future simple or future continous

Underline the correct form (Future Simple vs. Future Continuous)

1. My neighbours - - -will have/will be having a barbecue party at 6pm.

2. Me and my mum - - -will go/will be going to Venice next summer.

3. There is a great show on TV tomorrow between 5-7 pm. Don't disturb me, I - - -will be watching/will watch it then.

4. My dear, you - - -will be meeting/will meet a great man on your way.

5. Uncle Dave thinks he - - -will be getting/will get the job soon.

6. Miranda - - -will be seeing/will see the doctor tonight, so she - - -will take/will be taking the prescription for you.

7. Josh - - -will be marrying/will marry me as soon as he gets a divorce

8. Oh, I can't find my pen. No problem, I - - -will give/will be giving you mine.

9. Don't worry, my grandparents - - -will be looking/will look after our children when we are away from home.

10. Any plans for tomorrow evening? I think I - - -will be listening/will listen to the concert of my favourite group.

11. Dad thinks it - - -will be raining/will rain today.

12. This time next month Gabrielle - - -will be playing/will play squash.

13. Remember, tomorrow at noon I - - -will sit/will be sitting an examination.

14. Our children - - -will enjoy/will be enjoying holidays.

15. Danny - - -will write/will be writing a sales report on Friday evening.

16. I've run 10 kilometers. I'm so sweaty. I - - -will take/will be taking a shower.

17. Waiter, this spoon is dirty. Oh, I'm sorry, I - - -will be bringing/will bring you a new one.

18. How do you like this chocolate? Hmmm, it's very tasty. I think I - - -will buy/will be buying a few bars.

19. The weather forecast: Today between 8 am and 2 pm it - - -will rain/will be raining heavily.

20. Tomorrow at 6 am my husband - - -will be shaving/will shave in the bathroom.

Underline the correct form (Future Simple vs. Future Continuous)

1. Amanda is going on holiday to Croatia tomorrow. She - - -will be sunbathing/will sunbathe all days long.

2. I'm afraid I - - -won't be finishing/won't finish this essay tomorrow.

3. Stella's boss - - -will be presenting/will present new ideas at the conference tomorrow at 3 pm.

4. My parents - - -will probably stay/will probably be staying in this hotel.

5. This - - -will be showing/will show how much you love her.

6. Some lawyers - - -will come/will be coming to our company on Monday morning.

7. This time on Friday I - - -will be giving/will give a lecture at university.

8. Monica - - -will go/will be going to the hairdresser's next weekend.

9. If you do it again, I - - -will be hitting/will hit you on your nose.

10. The farmers - - -will be picking/will pick up fruit everyday in August.

11. My wife - - -will organise/will be organising a charity ball all next week.

12. Samantha and her colleagues are preparing an advertising campaign. They are afraid it - - -will fail/will be failing.

13. Where are our kids? You check in the garden, and I - - -will check/will be checking in the house.

14. I'm too tired to continue working on this project. I - - -will be taking/will take a few days off.

15. I believe I - - -will find/will be finding the right answer to the question.

16. My umbrella is broken. No problem, I - - -will be lending/will lend you mine.

17. Don't disturb us tonight, please. We - - -will discuss/will be discussing some problems.

18. I promise I - - -will do/will be doing it as soon as I finish my tasks.

19. My sister hopes she - - -will be working/will work as a key account manager.

20. I can't meet on Saturday evening. I - - -will be making/will make a speech in London.


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