Memoirs of an Au Pair

Memoirs of an Au Pair


The sound of the plane roared in her ears. She tried to shut it out, but the situation kept overwhelming her. Games, movies, and the other entertainment Cross-Atlantic flights offer couldn't hold her attention for more than a few moments. “I'm really doing this” she kept thinking. Her thoughts were mixed, and she was unsure of what to do. The flight attendants smiled at her sympathetically, seeming to understand her plight. She was leaving home, for a place unknown.

Elizabeth Bennet was 23 years old. She had just finished University, studying a multitude of things, but finally finishing off with a degree in Psychology. She had always been a student of characters; she just had a document to prove that now. She had grown restless at her home in the states. She lived in one of the small states no one seemed to remember. Her family was a handful. Elizabeth's mother Francie hated the idea of Lizzy moving away. She was meant to get married close to home, to someone rich, and make lots of babies for Francie to spoil. Thomas, Lizzy's father, understood her desire to make a run for it. He was a sensible man, and knew that Elizabeth Bennet would never be happy until she explored the world to its fullest.

It was the final semester of her last year in University, when she decided to make the jump. She had looked at the idea before, but it didn't scream for her to do it, until her final semester. Lizzy had always believed Europe was the centre of intelligence, culture and true freedom - she couldn't wait to be a part of it. One evening, she enrolled in the majority of major au pair agencies, until she found a family. The Phillips in Paris, France had offered her a job starting in August. It was the perfect opportunity. The family consisted of six in total, Paul and Claire were the parents and the 4 children were: a 10 year old girl named Anicka, a 9 year old boy named Vincent and a set of 2 year old twins named Andre and Aaron. They had two household employees, an au pair and a nanny. Lizzy was to be the au pair, and help raise the two eldest Phillips children.

The plane touched down at Charles De Gaulle and Lizzy finally stepped forth onto the land that was now to be her home. The airport was full of people coming and going, and the rush was a bit frightening. She hadn't known what to expect, and it took all of her courage to walk forward and collect her luggage. She was doing this, and she was going to be brave.

“Miss, your passport please”, the man at the immigration counter stated without any sense of the nerves Lizzy was experiencing.

“Oh, yeah, here, hold on”, she said rummaging through her bag, and then handing the man her passport.

“So, you're going to be an au pair? Good luck with that!” he said laughing while stamping her passport. Handing it back, he waved his hand as if to say, “You'll be home in no time”.

Lizzy walked through the final gates with her luggage in hand and waited for the woman who would be her employer, and housemate. The time seemed to drag on. It was only 6:45 am, and Claire said she would be there by 7:00; Lizzy was going to have to wait. Pulling up her luggage, she took a seat on her hard suitcase, watching for a familiar face. Having never met Claire, she wasn't exactly sure of what to expect from her new boss.

As time dragged on, all Lizzy could hear was the ticking of a clock in her head. The surrounding noise of the airport made it impossible to think, and the reality of it all finally began to settle in Lizzy's mind. It was 7:00, and Claire wasn't there. Was she coming? Lizzy began digging through her purse again trying to find her cell phone. She needed to call someone - but whom? She had forgotten to write down the number for Claire, and calling home would be a sign of giving in. Tick Tick Tick time was dragging on, and the people leaving the airport began to all have a familiar face. 7:15, still no Claire. Lizzy felt her heart beating faster. She was stranded in Paris, with nowhere to go, and no one to turn to.

“Lizzy, oh God, I'm so sorry!” a voice, sounding like it came from heaven broke Lizzy's silent fear.

“Claire? Hi! Oh, it's so good to see you!” Lizzy said, shaking her new boss' hand. Claire was a tall, thin woman of about 38. She had short brown hair and a smile that opened up her face in a way you wouldn't believe. She was dressed very professionally, in black trousers and a button up shirt.

“You didn't think I forgot you did you? Were you worried? I'm so sorry I'm late.”

“Oh no, absolutely not, I never thought you would forget me.” The blush that overcame Lizzy's face told of her fear, but Claire just hugged her.

“You poor thing, let's get you to your new home. The kids are so excited to see you!”

The drive was absolutely terrifying for Lizzy, European drivers are well known for being insane, but Parisian drivers seemed to be lunatics. In and out, and following as closely to the driver in front of them as possible. The day was rainy, and the roads were wet, and Lizzy could hear her heart beat each time Claire hit the brakes a little later than Lizzy was used to. The radio was on a news station, and the rambling in French reminded her that she wouldn't be hearing as much English as before. She was truly out of her element.

“So, how was your flight? Was it ok? I know Air France is sometimes a bit… well… different from American owned companies” Claire said while looking at Lizzy. Lizzy just wanted to scream “WATCH THE ROAD!”

“Oh yeah, it was fine, I really didn't have the attention span for any of the activities, but you know, it was still pretty good,” closing her eyes as Claire dodged through two lorries, “really, it was quite relaxing”.

“Well, I'm glad you're here. I would recommend not going to sleep today, I know it's early in the morning, or late at night, depending on which time zone you're on… Just, try to stay awake it'll keep your body on this time zone. It will help, I promise.” Claire smiled at Lizzy, and took a sharp turn off the Perephrique. “Well, we're almost there, are you ready?”

“Yeah, I think I am. I hope I am.” She sighed there really was no turning back now. This was Lizzy's new life.

Claire opened the gates and parked the car. There was no welcoming party for Lizzy, all of the children were asleep. Lizzy and Claire worked together and unloaded the car, and wheeled Lizzy's suitcases into the house. “Just leave them here and Paul will move them upstairs shortly.”

Lizzy was shown the house very quickly. Large and modern it seemed more like an American house than anything. There was a general theme of wood and metal, making the house look like a cross between the old and new worlds. There were no toys on the floor, and no real sign that children even lived in the house. Sophia, the nanny, was bustling about preparing breakfast for the children, and she stopped to say hello.

Sophia was a petite woman, about 5'2” and seemed to have an air of always being in a rush. She shuffled about the house in a hurried manner, never seeming to go anywhere but always going somewhere.

At this point, Paul came out from his room, a tall man who towered over everyone in the house, his smile made you feel comfortable. “You must be Lizzy, it's so great to have you here. How are you? Did you have a good flight? I really hope you'll like it here. I have to leave soon it's my day to teach swimming lessons.” Not stopping for any response, he continued walking out the hallway and into the kitchen to get breakfast. Lizzy was left in a haze as he left, not really knowing what to think of the man. She was completely unable to form any sort of opinion of the man after that first meeting.

After being shown to her room, Lizzy began unpacking. The task of making the space her own was more difficult than she thought it would be. Someone had just left this space not a week before, and now she was to make it her own. The room was a small one, no more than 10 ft by 10 ft. There were two levels to this room, a loft area, able to be reached by a ladder, that contained her bed, television, and bedside stand, and the lower area that was the living space. She had a desk, two book shelves, two chairs, and an armoire. She tried to fill the blank spaces, but she didn't bring enough books to fill much of the area, and her clothes were all contained in the armoire. The room, although small, seemed blank and empty.


The roar of the plane didn't seem to bother him. He had become used to moving around the world for work, and it had lost its glimmer many years before. He sighed, and leaned back into his chair. It was his luck to manage to get stuck in Economy. After years of flying with Air France, they overbooked this flight and he managed to get bumped back to the cheap seats. This would be the last time Fitzwilliam Darcy would fly with Air France. Fitzwilliam was a man of 30, tall and dark: he seemed to wander around the world with a scowl on his face, but in truth he was just tired of dealing with people who were only after his money.

Will, as his friends called him, was wealthier than most knew. He had inherited his father's company, land, and money when his father died 6 years before. His younger sister and he split the property in half, leaving them both over £6 million income each year. He had left the company to the care of the board of directors, and he in turn volunteered his time to an international law firm who dealt especially with human rights cases. He had gone to school before his father died to gain a degree. At the beginning he didn't care what he managed to get a degree in. That piece of paper would be a sense of accomplishment to him, and that was enough. By the end however, he had become enraptured with the delights of Psychology. Unable to leave his education after only obtaining a BA, he continued on to get his law degree in order to work with the people he wanted to study so much.

The law firm he volunteered for was sending him to Paris in order to work with some representatives for the UN. Will was far from being excited over this move. His nerves were non-existent so he could sit back and relax as the time went on. Next to him was a young woman of her early 20s, chin length brown hair, blue-green eyes and luscious lips. Will wondered if she could speak English, and if she could, would she speak to him.

“So, at least Air France has decent food, no need to starve on the flight” Will smiled at her, and she just continued tapping her fingers on the tray table in front of her, ignoring him. “Parlez-vous français?” With this she looked at him, shook her head and continued tapping. With a sigh, Will leaned back in his chair and decided maybe it was time to watch a movie.

Upon leaving the plane she smiled at him, and walked away towards customs. “Well, who would have thought it, I was snubbed by her, instead of the other way around” was the thought that went through Will's head as he collected his luggage.

Will, as any handsome and rich man, was unused to being ignored by women. He wasn't a very social individual, but when he made the effort people always paid attention. For years, the sisters and cousins of his friends all made attempts at gaining his favour. This slight by the young woman threw him for a loop, and he did not find it at all amusing, quite the contrary.

He went through immigration, without giving the agent a second look. As he walked through the final gates, he saw his name written on a piece of paper, and he walked towards the chauffer. The man grabbed his luggage, and without a hello, Will began his life in Paris. The driver wound his way around the city, weaving in and out of traffic in a way that Will had long gotten used to. Being raised in England, he knew the ins and outs of European driving. The Brits weren't much better than the French he thought to himself as the driver screeched to a halt in front of his apartment. He was living in the Premier Arrondissement. It was always amazing what the firm would do to keep him happy. They gave him drivers, and furnished apartments, and really anything he could have thought he needed.

As William took the elevator up to the 8th floor, he sighed and hoped this wouldn't be like the last place he lived - cold and impersonal, it was nearly impossible for him to feel at home in his place in New York. When he opened the door, he couldn't have been happier. Warm colours and luxurious carpet surrounded him, filling up his senses. The chocolate coloured leather sofa nearly filled the living room. The American-styled kitchen was a welcome addition. Knowing he would be able to cook without running into the walls made him relieved. His bedroom was small, but cosy; a massive four poster bed engulfed the room, a rich burgundy bedspread with giant pillows looked welcoming.

7:30 a.m., it was too early to be awake, but too late to go to sleep. The question was what to do at this time of day? Will wandered into his living room, pulled out his laptop and began surfing the web, in hopes of making the day fly by faster.

Chapter 1

She had finally started settling into her new life. One week completed, and her days had found their routine. Lizzy was beginning to feel at peace in her new life. She no longer felt like an intruder into the family, but now she was more of a giving member of the Phillips. Each morning she woke up to the sounds of children playing outside her window. The sound of children was her alarm clock, and she couldn't have figured a better way to wake up.

After waking, she would make her way into the bathroom to shower, and get cleaned up for the day ahead. Most of the time, she would eat a couple of pieces of toast and leave for the morning and early afternoon. Not having to work until 4 p.m. meant she had more free time than she knew what to do with. Two weeks after arriving in Paris, deciding that Trocadero was the place to spend the day. Packing a bottle of water, her cell-phone and notebook she made her way to her metro stop, Croix-de-Chavaux. Forty-five minutes later, she stepped off the train and wandered to the exit.

As she walked up the stairs, daylight flooded her senses. The shock of daylight disorienting her, she walked on not knowing where she was going. She walked into the valley between buildings and saw the Eiffel Tower standing proudly against the blue sky. Her heart skipping a beat, she walked towards the tower unable to remember she was in public. Finding a seat on the benches facing the structure she took a seat, jaw still opened slightly. It was at this moment she realised what had really happened.

She lived in Paris. This simple fact didn't sink in until that moment. Notre-Dame, Eiffel Tower, Le Louvre, and all of the rest were hers. She belonged to them just as much as they belonged to her. The beauty, the history, and the civilization all shocked and humbled her. She had fallen asleep an American girl visiting Paris and awoken a traveller.

As she was in her reverie, she saw a man who looked familiar. Tall, handsome, and dressed impeccably, she struggled to remember where she knew him from. She tried to shrug it off, but her heart told her she needed to talk to him.

“Excusez-moi monsieur, mais parlez-vous anglais?”

“Oui, je parle anglais,” was his response, but he didn't look at her.

“Well, I know this is cheesy, but do I know you from somewhere?” At this he turned and looked at her. Slowly looking her up and down, she felt insignificant and underdressed.

“No. You don't” completed the conversation, as he turned and left her standing there.

Lizzy shook off the snub and returned to her seat at the bench. She sat, contemplating how she had found herself in Paris until 3:00p.m., at which point she looked at her watch absolutely shocked to find it was nearly time to be back at the house. Racing for the metro, she weaved her way through the people and got on the train. At 3:45 she stepped off the train and ran back to the house as quickly as possible, throwing her bag down in her room, and making her way to the kitchen as quickly as possible.


Darcy had grown tired of sitting in his apartment waiting for things to happen to him. He had finally realised he lived in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and it was about time he started to enjoy it. He left his apartment, taking two steps at a time and found his way to Trocadero in order to see the Eiffel Tower in all its glory. Stepping out from the cab, he felt lost in the wave of tourists. Wandering to the front of the crowd he heard someone talking to him. He recognised the woman that was talking. She was the girl from the plane. The one woman who could so decidedly ignore his polite small talk.

Snubbing her much in the way she snubbed him, he turned and walked back to the taxi bank. His heart was drawn to the woman he left standing behind him, but he couldn't bring himself to turn around and talk to her.


She barely had time to prepare a quick snack for Vincent and say goodbye to Sophia before she had to run to the school to pick up the boy. He was waiting for her outside the building looking absolutely annoyed with having to wait all of 2 minutes for Lizzy to make it to the school. He sighed and grabbed the snack from her hand without so much as a thank you and continued to walk towards the park.

“Two haughty men in one day, goodness me if this isn't the new way of the world” Lizzy thought as she followed the young boy to the park.

“Lizzy, you, uh, was late” Vincent said in his broken English.

“Yes, Vincent, I was late, I'm sorry. I lost track of time, I wasn't very late though. How was your day at school?”

