1 syllabus contents by step

Racing to English

Contents by Step & Teaching Order

This document lists all the activities on the Racing to English CD.

The activities are grouped in steps - about half a dozen activities in each one. Each step focuses on one or two language areas. I have tried to put the easiest language areas at the beginning, so this document also suggests the order in which to teach particular language items and in which to use the activities. However, this is only a suggestion - THERE IS NO CORRECT ORDER IN WHICH TO TEACH A LANGUAGE. It is important to think about the language that your pupils/students need rather than slavishly following someone else's ideas.


Racing to English includes some numeracy activities. Some are included in the steps with other activities, but most are in the folders called Maths. These activities can be introduced at various points depending on the age and educational level of your pupils/students.


Racing to English also includes some pronunciation exercises which can be important for older learners. These may be needed at different points in a learner's acquisition of English and are therefore in a separate folder

Picture dictionary

Racing to English includes 50 photosets. Each photoset includes one or two pages from the Racing to English picture dictionary.


Each activity will need to be used several times and it is useful to revisit them periodically even after you think your pupils/students have learnt the language involved.

Step 1

Naming - singular

Key Language areas

Giving personal information

  • What's your name/school/class?

Naming objects - singular

  • What's this?

  • Is it a ….? Yes it is/No it isn't.


  • Classroom objects - pen, pencil, felt tip, table, door, scissors, rubber, etc.

  • People - boy girl man woman baby

  • Animals basic - cat dog horse etc.

Activities for Step 1

NOTE: Ensure learners know key items e.g. toilet, classroom, teacher, and can answer questions like “What's your name? Where do you live? What group/class are you in?”

First steps:

  • Dialogue: Who are you? - What's your name/ school/class?

  • Multigame real objects

Classroom objects photoset

People Singular Photoset

6 Animals Photoset

Wordsearches for Step 1

Other language areas that could be taught at this time:

School/college vocabulary

toilet, hall, classroom, teacher, dinner time, playground,

Greetings/social language

  • hello, goodbye, please, thank you,


e.g. stand up, sit down, get a felt tip, hang up your coat,

Step 2

Naming - plural

Key Language areas

Giving personal information

  • What's your surname?

Naming objects - plural

  • What are these?

  • Are they XXXs? Yes they are/No they aren't.

Asking for things

Can I have a XXX?


  • People (plural) - boys girls men women babies

  • Fruit and Veg (basic) - apples, carrots etc.

Activities for Step 2

Dialogue: Who are you? - What's your first name/surname?

Plurals photoset

People Plural - Basic Photoset

Fruit & Veg 1 - Basic Photoset

Dialogue - Can I

Wordsearches for Step 2

Other language areas that could be taught at this time:

Asking for things cont.

  • Can I have a/some …. please? Can I go to …. please?

  • “Do you want ….?” Yes please/No thank you.

Step 3

  • Have got

  • Face & body

Key Language areas

Giving personal info - age

Possession - Have you got two mouths?


  • Face - mouth, eyes, nose, teeth, etc.

  • Body - arm, hand, finger, leg, foot/feet,

Activities for Step 3

Dialogue: Who are you - What's your address? Where do you live?

Body parts Photoset (foot, arm, back, fingers, etc)

Body parts dominoes

Face Pairs (eyes/ears/nose/hair)

Face Photoset

Face Connect 4 (glasses/hair/beard/hat)

Wordsearches for Step 3

Step 4

  • Has got

  • Colours & clothes

  • Family 1

Key Language areas

Possession - I've got a blue shirt. Has she got a green coat?


  • Clothes - trousers, shirt, skirt, coat,

  • Colours - red green blue yellow black

  • Flower parts - stem leaves roots

Activities for Step 4

Dialogue: Who are you? - How old are you?

Family 1 - mother/brother/etc.

Clothes Basic Photoset

Guess Which Boy

Guess Which Girl

Guess Which Flower

Guess Which Robot

Word-searches for Step 4

Step 5

  • Food

  • Likes and dislikes

Key Language areas

Expressing likes/dislikes - Do you like ….? I don't like …

Asking for things

  • Would you like a XXX? Do you want a?

  • Yes please/No thank you.

Vocabulary -:

  • Dining room - knife/fork/table/ etc.

  • Food - vegetables (carrots, potatoes, etc.) fruit (apples oranges, etc.)

  • Packaging - jar, bottle, carton, etc.

Activities for Step 5

House - Dining Room Photoset

Fruit Photoset (apples/oranges/strawberries/etc.)

