All Alone On Valentine's Day by Lani Aka Bubbles

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Storyid: 4863296
Name: All Alone On Valentine's Day
Author: Lani aka Bubbles
Chapter 1 to 1

All Alone On Valentine's Day



Lani aka Bubbles

When Mike breaks up with Bella on Valentine's Day, Bella hates the word Valentine.
But what happens when Edward has a special surprise for Bella. Will she change her
mind about Valentine's Day? ALL HUMAN EXB Oneshot

Twilight - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,623 - Reviews: 30 -
Published: 2-14-09 - Bella & Edward - Complete

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Chapter: 1

Okay guys this is a little one shot I made for Valentine's Day I hope you enjoy it! :D

Disclaimer: Don't own nothing!

Bella's POV

I hate Valentine's Day. I never used to hate it... but today was different. Today my boyfriend
Mike, broke up with me to get with another girl... on Valentine's Day! Can you believe that! But
that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was he text me saying we should break up. He was
such a shallow bastard! I was glad it was Saturday so I didn't have to go to school and face the

So now I lay on my bed listening to break-up songs on my ipod. I was probably the only person
at school that was alone on Valentine's Day and it sucked. I checked my time on my ipod and it
said it was 6:00 p.m.

My Dad, Charlie was out with his girlfriend Sue for the weekend. I refuse to cry over a boy that
was so stupid and mean. I groaned and rolled onto my stomach begging sleep to come and take
me away from this horrible day.

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Edward's POV

I was nervous. No nervous wasn't a strong enough word. I was beyond nervous. I was standing
outside Bella Swan's house with a bunch of red roses in one hand and my guitar in the other.
Very cliché' I know but it was the only way I could express my love to Bella. Yes I was in love
with Bella. I had been in love with her since she moved to Forks three years ago. All I ever
wanted was to hold her when she cried, make her laugh at the silliest of things and be the one she
would turn to if there was something wrong. But then stupid Mike Newton came in and swept
her off her feet with his stupid charm. Everyone had heard that Mike broke up with Bella today
over a text message. It was all over town. How could he do that to sweet, innocent, amazing
Bella. As soon as I heard the news I put my little plan to work and on such short notice, this was
the only thing I could think of.

So here I was standing outside Bella's house probably looking like a deer caught in head lights. I
couldn't back down now. I took one more deep breath before staring up the tree I was going to
climb. I swung my guitar on my back and tucked the roses high up the tree as I started to climb.

Bella's POV

As I came back from the bathroom after splashing my face with water I thought I heard a noise at
my window. I ignored it as I was probably hallucinating and lay down on my bed, my stomach
up. I plugged my ipod back into my ears and listened to 'So What' By Pink. The ultimate break
up song.

When I was listening to the second verse there was suddenly a big bang coming from my
window which made me jump. I took my ipod out of my ears and walked over to my window. A
smile spread across my face as I saw it was Edward Cullen looking a little flustered. I had always
had a major crush on Edward. He was just so perfect and he was also such a gentlemen to me. I
soon gave up on that though as he was out of my league. That's why I settled with Mike instead.

I opened the window as I was a little confused to why he was here.

He stepped inside with a bunch of roses and his guitar slung over his back.

"Hi Bella," He said shyly.

I smiled and blushed at the way my name sounded when he said it. I loved the way his hair
looked like he just came out of bed but it made him look amazing, I loved the way his
magnificent emerald eyes held so much feeling and depth in them, I loved the way he had one of
his hands in his pocket as he looked a little nervous. I realised I had been staring at him for a
while and decided I should say something.

"Hi. What are you doing," I started but he cut me off by placing his index finger on my lips. I
fought the urge to kiss it.

"Bella. I was thinking of the perfect way to say this. But there were no words. I think these lyrics

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might help though," Edward said to me as he led me over to my bed. I sat down next to him and
he handed me the roses smiling an amazing crooked grin at me. I smiled and took the roses off
him smelling the sweet scented flowers.

He took his acoustic guitar out of its case and put the case on the ground. He began playing one
of my favourite songs. This had always been a dream of mine... someone singing this song to me.
He started singing and the words flowed of his tongue perfectly.

When I see your smile,

Tears roll down my face

I can't replace.

And now that I'm strong, I have figured out,

How this world turns cold and it breaks through my soul.

And I know I'll find deep inside me,

I can be the one.

I will never let you fall. (let you fall.)

I'll stand up with you forever.

I'll be there for you through it all. (through it all.)

Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

It's okay,

It's okay,

It's okay-ay-ay-ay-ay.

Seasons are changing,

And waves are crashing,

And stars are falling all for us.

Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,

I can show you I'll be the one.

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I will never let you fall. (let you fall.)

I'll stand up with you forever.

I'll be there for you through it all. (through it all.)

Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

'Cause you're my, you're my, my-e-y-e-y,

My true love, my whole heart.

Please don't throw that away.

'Cause I'm here... for you!

Please don't walk away and,

Please tell me you'll stay!




Use me as you will!

Pull my strings just for a thrill!

And I know I'll be okay,

Though my skies are turning grey! (grey! grey! )

I will never let you fall!

I'll stand up with you forever!

I'll be there for you through it all,

Even if saving you sends me to heaven!

I will never let you fall!

I'll stand up with you forever!

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I'll be there for you through it all,

Even if saving you sends me to heaven!

As he finished playing the last cords I realised I was crying. It was so beautiful. He was so
beautiful. He put his guitar down and concern flashed across his face.

"Bella what's wrong?" Edward asked as he wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled me into a

"Nothings wrong. They were happy tears Edward. You are so amazing," I mumbled into his

He scoffed and said "I'm not half as amazing as you are Bella."

I looked up at him with my glossy eyes and smiled. He was so gentle and cared about my
feelings. I never noticed this before but Mike talked about himself all the time.

"I love you Bella," Edward blurted out suddenly.

I smiled and said "I love you too Edward. I always thought you were so out of my league."

He laughed a laugh that could never be forgotten and said "You're out of my league."

I pulled out of his embrace and said "I guess we were made for each other."

"I guess so," he mumbled as he leaned in.

I leaned in as well and we shared a kiss that could last a life time for all I care. So this is what
people meant when sparks flew. His lips were so soft and delicate against mine as our lips moved
in synchronisation. It was magnificent and I never wanted it to end.

In that moment I changed my mind about Valentine's Day. It was the best day anyone could ever
think of.

All right there you go guys. Hope you liked all the fluffiness and such. I highly recommend
you listen to that song. It's 'Your Guardian Angel' By The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. It's in
my profile. And just to let you know I got this idea when my sister was playing this song on
her guitar and it fit perfectly. Anyway review and tell me what you think!

xoxo Lani


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