2 Contents by type

Racing to English: Contents by Type


Group 1 Photosets

    1. Actions 1 (He's XXing) (Step 6)

    2. Actions 2 (She's driving) (Step 6)

    3. Actions 3 (He's riding) (Step 6)

    4. Actions 4 - Cartoon animals (Step 6)

    5. Actions 5 - Statues (Step 6)

    6. Animal parts (Step 13)

    7. Animals (pet/farm) (Step 13)

    8. Animals (wild) (Step 13)

    9. Body parts (Step 3)

    10. Classroom objects (Step 1)

    11. Clothes (men's) (Step 8)

    12. Clothes (women's) (Step 8)

    13. Clothes basic (Step 4)

    14. Clothes market (Step 12)

    15. Face (Step 3)

    16. Family 1 (Step 4)

    17. Family 2 (Step 7)

    18. Fruit & Veg 1 - Basic (Step 2)

    19. Fruit (Step 5)

    20. Funfair (Step 18)

    21. Geography definitions (Step 27)

    22. Has been + story (Step 24)

    23. Holidays (Step 18)

    24. House - Bathroom (Step 7)

    25. House - Bedroom (Step 7)

    26. House - Dining room (Step 5)

    27. House - Kitchen (Step 7)

    28. House - Living room (Step 7)

    29. Houses (types/parts) (Step 14)

    30. London (Step 24)

    31. Materials/made of (Step 21)

    32. Money - `How much?' max 5 (Maths 1)

    33. Money - `How much?' max 20p (Maths 1)

    34. Money (Maths 1)

N/A COPY Prepositions 1 (Step 16)

    1. Occupations (Step 14)

    2. Park (Step 8)

    3. People Plural (Step 2)

    4. People Singular (Step 1)

    5. Plurals (Step 2)

    6. Possession - Jo's, Ben's or Fido's? (Step 7)

    7. Prepositions 1 (Step 7)

    8. Prepositions 2 (Step 16)

    9. Seasons (Step 14)

    10. Street (Step 8)

    11. Six animals (Step 1)

    12. Supermarket (Step 5)

    13. Tools (Step 14)

    14. Train travel (Step 18)

    15. Vegetables (Step 5)

    16. Vehicle parts (Step 18)

    17. Vehicles (Step 8)

    18. Weather (Step 19)

Each photoset contains:

12-18 photo cards and matching word cards

Suggestions for listening and speaking activities

A page from the Racing to English Picture Dictionary

One or more written exercises

Racing to English: Contents by Type

Language games

Group 2 Connect 4

    1. Animal classification (Step 13)

    2. Animal lives (Step 13)

    3. Animal sets (Step 13)

    4. Blank Connect 4 (Multi-level)

    5. Clothes (Step 12)

    6. Do you? (Step 12)

    7. Face (Step 3)

    8. Food (Step 28)

    9. Greek words (Step 28)

    10. House and rooms (Step 7)

    11. Matter (Step 14)

    12. Shape monsters (Maths 3)

    13. Solar system (Step 20)

    14. The seasons (Step 14)

    15. Tools (Step 14)

    16. Vehicles (Step 18)

Group 3 Describe and Draw

    1. 1 left/right/above (Step 16)

    2. 2 in front/towards (Step 16)

    3. 3 left/right/below (Step 16)

    4. 4 top right hand (Step 16)

    5. 5 shapes, position (Step 16)

    6. 6 faces (Step 16)

    7. Shape monsters (Maths 3)

Group 4 Guess which

    1. Africa (Step 27)

    2. Boy (Step 4)

    3. Eastern Europe (Step 27)

    4. Flower (Step 4)

    5. Girl (Step 4)

    6. Person (Step 14)

    7. Position and direction (Step 16)

    8. Robot (Step 4)

    9. South America (Step 27)

    10. South Western Europe (Step 27)

Group 5 Pairs

    1. Adjectives 1 (Step 21)

    2. Adjectives 2 (Step 21)

    3. Adjectives 3 (Step 21)

    4. Do you? (Step 12)

    5. Face (Step 3)

    6. Gardening and plants (Step 28)

    7. Pairs blank (Multi)

    8. Preposition Pictures (Step 16)

    9. Opposite prepositions (Step 16)

    10. Verbs opposites (Step 28)

Racing to English: Contents by Type

Language games cont.

