the hidden treasure

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Soon afterwards, the captain and his crew could read and write. They set sail as fast as they could, to one of the many beauutiful islands in the Carribean. There they alighted on the sandy beach with their shovels, walked 140 paces, counting their footsteps: they came to a lone coconut tree and stopped.»At last, the treasure!! All our reading has paid off!!« laughed Dangerous Dan . He was so happy!!

By Fiona Aufranc




Aboard the galleon, Silver

Moon (that's a sailing ship to you and me), there was quite an argument going on between the handsome, dark captain. Dangerous Dan, and his motley crew.

“There's nothing for it, captain,” cried the first mate, Willie White, “You're going to have to learn to read and write along with the rest of us!!! None of us can find the treasure because none of us can read the map!!!” The captain looked angrily at them.



And what wonderful treasure there was!! Hours and hours of reading exciting adventures about Pirates awaited them in the treasure chest. They took the books back to the Silver Moon. And you can guess what they did, can't you?

Captain Dangerous Dan stood with

his sword in his hand. He looked fierce and proud but suddenly he sighed.

»Alright, I agree. We keep going north instead of south, west instead of east because we can''t even read our compass. »

»Call Master Johnny!!« cried the first mate, Willie White, »He'll teach us

to read and write and then we'll find our beloved treasure!! Everyone cheered .

So every day, the captain and his crew spent their days and nights, learning the alphabet and reading and writing. Other ships sailed past and they could hear the other captains laughting at them. »Hurry up,« they yelled, »We don't want the pirates to start spelling out something like »SURRENDER !!«. »I'll get you one day!!« Yelled back Dangerous Dan, »Just you wait and see!!« But he soon settled back in his chair.


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