At The Office

At The Office

William entered Elizabeth's office silently, his hands in the pockets of his casual khaki slacks. His royal blue dress shirt was open at the collar, exposing the white undershirt he always wore, and rolled up to just below his elbows. His Rolex hung on his right wrist, giving away the fact that he was left handed. Quietly shutting the door behind him and locking the door, he breathed in her familiar scent and felt his blood stir.

“Elizabeth,” he murmured softly, moving to stand in the middle of her office.

Turning in her chair, her eyes traveled up his body and met his smoldering gaze, causing a smile to tip the corner of her lips. “Hello William,” she replied softly. Her hair was pinned gracefully to the top of her head with tantalizing ringlets falling around her face. She wore a black silk blouse, opened far enough to give a hint of more underneath. The gray business skirt she wore with the black hose immediately set his nerves on edge, showing her shapely legs off to their best advantage.

“I tried calling you earlier,” he murmured, moving to stand a few feet away from her in the chair.

Feeling uncomfortably warm underneath his gaze, Elizabeth glanced off to the side and replied, “I've been busy.”

Lifting an eyebrow unbelievingly, he murmured, “Lying doesn't become you, Lizzy.”

Feeling her anger stir, she shot to her feet and lifted her head a notch in anger. “Who are you to say I'm lying.”

A small smile drifted to his lips and he challenged her, “You won't look me in the eye.”

Moving to face him head on, she met his eyes boldly and ground out, “I…have…been…busy.” The minute she got within inches from him, she realized her mistake. His brown eyes darkened in a passionate haze as they met hers, causing her breathing to hitch. Smelling his familiar cologne, her knees weakened and her body immediately responded to his proximity.

“Liar,” he murmured, slipping his arm around her waist and pulling her body flush against his. His mouth immediately descended upon hers, his lips softening in an erotic caress. As if remembering his every touch, her body betrayed her by molding itself against his muscular frame, her hands gripping his biceps as if afraid he might move away. His tongue sensuously dipped between her parted lips, taking advantage of her momentary surprise.

Just as he suspected, she groaned in pleasure and responded in like measure, their tongues dueling with stroking caresses. His arm tightened around her waist and his right hand slid up her back, first releasing her luxuriously long hair from the clip holding it in place then stopping to cup her neck in his large hand. The soft curves of her body sent his blood boiling as he remembered the feeling of their naked skin rubbing together sensuously at the cabin. Suddenly all he could think of was feeling it again.

Dragging his mouth away from hers to drag in a ragged breath of air, he whispered, “What are you so afraid of?”

Trying to catch her breath, her eyes slid open, revealing the passion ignited there. “I'm not afraid,” she replied breathlessly. She wanted to push away from him, but her body hummed at every point of contact, and her willpower wasn't strong enough to deny what she knew she wanted so very badly. Her body had craved his touch like none other since the night they'd made love, and that very fact, that she needed him so badly, terrified her.

“Then why are you trying to run?” he asked back, his hand moving from her neck to slide down her back and over her backside. Squeezing her cheek, he pressed her hips into his and she instinctively moved slowly against him, causing his growing erection to harden further. Dropping his lips to her ear, he gently nipped at her earlobe, causing a tingling sensation to shoot down her neck. His hot breath fanned her neck and ear as he whispered, “Don't you think this intensity scares me? I've never had this kind of reaction to anyone.” Leaving a hot, open mouthed kiss just below her ear, she shuddered as he continued, “I've never needed anyone as badly as I need you.”

Taking in a deep breath of air, her head fell back, giving him further access to her graceful neck. Holding onto his arms tightly as he slowly, teasingly devoured every erogenous zone along the sensitive skin of her neck, Elizabeth whispered back, “Why didn't I hear from you?”

Nipping the spot where her neck met her shoulder, he pulled back to reply, “You know damn well I didn't have access to a phone.”

Feeling her stubborn pride try to buck its ugly head, she replied, “You could have found a way.”

Frustration mixing with his movements, William unceremoniously lifted her at the waist, bringing a surprised cry from her mouth, and plopped her down on the work table, jarring her senses. He slid his hands up her thighs, pushing her skirt up as he stepped between her legs, taking her head between his two strong hands and cradling it with an amazing tenderness. Making a pass at her lips with a firm caress from his mouth, he pulled back and replied huskily, “Damn it, Lizzy, you know that's not fair. You build these impossible walls to keep me away from you because you have some incorrect idea that I'm going to use you and abuse you. I don't know what that bastard did to you, but I am not him.” Keeping his eyes closed and dropping another searing kiss against her mouth, he pulled back to declare, “And I'll scale every one of those damn walls until I finally get to you.”