Vegetables Photoset (potato/cucumber/tomato/etc.)

Supermarket Photoset

Eek-eek-eek the mouse and the biscuits

Eek-eek-eek the mouse puppets

Dialogue - would you like a ____?

Wordsearches for step 5

Other language areas that could be taught at this time:

Describing objects using common adjectives - big small hot cold happy sad

Polite English - I'm sorry. Excuse me.

Offering - Do you want/Would you like a cup of tea?

Step 6


Key Language areas

Naming common actions

  • What are you/is she doing? I'm jumping, running, walking, etc.

  • Is she writing? Are they walking?


Actions - walking, holding, crying, etc.

Activities for Step 6

Actions 1 Photoset (He's standing)

Actions 2 Photoset (She's driving)

Actions 3 Photoset (He's riding a motorbike, etc.)

Actions 4 - Cartoon Animals (the hippo is dancing)

Actions 5 - Statues (This is a statue of a man who is holding a sword)

Mime and Guess (actions/is doing)

The “Can You?” track

Wordsearches for Step 6

Step 7

  • Family 2

  • House & rooms

Key Language areas


  • It's Ben's mouth. He's Tony's cousin.

Locating objects

  • Is it in/on/under?

  • There's a XXX in the XXX


  • House - rooms and furniture

  • Family relationships - grandmother, nephew, etc.

Activities for Step 7

Possession - Jo's, Ben's or Fido's

Family 2 (grandmother, uncle, etc)

Prepositions 1 (in/on/under)

Bedroom Photoset

Living Room Photoset

Kitchen Photoset

Bathroom Photoset

House and Rooms Connect 4

Wordsearches for Step 7

Step 8

  • Vehicles & street

  • Clothes

Key Language areas


  • Vehicles - car, taxi, lorry, etc

  • Park - bench, swings, ducks

  • Street - traffic lights, hedge, bus stop

  • Clothes - men/women

Activities for Step 8

Vehicles photoset

Park Photoset

Street Photoset

Clothes (men's) Photoset

Clothes (women's) Photoset

wordsearches for Step 8

Step 9

Narrating - intro to past tense

Key Language areas

Introduction to past tense

  • I went, He saw me,

  • Did you/they

  • What did she

Activities for Step 9

Eek-eek-eek the mouse 1

Eek-eek-eek the mouse 2

Eek-eek-eek the mouse 3

Eek-eek-eek the mouse 4

Eek-eek-eek the mouse 5

Billy, Milly, Maisy and Bob - alternative intro to past tense for older learners

“Did you?” Question Track


The stories in this step are designed to introduce the simple past tense. The stories about Eek-eek-eek the mouse and his friends may be more suitable for younger learners. The stories about Billy, Milly, Maisy and Bob may be more suitable for older learners.

Step 10

  • Narrating

  • Story File 1

Key Language areas

Narrating stories and reporting incidents using the simple past tense

  • I went, He hit me, … Red Riding Hood saw/took/said

  • Did you/they …? What did she do?


from stories esp. emotions:

Activities for Step 10

Story File - Scared of a dog

Story File - The Lost Watch

Story File - I fell in the road.

Story File - Baby and penny

Story File - Snake in chicken house

Story File - Broken glass

Story File - At the river

Story File - My brother threw a brick

Step 11

  • Narrating

  • Story File 2

Key Language areas

Narrating stories & reporting incidents using the simple past tense (2)

Vocabulary from stories

Activities for Step 11

Story File - Lost Rings

Story File - The Key

Story File - Hot Water

Story File - Fishing

Story File - Motor-Scooter in House

Story File - The Banana Tree

Story File - Linh Tam & the Crocodile

Story File - My Friend's Bicycle

Step 12


Key Language areas

Regular activities:
Identifying everyday actions using the simple present tense - she watches television, he washes his clothes


  • days of the week

  • more clothes

  • adverbials of time - before/after, in the evening, in the summer, when it's cold.

Activities for Step 12

Clothes Market Photoset

Clothes Connect 4

Do you? Pairs

Do you? Connect 4

Days of the Week (before/after)

Saturdays with Billy/Milly/Maisy/Bob

Days at the Zoo

When do you wear (Question Track)

Cog the camel 1

Cog the camel 2

Cog the camel 3

Cog the camel 4

Cog the camel 5

Step 13

  • Animals

  • Do/Does 2

Key Language areas

Constant truths e.g. Lions eat meat,

Vocabulary Animals:

  • domestic/farm cat, dog, horse, etc.

