Elementary Progress Test 2

UNIT_03 24/11/03 3:02 pm Page 13
Entry Test
Progress Test 2 (Units 5 8)
Listening Anna, Boris and Carl have a meeting. They need to decide who will lead the sales
team: Sam, Rosie or Tina.
Listen and choose the best answer.
11 At the start of the meeting, Anna &
a) gives her opinion.
b) makes the decision.
c) asks Boris for his opinion.
12 Boris and Carl &
a) agree.
b) don t agree.
c) don t have any opinions.
13 At the end Anna suggests they &
a) talk to the team members.
b) discuss the question tomorrow.
c) choose Sam to be the new leader.
Listen again.
Match the person to the descriptions. Put a tick (') under the correct name.
Sam Rosie Tina
EXAMPLE: hard-working and energetic '
14 relaxed
15 reliable
16 doesn t listen
17 not organised and not punctual
18 too ambitious
19 creative
10 gets on well with everybody
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Progress Test 2
Vocabulary Look at this description of a piece of luggage. Complete each sentence with
information from the chart.
Executive bag
Cost Ł175
Weight 1.4 kg (a lot!)
Size (length, width, height) 110 cm x 64 cm x 15 cm
Features green, red, brown
excellent security
wheels for easy transport
Features: It comes in three .
11 Cost: The bag is . (It isn t cheap.)
12 Quality: The bag is very quality.
13 Weight: The bag is . (It isn t light.)
14 Length: The bag is 110 cm .
15 Width: It is 64 cm .
Choose a word from each list to complete the sentences.
List A List B
launch a deposit
offer prices
place an order
give a new product
pay a discount
compare a guarantee
A company develops a new idea and they want to put it on the market.
launch a new product
They .
16 Before you buy something, it s a good idea to .
............ ............
17 A salesperson wants to make a sale. He / She can .
............ ............
18 You decide to buy something. You telephone the company and you
............ ............
19 You don t always pay the full price before delivery. Sometimes you only
............ ............
20 Many companies because a product can break down
............ ............
after you buy it.
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Progress Test 2
Look at the chart. The company on the left gives bad sales service. The
company on the right gives good service. Complete the chart with a word or
phrase from the box.
free interest-free good value in stock
on time online
Company A Company B
Bad service Good service
on time
EXAMPLE: Sometimes our deliveries We always deliver .
arrive late.
21 I m sorry  the goods are not I m happy to tell you we have
available at the moment. the goods .
22 You must pay for delivery. We offer delivery.
23 We offer credit at 10 percent We offer credit.
24 You must come to our shop You can order from
to buy things. our website.
25 Our products are expensive and
not very good quality. We offer for money.
Functions You can hear the questions below in a restaurant. Choose the best answer to each
one from the list a) to i).
EXAMPLE: What would you like as a starter?
26 Are you ready to order?
27 What do you recommend for the main course?
28 Excuse me  what is  cod ?
29 Would you like something to drink?
30 Are there any vegetarian dishes?
31 Would you like a dessert?
32 Shall I bring some more coffee?
33 Did you enjoy the meal?
a) Yes  could I have some water, please?
b) Yes, it was delicious.
c) Can I have the soup, please?
d) We need a few more minutes.
e) How about the roast duck  it s always very good.
f) Yes  there are vegetables and fried rice or spaghetti with tomato sauce.
g) No, thanks. Just the bill, please.
h) Yes, please. I ll have ice cream.
i) It s a kind of fish.
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Progress Test 2
Grammar Carlos is from Mexico. He talks about a visit to Basel in Switzerland.
Complete his words with much, many, a lot of, there is, or there are.
There are
It s a very international city. a lot of people from other countries 
France, Italy, Turkey, Brazil. You can hear different languages. There
isn t traffic because most people travel by public transport. There
aren t cars on the street, but there are buses and trams.
a lot of nice places to visit. I like the old streets and historic buildings.
And a big river  the River Rhine. One problem is  you need
39 40
money. Accommodation is expensive. There aren t cheap
............ ............
Read the conversation. Change the verbs into the past tense.
Q (Do) you go to Columbia University?
A That s right. I (study) French and marketing there.
Q And your first job (is) in sales?
A Yes. I (join) McAndrews  the paper company  in 1995.
I (start) as a sales representative, selling in the home market.
After a year, I (move) to the international sales department.
Q What (do) you do there?
A I (go) to France, to work in the French sales office.
Q How long (do) you stay in France?
A Five years. It was very interesting. I (learn) a lot about the French
market. I (leave) because I wanted to see other countries too.
I (don t) want to stay forever.
Aisha explains why she changed her job. There is one mistake in each line.
Correct the mistakes.
Well, I moved to Computex because it is the bigger and EXAMPLE:
successfulest company in the region, so it offers the 52
best career opportunities and the most high salaries. 53
I m more happier at Computex because my colleagues 54
are more friendly as at Jarvis and I think the work is 55
interestinger. But, I m afraid I also have to work 56
very harder than before. 57
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Progress Test 2
Read the article and answer the questions.
Ten years ago a small boy fell off his money to develop the helmet for the mass
bicycle because he wanted to look behind. market.
This gave Billy Morgan, a British 20 Mr Morgan found a helmet-maker in
businessman, a new idea. He designed a France. He worked with French
15 bicycle helmet with a built-in mirror: the consultants to make the design better for
Reevu Vutech. mass production, and spent a450,000 on
Mr Morgan launched the product six preparing the French plant to make the
months ago, and it now has sales of 27,000 25 Reevu helmet.
and sells in twelve countries from South Now he plans to do more research and
10 Korea to Finland. The target for the development. He wants to manufacture
second year is for sales of nearly other designs of rearview* helmets for
a1 million. motorcycling, skiing and horse-riding.
But it wasn t easy for Mr Morgan to
become successful. He had problems
From the Financial Times
15 when he tried to interest UK
manufacturers in making the helmet. It
cost Mr Morgan a1 million of his own
*Rearview means you can see behind.
58 This article is about &
a) a product launch that didn t succeed.
b) a new idea that became a commercial success.
c) a manufacturing problem.
59 To develop the helmet for the mass market, Mr Morgan &
a) got help from a British manufacturing company.
b) got credit from a bank.
c) spent a1 million.
60 Mr Morgan has an arrangement to manufacture the helmet &
a) in South Korea.
b) in France.
c) in England.
61 Mr Morgan worked with French consultants because &
a) he wanted to sell the helmet in France.
b) he wanted to change the design of the helmet for mass production.
c) he wanted to develop new helmets for other sports.
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Progress Test 2
Match the events with four of the time phrases a) to f ).
a) last year
62 Mr Morgan had the idea a) last year..
for a new bicycle b) six months ago.
b) six months ago.
helmet c) in the next five years.
c) in the next five years.
63 Mr Morgan started to sell d) during the first six months of
d) during the first six months of
the new helmet d) production.
64 The product sold e) in the second year of
e) in the second year of
27,000 d) production.
65 He hopes to make sales f) ten years ago.
f) ten years ago.
of nearly e1 million
You and your colleague want to fly to Stockholm. You can choose between two
airlines. Write a note to your colleague comparing the two airlines. Say which
one you prefer to travel with and why.
Write about 50 80 words.
National airline Lo-cost airline
Cost m300 m80
Fly to Airport close to the city Airport 60 kilometres
(taxi to city centre: m10) from the city
(taxi to city centre: m60)
Free meal during flight? Yes No
Flights each day 31
Arrival times 10:30 a.m. 11:30 p.m.
3:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
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