This Can

This Can't Be Love

By Aunrea

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Jump to new as of March 23, 2004
Jump to new as of June 18, 2004

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Chapter One

Posted on Wednesday, 17 December 2003

Elizabeth was nervous. She was finally moving out of her parents' house. She and her sister Jane had decided they had had enough of their mother. They transferred from Meryton State, which was fifteen minutes from home to Pemberley College, which was three hours from home. This was the first time she and Jane had left home to live somewhere else. If it weren't for the fact that there childhood friend, Charlotte, being one of their roommates and that their aunt and uncle Gardiner were living in Lambton, not ten miles from Pemberley, they probably wouldn't have had the nerve to make the transfer.

As Jane pulled up in front of their new home, campus apartment sixty-eight, both ladies had misgivings about the change in their life. Charlotte came out to great them. She was an even-tempered woman with a plain appearance. She had left Meryton to come to Pemberley six years ago. Her double major in Medieval Studies and Art History left her still attending college at age twenty-six.

Charlotte introduced the sisters to their roommate Anne. Anne was quiet. Her red hair, green eyes, fair freckled complexion lent to her shy appearance. She was in her third year and studying health education.

Elizabeth and Jane were given a tour of their small apartment. There was a kitchenette, living area and upstairs were two bedrooms and a bathroom. Jane and Elizabeth were to share one room while Charlotte and Anne shared the other.

Elizabeth and Jane set upon unpacking their belongings with some help from Charlotte and Anne. It wasn't until early evening that they had finished. They all decided to hang out in the living area and learn more about each other.

Elizabeth and Jane were surprised when there was a knock on the door in the room. The ladies had thought it was to a closet but after Charlotte yelled "Come in" and the door was opened did the ladies realize the door led to the apartment next-door.

A sandy haired man with the brightest blue eyes entered the room. He was handsome and had a charming smile on his face as he looked over the apartment occupants. When his eyes rested on Jane they seemed to brighten even more and the smile became more charming.

"Hi, I was wondering if you girls want to have a party tonight?" the man asked not taking his eyes from Jane.

"Well, I don't know," responded Charlotte. "As you see we have two new roommates and they had a long drive to get here."

"I wouldn't mind a party so much if introductions were made," Elizabeth spoke up.

"Oh, sorry," Charlotte stood up. "Girls this is Charles Bingley. Charlie this is Elizabeth and Jane Bennet."

Charles briefly looked at Elizabeth as Charlotte pointed at her but his eyes immediately fell back to Jane.

"Jane would you like to have a party?" asked Charlotte.

Jane had been returning Charles stare but when she was addressed she looked to Charlotte. "A party sounds fine."

Charlotte and Charles explained to them that they usually put all the furniture in one apartment for refreshments and conversation while in the other apartment they had music and dancing. They decided the move the furniture from Charles apartment into the ladies apartment and began moving things about. They were soon joined by two of Charles roommates, an Andrew Denny and Benjamin Carter. They had everything set up and while Charles and his roommates called to invite friends the ladies went shopping for food and drinks.

When they returned there were a couple of early arrivals. They were introduced but since these characters are not important to the plot the author will refrain from listing a bunch of names. The only introduction of importance, if not of annoyance, was to Charles sister Caroline. She was living in a condo in town. She had bleached platinum blond hair with eyes so blue that you could tell she was wearing color-enhancing contacts.

Elizabeth disliked Caroline right from the start, especially when she insisted she call her Eliza. Jane did not judge Caroline. She very much liked Charles and was determined to like his sister.

The party was in full swing when Charles best friend entered the apartments. Charles noticed his entrance and went to great him. Actually Charles wasn't the only on who noticed him, the whole room did. Those who knew who he was were not happy by his appearance (except for Caroline who carefully slinked up to him); those who didn't know him were either drooling (females), jealous (males) or both (only one very confused male).

Charles friend was drop dead gorgeous with his tousled brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was tall and well built. And if he had smiled some of the woman at the partied might have even fainted.

"Will!" cried Charles as he reached his friends side. "I am glad you came. Come on let me introduce you to Charlotte and Anne's new roommates."

Charles led his friend to the ladies apartment where they found Jane and Elizabeth chatting with Andrew and Ben. Jane watched Charles, as he approached not even noticing the man beside him. Elizabeth couldn't take her eyes off Charles friend.

"Jane. Lizzy. I would like to introduce you to my good friend Fitzwilliam Darcy. Will this is Jane and Elizabeth Bennet."

"It's a pleasure," William said obviously uncomfortable.

"Jane will you dance with me?" Charles asked. Jane replied with an affirmative and they left the two for the dance floor.

"Where are you from?" Elizabeth asked William.


"You grew up here?"

"That's what I said."

"I'm from Longbourn Maine."

"That's nice," William replied and left Elizabeth to go get a drink.

"That was very rude of him," Elizabeth said to Charlotte.

Charlotte had been talking with Anne and had missed the interaction between Elizabeth and William. She just nodded to her friend and then she started up a conversation about Charles and Jane.

Elizabeth was having a good time. She was introduced to many people and had danced often. She was getting tired and the noise was starting to give her a headache so she headed stepped outside for some air. She sat down on the grass in from of her apartment.

She could see William was about to leave but Charles came after him. In the dark they did not see her.

"Will, you're not leaving?" Charles asked.

William stopped to turn to his friend. "I believe I must."

"But you didn't even dance."

"There is no one worth dancing with and it would not be supportable for me to do so." There was a sudden rise in the music as someone opened the apartment door so Elizabeth couldn't hear the rest of William's dialogue. "Rightfully I should be calling campus police to end this party. You know that I have responsibility and dancing at a party on campus could cause a scandal. What do you think the rest of the College Board were to find out I was here tonight?"

The noise died as the apartment door was shut.

"Come on Will. One dance can't hurt. You have to live a little. You could dance with Jane's sister, Lizzy. She is a respectable woman."

"She's not intelligent enough to tempt me. I don't like dancing, especially the way she dances. Did you see her all over those other men?"

Elizabeth was shocked. What was he applying? That she was a stupid slut? She hadn't dancing all over her partners. Actually she had kept a respectable distance.

Charles was shocked too by William's implication. "Fitzwilliam Darcy! I can't believe you said that. She was in no way all over her dance partners. But if you are going to behave this way then you can leave. Go have fun being all-alone in your nice big house." With that Charles went back into the apartment.

William got into his Lexus and started the car. When he turned on the headlights they revealed a very pale Elizabeth sitting in the grass. William groaned. She heard what I said he thought. He shifted into drive and drove home.

As he drove he thought of how much of an idiot he had been. He liked Elizabeth. She was very pretty and he enjoyed her smiles and the sparkle in her eyes. He had spent his time at the party watching her. He wished he could find the courage to talk to her but he couldn't. I can't have a relationship with her anyway, he thought. He was a member of the College Board, head of the English department and a professor, although he usually only taught one or two classes. He couldn't be dating any of the students.

It was times like this that William Darcy hated the fact that his great grandfather had started Pemberley College and that it was a family tradition to have a Darcy on the College Board. When his father died that responsibility was left to him. He was lucky that he was able to finish his doctorate at Cambridge before he was forced to continue the family tradition. He had a Ph.D. in English Literature and a Masters in Business and he was stuck in the small town of Pemberley working for Pemberley College.