He looked her up and down again and shook his head. Once reaching the park, he threw his things down and ran to find his friends. Taking her book out of her purse,
Pride and Prejudice, and began reading. She never cared for Austen in school, but WHSmith had marked down the classics, and she needed some books to read. At 6:00, Lizzy could barely stop reading long enough to tell Vincent it was time to go home. He mumbled and looked angry but followed her while moping. Shuffling his feet the whole way home, it took longer than necessary to arrive at the gates to the house.

That evening went by quickly as she barely had time to prepare dinner before the family came home and sat down. As soon as dinner was over, she went to her room to rehash the day's events - and prepare for school the following day. In order to be an au pair, it was necessary to go to school and study French for 10 hours a week. She was going to attend France Langue, a language school in the heart of Paris that specializes in Au Pair classes. Lizzy hoped to meet new people and make friends.

The classes at France Langue began the next morning, and just as she had hoped, she made new acquaintances. The moment she met Jane she knew they would be inseparable. They began by discussing their families and lives before coming to France. Like Lizzy, Jane had left a Midwestern USA town for the Metropolitan Paris. Jane had gone to a liberal arts college, and gotten a degree in Art History. She was 25, a classic beauty with long blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure to die for. From the moment they met, they were confidants. They discussed their past dates, their past boyfriends, their hopes their dreams, everything. There was no subject that was taboo. They were as close to sisters as could be. Even within the first week of their friendship, they were closer than most would be after years. Unlike Lizzy, Jane had a tendency to see the best in everyone, denying the fact that some people just aren't worth one's time.

The problem with being an au pair is the lack of money that flows.
€400 a month does not go far, if it manages to go anywhere. Most au pairs find other work, either outside babysitting or some other under-the-table job. Many American au pairs find work with other expatriates. Lizzy and Jane found positions working for a Mrs. Gardiner - a wealthy woman from New York who liked to hire American girls to work for her as waitresses for her soirees. Mrs. Gardiner paid €100 a night for these girls to wander around the room with trays and socialise with her guests.

Mrs. Gardiner
was a good woman, she did not believe in class structure and felt that anyone that worked for her deserved an introduction to everyone at her parties. It was at a party of Mrs. Gardiner's that Lizzy was finally introduced to William. While she was walking through the crowd, William backed into her, upon turning around to apologise - William realised she was just a waitress and turned back to the individuals he was talking to without a second look at Lizzy.

Mrs. Gardiner felt the insult more than Lizzy, and tried to make amends. "Excuse me William, I would like to introduce you to a good friend of mine," began Mrs. Gardiner "This young lady you just bumped into is Miss Elizabeth Bennet, an American who just arrived in Paris. She recently graduated from the University of Kansas Elizabeth, this is Mr. William Darcy, a human rights lawyer here in Paris."

At this, Lizzy held out her hand and he shook it. That was the extent of the introduction. He apologised to Mrs. Gardiner and continued talking to those he already knew.


William hated soirees, no matter how hard he tried to get away from the silly things; he always managed to get wrangled into them. He had to keep up appearances for the firm's sake, and that is how he found himself at Mrs. Gardiner's party. He had met up with his friend Charles Bingley and Bingley's sister, Caroline. Charles and William had become friends in law school and continued their friendship throughout many trials.

The Bingley family was one of `new money'. His father had made a fortune on Microsoft stock in the early 90s, and when he died, he left it all to be split between Caroline and Charles. The money made it so if the Bingley children had no interest in working, they wouldn't have to. Charles chose to continue working as a lawyer. He did part time pro-bono work with the firm William worked for, but also worked as a corporate lawyer for the company William owned. Charles felt that he ought not to spend his father's fortune right away but save it to provide a better situation for his children - if he should ever have any. Caroline, on the other hand, sought to spend her fortune now and marry well to provide for her children. She saw no need in prudence now. Her belief was that she would one day marry William Darcy, and she would never have to worry about money again. She fawned over Darcy and believed him interested regardless of the little attention he gave her in return. This party was no exception.

William was fed up. Caroline kept leaning on him like he was her property. Charles was staring at one of the waitresses, a pretty blonde girl, and there was this nagging suspicion there was someone in the room he needed to know, but didn't. He just wanted to leave. As he was backing away from Caroline, yet again trying to get away from her clutches, he bumped into a waitress. Turning around, he saw the girl he'd managed to see all over Paris. This girl was beginning to find her way into his mind at any given time. He turned back around quickly, trying to avoid the embarrassment caused by his misstep. Unfortunately, Mrs. Gardiner saw all of this and tried to correct the slight.

He was thoroughly embarrassed: all he wanted to do was run. Like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs, he was looking for an exit. Caroline kept a tight grip on his arm not letting him make his escape. She kept blathering on about the rudeness of servants and how they had no right to be so clumsy.

“Now Caroline, don't be so rude. She's new to the city and probably quite nervous, give her a break.” Charles interjected, trying to stop his sister's tirade.

“Oh please Charles, she's probably just some American girl trying to get herself into our conversation,” her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard to William.

“Really Caroline, what does her being an American have to do with any of it?”

"She has a lack of respect for her place in society. Americans always think that societal boundaries are not for them. I wonder how many parties such as this she crashes in order to bring herself into a higher circle.” Caroline's voice kept getting louder, to the point where the whole room could hear her distasteful comments.

A laugh was heard from nearby, and William turned to see Lizzy walk away towards the blonde waitress. To him, her laughter sounded like meadowlarks singing. He wanted to be near her, but he had no idea how to do it now.


Lizzy had indeed heard Caroline's comments. She ran over to Jane and laughed with her at the outright silliness of it all.

“Now Lizzy, I don't want you being too upset about it all. It was very wrong for them to say it, but you should not have been eavesdropping.” Jane with all of her sensibilities was trying to make the situation right on all sides.

“Oh Jane, stop and enjoy the hilarity of it. I do not care if I have Mr. Hoity-Toity Darcy's good opinion. He obviously does not care if he has mine, so why should I worry? His friend, Charles Bingley is his name I believe, seems to look at you a lot Jane. I think you should go speak to him.” Lizzy attempted to move the conversation away from herself, and onto Jane.

“Oh Lizzy, he is quite good looking, should I go talk to him? Do you think I have a chance with him? I really want to get to know him better.”

“Of course you do! Go, now, talk to him!” With that, Jane gave a smile to Lizzy and wandered over towards Charles to introduce herself.

The introduction apparently went well, with Lizzy standing on the sidelines rooting for her friend, it was bound to turn into something interesting. However, she was unable to pay much attention to her beloved friend. William Darcy decided to come over and make his apologies at that moment.

“Elizabeth, hi, we just met.
I'm William Darcy. Uh, bello.” William barely managed to get through this statement.

“Yes, of course. You're also the man who was so rude to me at Trocadero the other day if I remember correctly. Tell me, do you make it a point to be rude to all of the females you meet, or do you save that honour especially for me?” Lizzy had grown tired of William's formal behaviour, and was more interested in Jane and Charles than anything.

“Oh, lord, I thought it was you, but I wasn't certain. Look, I'm sorry. Truth is we met on the plane. I was the guy sitting next to you. You were so rude to me on the plane I had no interest in talking to you.”

With this, Lizzy blushed. It was her turn to be embarrassed. “I, well, I. Well, I'm sorry. I was so nervous on the plane, I didn't. Well, I didn't… I'm not… Oh…”

“Not good at starting conversations?”

“No, I'm not really. Look Mister… Darcy? I need to get back to work. We Americans don't have time to climb the social ladder while we're working. Please excuse me.” With that, Lizzy left. She didn't know why she had to be so rude to the man. He was making an effort with her, she knew that. She had sensed his discomfort while talking to her, and she knew she shouldn't walk all over him. She could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she walked away. She needed something, but she didn't know what.

She couldn't see herself working the rest of the evening. Lizzy really needed to get out and enjoy the fresh air. She needed freedom. Walking around the room, she found Mrs. Gardiner.

“Mrs. Gardiner, I'm so sorry, I need to go. I'm not… Well, I'm not feeling well. Do you mind? Can I go home? Do you need me to stay?” Lizzy stuttered through, hoping she managed to get her point across.

“Oh Elizabeth, are you ok? Do you need a doctor? Of course you can go home, but maybe you should rest upstairs a bit first.” The look of solicitude on Mrs. Gardiner's face was enough to make her heart break.

“Oh, I'll be fine. I don't know what's wrong, but I'm just going to get the metro home and rest tonight. I'm sure I'll be fine in the morning. Are you sure you're ok with me leaving?”

“Of course, you go home and rest. Will you call me tomorrow and let me know you're ok?”

“Yes, I can do that. Would you please let Jane know I went home? I don't want her to worry.” Mrs. Gardiner nodded and Lizzy made a run for the exit.

Chapter 2

Her fingers skipped along the lines on his palm as if they were dancing along his skin. Every place she touched seemed to be alight; the heat of her soul warmed him with each feather light touch. Her fingertips traced down his chest, and his breath caught in his lungs unable to escape. He feared she would stop, and this would all come to an end. His heart started beating faster as her fingernails danced along his rib cage. He tried to move, but she shook her head no. “This is all for you. I don't want you to move. Just enjoy tonight.” She smiled at him and continued exploring his stomach. To an outsider, her touch would seem innocent - barely exploring his skin, lightly touching, not seeming to go anywhere. To him, it was heaven. Counting to ten forwards and backwards he tried to keep his mind away from her movements. It was more than her fingers touching. Their minds were connecting in a way he never thought possible. It was like their souls were making love with every touch upon his skin.

The telephone started ringing, waking William with a start. It was the morning after the dreadful soiree, and he couldn't figure out why this dream had worked its way into his mind. He couldn't see the woman's face in his dream, but he knew whoever she was she would be in his dreams more often now. When he woke up, he generally felt uneasy - another day starting where the possibility of being truly happy was slim. This morning however, he felt at peace. He felt like he was finally on the right path.

“William, hey, it's Charles, did I wake you?”

“Yes, actually, you did.”

“You're never up this late… what has gotten into you? Oh never mind, I have something important to tell you, and you'll never guess what it is.”

“Oh, I bet I can. You're in love. With that girl you met last night at the party.”

“I… well… how… wait? That was my line. Yes, I'm in love with Jane, my angel, my d[arling. She truly is the sweetest girl in the world.”

“Honestly Charles, with the number of times you've said that after sleeping with a girl, it's a wonder you still believe it yourself. You're not in love, it is called lust.”

“Cynic… That's what you are! You're a cynic! Honestly William, I am in love, and I didn't have sex with her. I didn't even get her number. That's why I'm calling you. I need to know how to contact her. Help me out here.”

“I have one name for you. After I give you this name Charles, I'm hanging up and going to take a shower. Do you understand? This is the only help I'm giving you to find this woman of your dreams. Maddie Gardiner. Just call her.” And with that, true to his word, William hung up the phone.

The water rushing down his face seemed to wake him from his reverie. Up until this point, the woman in his dream had taken a strong hold on his thoughts. He had to get a grip on things. Towelling himself off after the shower reminded him of the soft touches in his dream. It had felt more like reality than a simple dream. Looking in the mirror he told himself, “Honestly Fitzwilliam Darcy, wake up. This woman isn't real. You're not going to find her equivalent by sitting here daydreaming either. Wake up!”


Lizzy had awoken with a start the next morning. Her dreams had been random and unconnected. At one point she was dreaming about sword fighting, the next minute it was a scene that was definitely foreplay. Her mind was in a confused state, unsure of where to go and how to move forward. She had been beyond rude last night to William Darcy, and she didn't know why. She was never one for outright rudeness. Generally she found her way through life with the occasional witty jab that the other person wouldn't understand. With William she seemed to have lost her footing. Outside her room she could hear the children playing, and the phone ringing over the noise.

“Lizzy! Are you up? The phone is for you! It's Jane!” Claire was calling from downstairs.

“J'arrive!” she scrambled for her robe and out the door. She felt it necessary to speak to Jane.

“Lizzy! Where did you go last night? Are you ok? Mrs. Gardiner said you weren't feeling well, but you seemed ok when we spoke. What's wrong?” The tone of Jane's voice was a cross between worried and excited.

“I just needed to go home. I think I had worn myself out, that's all.” Lizzy didn't want to speak about why she felt worn out - she didn't want to speak of her interaction with William.

“Oh Lizzy, I have the best news for you. I have found a man I can imagine myself with a million years from now! I never thought it possible. I barely know him, but I feel so happy when he's around.”

“Let me guess, gorgeous friendly guy Charles Bingley took you home last night did he?”

“No! I'm not that kind of girl. You know, not all of us will go to bed with guys on the first night.”

“Jane, don't make me regret telling you my deepest darkest secrets. You have your own dirt too you know, don't make me bring that into this conversation.”

“If you mention anything about horseback riding Lizzy, I'm never speaking to you again.”

“That's what I thought.” Lizzy could hear Jane blushing through the phone and decided to continue on the previous line of conversation. “So, you're in love with Charles Bingley? Are you going to see him again? Did you get his number? What did you talk about?”

“That's the problem Lizzy! He forgot to get my number, and I was in such a trance while speaking to him I forgot to get it too. I have no idea if I'll ever see him again. Lizzy! I don't know what to do! I guess I could call Mrs. Gardiner, do you think she would know him? Or maybe you can call William you seemed to have a good conversation with him last night.”

“I do not want to speak about William Darcy, Jane, and I think calling the Gardiners would be your best option. You could also track down the firm he works for. Maybe you can find him that way?”

They talked a bit more, Lizzy trying to calm Jane down and Jane trying to figure out what exactly made Lizzy bolt the night before. Hanging up the phone, deciding it was time to take a shower, Lizzy started the hot water. The drops of water splashing her face and neck lifted the haze of confusion that had fallen on her the night before. She didn't want to like William Darcy, but it was out of her hands.


The day went by in a fog for William. Each time he saw Charles and the smile on his face, William was a bit disgusted. Charles had a tendency to fall for every girl he met, and this little waitress seemed to be no exception. Charles had found Jane's number, and he phoned her within minutes of getting it. Mrs. Gardiner was thrilled with Charles' interest and saw no reason to deprive Jane and Charles from a moment of happiness. In Mrs. Gardiner's eyes, love was a beautiful thing, and everyone should try it. In between grins from Charles and meetings with the partners, William's day was filled with thoughts of his dream. Who was the girl with the soft hands and rhythmic breathing, and where could he find her in reality?

He left work early unable to concentrate on anything important and unwilling to do so anyway. He wandered around on the Champs-Elysees briefly, wondering what he should do. He hailed a cab, and before he knew what he was doing, he had said “Trocadero”.

