future simple or going to

Put the verb in the correct form:

1. Mark is coming back on Wednesday. - - -I will take him from the airport!/I took him from the airport./I will have taken him from the airport.

2. I'm so hungry. - - -I went to McDonald's./I have gone to McDonald's./I think I will go to McDonald's

3. Josh is sad because he is sick. - - -I would have cheered him up./I will cheer him up./I cherred him up.

4. Today's Sarah's birthday. - - -We called her./We are going to call her./We won't call her.

5. Judy has passed her entrance exam. - - -I congratulated on her./I am congratulating on her./I will congratulate her tomorrow.

6. Look at those clouds. - - -It's going to rain./It rained heavily/.I will have rained.

7. The kitchen is very dirty. - - -I was going to clean it/.I am going to clean it./I cleaned it yesterday.

8. We are running out of food. - - -I was doing shopping/.I did shopping/.I will do shopping today.

9. What are your plans for the weekend? - - -I slept all days./I'm going to sleep all days./I was sleeping all days.

10. Birds are flying away. - - -Winter is going to be here soon./Winter was here./Winter has been here.

11. This is too hard for me to learn it. - - -I will fail the test./I failed the test./I will be failing the test

12. My mum is dizzy. - - -I gave her a pill./I will give her a pill./I was going to give her a pill.

13. It's too loud in here. - - -I turned the music down./I would turn the music down./I will turn the music down.

14. Why are you crying? - - -I said bye to my friend./I will say bye to my friend in a minute./I was saying bye to my friend

15. Why is he cleaning his bike? - - -He is going to ride it./He rode it last week/.He is riding it.

16. Mum,these trousers are too long for me. - - -I shortened them./I would shorten them./I will shorten them soon.

17. Dad,why are you buying a tent? - - -We went camping./We are going to go camping./We will have gone camping.

18. Why have you bought this paint? - - -I'm going to paint my room./I was going to paint my room./I would paint my room.

19. This cup of coffee is awful. - - -I prepared it last night./I am preparing it./I will prepare a new one.

20. This dress is too tight for you to wear it. - - -I lost weight./I'm going to lose weight./I have lost weight.

Put the verb in the correct form:

1. I'm too sleepy to read this article. - - -I will read it tomorrow./I read it yesterday./I was reading it.

2. It's too hot in here. - - -I opened the window./I would open the window./I will open the window.

3. Why are they practising these songs? - - -They took part in a competition./They are going to take part in a competition./They used to take part in a competition.

4. Tom has just graduated from university. - - -We will organise a party for him./We organised a party last week./We wouldn't organise a party for him.

5. Debra has just been robbed. - - -She went to the police station./She isn't going to the police station/.She will go to the police station in 5 minutes.

6. What are you going to do tomorrow? - - -I visited the museum./I'm going to visit the museum./I would visit the museum.

7. She is a good tennis player. - - -I'm sure she will win the next match./She would win the next match/.She will have won the next match.

8. Get on the bus now! - - -The driver left a minute ago./The driver will have left./The driver is going to leave in a minute.

9. Is there anything to eat? - - -I made something last week/.I will make you something./I was going to make something.

10. How about going out tonight? - - -I had to check my students' tests./I would check my students's tests./I'm afraid I will have to check my students' tests.

11. Paul paints beautiful pictures. - - -I expect he will become a painter./I expect he became a painter./He was going to become a painter

12. Look out! - - -You are falling./You are going to fall./You fell a minute ago.

13. It's cold. - - -I turned the heating on yesterday./I am turning the heating on./I will turn the heating on.

14. Be careful. - - -You are going to drop that./You dropped it a minute ago./You have already dropped it.

15. It's raining today. - - -I will stay at home./I stayed at home yesterday./I will have stayed at home.

16. We have run out of butter. - - -I know - I bought some last week./I know - I am going to buy some today./I know - I have already bought some.

17. Watch out! - - -You slipped on a banana skin./You will slip on a banana skin./You are going to slip on a banana skin.

18. What will you give me for my birthday? - - -I will buy you a new computer./I would buy you a new computer./I will have bought you a new computer

19. Get the bags,Jack. - - -OK - and I took the keys./OK - and I will take the keys./OK - and I was taking the keys.

20. Sa has got a mobile phone in his hand. - - -He was phoning his parents./He phoned his parents./He is going to phone his parents.

'Will' or 'be going to'? Put the verb into the correct form.

1. Do you think that the biology test ................................................BE very difficult?

2. Be careful! You....................................................... FALL down from the stairs!

3. I know that Mark is ill and I ......................................... VISIT him tomorrow morning.

4. John is not here I'm afraid. Ok then. I ...............................................CALL him later.

5. I've noticed that she was angry at me so I ....................................... TALK to her soon.

6. Oh, you're sick. I ............................................GO to the pharmacy and get you some medicines.

7. Be quiet or you ..............................................WAKE everyone up!

8. She is fed up with her old car and she ................................ SELL it soon.

9. I think Jane ........................................... NOT/SPEAK to him any more after what he did.

10. Have you chosen a place for your holiday yet? Yes, we .......................................... GO to Greece this year.

11. She knows he phoned her again but she ..........................................NOT/PHONE him back.


12. Let's go to the restaurant. We .....................................................................PAY for you.

13. He doesn't know how to use that tool. He ...................................HURT himself.

14. I need some help with English. I ..............................HELP you because I'm good at it.

15. .................................................... EAT that apple? Can I have it?

16. Why did she hoover the whole flat? .......................................... HAVE guests tonight?

17. I've read all my books so I .....................................BUY some new ones next month.

18. Mike .....................................PROBABLY/ARRIVE in Poland tomorrow night.

19. That window is too high. She ................................................ NOT/REACH it. ................................ GIVE her a hand, please?

20. What about your new job offer? Oh, I've made a decision. I ...................................NOT/TAKE it.


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