  • wild - elephant, lion, shark, whale,

Activities for Step 13

Animals Photoset (pet/farm)

Animals Photoset (wild)

Animal parts - Photoset

Animal lives Connect 4

Animal Classification Connect 4

Animal Sets Connect 4

Step 14

Do/Does 3

Key Language areas

Describing regular events/constant truths - the leaves fall off the trees in autumn. you knock in nails with a hammer

Describing people


  • Types of houses, external parts of a house (bungalow, terraced house, chimney, window, etc.)

  • Seasons.

  • Occupations

  • People - old young, grey, beard, etc.

  • Tools - hammer, nails, screw driver

Activities for Step 14

Types of Houses Photoset

Occupations Photoset

The seasons photoset

The seasons Connect 4

States of Matter Connect 4

Guess Which Person

Tools Photoset

Tools Connect 4

Step 15

  • Narrating

  • Story File 3

Key Language areas

Narrating stories and reporting incidents using the simple past tense (3)

Activities for Step 15

Story File - Chasing a Camel

Story File - The Scorpion

Story File - The Football Match

Story File - In the River

Story File - The Thief

Story File - The spider in the shoe

Story File - The Blind Old Man

Step 16

Position & direction

Key Language areas


in, on, under, in front of, between, behind,


towards, away from, into, out of

Activities for Step 16


COPY OF Prepositions 1 - in/on/under photoset

Photoset - Prepositions 2 (in front of, between, behind)

Preposition Picture Pairs (In front of, behind, towards, away from)

Dialogue Directions

Describe and Draw 1 (left/right/above/below)

Describe and Draw 2 (in front/behind/away/towards)

Describe and Draw 3 (left/right/underneath/etc.)

Describe and Draw 4 (top right hand corner, towards the middle)

Describe and Draw 5 (alphabet, shapes, position)

Describe and Draw 6 - faces

Guess Which - Position & Direction

Pairs - Opposite Prepositions (use as appropriate) -


All the activities that focus on position and direction have all been put in the same step so that they are easy to locate. However, it is unlikely that you will want to use them consecutively. For most learners the activities are best used individually whilst you are teaching other steps.

Step 17

  • Have done

  • Has done

Key Language areas

Talking about the recent past, etc. using “Have/Has- I've already paid for my ticket, he hasn't eaten any lunch, I've never seen a boa constrictor, etc

Activities for Step 17

Eek-eek-eek and the watch 1

Eek-eek-eek and the watch 2

Eek-eek-eek and the watch 3

Dialogue - What's the matter?

Eek-eek-eek the mouse forgotten

Maisy Have you forgotten?

Step 18

Have/Has done 2

Key Language areas

As step 17 - Talking about the recent past, etc. using “have/has” - I've already paid for my ticket, he hasn't eaten any lunch, I've never seen a lion


  • Vehicle parts - wheel, tyre, etc.

  • Holidays - beach, sea, etc.

  • Funfair - dodgems, big wheel, candy floss, etc.

Activities for Step 18

Holidays Photoset

Funfair Photoset

Vehicles “Have you ever?

Vehicle parts Photoset

Vehicles Connect 4

Train Travel Photoset

Have you ever?” Question Track

Step 19

Future - going to

Key Language areas

Future using going to - What are you going to do

Making arrangements - would you like to


  • Weather - rain/rainy, sun/sunny, cloud, wind, freezing, hot, cold, etc

Activities for Step 19

Mog is going to run away

Maisy is going to

“Going to” Question Track

Weather Photoset

Dialogue - Would you like to

Step 20


Key Language areas


  • Are you taller/older than XXX?

  • Is X cheaper than Y?

  • Is Mars nearer the Sun than Venus?

  • These jeans are too tight.

Activities for Step 20

Longer than

Older or younger

Comparing costs 1

Comparing costs 2

Comparing question track

Solar System Connect 4

Dialogue - exchanging things

Other language areas that could be taught at this time:

Superlatives -. Who's the oldest? It's the longest

As … as - it's not as good as, etc.

Step 21


Key Language areas

Materials/made of - it's made of leather/glass/plastic/etc.

Language of description and position cont.

Activities for Step 21

Materials/made of Photoset

Spot the difference 1 - Saucepan, car and book

Spot the difference 2 - Driveway

Spot the difference - Man

Spot the difference - On the table 1

Spot the difference - On the table 2

Spot the difference traffic lights 1

Spot the difference traffic lights 2

Pairs - Opposite Adjectives 1

Pairs - Opposite Adjectives 2

Pairs - Opposite Adjectives 3

Step 22


Key Language areas

This step provides some support and stimuli for writing.