Stepping out of the cab he felt a surge of nerves he couldn't explain. His body led him up the marble steps, past the gilded statues and straight to the lookout point. The Eiffel Tower glittered in the sunlight. For the first time since arriving in Paris, he felt awestruck at the sight before him. He had really come to the City of Lights. He turned from the tower in hopes of gaining a bit of perspective. Upon doing so, he saw her. Lizzy was back at Trocadero.

She was looking out over the city, her eyes flickering over Les Invalides, the Eiffel Tower, and all of the other monuments. She didn't see him standing there staring at her.

“Lizzy, is that you?”

She started, her dream-state broken. “Hi.”

“How are you? You know, we seem destined to meet each other.”

“Yeah, I think we are. I'm fine, I think. I seem to feel a bit lost today actually. How are you?”

“I was lost as well, but suddenly everything seems ok.”

She blinked hard and turned to look at him. “Look William, I'm really sorry about last night. I'm not usually so rude. You were really trying to be nice to me. I don't know why I reacted so poorly.”

“Yes, you were rude. I'll give you that one. I could have acted better towards you myself. So, can we start over?”

“I'd like that. Hello, I'm Elizabeth Bennet.” She grabbed his hand and shook it, smiling warmly.

“Hello, I'm Fitzwilliam Darcy.” His hands felt cold against hers, but he vigorously shook her hand in return.

“Can I call you William? Fitzwilliam is a bit formal and scary. Not saying you have a scary name, it's just a bit much for you I think.” She blushed at her comments, feeling as if she must have embarrassed him.

“Only if I can call you Lizzy, Elizabeth is my grandmother's name, and I don't quite see you as my grandmother.”


He was nervous, more nervous than he had been in ages. He had stood up in front of Presidents, Prime Ministers, and rock stars, and he had never felt so nervous. Something about this young woman sent chills up his spine. While shaking her hand, he couldn't help but wonder if these hands were the ones from his dream. That thought of course making him more nervous. He wouldn't have been surprised if his hands were like ice.

“So Lizzy, would you like to go out for coffee or something? I feel like I owe you at the very least a nice mini cup of coffee. There's a great café right across the road.”

“That would be nice, but really you don't owe me anything. We just met.” With this Lizzy winked at him.

“Oh yes, I suppose we did.” He felt like laughing, albeit nervously, until the next day. “So, coffee it is then. Shall we?” Without thinking of it, he took her hand and led her across the marble courtyard. He felt her following, but he couldn't look back to see her. The feel of her hand in his made him recognise she was the girl in his dream.


His hands had begun to warm up in hers. Subconsciously her thumb traced little circles on the back of his hand as they walked. She normally would have never allowed someone to take her hand like that, but his hand felt at home in hers. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but she was beginning to like William Darcy.

They sat down at a table outside Café Indiana, too nervous to really talk about anything. The waiter came up and William ordered two cafés and a bottle of Pellegrino to split between them.

“So, do you have any family here? Or are you all alone in the big city? And where are you from? The accent is British, but where in England?” She asked her questions in rapid succession.

“I have one sister, Georgiana. My parents are both gone. My mother when I was 10 and my father just 5 years ago. Georgiana was 13 when that happened. We're from Derby, but Georgiana and I spent most of our time travelling the world. Up until recently she travelled with me. She always had tutors in whatever subject she wanted. She's now gone on to University. She chose Oxford, having gone to Cambridge myself I felt a little betrayed.” His smile as he spoke of his sister told Lizzy how much he really cared for his little sister. “And you, have you left your family behind to discover the wilds of Europe, or are they hiding somewhere in the city themselves?”

“Oh, well. I left them behind. I miss my father, but my mother not so much. She's a good woman and means well, but she seems more concerned about getting me married off than anything. She was very dissatisfied about me coming to France. How is she meant to spoil her grandchildren if I have them on a different continent? I didn't want to tell her that while here I'd be raising other people's children, not my own. I have no siblings, just friends that are like sisters. My mother calls on a regular basis to see if I have found any `decent catches' as she likes to term them.”

“You know, that's one thing I missed with my mother - the constant set ups. I don't know if she would have done it anyway. It wasn't quite her thing. She was more of `keep my babies at home safe with me' type mother than the `get them married so I can have grandchildren'. It's probably a good thing. My mother would have been very dissatisfied with me otherwise - 30 and not married let alone no children, disgraceful.” At this, Lizzy reached out and held his hand across the table.

“I'm so sorry you didn't get more time with them. It's unfair that I don't appreciate my mother, and you don't have yours.”

“Oh come now let's talk about something a little happier. We can't have our first date, I mean our first meeting, so down and depressing.”

“Is that what this is, a meeting?” She bit her lip and hesitated, “I kind of like the idea of it being our first date.”



“I kind of like that idea as well.”


He felt as if his heart stopped beating. She wanted this to be a date? How could something that had gone so disastrously wrong the first time go so right this time. If William had believed in fate, he would have thought that it had a role in this big meet up. The stars were aligned and all of that.

“So, William, what are you doing in Paris? I mean, besides meeting young Americans by the Eiffel Tower?”

“I work for a law firm here. I do pro bono work for human rights cases. Paris is a good place to do work all over Europe. Geneva is not far away, nor are the places where most of the atrocities are occurring today.”

“Goodness and how do you like it? Is it exciting for you? And how do you afford to live on a pro-bono salary, especially in Paris?”

“Let's just say I don't need to worry about those things.”

“So, are you going to tell me about your favourite sites in Paris or am I going to have to bore you with mine?”

He had never felt this way about anyone before. Many women had tried to make him care about them, and none of them had succeeded. The first woman that didn't try to gain his interest was the first one likely to do so. She was beautiful, funny, lively, and interesting. He enjoyed each second spent with her, and she seemed to enjoy his company too. She did not seem to care that he was rich - she had proved that by being so rude to him at Mrs. Gardiner's party and again by completely ignoring the fact he didn't need to concern himself with money.

He watched her green eyes sparkle as she spoke of her favourite sites in Paris. Her fingers nervously pushed her dark brown hair behind her ear each time she got to a pause. He was so busy watching her movements that he didn't realise she had asked him a question.

“Oh. What? I'm sorry.”

“Am I that boring?”

“Not at all, you actually put me into a trance if you must know. The way your eyes sparkle when you talk about things that excite you is magnificent.”

He watched her as she blushed - amazed to see her discomfort as she had been all poise before. “Thank you, but William, my question was important. What's your phone number? I need to know, as I have to go to work now.”

Writing it down on a Café Indiana napkin he handed her his number. He reached into his jacket pocket to get his wallet, but before he could bring out money she had laid down the bills needed. “No, Lizzy, take it back. I insist this is on me.”

“No, it's on me. I won't have it any other way.” She put her bag on her shoulder and kissed his cheek as she ran across to the metro.

He was completely flabbergasted. He had never had a woman pay for anything. Not knowing how to react he got his things together to leave. As he stood up his mobile rang in his pocket.

“William Darcy, Hello.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for a wonderful time. And now you have my phone number. Call me if you ever want to get together again.” She hung up before letting him respond.


Butterflies seemed to enter into her stomach as she ran down the metro steps. Realizing she had forgotten to give him her number, she stopped at the bottom of the stairs. “I could just go and give it to him, but that would make my dramatic departure seem a bit less dramatic, or I could just phone him…” She pulled out her mobile phone and dialled his number. She entered the metro car as she hung up. Sitting down with a thud, she couldn't believe her day.

Chapter 3

Jane was unused to taking the first step with guys. Because she was attractive, guys swarmed to her, and she never needed to make the phone call or ask for a number. This time was different. Charles Bingley attracted her unlike any man before him. She could tell he didn't talk to her just because she was beautiful; he talked to her because he was really interested. When Lizzy told her to call Mrs. Gardiner for his number, her nerves were at their weakest. She was unsure whether or not she could manage dialling the phone to reach the woman.


“Hello, Maddie Gardiner? This is Jane Brenner, one of the waitresses from last night?”

“Of course Jane, how are you? Have you spoken to Lizzy? How is she feeling?”

“Oh, Lizzy's fine. I would imagine she was in need of some rest, that's all. She works too much.”

“Well, I'm sure you weren't calling me about Lizzy. I do want to know why you phoned, but first I have something to tell you. Charles Bingley phoned me just a few minutes ago. Do you want to know what he wanted? Oh of course you do. He wanted your phone number. Now I hope you don't mind, but I gave it to him. He's such a good hearted young man I couldn't refuse him. If you don't want to see him, I'm sure he'd understand…”

“Uh, well. Yes, thanks Mrs. Gardiner. I had best be going now. Bye!” Without waiting for a response, Jane Brenner hung up the phone. She didn't want any busy signal to come in between her and Charles Bingley.


Charles had hung up the phone with Mrs. Gardiner and wondered when he should phone Jane. Propriety demanded at least 2 days before phoning her. Two days was a terribly long time, and he didn't know if he could make it. He was unsure if the two days counted the day after or not, as they had technically spent time together over two days. Pacing his living room he couldn't help but think that things must have been easier in the old days.

Deciding at last, he picked up the phone and dialled her number. One ring, two rings, three rings…

“Allo.” An older man answered the phone, making Charles nervous. He hadn't used any of his French since his A level exam, which he failed.

“Allo, s'il vous plaît Jane Brenner, elle est la?”


“Jane Brenner”

And with that, the man hung up the phone leaving Charles feeling thunder struck.


Jane waited around for half an hour hoping Charles would phone at any minute. She couldn't remember what exactly the two day rule was. A guy she dated briefly in college had explained it to her. It made sense at the time, but now that its application was necessary, she was unsure if she could actually recall it in any detail.

She paced her room once or twice, wondering what she should do. Finally resolving on going about her day like nothing had happened, she got dressed and got ready to go out. She was picking up her purse from near the door when she heard her mobile ringing. After rummaging through her purse she answered.

“Oui, Allo?”

“Allo, s'il vous plait Jane Brenner, elle est la?”

“Oui, Je m'appelle Jane Brenner.”

“Oh thank heavens. I was beginning to think I'd never find you.”

“Yes, well, who is this?”

“Oh, yes, well, this is Charles Bingley, we met at the party last night or this morning depending on how you look at things. It really is all very confusing, I wasn't sure if I should phone you or not.”

Jane could hear the nervousness in Charles' voice and she tried not to laugh. “Hi Charles, how are you? Did you sleep well?”

“Yes well, no not really. I was up most of the night thinking of a way to contact you.”

“And in the end, you decided to call Mrs. Gardiner”

“I… how did you know that?”

“I um, well I called Mrs. Gardiner to get your number. She beat me to the punch, however, and told me you had already gotten mine. I didn't think it necessary for me to get your number if you would be calling me.”

“I guess it's true what they say; great minds DO think a like.”

“It would appear so.”

“Well, here's the important question.” The nervousness came back into his voice as he spoke, “Would you want to go out for coffee sometime?”

“You know, I would love to.”

Their conversation wasn't long, as Bingley and Jane were both bundles of nerves. They decided upon meeting for coffee in an hour, near the Opera at Bastille. This had a decided benefit for both as they both lived in the 12eme arrondissement.

She left early, not wanting to be late. She arrived at Café Bastille with 20 minutes to spare. Sighing, she took a seat at a table outside overlooking the Opera house. Taking out her book and trying to read seemed useless.


Charles was pacing down the block from Café Bastille. He was twenty five minutes early and afraid of looking too eager. He didn't want to show up at the café and wait for her as he didn't want to look like a sad guy who couldn't get dates. On the other hand, he wanted to be there as early as possible in case she happened to be just a few minutes early. All he truly wanted was to spend as much time with Jane as possible. As he slowly walked down the road he continued debating in his head about what to do. It couldn't possibly hurt to be twenty minutes early. Anyway if she showed up, he would pretend he just got there a moment earlier. It really couldn't matter much.

As Charles walked up to the café, he saw Jane sitting at a table tapping her fingers nervously. Realising he worried for nothing, he went to join her.

“Jane, how long have you been waiting?”

“Not long, I just sat down. You're rather early.”

“So are you. I guess we're both eager to see each other.” With that, Jane blushed and there was a silence that filled a few seconds. “So, um, how long have you been in Paris? What do you do here?”

“Oh, well I've only been in Paris a month. My friend Lizzy and I are au pairs. We just started doing some serving at Mrs. Gardiner's parties. And you, how long have you been in Paris?”

“I've been here a month as well. I'm doing boring stuff though. I was hoping that I would find some interesting cases here in Paris, but apparently not. They've been sticking me on pro bono duty. Once a week I sit at City Hall and talk to people about their problems and what they can do. I'm supposed to be working for human rights, but I tend to be working for human wrongs.” Her interest in him kept him going. She had a smile that lit up her face. He had trouble stopping himself from saying what was going through his mind - she's an angel.

“Do you only work one day a week?”

“Well, no. I work during the mornings most of the week. Generally though, I spend those mornings doing work for my friend William's company. You've met him haven't you?”

“Yes, I have to say I have met him. He didn't make a good impression on my friend that's for sure, but he seems a rather nice guy.”

“Oh, he's very nice. He is a very good guy. He has been down a lot recently, and that is probably a reason for his severity recently.”

“Is there a reason why he's been so down?”

“I'm sure there is, but he's very private in that sense. Anyway, I think that's enough about someone that has absolutely nothing to do with us.”

“I agree. So would you like to order coffee now?”

“I would love to.” Charles said with a blush, turning his eyes away from Jane he raised his hand in the air, like a school child, and called for the waiter. “Uh, Mon-shure, Jay prendray…”

Jane interrupted, “Monseiur, deux cafés s'il vous plaît?”


She felt ridiculous for having to interrupt him. After her interruption he kept fidgeting, his knees touching hers under the table. His fingers, nervously tapping on the table, were nearly driving her to distraction. Reaching across the table she took his hand in hers and gently caressed it.

“Sorry for ordering like that, I thought it would make you more comfortable. You seem really nervous. I didn't mean to imply you couldn't do it.”

“Oh no,” his tension finally easing a little, “I didn't think that you thought, I mean. I don't know. Thank you for stopping me. I really should take the time to learn French.”

“Or, you could order in English. That's what the rest of us do.”

“Why did you come to Paris?”