He didn't totally regret the fact that he was tied down here. He did honor family tradition and he loved caring for his sister. But he had wished he would have sometime to live his own life before he forced to live his fathers.

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Chapter Two

Posted on Wednesday, 11 February 2004

The first days of classes went well for Elizabeth and Jane. Elizabeth was able to get a job at the campus bookstore and Jane was employed at a day care center. Jane also got a job working for PASS as a tutor.

Elizabeth's favorite class was Classical Literature. The teacher, Mr. Wickham, was handsome and charming. Elizabeth found herself often staying after class to talk with him. He knew his literature very well and that pleased her. One time they talked so long that Elizabeth missed her next class.

She fantasized about Wickham when she couldn't sleep at night, which lulled her into pleasant dreams. She knew she shouldn't have a crush on one of her teachers but she couldn't help it. When she caught herself daydreaming about him, during the day, she would force her mind to think about her studies.

Jane and Charles started dating and were out every night that their studies would allow. Sometimes they would hangout at one or the other apartment. One night when they were in Charles apartment, Elizabeth joined then. William was there too. Elizabeth decided to join them on Charles persistence that he wasn't being a good host to his friend and didn't want him to be a third wheel.

"If he doesn't want to be a third wheel than why did he come over?" Elizabeth asked Charles.

"I insisted he come. He has been spending too much time alone," Charles responded.

"Maybe he likes being alone."

"Lizzy! Please will you join us?"

Elizabeth had given in and was now regretting it. William sat in silence the whole night. If she asked him a question he would answer it in the fewest words possible. He would stare at her with a stern expression.

"So what's your major?" she asked him thinking that talking about himself might make him open up more.

"English Lit and Business."

"English Lit? That's my major too. What classes are you taking?"

He smiled at her, amused at her ignorance of his position at the college. "I'm not taking any classes."

Elizabeth had not expected that answer. She wasn't sure how to respond. "Why?"

"I have completed my schooling."

"Oh." Elizabeth pondered this information. She didn't realize he wasn't a student. "Why are you sticking around then?"

"I didn't go to school here." He enjoyed keeping her in the dark. Her frustration made her eyes gleam.

"Then how did you and Charlie meet?"

"We both attended Cambridge."

"Charlie mentioned he went there before he had to take over the family business."

Charles had started college at Cambridge but after his parents died in a plane crash he was required to quit school for a while to take over the family business. The family had a chain of sporting good stores. There was one in Lambton so Charles decided to finish his schooling at Pemberley. This way he could run his business in Lambton and still spend time with William. He found that being near his friend helped a great deal when he needed advice about his company.

"So what are you doing in Pemberley?" Elizabeth asked.

"I work here."

"For the college?"


"Oh. What is your job?"

"If you don't know I am not about to tell you," William responded with a grin.

Elizabeth was not happy. How was she supposed to know what he does for the campus? She asked more questions about his job but he wouldn't answer any of them. She then gave up and let them both sit in silence. Instead she daydreamed about Mr. Wickham. She though about how handsome he was, although not as handsome as William was. Elizabeth was appalled when she compared the two's appearance. What was she doing thinking about Fitzwilliam Darcy in that way?

William was fascinated with watching the many different emotions that crossed Elizabeth's face. First he saw pleasure and thought he even heard her sigh dreamily. But then a lustful look took over and last was a look of horror. Her face blushed as she noticed him looking at her, which only made William's mind imagining what she was thinking. She must have been thinking about me a very pleasurable way if my looking at her made her uncomfortable, he thought.

Elizabeth was happy when Jane finally said it was time for her and Lizzy to get to bed. As they got ready for bed Jane asked Elizabeth what she thought of William.

"He is arrogant, annoying, and he stares to much. He thinks I am stupid and a slut."

Jane was horrified with Elizabeth's accusations. "What makes you think he thinks that of you?"

"The first night we met I overheard him tell Charlie just that."

"You must have heard wrong. Maybe he was talking about someone else?"

"Well unless you have another sister named Lizzy, I have no doubts who they were talking about."

Jane tried to argue that Lizzy might be mistaken that a good friend of Charles couldn't possibly be that rude. Elizabeth finally gave in that she may be wrong and went to sleep.

Meanwhile Charles and William talked about Jane. Charles went on and on about Jane's merits, focusing on her angelic appearance.

"She is an absolute angel. I couldn't find a better woman."

"Charles I would say you are falling in love with her."

"I believe I might be doing just that. She is so different from the other woman I have met. I know I have only known her for three weeks but I feel as if I have known her all my life."

"I am glad to see you are happy with her."

Charles went on some more about Jane before he changed the subject to her sister.

"I hope your opinion of Elizabeth has changed."

"It has."

"So what do you think of her now?"

William thought for a moment on how to answer the question without revealing his true opinion of her (which was being strongly worshipping). "I think she is intelligent and friendly."

"Is that all?"

"What else do you want me to say?"

"Do you like her?"

"She's nice."

"Do you like her?"

"Charlie! I can't be going around falling in love with my students."

"You love her?" asked Charles, shocked.

"I didn't say that. I just can't be thinking of her in any way that you are suggesting. I have to get going. If I don't get home before Georgiana goes to bed she will send out a search party."

"I didn't realize you had a curfew," Charles teased as he walked William to the door.

"I don't. I just have a sister who gets worried when I am not home at a reasonable hour. Especially since I am never out past her bedtime."

Charles laughed. He said goodbye to his friend and went up to his room to get some sleep. He fell asleep quickly thinking of Jane.

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Chapter Three

Posted on Monday, 15 March 2004

William was walking pass the English Department Office building when he saw Georgiana exit it. He ran up to her, calling out her name. Georgiana looked at him surprised.

"Whatcha doing here?" William asked her.

"Uh, I was meeting some friends at the HUB and I thought I would stop by and say hello." Georgiana seemed a little anxious, but William attributed it to her wanting to see her friends.

"You know I don't have office hours today."

"Sometimes you are in your office when you don't have office hours."

"Caught me." William smiled at her. He then frowned. "Why are you meeting your friends at the HUB? It's not exactly a great hangout for high schoolers."

"Maybe I'll take them up to our place then."

"Okay, have fun." William then continued walking to the Charles apartment. Charles had invited him over for dinner, but William wasn't fooled. He knew Charles was having problems with his Organizational Communications class. It was required as the Economics writing class.

William knocked on Charles door. He was very surprised when Elizabeth answered it.

"Did I go to the wrong apartment?" he asked.

"Charles is here. He's having a nervous breakdown over the paper he has due tomorrow. I offered to cook him dinner. I guess I will have to include you?" Elizabeth walked away from the door, leaving it open for William.

"Why isn't Jane cooking?" he asked her following her into the living area.

"She's has a class tonight."

William went upstairs to Charles room and got to work with Charles. He didn't do the work himself he just helped Charles reason things out on his own. As he was reading through the first draft Elizabeth announced dinner. Charles phone rang and he answered it. William went downstairs to see Elizabeth setting the table.

"So what did you make?" he asked her trying to sneak a look into the kitchen.

"I don't know if I should tell you, since you won't tell me what you do for a living."

