Justins Bad Day by princesskirsty

Justin's Bad Day by princesskirsty

Justin's face was pulled into a scowl as he neared the Liberty Diner. His shift, the evening to late shift, started in five minutes and he hadn't eaten since that morning. Even then he had only had cheerios, Justin only made real breakfasts when Brian was there, which was where his day had started to go wrong.

He woke up alone, granted Brian had left a note saying that he left early for a meeting and then he wouldn't be back until late because he had a dinner meeting scheduled too. So yes it wasn't nice to wake up alone and having to deal with a morning hard on alone, but its not like it hadn't happened before so he was fine with it. But then he missed the bus and was late for his class, again not the first time it had happened so he could deal. After apologising profusely he then found it very difficult to pay attention in this class — Art History, sometimes it was very interesting, but most times (like today) it was not.

Finally class was over, his plan was to go to his studio space and check out his latest painting. PIFA was holding a competition, for original painting and although painting was not Justin's usual style he fully intended on entering — also his painting was quite good in his opinion. There was no real prize for it but it would look good if he won. He would do some finishing touches once he had checked on it then get lunch and study for a while. Afterwards he would go to the Diner, Debbie would feed him and he would work until Brian came in and they would either go to Babylon or go home.

His plan wasn't working out so well.

He arrived at his space to find that someone had destroyed his painting by throwing yellow paint at it. He immediately reported the crime (for which whomever done it would deserve death in his opinion) then tried to call Brian for a little vent, if anyone was good at venting it was Brian Kinney — he would see the injustice of it all.

Brian was in meetings all day, so no Brian. Justin immediately had to get to work on redoing the painting, he forgot about lunch and studying for his other classes. When he realised the time — 6.30pm he decided to stop — his hand was cramping and he really could not do a painting that took him a week in one day. He figured he would just go to the diner and Debbie would feed him etc, etc — the second half of his day's plans. This didn't go so well either.

He was walking towards the bus stop, he turned around to check if it was coming in which case he would have to make a run for it only to find that yes the bus was coming and he would have to run. He started to run; the bus drove past him — through a huge dirty puddle. The now dirty, soaked and hungry Justin gave in and flagged down a taxi so he could go back to the loft then walk to work — he was not getting another bus today, they were obviously cursed.

So this was why he was scowling on his way to work, yes he was clean, dry and his painting would probably still be on time. But he had been having a bad day and it wasn't fair. He felt like stamping his foot and crying from the injustice of it all.

The day suddenly got worse.

As he got nearer the diner he started to hear the familiar sound of violin music and knew, he just knew (because he was having a bad day that he thought couldn't get worse but obviously could) that it was Ethan Gold, back busking on the streets. He groaned when the fiddler came into sight and said fiddler caught sight of him. Ethan had obviously been waiting for him why else would he be doing his thing a few stores down from the diner? Ethan smiled widely at him (Justin's scowl never left his face) and started to pack up his violin, pocketing the change from the case. As soon as Justin was within distance Ethan stepped in front of Justin, stopping his progress and thus shortening the little amount of time he would have to stuff his face before his shift started.

“Hi Justin,” he said in what he obviously thought was a sexy drawl but what Justin identified as stupid voice.

“Hi, look I'm in a hurry” Justin kept walking and Ethan kept walking too, but backwards so that he could face Justin. Justin tried to side step him but to no avail.

“Can't we talk for a minute?” He asked in what he assumed was his convincing voice but what Justin associated with liarliarliarliarliar.

“No I'm in a hurry,” Justin insisted, trying again to side-step him, and failing. Ethan reached behind himself to open the door to the diner, still blocking Justin's way and as they entered, Ethan tried again.

“Justin, look — I think we should give it another try,” Justin was about to respond with a loud `fuck off' when his day got better. Seated at one of the booths in the middle of the Diner was Brian Kinney — looking sexy as hell. He was sitting with his back against the wall, one leg up on the seat and the other sprawled out on the floor talking to Emmett who was sitting across from him. Justin momentarily forgot his fiddler problem and made a beeline for the v between Brian legs. He slid into the booth and rested himself against Brian's chest.

“Worst day ever, woke up…lonely…late for class…boring…someone destroyed my painting…DESTROYED IT…you were in meetings…ALL DAY…had to redo fucking painting…haven't eaten…NO FOOD…big puddle…stupid bus…all wet and dirty…had to change…Ethan outside…back together…pffftttt…so HUNGRY…shift starts now…Worst. Day. Ever.” Brian held the smirk off his face as he listened to Justin's mumbling, it was cute but he didn't want to infuriate the boy who was clearly having a bad day, by saying something stupid. Instead he decided to fix it, he was good at fixing things.