“Oh, the usual, I wanted to get away from family and wanted to experience a different culture. Considering my history in education, I knew Paris would be a good city for me. I love the fact that you can see artists and business men mingling together. It seems so, oh what's the word, sublime almost. I'm a giddy school girl every time I think to myself - I'm in Paris!”

Charles smiled at her as she showed her excitement. “I wish I could be as excited over living in Paris as you are. I suppose that has something to do with our positions. I have to do boring dull things while you get to experience whatever it is you wish to.”

“Oh I don't know. I really don't get to experience whatever I could wish to. I work a lot, and, when I'm not working, I'm exhausted. I'm basically a replacement mother.”

“I guess I hadn't thought of au pairing in that light You are a replacement mother.”

“Anyway, how long will you be in Paris? Is it a short or long stay?”

“Definitely a long stay. I hope to stay here for many months. Especially now.”

Jane blushed as she looked down, examining her hands in her lap. “I'm only staying for a year. I think after that, I would like to get started on my life. Its like being in Paris is only putting my life on pause, and eventually I'll have to press play again.”

“For me, it feels like Paris has put my life on fast forward. I can see my future better than any fortune teller. I finally understand where I want to go with my life.”

“Where is that?”

“I think I'll save that for another time.” With that he smiled a warm smile at her, and their coffee arrived.

The date continued on, with Jane growing delighted with each passing moment. She felt that the more time she spent with him the more likely she was to fall in love. She could feel his nervousness when they touched, and she did all she could to ease it. When they were parting, Jane held out her hand for him to shake, not knowing what else to do.

Leaning over her hand and kissing it softly he said, “all I can hope is that I see you again soon.”

Jane was ecstatic. Her heart was screaming that it was in love. Her brain was trying to calm her heart down, but it seemed to do little good. She was happy. It was a rare thing for her to feel this excited after a first date. She had to contain herself from running back home to phone Lizzy.


Charles, feeling much the same as Jane, could not contain his excitement as well as Jane. Walking away from the café, he dug his mobile phone out of his pocket and called William.


“William! You'll never guess what's happened with my day.”

“I could say the same to you but as you phoned me, you first.”

“Well I phoned Mrs. Gardiner as you suggested, thank you for that by the way, and I got Jane's number. Apparently Jane was trying to get my number as well, but that's another part of the story. I phoned Jane, and she agreed to meet up with me for coffee. I really am in love William. It is love not lust. Do not even bother saying it.”

“Well congratulations. I'm glad to see you are in love. A little love would do the world a lot of good.”

“What about you? What happened with your day that makes it so unbelievable?”

“I met a woman, a beautiful woman.”

“You meet a lot of beautiful women William. There was Tyra Banks two weeks ago, Nicole Kidman three months ago, and you had lunch with Reese Witherspoon. Honestly Will, this isn't a new thing.”

“Oh stop, I mean I met a beautiful woman inside and out whom I could easily see myself dating.”

“Now now, this is a first. What is her name? Where is she from? Please say she's not some French woman who doesn't shave her legs. I really don't know if I could handle looking at hairier legs than yours.”

“Charles, first and foremost shut up before you get slapped by a French woman walking down the road. Second, French women are not hairy that's just a misconception. Third, she's American, and her name is Lizzy.”

“Hold on, this isn't the Lizzy from last night is it? Not the girl who ran out of the party after you talked to her?”

“The same.”

“Well, she doesn't like you. William you're wealthy and handsome, but she ran away from you. I think sprinting out of a party as soon as you come near her is a pretty good sign you haven't got a chance.”

“Stop it Charles, again you're making yourself look like an ass. We met again, and talked for awhile. She's fantastic.”

Charles held the phone to his ear, but he couldn't believe it. He stuttered a few times before saying, “Well good luck to you. Any woman who can shoot the famous William Darcy down within moments of meeting him must have a strong sense of self.”

“Honestly Charles, if I didn't know better I would say you were looking for a smack down. How about Squash tomorrow? There's a nice little place in Montreuil on the Rue de Vincennes.”

“Sounds good to me, how about noon?”

“See you then.”


“Oh Lizzy, I've never been so happy after a date. What's wrong with me?” Jane gushed into the phone.

“I think, Jane, you've got someone worthwhile. Congratulations.”


Lizzy was in high spirits. She hadn't felt so happy in a very long time. Her situation was a good one. She was in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, she had met a gorgeous man who seemed to like her and she had friends. The only thing she was missing was her family.

“Lizzy! Telleh-pone!” Sophia called across the house.

“Coming!” She wondered who it could possibly be. No one called her on the house phone. Very few people even had that number. “Hello?”

“Lizzy! It's your mother. Honestly darling if I didn't know better I'd say you were trying to avoid me. Where have you been? What have you been doing? I talked to some woman last week who Mrs. Philips said you worked for part time. Oh what's her name, Mrs. Gardiner or something. She said you ran out of a party? Are you ok? You're not ill are you? Have you seen a doctor?”

“Mother please take a breather, you'll give yourself a heart attack if you don't breath occasionally. I'm fine, everything is fine. I was serving for Mrs. Gardiner a week ago and I just didn't feel up to it. I met someone who threw me for a loop.”

“Was it a man? If you were serving him he was probably rich. Did you get his number? You know we can't support you forever and you really need to find a rich husband. You can't go on with Psychology thing till you die, nor can you travel the world. At 24 you can sleep in train stations and you're adventurous, when you're in your thirties you become the creepy bag lady. So, was he cute? Is he rich? No matter if he wasn't nice you can work on him. You're quite the resourceful girl.”


“Oh now don't you interrupt me I wasn't finished. You find that man's phone number and you call him. You do it right now. I don't want to hear any argument. You call him, and you get him to take you on a nice date. I hear Paris has all sorts of nice restaurants. Can't you just get him to take you there? And if he wants you to sleep with him, wait until at least the third date. Otherwise he'll think you're a tramp. Do you have money for nice underwear? I can't have my daughter sleeping with rich men with cotton Hanes Her Ways. Just sleep with him, and say you're pregnant if you have to. Then you can get married and I can have grand-babies, rich grand-babies at that.”

“Mother if you don't stop embarrassing yourself right this instant I swear I will put down the phone. I may even go get my tubes tied if you keep it up.”

“Don't you threaten such a thing young lady. You will provide me with grand-children. Do you understand?”

“Yes mother, is there a reason you called 3000 miles, or was it just to harass me about not providing you with an heir? And really, this isn't the Regency and we're not in one of Austen's novels. There is really no reason for you to keep pushing for me to get married. One day I'll be a doctor you know, and you'll be able to have a rich daughter.”

“Rich daughter are you kidding? And yes there is a reason I called. Your high school boyfriend, Billy will be in Paris next month. I want you to show him a good time. He's a good man, rich and he misses you very much.”

“He wasn't my boyfriend mother. You made me go to his prom. It was a miserable time. We ended up cow-tipping afterwards. You cannot be serious. This is Paris after all.”

“You will take him out and you will show him a good time. You need someone who can provide for you. He could do that.”

“Ok mother, I will take him out if that will get you off the phone. I love you mom, I have to go now.” With that, Lizzy hung up the phone.

Unable to believe her misfortune she stomped around her room for a few moments trying to figure out what to do. Grabbing her purse she headed out the door to the RER station. Twenty minutes later she was at Charles de Gaulle Etoile, and 10 minutes later she was at Parc Monceau.

Wandering around the Park she let her mind wander to the situation she had found herself in. It was now the Saturday a week after she had been re-introduced to William at Trocadero. They had talked a few times, but their schedules were not conducive to frequent meetings. He had free time while she was taking care of the children. By the time she finished in the evening they were both too tired to see each other. She was saddened by this, but in general she was very happy with their blossoming relationship. Whenever they spoke on the phone they seemed to skip over the small talk and head into whatever topic was on their minds. They had discussed everything from literature to shopping. No topic was to be left untouched.

She sighed with satisfaction. Finding a bench, she sat down near the Grecian ponds, and she watched the ducks swim happily. The only thing that could have woken her from this reverie was a horrible sounding cell phone ringer, and that is exactly what went off. Digging around in her purse she smiled as she saw the Caller ID.

“Hello William, what are you up to?”

“How did you know it was me?”

“Well, there's this funny little technology that comes with most mobile phones. It's called Caller-ID. Your name popped up.”

“Damn, I'm going to have to use the number block from now on. How am I supposed to surprise you if you always know it's me?”

“Does it matter? I'm always happy to see your number.”

“Thanks darling, now there's a reason I'm calling.”
“Is there? That seems to be a first. And what is that reason?”

“I have reservations for two at Stella Maris tonight.”

“And who's the lucky girl?”

“I'm hoping I'll be the lucky man when you agree to go with me.”

“Stella Maris? Isn't that some high priced, suit and tie restaurant off the Champs-Elysee?”

“One and the same, the reservations are for 8pm. Do you think you can come with me?”

“Of course, it is what, 2pm now so that gives me just enough time to go through everything I own and find something to wear.”

“You can wear t-shirt and jeans for all I care no matter what you wear you'll look marvellous.”

“Shame the servers will probably disagree with you there. So where do you want to meet?”

“I'll come get you at 7pm that should give us plenty of time to get to the city and park.”

“How about I just meet you at the metro station? It'll save on trying to find parking in one of the busiest cities in the world.”

“Are you that afraid of my driving?”

“Well, I have heard from Jane who heard from Charles that you've totalled 7 cars in the span of 10 years.”

“Oh that's absolute rubbish! Rubbish I tell you. Honestly, that Bingley is always trying to cause me trouble. It has been over 12 years and they weren't all caused by me. In fact, only 1 was my fault. I was racing Bingley at the time so he really has no room to talk.”

Laughing, she responded, “I just don't know how the family will take some strange guy coming to the house to pick up their au pair.”

“I'm not str
ange! But fine, take a cab and I'll pay for it when you get there. Seriously, if it's less than €40 I'll know you didn't take a cab the whole way. Make sure you call a cab.”


William was nervous. It was 5pm and he was pacing through his apartment ho
ping something would happen to make him less nervous. Pulling strings to get reservations at Stella Maris was not a big deal, however making sure he didn't go completely tongue tied when he saw Lizzy was another. He wanted to make sure everything was absolutely perfect for her. There would be nothing left undone if he could do it and see her happy. The main thing he was nervous about was pushing things too fast. His heart was telling him to move forward at breakneck speed but his mind was telling him to keep it slow and relaxed.

Finally, after much pacing he finally sat down on his couch. Sighing, he turned on the TV wondering if there would be anything in English. He flipped through each channel four or five times before thinking to himself, “Really, what kind of people are these French? Not a single channel in English.” Turning off the TV and throwing the remote across the couch he got up and poured himself a glass of wine. He spun the glass between his fingers, watching the red liquid coat the sides of the glass. When he had nearly lost himself completely in the glass of red, his phone rang. Nearly dropping his glass he searched for his mobile phone.

“Hello, William Darcy.”

“Darcy you big wanker you haven't phoned me in nearly a week. I see you wandering around the office with a stupid smile on your face and you won't tell me why? What is going on with you? Who is the girl?”

“Well hello Charles. Glad to speak to you too. Do you treat all of your friends like this or do you save it for me?”

“Like what? Asking you questions because you refuse to communicate? You're my best friend William, now tell me who the hell she is or I won't tell you a word about my angel.”

“Ah well there's your flaw. If I don't tell you what you want to know, you can't gush. I know you well enough to know that the real reason you called was to gush. So I won't tell you who she is or if there is a she.”

“But, well. Damn. You're really cruel you know that? Please just tell me. I know what I can do as punishment if you refuse. I will call your sister. I will tell her you've got a girlfriend and you're ashamed. She'll come straight to Paris you know.”

“You wouldn't dare. She needs to spend time at University I can't have her running to Paris just because you want to butt into my personal life.”

“I would dare. I will do what I must to get the job done. Easily persuaded I may be, but not this time Mr. Darcy, not this time.”

“Oh bugger. Charles, you're seriously a pain in my arse you know it?
It's Lizzy Bennet. That's who.”

“You mean Jane's Lizzy? The cute little brunette my sister couldn't help but insult?”

“That's the one.”

“But, you two didn't like each other? She hates you, you hate her. I know you went on that date together, but come on… I thought this was a one date love affair? Are you telling me it's still ongoing?”

“Yes Charles that is the way to get me to give you more information. Please, tell me how much we hate one another.”

“But how? Does Jane know? She can't know. She would have told me. I've seen her every day this week. What's happened? When did this happen? How did this happen?” Charles' voice kept getting higher pitched with each question, the pace of his questioning quickening to match the pitch.

“Charles, are you a tea kettle? You certainly sound like one.”

“Well look at you all tight lipped. I was hoping you'd be a gossip queen. Oh well, I'll just have to talk to Jane about all of this. See what her perspective is. Anyway, when do you see Lizzy again? Soon I hope? You're a bit too agitated now. She really needs to calm you down if you know what I mean.”

“The way Jane has calmed you down?”

“Oh it's not like that between Jane and I, she's my angel. Heaven itself will have nothing on her eyes.”

“Well, as much as I would enjoy listening to the litany of compliments you no doubt have for your darling Jane, I have to get ready to go tonight. Lizzy and I are not like that either I'm taking it slow with her. I like her. She's better than any other person I've ever met. That includes you.”

“Ouch that stung, that stung a lot.”

“Goodnight Upchuck.”

“Goodnight Willy-McDilly.”

They each hung up their phones wondering how they had become such good friends.


Lizzy was a nervous wreck. She couldn't imagine how she had found herself in the middle of a situation where she had absolutely nothing appropriate to wear, regardless of how many times she emptied the contents of her closet. She had tried on each individual article of clothing in her room tearing it off as soon as it was on and throwing it behind her in a pile. Sighing, she dragged her suitcases up from the basement in hopes that she could possibly find the perfect outfit hiding in there.

Digging through the remnants of clothes she had thought inappropriate for her new life in Paris, Lizzy actually found the perfect outfit for her evening out. Simple and elegant, the knee length black dress hugged her curves. After putting on the dress she searched for her small jewellery box in order to find her pearls. These pearls were important to her. Her father gave them to her on her twelfth birthday in order to remind her how much he loved her. He told her to wear them whenever she wished to be loved. They would be her confidence for the evening.


William was always early. His father had drilled it into his head that “to be early was to be on time, to be on time was to be late”. This meant that he was never less than 10 minutes early. Looking at his watch, he realised he had overdone his general time by 30 minutes. 7:20 and he had nothing to do but wait. Annoyed with himself he decided to take a stroll down the Champs Elysee, hoping to release some of his nerves.

