There I Found Only You

There I Found Only You


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The Beginning, Next Section

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Chapter One: At the beginning with you

Posted on Monday, 18 March 2002

Elizabeth looked at her new school, frowning. She didn't want to be there. She looked around anxiously; she didn't know where her class was. Or anything else, for that matter. She thought she must be looking like a jerk, standing in the middle of the football pitch, trying to dodge the random footballs that were flying around her.

"Hello. Are you new here?"

Elizabeth turned round and saw a nice-looking girl smiling at her. Nervously, she smiled back.

"Yeah, I was trying to find out which building is class 2B in. There are quite a lot of them."

"Well, there are quite a lot of pupils here. We have people from 5 to 18 years old. And of course, older students don't like to run into children in the corridors, although it could be quite amusing! So we have several buildings. Come, I'll take you to your class. And I'll introduce myself as your first classmate. I´m Charlotte Lucas."

Elizabeth smiled broadly as they started walking towards the central building.

"I'm Elizabeth Bennet."

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Two hours later

Elizabeth sighed as the Math teacher went on rambling about exams and the importance of Advanced Mathematics in life. She took a good look around, mentally classifying her classmates.

Richard Fitzwilliam, charming, cute, but ... too flashy and definitely with too much charm. You´re never safe with guys like him around.

Caroline Bingley, an airhead. And with no taste at all.(Elizabeth shuddered at the sight of Caroline's orange trousers and shirt.)

Charles Bingley, Caroline´s twin brother. A real darling, who was staring at Jane Bennet as if he had never seen a girl before.

Jane Bennet, her cousin. An angel, and of the few people who were actually listening to the Math teacher.

Charlotte Lucas, great girl and her new friend. She had offered to show her around after class.

William Darcy.

She looked at him, interested. He was as cute as they came, no doubt, but he hadn't spoken a word to anyone.

"Maybe he's just shy"

Elizabeth turned to Charlotte, who had just spoken.

"What? Who?"

"William Darcy, of course. You know, tall, dark hair, the guy you were just staring at..."

"Um ... well..."

Elizabeth mentally thanked the bell as it rang indicating the start of the morning break. Charlotte smiled.

"Saved by the bell. I'm going to the cafeteria. See you later."

Elizabeth nodded and started walking towards her locker. She was singing softly, something she usually did when she was alone. This time, it was a song from the film Anastasia.

I knew there was somebody somewhere

Like me alone in the dark,

Now I know my dream will go on

I've been waiting so long,

Nothing's gonna tear us apart

And life is a road and I wonna keep going,

Love is a river I wanna keep flowing

Life is a road, now and forever wonderful journey.

I'll be there when the road stops turning,

I'll be there when the storm is through

In the end I wonna be standing,

At the beginning with you...

"Ouch! Look where you're going!!"

Elizabeth got up and looked angrily at the guy who had bumped into her. It was William Darcy. He stared at her and murmured "I'm sorry" before running away.

"He really is shy, "Elizabeth thought. She shook her head and went to the cafeteria to find Charlotte.

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Chapter Two: If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is.

Posted on Tuesday, 19 March 2002

Elizabeth scanned the cafeteria looking for Charlotte or Jane. She spotted Caroline talking to a nice-looking blonde she hadn't seen before. She wondered who she was, and decided that someone who could stand Caroline was probably not worth speaking to.

"Hey, Liz! Over here!

Elizabeth turned around and saw Charlotte and Jane waving from a distant table. Smiling, she joined them.

"I thought I had lost you."

"No way!" answered Charlotte. "I still want to find all about you. You haven't told me anything. Now, let´s start the questioning. Full name?"

"Elizabeth Anne Bennet"

"Mmmm ... you're Liz to me from now on. Hobbies?

"I love singing. And drawing, but I like singing best. I used to sing in a choir, but then I moved here."

"There's a good choir here too, it´s called the De Bourg Choir. Any bad habits I should know about?"

"Nope. Unless you call singing to myself a bad habit, but I fear it's too late to get that habit off me."

"That's nothing I can't cope with. Okay, you passed the test."

"What test?"

"Charlotte's friendship test" said Jane, who had been listening with an amused smile. "I had to pass it too. It means that now she considers you as her friend."

"That's right." Charlotte grinned, "Now you can't get away from me."

The bell rung again and everyone got up and started the undesired trip back to their classroom.

"By the way," said Charlotte. "Are you going to enter the De Bourg Choir?"

"No, I´m going to practise in the Music Classroom after class. Mr. Hurst was very kind, he said he would ask one of the piano pupils to help me."

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That afternoon, after class.

Elizabeth took a deep breath. She was just outside the Music Classroom.

"Okay, it can't be that bad. Someone will play the piano, and you'll be able to sing. That is what matters."

She reached for the doorknob...

"No way! I´m not going to do it!"

Elizabeth listened surprised at the male voice and decided to wait.

"But William, be reasonable..."came Mr. Hurst's voice.

"You want me to loose one hour of my piano class to help a girl who probably can't sing a note?"

"She can sing, William, just..."

"Sure, then why isn't she in the De Bourg Choir?"

"She applied, but..."

"Oh, so she isn't good enough for the Choir and I must put up with her?"

"Hello Mr. Hurst!" said Elizabeth who had entered the room, not able to listen to any more insults without saying something.

"Hello Elizabeth. William, this is Elizabeth, the girl you'll be helping with her singing lessons."

Elizabeth glared at William Darcy and said icily,

"We've met."

William was blushing furiously. She must have heard me, he thought.

"Ummm ... yeah. If you come with me, I´ll take you to the piano room."

Elizabeth followed him to a nice little room with a beautiful piano.

"So, let´s see how high you can sing. Any song you'd like to sing?"

Elizabeth looked at him disdainfully.

"Just play anything singable and I'll sing it."

William glared back and began to play Memory from the Cats, the musical. Elizabeth closed her eyes and started singing.

Midnight, not a sound from the pavement,
Has the moon lost her memory?
She is smiling alone.

In the lamplight the withered leaves collect at my feet,
And the wind begins to moan.

Memory all alone in the moonlight,
I can smile at the old days,
I was beautiful then.

I remember, the time I knew what happiness was,
Let the memory live again.

Every street lamp, seems to bear a fatalistic warning
Someone mutters, the street lamp gutters And soon it will be morning...

Okay, she sings very well, thought William. She's got a nice voice, sweet, but not childish. I've never heard a voice like this in the Choir. She would definitely get all the solos. It's beautiful...but maybe it will crack when the song rises...

Touch me, it's so easy to leave me
All alone with the memory,
Of my days in the sun.

If you touch me, you'll understand what happiness is
Look, the new day has begun.

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Chapter Three: How wonderful life is now you´re in the world

Posted on Saturday, 23 March 2002

A pure note lingered in the air. There. Clear as a bell, her voice hadn't faltered. William stared straight into Elizabeth's eyes, surprised at the defiant look he found there.

"So, you can sing." He could've kicked himself for that remark.

"So nice of you to notice. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to talk to Mr. Hurst."

Williams gaze followed every single movement of hers until she walked through the door. Then he turned back to the piano. He caressed the keys distractedly and a soft tune, gentle and yet with a hidden strength was the result.I can't believe it! I just made a jerk of myself. Her voice...How could Aunt Catherine not accept her in the Choir? They need a good soloist badly...They only have got Caroline now...She should only sing soprano parts...

When Elizabeth returned she stopped suddenly at the door. The music was so...beautiful, so intense. She peeked into the piano room. William was in there, but...He seems different, somehow. He looks so remote, handsome and gentle, almost like a perfect statue...Wait! He´s a moron, remember? A jerk. Jerks are not handsome. If he could only be always like this.

She quietly walked towards him and stopped at his side. Eventually, he stopped playing and looked up, smiling. Elizabeth managed not to smile back.

"The song...What was it?"

"Did you like it? It´s a Spanish song. The singer is called Alejandro Sanz. He´s incredible, he has this sweet, deep and mellow voice, it just melts into the song."

"Does it have lyrics?"

"Yes. The song is called `¿Y si fuera ella?´(What if it was her?).It's about a guy who is searching for his true love, and he thinks finds it in several women, but they're never HER, so he lets them go. But as they go, he always wonders if he was wrong, if that girl who is getting out of her life, if the one he's loosing was the One, and so he's always sad."

"That is so beautiful, so romantic...Um, shall we practise some more?"

"No. Now that I've heard you sing I'll prepare a program of sorts, with songs that match your voice."

"Okay then."

She went without saying goodbye.

"Lizzy, is that you?"

"Yes Jane, I´m home."

Elizabeth entered her room. Since neither of their parents lived in London, they had let Liz and Jane rent a flat. They were both responsible and trustworthy, so their parents were able to overlook the fact that they were both only seventeen.

Jane's face appeared at the door.

"Are you all right?"

"Yeah, I just want to draw a bit."

"Okay, I´ll call you when dinner's ready."

Elizabeth took some of her special paper sheets and her fingers felt the piece of charcoal. She put on her Moulin Rouge CD and her fingers deftly drew the outline of a face. She began to think.why does he have to be so selfish and arrogant? He´s special, I feel it. But I suppose some things are just not meant to be...

She couldn't ignore the song that filled the air any longer.

Never knew I could feel like this

Like I've never seen the sky before

Want to vanish inside your kiss

Everyday I love you more and more

Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing?

Telling me to give you everything

Seasons may change, winter to spring

But I love you until the end of time

Come what may, come what may

I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace

Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste

It all revolves around you.

And there's no mountain to high, no river too wide

Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side

Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide...

But I love you

I love you

Until the end of time

Come what may, come what may

I will love you until my dying day

Oh come what may, come what may I will love you...

I will love you...

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place

Come what may, come what may

I will love you until my dying day

At the other side of London, William sat down to the piano and began to play a song so softly only he could hear the music, and began to sing.

My gift is my song, and this one's for you...

And you can tell everybody that this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it's done

Hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is, now you're in the world.

Sat on the roof, and I kicked off the moss,

Well some of these verses, well they...

they got me quite cross...

But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song

It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me, forgetting, but these things I do

You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue.

Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean

Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen!

And you can tell everybody this is your song

It may be quite simple but now that it's done

I hope you don't mind I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words

How wonderful life is now you're in the world

Hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind

That I put down in words...

How wonderful life you're in the world

Another tune was there...William smiled. Yes, he thought, it´s just like her, strong, independent, sweet...and beautiful.

In another part of London, Elizabeth looked confusedly at the perfect likeness of William Darcy that her own hand had drawn.

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Chapter Four

Posted on Saturday, 23 March 2002

"Lizzy, what´s wrong?"

"Uh? What?"

"You haven't slept. I can tell. And you usually sleep like a log, I always have to wake you up. But, for some strange reason, you were up and about half an hour early this morning making some coffee. So?"

"So what?"

"Okay, don´t tell me. I´ll find out. I have Charlotte."

"What does Charlotte have to do with this?"

"She knows all the gossip. She knew that Anne Elliot and Frederick Wentworth were together even before he asked her out!"

"Well, fine. I don't care. I´m telling you there's absolutely nothing wrong with me. Specially nothing concerning a male."

"Hey, Will!"

"Hi Charles. Why are you so happy?"

"Didn't you see that ravishing girl in class yesterday?"

"Mmmmm? No, I didn't."

"She's gorgeous, Will! Her name is Jane Bennet."

"Wait! Blonde, tall blue eyes?"


"The one you were staring at like a moron all morning?"

"Um, yes."

"Charles, grow up. Blondes are airheads. It´s a rule."

