function of practice


Penny Ur, CUP


PRACTICE a rehersal in certain behaviours with the objective of consolidating learning and improving performance.

LEARNING A SKILL by a course of instruction, in a three- stage process:

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    VERBALIZATION = the bit of a skill to be learned is focussed on and defined in words as well as demonstrated. It corresponds to `presentation'.

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    AUTOMATIZATION = learner's performance of the target behaviour, monitored by the teacher, usually in exercises, until they get it right.

  1. AUTONOMY = learners take a set of behaviours mastered so far and begin to improve on their own through further practice, speeding up their performance, perceiving and creating new combinations.

Characteristics of a good practice activity:

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VALIDITY - the activity should activate learners primarily in the skill or material in purpose to practise.

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PRE- LEARNING - learners should have a good preliminary grasp of the language they are required to practise, though they may only be able to produce it or uderstand it slowly and after thought.

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VOLUME - the more language the learners engage with during the activity, the more practice in it they will get.

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SUCCESS- ORIENTATION - it's important to select, design and administer practice activities in such a way that learners are likely to succeed in doing it.

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HETEROGENITY - a good practice activity provides opportunity for useful practice to all, or most, of the different levels in class.

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TEACHER ASSISTANCE - the main function of the teacher is to help students do an activity successfully.

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INTEREST - if interest isn't derived from the challenge of getting- the- answer- right, it has to be rooted in other aspects ( topic, info- gap, game- like fun, etc.).


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