healthy food test de compr233hension 233crite

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4èmes TEST DE COMPREHENSION ECRITE / 20 Name :…………………

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4èmes TEST DE COMPREHENSION ECRITE / 20 Name :…………………

1) Answer the questions:


a- Who is Jamie Oliver?

b- Why is he famous?

c- What was the problem with school dinners?

d- What is “junk food” ?

e- What is healthy food?

f- What does Jamie want kids to eat ?

g- Who agrees with his campaign ?

2) Say if it’s right or wrong and justify (quote from the text)


a- Jamie’s campaign was a success and he had no problem at all .

b- Children often prefer junk food

3) retrouve les mots suivants dans le texte:


a- améliorer :……………………………………………………. b- repas :……………………………………………

c- interdit :………………………………………………

d- régime (alimentaire) :………………………………

e- faire campagne :…………………………………..

f- coûter :……………………………………………….

4) Traduis le passage suivant :

/ 2

Jamie studied what kids are eating for their school dinners and realized that they are eating 250 kilos
of chips every week (…)

5) en quelques phrases, réponds aux questions qui te sont posées à la fin du texte / 3


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