"No they're not. I talked to her. She´s really clever, she explained Math to me."

"You weren't listening to a word she said. You were too busy looking at her, I´d bet everything I've got."


"See you in class."

Elizabeth was dreading the end of class. She wanted to sing, but she didn't want to see William. Mr. Hurst said there was no one else to play the piano. There was no escape.

As she entered the piano room, she could tell William wasn't there. But someone else was. A little boy, who looked like an eight-year-old version of William with fair hair and blue eyes. He was the cutest little boy she had ever seen.

"Hi! Have you seen Will?"

"No. Who are you?"

"I'm George. I´m Will's brother. Who are you?"

"I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Lizzy if you want. I´m one of your brother's classmates."

"Oh. Are you in love with him?"


"The only other classmate I know is Caroline. And she's in love with Will, so I wanted to check."

"Well no, I´m not in love with your brother. You mean Caroline Bingley?"

"Yes. She usually comes with Charles. Chuck is Will's best friend. And the second best horse after Will."


"Yes! It´s my favourite game! I´m the lone ranger. But I need a horse, so I usually get Will to be my horse. He´s terrific at it!"

"Somehow it´s difficult to imagine William as a horse."

"Mmmm? Do you think so? I´m glad, it means I haven't got a horse's face, which is a relief."

Elizabeth turned around sharply when she heard William's voice.


"George Ian Darcy! How many times do I have to tell you? You mustn't say things like that to everyone. My life is mine."

"Don't get angry, Will." George looked tearfully at his big brother.

"Okay, now get out of here. Fairchild´s waiting for you."

"All right. Bye Lizzy! You´re cute!"

"George!" William said threatingly.

"Will thinks so too!"

Wisely, George ran out of the room.

"Sorry about that."

"Don't worry, it´s mutual."


"I think he's cute too."

"Yeah, he is."

"So, do we get any practice today, Lone Ranger?"

"He told you about that?!"

"Yep, but don't worry. I´ll only tease you twice a day."

Elizabeth had to run out of the room with Will at her heels.

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Chapter Five: Sixteen Tons

Posted on Monday, 1 April 2002



"Are you going to come to the Christmas Ball?"

Elizabeth looked up from her drawing and frowned.

"Dunno. It all depends on what the ball is about and on who asks me to go."

Jane's face coloured. "Well, I´m one of the organizers..."

"Are you? I hadn't noticed your long meetings that made you always late for supper and deprived me of your delicious cooking..."

"Ha ha. The Ball's subject is Famous Pairs."

"What in the world is THAT supposed to mean?"

"You and your date have to come dressed as a Famous couple. Like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, or..."

"Big Bird and the Cookie Monster?"

"You're not going to appear in a party like that! Not with me here to stop you."

"Just joking. Who´re you going with?"

"Charles Bingley. And no, he doesn't look like a sick puppy. And yes, I´ve thought about it and I have had a date with him. And my diagnosis is adorable."

"Okay, okay. But remember you always call puppies adorable..."

"Liz! Do you have any possible dates in mind?"

Elizabeth thought quickly. Of course, there was one guy she would love to go with, but..."I know someone I would consider acceptable. But everyone says he's going with someone already."

"Someone wouldn't be by any chance Will Darcy."

Elizabeth panicked.

"I-uh-I-I didn't-he-he isn't-uh...Is it that obvious?"

"Just for Charlotte and me. And believe me, he isn't dating Caroline Bingley."

"Oh. Then perhaps I'll end up going to the Christmas ball."

"It's one week away."


"Come on! It´s not that difficult. You just go into the piano room and say, Liz, do you want to go to the ball with me?"

"Am I really listening to an eight-years-old's sentimental counsel?"

"Hey! I managed to break the ice between you two. And besides you know you wanna do it."


George rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, of course."

"It's three days away. Why are you starting now?"

"Jane thought it was a good idea."

"So we get to do the hard work three days before?"

"Come on, Will. The only thing we have to do is carry things.

It'll be fun!"

"I don't want to do this, Charles..."

"Rich, this box weights a ton! Come here and help."

"Darce, Bennet cousins and Lucas local beauty at eleven o'clock."

"Charles, I quit."

"Will! You promised!"

"I promised I'd help you. Making a fool of myself in front of Liz wasn't in the bargain."

"Just do something funny. And remember, Rich and I are in the same situation."

"That isn't true. Charlotte and Jane already agreed to be your dates."

"Rich and I asked them. You only stare at her."

Richard joined them and said quietly, "Okay, let´s make the most of it. Our dates, or date-to-be in Dace's case are coming this way and we're sweaty and tired and not fit to be seen. What do we do?"

Will smiled.

"We follow you."

"What are they doing?"

"I don't know Liz. Let´s go and see."

As they approached, Rich, Will and Charles went to the middle of the gym and formed a line, with Rich in the centre.

"It looks like they're going to do something weird..."

Charlotte shut up when she heard Rich as he began to sing.

Some people say a man is made outta mud

A poor man's made outta muscle and blood

Muscle and blood and skin and bones

A mind that's weak and a back that's strong

Will and Charles joined in dancing like miners.

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store

Charles using a broom as a microphone took his turn.

I was born one mornin' when the sun didn't shine

I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine

I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal

And the straw boss said "Well, a-bless my soul"

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store

Will took the broom from Charles and sang looking straight into Liz´s eyes.

I was born one mornin', it was drizzlin' rain

Fightin' and trouble are my middle name

I was raised in the canebrake by an ol' mama lion

Cain't no-a high-toned woman make me walk the line

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store

They started walking towards them singing all three together.

If you see me comin', better step aside

A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died

One fist of iron, the other of steel

If the right one don't get you, then the left one will

You load sixteen tons, what do you get?

Another day older and deeper in debt

Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go

I owe my soul to the company store

The girls were laughing so much at the end of the song that they couldn't help joining them.

"What were you thinking?", said Jane.

"I believe they weren't thinking."

"Thanks, Liz, always so sweet."

"You're welcome, Rich."

William noticed that his friends and their dates were going away leaving him and Liz apart. He didn't think it was coincidence, either. So he decided to take the chance.

"Elizabeth, will you go to the ball with me?"

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Chapter Six: Don´t be surprised if I love you for all that you are

Posted on Sunday, 28 April 2002

Elizabeth was dumbstruck. Had Will Darcy, a.k.a the man of her dreams, just asked her out? She cleared her throat and looking into those eyes she felt she could drown in, began:

"Will, I..."


They both turned round. A very sweaty and smiling George Darcy was running towards them. Elizabeth was blushing, and she could swear she had heard Will cursing under his breath.

George jumped into his brother's arms and hugged him. Will hugged him back (holding him a little too strongly) and lowered him back to the ground. George turned to Liz and kissed her briskly.

"Hi gorgeous! Are you going with anyone to the ball? If not I'd be glad to accompany you."

Liz stared at George and then turned to Will who was glaring at his brother. George put on one of his adorable guilty looks.

"Richard says he asked Charlotte out like that. I don't want to go with you to the ball. In fact, I think I'm not going to the ball. It´s too childish for me. But I would like to know who you're going with."

Elizabeth looked at Will who was by now red with anger. She knew he wasn't skinning George right now only because she was there.

"Well George, yes, I'm going with someone."

Will hold his breath. She hadn't answered him yet. Was she going with someone else?

"I'm going with a gorgeous guy. He's terribly handsome, intelligent, charming ... He's got a great sense of humour, and..."

Liz looked straight into Will's eyes. She sensed his fear. She felt terribly sorry for this little joke, she saw it was really hurting him. Without looking away from those eyes that attracted her so much, she smiled.

"He has the most beautiful eyes, warm and brown. Oh, and he's also your brother, actually."

Will felt a surge of happiness. She had said yes! He took George away from Liz's arms and held her close. He could smell her scent. He whispered:

"You won't regret this. I promise to make you the happiest girl at the ball."

"You already made me the happiest girl in the whole world by asking. It can't get any better."

Will looked at her smiling broadly. He didn't notice George's wise retreat, or his incredibly obvious signal of victory that was being expected by Charles and Jane at the other side of the gym.

"Believe me, I can make it get better."

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Three days after, a limousine stopped in front of Jane and Liz's house. A very nervous Charles Bingley and a very smiling William Darcy got down, walking towards the front door.

"Stop shaking, Charles."

"I will if you stop grinning."

Will grinned even more broadly at him as he knocked at the door. They heard footsteps and then the door opened.

Will's heart skipped a beat. Liz was wearing a strapless dress of a dark blue that made her eyes look greener than ever. She wore light makeup and the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. He took her hand and kissed it.

"You know, I thought you couldn't get more beautiful. I´m glad I was wrong."

"Thank you. You look incredibly handsome in a tux, so I guess we're even."

He smiled at her, more with his eyes than with his mouth, and took her to the limousine. Charles who was still at a loss for words and Jane followed them.

"Hi everyone!"

Richard and Charlotte were already in the limo, and smiled broadly at the two couples.

They all sat down. Will turned to Elizabeth, who whispered, "I'm already the happiest girl in the ball."

"Nothing can spoil this, but it can get better ... and it will."

And he was right, partly at least.

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Chapter Seven: Eyes on Me

Posted on Saturday, 25 May 2002

Liz could feel something wasn't right. They were on their way to the ball, everyone had a date and Will was there beside her, holding her hand and making her feel extremely happy. So, what was it?

"Oh, no! We should be pairs!"

The other five occupants of the limousine stared blankly at her. Jane said soothingly, "Lizzy, dear, we are in pairs. Aren´t we?"

"That is not what I mean. Remember Jane? You were organising the ball and you said we should go as famous pairs! And we're not dressed as famous pairs at all!"

Everyone now stared at Jane.

"Uh ... I guess I forgot to tell you."

"Would any sort of famous pair do?" Charlotte said calmly.

"Yes, as long as people know who they are."

"It's OK then. Liz, you and Will are Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle. Jane, you and Charles are Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and Richard, we´ll be Ewan McGregor and whoever his wife is. You stick to our story and everything will be alright."

Elizabeth sighted with relief.

"Isn't it wonderful to have a friend who knows ALL the gossip?"

Charlotte grinned as everyone agreed and Richard took the chance to whisper in her ear.

"Do you really know all the gossip? You know then I'm going to the ball with the most wonderful girl in the world?"

Charlotte blushed and the limousine stopped before anyone could ask about Richard's whisper.

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Someone was watching as Liz and Will walked into the gym. Wearing an orange dress, Caroline Bingley frowned as she saw Liz holding Will's hand and laughing at some remark he'd just made. Someone was trying to steal her Will. Since Caroline met Will when they were both nine years old, she had decided he was hers. Will's opinion didn't count much, of course. She didn't mind the fact that he always avoided her or that he always wore an exasperated look when he was talking to her. Will would learn to appreciate her in time. But now someone other than Will was trying to sabotage their relationship. And she wasn't going to let that happen. Fortunately, Caroline was shrewd, and she had no scruples.

Unaware of anything else but each other, Will and Elizabeth were talking about comics.

"You collect comics? That´s so sweet..."

"Sweet? It´s tough and masculine!"

"So you're a tough guy?"

"Yes, just like the greatest comic character of all time. Wolverine!"

"He's your favourite, huh? Well, I don't really think he's that tough. Or masculine."

"Liz, we´re talking about Wolverine here."

"Yeah. So?"

"Well, OK. You don't say anything nasty about Wolverine and I don't say anything nasty about, say, Jane Austen."

"You mean you'll stop snorting every time we mention Mr. Darcy or Frederick Wentworth?"