"I told you. I work for the college."

"What department?"

William smiled at her. "You should know the answer to that already."

Elizabeth looked frustrated. She crossed her arms and glared at William. Charles came down and spoke to Elizabeth.

"I hope I don't offend your cooking but I have to go out. It seems the Jane got a bad grade on her test and needs some cheering up. I offered to take her out for dinner. You don't mind do you Lizzy?"

"I slaved over a hot stove for you and you run off with my sisters," she smiled at him. "Of course I don't mind Charles. I hope Jane will be okay."

"She should be fine. Why don't you and Will eat your cooking."

"What about your paper?" William asked.

"Can you finish proof reading it? Actually can you stay until I get back? You can use my computer or watch television or something. Bye."

William shook his head as Charles ran out the door before he could answer.

"I guess I'll have to be the babysitter?" Elizabeth quipped. She went into the kitchen and came back a pan of homemade macaroni and cheese and a plate of breaded chicken.

They ate quietly until William asked, "What's this green leafy stuff in the Mac N Cheese?"

Elizabeth looked up at him offended. "It's not 'Mac N Cheese'. This is real. It has no powdered cheese." William rolled his eyes.

"Okay. What's this green leafy stuff in the real, no powder Macaroni N Cheese?"

"It's spinach." Elizabeth was amused at the look on William's face when she answered him. "I won't hurt you."

"I don't like spinach."

"You can't even taste it."

"That doesn't matter."

William still cleared his plate and had seconds on the Macaroni and Cheese.

"You seem to like it despite the fact that there spinach in it," Elizabeth teased.

"I was really hungry."

"I guess I should take that as a compliment."

"It wasn't meant as one."

Elizabeth looked at him in shocked. "Do you mean my cooking isn't good enough for the all high and mighty Fitzwilliam Darcy?"

"No. I- I meant that the amount I ate wasn't a compliment to your cooking."

Elizabeth interrupted him. "Well if you don't like it you don't have to eat it for my sake." Elizabeth picked up her plate and leftovers and walked into the kitchen.

William sat wondering what he should do. He really enjoyed the meal. She had been right about the spinach. He couldn't even taste it. The whole meal rivaled even his personal cooks cooking.

He cleared his plate and went into the kitchen. She had just put the leftovers in the fridge and started washing the dishes. Without a word, William started drying them. They were silent as all the dishes were cleaned, dried and put away.

Elizabeth went into her apartment leaving William alone. He ran up the stairs to Charles apartment and started reading through the paper. As he was finishing he heard Charles and Jane return. William waited for his friend to come up stairs, but after fifteen minutes had finally went down to talk to Charles.

Charles, Jane and Elizabeth were lounging in the living area drinking hot coca and eating homemade chocolate chip cookies. William glared at Charles holding up the paper he had just spent an hour reading through.

Charles smiled sheepishly. "I just want to finish my drink and cookies and I'll get right back to work." William looked at him in disbelief. "I promise Will. Why don't I get you a cup of hot coca?"

William agreed but only because he wanted to spend more time with Elizabeth. He wouldn't admit to himself that he liked her. He couldn't date her. She was a student and he was a professor, although she seemed to be unaware of this.
He sat down in the armchair next to were Elizabeth sat on the couch. Charles came out of the kitchen and handed William a cup of hot coca. He took a sip and looked at the container of cookies between Elizabeth and Jane.

"Can I have a cookie?" William asked Elizabeth smiling.

"No." She replied challengingly.

Jane and Charles looked at her in shock.

William just smiled. He enjoyed the sparkle in her eye when she challenged him. "Why not?"

"I cooked them. We both know your opinion of my cooking."

"Why? Is there spinach in your cookies?"

Elizabeth almost laughed at this, but she was still insulted by his comments about her and her cooking. "No. No spinach. Just chocolate chips."

"I like chocolate chips," he said innocently.

"If you ask politely and you promise not to make any comments about them I'll let you have one."

William's smile grew. "Can I please have one of your cookies?" he begged. "I promise not to make any comments."

Elizabeth handed him one cookie. He stared at it for a moment and then took a bite, tentatively. Making a show of it. The cookie was really good. It was still slightly warm which meant the chocolate was melted. It was the best chocolate chip cookie William had ever had.

"This cookie is absolutely delicious," William said.

Elizabeth smiled for a moment before her face went serious. William basked in her brief smile.

"You lied," Elizabeth said to him.

William looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"You promised you wouldn't make any comments."

"I thought you meant negative comments. I didn't realize you didn't want positive comments either."

"You promised no comments. You didn't specify which time."

"I'm happy to break my promise to give you a compliment. This is the best cookie I have ever eaten." Elizabeth blushed. "Could I please have another?" he asked pleadingly.

"Why should I give you another cookie when you broke your promise?"

"I guess I will just have to steal them." William said lunging towards the couch.

Elizabeth grabbed the cookies as William reached for one. He ended up landing on top of Elizabeth with the container of cookies lodged between them. They just stared at each other for a moment. The close proximity to Elizabeth caused William's body to react. His eyes wandered to her lips and he wanted to kiss her. But then he remembered that she was a student. He pulled away, standing himself up. Elizabeth was disappointed and relieved when he moved away. She had
felt his body heat, which caused a shiver to run down her back. She could see a lusty look in his eyes. When he looked at her lips she had hoped and dreaded that he would kiss her. She felt cold when he pulled away, removing the heat of his body.

William grabbed a coupe of the cookies and mumbled to Charles that he would be upstairs. He then headed up to Charles room. He stopped in the bathroom to splash cold water on his face.

Elizabeth had stared after him. She then pulled her eyes away from the empty hallway to look at Charles and Jane. They were busy staring at each other adoringly to even have noticed what had happened between Elizabeth and William.
Elizabeth got up and started picking up the mugs to bring into the kitchen. This broke the spell over Charles and Jane.

"Where's Will?" Charles asked.

"He went back upstairs," Elizabeth answered as she went into the kitchen. She put the cups in the sink and walked back into the living area. Jane and Elizabeth said goodnight to Charles and then went into their own apartment leaving Charles to finish his paper.

Charles ran upstairs to find William staring at the computer screen, absently nibbling on a cookie. Charles walked over behind William and looked over his shoulder at the screen.

"What are you doing?" ha asked William.

His friend continued staring at the screen, not hearing Charles. Charles placed a hand on William's shoulder and William started. He looked up at Charles with surprise.

"I didn't notice you entering," William stated.

"I noticed. Where were you?"

"No where. My mind just wandered to some work," William lied.

"It's always work with you. When are you going to have fun? When are you going to fall in love?"

William got out of the chair and sat on Charles' bed. "So your in love now?"

"Jane is such an angel. How could I not love her?"

William smiled. "Are you going to be able to finish your paper or is Jane going to cause you to fail this semester?"

"I'll work on my paper."

Charles sat down at the desk and finished up his paper. William fell asleep in Charles bed. Charles didn't mind so much since he had another bed. Charles was the lucky one to get a room to himself. It still had two sets of furniture, which Charles used to the best advantage. He always had both beds made so that they were ready for use. He turned out the lights and got into the other bed and fell asleep thinking of Jane.