See also “Writing Frames” in the multi level section

Activities for Step 22

Story Prompts 1

Story Prompts 2

Story Prompts 3

Story Prompts 4

Step 23

True Stories 1

Key Language areas

Narrating stories and reporting incidents using both the simple past and other tenses including “could”

Activities for Step 23

Clive Sinclair

Rosa Parks

Dictionary - Rosa Parks

Taj Mahal

Dictionary - Taj Mahal


Dictionary - Boycott

Mahatma Gandhi

Dictionary - Mahatma Gandhi

Step 24

  • Passive

  • True Stories 2

Key Language areas

Narrating (passive)

  • It was built. He was buried

  • It has been knocked over.

Activities for Step 24

London Photoset


Dictionary - Tutankhamen

Has been done - Photoset & story

Food chain rummy

Step 25

  • Could

  • True Stories 3

Key Language areas

Ability (past) - he could/couldn't

  • Could you run when you were 2?

  • Einstein couldn't spell

Activities for Step 25

Could you? question track

Einstein could

Dictionary - Einstein

Emily Davison

Step 26

  • Had done

  • True Stories 4

Key Language areas

Had done (past perfect)

  • Lenny hadn't told his mother.

  • A new species had evolved.

Activities for Step 26

Rescue helicopter (had done)

Lenny Henry hadn't

Dictionary - Lenny Henry


Dictionary - Cholera

Charles Darwin

Step 27

Maps & Geography

Key Language areas

language of maps and geography

Activities for Step 27

Geography definitions

South America - Guess Which Country

Africa Guess Which Country

Eastern Europe Guess Which Country

South Western Europe - Guess Which Country

Step 28


Activities for Step 28

Food Connect 4

Gardening & Plants Pairs

Greek Words Connect 4

Verbs: Opposite Pairs

Digestion - flow chart rummy

“What would happen?” track

Dialogue: What will you be doing?

Maths 1

Numeracy 1

Key Language areas

  • Counting /Addition/Subtraction/Money


Count to 10 Multigame

Count to 20 Multigame

Addition track

Take away track

Add take away track

Add/take away words track

Money photoset

Money - “How much?” max 20p

Money - “How much?” max £5

Money Tracks

Maths 2

Numeracy 2

Key Language areas

Telling the time

What time is it? It's quarter past 5, etc.


  • Numeracy - language of computation (plus add, more/less, divide, etc.)


Numeracy Multigame

More than/less than track

language of addition and subtraction track

Addition Speaking Maths worksheet

Multiplying Multigame

Multiplication Speaking Maths worksheet

Sum, difference, product track

Time Pairs

Time problems


Maths 3

  • Shapes

  • Fractions

Key Language areas


  • Shapes - triangle, square, circle,

  • Fractions


Shape pairs

Shape Monsters Connect 4 (circular/hexagonal/rectangular/etc.)

Describe & Draw Shape Monsters

Fractions (shapes) Connect 4

Fractions (numbers) Connect 4

Fractions - Speaking Maths worksheet

Shapes Quiz

Maths 4

Speaking Maths

Language Friendly Worksheets



Money - If I had …

Posting Parcels (costs of )

Percentages 1

Percentages 2

Share equally - Each

Swimming Pool - lengths/widths

Twice as much

Multi-level Activities

Activities that can be used at many levels - especially blanks for you & your students to use to develop your own activities

The Multigame

What/Where/Why Question Track

Pairs Blank

Question Track Blank

Connect 4 Blank

Writing Frames/Book Review

Book review question track

This track can be used for any story & can be used many times but it is listed only once

Pronunciation, spelling etc.

Alphabet (saying the)

b or p

f or th

final sounds

i or ee

l or r

p or f

Phonic Track

S blends

S blends (2)

s or sh

to or th

vowels 1

vowels 2

Advice for Staff

Contents by Step and Teaching Order

Contents by type

Summary of contents



Race - I Cried by Denise Williams

Race - So you think you're an anti-racist (Gorski)

Reading in a Second Language - a series of 8 short papers

Recording activities used

Resource Suggestions



Other language items that need to be taught but which are not covered in the CD:

Obligation - must should ought to

Measuring -How heavy is it? How much does it weigh? How hot is it?

Possibility - may could might

Reported speech - he said he had ….

Future using will - What will happen next?


Racing to English © Gordon Ward Advice for Staff: Contents by Step


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