Will tried hard not to snort.


Liz smiled wickedly.

"So,Mr. Darcy are you going to dance with me tonight? Or should I look for a more agreeable partner?"

"You really enjoy torturing me, don´t you?"

As they walked towards the dancing couples, a soft melody began to play.

Whenever sang my songs,

on the stage, on my own.

Whenever said my words

wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me

Was it real or just my fantasy?

You'd always be there in the corner

of this tiny little bar.

My last night here for you,

same old songs, just once more

My last night here with you?

Maybe yes, maybe no.

I kind of liked it your way,

how you shyly placed your eyes on me

Oh, did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling so there you are

with that smile upon your face,

as if you're never hurt, as if you're never down

Shall I be the one for you

Who pinches you softly but true

if frown is shown then,

I will know that you are no dreamer.

"You know, sometimes you do that."


"Look at me strangely, as if something troubled you."

So let me come to you,

Close as I wanna be

Close enough for me,

to feel your heart beating fast

And stay there as I whisper

how I love your peaceful eyes on me

Did you ever know that I had mine on you?

Darling so share with me

Your love if you have enough

your tears if you're holding back

or pain if that's what it is

How can I let you know

I'm more than the dress and the voice

Just reach me out then

You will know that you are not dreaming.

As the song ended, Liz and Will just stared at each other feeling the only place where they really belonged was each other's arms.

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Chapter Eight: Every word I say is true

Posted on Friday, 31 May 2002

As Elizabeth ,in Will's arms, stared contentedly into his eyes, Caroline threw her a murderous look. She quickly whispered something in her companion's ear. Her friend smiled wickedly and nodded. She was a pleasant looking girl, but as many things in life, she was not was she seemed. Caroline quietly moved towards the dancing couple, waiting like a lioness about to pounce on her prey.

Elizabeth, unaware of all this, slowly looked down from Will's eyes and smiled. Will, noticing it, was quite surprised.

"What's the matter?"

Elizabeth looked up again, playfully.

"I was wondering if you would be angry when I told you I need to go to the loo."

Will laughed, happily.

"I think I'll let you go as far as the ladies, but not one inch further, you hear? I want to be with you as much as possible tonight."

Elizabeth grinned.

"I promise to be back early, mamma."

She could still hear Will's laughter as she walked through the crowd. She felt almost too happy. She was beginning to feel drowsy and fluttery, and she was sure it wasn't the punch. She started walking more quickly as she realized she was already missing Will.

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It was a well-known fact that Caroline Bingley always got what she wanted. Right now, she wanted Will, and nothing, especially a short, big mouthed, know-it-all brunette was going to stop her. So to ensure that her property remained hers, she was going to use a nasty cunning trick. Caroline was not above lying if it brought her profits.

In a very exaggerated manner she accosted Will. Just before reaching his side, she made an obvious head signal to someone and then ... she pounced.

"Will! You´re so naughty! Coming in here without greeting me, you ought to be ashamed of yourself! What will people think about our relationship? You know how I dread gossip."

Will winced. The words "relationship" and "Caroline" put together always made him shudder, but today he had been dreading this moment, knowing she would come to speak to him sooner or later. It had come way too soon.

"Caroline, I don't know if I've managed to give you a wrong impression. I probably haven't, but I'll try to explain to you everything there is about our relationship.It doesn't exist.I know you take things in slowly, but for God's sake leave me alone! You're my best friend's sister! You never have been or will be anything else except in your imagination!"

Caroline laughed softly, as if he had said something terribly amusing.

"We'll see about that, Will."

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Just as Caroline made this remark, Elizabeth came out of the bathroom. She started walking towards the spot where she expected to find Will, but someone stopped her. A nice looking girl smiled shyly at her.

"Excuse me, you are Elizabeth Bennet, aren´t you?"

"Yes. Why?"

The girl blushed.

"I'm sorry, I-I ... My name is Georgiana Wickham. I´m not in your class, but I needed to speak to you. It´s about William Darcy."

Elizabeth stared at her. She looked frightened and embarrassed.

"Will? What is the matter?"

"You see, he´s not was you think he is. You look like a nice person, I wouldn't like to see you hurt."

Elizabeth laughed.

"Will wouldn't hurt me."

"That's because you don't know what he's capable of. Just hear me out, please. I met Will ages ago, when we were kids. He was already as handsome as he is now, and I fell in love with him. So when I grew older and he went out with his friends I'd offer to baby-sit his brother George. I thought he would notice me then. He was never kind to me, just aloof. Then one day, his parents were out and he came back soon. He found me reading in an armchair. George was six years old, and he was playing on the carpet, near beside me. Will walked towards us, and I was truly happy, thinking he was going to talk to me. But instead, he picked George up, took him to his room and shut the door. George began to cry, but Will didn't care. Then, he ... he tried to kiss me. I wouldn't let him and he got angry. He was quite rude, and I ran away. The following day I went to see his parents. Apparently, he had told them I had treated George badly and they told me they never wanted to see me at their home again. My parents were good friends of the Darcys and they believed them. I got punished, and my parents were mad at me for months. You shouldn't trust him."

Elizabeth was dumbstruck. Surely she had misunderstood. Will? Sweet caring Will doing all those horrible things? That couldn't be true.

"You're lying. He would never do that, I know him."

"For how long have you known him? Do you really think you can understand or know someone after just a few months?"

Elizabeth couldn't answer that. She had been feeling terribly unsure about it. Now she realized she knew nothing at all about him. Just that he played the piano, and that she loved him. But did he love her? Was he really sweet or disgusting, as this girl said?

Georgiana had told her story so convincingly ... her tone, her unshed tears ... were they a lie?

"I'll leave you now. Please remember what I said. Don´t trust him."

Liz was confused. But there was only one thing she could do: ask Will.

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Where is Liz?Will thought. Caroline had been rambling for what seemed like ages. He was so busy searching Liz in the crowd he didn't see Georgiana Wickham's signal to Caroline. But she did. She got closer to Will.

"William,"-she purred-"what you need is a prove of my affection..."

Before Will could move she threw her arms around him and kissed him. Will was so stunned he froze. The next thing he saw was Elizabeth staring at them with a look of disbelief in her eyes, which were full with tears.


He broke free from Caroline's embrace and went to her side.

"She was right."

Will didn't understand.

"Who was right? Listen, it isn't what you think, she..."

"Georgiana Wickham was right."

William flinched at the sound of that name.

"So it's true ... you did all those horrible things to her ... you cheated on me..."

"Liz, please ... she kissed me ... I can explain everything."

"No, you can´t. Everything is quite clear now. She was right about something else too, I never knew you. I thought I did. I thought I loved you ... but I was wrong, as always."

"Liz, wait!"

Elizabeth fled, leaving Will even more stunned than before.

"Don't worry, darling. You won't miss her. She´s a little nobody, she couldn't even enter the De Bourgh Choir. You´ll forget her soon enough."

"The De Bourgh Choir..."

William stared thoughtfully at Caroline, who had picked a glass of punch and was drinking contentedly.

"How do you know about the De Bourgh Choir? She didn't tell anyone!"

Caroline was a good liar. But not when she was taken by surprise.

"You didn't let her in, did you? She sings far better than you, she´s pretty ... and she was a threat."


All Caroline could do was stammer. Will held her roughly by the shoulders, throwing her punch down her dress and making a terrible mess of her formerly impeccable peach dress.

"I could kill you for all this. Thank God for being Chuck's sister."

He left her and ran after Elizabeth. But it was too late, she was gone.

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Chapter Nine: Out of Reach

Posted on Friday, 14 June 2002

It was a reasonably calm Elizabeth who entered her flat that evening, but by the time she reached her bedroom she was crying as she had only done once before. Her heart still said she loved and trusted Will, but her brain was crying out that he was horrible, and that his reaction on hearing Georgiana Wickham's name had to mean something. As she sat on her bed, trying to control her sobs, she remembered every precious moment passed with him. The look on his face when he asked her to be his date for the ball, his smile when she said yes, how he laughed when he was playing with George, the look in his eyes when he stared at her ... Where all those things a lie? Had he been a monster underneath his amiable and loving appearance?

She didn't know. As she held the rest of her tears back, she got up, deciding that music would help her relax. She turned on the radio, not caring for the music at all, and therefore not listening properly to the words. Her eyes wondered about the room, trying to reassure herself that this wasn't a horrible dream that would be forgotten when she woke up. She suddenly found herself looking intently at the portrait she had drawn after her first meeting with Will. It was the portrait of a nice-looking boy, a bit serious that was for sure but ... she didn't know anymore.

So confused, my heart's bruised

Was I ever loved by you

Out of reach, so far

I never had your heart

Out of reach, couldn't see

We were never meant to be

Perhaps, she thought, he hadn't loved her. Perhaps he had been looking for only one thing, as Georgiana Wickham said. Elizabeth was shaking while trying to convince herself that the thought of Will not loving her had nothing to do with the silent tears that rolled down her cheeks, or the blood her heart was weeping.

Jane found her lying on her bed when she got home, about fifteen minutes later. She still had traces of tears on her face, but Jane chose not to disturb her. She sighted, trying to guess what had happened, to no avail. These two, she thought, have a really unuseful ability to mess things up. Puzzling over her cousin's problem she went to bed, wishing for things to be sorted out in the morning.

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Will closed the door quietly and rested his head against the wall. He uttered a soft "Damn!" and tried hard not to cry. Everything was shattered now, gone to pieces like a porcelain figure smashed against the floor. How could something so perfect go so wrong?


Will turned round and stared at his father.

"Oh, dad! I ... It was all so wrong! I couldn't explain myself and then ... she was gone!"

Will's voice faltered. When he was finally able to speak again he told his father everything about the ball, Elizabeth, Caroline and Georgiana.

"Well, son. It looks like you'll have to explain to her."

"But she doesn't want to see me! Much less talk to me!"

"Then perhaps you should write her a letter, telling her what really happened."

"I will. I just can't take in she believed all those lies about me. I thought ... I thought she felt I was special, just as I felt about her."

Suddenly George's voice uttered a cry and Mr. Darcy and Will ran to his room. He lay on his little bed, twitching and moving restlessly. He cried out Will's name.

"Will! It´s dark here! Will...! Where are you? Will!"

Will hugged his brother, muttering softly.

"I wish I could have come back sooner that evening. I wish..."

"Shhh. Don't worry about that now. You couldn't help what happened. Surely this Elizabeth you talk about so warmly will see that. How couldn't she?"

Will nodded slowly and put George back to bed. As usual, he was still asleep. He kissed his father goodnight and went to his bedroom. But that night, although he lay in his bed for hours, he couldn't sleep. Dawn found him awake and typing desperately on his computer. When his alarm clock went off, he got up and quickly switched it off. Before going down to breakfast, he wrote carefully with his neat writing something in an envelope.

"To Elizabeth Bennet"

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Chapter Ten: Did you ever know that you're my hero?

Posted on Thursday, 27 June 2002

When Elizabeth woke up, she felt terrible. When she got to school, after avoiding a tactful Jane who asked no questions, she felt terrible. And she was still feeling terrible when she got to her locker. She felt an urge to bang her head against it, or better, to hit a certain William Darcy. Yeah, she thought, I surely could punch him if I tried. If I wanted to. Her eyes filled with tears as she realized that, no matter what he had done, she still wanted to hug him much more than she wanted to punch him.

With a deep sight she opened her locker. She picked up her History textbook and noticed something which had decidedly not been there the day before. The ball had taken place on a Thursday, so this was the last day of this term. She looked carefully at the envelope. It had her name on it, and she thought she had seen that writing before...