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Chapter Four

Posted on Thursday, 18 March 2004

William work up early in the morning. He saw that Charles was still asleep. He went to go use the bathroom but found that someone was in there. He stood in the hall waiting for the occupant to vacate it. He was very much surprised to see Elizabeth emerge wearing nothing but a towel.

"What are you doing here?" he asked her.

"I was just taking a shower," she replied. She was very surprise to see him. She realized by his rumpled clothing and tousled hair that he must have slept over.

"Why don't you use your own shower?"

"Jane is using it and she takes very long showers. Now if you don't mind I'm going to be late for class."

She stared at William who was standing in her way. He didn't move. He just stared at her.

"Your in my way," she stated.

He looked around him and then stepped out of the way. He watched her as she went down the hall and down the stairs. He then went into the bathroom to take a long cold shower.

Elizabeth was in a foul mood when she got to class. She was not only late but she also still felt uncomfortable about the way William had been staring at her. She felt better when she saw Mr. Wickham. After class she stopped to talk to him.

"I need to talk to the department head, can you tell me where to find him?" she asked Wickham.

"Dr. Darcy's office is in Holmes House, top floor. I can show you there. My office is in the same building."

Elizabeth accepted the offer. As they walked she asked, "Is Fitzwilliam Darcy Dr. Darcy's son?"

He laughed. "Have you met Fitzwilliam Darcy?"

"Yes. He is a friend of a friend. And since I spend a lot of time over my friends place I see him often."

"What do you thin of him?"

"He's arrogant and rude."

Wickham laughed again. "I agree, but you might not want to say that to anyone else in the English Department."

"So he is Dr. Darcy's son?"

"No, Dr. Darcy is Fitzwilliam Darcy."

Elizabeth blanched. She was shocked. She now realized why William thought she should know what his job was. "Isn't he a little young to be head of a department?"

"Yes, but he is also a member of the College Board. His great grand-father started Pemberley. Since then each generation of Darcy's has been on the Board. Some have also been professors, like Darcy. The only reason he has such an important position at such a young age is because his father died five years ago." Wickham paused for a moment and then continued. "If he didn't tell you who he was he probably didn't inform you that I am his brother. Adopted actually. We were raised together since he was four and I two. He is jealous of me, because he had to share his parents' affection. When his mother dies shortly after our sister, Georgiana was born his father turned to me for support. Will was left with watching over Georgiana. He and his father never bonded. Dad always liked me more. When he died he left a letter to the College Board highly recommending them to hire me on as a full time professor. Will wouldn't have it. I was luckily that the College Board would only back down enough to me having a part time professor position."

"That's horrible. I never thought very highly of Fitz- Dr. Darcy but now... I don't know. You are an excellent teacher and if he can't see that then it's his loss."

They reached the Holmes House and Wickham pointed out William's office. "I don't think I can stand seeing him right now," she stated. "I'll just send him an email instead."

Elizabeth walked back to her apartment lost in thought. She couldn't believe what William did to Wickham. It wasn't Wickham's fault if their parents liked him more. She could see William throwing around his celebrity to get his way. She thought about her own interactions with William. He was very rude the first time they met. He didn't seem to care about talking to her. Then there was the dinner she made. He didn't seem to appreciate the fact that she cooked him dinner. There were other times she had seen him in Charles apartment and he always sat alone staring at her or was talking with Charles, Andrew and Ben.

By the time Elizabeth got to her apartment she had come to hate William and she would be very happy if she never saw him again. Of course she knew that was impossible if he was head of the English department. She had a very bad headache so she made some tea and went to lie down on the couch. She skipped the rest of her classes for the day.

Jane came home, with William, to find Elizabeth asleep on the couch. It was a long weekend so Charles had gone back to Boston to check on his company. Charlotte and Anne had gone to Rosings Connecticut to visit Anne's family, they had at the last minute invite Georgiana, being that Anne was her cousin. Jane had invited William over for dinner because Charles had expressed his worry over William being home alone.

Jane walked over to Elizabeth and woke her up. Elizabeth opened her eyes to see Jane looking over her, a little worried. Elizabeth never slept during the day, especially when she was supposed to be in a class at that moment.

"Jane I have something very important to tell you about-" Elizabeth stopped when she saw William standing behind Jane. "What's he doing here?"

"I invited him for dinner," Jane said softly.

"You should have asked me if I wanted him over. After all, we share this apartment." Elizabeth was getting angry with her sister. Jane didn't understand this. "I'm sorry Jane. I shouldn't be mad at you. It was nice of you to invite Charles' friend to dinner. But I believe I will go out to eat."

Elizabeth stood up and was about to head for the door. When she heard Jane ask why she then answered, "It would be inappropriate if I were to eat dinner with the Head of the English Department." Elizabeth left.

Jane looked at William. "Are you Head of the English Department?"

"Yah, I'm also a member of the College Board." He explained to Jane about his family, his education, and how he was obligated to continue the family tradition. Jane cooked them a nice dinner and as they ate they talked about Charles, childhood, and future dreams. William was amused to hear stories about Elizabeth's childhood. She had been a very adventurous child and had even broken her arm when she fell out of tree. William laughed when he heard that the tree falling had actually happened last spring.

As it was getting late, Jane got worried about Elizabeth not being home. "She only went out for dinner."

"She might have found something else to do. Maybe she went to see a movie?" William was trying to calm her down.

At that moment the phone rang. Jane quickly picked it up. William tried not to listen but when he heard Jane's worried voice he could not.

"Hello." Jane said into the phone. "Lizzy! Where are you? Are you okay? Yes, oh course I will. I'll be right there."

Jane hung up and as she searched for her keys she said, "Lizzy's in the hospital. She past out in the HUB and someone called an ambulance. It turns out she has a sever case of the flu. She's refuses to stay at the hospital. I need to go get her."

William was very worried. "Will she be okay? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Jane looked at William. "No, there is nothing much that can be done. She will just need rest and plenty of fluids. But if I do need anything I'll give you a call."

"Okay. I'm going to spend the night in Charles' room-"

"Will you don't need inconvenience yourself. I can handle it."

"It's no inconvenience. I've spent enough nights at Charles' that I actually have extra clothes there. This way I'll be just next door if you need help."

"Thank you Will. I appreciate the help."

Jane then left the apartment. William went next door to Charles' room. He sat on his bed and closed his eyes. I was just as worried about Elizabeth as Jane was. He couldn't sit still anymore and started pacing the room. He needed something to do. He couldn't just wait. And what was he waiting for?

"I'm waiting for a chance to help Elizabeth," he said to himself. "But there is nothing I can do." He paced some more when an idea hit. He quickly grab his coat and keys and left the apartment.

Elizabeth woke up with a pounding headache. She felt nauseous and her whole body ache. She was thirsty and needed some water. She tried to sit up but that made her body ache more. Someone was with her and helped her sit up. A cup was placed at her mouth and she drank the cool water slowly. She tried opening her eyes to see who was there and where she was but a bright light shined in her eyes. Fear crept up on her. Where am I and how did I get here? Why do I feel as though I was hit by a bus?

"You should try and eat something," a deep male voice told her. "I could heat up some soup for you. It's really good. My cook made it especially for you."

She recognized the voice but couldn't place it through the pain in her head. "Where's Jane?" she asked a congested, hoarse voice.