Feeling tears sting her eyes, she buried her hands in his shirt front, and stammered, “N-no.”

Sliding his hands down to her thighs, he slowly ran his hands up to the thigh hi-s she wore and began caress the skin there, his thumbs brushing the silk of her panties enticingly. “Tell me you don't want this as bad as I do, Lizzy, and I'll walk out that door right now.”

Bringing her eyes up to meet his, she opened her mouth to speak and found herself paralyzed by the gentle strokes of his hands. His hooded gaze dropped down to her swollen lips from his kisses and groaned softly at the evidence of his attentions.

“I…I can't,” she gasped as his thumb applied a gentle pressure through the silk over her sensitive core.

Squeezing her thighs once more and pushing her skirt the rest of the way up, he growled, “I thought not.” In an instant, his mouth came crushing back down to hers, his tongue demanding entrance as it plunged into her mouth. He felt her hands yank his shirt out of his khakis and slide up the taut skin of his stomach, and he smiled against her mouth. Sensing his triumph, Elizabeth sucked gently on his delving tongue, sending a weakening sensation through his whole body. Groaning passionately, he brought his hands up to cup her breasts through the silky material, brushing over her hardened nipples.

She in turn whimpered into his mouth, the sweet, sexy sound hardening his erection painfully. “God, Lizzy,” he groaned as he drug his mouth away from hers and continued to caress her breasts through the material. Molding the flesh in his hands, he whispered hotly against her temple, “All I could think about at night was how damn hot your body feels against mine.”

Gasping as he pinched her nipples lightly, she arched into him, crying out sensuously. Groaning at her response, he growled, “Damn it, Lizzy, I need to taste you.” Quickly discarding her shirt and pushing her back on the table, he took her nipple into his mouth through the lacy black material of her bra, nibbling slightly. She immediately threaded her fingers into his hair, her knees bent and feet planted firmly next to his hips as he bent over the table. He moved his hands up to pull the straps from her shoulders and made quick work of releasing her breasts from the material, quickly replacing it with his mouth.

Devouring the soft flesh of her breasts, William licked and suckled, nipped and soothed again with his tongue and teeth, playing with the hardened peak, drawing the sexiest sounds from her that he'd ever heard in his life. He switched to pay equal attention to its twin, pulling his hands down to her hips to begin pulling the silk panties down her thighs. Unwilling to move from between her legs, he gave a quick yank at each thin side and quickly threw the material away from them.

Kissing his way down the soft skin of her stomach, he groaned again as the scent of her desire drifted up to his nostrils, causing his fingers to dig into the flesh of her thighs. He left a kiss at the waistband of her skirt before pulling away to stare down at her exposed womanhood. Pressing her thighs farther apart, he stared at her glistening mound with lust in his eyes…so pink and wet. And it was his. He'd be damned if he'd ever let another man near her. His eyes shot up to meet her gaze possessively, and he held it as he lowered his mouth to her mound. Running his tongue slowly up to taste her desire, he flattened his tongue against her nub and swirled it slowly, bringing a desperate cry from deep within her throat. Making another pass down and then back up, he laved his tongue once more around her nub before quickly lapping at the protruding sensitive skin. His eyes closed in lust as he listened to her impassioned whimpers as he continued to lap at her, loving the taste that belonged to her alone.

Feeling her body tense as she moved her hips in desperation against his mouth, she jerked and shuttered as her world erupted into a blinding explosion of sensation when he drew the sensitive skin into his mouth and sucked gently, white hot heat shooting through her body like lightening. William continued to gently tease the skin as her body shuddered from its release until he could feel the shudders stop. Pulling away, he drug his arm across his mouth and stared down into her relaxed face, his erection now painfully hard.

When her eyes finally opened to meet his burning gaze, she sat up and finished undoing the buttons of his shirt, pushing the bright dress shirt over his strong shoulders and down onto the floor. Pulling the white undershirt over his head with his help, she sat and stared at his massive chest, swallowing as her eyes caressed every muscular line across his abdomen. A light dusting of hair covered his tanned pectorals and made a line down to the waistband of his slacks, disappearing behind a painfully tight pair of pants.