Group 6 Question Tracks

    1. Comparing (Step 20)

    2. `Did you?' Question Track (Step 9)

    3. `Can you?' Track (Step 6)

    4. `Going to' Question Track (Step 19)

    5. `Have you ever?' Question Track (Step 18)

    6. `What would happen?' Question Track (Step 28)

    7. Book review Question Track (Multi-level activities)

    8. Could you? Question Track (Step 25)

    9. Multigame (Multi)

    10. Question track Blank (Multi)

    11. What/Where/Why Question Track (Multi)

    12. When do you wear? Question Track (Step 12)

Group 7 Spot the difference

  1. Driveway (Step 21)

  2. Man (Step 21)

  3. On the table 1 (Step 21)

  4. On the table 2 (Step 21)

  5. Saucepan, car and book (Step 21)

  6. Traffic lights 1 (Step 21)

  7. Traffic lights 2 (Step 21)

Group 8 Other games etc.

  1. Body parts dominoes (Step 3)

  2. Mime and guess (actions/is doing) (Step 6)

  3. Shapes quiz (Maths 3)

  4. Days of week (Step 12)

  5. Rummy Digestion (Step 28)

  6. Rummy Food chain (Step 24)

Racing to English: Contents by Type


Group 9 Story File

  1. At the river (Step 10)

  2. Baby and penny (Step 10)

  3. Broken glass (Step 10)

  4. Brother threw brick (Step 10)

  5. Chasing a camel (Step 15)

  6. Fishing (Step 11)

  7. Hot water (Step 11)

  8. I fell in the road (Step 10)

  9. In the river (Step 15)

  10. Linh, Tam and crocodile (Step 11)

  11. Motor scooter in House (Step 11)

  12. My friend's bicycle (Step 11)

  13. Scared of a dog (Step 10)

  14. Snake in chicken house (Step 10)

  15. The banana tree (Step 11)

  16. The blind old man (Step 15)

  17. The football match (Step 15)

  18. The key (Step 11)

  19. The lost rings (Step 11)

  20. The lost watch (Step 10)

  21. The scorpion (Step 15)

  22. The spider in the shoe (Step 15)

  23. The thief (Step 15)

Group 10 like/don't like

  1. Eek-eek-eek and biscuits (Step 5)

  2. Eek-eek-eek puppets (Step 5)

Group 11 did/was

  1. Billy/Milly/Maisy/Bob (Step 9)

  2. Eek-eek-eek 1 (Step 9)

  3. Eek-eek-eek 2 (Step 9)

  4. Eek-eek-eek 3 (Step 9)

  5. Eek-eek-eek 4 (Step 9)

  6. Eek-eek-eek 5 (Step 9)

Group 12 do/does

  1. Saturdays with Billy, Milly, Maisy & Bob (Step 12)

  2. Days at the zoo (Step 12)

  3. Cog the camel 1 (Step 12)

  4. Cog the camel 2 (Step 12)

  5. Cog the camel 3 (Step 12)

  6. Cog the camel 4 (Step 12)

  7. Cog the camel 5 (Step 12)

Group 13 have/has (Lap 11)