"She's babysitting some kids. She asked me to stay with you."

Elizabeth finally placed the voice and opened her eyes to look at William. The light stung her eyes but she wouldn't close them.

"I don't need you to stay with me."

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"You need to eat. I'll go heat up the soup." William got up and left the room. Elizabeth was finally able to see without being blinded. She didn't feel hungry, she still felt nauseous.

Elizabeth stared at the ceiling, trying to figure out why she felt awful. Then she remember waking up at the hospital after she had fainted. I have the flu. Elizabeth thought. And Mr. Darcy is going to baby-sit. My life couldn't get any worse.

William returned with a tray. On the try was a bowl of soup, some crackers, a cup of tea, a bottle of ibuprofen, and a box of tissues. He place the tray on her desk and help her sit up with pillow supporting her. He then placed the tray across her lap. He opened the bottle of ibuprofen and handed her two pills along with the glass of water from earlier. She gladly down the pills with the water.

"You don't have to baby-sit me anymore," she told William.

"Ah, but I promise your sister I would stay until she got back."

"When will she be back?"

"Not for another two hours."

Elizabeth was dismayed. She was in bed stuck with Fitzwilliam Darcy for two hours! Luckily she was sick so there was no way he could possibly take advantage of her

"How do you feel?"

"Is this the Head of the English Department asking, or a concerned person?"

"A friend."

"Your not my friend."

William sighed. "A concerned person."

"Why would be concerned for a stupid slut."

"Elizabeth, I need to apolo-"

"Why didn't you tell me you were Head of the English Department?"

"I thought that as an English major you should already know."

"I knew that Dr. Darcy was the Head but I thought it was your father not you."

"How did you finally find out?"

"Mr. Wickham told me."


"I have him for Classic Lit."


"He's a very good teacher."

"Wickham has a way with words that can make any subject interesting." Elizabeth tried to stand up but ended up falling back into bed with a groan. "Where do you think you are going?" he asked her.

"I need to use the bathroom. I am allowed to do so, am I?"

"Sure, but let me help you."

Elizabeth tried to get up on her own without William's help. But she found that fighting him made her body ache more and her head spin. She finally relented and let him help. She was luckily able to walk to the bathroom on her own.

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Chapter 5

Posted on Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Jane arrived home a couple hours later to find Elizabeth asleep and William reading in a chair next to Elizabeth's bed. She tapped William on the shoulder and gestured for him to follow her into the hall. She closed the door so they wouldn't wake Elizabeth.

"How's she doing?" Jane asked.

"She's resting more comfortably. I made her some soup and she took some ibuprofen. I ran her a bath too. I think that helped with the aching."

"I want to thank you for helping out. It was really nice of you to go out and buy supplies for my sick sister. Also thank your cook for the soup."

"You don't need to thank me. I was happy to help out. I'll be willing to stay longer and let you have some time to yourself."

"Oh, you don't need to. You wouldn't want to get sick too."

"I hardly ever get sick, so you needn't worry. I don't mind helping. I have nothing better to do with Georgiana visiting my aunt with Anne and Charlotte."

"Well if you really don't mind, I do have some research to do at the library."

"Then it's set. You go to the library and I'll stay with Elizabeth."

Jane wasn't sure if she should leave William with Elizabeth. She knew how her sister felt about him, but she could also see that he wanted to spend more time with her. He must really like Lizzy if he doesn't mind keeping her company while she has the flu. That decided it. Maybe Lizzy's opinion of him will improve.

"Okay. I'll just get my bag and be off. If you need anything you can find me at Derbyshire Library."

Jane grabbed her bag and left. William returned to Elizabeth's side and went back to reading. A little later, Elizabeth woke up feeling better than she did earlier.

"Where's Jane? Shouldn't she be home by now?" William was startled from his reading; he hadn't known that she was awake.

"Jane went to the library to do some research."

Elizabeth looked confused. "She left me here alone?"

"You're not alone."

Elizabeth was not happy with Jane. She knows I don't like him so why did she leave me under his care? She was also confused about William's concern for her health. She couldn't understand why he would bother staying with her while she was sick.

"You know I'm contagious," Elizabeth said.

"I know. I'm very healthy and rarely get ill."

"Lucky you," she mumbled.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better. I want to thank you for drawing a bath for me earlier. You were right, it did help with the body aches."

William looked smugly at her. "I told you, but no you thought I had an ulterior motive."

"You can hardly blame me. When a guy you hardly know draws you a bath the first thing that comes to mind is that he plans on sharing it."

"You expect me to take advantage of you while you have the flu? I know I said I rarely get sick but sharing bodily fluids with someone with the flu would defiantly change that."

"Does your mind always think about sex?"

Only when you're around. "No. I think about other things too."

Elizabeth threw her pillow at him and he threw it back at her.

"Hey, easy on the sick girl."

"Then don't throw the pillow at me," William smiled.

"You have a really nice smile."


"You should use it more often."

William looked to floor, not sure how to respond.

"Oh!" cried Elizabeth angrily. "I hate these flu pills I took. I feel like I'm drunk. I'm suppose to hate you but I keep forgetting with my mind all fuzzy."

"Why are you supposed to hate me?"

"Because you are arrogant, stubborn, selfish, tedious-"

"Okay, that's enough. I get the picture. I don't know why you think all those things about me..."

Elizabeth threw her pillow at him.

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Elizabeth was back to her healthful self a few days later. She was glad she recovered quickly so she could help Charles, Charlotte and Jane plan the big Halloween party. They decided to make it a costume party and were planning to have a costume contest; the winner would win a bag of various candies.

Elizabeth was still undecided on what costume to wear on the Thursday before the Halloween party on Saturday night. She decided to go to Wal-Mart to see what they had to offer. While perusing the scant costume rack she heard someone behind her clear his throat. She turned to see Mr. Wickham. He smiled at her.

"Going Trick or Treating?" he asked.

"Costume party."

"May I suggest a costume?"

"Sure. I have no preference yet."

He leaned past her, reaching for one of the hangers. She could feel the heat of his body as it brushed up against hers and could smell his aftershave. A wave of heat went through her and she blushed at the inappropriate thoughts that came to her mind. Wickham held up the hanger so she could see the costume hanging on it, barely. It was a low cut black leotard with a bunny tail, bunny ears and white gloves. Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at him.

"You want me to wear that?"

"I think you'll look great in it."

She looked at the costume for a moment and made her decision.

"I'll wear it if you'll come to the party."

"I don't know. I don't think anyone would like to have a professor at the party."

"William Darcy will be there."

"Will he?" Wickham asked in surprised. "I'm surprised. He's usually a stickler for following rules. He's not only going to allow the party but attend too?"

"Yah, his best friend is throwing it."

"Ah, so he bends the rules for his friends. I'll defiantly be there. So will you wear this?"

Elizabeth grabbed the costume from him. "Yes."

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Elizabeth, dressed in her bunny costume with the addition of fishnets and high heels, made her way down the stairs in her apartment. The common area was already set up for the party. The tables were cover with assortments of food and beverages, some alcoholic. Charles, Andrew, Ben, Jane, Anne, and Charlotte were already dressed in their costumes and were waiting downstairs when Elizabeth arrived.

