Fallout Perks

Fallout Perks

Perk Effect Rank Level Requirement

Action Boy / Girl +1AP/Rank 2 12 Agi. 5

Adrenaline Rush +1Str when HP's drop below 50% 1 6 Str. 1-9

Alpha Male You are the dominant Male in your pack (Deathclaws and Dogs only) 1 12 Str/End/Agi 7

Animal Friend Your Character spends a lot of time with animals. They will not attack him unless threatened or attackt first 1 9 Int. 5 Outdoorsman 50%

Assassinate! You can deal x2.5 damage with first attack in combat as long as you were sneaking or surprising your enemy 1 9 Sneak 70%

Awareness Know Opponents HP's and weapons 1 3 Per. 5

Bend the Rules Next Time you get a Perk you can choose

from all the Perks wich are available for your race 1 16 Luck 6

Better Criticals +20% to Criticals Table 1 9 Per. 6, Luc. 6, Agi. 4

Bluff Master You can talk yourself out of a sticky situation when caught stealing 1 8 Cha 9

Bone Head You get a 50% chance to avoid a knockdown At rank2 your chance increases to 75% 2 7 Str. 7

Bonsai You have a small fruit tree growing out of your Head

(Only Ghouls) 1 12 Outdoorsman 50%, Science 40%

Bonus HtH Attacks AP cost of HtH attacks is reduces by 1 1 15 Agi. 6

Bonus HtH Damage +2 HtH damage per rank 3 3 Agi. 6, Str. 6

Bonus Move +2 Movement Points per rank 2 6 Agi. 5

Bonus Ranged Damage Ranged Weapon Damage +2 per rank 2 6 Agi. 6, Luc. 6

Bonus Rate of Fire Ranged Weapon attacks cost -1Ap 1 15 Agi. 7, Int. 6, Per. 6

Bracing Str. +2 for the purpose of firing large guns (only),

from a standing position 1 4 End. 5, Big Guns 60%

Break the Rules You can choose from all Perks next time 1 20 Luck 6

Brown Noser You get +1Cha when dealing with authority figures 2 2 Cha. 5, Int. 6

Brutish Hulk Maximum HP x2 (Deathclaws only) 2 8 Str. 7, End. 5

Cancerous Growth +2 to HealRate, you can regenerate broken limbs In 48h (only Ghouls) 1 6 Str. 1-6

Cautious Nature +3 Per. for random encountors 1 3 Per. 6

Cheater You have learned how to cheat in cards and other gambling games. +40% to gambling 1 6 Luc 7, Gambling 40%

Comprehension +50% to skill bonus from study 1 3 Int. 6

Crazy Bomber If your Char experiences a failure while using

explosives, the exposive will be reset or defused 1 9 Int. 6, Traps 60%

Cult of Personality Character is pre-disposed to be liked 1 12 Cha. 10

Deathclaws Roar You can roar in order to frighten your foes (Deathclaws only) 1 16 none

Death Sense +2 to Perc. While in darkness, +25% to detect enemies

using the sneak skill, penalties in darkness -50% (Deathclaw) 1 4 Int. 5

Defensive Mode You can take an “wait & ambush” action during combat. You do nothing but you can act any time later you want. 1 6 Per 6, Agi 7

Delayed Action You can transfer you APs into the next round of combat 1 18 Agi 9

Demolition Expert Explosives do 50% more damage and always explode on

Time 1 9 Traps 90%, Agi. 4

Die Hard +10%to all resistances if your HP drop below20% 1 2 End. 6, First Aid 40%

Divine Favour Anytime a roll fails you have the option to re-rolling but you MUST accept this result 1 12 Cha 8