Leaning forward, she dropped a kiss against his chest, enjoying the way his muscles rippled at the touch of her mouth. She gently nipped at his own hardened male nipples, smiling at the grunt it brought from his mouth. Trailing hot kisses down his abdomen as she slid to the floor on her knees before him, her mouth ached to return the favor. Quickly unbuckling the black leather belt around his waist, she made quick work of unbuttoning and unzipping the khakis before releasing his erection from his gray briefs, watching it spring toward her in a silent plea.

Looking up to meet his eyes, she reverently took his shaft into her hands, licking gently around the head before sucking it into her mouth. Groaning as he fought to keep his knees from buckling underneath him, he slid one hand around the base of her head and neck, and pushed the hair back out of her face tenderly with his other as he watched her with hooded eyes reverently suck at his manhood. “Damn, Lizzy,” he groaned, his eyes sliding shut as she took him deeper and squeezed his throbbing shaft with the silkiness of her mouth. She continued to milk him, her mouth working quicker and drawing him closer to his own orgasm. Unable to withstand anymore, he quickly pushed her back and yanked her to her feet. Pressing a hot kiss on her parted lips, he whispered hotly, “Oh no you don't.”

Spinning her around quickly, he bent her over the table and lifted her right leg up onto the table, exposing her again to his aching shaft in a position that would ensure the deepest penetration possible. Grabbing her neck gently with his firm hand, he positioned his tip at her entrance, sliding his hand up the slick glistening skin of her back, bring it down to her hip again and gripping gently.

“Have you dreamt of this as much as I, Lizzy?” he gasped, trembling from the effort of not plunging immediately into her hot core. “Have you wanted this so badly that you drive yourself mad at night? Because I have,” he told her raggedly. “I can stop nothing short of making you mine, Lizzy.”

“Will,” she cried out desperately as he began to slide slowly into her hot depths. She immediately squeezed his shaft tightly with her muscles as he pushed harder to sink himself completely inside her.

“Damn, baby,” he groaned, his head falling back at the blinding pleasure her body brought him. Withdrawing slightly, he leaned over to begin pushing his hips in and out of her slowly, dropping desperate kisses to the skin of her back. When she began to raise her hips slightly and whimper, it spurred him to push harder into her body as the tension built uncontrollably in his own body. “You're mine, Lizzy,” he rasped quietly. “Mine,” he repeated possessively, sinking his teeth gently into the nape of her neck, causing her to cry out again in pleasure.

Elizabeth couldn't think as his body mindlessly pounded into her, sending the coiling tension up through her limbs, causing her body to sing. His thick shaft filled her completely, drawing an indescribable feeling of pleasure through her body. The heat and friction of his manhood mingled with hers, causing her to squeeze him tightly inside of her. Oh, how she desperately wanted to feel his release inside of her.

Their mating became frantic as he pushed desperately into her, his hand on her hip pulling her body back against his roughly. Realizing he was about to orgasm, he moved his hand down to gently rub the sensitive skin of her core, sending her body completely over the edge as a more intense orgasm racked her body, milking his erection until it brought his own body into orgasm. His shaft jerked and spilled his hot seed into her body, sending shudders through him as his cheek rested against the slick skin of her back. When his body had emptied itself into her, having been milked dry by her own blinding orgasm, he rested limply on her, his hands cupping her shoulders gently. When he began to regain a bit of his strength, he pushed himself up, leaving tender kisses along her spine.

Pulling out of her, he gently reached out to gather her into his arms, reveling in the feel of their sweat slickened skin moving together. Cupping the back of her head, he leaned down to give her a lingering, passionate kiss, gently dragging his lips across hers. Cuddling her in his embrace, he murmured, “I'll never get enough of you.”

“Damn you, Will Darcy, for being so miserably irresistible,” he heard her murmur against his chest with a soft laugh.

Grinning, he looked down into her teasing eyes and asked, “Does this mean you'll stay with me tonight?”

“Are you going to feed me? I'm going to be starving if we keep this up,” she replied, her eyes twinkling provocatively.

Chuckling and dropping a kiss to her lips, he replied, “I'll feed you anything you want. Just as long as it keeps you in my bed.”

Accepting another of his sensuous kisses, she suddenly pulled back to look up at him seriously with a vulnerable plea, her voice warning, “Don't make me regret this, Will.”

His eyes softened as he gently caressed her cheek with his long, slender fingers. “I promise you'll never regret this, Elizabeth.”

Nodding, she lifted her mouth to his for another kiss, replying, “Let's get out of here.”

Grinning, he murmured, “Hot damn.” They both laughed and scrambled to put their clothes on before escaping from her office, more than a few eyes curiously following their exit from the building.


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