"Wow Lizzy!" exclaimed Andrew. "You look great!"

"I have to agree," added Ben.

"I love your costumes," responded Elizabeth.

Andrew was dressed as a police officer and Ben as a criminal. Charles and Jane were dressed together as Raggedy Ann and Andy. Charlotte was dressed in Renaissance garb and Anne was dressed as a nurse.

As guests started arriving, the group dispersed to welcome them. Dancing began and Elizabeth was constantly being brought to the floor. She had also had several cups of the punch, which had been spiked, and she was feeling really good. While Elizabeth was dancing with Andrew for the second time, William, who just arrived, was searching for her. He finally noticed her and his mouth dropped open. She looked very sexy dancing in her skimpy outfit and bunny tail, especially the bunny tail. William couldn't take his eyes off of it.

When the song came to an end, William headed towards Elizabeth to ask her to dance when someone grabbed his arm. He turned to see whom it was and had to suppress an audible groan when he saw it was Caroline. She was dressed in a red skintight gown and a tiara.

"Will, it is so nice to see you." Caroline said in a syrupy voice. "Will you dance with me?"

"Uh, I was just going to get a drink. Maybe later."

"Perfect. I could use a drink to."

Caroline wrapped her arm around his and led him into the other apartment, where the refreshments were set out. Caroline grabbed a wine cooler while William tried the punch. It's spiked, of course. I really shouldn't allow this party. But it's not like it's too rowdy. William stood stiffly next to Caroline as she chatted about something that he didn't really care to know.

Elizabeth approached the table and got herself some punch. William watched her. After she gulped down the punch, Elizabeth turned to him.

"So what are you suppose to be?" she asked him.

"What do you mean?"

"It's a costume party. You are not wearing a costume."

"That just shows how much you know," cut in Caroline. "He's dressed as me escort."

William rolled his eyes and Elizabeth was hard pressed not to laugh.

"I don't wear costumes," William stated.

"Why not?" asked Elizabeth.

"I feel silly. Costumes are for children."

"Oh I hardly think you will find a child wearing a costume like mine."

"No respectable woman would dress like a harlot," put in Caroline.

Elizabeth glared at her. "No sensible woman would dress like Miss America for a costume party."

Elizabeth walked away. William disengaged his arm from Caroline and followed Elizabeth. He caught up to her and touched her shoulder. A tingle went up his arm from the feel of her bare skin. Elizabeth turned to him.

"What do you want? Are you going to call me a harlot too?"

"Caroline is ill-mannered. I don't think you look like a harlot."

"Then what do you think I look like?"

"I don't think you want to hear my answer. Your costume choice is... interesting. What made you choose it?"

"A friend suggested it."

"A friend?"

"Yah. He thought I would look good in it."


"Are you going to keep repeating me?"

"No, it's just- Your costume, um, doesn't leave much to the, um..."

"Imagination? Good. That's what I was looking for."

"Really? You wanted to dress like a..."

"A what?"

"You look like a Playboy bunny."

Elizabeth blushed. She hadn't even thought of that. "And you would know from experience."

"No. I don't read Playboy."

"No, you just look at the pictures?" she asked, teasing him.

He glared at her. "I never win with you, do I?"

"Of course not. If you don't mind. I would like to dance some more."

"Actually, I wanted to ask you if you would dance with me."

"You want to dance with a woman who dances 'all over' men?"

"Elizabeth, I'm sorry. I wasn't in a good mood and Charles was trying to get me to dance and I was an idiot."

"Well when you're right, you're right."

"Thanks a lot. So, will you dance with me?"

"Are you willing to dance my way?"


"Okay, but only one dance."

Elizabeth grabbed William's hand and pulled him out on the dance floor. If she hadn't been moderately intoxicated she would have never danced with William. She danced very close to him and sometimes their bodies would brush up against each other causing both to feel warm all over and slightly aroused.

During their dance, Wickham arrived at the party. He wandered about, searching for Elizabeth. When he saw her he was shocked. Darcy! Dancing with my bunny! Wickham was debating on whether he should approach them when Caroline came up beside him.

"It's absolutely obscene, isn't it?" she asked him.


"How those two are dancing. She's all over him. They might as well get a room and get it over with."

"You think they'll sleep together?"

"Knowing Eliza, as I do, she'll sleep with anyone who shows interest."

"Really? I didn't know that. Are you friends with Eliza?"

"Her sister is dating my brother."

"So you know her real well."

"Yes. I can't believe William would fall into her trap so easily. But men need to have a variety, don't they. I don't mind so much when he wanders, as long as he comes back to me. When he's ready to settle we are going to marry."

"You and Will are in a relationship?"


"What about you? Do you get to wander?"

Caroline smiled at him and in a flirty voice she said "I can't see why not."

"Want to wander back to my place?"

Caroline looked at William. Seeing that he was engrossed by Elizabeth, she looked back at Wickham and answered, "I would love to."

They both left as the song came to an end. William and Elizabeth went to get more punch. After downing another cup of punch, Elizabeth was defiantly intoxicated. William had only two cup thus far had only a slight buzz.

"I want to dance again. Will you dance with me?" pouted Elizabeth.

William didn't realize or didn't want to realize that she was drunk. He led her back to the dance floor and they danced closer than their last dance.

They continued dancing and drinking. Two hours later, Elizabeth and William were dancing a slow song. Their was no space between them, Elizabeth was literally hanging on him since she was unsteady on her legs.

"Elizabeth. It's time for you to go to bed."

Elizabeth gave him a goofy smile. "Will you help to my bed?"

William supported Elizabeth as he led her into her apartment. When they got to the stairs, Elizabeth tripped on the bottom step and fell forward, taking William with her. She giggled as William straightens himself. He tried to get her to stand.

"Come on, you need to get up."

"I'm tired. Will you carry me?" she asked innocently.

William picked her up into his arms and carried her up the stairs. He put her down in her room. Giggling, she pulled him close to her as he tried to pull away.

"Elizabeth, you need to let me go," he said gently. "I'm just going to get you some water."

"I don't want water. I want more punch."

"You've had enough alcohol. Let me get you some water."

Elizabeth reluctantly released him. He walked downstairs to the kitchen and filled a cup with water from the sink. As he turned to leave, Jane walked into the kitchen.

"Have you seen Lizzy?" she asked. "I can't find her anywhere."

"She's upstairs. She had a bit much to drink so I making her go to bed."

"Thank you. I really should have been the one to do it."

"Don't worry. Go back to Charles and enjoy the party. I will take care of Elizabeth."

Jane went back to the party and William headed upstairs. When he returned to Elizabeth's bedroom he found her curled up at the foot of her bed, asleep. He placed the cup on her end table and sat at the head of her bed. He had the sudden urge to run his fingers through her hair. He lightly stroked her hair, causing Elizabeth to moan with pleasure. William stopped, watching her for a reaction.

"Don't stop," mumbled Elizabeth. "I like it when you do that."

William went back to stroking her hair. After awhile, Elizabeth moved closer to William, snuggling her head into his lap. He froze, unsure of what to do. Having Elizabeth's head in his lap felt good but he knew he should leave her to sleep. She mumbled something in her sleep. William tried to move her head from his lap, unsuccessfully. She ended up moving her hand up to push his hand away then leaving it to rest on his crotch. William moaned loudly.