Dodger +5 to AC 2 9 Agi. 6

Driver You get a 15% one time bonus to piloting 1 6 humans mutants & ghouls only

Driving City Style onetime +30% to pilot skill, all rolls made against Stats

are made at +2 1 9 Per. 6, Agi. 5

Perk Effect Rank Level Requirement

Drunken Master +20% unarmed when drunk 1 3 Unarmed 60%

Earlier Sequence +3 to sequence per rank 3 3 Per. 6

Educated +2 Skillpoints per rank gained each new level 3 6 Int. 6

Empathy Character will know how to approach NPCs 1 6 Per. 7, Int. 5

Explorer +20% Random encounter tables 1 9 none

Faster Healing +2 Healing Rate per rank 3 3 End. 6

Fast Weapon draw You add +6 to your sequence in first round of combat when using firearms. 1 6 Agi 7

Favourite Weapon You can choose a weapon to which you will have a 20% bonus when using it. 2 6 none

Fire At Will! Targeted shots cost you one action point less. 1 12 small guns or energy weapons 110%

Flexible you can change stance in half time (1AP) 1 4 Agi. 6

Flower Child -50% addiction to chems, also half the withdrawal 1 3 End. 5

Fortune Finder Random Encounters +20% cash 1 6 Luc. 8

Gain Attribute +1 to one Attribute, once for each Attribute 1 12 Att. 1-9

Gambler +20% to Gamble skill 1 6 Gambling 50%

Gecko Skinning You know how to skin a Gecko 1 0 none

Ghost +20% to Sneak skill at night or in darkness 1 6 Sneak 60%

Gunner +10% to hit when firing from a moving vehicle 1 3 Agi. 6 Small Guns 40%

Harmless +20% to Steal skill 1 6 Steal 50%

Healer +1d6+4 points of healing from First Aid and

Doctor skills per rank 2 3 Per. 7, Agi. 6, Int. 5, FirstAid 40%

Heave Ho! Str.+2/rank for Determining max. range in throwing only 3 6 none

Here and Now Go up a Level, one use only 1 9 none

Hide of Scars +15% to all resistances but fire (Deathclaws) 1 10 End. 6

Hit the Deck halves the damage from area attacks 1 4 Agi. 6

HtH Evade Only if unarmed, each unused AP=3AC instead of 1 1 12 Unarmed 75%

Innocent Appearance No one can expect you to do something bad, you just look so innocent. 1 15 Cha 9

John Woo You can fire two weapons at once 1 9 Agi. 9, Small Guns 100%

Kama Sutra Master You're the Don when you're in the sack. 1 3 End. 5, Agi. 5

Karma Beacon Your Karma ran over someone's Dogma. Karma is doubled for the purposes of reaction 1 9 Cha 6

Lead Foot +25% speed when driving 1 3 Per/Agi. 6, Piloting 60%

Leader +1 Agi, +5 Armor for every Squad Member within 10 Hexes, 1 4 Cha. 6

Liar You can lie someone direct in face without him noticing 3 12 Cha6, Luc 6, Speech 50%

Lifegiver +4 HP's per rank with every Level you ascend 7 3 none

Light Step +10% to saving throws against setting off traps 2 12 End. 4

Lip Reading You can read out someone's lips 3 9 Int 7, Per 6

Living Anatomy +10 Doctor skill, 1d6+5 damage against living things 1 9 Agi. 5, Luc. 5

Loner +10% to all rolls when on your own (10 Hexes away) 1 4 Cha. 1-4, Outdoorsman 40%

Master Thief +15% to Lockpick and Steal skills 1 12 Lockpick 50%, Steal 50%

Master Trader +30% to Barter skill 1 9 Cha. 7, Barter 60%

Perk Effect Rank Level Requirement

Medic +10% Doctor and First Aid skills 1 12 First Aid 40% OR Doctor 40%

Mental Block for determinig range in combat and finding Traps ONLY

your characters perception is raised by one 1 15 none

More Criticals +5 per rank to critical hit chance 3 6 Luc. 6, Lvl. 6

Mr. or Ms. Fixit +10% to Repair and Science skills 1 12 Repair 40%, Science 40%

Mutate! Swap one existing trait for another 1 9 none

Mysterious Stranger Your Character gains an ally for random encounters 1 9 Luc 4

Negotiator +10% Barter and Speech skills 1 6 Barter 50%, Speech 50%

Night Vision -1 Lvl. To lighting modifiers 1 3 Per. 6

Pack Rat +25lbs to your carry weight per rank 3 6 none

Pathfinder -25% travel times per rank 2 6 End. 6, Outdoorsman 60%

Pickpocket Negative modofiers applied to facing and size do not apply 1 15 Agi. 6, Steal 80%