The answer hit her brain so suddenly it was almost like a physical blow. Of course! She could picture now Will's deft fingers correcting something in her music sheet and writing "Be careful with this part, sudden change of key".

But why was Will writing to her? Wouldn't it be easier to speak to her? Yes, she thought, but he knows me well enough to suspect I wouldn't want to listen to him. She hesitated. She wasn't sure she wanted to read it ... No, she wouldn't. Not here at least. She would think about it when she got home.

It was a long day, for both Will and Elizabeth. He had arrived early, looking very pale. Richard and Charles were concerned about him, but he pushed them aside and would not talk to anyone. Charlotte and Jane advised them to let him be. They did the same with Liz. There's no need to say that Liz and Will avoided each other, although William was desperate to know if she had read his letter and if so, whether she could forgive him or not. Liz could feel the envelope every time she put her hand in her pocket. She wondered, guessed and finally decided she would read it the moment she got home.

Still avoiding Jane for fear of her questions, she got home as quickly as she could and locked herself in her room. She hastily opened her letter and began to read it.

Dear Liz,

I know you probably don't want to read this, but I must be allowed to defend myself. Your sense of justice, if not your feelings will tell you it's only fair, as you didn't want to listen to me yesterday.

You accused me of two different things, first, of cheating on you. And second, of doing some terrible things, as you put it, to Georgiana Wickham.

It's quite clear you don't know me if you thought I'd cheat on you. And with Caroline Bingley, no less! I'd never do that, especially not to you. I know there has been a lot of gossip recently (which, I'm sure Caroline herself started) about us, but I truly thought you would trust me. I'm sorry to see it wasn't so. At the ball, she threw herself at me. She kissed me, I didn't return the kiss, because there was only one person I wanted to kiss attending that ball, and it was you. On this subject I have no other explanation to give and no further apology to offer.

And now, the second accusation. I don't know what Georgiana told you, so I'll just have to tell you the whole story.

Georgiana Wickham is the daughter of my father's late lawyer. They were great friends, and my father was chosen as Georgiana's godfather. We met a lot, and we were friends when we were children. As we grew up, however, she turned up to be an incorrigible flirt. She kept up a façade of goodness to fool my father and her parents, who thought her a saint. I could see her true self because she often flirted with my friends, who considered her pretty and easy, a good combination for an enjoyable date.

Three years ago, my mother, who had been very ill since I was twelve, had an attack and was taken to a hospital. My father and I were with her nearly all the time, but she didn't want George to see her like this, and told us not to bring him along. She knew as well as the doctors did that she didn't have much time left. My father decided to leave George home with Georgiana as his babysitter, and she put on her good girl face and agreed to it.

One night, my mother started to ask for George as soon as we got there. She said she wanted to see her baby, and my father sent me home to fetch him. When I got there, I found Georgiana kissing a guy I'd never seen before in our couch. George was nowhere to be seen. I was furious, and I think that quite right in throwing her and her friend out, not before she tried to seduce me to keep my mouth shut.

I looked for George and finally found him in the attic. He was afraid of darkness, still is, and he was crying and calling my name, asking to be left out. For what I could get out of George I deduced Georgiana had locked him up every single day she had been babysitting. It was dark up there, and cold. I then noticed that George had been very gloomy those days, but I had thought it was just because of my mother's illness. Apparently he kept all this from us because Georgiana had told him we'd worry and Mum would get worse.

When I managed to calm George and to take him to the hospital, Mum was dead. George didn't get to see her alive again. I told Dad about Georgiana and she was punished by her parents. She blamed me for it and was obviously tried to get revenge by telling you all sort of lies. I'm sorry it was so easy to believe her, you clearly have a lot of doubts about me.


William Darcy

Elizabeth couldn't believe she had been so stupid. He had to hate her now. She would never be able to get him to trust her again. She felt even worse than the previous evening. Elizabeth flung herself on to her bed crying for yet another shattered dream, for losing Will yet again. But this time, she thought bitterly, it had been her fault.

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Chapter Eleven: I can't help falling in love with you.

Posted on Wednesday, 3 July 2002

Will was trying to concentrate. Or at least, to relax, but to no avail. He sighted as he threw himself on his bed. She was still there, in his mind, in his heart, in everything he did. He just couldn't stop thinking about her. Remembering every look, every laugh, and worse, she always chose to stay in his mind, lingering there like a sweet scent that wouldn't go, no matter how hard he tried. It had been nearly four months since he had left his letter in her locker. Four months since he last spoke to her. They had been avoiding each other, and that gave Will the answer to his letter. She wouldn't avoid him if she had forgiven him.

And avoiding her hadn't been easy. After all, his cousin and his best friend were dating her cousin and her best friend. So, they had both become hermits, never going out with the rest, who were desperately trying to get them together again. Unfortunately for them, Will and Elizabeth were stubborn as stone. William decided that the best thing he could do was to forget about her. But it wasn't that easy.

He reached out for the remote control of his CD player and switched it on. Then he closed his eyes and tried to relax. Suddenly some of the lyrics caught his attention. They made him think...

This is love, and I've learnt enough to know

I'll never let it go. Oh, no, no, won't let go.

When you want it, when you need it,

You'll always have the best of me.

I can't help it, believe it,

You'll always get the best of me.

I didn't let go. It was all her doing. Well, perhaps... perhaps I could have talked to her. But I don't think she would've appreciated that. But then I didn't offer her the best of me. But she didn't want it, or need it. Right?

William felt annoyed and pressed the "next song" button of his remote control.

I'm going one way. Your way.

It's such a strong way,

Let's make it our way, ´cause baby,

You can't stop this thing we started

You gotta know it's right.

Can't stop this course we plotted,

No place for the brokenhearted.

If only I could make her see that... That it feels right, that it is love ... Oh, I can't stand this song!

I'm ready,

to love you,

I'm ready,

to hold you.

That's just what I feel ... but she isn't ready. Wait, she is ready, she just doesn't want to. Right? Oh, damn!

Standing in your mama's porch,

you told me you would wait forever,

Oh, and when I held your hand,

I knew that it was now or never.

Those were the best days of my life.

They WERE the best days of my life ... but then she screwed it up.

Let's make out, let's do something amazing.

Let's do something that's all the way.

´Cause I've never touched somebody

like the way touch your body

now I never wanna let your body go...

Is this a cruel and sadistic way of telling me I shouldn't let go? But I can't do this alone! It's true, though ... I've never wanted anyone the way I want her.

´Cause when it's all for one, it's all for love.

Let the one you hold be the one you want,

the one you need.

´Cause when it's all for one, it's one for all.

When there's someone that should know,

then just let your feelings show,

And make it all for one and all for love.

I should show her how I feel ... Maybe that's it. But then maybe I'm just being stupid! This is just a song...

And when you can see your unborn children in her eyes,

You know you really love a woman.

When you love a woman you tell her that

she's really wanted.

When you love a woman you tell her that she's the one.

Cuz she needs somebody to tell her that you'll always be together.

So tell me have you ever really - really really ever

loved a woman?

Yes! I love her! With all my heart, my soul and with every single atom of my body. Everything that is a part of me aches for her ... And I thought she felt the same...

Well it may be wrong but baby, it sure feels right.

And the moon is up and the stars are bright,

and whatever comes gonna be alright

´cause tonight you will be mine ... up on cloud number


And there ain´t no place where I'd rather be,

and we can't go back but you're here with me,

yeah the weather is really fine... up on cloud number


It sure felt right ... and I don't care where I am if I can manage to bring her with me. But she won't even speak to me! God, I'm still in denial...

Look into my eyes - you will see

What you mean to me

Search your heart - search your soul

And when you find me there you'll search no more

Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for

You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for

You know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you

Not this song! I should've known it would be in this CD... It's so...

Look into my heart - you will find

There's nothin' there to hide

Take me as I am - take my life

I would give it all I would sacrifice

Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for

I can't help it there's nothin' I want more

Ya know it's true

Everything I do - I do it for you

I can't go on listening to this! Did Bryan Addams get a glimpse of my life and put it into a CD or what? I'm not going to cry. Men, however miserable DON´T cry.

Might've messed you round, might´ve let you down

But you never changed your point of view.

That's why I'm coming back to you...

Like a star that guides a ship across the ocean,

that's how your love can take me home back to you.

And if I wish upon that star, someday I'll be where

you are,

and I know that day is coming soon... yeah, I'm

coming back to you.

If only things where that easy, if only I could take her in my arms and feel she loves me back...

I've been wandering around the house all night,

Wondering what the hell to do.

I'm trying to concentrate but all I can think of is you.

Well the phone don't ring ´cuz my friends ain´t home

I'm tired of being all alone.

Got the TV on ´cuz the radio's playing songs that remind me of you.

Baby when you're gone, I realize I'm in love.

The days go on and on and the nights just seem so long.

Even food don't taste that good, drink ain´t doing what it should.

Things just feel so wrong, baby when you're gone.

Is this a sort of joke, or is Bryan Addams a mind reader?

So if you're feeling lonely... don't.

You're the only one I'll ever want,

I just wanna make it good, so if I love you a little

more than I should...

Please forgive me, I know not what I do.

Please forgive me, if I can't stop loving you.

Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through.

Please forgive me, if I need you like I do.

Forgive me ... How can she if I never said I'm sorry? But I gave her the letter...

I wanna know you, like I know myself.

I'm waiting for you, there ain´t no one else.

Talk to me baby, scream and shout.

I wanna know you inside out.

I wanna dig down deep, I wanna lose some sleep.

I wanna scream ´n shout I wanna know you inside out.

I wanna take my time, I wanna know your mind

You know there ain´t no doubt, I wanna know you inside


The saddest song you ever heard, the most you said

with just one word,

the loneliest prayer you ever prayed, the truest vow

you ever made,

what makes you laugh, what makes you cry,

what makes you mad, what gets you by.

Your highest high, your lowest low, these are the

things I want to know.

That's it! She wanted to know me! She was insecure about that, because I'm so reserved! I screwed it all up! I'm a jerk! Blasted CD!

Will switched off his CD player and yelled.


Not five seconds afterwards, George Darcy Senior and George Junior were at his door.

"What happened son? Are you alright?"

"That. CD. Is. Trying. To. Drive. Me. Crazy!!!!!!"

Both Georges stared at him for a moment.

"Son, I've got work to do..."

"I'll go to finish my homework..."

"Fine! Leave me alone!"

He slammed the door shut. George Junior sighted and went towards the nearest telephone. His father looked at him, amused.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm calling Richard. This is stupid, and if those two can't get together on their own, I'll force them to. I'm taking this into my own hands now."

All the songs were from Bryan Addams´ album "The best of me"

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Chapter Twelve: Sigh No More

Posted on Tuesday, 16 July 2002

"Okay, is everyone present?"

"George, we're only five people. Can't you see we're all here?"

"Just checking, Rich. Well, now that all is settled, I'll explain the details of operation `Much Ado About Nothing´"

George Darcy paused here. Charlotte, Jane and Charles nodded politely, but Rich was feeling playful.

"Why did you get to pick the name for the operation? I think operation `Cupid´ sounds much better."

"I get to name it because this operation was my idea, that's why. Anyhow, our purpose is to reunite Benedick (Will) and Beatrice (Lizzy) without them finding out of our implication in this reunion."

"Why shouldn't they know?"

George looked pointedly at Richard.

"Because, if they find out they'll be mad at us as well as at each other."


"Well, the plan is as follows."

George extended a sheet of paper on the table.

"Jane, you must convince Elizabeth to come to Derbyshire. Any ideas?"