“Hey Deb!” He shouted at the woman behind the counter, she turned round and caught sight of Justin trying to curl up inside Brian and, by the looks of it, die. She immediately went into mother mode “What's wrong with sunshine?” She stood at the front of the booth, blocking the fiddler's view, Brian smirked at her t-shirt' I'm not opinionated, just giftedly outspoken'.

“He's had a bad day, something about being late, painting sabotage, a bus and no food. Could he have the night off?” Debbie nodded emphatically.

“Of course! Its not busy tonight.” She reached over and patted Justin's head, his only acknowledgement was a grunt, “You want a cheeseburger baby?” nod “Fries?” nod “chocolate shake?” nod “Gimme a minute sunshine okay?” nod “Brian will you cheer him up for Christ's sake!” she added before storming off to remedy the Hunger Problem.

Brian glanced up, the fiddler had moved so he could see Justin, he was nursing a coffee and staring at the blond head. Brian ran his fingers through Justin's hair and used it for leverage to tilt back his head then he leaned in and gave him some light fluttery kisses on the corner of his mouth. Then he sucked in Justin's bottom lip and moved closer for a real kiss. By this point Justin was a puddle of goo on Brian's shoulder as his mouth was treated to one of those nice kisses. The ones that had no lust, or urgency in them, just a nice long slow kiss that could go on forever and ever and ever. Brian pulled back and looked at him.

“Feel better?” Justin smiled stupidly and nodded.

“Hey Brian?” Emmett asked from across he table “I'm not feeling all that great either, I could do with one of those.”

Justin grunted and hugged closer to Brian, not registering the facts that a) this was Emmett b) this was Brian and c) he was only kidding. All that registered was; Brian…nice kiss…mine. Before Emmett had a chance to reply Debbie was putting down Justin's order, it was barely on the table when Justin made a grab for the burger.

In less than three minutes the entire meal and chocolate shake was gone, Brian and Emmett were just looking at him.

“What?” He asked.

“He speaks,” Emmett said with a smile “Hungry baby?”

“You have no idea,” he said getting up to grab a lemon slice; it was then he noticed Ethan was still there “You're still here?”

“We need to talk” Ethan said getting up and moving towards him.

“No we don't” Justin said with a roll of the eyes moving back to the warmth that was Brian “Yeah, so I haven't eaten all day.” He was now refuelled and could relay his awful day properly, “I arrived at my studio space to find that someone had destroyed my painting for the PIFA competition so I had to spend all day trying to redo it. Its not even nearly as good as it was the first time which really pisses me off —”

“Justin we need to talk” Ethan cut him off, Justin turned to look at him. He figured the best way to get rid of him was to let him talk.

“About what?”

“About us”

“There is no us.” Justin turned back to Emmett “then the bus drove by me and splashed me with dirty water so I had to go change which cut out my feeding time and on the way over here —”

“Justin!” Ethan cut in again.

“On the way over here I bumped into HIM,” Justin said motioning towards Ethan with his thumb. “All in all, a really bad day. But Brian was here instead of another meeting and kisses and night off and food. So all is well again.”


“Listen Ian,” Brian said ignoring the indignant cry of `Ethan' from the fiddler “Clearly Justin is not interested — now fuck off.” The boy was finally cheered up, a far cry from when he entered the diner looking as if someone had killed his puppy.

“You don't speak for him, I love him and you don't.”

“Justin?” Brian asked

“Yeah?” Justin replied with a smile.

“Do I love you?” They had this thing where Brian would ask, do I love you? Justin would say, yeah they would smile and kiss then most likely fuck. It was sort of a way for Brian to tell Justin that he loved him without actually saying it. Justin wasn't letting him get away with that this time though — Ethan would settle for nothing less than a declaration of love from Brian. And although Justin knew without a doubt that Brian loved him Ethan needed to hear it.

“You tell me” Justin replied trying to tell Brian with his eyes what he was thinking. He must have understood.

“I love you.” Justin smiled then turned to Ethan.

“See!” Ethan stormed out, fuming. Justin focused his attention back on Brian “Do I love you?”

“Yeah” Brian whispered, before giving him another of those perfect kisses.

Maybe today wasn't so bad after all.


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