Presence You gain a +1 bonus to your Charisma for reaction rolls for each rank of this perk 3 6 Cha 6

Psychotic Effects of Psycho are doubled, withdrawal halved 1 8 End. 5

Pyromaniac +5 damage with fire based attacks 1 9 Big Guns 75%

Quick Pockets Accessing the inventory costs 2AP 1 3 Agi. 5

Quick Recovery Getting up after being knockt down costs 1AP 1 6 Agi. 5

Race Driver Your travelling speed with a car is increased by 20% 1 6 Piloting 75%

Rad Child you gain +5 healing rate from radiation when in an

Area with 10 rads or more (Ghouls only) 1 3 End. 6

Rad Resistence Increase Rad Resistence +15% per level 2 6 End. 6, Int. 4

Ranger +15% to Ranger skills, special encounters more common 1 6 Per. 6

Road Warrior no penalties whe shooting with small guns and

driving at the same time 1 12 Int. 6, Piloting 60%

Salesman +20% to Barter skill 1 6 Barter 50%

Scout +10% to Random Encounters 1 3 Per. 7

Scrounger you find double the ammo you normally would 1 9 Luck 8

Sharpshooter +2 to Per. for purposes of range only 1 9 Per. 7, Int. 6

Silent Death Backstabs while sneaking with HtH or MeleeWpns Dmg x2 1 18 Agi. 10, Sneak 80%, Unarmed

Silent Running Can sneak while running 1 6 Agi. 6, Sneak 50%

Slayer HtH or Melee automatic critical damage on a

successful Luck roll 1 24 Agi. 8, Str. 8, Unarmed 80%

Smooth Talker +10% to Speech skill per rank 3 3 Int. 4

Snakeater +25% to Poison Resistance per rank 2 6 End. 3

Sniper Automatic critical hit on a successful Luc roll 1 24 Agi. 8, Str. 8, Small Guns 80%

Speaker +15% to Speech skill 1 9 Speech 50%

Stat! -2AP for Doctor and First Aid Skill per rank 2 3 Agi. 6,FirstAid75%, Doctor50%

Steady Arm -1AP for bursts while standing (supermutants) 1 4 Str. 6

Stonewall +50% chance to resist knockdown 1 3 Str. 6

Strike to Stun You can strike the enemy in order to stun and not to kill him 1 9 Str. 6, Unarmed 75%

Strong Back +50lbs to your carry weight per rank 3 3 Str. 6, End. 6

Stunt Man -25% Dmg from falling or meing blown over by

explosives, +10% to piloting 1 6 Str./End./Agi. 6

Perk Effect Rank Level Requirement

Survivalist Adds 15% to Outdoorsman skill 1 3 End.6, Int.6,Outdoorsman40%

Swift Learner +5% XP per rank whenever earned 3 3 Int. 4

Tag! Add another Tag Skill 1 12 none

Talon of Fear All unarmed attacks poison your opponents (Typ B) 1 12 Str. 6, Unarmed 60%

Team Player +10% to all rolls when all Team Members are within

10 Hexes 1 3 Cha. 4

Thief +10 to Lockpick, Steal and Traps 1 3 none

Tough Hide +15 to AC +10 to all resistances (Mutants) 1 12 End. 1-7

Toughness +10% to Damage Resistance per rank 3 3 End. 6, Luc. 6

Tunnel Rat You`re able to move at walking speed while prone 1 8 Agi. 6

Way of the Fruit You gain +1 Per. for 24 hours after eating a fruit 1 6 Cha. 6

Weapon Handling +3 Str. for weapon handling only 1 12 Agi.5


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