"My parents are going there, to visit my aunt Julie! I'm sure they wouldn't mind taking her. I'll tell them it's for a really good cause."

"Right. Charlotte, you'll help Jane and try to make a list with all the things Elizabeth enjoys most. I'm relying on your gift to gather information."

"Yes, sir!"

"Richard, you and I will bribe Ann into helping us to get Will to Pemberley. Any questions?"

Jane timidly raised her hand.

"Why Derbyshire? Can't we just get them together in London?"

"We could, but it would be much more difficult to make it appear casual. Also, Pemberley is terribly romantic, and Will will feel more relaxed."


Richard felt annoyed by this display of efficiency.

"How come we're being leaded by a nine-year old boy with no love life?"

George looked pointedly at Richard.

"Because, cuz, I know what I'm about. I know how to get them together, and I know it's gonna work. And, I'm always right."

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Elizabeth sat on the sofa with a packet of Kleenex in one hand and a Chocolate cookie ice cream in the other. She was sniffling slightly when Jane came home, and by the time she had reached the sofa she could tell why.

"All I'm saying is that somewhere out there is the man you are supposed to marry. And if you don't get him first, somebody else will, and you'll have to spend the rest of your life knowing that somebody else is married to your husband."

Jane rolled her eyes.

"When Harry met Sally, yet again?!"

Elizabeth, still sniffling, looked up.

"I love this movie."

"Honestly Lizzy, let me see what you've been watching: While you Were Sleeping, Bridget Jones's Diary, Pride and Prejudice, Roman Holiday, The Wedding Singer ... Am I the only one who sees a pattern here?"

"So I'm addicted to romantic films. So sue me."

"Lizzy! This isn't good for you! I'll tell you what I think you should do. My parents are going to Derbyshire for the Easter holidays, and the other day they asked me if you would want to go with them. You know you're their favourite niece, you will have a great time, and you'll be able to forget about a certain someone we both know."

Elizabeth stared at the screen, resisting an urge to cry at the mere hint of William's effect on her.

"I'll think about it."

Jane smiled as she reached her bedroom. Now it was all up to them.

I love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. I love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. I love that you get a little crinkle in your nose when you're looking at me like I'm nuts. I love that after I spend day with you, I can still smell your perfume on my clothes. And I love that you are the last person I want to talk to before I go to sleep at night. And it's not because I'm lonely, and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

"It's no good to torture myself. He hates me, and he's not going to appear with a dozen roses and tell me he loves me, because that is not how things work in the real world."

Elizabeth held the tears back, determined. She would not cry. And besides...

"I bloody need a holiday."

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"Lizzy! Are you coming or what?"

"All right, Aunt Maddie! Nearly there!"

Elizabeth shoved her suitcase into the boot and got into the car. She smiled at her aunt and uncle, who were sorry to see that her usually radiant smile was somewhat subdued. Ed Bennet started the car, but it a while until Liz broke the silence.

"Well! So, what are we going to do?"

"Today we'll drive till Lambton, and tomorrow we'll visit Pemberley and the Peak. I'm not sure about what we'll do afterwards, just improvise."

"You'll see, Lizzy. Lambton is the most beautiful place in the world and the Darcys are so kind as to open Pemberley, which is delightful, to the public."

"The Darcys? The Darcys are going to be there?"

"Of course not, they'll be on holiday. We'll see the house and leave, and they'll probably never know we were there."

Elizabeth was too busy being relieved to notice that the Bennets were too well informed. She kept repeating "okay, okay, he'll never know, it's okay" to herself. Nothing could go wrong. Everything was under control.

Oh, and she did NOT want to see Will Darcy. The butterflies in her stomach had to be that fried egg's fault.

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"Richard, I don't want to be in Aunt Catherine's company either. But this drive to Pemberley for no reason at all sounds suspicious."

"Why? We just thought you needed cheering up. And, well, Aunt Cath is not ... very ... um, cheerful."

"Yeah, I suppose you're right."

"And, you know, maybe it's time to stop yelling at CD players."

William glared at George.

"Killing big mouthed siblings is on my list too."

"Sorry, Will"

Just when Will was about to strangle his little brother, Catherine DeBourgh entered.

"Now, now. What were you talking about? Will, dear, I think Anne is in the garden. You could be a gentleman and go for a walk with her."

"I don't think so, mum. Anne is right here. Honestly, I'm two years older than Will, doesn't that and our complete lack of romantic interest in each other discourage you?"

"Yes, well. But Will should get a girlfriend. Perhaps Caroline Bingley..."

"No, Aunt Catherine. Please do not meddle with my love life."

"Yeah. And I don't like Caroline. Lizzy is much more agreeable and she sings better too!"


"William! Who is this Lizzy? And, most important, does she sing well? Really? I need a leading soprano. Why didn't she auction?"

"Not so quick. She did auction but Caroline didn't let her get into the Choir. I think she was jealous."

"I see ... well, send her to me, then. Come, Anne. I'll help you finish packing. But I still find this rash trip of yours to Pemberley terribly vexing. You see, the only way of doing things properly..."

Will, Richard and George sighed. Will said he was going out for a walk. He apparently needed to think.

"I can picture who he's going to think about. Oh, George, I really hope we don't mess things up."

"Don't worry, cuz. Anne will drive us there, and Benedick will meet Beatrice. And they will live happily ever after."

"I hope you're right, George. I really do."

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Chapter Thirteen: I just called to say I love you

Posted on Tuesday, 23 July 2002

Elizabeth got out of the car and gasped at her surroundings. The great mansion, the grounds, finer than any others she had seen and which gave her a desire to run as fast as she could through them, it was all perfect.

"It looks like something from a fairy tale."

"Yes, it does Lizzy. Come, let's see if it's this good inside!"

They headed towards the main entrance, Elizabeth's fears fading noticeably. Now nothing could go wrong. She felt very curious about Will's home. He had spoken very warmly about it, and she could see he hadn't exaggerated. She shook her head, trying to get Will out of her mind. She was grateful to her aunt when she forced her to pay attention as she introduced the housekeeper, Mrs. Reynolds.

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"Here we are!"

Will looked around, feeling that peace of mind that always seized him when he reached Pemberley. He breathed in the fresh, slightly scented air and, for the first time in months, felt really alive. He couldn't wait to be in his room, or swimming in the lake, or just sitting in a clearing with a book. This was his home, his place, and he now realized he had missed it sorely.

"Come on, George! I'll race you to the lake!"

"Not fair! Let's make it a race to the front door!"

"Alright! Coming Rich?"

Richard smiled at Will's animation.

"Sure! Anne, you just walk, we'll wait for you there."

The three boys ran with all their might, and were quite out of breath when they reached the front door. Then Will realized there was a car he didn't recognize near the entrance.

"Oh, bother! Seems like we've got visitors. I can't stand Mrs. R going on and ON about all our ancestors. Let's stay out and ramble a bit."

George and Richard looked at each other, grinning slightly. Of course, they knew who was in there, but this was too much fun. And George's plan really was good.

"Will," George asked boldly " Why don't we have a swim in the lake? You know, like in the old times, dressed and all! It will be fun!"

William looked down at his white shirt an khaki pants. Then at George's pleading face.

"Oh, okay. We'll get a lecture from dad and Mrs. R, but I don't think that is so bad. Come on!"

"George," Richard whispered the moment Will was out of earshot "What are you doing?"

"I'm improvising, you just trust me!"

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"This was the late Mrs. Darcy's favourite room. She liked sitting here a lot."

Elizabeth was surprised at first to see how easygoing the housekeeper was, but these thoughts were soon replaced when Mrs. Reynolds began to talk about her two boys, Will and George.

"This is a photograph of the two masters! Two sweeter boys you could never find. So fine, so handsome, so well behaved... I truly love them as if they were my own. But then, they are so good that nobody can help loving them."

"They have a handsome face, to be sure, but Lizzy, you can tell me if it does them justice or not."

Lizzy stared at the photograph. There he was, with George on his shoulders, smiling broadly, looking so alive she thought he was going to step out of the photo. Her feelings were confusing, but she now knew she loved him as much as ever.

"Oh! Does this young lady know the masters?"

"Yes, a bit."

"And William is a handsome young gentleman, is he not?"

"Yes, very handsome."

"Look, here is a larger photograph of him!"

Mrs. Reynolds, who indeed knew everything about George's plan, looked intently at Elizabeth, and was very pleased to see how her eyes filled up with delight when she saw the photo. It showed Will sitting at the piano, looking very happy, with a huge grin on his face. Elizabeth felt tears striving to get out, but controlled them, not noticing everyone was looking at her.

"It's beautiful. There's so much of him in this one..."

Mrs. Reynolds looked at her watch.

"The rest of the house is closed, but maybe you would like to see the gardens? There are some beautiful flower beds you must see!"

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"Boy, you look hideous."

"Maybe we should throw her into the lake..."

"Don't get ideas George Darcy! You already pushed Will."

Will was indeed soaked, and Anne was thinking about Elizabeth's shock as she looked at her cousin, whose well toned chest was clearly visible through his shirt, and who wore an adorable look, with his hair wet and tussled. Yes, she thought, she definitely would love it!

"I thought we were all going to have a dip in the lake, not just me!"

"I changed my mind when I saw you all wet, Will."

As Richard said this, George jumped on Will's back.

"Will! Please play with me! I want to be the Lone Ranger!"

Will laughed out loud and began to gallop.

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Elizabeth was admiring the view of the forest from where she was standing when she heard someone yelling.

"Hi-ho Silver!"

Elizabeth turned round to face a very wet William Darcy, galloping in her direction carrying his little brother on his back. George saw her, but Will didn't and it was certainly George who cried out her name.


Will stopped dead and looked at her. He was in shock. Well, to tell the truth, they both were, but Elizabeth was more shocked by his appearance than by his presence. For we all know what happens to white shirts when they get wet, and Will's was no exception. When he finally managed to regain his composure, or at least part of it, he thought he might be able to offer an articulate comment. However, his tongue was not in a cooperative mood.

"I ... uh-that is ... you-your ... the-I mean ... Are you Ok?

"Yes. You?"

Elizabeth had to bite her lip to prevent herself from laughing. As nervous as she felt, he had a sort of desperate, helpless look about him that was almost ridiculous.

"I, uh, I'm fine. You know, I came for an unexpected trip. I, uh, didn't expect to find you here..."

"Yes, I understand. I wasn't expecting to see you either. We were told that you were on holiday, at your aunt's. Otherwise we wouldn't..."

"Oh, no, it's alright."

George, who had been holding on to Will's back not wanting to break the intensity of the conversation, chose this moment to dismount and throw himself into Elizabeth's arms.

"Oh, Lizzy! I've missed you so much, and Will has been so miserable ... Promise you'll never stop seeing him again!"

They both started at this and looked down. Elizabeth was embarrassed and Will was furious.


Ignoring the threat that lay in his growl, George went on rambling happily.

"Come! You must stay for tea, and Richard is here! Oh, and you haven't met my Dad or my cousin Anne yet! Has Mrs. Reynolds shown you around?"

At that moment, Richard and Anne caught up with them, as did Mr. and Mrs. Bennet.

"Elizabeth, this is my cousin Anne."

Liz smiled shyly at her, and Anne, who had been longing to meet the famous Elizabeth Bennet, was enchanted with her. With a few further introductions, they all knew each other, and the Bennets analyzed Will as much as they wished, and deemed him worthy of their niece. George insisted on introducing Elizabeth to his Dad, and so they all got into the house. George took Elizabeth's hand and tried to drag her into his father's study. Elizabeth was blushing and resisting, not really believing all this was actually happening.

