third term english exam for ms3

Third Term English Exam for MS3

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At 21, Tiger Woods was the youngest ever champion of the US Masters golf tournament, and he won with the best ever score. He was also the first black golfer to win a major tournament. Everybody wanted to know him. He appeared on several TV shows. The president of the United States, Bill Clinton, called him up and the sports company Nike offered him a contract of $ 40 million.

Tiger (his real name is Eldrick) Woods was born on 30 December 1975 in Cypress, California. His mother, Kultilda, was from Thailand. His father, Barl, was an American army officer and a keen golfer. As a baby, Tiger watched his father and he started playing golf as soon as he was old enough. When he was three years old he was already a good player and he soon started to win tournaments. In 1991, he became the youngest ever junior champion. In November 1996 he became a professional, and less than six months later he beat the best players in the world to win the US Masters.

Some people think that Tiger is going to be ever better in the future. “He's going to win more tournaments, of course, “ says golf commentator, Jeff Binns. “But Tiger Woods is more important than that. He hits the ball harder and further than anyone else. He's young and good-looking, too, so millions of kids are going to take up golf now, and they're all going to want to play like Tiger.” LIFELINES Oxford University Press Unit 13

Part One (14 Points)

A- Reading Comprehension: (7 points)

Activity one: Complete the table with information from the text. (3 points)




Trophy he won

Tiger Woods




Activity two: In which paragraph is it mentioned that Tiger Woods was influenced by his father? (2 points)

Activity three: Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following. (2 points)

a/- winner : ...................... b/- competition : ........................

c/- began: ......................... d/- gave : ...........................

A- Mastery of Language: (7 points)

Activity one: Rewrite the following passage using the present simple. (2points)

Tiger Woods was my favourite champion. I liked him so much and always went to see him because he played in a wonderful way.

Activity two: Match A and B to form correct sentences. (3points)

Column A

Column B

- Tiger is the first black golfer ...

- His fans encourage him...

- He started playing...

- ... as soon as he was two.

- ...who won the US Masters.

- ...because they find him exceptional.

Activity three: Copy down these words and circle the silent letters. (2 points)

know ; officer ; first ; going

Part Two: (6 points)

Written Expression: Situation of Integration

While chatting on the Internet, an English boy/ girl wanted to know who your favourite champion was. Send him an e-mail and tell him/her about your idol's name, physical appearance and personality, nationality, sport he practices, and some information about his life and carrier.


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