"Elizabeth. You need to get up. You need to drink some water, then you can go to sleep." William sat her up, removing her hand from him.

"I don't want water," she slurred. "I don't want to sleep."

"What do you want?"


She quickly grabbed for the zipper on his pants. This surprised William, but he was able to grab her hand before she could unzip it.

"Elizabeth, you're drunk. You can't think straight. You don't want me."

"Yes, I do. I dream about you all the time. I dream about making love to you." She looked him straight in the eye and said, sounding very serious, "I want to make love to you."

William groaned once again. He had to stop Elizabeth's hand from grabbing for the zipper again. She changed her tactics and started unbuttoning his shirt. He didn't stop her.

"Elizabeth, if you were sober you wouldn't want this."

"Yes, I would. I do. I want this."

She wrapped her hand behind his neck and pulled him towards her, kissing him hard. He didn't return the kiss, but he also didn't pull away. She stopped suddenly to pull off her bunny ears and gloves. She started pulling down the leotard but William stopped her.

"Elizabeth, no. I won't take you this way."

"But I want you," she whimpered.

"No you don't."

"I fantasize about you. All the time. Did you know I'm a virgin?"

William groaned. She was breaking down his resolve. He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted Elizabeth. He knew he should leave the room, leave temptation, but he couldn't. She finished unbuttoning his shirt and pulled it off him. She ran her hands down his chest.

"Elizabeth..." he whispered.

"Take me."

She kissed him, furiously. William couldn't help but respond. She deepened the kiss. When they parted to breath she pulled off her leotard, standing before him in only a thong, fishnets and high heels. William pulled her to him and kissed her again as her hands crept down to the zipper on his pants. She slowly unzipped them and reached inside. William's hands were all over her; her hair, neck, shoulders, breasts, back, and legs.

Not being able to wait any longer, Elizabeth removed his pants and boxers. She then quickly removed the rest of her clothes and pulled him into her bed. William was no longer able to think of the reasons why he shouldn't be in her bed. He could only act upon his urges; urges that had been building in him since he had met Elizabeth. He did as Elizabeth had commanded him to do.

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Chapter 6

Posted on Thursday, 8 April 2004

The sun was rising from behind the White Mountains turning the sky from the dark blue to purples, pinks and oranges. The air was cool on the autumn morning and the world of nature was awakening.

Inside two apartments on the silent campus, no one noticed the beauty of the dawn. Instead they slept, avoiding an impending hangover. Bodies were strewn all over the apartments' common rooms. Charlotte was curled up in a ball on one of the arm chairs. Charles and Jane were cuddled on the couch in a sitting position, being too tired to even lay down. Andrew and Ben were both on their backs on the floor. Numerous other party guests had similar sleeping positions.

Only three people made it to a bed. Anne had gone to bed early. She didn't take well to alcohol and had empty the contents of her stomach before midnight. She had fallen asleep well before Elizabeth and William had entered the room across the hall.

William and Elizabeth were comfortably spooning together in Elizabeth's twin campus issue bed. Elizabeth awoke with a start. Something was digging into her back. She tried to turned to see what it was but found she could not move due to the masculine arm wrapped around her. She stiffened immediately.

What in hell happened last night? Why the hell is someone in my bed? And who the hell is he? Elizabeth was not in a good mood. The fact that she had a excruciating headache and that she badly needed to use the bathroom; not sure which was calling for her more: the need to urinate or the need to vomit. The fact that something was digging into her kidney was tipping the scale.

She tried to removed the arm from around her but it only tighten, tipping the scale to the urge to vomit as the arm dug into her stomach. She elbowed the man behind her. This did nothing more the awake him more fully.

"Let me go before I pee my pants."

The arm quickly removed from around her middle and she jumped out of bed and ran for the bathroom without seeing who her bedmate was. The man immediately fell back to sleep while Elizabeth empty the contents of her stomach then her bladder.

After she brushed her teeth and drank some water she returned to the room with a little apprehension on who she might find in her bed. When she finally saw William sleeping soundly, her mouth fell open in shock. OH... MY... GOD! Did I have sex with him? I hope to god not!

Elizabeth walked over to the bed and kicked William in the stomach, successfully waking him up. He sat up and glared at her.

"What did you do that for?" William asked with a yawn.

"What the hell are you doing in my bed?" Elizabeth yelled.

William looked at Elizabeth with surprised. It took him a moment to realize the consequences of what happened last night. Damn it! He cursed himself for letting his need for Elizabeth override common sense.

"You used every one of your charms to get me into your bed. I tried my damnedest to resist your charms, but you seemed very apt at the art of seduction."

Elizabeth was furious. I never! Using my charms to get him into bed! Where did he come up with that lie? She then responded with: "I would never seduce you into my bed!"

"Well, you did. You were all over me."

Elizabeth tried to remember last night. She could vaguely recall dancing with William. Did I really dance like that with him? She blushed at the memory. I had to have been drunk...

"I WAS DRUNK! You asshole! Do you often take advantage of intoxicated females?" she asked angrily.

William smirked. "Only ones who are as sexy and seductive as you are." He quickly realized his error when the look at Elizabeth's face was not amusement but more like murderous.

Elizabeth was defiantly not amused. She was seriously thinking about killing him, but then a thought came clear into her mind she knew that killing him wouldn't be enough.

"We had sex?" she asked in shocked voice.

"I believed you called it 'making love'" William remarked.

"Did we use a condom?"

William froze. Oh God! Oh God! You idiot! "Dammit! I should have thought of that. You wouldn't happen to be taking birth control, would you?"

Elizabeth stared at him incredulously. "No. I'm a virgin, or was, and I wasn't planning on needing any protection until my wedding night. When I would actually be willing to give up my virginity."

"How virtuous," William said sarcastically.

Elizabeth fumed. "Don't you dare judge me. I'm not the one who had unprotected sex with an inebriated virgin, who happens to be one of your students."

William groaned. "Damn! I was trying to be a gentleman by bringing you up here instead of leaving you to the fate of the lecherous men downstairs."

"Oh! So you brought me up here so you could take advantage of me instead of them? How gentlemanly of you."

William was no longer paying attention to Elizabeth. He had just come to the realization that she was standing next to the bed naked. His eyes wandered her body on their own accord and no matter how hard he tried to bring them back to her face, he couldn't. Elizabeth noticed his perusal of her body and she looked down in horror and embarrassment. She hadn't realize that she had nothing on; that was how bad her headache was. She quickly grabbed the blanket from the bed to wrap around her, leaving William with nothing to cover him. She couldn't stop her own eyes from giving him a quick appraisal. Shocked at her behavior she turned from William and walked over to Jane's bed, where she sat down.

"Can you put your clothes back on?"

William got out of bed and picked up his boxers. He pulled them on as Elizabeth tried not to watch without much success. He grabbed his pants and put them on. He searched the room for his shirt but couldn't find it.

"What did you do with my shirt?" he asked her.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything with your shirt."

He walked over to the dresser. "I thought you tossed it on the dresser." He leaned over the dresser, reaching his hand behind it. He let out a "ah ha" as he stepped back from the dresser, shirt in hand. "You tossed it behind the dresser."