The tree lined road was the object of many songs and dreams about Paris. This street that began at Place de Concorde, and ended at the Arc de Triomphe, seemed to shimmer at night. William began his walk heading away from the Arc. He hoped that his mind would wander to the bright lights of the stores surrounding the street. Barely 20 meters down the road from rue Arsène Houssaye - the road Stella Maris was on - Wiliam saw the Mont Blanc store. Beautiful diamonds called to him and he pushed his way inside.

Looking through the displays of women's jewellery he felt the urge to buy Lizzy something to help her remember their first evening out. He kept looking at a beautiful platinum necklace with sapphires and amethysts. It called to him saying this was something for her. Simplistic and interesting, its small cubic links showed elegance and simplicity. A woman came up to him offering to help him choose something for someone. He waved her off and quickly walked out of the shop. The last thing he needed to do was scare Lizzy off with presents.

He continued down the Champs Elysee and looked across the road to the new Louis Vuitton store. The construction of this giant mall sized store seemed to go on forever. The massive luggage-like front seemed gaudy and unattractive. Sighing he looked at his watch again. Twenty minutes had passed, so he felt it was safe to return to rue Arsène Houssaye and keep watch for Lizzy.


Lizzy stepped out of the Mercedes cab and her heart soared at the sight of William. He smiled as he saw her exiting the cab. He reached inside, and paid the driver and returned to pay full attention to her.

“I'm glad to see you took the cab all the way.” He said with a glimmer of something she couldn't place in his eyes.

“I'm sorry it's so expensive, I want to pay you back for some of it. I don't think you realised how far out Vincennes really is.”

“Of course I did. It was actually cheaper than I expected it to be. So, shall we go? We're right on time for our reservations.”

She was unused to the attention lavished upon her as she entered the restaurant. One man took her shawl, while another handed William and herself a glass of champagne. Another man came and welcomed them to the restaurant while leading them to a table. Someone pulled out her chair for her and as she sat another person put her napkin in her lap. Her head spun, and she felt somewhat out of place. She was unsure of how to behave, and what to do. William smiled at her comfortingly as he picked up the menu and began to read.

As she looked through the menu, she struggled to understand the foods. The problem with learning a foreign language is no teacher worries as much about the ingredients of foods as they do about how to order said food. She looked at William for help and found him looking at her requesting help as well.

“I don't understand a word of this. Well, no that's a lie. There's something about vegetables and butter. That's about all I can understand. Can you decipher it?” William asked with a hopeful look.

“If only, I can order everything on the menu but who knows what we'll actually get.”

“Do you have a French-English dictionary with you?”

“Did you see the bag I brought? It's a clutch I don't think they make dictionaries that small.”

“That's what I was afraid of.”

“I think we're going to have to ask for directions, I mean, a translation.”

“Ha, we men don't do that. You ask for help while I struggle through.”

“Be careful or you'll get a cow's head.”

Lizzy glanced at one of the men standing around patiently waiting to help. She looked at him hopefully and he walked over quickly.

“Yes miss, how can I help?”

“Could you please help me decipher what's on the menu? My French isn't fluent enough for this yet.”

“Oh, yes miss it's not a problem. Sir,” he said glancing at William, “do you need help as well?”

“Well, if asked in a court of law I'll testify that I said no, but yes I do.” He blushed slightly and looked back down at the menu quickly.

The waiter went through and quickly explained the menu. He left, and William admitted the item on the menu he had decided on was in fact a cow's head.

“I told you, if you're not careful you'll get stuck with a cow's head. Now aren't you glad I asked for help?”

“Of course, I'm glad to hear you talk regardless of what you say.”

Lizzy blushed and glanced down at her menu. “I think I'm ready to order now, what about you?”

“I'm ready for anything tonight.”

Giving a glance at the waiter, William began to order. She ordered a vegetable plate for starters, lamb for the main course and chocolate mousse for dessert. He ordered the same except he ordered soufflé for dessert.

“Do you mind if I try your chocolate mousse later? I had trouble deciding between the soufflé and the mousse?”

“Of course you can try it. I probably won't be able to eat it anyway it sounds like so much food.”

“Well now that's finished, I want to know everything about you. You said you finished university, what did you study?”

“Psychology, I specialised in Neuro-Psychology. I did research on drugs and their effects on the brain, the amygdala in particular.”

“Wow, sounds terrifying. What did you find out?”

“Drugs are bad. It really depends on what drug, and what experiment in particular as to how bad and what they do.”

“Did you actually do research on the brain? Or was it theoretical?”

“We really shouldn't discuss this when we're about to eat. It may make you lose your appetite.”

“So you did the real thing then. Are you going to go study again? Or are you finished?”

“It depends. That's what this year's for. I need to decide what to do with my life. I want to get my PhD, but I'm burnt out on school. I had to get away from the lab for awhile. I spent all of my free time there. My last spring break for example, I spent in the lab working with alcohol. While all of my friends were experiencing first hand what alcohol does to the brain, I was trying to show it for research purposes.”

“So you missed out on the excitement.”

“To say the least, my research was exciting but I regret not having fun.”

“Well, you've plenty of time for fun now. But, if you want to go back to school you ought to. Education is important, although I bet you already knew that.”

The first course came, and their conversation went to neutral ground about Paris. She thought the dinner was fantastic, and she could not believe the level of service. Between the wine, William, and the service she was worried she would find herself falling for a man she hardly knew.

Chapter 5

Dinner was going well. Lizzy was happy that she had managed to keep herself from embarrassment throughout the whole of the meal. Dessert was about to come, and she was curious as to how much they would actually share. The waiter came out with both desserts, smiling at her as she eyed the golf ball sized piece of chocolate mousse. Dipped pralines coated the outside of the mousse and there were drizzles of caramel surrounding the dish.

“William, I think I'm going to go back on our little agreement. I don't think I can share this dish. Sorry. You should have chosen better.”

Eying his soufflé he smiled at her, “Will you allow me one bite at the very least in exchange for the fantastic meal?”

“Well, I guess. But only this once. I can't allow you a big bite though. One big bite would be the end of my mousse.” Reaching across the table, he put his spoon in about halfway through the ball. She took her fork off of the table and acted like she was going to stab his fingers. “I said a little bite! Don't make me dish it out for you.”

“Oh go on then, feed me.” He handed her his spoon. Dishing out a small bit of mousse, one praline, and a little bit of caramel from the plate she reached across the table to give him his spoon back. “Oh no, if you won't let me serve myself, you'll have to feed me. I won't allow you to just slop a spoon at me and think that will be enough to keep me satisfied.” She blushed as he opened his mouth and took the offered bite. “Delicious, now give me more. We can trade desserts.”

“Honestly William, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were a child. I haven't even tried it yet. You get no more.”

They completed their dessert, both laughing at intervals at each other. Relatively sure the waiters were thoroughly annoyed with their flirting - they decided it was probably best if they find a change of venue. The bill came, and William dropped his credit card on the table without even looking at the price. She couldn't believe the lack of concern he had for the money he spent. She was one who would always look over the bill at the very least to verify there were no discrepancies. She felt as if this was another example of how out of her league William was.

When it was only the two of them, alone with their conversation and flirting, she felt quite at peace. However, when she was placed in his world, a place where money didn't matter and everyone fawned over her, she felt completely out of place. She felt as if her clothes weren't flashy enough, her dialogue not interesting eno
ugh, and her looks not pretty enough.


William had watched Lizzy throughout their meal. She seemed so perfect for this kind of setting. He was completely unused to women who would laugh at him as well as with him. Most women shut down the moment they entered a place that had a starting menu price of over €75. He caught flickers of concern in her eyes as he paid the bill and wondered what to say.

“So, what shall we do next Lizzy? I'm all yours tonight.”

“All mine? Oh whatever will I do with such an

“Whatever you would like,” he smiled as he pulled out her chair. “Would you like to see my apartment? We can have coffee there if you would like.”

“Oh, well. Sure. However I think I should be fair and tell you I'm not sleeping with you tonight.”

He sputtered as he walked out the door with her. Unused to such honesty, he led her towards the Champs-Elysee completely gob-smacked. Hailing a cab he looked over to Lizzy and asked, “Well, my apartment then? I hadn't planned on anything happening. Just coffee, I hate paying a small fortune for something I can easily make at home.”

She eyed him suspiciously, and he smiled at her. They got into the cab, Lizzy sliding across the seat and looking out the window while he gave the address to his apartment. He looked over at her and felt in complete awe at how beautiful she looked with the lights from the street dancing across her face.

“You're really beautiful right now you know. I wish I could stop time and freeze this moment.”

“Do you? Why's that? Do I not look beautiful any other time?”

“You always look beautiful as you well know. Something is different tonight - there seems to be a sparkle that isn't always there.”

“Well thank you. I think I'll have to wear this outfit more often then.”

“I don't think it's the outfit. I think it's you.” The cab stopped, breaking William out of his reverie. He handed the driver money and helped Lizzy out of the car.


Lizzy didn't know what to expect as she followed William into his apartment. She knew he had money, so she wondered if the furniture would be over the top. As she walked into the room, she felt completely comforted by the furniture. Expensive, but functional. She didn't feel out of place in his living room. She watched as he walked over to the stereo and turned it on to FIP. The soft jazz music filled the room.

“I'll be back in a moment, make yourself comfortable. You can open the windows in here if you'd like. It's a bit warm.”

She wandered around the living room looking at magazines and pictures. Her evening had become a rush of different experiences. She had never been one to find herself at a loss for words, but this evening she was well on her way to being so. She continued ambling about the room until she stopped in front of one painting. It was a portrait of sorts. A beautiful young girl looked as if she was running through a field, her eyes shining with laughter, and her mouth breaking in an enormous smile. There were wildflowers dotting the tranquil grass. The painting was done in an impressionist style, but something about it seemed more recent.

“I see you've found the portrait of my sister. It was done a few years ago by a friend of mine.”

“Does she always look that happy?”

“She used to.” He said this with such finality that Lizzy turned from the painting and stared at William. Handing her a cup of coffee he led her over to the sofa. “I want you to know I had a really great time with you tonight.”

She smiled at him and looked down at her cup of coffee trying not to blush. “Thanks, I did too. I really appreciate the cab ride here. I would have been extremely late had I taken the metro.”

“I'm glad to have been of service.” He took a sip of his coffee while looking at Lizzy with such intent that she found she was a bit nervous. His eyes seemed to dig deeper into her psyche than anyone else.

“You know, it's already 11. I'm going to have to leave soon. If I don't I may turn into a pumpkin.”

“You don't have to take the metro home you know. I can drive you, you can take a cab, or you can stay here.”

“I know I don't have to take the metro, but I ought to. I really don't think you understand how far away I live. Driving me home is completely out of the question. It's entirely too far.”

“I really don't mind driving you. I'd like to.”


William felt as if he couldn't let her leave. He had enjoyed the evening and spending time with her so much he almost felt like she was trying to abandon him. He was going through as many ideas as possible in order to keep her there. There was the ever popular kissing her distraction, but he felt that this wouldn't work with her. Next there was the movie; he could always put in a movie to keep her engaged. Conversation was of course another option. All of his options seemed to be inadequate and childish when faced with this beautiful woman he had before him.

“I'm going to be honest with you Lizzy. I'm sitting here wondering about how I can keep you here longer. I don't want this evening to end.”
“I know the feeling, but I am not ready to take the next step.”

“Who said anything about taking any steps? We could watch a movie, talk, or whatever you want to do. We could dance to this fantastic music that's playing right now. Anything, you name it.”

“Well, go on then, show me what movies you have.”

William hadn't gone through his movies since arriving in Paris. He had been so busy with work that he hadn't had time to sit and watch a movie. Digging through his cupboards he found his black CD case hidden away. Opening it up his face fell as he realised it wasn't his CD case he had brought with him, it was Georgiana's. “You're never going to believe this.”

“What's wrong?”

“I don't have my DVDs, I have my sister's. Hopefully we'll be able to find something we can stomach in here. She's a bit of a chick flick lover.”

“Oh give me that. I'm all for a chick flicks.” She snatched the DVD case from his hands and started flipping through the DVDs. “Let's see, Amelie… a little too obvious with the whole Paris thing… American Beauty… too graphic with the gun violence… Alice in Wonderland… definitely not in the mood for cartoons… Emma is an option as Jane Austen is good for all occasions… Girl with a Pearl Earring is another option. As who doesn't love Colin Firth in period costumes…Harry Potter 1 2 and 3, that's definitely not appropriate for tonight…” She continued flipping through his sister's DVD collection, and he felt a little embarrassed for his sister's lack of taste. Finally she stopped flipping and looked at him with curiosity, then looked back at the DVD grinning.

She pointed to him and then to the couch, and she pulled out the DVD. Placing it in the player she giggled like a little girl as she threw off her shoes and jumped on the couch.

“What did you find in there?”

“Oh you'll see. You said you didn't want tonight to end right?”


“Well good, it won't end for awhile.” As she said this, the A&E title screen came up, and she did a little dance in place. “I haven't seen this in over a year. It's so exciting.”

He groaned inwardly as he saw the title screen come up. The Horatio Hornblower series was what she had chosen. His sister seemed to adore the drama of the stories, but he had a feeling it was something to do with Ioan Gruffudd that did it for her. Lizzy seemed no different as she danced in place.


The evening had ended fantastically. In Lizzy's eyes she had never had a better date. Ending up the evening by watching five hours of the series had seemed a bit much at the beginning, but she was glad she had chosen as she did. When the movies had finally ended, Lizzy had found that she was half asleep on the couch cuddled in William's arms. She looked up at him and saw him looking down at her. “How long have you been watching me?”

“Off and on throughout the entire movie as you're quite beautiful when you're excited.”

“Why thank you. Oh my God!” she exclaimed as she looked at the time. “It's 4 a.m.!”

“Yes, and it was 3 a.m. an hour ago, and it'll be 5 a.m. in another hour. We just spent the better part of 6 hours watching a film. What time did you think it would be?”

“I didn't stop to do the math when I put in the movie. I'm never going to make it home. I'm so exhausted.”

“You'll sleep here. You can take the guest bedroom. It's rather comfortable.”

“It won't be a problem?”

“A problem? How could having one of the most beautiful women in the world sleeping in my apartment be a problem? The only problem I will have is finding any way to get sleep.”