  1. Maisy - forgotten? (Step 17)

  2. Eek-eek-eek and watch 1 (Step 17)

  3. Eek-eek-eek and watch 2 (Step 17)

  4. Eek-eek-eek and watch 3 (Step 17)

  5. Eek-eek-eek forgotten (Step 17)

Group 14 Going to

  1. Maisy is going to (Step 19)

  2. Mog is going to run (Step 19)

Group 15 True Stories

  1. Boycott (Step 23)

  2. Dictionary - Boycott (Step 23)

  3. Cholera (Step 26)

  4. Dictionary - Cholera (Step 26)

  5. Clive Sinclair (Step 23)

  6. Darwin (Step 26)

  7. Einstein (Step 25)

  8. Dictionary - Einstein (Step 25)

  9. Emily Davison (Step 25)

  10. Gandhi (Step 23)

  11. Dictionary - Gandhi (Step 23)

  12. Lenny Henry (Step 26)

  13. Dictionary - Lenny (Step 26)

  14. Rescue helicopter (Step 26)

  15. Rosa Parks (Step 23)

  16. Dictionary - Rosa (Step 23)

  17. Taj Mahal (Step 23)

  18. Dictionary - Taj (Step 23)

  19. Tutankhamun (Step 24)

  20. Dictionary - Tut (Step 24)

Racing to English: Contents by Type


Group 16 Speaking Maths - Language Friendly Worksheets

  1. Addition (Maths 2)

  2. Altogether/each (Maths 4)

  3. Change (Maths 4)

  4. Comparing costs 1 (Step 20)

  5. Comparing costs 2 (Step 20)

  6. Distances (Maths 2)

  7. Fractions (Maths 3)

  8. Longer than (Step 20)

  9. Money - If I had… (Maths 4)

  10. Multiplication (Maths 2)

  11. Older or younger? (Step 20)

  12. Percentages (Maths 4)

  13. Percentages 2 (Maths 4)

  14. Posting parcels (Maths 4)

  15. Share equally - each (Maths 4)

  16. Swimming pool - lengths/widths (Maths 4)

  17. Time problems (Maths 2)

  18. Twice as much (Maths 4)

Group 17 Number Tracks

  1. Add and take away track (Maths 1)

  2. Add/take away words track (Maths 1)

  3. Addition track (Maths 1)

  4. Count to 10 Multigame (Maths 1)

  5. Count to 20 Multigame (Maths 1)

  6. Language of addition and subtraction track (Maths 2)

  7. Number bonds money tracks (Maths 1)

  8. More less track (Maths 2)

  9. Multiplying Multigame (Maths 2)

  10. Numeracy Multigame (Maths 2)

  11. Sum, difference, product track (Maths 2)

  12. Take away track (Maths 1)

Group 18 Other Maths activities

  1. Fractions (numbers) Connect 4 (Maths 3)

  2. Fractions (shapes) Connect 4 (Maths 3)

  3. Shape pairs (Maths 3)

  4. Telling the time (Maths 2)

Racing to English: Contents by Type


Group 19 Written work (Additional)

  1. Vehicles: Have you ever?
    (Step 18)

  2. Writing frames/Book review (Multi-level activities)

  3. Wordsearches for Step 1

  4. Wordsearches for Step 2

  5. Wordsearches for Step 3

  6. Wordsearches for Step 4

  7. Wordsearches for Step 5

  8. Wordsearches for Step 6

  9. Wordsearches for Step 7

  10. Wordsearches for Step 8

Group 20 Dialogues

  1. Can I have? (Step 2)

  2. Directions (Step 16)

  3. Exchanging things (Step 20)

  4. First steps: Who are you? - name/ school/class (Step 1)

  5. What's the matter? (Step 17)

  6. Who are you? - address (Step 3)

  7. Who are you? - age (Step 4)

  8. Who are you? - surname (Step 2)

  9. What will you be doing? (Step 28)

  10. Would you like a biscuit? (Step 5)

  11. Would you like to? (Step 19)

Group 21 Story Prompts

  1. Story prompts 1 (Step 22)

  2. Story prompts 2 (Step 22)

  3. Story prompts 3 (Step 22)

  4. Story prompts 4 (Step 22)

Group 22 Pronunciation, spelling, etc.

  1. b or p

  2. f or th

  3. i or ee

  4. l or r

  5. p or f

  6. s or sh

  7. S blends (1)

  8. S blends (2)

  9. t or th

  10. Vowels 1

  11. Vowels 2

  12. Final sounds

  13. Phonic Track

  14. Saying the alphabet

Group 23 Advice for Staff

  1. Contents by Step and Teaching Order

  2. Contents by Type

  3. Beginners

  4. Bilingualism

  5. Race - I Cried by Denise Williams

  6. Race - So you think you're an anti-racist? (Gorski)

  7. Reading in a Second Language - eight short papers

  8. Record of activities used

  9. Resource suggestions

  10. TEACHER'S NOTES - Photosets

  11. TEACHER'S NOTES - Story File

  12. Training PowerPoint - content of some of the PowerPoint presentation I use when delivering training

  13. If you have any comments, queries or suggestions about Racing to English please email gordon.@racingtoenglish.co.uk


    Racing to English

    Gordon Ward 2010. Photocopiable only for use in the purchasing institution. Advice for Staff: Contents by Type


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