"I tossed it?"

"You were so eager to get my shirt off, I'm surprised you didn't rip it. But I guess you were more eager to get into my pants." William pulled on his shirt and began buttoning it up.

"I was eager to get into your pants? It sounds like it was the other way around."

William sighed. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth. I was also slightly inebriated, but I shouldn't have given in to you. But it's hard to resist a woman when she's shoving her hands down your pants."

Elizabeth's head was pounding. She didn't know what to say or do. She hated him. Hated him more than anything in the world. She rubbed her temple, trying to easy the pain.

"Did you take anything for your headache?" he asked gently.

Elizabeth looked at him in surprised at the gentleness in his voice. "No," she said curtly.

William went into the bathroom, filling a cup with water and grabbing the ibuprofen. He returned to Elizabeth, handing her both items. She took two pills and gulped down all the water.

William began going through her dresser draws, pulling out clothes. Elizabeth looked at him with agitation. What the hell does he think he's doing going though my clothes?

"What are you doing?"

"I don't believe you want your sister coming into the room with you naked. I think she would be curious about what transpired between the two of us."

Elizabeth came up beside him, grabbing the clothes he already retrieved. "I will do it. Why don't you make yourself useful and leave my apartment and never come back." She pushed him towards the door. "I should sue you, but I don't want my reputation ruined. But if you touch me ever again, I will sue you." Elizabeth then closed the door to her room in his face.

She started pulling on her clothes, but ended up breaking down and crying. She crawled onto Jane's bed (there was no way she would lie in her own) and cried until their were no more tears.

William stood outside the door. He could hear her crying and wanted so badly to console her. He knew that his presence would make it worse, so instead he went downstairs and started making breakfast.

William didn't know how to cook much, but he did know how to cook pancakes, which were his sister's favorite. He had learned to cook them after their mother had died and Georgiana would wake up in the middle of the night due to nightmares. She would always go to William's room to be comforted. William had always made it better by making her pancakes. He hoped that the comfort that his pancakes gave Georgiana would also comfort Elizabeth.

As he was cooking, Jane awoke and appeared in the kitchen, wondering what the delicious smell was. She was very surprised to see William cooking.

"I didn't know you could cook," Jane stated.

"I don't. I just know how to make pancakes."

Jane looked at him closely after she heard the depressed mood in his voice. She could see that he was agitated and tense.

"I don't remember seeing you late last night. Did you leave?"

"No. I was... upstairs." He paused as Jane looked at him curiously. "Jane. I need you to do me a favor. I need you to bring some pancakes up to Elizabeth."

"Okay," Jane said slowly.

"Will you make sure she eats them? She needs some food after all that alcohol she consumed last night. She also needs you."

"What's wrong?" asked Jane, worried.

"Just talk to her. Tell her I'm very sorry and that I was a complete idiot. If something, uh, comes of it, tell her I will help her in anyway I can."

Jane was surprised by the remorseful tone in William's voice.

"I don't understand?"

"Just tell her."

He handed her a plate with two pancakes topped with syrup. William left the apartment, leaving Jane confused.

Jane took the plate and a cup of orange juice up to her room. She was surprised by what she saw. Elizabeth's costume was strewn about the room as if they were tossed without a care of where they ended up. But that wasn't what really surprised Jane. It was her sister curled up, half dress, on Jane's bed, wrapped in the blankets from her own bed. It was obvious to Jane that Elizabeth had been crying and was now in a fitful sleep.

Jane placed the plate and cup on her desk. She sat on the bed, next to Elizabeth. She gently stroked Elizabeth's hair. Elizabeth opened her eyes and looked at Jane. Her eyes immediately started watering.

"Oh, Jane! I did something appalling. Something I promised I would never do."

Jane pulled Elizabeth into her arms and held her close as Elizabeth continued.

"Jane, I woke up and I wasn't alone."

Jane was shocked. She knew that Elizabeth had been saving herself. She would have never believed that Elizabeth would go against her principles if she had not heard it from her sister herself.

"Who was it?" Jane asked, but then she knew the answer. William. That's why he was acting so strange this morning.

"William," Elizabeth said shamefully.

"Lizzy! It's all my fault," Jane exclaimed. "I should have taken care of you instead of being with Charles. I didn't think that William would force himself on you."

"Jane..." Elizabeth paused as she tried to clear her mind. "He didn't force himself on me. I believe it was the other way around." The last part came out as a mumble which Jane barely made out.

"You forced yourself upon him? I don't believe that."

"He says that I seduced him. I don't know if it's true or not. I don't want to believe it but I've been having these dreams..."

"Seduced him? You? What kind of dreams?"


"About William?"

"I don't want to dream about him. I hate him. I probably only have these dreams because he's handsome and has a nice body. I hate to admit it but no woman can deny it."

"But that's no reason to sleep with him."

"I know that. I don't know why I did. Maybe he did force himself upon me. The last thing I remember is dancing with him."

"You two were inseparable on the dance floor."

"I do remember wanting to taste his lips. OH! How could I have such thoughts? How can I think of him in that way?"

Elizabeth's stomach growled at the moment and they both laughed. It was a laughter set off by tension that took a long time to get under control. Jane handed her the plate of pancakes.

"Eat these."

"You made me pancakes?"

"No William did. I woke up to our apartment smelling delicious and found him in the kitchen. He asked me to make sure you ate them."

"I hate him, but when he does something like this I don't know what to think. I keep telling myself to remember what he did to Mr. Wickham."

Elizabeth dug into the pancakes. She gestured for the orange juice and Jane handed it over. It wasn't until she was half done when Jane spoke up.

"The situation is not all that bad, is it? Maybe he wishes to date you."

"Jane, he's my advisor. He could get fired for what he did. I would report him but I'm afraid it might affect yours and Charles' relationship. I don't want William taken his anger for me out on you two."

"William would never do that. It's probably best to keep it silent. You wouldn't want rumors going around about you. It's not like anything horrible came from it. It's best that it's forgotten."

"That should be easy, I don't even remember it." Elizabeth was silent for a moment. She looked up at Jane. "Jane, we didn't use a condom."

Jane looked pensive. "I don't know what to say."

"I feel the same way. Jane, what if I become pregnant?"

Jane thought for a moment. Is that what he meant? "If something comes of it" is if she becomes pregnant? It makes sense. "William will help you. He said so."

Elizabeth looked stricken. "Did he tell you?"

"No, it's something he said. He said that if something comes of it he would help you any way he can. I'm quite sure he meant if you became pregnant."

"What else did he say?"

"He said he was sorry for being an idiot."

"At least he realizes he's an idiot. What will I do if I do become pregnant? I can't stay here if I do. It would be so embarrassing. And everyone will ask questions that I would rather not answer."

"Let's wait and see. We'll think about if it happens. Otherwise it's best if it's forgotten for your well being."

"I guess your right Jane. I don't want to think about it any more."

"You know what you need? You need a nice hot bubble bath. Why don't you finish your pancakes and I'll run you a bath."

"Your right. That is what I need."

Jane went and started a bath while Elizabeth continued eating. How am I ever going to be able to face William again? I hope he doesn't tell anyone, including Charles. Oh, I should tell Jane not to tell Charles. What am I going to do?


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