"George, I really believe you should stop pulling Elizabeth's arm. You're going to hurt her, and what would I tell her parents?"

Mr. Darcy stood next to Mrs. Reynolds, smiling warmly at all of them. He looked appreciatively at Elizabeth and came closer to talk to her.

"I'm so glad to meet you at last! I've heard only good things of you from my sons."

Elizabeth had a fleeting vision of a blushing Will and couldn't help dwelling desperately on the question she didn't know how to answer.

"How am I going to manage to get through this!?"

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Chapter Fourteen: Love is in the air...

Posted on Friday, 23 August 2002

Elizabeth was having a bad day. Admittedly, these last months had been something like living hell, but between Mr. Darcy's warm attention, George's exuberance and Will's shy retreat, she felt trapped. Surely things couldn't get any worse.

"Will! Oh, Wi-ill!!!!"

Four heads lifted up with shock. Anne, the Bennets and Mr. Darcy were only politely bewildered as Caroline Bingley came in through the door. Catherine De Bourgh followed suit, and they both looked surprised at the presence of Lizzy and the Bennets. Caroline was too angry to speak, but everyone who knew Catherine knew it took quite a lot to render her speechless.

"Well! Will someone introduce me to these people?"

George took charge of the situation immediately, realising everyone else was feeling absolutely freaked out.

"Erm, of course Aunt Catherine! These are Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, and this is Lizzy."

Catherine arched one eyebrow, while obviously inspecting Lizzy. Elizabeth was absolutely sure that this was a nightmare. Well, Will was in it, so perhaps not a nightmare, but certainly the weirdest dream she'd ever had.

"I see, would this Lizzy be perchance the one we were talking about yesterday? The one with the fine voice?"

"I'm sure you'll find your nephews have grossly exaggerated her talents, no doubt for some mischievous reason of their own!"

"Thank you, Caroline, but I think I will easily test this young woman to see if the flattering report I received was true or not."

George was by this time, quite angry. After planning carefully this reunion, not only Will hadn't kissed Elizabeth and professed his undying love, but this orange wonder and his Aunt had irrupted most unexpectedly into the music room. This, he thought, was going to call for too much improvisation.

"Aunt Catherine, what exactly are you doing here? We didn't expect you."

"Caroline came to my house not fifteen minutes after your departure, apparently desperate to contact William. I thought it was only polite to bring her here."

Will was glaring at Caroline. If looks could kill, Caroline would've been five feet under earth at the nearest graveyard. She, however, was smiling coquettishly at him. More than one person wanted to be sick.

"I think this is a perfect time for Miss Bennet to prove herself."

Lizzy looked up to her. Catherine De Bourgh was staring at her, but there wasn't disapproval in her stare, it was something more like ... hope?

"Perhaps if I were to sing a duet with William first she would be less shy..."

Will's glare was transformed into a look of pure horror and he looked at Lizzy pleadingly.

"That is a wonderful idea, Caroline, but I'd rather listen to her. Perhaps a duet with William would appear less embarrassing to you?"

Elizabeth took a deep breath and nodded.

"Good. William, I believe you should both sit before the piano and choose a song."

George, wondering at his Aunt's good intentions, grinned knowingly.

"I know just the one, Aunt."

He was back in no time, with the music sheet. Elizabeth took it first and after seeing the title, she was surprised.

"George, how did you know it was one of my favourites?"

Will's voice sounded a little choked.

"Our mother used to sing it to us. It was one of her favourites, too."

Elizabeth smiled at him reassuringly.

"I'm ready when you are, Maestro."

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Aunt Catherine had taken the grandest chair, so George Darcy Senior decided to stand up during their performance. He couldn't stop noticing how those two figures at the piano seemed to complete each other. He smiled to himself, and mentally made a bet with himself.

"I'm quite sure I'll see a lot of that young lady."

The young lady in question prepared the music sheets and forgot herself as always, when the soft music surrounded her.

Somewhere out there,
Beneath the pale blue night,
Someone's thinking of me,
And loving me tonight.

Elizabeth looked at Will curiously. She had never heard him sing (that miner thing didn't count for her!) although she did think he had a beautiful speaking voice.

Somewhere out there,
Someone's saying a prayer,
Then we'll find one another,
In that big somewhere out there.

Elizabeth was mesmerised by his powerful baritone voice. As he continued with the song, she noticed once more how handsome he looked when he was playing the piano.

And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star

Elizabeth took her cue and put all her feeling into the song. She wished this moment could last forever, she almost forgot that there were people listening. It was just Will and her, singing.

And when the night will start to sing
A lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the
Same big sky.

Their voices blended together, in perfect harmony. It was almost as if they were meant to sing together...

Somewhere out there,
If love can see us through,
Then, we'll be together,
Somewhere out there, out where dreams, come true.

William played trying hard not to look at Elizabeth, but now he didn't have to sing... and he thought that a peek wouldn't do any harm. Their eyes were fixed on each other's before they could do anything. Will's stare was so intense ... it spoke volumes, and she could tell he was distracted, because he nearly lost his cue.

And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star,

And when the night will start to sing
A lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we're sleeping underneath the
Same big sky.

Their voices rose together again, their gazes locked on each other, wishing to make that moment last as long as possible, when they felt like one again.

Somewhere out there,
If love can see us through,
Then, we'll be together,
Somewhere out there, out where dreams, come true.*

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Elizabeth had to escape Catherine. She had learnt, without little surprise, that Aunt Catherine was Catherine De Bourgh, the patroness of the choir she had wanted to join. Catherine had told her she was just what she was looking for and invited her to be the leading soprano. This had made Caroline sulk, and she was now in one corner of the room, not even talking to Will. However, Elizabeth felt acutely Catherine's excess of curiosity regarding her family, her grades and her relationship with Will. Do I have a relationship with Will at all?, she wondered.. In the end, she excused herself and went to the corridor. She sat on one of the benches that furnished it, mentally thanking whoever put it there.

"By Jove! This is too unreal. It must be a dream or something, meeting Will here and Caroline's and Catherine De Bourgh's entrance... it's just TOO weird to be true!"

Not quite realising that she had spoken out loud, she was startled when she heard Will's answer.

"I'm afraid it's real. I can pinch you, if you want."

He was seated on the opposite bench, smiling slightly.

"Oh. No, I don't think it will be necessary."

Will seemed to be struggling with something.

"I... Elizabeth, are you still mad at me?"

Lizzy's eyes opened wide in surprise.

"Of course not! But you despise me for believing Georgiana Wickham..."

"I don't despise you! I thought you wanted nothing to do with me!"

"I thought the same about you!"

Will laughed.

"Of all the misunderstandings ... oh, are we never going to learn?"

Elizabeth joined the laughing and seating herself next to him, she put her hand on Will's arm.

"So ... friends?"

Will wanted to be more than friends. But he didn't want to rash this, what if he told her that what he really wanted was to be with her like they had been at the ball, before Georgiana and Caroline had appeared? She would probably freak out. He couldn't know she wished him to do just that so instead he put his hand over hers.

"Yes. Friends."

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"Rich, I can't see!!"

"Well, there's only one keyhole George, live with it!"

"You great..."

"Oh! She's put her hand on his arm!"

"Rich, George! You're really lucky they all went to have tea in the terrace, what would my mother and your father say?"

"Cut it off, Anne!"

"They're smiling at each other!"

"What? Oh, get off!"

George managed to push Rich away from the door.

"Am I a genius or what? They're together again!"

Rich muttered something unintelligible. Anne smiled.

"So, Mr. Darcy what do you have to say now you've secured your brother's happiness?"

George grinned broadly.

"I love it when a plan comes together!"

*Somewhere Out There sung by James Ingram and Linda Ronstadt

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Chapter Fifteen: Chances Are

Posted on Sunday, 10 November 2002

When Will and Elizabeth joined the rest of the party, they couldn't ignore the nudges and winks between George and Richard. Elizabeth was politely bewildered, but Will had begun to suspect that they had something to do with Elizabeth's being there. Suddenly, his Aunt's voice caught his attention.

"And Anne is a wonderful painter!" Catherine said, proudly, as she reached out for another cucumber sandwich.

"Really? Elizabeth loves drawing, don't you dear?" Mrs. Bennet said, smiling at her.

"Er, yes, I do. But I'm not any good at it, I'm afraid." Elizabeth answered.

"Come on, don't be so shy! She's got some beautiful ones, I assure you. Why don't you show us some of them? Your portfolio is in the car." Mr. Bennet said, grinning.

"I'm sure no one wants..." Elizabeth tried to say.

"Oh, do Lizzy!" George cried.

"Come on Liz!" Richard joined.

But it was Will, with his soft "I would love to see them." what convinced Elizabeth.

"Very well, but I warn you, they aren't very good." With this, she went to the car, leaving an expecting crowd behind.

"She's got a lot of hidden talents, doesn't she?" George Senior mused, looking at his elder son.

"I don't think she hides them at all. She's quite conceited, if you ask me." Caroline said, sulking.

"No one asked you!" Little George snapped.

Elizabeth came back, portfolio in hand, blushing furiously. "Here it is."

"I warn you," Anne jested, "I can recognize patchwork!"

"Can you, Mr. Rochester?" Elizabeth replied, laughingly.

"Well, I can't if you don't let me see it!" Anne said smiling. Elizabeth handed her the portfolio, a bit nervous about her opinion.

They all crowded around Anne, all except Caroline that is, she was still sulking in the corner.

The portfolio was full of sketches of Derbyshire, the Peak, and several other things, like Jane sleeping. They all admired them, and George was ecstatic when he recognized himself in one of the drawings.

"Look, Dad!" He said, happily, "It's me! It's just like a photograph!" The drawing showed him as Elizabeth had first seen him, sitting at the piano with an impish grin.

"You are very talented, Elizabeth." Catherine said, "I like these very much." She was holding a pair of drawings of sprites and fairies. In one of them, a fairy was sitting on a flower, with her arms around her knees and a sorrowful face. In the other, a sprite on a mushroom was throwing breadcrumbs at a very annoyed fairy. "They show a lot of imagination."

"Thank you." Elizabeth smiled. "Doesn't the sprite remind you of someone?"

Catherine looked at it again, but it was Anne who spotted the likeness. "It looks like Richard!" She exclaimed, gleefully.

"And what is this?" Mr. Darcy asked, as he got a separate folder out of a portfolio. Elizabeth blushed, and quickly took it away from him.

"They are drawings which are not finished. Some of them I'm thinking of throwing away, they're not worth seeing." She said hurriedly.

William didn't say anything, but he was very curious about this. He was just about to ask Elizabeth about it, when Mr. Bennet's mobile rang.

"Oh, dear." He groaned, "I hope it isn't from the office. Excuse me." He went into the house, and they all continued going through Elizabeth's portfolio.

"You must give me my drawing, Lizzy." George said, "I want to hang it in my room."

"And I want the one with the sprite!" Anne said, smiling impishly at Richard.

"I say, I would like one of the landscapes for my office." Mr. Darcy added.

Elizabeth smiled at all of them, delighted, and promised to leave some of the drawings behind. William looked carefully at the drawings. He wanted one, but which?

"Elizabeth!" Her uncle called. He was pale, and it was obvious that the phone call had been a distressing one. "It's your father, he needs to talk to you."

Elizabeth silently prayed that nothing had happened to her dad. She loved him dearly, and knew that he wasn't in good health. She excused herself, and took the phone call.

"Dad? What is the matter, are you well?" She inquired, nervously.

