puritanism and enlightenment

History of American Literature - Handout 1: Puritanism (17th c.) and Enlightenment (18th c.)

1) America - the "New World"

2) First settlements: a) Jamestown, Virginia (1607) - Captain John Smith: A True Realtion of... Virginia (London, 1608); A Description of New England (1616)/ b) Plymouth Plantation - the "Pilgrim Fathers" (1620); c) Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630 with its centre in Boston/. John Winthrop: a "citty upon a hill".

3)Puritans: Religious separatists/ The Mayflower Compact/Church membership:a covenant of church: a personal agreement with God/conversion

4) Calvinist dogmas: the doctrine of predestination:

1 - Total depravity of human nature/2 - Unconditional election - predestination /3 - Limited atonement - the dogma of limited salvation/4 - Irresistible Grace - the dogma of God's mercy/blessing: regenerating power, you can't reject it or gain it/5 - Perseverance of the Saints - all those elect who were endowed with God's blessing/mercy are to realize God's will and to subject their lives to this aim

5) Puritan historiography: the Bible (Genesis and Exodus) shaped their imagination/a millenarian history- typological reading of the Bible/History seen as cyclical/ History seen as providential - three types of providence:a) reflecting God's wrath and punishment /b) warnings and premonitions /c) rewards and mercy.

a) William Bradford: Of Plymouth Plantation (1630) - to record the pilgrims' story and to show the working of Providence - allegorical and transcendental meaning of all events (e.g. saving John Howland)./Puritans: the chosen people in the world full of Satanic deception/The latter part of the account: jeremiad: a tale of woe and failure, a call for the return to the lost purity of earlier times/Plain Style: biblical/focus on the everyday/state only facts/ornaments are deceptive/

b) Other historical accounts:

- Edward Johnson A History of New England (1653) known as The Wonder-Working Providence of Scion's Savior in New England/- Cotton Mather Magnalia Christi Americana - The Great Deeds of Christ in America (1702): religious/allegorical interpretation of facts, divine meaning, instances of wonder-working providence. Unreliable historical sources.

6) Journals -the relation of private destiny to predestined purpose/ focus on the private, spiritual, domestic: a) Cotton Mather - a seven volume diary/b) Samuel Sewall Diary c) John Winthrop Journal

7) Poetry: sense of allegory, typology, the Bible, transcendental and providential/didactic and pious literature./a) Michael Wigglesworth The Day of Doom (1662)/b) Anne Bradstreet - first major woman poet in English/ Her poetry - domestic sphere, the everyday life/Published first in England The Tenth Muse, Lately Sprung Up in America (1650)/She expressed the problems of being a woman poet/ Influenced by the Renaissance poets Sidney and Spenser: "Upon the Burning" - like a diary entry, but emotional complexity/"To my dear and loving husband" - no physical love./c) Edward Taylor Preparatory Meditations - private manuscript discovered in 1937/Influenced by Metaphysical poetry/conceit and complex rhythm/"Huswifery"- baroque sensibility: domestic activity turned into symbolic exploration of the soul's dependence on God for the grace to deserve redemption.

8) Indian-captivity narratives - imaginative prose fiction: Mary Rowlandson A Narrative of the Caprtivity and Restauration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson (1682)/provides parallels with captivities from the Bible/precursor of later sensationalist fiction and gothic tale.

Puritan literature: religious, didactic, utilitarian, reflexive, realistic, symbolic (providence), simple (plain style).

9) Sermons and spiritual biographies - Jonathan Edwards.

The Puritan Legacy: 1)self- scrutiny - shaped later secular statements of individualism and conscience (Franklin). 2) symbolism, transcendentalism (from Emerson to Faulkner).

The Awakening and Enlightenment (18th century)

1) The age of science and philosophy/Sir Isaac Newton /John Locke/ Deists/The interest now shifts to man - task of science and philosophy - to discover the laws and then live according to them./ tabula rasa - the mind is a blank chart on which experiences are inscribed/naturally good humankind.

2) The Great Awakening - a religious revival in America (and England) - a conservative reaction against the secularized world view/ 1622: Half-Way Covenant: descendants of former church members became also church members (no communion and no right to vote in church matters), without undergoing conversion/a more rationalistic view on religion/ the Salem witchhunt in 1692. /Two waves: in 1730s and 1740s. Its aim - to revive the religious spirit in people, to bring back a "personal experience of regeneration": George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758)/Intention: to personalize religion.

3) The sermon: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God: Structure: Biblical quotation/Explanation of the quotation - implications/ Application/ an exhortation to fly away from this Sodom to God/ metaphors, similes, vivid imagery and emotional language/Vision of man/God is angry - men are sinners/The only hope - to open themselves for regeneration now, because God only promised to save the ones who are true believers - covenant of Grace (Redemption).

4) The regeneration - similar to the one that Edwards experienced himself: Personal Narrative - a spiritual biography - a narrative of conversion./to accept Calvinist doctrine of predestination/The moment of conversion is described in emotional terms/Elizabeth Ashbridge - Some Account...

5) Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) - a truly enlightenment man;self-made man/publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette, wrote Poor Richard's Almanac/inventor/ scientist/ Franklin: Autobiography: from rags to riches/Self-made man - the project drawing on Puritan self-discipline and scrutiny (schedule for the day) and Enlightenment scientific method/added the secular side to the American Dream/Pragmatist.

6) 18th century American literature did not promote fiction writing:1790 - Copyright Law was introduced /1776 - the Second Continental Congress gathered- political writing important/Thomas Paine's Common Sense (1776) - political pamphlet.

7) Poetry: Philip Freneau - first a satirist of the British, later "the poet of the American Revolution" - Poems Written Chiefly during the Late War - cried for truly American literature / Freneau and Brackenridge: ode on The Raising Glory of America: a vision of a glorious future in which America would fulfill the collective hope of humankind.

8) major shifts: from the spiritual to the secular/from the supernatural to the rational/religious concerns replaced by scientific interests/theocracy replaced by humanistic concerns


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