Language Test 11A

11 Language Test

Student A

Vocabulary (20 marks)

1 Complete the sentences with the words


headache cut sore throat earache

nosebleed temperature sprained

0 My head hurts. I've got a headache.

1 I feel very hot. I've got a .

2 Squeeze your nose if you've got a .

3 Karina: I fell off my bike and my ankle really hurts.

Jack: Maybe you've it.

4 I can't talk much, I've got a .

5 I've just my finger on this glass.

6 My ear hurts. I've got .

6 marks

2 Complete with the correct verb.

0 make breakfast

1 the ironing

2 the dishwasher

3 the bed

4 your bedroom

5 the car

6 the cooking

7 dinner

7 marks

3 Look at the pictures and complete the text

with the correct form of the verbs.

0 1 2

3 4

5 6 7

On Saturdays I usually 0 make breakfast for my

mum and dad. I always 1 and

2 . I don't like 3

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but I like 4 . Dad usually

5 on Saturday afternoon and I

always 6 . My sister

7 - and then we can all relax!

7 marks

Grammar (20 marks)

4 Use the prompts to give advice using

should or shouldn't.

0 Jean: Max has got a headache. - listen to loud


Carlo: He shouldn't listen to loud music.

1 Jenny: Mrs Green has fainted! - open / window

Mr Jones:

2 Gary: I've got toothache. - eat / sweets or ice



3 Fiona: Diana has cut her finger. - clean / with


Mrs Davis:

4 Frank: My brother's got a cold. - go out


5 Ruth: I think I've sprained my ankle. - go / jogging


5 marks

5 Greg is talking to his grandma. Complete

the dialogue using prompts and the present

simple or the past simple of have to.

Greg: Grandma, what time 0 did you have to

get up (you / get up) when you were


Grandma: I 1 (get up) at six o'clock

every morning to make breakfast for my

brothers and sisters. We lived on a farm

and didn't have a car so we

2 (walk) three miles to get

to school.

Greg: I'm lucky. I 3 (not / get up)

until eight o'clock and I

4 (not / walk) to school

because my mum drives me there. What

else 5 (you / do)?0x08 graphic
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Grandma: After school I 6 (help) my

mum and dad on the farm. I

7 (do) a lot of cleaning but

I8 (not / do) the cooking

- my mum was a great cook. We didn't

have a washing machine so we

9 (do) the washing, too!

Greg: We 10 (not /do) the washing

or the washing-up because we have the

machines to do it! We're very lucky!

Grandma: Yes, you are!

10 marks

6 Order the words to make sentences and

choose the correct reflexive pronoun.

0 trying she's teach to Chinese

(himself / herself)

She's trying to teach herself Chinese.

1 didn't Scotland they enjoy in

(themselves / ourselves)

2 drinks thirsty if to you're help

(yourselves / myself)

3 snack we a made after match the

(himself / ourselves)

4 turns off this television

(itself / herself)

5 when he fell off hurt his skateboard he

(herself / himself)

5 marks

Communication (20 marks)

7 Match the sentences (1-8) with the correct

responses (a-i).

0 When somebody faints d

1 Maybe you shouldn't go to school today.

2 When you've got earache

3 I feel really sick!

4 Lara, you look very hot.

5 Did you make yourself a sandwich?

6 Shall we go to the Greenday concert?

7 Did you enjoy yourselves in Paris?

8 If you've got toothache

a you shouldn't go swimming.

b I know. I've got a temperature.

c you should go to the dentist.

d you should open the windows.

e No! The tickets cost a bomb.

f Don't worry. I'll be fine.

g Yes, we did.

h Yes, I did.

i Poor you!

8 marks

8 Complete the dialogues with the sentences


Are you OK?

I'll be fine.

Do you want a painkiller?

I think you should go home.

I've got a stomachache.

Yes, you're right.

What's the matter?

Brian: You look tired. 0 Are you OK?

Mary: I've got a terrible headache.

Brian: Oh dear! 1

Mary: Yes, please.

Brian: 2

Mary: No, don't worry. 3

Richard: 4

Natalie: I've eaten too much chocolate and now


Richard: Poor you! You should go to bed!

Natalie: 6

12 marks

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