went B got C had
A Britain B South Africa C India
1 A got B wore C did
6 In 1922 he was in prison for .
2 A safe B normal C scary
A two years B one year. C three years.
3 A of B in C with
7 India became an independent
4 A hungry B tired C huge
country in .
5 A in B for C by
A 1947 B 1948 C 1939
6 A end B start C middle
/ 7
/ 6
11 Posłuchaj nagrania. Przeczytaj zdania (1 7)
i zaznacz, czy są prawdziwe ('), czy fałszywe (').
Harry and Jenny both watched
the horror film. '
1 Harry didn t like the film Ghost Story.
2 Jenny thought Ghost Story
was brilliant.
3 Jenny s sister wanted to watch
the film.
4 Jenny likes films about aliens.
5 Jenny doesn t usually get scared.
6 Harry likes old films.
7 Harry thinks horror films are scary.
/ 7
Modules 3 & 4 Progress Test
13 Uzupełnij artykuł słowami z ramki.
a lot of creature curious
15 Uzupełnij tekst, wpisując jedno słowo w kaŻdą
decided in normal saw
Philip was in 1984. He lived with
his parents in 1
small house on
1938, Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer,
the south coast of England. He wanted
who worked in a small museum in South
be an astronaut 3 he
Africa, found an unusual fish caught in a
was ten. However, he wasn t very 4
fisherman s net. She 1
the fish
at his lessons because he got very nervous
under all the other fish in the net. She didn t
before exams. One day he decided
recognise it and thought it was an interesting
try acting. He played Romeo in
for her museum. When she
the school play of Romeo and Juliet and
got back to the museum, she checked all her
discovered that he was really good
books to find out what it was, but it wasn t
acting. Now he is a famous actor
a 3
fish. She was very
and he 7
in a large house in
, so she sent a drawing of the
Hollywood. In 2003 he 8
an Oscar
fish to a famous professor. The professor
for Best Actor .
replied and told her that this kind of fish
had existed over 300 million years ago! It was
/ 8
called a coelacanth. After that, the professor
16 Napisz opowiadanie o duchach, udzielając
to offer a reward to anyone
odpowiedzi na poniŻsze pytania.
who found another coelacanth. But fourteen
years passed before the first living one was 1 When did happen and where were you?
discovered in the Comoros Islands. The local 2 What was the weather like?
people did not understand why someone 3 What were you doing?
wanted to pay 6 4 What happened suddenly?
money for this
strange fish! 5 What did the ghost look like?
6 What did the ghost do?
/ 6 7 What did you do then?
8 How did you feel?
14 Przeczytaj ponownie artykuł z zadania 13.
ZakreĘl właĘciwą odpowiedę (A prawda,
My Ghost Story
B fałsz lub C brak informacji).
1 One day
Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer often went fishing.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
1 There were many of these fish in the net.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
2 Marjorie didn t know it was a coelacanth when
she found it.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
3 She sent a drawing of the fish to the professor.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
/ 8
4 The creature was just a normal fish.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
TOTAL / 100
5 The professor travelled to the Comoros Islands.
A Right B Wrong C Doesn t say
/ 5
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