She found herself being led to a massive bedroom decked out in 19th century decorations. She watched as he shrugged and pointed over at the dresser.

“Some of Georgie's clothes are in there, feel free to rummage through and find pyjamas. If you would prefer, I have some you can borrow as well.”

“I think I'll borrow your sister's,” she said as she looked him up and down, “I don't think we're quite the same size.”

“Fine, but keep in mind I love a women in baggy clothes.”

She smiled and shooed him out the door. Picking through Georgiana's clothes she realised that the girl was probably 2 sizes smaller than herself. She sighed, closed the drawer, and went out of the room in search of William's.

As she looked around the massive apartment she saw one door with a light shining underneath. Knocking hesitantly, she waited for a response, and when she didn't hear one, she decided to walk in. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw William Darcy completely naked standing in front of her. Trying to stammer some sort of excuse she turned to walk out the door.

“Wait! Well, keep your back turned but don't go.” She heard rustling as he got dressed. “What's wrong? Do you need something?”

“I, uh, well, I yeah. Georgiana's clothes aren't going to fit either, so can I borrow some pyjamas after all? I uh, wow, I'm uh, sorry.”

“It's really ok. Not the way I would have liked for you to see me naked, but it happens. You can turn around now. I'm dressed by the way.”

She turned, and her face burned crimson. “I am so sorry. I have never been so embarrassed. I did knock though.”

“I didn't hear you. I was a bit lost in my own thoughts.” He walked towards her with a set of pyjamas in hand. “Here, you can wear these.”

“Thanks.” Stammering and blushing she turned to leave once more.



Before she could say anything more he turned her around and kissed her soundly on the lips. She parted her lips and opened her mouth slightly. She dropped the pyjamas, and her hands reached up to pull him deeper into the kiss. She felt his arms wrap around her as he led her towards the bed.

“No, stop, I can't.” She barely managed to say these words in between the kisses.

“You can't what? Kiss me? Or lay down in my bed?”

“I can't have sex with you.” The mood entirely broken, she felt herself blush once again.

“I wasn't planning on having sex with you. Why is it you think I keep trying to sleep with you? Is that all you think I'm after? If I was only after sex, I wouldn't have taken you out for dinner. I like you Lizzy. I like you a lot. There's nothing that you can do to change that.”

“I, well, I know that. I'm just not ready to have sex with you yet.”

“Who says I'm ready to have sex with you?”

“Well, uh. No-one I guess.”

“Exactly. Would you please trust my motives for one evening? You can go back to doubting mankind tomorrow. Just stop doubting me for tonight.”

“It's morning William.”

“Don't be a smartass. If you'd like, you can go back to the other room get changed and go to sleep. Or, you can go get changed and sleep here. It's entirely up to you.”


He watched as she left his room looking completely flabbergasted. He was annoyed at her presumption, but it was understandable. In a time where most men did only take women out to sleep with them, her worry and hesitance was understandable. He just couldn't understand how she could think of him that way. He shook his head and turned out his light. Half hoping she would find her way back into his room later. He got into bed and pulled up the covers. His mind drifted back to the kiss they shared only moments before. He felt as if his whole body burned and ached to have her near him.

He had nearly drifted off to sleep when he heard pacing outside his door.

Chapter 6

William couldn't contain his excitement as he heard Lizzy's voice, “Are you still awake?”

“Yeah, of course I'm awake. Are you getting in?”

“Yeah, look I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to imply anything.”

“Don't worry about it, just get in.” He lifted the covers for her to join him. Slipping in effortlessly she curled up to his chest. His arms wrapped around her, and he held her tight.

Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep. He had not planned on drifting off until he heard her deep breathing letting him know she was asleep.


His hands drifted over her stomach touching here and there. His hands cupped her breasts and his thumb and first finger slightly caressing her nipples. A moan escaped her lips before she knew what was happening. She watched as he smiled a smile that took her breath away instantly. It seemed to promise hope. Leaning over her he kissed her lips lightly and then spread his kisses out over her skin. The overhead fan spinning cool air around the room caused each place he kissed to feel icy cold. His kisses trailed down her stomach and around her belly button…

“Lizzy, Lizzy, wake up! It's ok!”

She shook her head trying to figure out where she was and what was going on. “What do you mean its ok?”

“I heard you moaning in your sleep, I thought it must be a nightmare. Are you ok?”

“Yeah, but it definitely wasn't a nightmare. In fact, if that's a nightmare I'll take them every night please.”

His face showed his confusion. “What do you mean you want nightmares every night?”

“Oh, never you mind. You woke me up from a very good dream that's all.”

He suddenly understood. “Oh, so those weren't moans of torture?”

“Definitely not.”

“And you're ok?”


“So we should go back to sleep?”

“Only if you want.”


William was terrified when he heard the moaning beside him. He wanted to protect Lizzy from whatever she thought was harming her. Struggling to wake her up, he only felt more out of place than ever before.

Her suggestion that they maybe not go back to sleep had tempted him. What man wouldn't like to be woken up with the moans of any woman? This however wasn't any woman, this was Lizzy.

“As much as I would love to find out about your dream, I think it's probably best we go back to sleep given our previous argument.”

He watched her as she sighed and nodded. She rolled over putting her back to him, and he put his arm around her, spooning her.


Lizzy woke up and felt the warmth of his body against her back. She rolled over and saw that it was well into the afternoon. The stifling heat of the Parisian summer had managed to keep its way out of the bedroom, but she knew the minute she left his apartment she would be drenched in sweat. Slowly pushing her way out from underneath his arm she slowly got out of the bed. Looking back at him she saw one of the most handsome men she had ever met. Her eyes travelled up his form, stopping at his mouth. He was smiling, and he seemed at peace.

She shook her head and turned to walk out of his room. She was fighting conflicting thoughts. Part of her wanted to shower and get dressed. The rest of her never wanted to shower again. She felt the magic of the evening would be removed by the water rushing over her. Deciding it may be time to break the spell she found her way to the shower and started the water.

Humming quietly to herself she let the warm water flow down her body. The night had indeed been magical. The few moments of complete awkwardness were mostly her doing, and she knew as much. He had done everything to make her feel comfortable and relaxed. She stayed in the shower until she had used the majority of hot water. Stepping out she decided that she was going to go make breakfast for William.

She grabbed the robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door and noticed how big it was. The robe smelled of bergamot, and she knew it must be his. She cuddled up into it and felt as if he were holding her again. The carpet seemed to swallow her feet whole as she tip-toed down the hallway to the kitchen.

The kitchen wasn't as big as she was used to. She had gotten accustomed to open plan kitchen/dining rooms. She fumbled through trying to find the pots and pans she needed. Finally finding them she went through the cupboards again searching for ingredients. Settling on making pancakes, she got to work on making the batter.


William woke up to the smell of bacon cooking. Reaching across the bed for Lizzy he jumped as he realised she wasn't there with him. He rolled over on his back and thought for a moment trying to put all of the pieces together. It was afternoon. He had fallen asleep with Lizzy in his arms now she wasn't in bed and there was a smell of bacon emanating from his kitchen. She must be cooking.

Running his fingers through his hair he pushed his way out of bed and shuffled across his room. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror and was frightened to see the bear that looked back at him. His hair ruffled and his five o'clock shadow that was more like a twelve o'clock. He shook his head trying to dismantle the cobwebs that had settled in his brain.

Down the hallway he traipsed wondering what he would find in the kitchen. As he turned into the room he saw a vision. She had her hair piled on her head and a massive blue robe wrapped around her. Struggling to keep the sleeves of his robe out of the way of cooking she flipped the pancakes and pushed the bacon around their respective pans.

“Good-Morning sleepy head, I wondered when you would get up.” She didn't turn around as she spoke to him and he wondered how she knew he was there. “I heard you shuffling down the hall.” She responded without him even asking the question.

“So you're beautiful, fantastic and a mind reader? I will have to keep my eyes on you.” Walking up behind her he wrapped his arms around her midsection and looked over her shoulder to the breakfast being cooked.

“You know, you're gorgeous first thing in the morning but your breath is stinky.” He backed off, not thinking about the dangers of morning breath.

“Oh my, I'm so sorry.”

“Stop it, I'm teasing you. Breakfast will be ready in about 10 minutes if you want to go shower or whatever first. We're having pancakes and quiche with bacon, plus whatever fruit I can find in this house.”

“I think it's safe to say you're a goddess. I'll be back in 10.”


Lizzy was nervous as they ate breakfast together. It wasn't the first time she had experienced the morning after thing. She had dated and she was far from a virgin, but this time seemed different. She felt something blossoming even despite her constant questioning of his motives. Staring at him throughout breakfast she could sense her nerves spreading to him.


He had just shoved a bite of quiche in his mouth so all he could say was, “Gwart?”

“Gwart? Is that a word?”

Swallowing he tried again, “What are you sorry for?”

“You seemed as if you were nervous and I felt I had to apologise for ruining any sort of moment we could have possibly had.”

“What on Earth are you talking about? Are you always this confusing first thing in the morning?”

“William, it's not morning anymore.”

“You know perfectly well what I mean.”

“I… well, I'm just afraid my nerves may be contagious.”

“You're not confusing, you're insane. The only nerves I'm feeling are caused by wonder as to how I'm going to shove all of this wonderful food into my stomach without exploding.”

She blushed and looked to her plate to hide her embarrassment.

The rest of the breakfast went amazingly well without her spouting off something else to make her feel completely out of place. William seemed comfortable with her although possibly a bit overfull from all that he had managed to consume.

“I'm going to help you clean up the mess I made and then I'm going to get out of here and head home. I have a feeling the family will be worried about me.”

“You don't need to help me clean up, my housekeeper comes in briefly on weekends and she'll do the cleanup.”

“Oh.” The feeling of being out of her league consumed her again. It had only been last night that she had felt completely overwhelmed with an expensive dinner, and now she was reminded again by the fact he had servants. She couldn't help but feel the class distinction between them. He employed someone like her.

The images that came floating into her mind were those of illegal immigrants and low salaries. Trying not to think of William as another upper-class snob that neglected his staff was difficult.

“Well, as much as I would like to stay I should be going.”

“You can stay as long as you'd like you know. I'd love to spend more time with you.”

“You know, as much as I would love that I think I best be off for the day. I do have an idea though, if you're game.”

“I'm up for anything, as long as it means spending time with you.”

“Do you have next weekend free?”

“I have whenever I want free. Do you want me to pencil you in for next weekend?”

“Yes, Saturday evening until Sunday evening.”

“Sounds wonderful, what are we doing?”

“It's a secret. I'll be around Saturday then, do yourself a favour and get yourself a Carte Orange like a normal person. You'll need it.”

“But why? I don't need a metro pass.”

“You will. Just get a 2 day pass.”

She didn't say anything else about the following weekend. The first of the month was always an exciting time in Paris, it meant payday and free Sundays at the museums around the city. The week had been exciting for her, and she couldn't wait to show William her life. The money spent on the night wouldn't be extravagant, but she was certain they would have a good time.


William was worried. The only time he had ever let a female plan anything for him was his disaster of a birthday party a few years back. Georgiana had fought for the privilege of planning the party, and he allowed her to do so. Somehow he had wound up with a Backstreet Boy cover group playing for him and 300 of his, or was that her, closest friends. He trusted Lizzy, but he was unsure as to whether or not any weekend she could plan would be good.

He never wanted to come off as condescending to her, as he cared for her, but she was of a different world. They came from two completely different places and that wasn't necessarily a good thing. His friends would shun her because she went to Paris to work instead of party, and her monthly salary was less than the amount they spent in a day. He cared for Lizzy that much he knew. There would be serious complications if they continued into a serious relationship. He would have to get her to drop the au pair thing eventually if they wanted to work.

As much as he tried not to dread the upcoming weekend it was all he could manage to do. As the week went on, he thought of Lizzy more and more. They talked frequently, and he seemed to forget the worry he had about what she had up her sleeve. She was secretive, that much could be said, but she was not cagey. She told him bits and pieces - clues if you will. She said he would enjoy it as he enjoyed art and music, and that was all he needed to concern himself with.

Right before the weekend, he picked up a Carte Orange at his metro station and wondered about the changes she was leading him through. He had used the London Underground a number of times, but he had always refused to buy Season Passes on principal. He could afford a proper ticket, so the discount fares seemed a bit ridiculous. The little grey plastic cover they gave him containing a card for his photograph and his Carte Orange seemed ridiculously cheap. He had never been seen carrying a plastic wallet, and he wondered if he would begin now.


Saturday finally came, and Lizzy prepared for her date. She wore a little black dress with plunging neckline, and Mary Jane shoes with a small sturdy heel. She had planned on taking him swing dancing, and it couldn't be done with uncomfortable heels. She put on light makeup, and pulled her hair back into a bun. In her backpack she threw in a pair of black trousers and a black tank top. Tennis shoes and socks completed Sunday's outfit. Packing in the rest of her overnight belongings she tossed the backpack over her shoulder.

She left the house, trying not to raise any suspicion about her whereabouts for the evening. Walking out the gate and down the road towards Chateau de Vincennes metro stop she began to worry about what the weekend had in store. She was worrying about what William would think about her date. Confusion began to overtake her. What if he didn't like the weekend?

She ran down the stairs to the Metro not thinking about where she was going. Inserting her pass into the entry she walked through the gate and bumped into a man rummaging through his briefcase.

“Oh, God, I'm sorry. My mind is in a completely different world. Are you ok?” She spoke in English without even thinking. Kicking herself for not speaking in French she looked over the man trying to sort out if he was ok.

The man was bent over the ground picking up the papers that had scattered over the ground. “I will be as soon as you let me take you out for a drink.”

She watched him as he looked her up and down, “Thanks, but if I were to allow that you would have to know something very important. I'm seeing someone, and I'm not interested in dating anyone. You don't have a French accent. So where are you from?”

“That was a quick subject change. Are you always so stream-of-consciousness? And I still won't forgive you until you let me take you out for a drink.”

“I'm only like this when I'm nervous, and no I'm seeing someone.”

“Do I make you nervous?”

“No, I'm just getting ready to meet someone.”

“Your man I'm guessing?”


“Aha, well that explains it then. Can I introduce myself? Or is that overstepping my bounds?”

“Of course you may.”

“I'm George Wickham. A lot of my friends call me Gee Dub.”

“My name is Lizzy, Lizzy Bennet.”