"Lizzy..." Her father's voice was croaky and broken, "She has left!"

"Who has left? Not..." Elizabeth felt a lump in her throat, "Not Mum?"

"Yes, Lizzy!" Thomas Bennet was sobbing on the other end of the phone. "She says she never loved me, and that she's pregnant, but that she doesn't want her second child to turn out like you! She says you have too much of me in you, and that..." His voice faltered, "That she has met another person. Oh, Lizzy! Please, come home! I need you!"

"Of course I'll come, dad!" Elizabeth whispered. "I'll be there in no time. Just... Don't do anything stupid, okay?"

"No, no. Please hurry up, Lizzy. I love you."

"I love you too, dad."

Elizabeth went out, her face stained with tears. She couldn't look at anyone, not even at William ... She only wanted to be alone.

"Elizabeth, child, what is the matter?" Catherine said when she saw her.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Mr. Darcy inquired, his voice full of concern.

"Lizzy! What is the matter?" George said, trying to hug her. Elizabeth smiled, tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"I ... We have to go back. My father is ... not well. He needs me." Elizabeth said, trying hard to stop crying.

The Bennets and Elizabeth said their goodbyes, and started walking towards the car.


William came running to them, and handed her portfolio. "You nearly left this behind. Don't ... Elizabeth, I wish I could do something!" He said, desperately.

"It's no use. No one can do anything." Elizabeth said sadly.

"Just remember, I'll be always there for you... as a friend." Damn! He didn't want to be her friend. He wanted to hold her, and kiss her tears away.

"Goodbye, Will." Elizabeth whispered, her eyes swimming in tears. Her life seemed to be falling to pieces ... First Will, and then her mother.

Will stood there as the car moved away. Just as he turned towards the house, Elizabeth looked out of the rear window.

"Goodbye..." She mouthed.

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William was in a foul mood. He had found the girl he loved in his house, nearly made amends ... and now something he couldn't stop had come in between them. He felt useless, and terribly angry. So when Caroline started to talk, he felt anger towards her, too.

"William! You're not pining after Eliza Bennet, are you? She's such a vulgar girl! And so unaccomplished! Look, she left behind one of her folders. I dare say you think she's quite pretty, but surely..." She began.

"You're wrong, Caroline. I don't think her pretty." Caroline smirked, "I think she's the most beautiful girl I know. I think she's talented, and that she sings like an angel. And I'm not going to let you say those horrible things about her in that peevish tone!" He said, glaring at her. He snatched the folder, and stormed out of the room. Caroline felt outraged.

"Well! One would think I had said something that wasn't true!" She said to the rest of the room.

"Caroline," Catherine said, warily, "shut up."

Everyone looked at her gratefully.

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William threw himself onto his bed. He hadn't wanted to do that. That outburst was so unlike him... But the truth was, he felt like that. He opened the folder, wanting to see something that could remind him of Elizabeth, and froze.

The folder was full of drawings of him. Some of them included other people, but he was the main subject. Elizabeth had written something on top of each drawing, with the date. One of them, the oldest, was from the day they had met. "Too handsome for words" Elizabeth had written. Then came one of him holding George, with the title, "The Good Brother." Another one showed him with Elizabeth, dancing at the Christmas ball. "His eyes on me."

William's eyes filled up with tears. The drawings didn't end there, she hadn't stopped drawing him, even after they had broken up. Some of the drawings reflected things they had never done together, going on a picnic, gazing at each other... And there were a few of him, just smiling, laughing, or at the piano. The last one, though, was the one that affected him the most. It was set in a park, at night. They were both dressed casually, and they were kissing. He was holding her lightly, and in the background there were fireworks. "Will there be fireworks? Will it ever happen?" Elizabeth had written in a trembling hand. Tears ran freely from Williams's eyes.

"You bet it's going to happen. When I see you again, I'm going to tell you how I feel about you. And I'm never going to leave you again." William said, looking at the drawing. "She loves me... She still loves me!"

Elizabeth stared out of the window. Her aunt and uncle were thankfully silent, understanding her grief. The faint sound of the radio reached her ears...

Chances are you'll find me,
somewhere on your road tonight.
Seems I always end up driving by.
Ever since I've known you,
It just seems you're on my way,
All the rules of logic, don't apply.

How true that was. Logic couldn't explain why William still liked her well enough to be her friend, or why her mother hated her so much.

I long to see you in the night, be with you 'til morning light...

She needed Will. She wanted to be in his arms, feeling safe and wanted. But did he want her anymore?

I remember clearly how you looked the night we met.
I recall your laughter, and your smile.
I remember how you made me feel so at ease,
I remember all your grace and your style.
And now you're all I long to see, You've come to mean so much to me...

She didn't care. She loved him more than she could say, she needed him. Somewhere in her heart she knew she couldn't be complete without him.

Chances are I'll find you,
somewhere in my dreams tonight.
You'll be smiling like the night we met.
Chances are I'll hold you,
And I'll give you all I have.
You're the only one I can't forget,
Baby, you're the best I've ever met.

Somehow, she must show him how much she loved him. Somehow, even if he didn't love her back, she was going to make him understand that she couldn't go on without him. She couldn't forget him, trying was as foolish as trying to forget who she was. He was the man she loved.

"Somehow..." She whispered, "I'll let you know."

Chapter Sixteen: There I Found Only You

Posted on Friday, 15 November 2002

When Elizabeth got home, it was early. So early the milkman of her hometown, Meryton, was still sleeping, quite comfortably in his bed. Elizabeth, had she known this, would probably have been envious, for she hadn't slept at all. When her aunt and uncle entered the house, she lingered behind them, feeling quite frightened. It had been about three months since she had last seen her father. Being devastated about the whole William affair, she didn't pay attention to the intercourse between her parents, but now she remembered there had been more quarrels than usual. Her mother, who had never been too motherly, had completely ignored her, but Elizabeth had thought she had at last learnt to be tactful. Learning the truth, that her mother had never truly loved her and that she probably never would, was a hard blow. When she saw her father, crying on the couch, with a lost, desperate look in his eyes, she ran to him and hugged him tight.

"It's going to be alright, dad!" She whispered, "I love you, I'm here, I'm never going to leave you."

Thomas Bennet hugged his only daughter and sobbed. "My dear... Now we only have each other."

The Bennets stood respectfully aside, watching the tender embrace and the true affection which father and daughter felt for one another. And yet, all Elizabeth could think about was of one William Darcy...

"Dad, do you want me to stay with you?" She asked, softly.

"Would you do that? You'd have to skip a few weeks of school..."

"I'll go back in time for the festival. I did promise Jane and Charlotte I would sing a song with them, but I can get my books here by post, and Charlotte and Jane can e-mail me about homework. Just now, you're my main concern." She said, looking at her father seriously.

"Thank you, my Lizzy. I really think I'll need you."

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"She's ... not here?" William gasped.

"No. Apparently her parents are getting a divorce and her dad is devastated. She'll stay then until a few days before the festival. At least that's what Jane says." Charles answered, as he tried to write an intelligible essay.

"Great. Fate-1, Will Darcy-0, yet AGAIN!" William muttered.

"Why don't you go to her house? You just..." George piped in.

"No, thank you. You already played enough with our lives, keep out of it!"

"Play with your lives? Moi?" George said, offended.

"'Will, can't we play Lone Ranger? Why don't we go to Pemberley? Why don't you dive into the pond? Oh, what a surprise! It's Elizabeth!' Does that ring a bell?"

"You suspect I arranged that?" George said, with an innocent look. Needless to say, no one was fooled.

"You did it, bro, there's no denying it. I'd bet EVERYONE here was involved!" Will said, glaring at Richard and Charles, who looked away guiltily. "No, this time, I'll wait. When I see her, I'll tell her."

"Sorry? Is this Mr-I-spent-three-months-without-saying-a-word-to-her speaking?" George muttered.

"I heard that! This time, I'll do it right!"

"Oh, look! Some pigs! Look Will, they're flying and carrying a banner which says 'Will you bloody liar'"! George said, sarcastically.

"You asked for it, Georgie Porgie!"

"That was mean! What? Haha! Stop it, stop it!" George giggled, trying to get away from Will's tickling.

"Let that be a lesson to you! I don't need help with my love life!"

Richard, Charles and George rolled their eyes.

"Sure, cuz," Richard said, patting his back, "you keep thinking that, if it gives you comfort."

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Elizabeth took her last sweatshirt and looked affectionately at her room. She had slept there since she was three years old, and everything in it spoke volumes about her. Her books, set up in a shelf upon her desk. Her bed, with her very favourite Teddy bear and a few cushions. Her desk, with her computer and several folders filled with lyrics, and her drawings, scattered all about the room, a few of them framed and hanging off the wall.

With a sigh, she folded the sweatshirt and put it on top of her other belongings in her suitcase. There. These last weeks had been like a pause in ordinary life, taking care of her father, making him laugh as often as possible, reading, writing, drawing... Only the memory of Will and her resolve to le him know what he meant to her, managed to cloud her otherwise complete happiness. She closed her suitcase and with a last look at her room, decided to take control of her life, once and for all.

"Ready, sweetheart?" Thomas Bennet smiled tenderly at her. He had always loved her daughter, but now he positively adored her. Her care and unselfishness had acted like a balm on his wounded heart, and for that he would be forever grateful. It's easy to love one's child, he thought, mischievously, but to like her, that's an uncommon achievement!

"Ready, dad. Will you be alright?" Elizabeth said, returning her father's smile.

"Yes, yes. I have lots of food in the fridge, and thanks to you a very slight ability to cook. I'll be fine. But you, must take care of yourself, my dear. You have been melancholy lately, and I don't like to see you like that."

"Don't worry, daddy," Elizabeth said softly, "I intend to do something about it as soon as possible."

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Jane and Charlotte gave Lizzy a nice hug when they picked her up in Victoria Station. Elizabeth couldn't suppress a smile when she saw them there, grinning at her. They chatted all the way to the apartment, the conversation often turning towards Will, Richard and Charles.

"Lizzy, they are terribly sweet! They took us out to lunch the other day, and Char and I had little cards in our plates, each one with a short poem!" Jane said, happily.

"And that girl who came with Will laughed so much at Richard and Charles's puppy-like stares! At least, that's what she called them!" Charlotte laughed.

"Um," Elizabeth felt as if someone had taken hold of her heart with a firm grip, "who was that girl, the one who went with Will?"

Jane and Charlotte exchanged a knowing glance. "It was his cousin, Anne."


"Come on, Liz, cheer up! Tonight will be just to relax, and then we must start rehearsing for the festival! It's only one week away, and we're on holiday, so we have lots of time!" Charlotte said enthusiastically, "We'll have a great time!"

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"Do, la, sol, la, re..." William muttered, as he read the music sheet again and again. The music part was quite clear, but he still had a problem with the words. He had never been very good at this.

"What are you doing, Will?" George asked, as he entered the music room, casually munching a biscuit.

"Working." Will said shortly.

"You should be trying to win Elizabeth back, instead of muttering to yourself and playing that stupid song."

"Thank you for yet another one of your pearls of wisdom. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to continue with this."

"You are SO stupid, bro!" George said, stomping his foot, "All you have to do is tell her how you feel!"

William stared at his brother, and suddenly slapped his forehead. "That's it! Thank you George!" He bolted out of the room, leaving behind a dumbfounded George.

"Well, it finally happened." George mused, "He's gone absolutely mad!"

