Brian Tracy Thinking Big

Session One: Dream Big Dreams
Thriving in the Golden Age of mankind. How to be a master of change. Thinking big: a success story. The Laws of Belief, Expectations, Attraction, and Correspondence. Blue Sky thinking. Creating your dream list. Michelangelo's David. Seven steps to goal setting. Three exercises of visualization.

Session Two: Commit to Excellence
The Winning Edge Concept. Critical success factors. Personal strategic planning. Your personal services corporation. Zero-based thinking. Finding your competitive advantage. Four strategic variables in self-marketing. Following your bliss.

Session Three: Harnessing Your Unlimited Thinking Power
The value of knowledge. Avoid the "Intelligence Trap." Embracing change. The mistakes of IBM. Psychosclerosis and homeostasis. The qualities of genius. The Law of Probabilities. Three keys to continuous development.

Session Four: Unlocking Your Creativity
Key factors that trigger creativity. The Theory of Constraints. The ten forms of intelligence: verbal, mathematical, physical, musical, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, entrepreneurial, intuitive, abstract. Mindstorming and Brainstorming

Session Five: The Keys to Wealth Building
The Law of Cause and Effect. Studying self-made millionaires. The 40-Plus Formula. Working all the time you work. Adding value. Time and knowledge. Procrastination: the thief of time and life. The habits of success.

Session Six: The Power of Decision
Seven steps for problem solving and decision making. Don't fear failure. Making choices and setting priorities. Considering future consquences. The Principle of Concentration and single handling. The markers of success.

Session Seven: Possibility Thinking
Developing a positive mental attitude: five steps. Step one: idealize. Step two: verbalize. The Law of Subconscious Activity. Positive affirmations. Step three: visualize. Three mental programming techniques. Step four: emotionalize. Step five: realize.

Session Eight: Bouncing Back From Defeat
Responding to disappointment. Mental pre-preparation and crisis anticipation. Remaining positive and resilient. Questions that turn failure into success. Affirmations for control. Putting things into proper perspective.

Session Nine: Creative Networking
Reference groups. The Laws Indirect Effort and Compensation. Mastermind relationships. Your list of 100. Joining a committee. The Law of Sowing and Reaping. Investing time. Finding a mentor.

Session Ten: Character Makes the Difference
More on the Law of Correspondence. Happiness and virtue. Integrity: the value that guarantees all others. Defining your values. Honesty and being true to yourself. Trust; the glue of relationships. Taking the character self-test: four questions.

Session Eleven: Developing Personal Power
Self-discipline, courage, and persistence. The Locus of Control. The consequences of inaction. Choosing the sequence of events. The power of courage. Turning toward danger. The anatomy of courage. Many forms of courage. Courageous patience and persistence.

Session Twelve: The Keys to Success
Qualities of success: common sense, self-reliance, expertise, intelligence, result orientation. What about luck? Making a GREAT life: Goal setting, Result orientation, Excellence orientation, Action, Time management.


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