“Nice to meet you.” They walked together to the train not really speaking in depth about anything. She was too nervous to hold a serious conversation, and he was too busy trying to figure her out. “Look, I'd love to sit and chat with you the entire train ride, but I think you've got a lot on your mind. I need to spend my time preparing for my case coming up this week.

“Your case? Are you a lawyer?”

“No I'm a soldier. I'm suing someone.”

“Sounds interesting.”

“It's not as interesting as you are, I'm almost certain of that much.”

“I'm not that interesting.”

“Beautiful American girl who happens to be in the most beautiful city in the world, I think you're very interesting.”

Chapter 7

It was a beautiful summer's day, and Jane was at a park in the city pushing a child in a swing. The smile that lit her face seemed to speak more than words could say. The sunlight made her blonde hair appear more like a halo than anything, and all he could do was sigh. Charles was in love. His heart seemed to call for her no matter how close they were. His mind couldn't remember a time when he didn't love her, although he knew it hadn't been long. It was as if they had known each other since birth.

He looked at his watch and was mildly concerned at the fact he hadn't heard from William today. William had become more and more distant, and that distance was beginning to drive Charles insane. Jane had said she hadn't heard from Lizzy recently either, and he wondered at it. He knew Lizzy and William had gone out at the very least one time, but he didn't know how it had turned out.

Jane came over to him and broke his reverie.

“Charles, I need to take the children back to the house and finish up for the evening. Do you want me to call you tonight when I'm off work?”

“I would love that. Instead of calling, why don't you just come over?”

“Are you sure? I've been at your place a lot recently, I don't want to intrude.”

“You could never intrude.”

The truth is he had decided he was going to give Jane a key to his apartment. She had been there every night the past week, leaving just before midnight each night so she could catch the metro home. It seemed ridiculous that she didn't just stay the night. He was nervous at what her reaction would be, but he knew it was time. She deserved this step into his life, and he knew it.

As he walked back to his apartment he was lost in thought over the wonders of his darling Jane. She was everything he could imagine and then some. He knew she cared for him, but he wondered at her composure. He could barely string two words together when she was in the room; she on the other hand could smile, laugh, and make intelligent conversation. The more he thought on the matter, the more he considered the fact that maybe she didn't return his affection. He shook his head to try to rid himself of that thought. Of course she cared for him. Why else would she spend so much time with him?


Jane was amazed at herself. She had never behaved so obviously in her life. In high school everyone had found her amazing but considered her to be a prude. She was not the type to display her affection to anyone. She thought the fact that she had spent all of her free time over the past week with him would make it obvious anyone, and they would be a fool to doubt her feelings. She loved him. Her heart pounded at the thought. Love, it seemed such a strange word to her. It couldn't contain the whole of her feelings, and it seemed so insincere in comparison. Her heart swelled at the mere thought of him.

Working that evening had never been so difficult. She continued to mull over her feelings for him, and as she was doing so, she nearly burned dinner. Helping the children with their homework was a ridiculous task, as she couldn't think beyond herself and her situation.

When it was time to leave the house to go to Charles' she nearly forgot her keys and purse. She was becoming more distracted by the minute. Walking to the metro station she continuously chanted to herself, “You will be calm, you will be calm”. Unfortunately it only seemed to make her more agitated.

Charles opened the door to his apartment and smiled at her broadly.

“Jane, I've missed you.”

“Charles! It's only been 3 hours! However could you miss me already?”

“Quite easily. If I had my way I would spend all of my time with you.”

“You nearly do now.”

“Are you complaining?”

She walked into the apartment and dropped her purse on the floor. Closing the door behind her, and he felt her response. She walked straight past Charles and looked over her shoulder at him. He was absolutely dumbfounded.


Charles had never witnessed a woman so beautiful in his life. As she walked by him, he felt as if there were magnets pulling him closer to her. He tried with all of his might to stay where he was and watch her move past him. As she turned her head back he barely contained a sigh. He watched her intently and was completely shocked when he saw her lift her shirt over her head and throw it on the ground behind her. Again she looked back at him, begging him to follow, but all he could do was stand in awe. She continued walking towards his bedroom, and she reached behind and unhooked her bra sliding the straps down her arms.

“Are you coming? Or are you just going to let me go in there and tend to myself?”

“I… Uh… Yes… I'm uh… I'll be right behind you.”

Something finally urged him to walk forward, and he shuffled his way down the hallway. She turned into the bedroom a few moments before he did, and as he turned, she threw her jeans back at him, and they landed right at his feet. That was all of the motivation he needed.

Jane had finished undressing by the time Charles began. Just as he thought to himself “This shirt has entirely too many buttons,” Jane got out of the bed and helped him unbutton. As soon as the task was completed Jane put her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. Her tongue darted in and out of his mouth playfully. He was shocked at her taking control of the situation, but he was far from unhappy.


She was unsure as to what had gotten into her. Something about him made her push her previous limits. She was willing to be the one in control. There weren't words to explain her need for him, but there were actions. Her goal tonight was to show him how much she needed him and wanted him. She wanted to touch every inch of his body, and she set to work on the task. His breath caught in his throat, and she knew she was doing something right. Smiling at him, she straddled him and kissed down his neck.

The primal urges moving her forward made her heart beat sound like a beating drum. The movement of their bodies was a dance that had been done for millions of years, but it felt like something more powerful than that. The rest of the world fell away, and it was just the two of them.


William was waiting for Lizzy at his metro stop. She had said she needed to drop off her overnight bag before going out. He was glad to see she had felt confident enough to stay at his place and couldn't wait for their night together. He watched for her, staring down the stairs to the station.

She walked up the stairs with grace, each step moving her dress back and forth. He had to tell himself to keep his mouth shut as he was afraid his jaw would drop. She walked up to him, kissed each of his cheeks, and took his arm. Without saying anything they walked back to his apartment. He was in complete awe over this beauty that had come up from the metro. He knew Lizzy was beautiful, but at this moment he felt how right she was for him. He could feel warmth and love radiating from her every move. She balanced him out and made him more human. He felt happier than he had in a long time.

Entering his apartment she dropped her bag on the entryway floor. “Shall we go? Or did you need to finish getting ready?”

“It depends. Are you going to tell me where we're off to tonight?”

“Not a chance.”

“Then I guess I'm ready.”

“You have your metro pass?”

“Yeah, but I still think we should just go for cabs.”

“Not tonight, tonight is my night to show you how we common folks live.”
They took the metro to Trocadero, the tourist location in Paris that seemed to be their home. She went to the vendors and got two Chicken Paninis and Cokes for dinner. He watched her go down the stairs, his mind unable to concentrate on anything other than the swaying of her hips. His worries about the upcoming evening vanished, and he sat with her near the fountain below without thinking about how inappropriate it was for them to be dressed up and eating there.

They ate their sandwiches in relative silence enjoying the food, the company, and the beautiful site. Children played in the fountains, and people laughed and talked around them. William was astonished at the City's transformation. He had always liked Paris, but it had never seemed as alive as it did at that moment. People of all walks of life were brought together to pay homage to the gods of summer in front of the Eiffel Tower.

As they finished eating, Lizzy moved closer to William. She put her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her. That feeling of peace was something he could get used to.


Lizzy was terrified. Whatever his response, she would know it soon. She had to break it to them what they were doing that evening, but she was unsure of how it would go over. Her bright idea didn't seem so good at this moment. If he hated her idea, the evening was ruined. The sun was setting, and she knew if they were going to do it they had to leave soon. The metro would close at midnight and the whole point was to do this without taxis.

“Well, come on then off to the next place.”

“Where are we going?”

“We're going out for drinks.”


She led him back through the metro, and they made their way to St Michel.

“Latin Quarter, OK, so we're pretending to be students tonight?”

“I don't know who's pretending, it most certainly isn't me.” She grinned at him trying to make him feel more at ease.

Leading him through the Latin Quarter was more difficult than she would have originally thought. Whereas he wasn't against the idea of spending time there, he was certainly questioning her frequently as to the reasoning behind going to that area of the city.


As soon as they got to the club, everything clicked into place for Darcy. Le Caveau de la Huchette, he had heard of this place. The bar was more like a cave than an actual bar. Truth told it was a cave. The building had been in place since the 1500s, and in the past 60 years it had been converted into a jazz club. It was well known for its sweaty dance floor with live swing and jazz bands every evening. Lizzy lead him down to the dance floor.

“Have you ever done swing dancing?”

“No, I haven't, not really. I don't know if I'm up for learning tonight either - there are a lot of people.”

“Yeah, but that's half of the fun, they're unlikely to care what you're up to. Just enjoy yourself, move with me.”

She pulled him out to the dance floor and put one of his hands on her hip. He felt his stomach plummet to his feet. He was really going to make an absolute fool out of himself. She pushed his left side back with her hip and then pulled him back.

“I'm teaching you the basic two step. When we get the basic movement under control then we'll do some more active dancing.”

The movements became easier for him. Moving with the rhythm he found wasn't as difficult as he had originally thought. Her body pressed up against him was exciting. As soon as he felt he had the movements down, she pushed herself away from him and spun.

“What was that?”

“A spin, you're ready for more advanced stuff.”

With that she spun again and came back to him with her back facing him. Rocking slowly against him she pushed herself out again and faced him. Her movements were putting him under a spell, and he didn't know what to do. He leaned over to whisper in her ear, but before he could the music ended, and she applauded.

Lizzy pulled him off the dance floor and went upstairs to the bar area to get them drinks. She looked at the clock behind the bar, and she jumped.

“God, it's nearly midnight, we're going to have to go. It's either that, or we're going to have to stay out all night.”

“We can take a taxi.”

“No, we can't. This is supposed to be to show you how I live. I can't afford taxis. We take the metro, or we walk, and after a few more drinks there won't be any walking done.”

“This is ridiculous. We can take a taxi, I'm not poor.”

“It's not a matter of money William. It's a matter of having a good time my way.”

“Well your way can be my way.”

He was getting frustrated. This evening was going fantastically, and he really didn't see the point in ending it so soon. Going back to his house would change the tone of the evening completely.


Lizzy was furious. There was one thing she had hoped for this evening, and that was him following without much argument. She wanted him to see how her life was, and she wanted him to experience it.

“My way is my way, your way is your way, and when they meet up in the middle is when we'll be happy.”

She saw the confusion wash over his face. “What do you mean?”

“Neither one of us is going to be happy with a complete change of their lives. We have to compromise. In order to do that you and I both have to make a decision, and you don't even know how I live.” She felt the eyes of every patron in the bar turn around to look at her as her voice got higher and louder. She threw her hands in the air and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?”

“I'm catching the metro home. You do whatever you want.”

“Lizzy! Stop!”

“No, the whole mood of the night is over.”

“I think you're being a bit childish.”

“And I think you're being a bit of an arrogant asshole.”

At this, she felt his hand pulling her back. “Please wait; this is a ridiculous thing to argue about. Stop so we can talk. We'll grab the metro back to mine, and we can talk things through. If you want to go home, I'll sort out the cab from mine. We can't leave this where it is.”

She knew he was right, they should talk things through and work on this argument.

“You're right. That said I don't really feel like having a chit chat with you right at this moment.”

“Well, I have ice cream at my house, and ice cream is definitely not chit chat. It's a relaxation technique.”
She sighed and looked down at her hands. She was embarrassed and didn't want to admit it.


He was beyond confused. The dancing had hypnotised him into a place of comfort. He had lost track of where they were and what had happened. When he woke up from his trance they were arguing and finding their way to the metro. She had agreed to go back to his place. They would eat ice cream and hopefully work out whatever had happened to cause such a mess.

The truth was, in his mind he felt he was completely right. She needed to drop the pretence of being a commoner; she was his girlfriend, and he was rich. There was no reason for her to pretend to be poor. She may not have a big income, but he did. He would provide for her. If they were to continue on, she would have to come to his way of thinking.

Chapter 8

This was not the way she had planned their evening to end up. She had planned for their evening to end up with her leading him into his bedroom and finish the night off sometime the next morning. Instead they were fighting. It had started off childish. She could admit that much. Her anger over him paying for a cab seemed irrational now. There were real reasons for anger now.

“You're like my little sister. You couldn't listen to reason if it were being blasted in both ears at the same time.”

“Oh William, that's mature.”

“Seriously Lizzy, I'm speaking seriously and all you can do is be flippant and rude.”

“How on Earth was I being rude?”

“By not accepting my offer of a taxi ride back here. Had you accepted we would have enjoyed ourselves for several more hours.”

“You're missing the point entirely.”

“Am I? I think you're missing it entirely.”

Lizzy's head was swimming. It was like arguing with her cousins. There was no logic to either side. Lizzy sighed and felt as if she were going to cry. “This is ridiculous. Look, if you want an apology for not accepting your offer of a cab ride well then I'm sorry. I just wanted this night to go my way. The whole point was to show you another world, and you rushing in to change the day cannot accomplish that.”

“But it's not a matter of your way or my way. It's a matter of our way.”

“Well, the only way we can make anything our way is if we both know the other. I have every idea of how you live, but do you have any idea of how my days go?”

“You wake up, take care of some children, and do whatever it is you do.”

“That's my point. Whatever it is I do. Do you have any interest in that? Or do you just want me to be your girlfriend who accepts your way of life fully? Do you want me to be like all of the Caroline Bingleys? I could be another woman who just wants you for your money, but I don't. I want you for you.”

“You want me for me?”

“Isn't that much obvious? I like you, and I want to know you for what you are. Why can't you do the same for me? Why can't you get to know my way of life at all? Why is it you refuse to learn about my day to day world?”

“Everything I need to know about you I can learn slowly, over time.”

“Not if you refuse to listen.”

“Has there been a time where I haven't listened to you?”

“Yes. Tonight, remember the night that I asked you to just let me do everything?”

“But this is circular logic Lizzy.”


William was fed up. This was asinine, and they both knew it. They were both angry, and the truth was the argument had long been over. It was beyond the point of reason. It was to the point of hurt feelings.

“Lizzy, how's this. I'll take you out tomorrow for a nice meal and a massage, and we'll call it even. I know this great place…”

“OK, stop and listen to yourself. Please.”

“I'm trying to offer you something to make you feel better.”

“No, you're trying to cover our problem up with money.”

“I'm not. I'm offering you a chance to get a massage and a meal for free.”

“You're missing the point entirely. I'm upset because you're not willing to try my way of life, and here you are pushing my ideas away again.”