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After a week of rehearsing, watching romantic films and eating chocolate, Elizabeth felt surprisingly depressed. It probably had to do with the fact that Richard and Charles had been regular visitors, but they had told her Will was apparently back in Pemberley, and would come back the day before the festival. She couldn't stop feeling apprehensive. Perhaps for some bizarre reason, he didn't want to see her? Had she done something? Was it something she DIDN'T do?

She sighed. He would be home now. Was he thinking about her? She wrapped her blankets around her, and went to sleep, dreaming of a face framed with dark curls...

"Lizzy..." someone whispered, "wake up, sleepy head!"

Jane could be so damned cheerful in the mornings...

"Today is the great day! Festival, music, Will..."

That last word made her lift up her head. Ten minutes afterwards, she had managed to get out of bed. She even managed to give coherent replies and walk not too dizzily. When they arrived at the festival, she was positively beaming. She scanned the crowd, several times, searching for a profile she knew she could recognize anywhere. She was very disappointed when she didn't find him, and acknowledged Jane's gentle squeeze with a silent nod. She could wait for him.


"Richard!" Charlotte cried, hugging him.

"Nothing for me, then?"

"Charles!" Jane smiled brightly and kissed him in the cheek.

And there he was, behind Charles. With a soft smile, and his hands in his pockets, looking every inch the perfect schoolboy.

"Hey." He said, quietly.


"How are you?" He asked, looking intently at her.

"Fine." She said, smiling.

They couldn't talk much more, they were engulfed by the crowd. The festival was very successful, lots of people had worked to make it possible, and the performances were really good. Theirs was particularly welcome, and when the three girls ended their song, ("Just my imagination", by the Cranberries) they were rewarded with a warm applause. When they joined the boys, Will wasn't there.

"And now," Mr Hurst, who was acting as presenter said, "Our last performance. Will Darcy will play and sing a song he has composed himself.!"

Will appeared on stage, smiling. He took the microphone from Mr Hurst, and said, looking at Elizabeth, "I wrote this thinking of one very special person. I hope she gets my meaning, and that she can give me an answer."

He seated himself at the piano, and started to play.

Once I told you I loved you,
You didn't believe me then,
This song is my gift to you,
To try to say 'I love you' again.

I know I've been wrong about you,
And I know I've made you cry.
But I also know I can't get through,
If you're not right there by my side.

Why is this so hard to believe?
That I love you more than anything,
That I'd give all I have, even my life,
Just to hear your voice and see your smile.
You're the best thing that ever happened to me,
Look into my eyes, they say I'll be true.
I made a trip to my heart's core, baby...
And There I Found Only You.

So let me hold you, forever like this,
I've found my happiness in your arms.
I'd give the world to you, just for one kiss,
I don't care about it if I am wherever you are.

Now I've let you see my soul and my heart,
You've seen that place no one else knows.
I tried explaining, and yet we stayed apart,
Listen to my song, it lets my feelings show.

Why is this so hard to believe?
That I love you more than anything,
That I'd give all I have, even my life,
Just to hear your voice and see your smile.
You're the best thing that ever happened to me,
Look into my eyes, they say I'll be true.
I made a trip to my heart's core, baby...
And There I Found Only You.*

Elizabeth's eyes were filled with tears of happiness as she stared into Will's eyes, looking at that centre of his heart, where she only saw her reflection.

*Composed by yours truly.

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Chapter Seventeen: Perpetual Bliss

Posted on Tuesday, 10 December 2002

William jumped down from the stage, pushing people out of his way and completely ignoring Caroline, who was crying, "Oh, Will! I'm SO flattered!"

When he found her, her eyes swimming in tears and with a happy smile that seemed to light up the whole place, he stopped, doubtful.

"Elizabeth, I..." He started. But Elizabeth, who didn't need to hear it again, threw herself into his arms.

"That was the most beautiful thing I ever heard." She whispered into his ear.

"You've clearly never heard your own voice." He whispered back.

They stood there, holding each other, and as Will buried his face in her hair, he thought there was no other place where he'd rather be.

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"Lizzy!" Jane wailed, "Are you going to get out of the bathroom sometime soon? I need to use it!"

"Coming!" Elizabeth answered. Jane groaned and tapped her foot impatiently, wondering what could be taking her so long. When the bathroom door finally opened, Elizabeth came out, with a nervous smile.

"Do you think he'll like it?" She asked, doubtfully.

Jane looked at her, carefully. Her curly hair was down, and not completely dry. She wore a little make up, something really unusual for her, and she was wearing a long dark skirt, with a close fitting top and a light jacket. She looked very pretty, but what really made her beautiful was the happy gleam in her eyes, the smile, as wide as it could get, and the faint blush of her cheeks. She looked very much in love, and that made her radiant.

"You look perfect," Jane smiled, "Will is going to love it!"

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and Jane lifted one eyebrow as she went to open the door, leaving a very nervous yet excited Elizabeth behind.

"Lizzy! It's for you!"

Elizabeth took a deep breath, and walked towards the door. With a smile that matched her own, dressed in jeans and a white shirt, Will was waiting for her. Jane wisely disappeared, with a pointed look at Will.

"You look wonderful." He said, simply, taking her hand in his own.

"You don't look too bad yourself!" She replied, with a saucy smile, "So, where's this place you're taking me to?"

"The key of surprises is that you DON'T know what they are!" William said, with a smile.

"I know, I know... You can't blame me for trying, though!" Elizabeth pouted.

"No, I couldn't blame anyone who pouted that way. But I'm not going to tell you where we're going, either." He smirked. Elizabeth shook her head, smiling, and followed him out of the flat. She gave him an incredulous look when she saw the limousine.

"William Darcy!"

"What?" He said, with an innocent look.

"You told me it wasn't a fancy affair and you bring a LIMO?" She said, with an accusing stare.

"Well, I won't deny we'll be travelling in style, but it most certainly isn't a fancy affair. Look." With this, he opened the door of the limousine, to reveal a picnic basket.

"Oh, so we're having a picnic?" Elizabeth said, smiling broadly.

William hugged her, and helped her into the limo, adding, "I could never resist an intelligent woman."

"I think Caroline never found that out." Elizabeth mused.

"Probably not. But let's talk about something else. Tell me about your Dad."

A long conversation followed, in which Elizabeth praised her father to the skies, and childhood memories were shared. Elizabeth was really happy to see how open William was now, and when she commented on the fact, he only answered, "I made the great mistake not that long ago of shutting you out and not sharing my feelings and memories with you. I'm not a man to make the same mistake twice." He said, looking into her eyes.

Elizabeth blushed, and as she did so, she tried to take her eyes off William's face. They landed on a folder, carefully left on top of the seat.

"This is..." Elizabeth gasped as she recognized the folder.

"I hope you're not mad at me for looking at your drawings. They helped me to understand your feelings, and gave me the courage to try again, to tell you what I felt, and to finish the incomplete melody my life is without you."

Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears, "I always intended to show it to you, because it has as much of you as it has of me in it. I can't think of a life without you either."

The limousine stopped, and William smiled impishly as he picked up the picnic basket.

"Miss Bennet, if you please..." He said, as he got out and opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Mr. Darcy!" She said, laughing. William took her to a nice spot, with a tree and a wonderful view of the city.

"You know, Will, this looks strangely familiar." She said, looking at him quizzically.

"Let me help you remember." He murmured, as he put his hands around her waist.

Then it struck her. It was just like her drawing... The one where Will kissed her. And Will was right in front of her, with an unfathomable look in his eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He said, quietly.

"To love is to trust." She answered, tears threatening to escape from her eyes.

His eyes widened, and a broad grin appeared on his face.

"Elizabeth, I know we're both young, and I know people would say we don't know what we want just now. But if there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that I love you. And not in a friendly way, I love you with all my being, heart and soul. You are the most incredible person I ever met and..." He said, caressing her cheek, "I can't imagine my future without you in it. There's a long way to go, but I know I want to walk it by your side."

Elizabeth couldn't speak. She couldn't express what she felt with words, it was just too much. So instead, she gazed lovingly into his eyes. He smiled tenderly at her, and bent his head slowly.

As their lips met, Elizabeth felt a thousand sensations at once, all of them combined into the greatest bliss she'd ever known. She could almost hear the fireworks... Almost?

She turned her head towards the city, and she stared at the firework display that met her eyes.

"You see, I wanted to be accurate. These were an important part of your drawing." William whispered into her ear.

"But... How did you know...?"

"Ah, yes. Well, I'm afraid we weren't completely alone. Charles and Richard were looking at us with binoculars to make sure the fireworks went off in time."

"I must say two things: One, you're the most incredible guy I've ever met, and two..."


"There was no need. I felt the fireworks, even without the display, because I love you."

"I love you too."

As they stood there, his arms around her waist, the rest of the world forgotten, William could say quite accurately that he had found his place, his home, and a new reason to live.

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"William Alexander Darcy! Come here this instant!" Elizabeth cried.

"I haven't done anything!"

"I know you haven't dear, but it's time to go to bed."

The little boy pouted, but his mother mercilessly picked him up and took him to his room.

"Okay mommy, but I'm not going to sleep without a story!"

"I know, love. Now, what story do you want?"

"I want a real story! One about you and Dad."

"But I already told you everything about us when we were young!"

"No, I wanna hear how he asked you to marry him."

"You've already heard that one!"

"I want to hear it again!"

"Alright." Elizabeth smiled as memories flooded back. "As you know, your father and I managed to keep our relationship going although we went to different universities. And when we both got our degrees, he told me to wait for him at the park where he first kissed me. And there I went. I waited for him, and when he came, he was so excited... I supposed something great had happened, and I asked him what it was." Elizabeth paused, and sighed happily.

"What then?" Little William asked, eagerly.

"He told me he had been offered a position as composer for a very important record company. I was thrilled, of course, and then... He got on his knees, and told me he still felt the same as that night when he first kissed me, and that the thing he wanted more than anything was to live by my side. He got out a little box, and got out this ring," Elizabeth paused as her son took her hand to look at the ring, "and asked me to make him the happiest man on Earth and marry him. I accepted, we got married, and... " Elizabeth added, kissing her child, "Here you are."

"Mom!" William said, sitting up in bed, "But Uncle George says he was the one who got you two together."

"Your Uncle did help a little. As did your Aunts Jane and Charlotte and your Uncles Charles and Richard."

"Oh. Mum, do you love me?"

"Indeed I do."

"Even when I'm naughty? Even when I get a tantrum?"

"I love you every single minute of every single day. Now go to sleep."

William sighed contentedly and snuggled into his bed. Elizabeth looked as he closed his eyes, and got out of the room, only to find her other William.

"Is he asleep?" He asked, putting his arms around his wife's waist.

"Yes. He asked me to tell him the story of your proposal again." She smiled.

"Hmmm..." Was all he said as he nuzzled her neck.

"You know, I think he's too much like your brother when he was little."

William snorted. "My brother has yet to prove he's more mature now than fifteen years ago."

Elizabeth laughed. "But I do think he could do with a younger brother, or sister."

William held her closer and whispered into her ear, "I can fix that."

"I know. I think you might already have."

"Really?" He asked, looking at her in wonder.

"Yes. I still have to confirm it with the doctor, though."

"My love, have I ever told you how happy you make me?" William said, as he kissed her.

"You might have, yes." Smiling, she began to hum a tune. William laughed.

"I can't believe you remember that song."

"You composed it for me, how could I forget that?" She said, as she kissed his cheek. "But I think now I share your heart with our little Will."

"Yes, you do... But Elizabeth," He said, as he picked her up in his arms and took her to their bedchamber, "No matter what, you will always have that special place, right in the core of my heart."

The End


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