agreeable - pleasant
chapel - a small church, or a room in hospital, prison
clotted cream - very thick cream made by slowly heating milk and taking the cream from the top
coach - one of the parts of the train in which the passengers sit
congestion - too much traffic
coupled with - two things happen or exist together and produce a particular result
herd - a group of animals of one kind that live and feed together
ignorance - lack of knowledge or information about sth
let - an arrangement in which a house or flat is rented to someone
mischievous - likes to have fun, especially by playing tricks on people or doing things to annoy or embarrass them
outbuilding - a building near a main building, for example a barn or shed
peak hour - the time when sth or someone is best, greatest, highest, most successful
riot of colour - sth with many different bright colours
scone - a small round cake sometimes containing dried fruit which is usually eaten with butter
seaweeds - a plant that grows in the sea
shock (of hair) - a very thick mass of hair
stained glass - glass of different colours used for making pictures and patterns in windows, especially in a church
sth can't be faulted - to be criticized for a mistake
to delight - to give someone great satisfaction and enjoyment
to falsify - to change figures, records etc so that they contain false information
to howl - to make a high, loud sound
turnover - the amount of business done during a particular period
whipping cream - a type of cream that becomes thick when you beat it