8 Healthy food

Healthy food (recipe for dish)

Nowadays there is a lot talking about heath and new style of life which is connected with food. There is a lot of books about healthy feeding, programs which teaches how to cook balanced meals - it's very common. But is it so important for our life?

Present medicine proves that our health condition in large extent is depends on food. It is considered that eating some fresh fruits and plants is good for our organism. They are known as “healthy food''. It doesn't mean that we should eat only grass and roots, but good diet should include some of healthy food. From the other hand opponents of this idea say that scientists are not quite sure if some kind of that food increases our resistance to illness. But I think that we should to try a healthy diet, there is nothing to lose.

Everybody knows that we should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. But why? If we want to answer this question we must explore knowledge about healthy food. Fruits and vegetables are very valuable groceries because they include a lot of vitamins (for instance C, A, D, K, E) which are essential for correct working our organism. We should eat a lot of fish too (for example salmon, tuna and something like that). And what about meat? It is quite difficult. If we want to eat meat we should choose poultry, because it safer than beef, which could be contaminated of rabid cows illness which is very dangerous for people. We can't forget about wholemeal bead which include a lot of fibre. We should avoid unhealthy, greasy and fat food. We have to keep in mind that very important thing are ways of cooking. It's better to eat uncooked (vegetables, fruits) or boiled meals than fried.

What about drinking? We should drink a lot of fruit juices, yogurts and still mineral water. We shouldn't drink to much coffee and alcohol of course, but everybody know that glass of wine during a meal has good effect on digestion.

Each of us prefers different kind of food, but we have to keep in mind that our diet should depend on age. It's obvious that adults need different kind of food than children. Babies and small children should eat a lot of dairy produce because it include a calcium which strengthen their bones. Our diet depend on our style of living and work, people which are blue collars workers should eat more caloric food because they need more energy than white collar workers. It is connected with season, in winter people eat more meat than usual.

Healthy food, connected with vegetables and fruits is very common in present time, but there are people who have their own diet. For instance, I've heard about 60 - year- old man who eat only meat without any vegetables or fruit and he is vital.

Many of us buy ready - made food in the shops. It is very practical, but is it healthy? Not at all, because a lot of this food contain preservatives and other chemicals So we have to pay attention when we wont to buy something in shop.

I think that healthy diet is very important for each of us. Every body should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Of course I don't mean that We can't eat pizza or crisps, but we should know that it's not so good for our health.


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