“I didn't hear you offer any ideas.”

“Of course you didn't. If you remember the plans it was supposed to be a 2 day date. We were supposed to go out tomorrow.”

“Oh, that's right. Well we can go out anytime. The massage…”

“William, please for the love of Pete just stop! If you don't want to do anything my way, then fine. It's fine. Really, fine.”

This was something he learned long ago with his sister. Whenever a woman says fine, it's far from fine. In fact it's the absolute opposite of fine. Each time a woman speaks of the word fine, the man is in more and more trouble. The idea of bashing his head against a wall repeatedly was sounding more attractive by the moment.

“Look, tomorrow is about you. I just wanted to make you happy. Whatever makes you happy we can do tomorrow and every other day that follows.”

“Do you mean it?”

“Of course I mean it.”

“That wasn't so difficult was it?”

“Not at all, so the question is will you tell me your plans for tomorrow?”

“Of course. We'll be museum hopping tomorrow.”

“Wait, it's the first of the month. The museums will be packed. Lizzy…”

“No, please. Just don't.”

“Sorry, museum hopping with you does sound fantastic. You know I'm not a huge fan of crowds.”

“I know, but I just want to show you something.”


She had finally managed to wrangle her way. She felt the glory of victory, yet it was hollow. Looking at William, Lizzy could tell that he felt as deflated as she did. His smile seemed as empty as her victory. She smiled at him. Walking towards him, she took his hand and pulled him close to her.

Her arms wrapped around his waist, and she placed her head on his shoulder. Feeling his body tense under her touch, she looked at him with worry.

“Sorry, I'm just not used to fighting. Being a rich man everyone seems to stop what they're doing and give me what I want.”

“So it's time to learn that you can't win all of the battles.” She snuggled closer to him and listened to his heart beat, “This one was a draw really anyway.”

“Yeah I guess. I'm just not used to arguing.”

“Well, you may have to get used to it. Volatile relationships and all of that.”

“You think we're volatile?”

“I think we could easily turn out that way. We're both stubborn and passionate; it could really turn out interesting.”

“So we'll have to work on that.” With that he leaned down and kissed her soundly on the lips. He pushed her back slowly walking her towards something. Slowly and carefully he moved her until her back touched the wall. The kisses became more passionate and desperate at that point, each one warming another part of her body.

“Will… I… we… we have to stop.” Gasping for air she looked at him hoping he would understand. She didn't feel ready for the next step.

“I know.”

They took a few deep breathes and looked at one another. They held on to each other like their lives depended upon it. They found their way to the sofas and sat quietly cuddling one another. The warmth of their bodies and the exhaustion from arguing settled over them, and they both drifted off to sleep. Their bodies melting away the arguments of the night, helping them remember what attracted one to the other. Lizzy woke up first. Not wishing to wake him, she sat still thinking about her situation. Was she ready for a relationship with William? The bad moments seemed so easy to forget when she woke up in his arms.

She had come a long way from those days at school. Before coming to Paris, she had a tendency to set the rules in relationships. She had never been involved with someone who desired a partnership. She had hoped William would be that someone. He could have been the first person completely willing to hold her when she was down and compromise on their style of life. She had found him caring, but demanding.

The previous night had made her understand something. She wasn't ready for this relationship. She had realised that William was one of the most important people that would ever enter her life, but she had also realised that it wasn't time for him yet. She had to give herself time to grow, and develop. Leaving school and the country were huge steps for her. She needed to explore what these moves meant for her and where she planned on going with them. She felt he was her everything. He was the one that would be there until the end. It just so happened she wasn't ready for forever yet, and she didn't think he was either. She wouldn't give up on William entirely, but something needed to happen.


William had felt her wake up. He was concerned about the previous evening and the nonsensical argument. It wasn't as if he had never been in a relationship, but at the same time, he had never been in a relationship like this. He had come to the conclusion that she was made for him. Everything about her made his heart beat faster and his breath quicken. She was his, and it was just a matter of making her understand that.

He had raised Georgiana, and he knew how to take control of situations. All Lizzy needed in her life was a little guidance. She needed someone to direct her out of this silly phase she was in. He was going to have to take from some of his parenting skills in order to get her to follow his whims. He would have to make her bend to him.

As he did with Georgiana when she was growing up, occasionally, he would have to let her win an argument. He could give in little bits to make her turn to him overall. Like this silly museum thing. He would let her lead him around the museums, and he would be happy to spend the time with her. In a few weeks he would pay for a private tour at all of the museums she found herself interested in. Musee d'Orsay, Le Louvre, wherever. He would show her how to appreciate art. He would take her to the Opera and the theatre. There wasn't a part of Paris he couldn't show her; there was no need for this her way his way thing.

While her head was still on his chest he decided another thing, their relationship was not ready to be public. Regardless of how well it was going, she was not ready for the public onslaught of photographers and articles that a relationship with him could and would entail. He was one of the most eligible bachelors in Europe and perhaps the world; if they were to be public it would be publicised.

He wondered how to tell her. He had to make the situation make sense. He would have to make her understand that it was best to remain private. When he presented her with a ring, then there would be publicity. He would allow a trusted photographer to take some tasteful pictures of the proposal and her acceptance in order to lessen the tabloid influence.

William was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn't hear the front door quietly open and close. He didn't hear someone tip-toe through the flat, and in fact he had no idea that anyone was in the apartment until the living room lights flickered to life.

“Oh my God. William! Who is this?! I mean, well.
Hello. Um, Hi. So who is that?” The newcomer looked as shocked to find Lizzy and William on the sofa as they were to see her there. The woman dropped her Prada bag to the ground and stared at William with her arms crossed over her chest.

William didn't know what to say or do. He didn't know how to get himself out of this mess.


Lizzy didn't know what to do. The woman was beautiful, intimidating, and amazingly perfect. She had waist length blond hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a light complexion. She looked as if she were made out of porcelain. Lizzy felt like she had met the woman somewhere. She had seen her before that much was true, but the question was where?

“What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you here for another few days.” William looked shocked, and he got up from his place leaving Lizzy alone. She felt stranded and worried.

“I left a few days early in order to surprise you. Surprise.” The woman looked Lizzy up and down. “So who is she? Not to be rude or anything, but well, it's 3 a.m. and it is your apartment, but I'm just curious as to who she is.”

“Oh, yeah. She's Lizzy.”

At this Lizzy felt completely ridiculous. She was being talked about, and she was in the room. Looking at the blond doll she stood up and smoothed out her dress. Standing up to full height she walked forward and shook the woman's hand.

“As I'm in the room I feel I can introduce myself.” Lizzy glared over towards William to show her disgust with his treatment of her.
“I'm Elizabeth Bennet. I think the question is who are you?”

“Lizzy, don't be rude. I was getting to the point of introducing you.”

“No, you were getting to the point of ignoring me.”

“Ahem, I'm still here. I'm Georgiana, William's sister.”

She felt stupid. Beyond stupid she felt moronic. Of course she had felt like she met the woman before. She had looked at her pictures and had listened to William talk about her. Blushing and feeling like a little girl she looked down at her feet.

“God Georgiana, I'm sorry. I… wow… I don't know what I thought.”

“I still don't know exactly who you are. Are you a friend?”

“She's my girlfriend Georgie.”

“You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend!” Georgiana's voice seemed excited and nervous at the same time. She looked Lizzy up and down as if to appraise her value in a single look. Reaching out and taking her offered hand, Lizzy greeted her.

“I ought to be going anyway. It was really nice to meet you Georgiana, and William I'll see you soon.” Lizzy went to leave, and William grabbed her arm to stop her.

“Wait, I want to talk to you. Please?”

“I'll just, uh, go to my room. It's back here isn't it?” Georgiana walked away to get out of the room as quickly as possible.

“Lizzy, we still have our date tomorrow. You can't leave yet. I want to go see the museums with you. I want to be with you.”

“I know, but your sister's here. I can't ruin your time with her.”

“She's here unexpectedly. She knows better. I will pay for her to have a hotel tonight and tomorrow night. That way it will really be our weekend. Just hold on.”

William left the room without waiting for a response from Lizzy. She heard some hushed voices in the other room then Georgiana left her room with a smile on her face.

“It seems I have a spa get away to get to. William's making as few phone calls, and then I'll be out of your hair. So anyway, what is it you do? You're American. I could tell that much by your accent, but what's your story?”

“I'm here as an au pair. I just finished school and decided to make a trip to Europe before I got on with life.”

“Oh, what degree did you get?”

The small talk continued on for another ten minutes when William came out of the back rooms and whispered in his sister's ear. Georgiana kissed her brother's cheek then walked over to Lizzy and hugged her.

“It was really great to meet you Lizzy. I'll see you again soon I'm sure. We should set up a time for a pedicure together, I know this great spa.”

“Ahem, stop trying to steal my girlfriend Georgie. I'll talk to you Monday.”


William had nearly lost control over himself when his sister walked through the door. It appeared that he was never to have any power over his life when Lizzy was around. Events that would normally be carefully orchestrated seemed to change to events that just happened. Georgiana had never come home early. She had always scheduled her returns to perfectly coincide with whatever his plans were for their time together.

“Lizzy, I'm sorry for that. She wasn't supposed to be home for another few days.”

“No really, I'm sorry. I overreacted and decided to behave like a child.”

“I deserved the treatment you gave me. We've been horrible to each other tonight.”

“Let's just go to bed, and we'll start tomorrow off on a better foot. Maybe we'll get out of the right side of the bed tomorrow.”

“Any side with you is the right side.” He placed his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply. He felt her kiss back, her fingers tangling in his hair and pulling him closer to her. He felt her desire and it matched his.



“Tomorrow, let's make a compromise. Museums and my stuff during the day, the evening it's whatever you would like to do.”

“I think that's a good deal.”

Chapter 9

Lizzy woke up early. She felt like she had just drifted off to sleep, and somehow there she was awake and in William's arms. Georgiana had left, and they had gone to bed. They were both so exhausted from the events of the evening that they fell asleep, relishing in the comfort of one another's bodies.

She felt William stir beside her. She looked over at him and watched him slowly wake up.

“Have you been watching me sleep for long?”

“Just a few seconds. Good morning.” Leaning over she kissed his cheek.

“Only a peck? I thought I would deserve more than that.”

“Morning breath; I don't want to kill you with disgust.”

“Oh, yeah. Disgust.” He manoeuvred himself so he was looking down at her, and he kissed her firmly on the lips. “The last thing I'll ever worry about is morning breath. When I kiss you, all I can think of is your lips.”

“Oh. Well. I…” She felt herself blush. “We uhm, we need to get going. Le Musee du Louvre opens soon, and we want to get there early.” She sighed with disappointment as he moved away. Part of her had hoped he would argue with her.

They prepared for the day without much conversation. Both of them were tired. They had fallen back to sleep at about 4 a.m., and it was now only 8. A total of 6 hours of sleep wasn't much. Sitting together, they both ate a bowl of cereal and finished getting ready.

There was little discussion as they left the house. They both seemed to be in a haze. The arguments of the night before caused them to tread lightly with their chosen topics of conversation. Neither wanted to be the one to cause strife. They walked arm in arm down the street to the metro station. Jumping on the first Line One train to come through, they stood together, her back leaning against William's chest. To outsiders they looked like a perfect couple - content and in love.

She knew their situation though. They were walking a tight rope. His hand on her side served as a reminder of the real world as her brain tried to get lost in memories of conversations. She was playing out their relationship to see what kind of potential they really had. He had called her his girlfriend. Did that mean something?


William watched Lizzy as they rocked together with the movement of the train. Their bodies moving in unison just like he hoped their minds would eventually. He knew there was a long battle ahead of them, but they were worth the fight.

They got off the train at Louvre Rivoli and around the massive Chateau that was the Louvre. People seemed to swarm around like bees to honey. His heart was beating faster because of his absolute disgust and fear of crowds. He had always been in the spotlight. Being an heir to a wealthy family in England led him to always be fodder for tabloids. When his mother died, the paparazzi had weaselled their way into the church, taking photographs of tears streaming down his face. From that moment on, people recognised him everywhere he went.

From then on, he hated crowds. They seemed to always be looking at him. He knew that some of it was just irrational. Not everyone in the world knew who he was. Lizzy was a prime example. She didn't care about any of that. His celebrity, his fortune seemed more of an impediment than a bonus.

They walked into the pyramid entrance of Le Louvre, feeling a sweltering blast as they entered the glass chamber. The heat and the line made him irritable, and all he wanted to do was by-pass the line and go in quickly. He stifled that feeling and kissed Lizzy's cheek instead. She smiled at him, and he felt at peace.

They finally got through the line and made their way through the massive underground welcome area. Walking through the crowd Lizzy picked up the pace.

“Where are we off to?”

“The Mona Lisa.”

“The Mona Lisa? It's… No, I'll be good.”

“Good. It's just through here.” She kept weaving through the crowds, bypassing some of the most gorgeous paintings in the world.

William felt the claustrophobia of the situation. As they turned right into the chamber, it seemed like all of Paris had gathered before this painting. In the middle of the room, there was a panel that held one of the most well known paintings in the world. People flocked from all over the planet to catch a glimpse of this woman that seemed to watch you at every point in the room. To be honest with himself, William did feel the importance of this painting just as he came in. He felt her eyes watching him, and he felt the power of it. Another pair of eyes seemed to watch him as well. These weren't hundreds of years old.

“What do you think of her?” Lizzy looked at him with concern. He could see that this was an important part of her plans for the weekend.

“Honestly?” he looked down at her and she nodded. “She's amazing. I've never seen something so masterfully done.” William walked towards the painting, pushing his way through the crowd. He held onto Lizzy's hand tightly as he moved in and out. “She watches you, regardless of where you move. It's like she knows what's in your heart - what you're feeling. I always thought people were exaggerating when they mentioned how amazing she really is. They're not.”

“So you like her then?”

“I think I want to take her home with me to see every day of my life.” William had stopped talking about the painting. He had realised that his concern over the crowd had long since passed. Between the power of Mona Lisa and Lizzy, he wasn't concerned about everyone watching him. He felt back in control.


Lizzy was relieved of his reaction. She had felt that if he wasn't interested in the Mona Lisa, there was really no point in their next stop. Grabbing his hand tightly again she started to pull him out of the room.

“No, wait. I want to see her some more. Plus, I want to see some other paintings in here. I want to be with her just a little longer.”

Lizzy looked at him and wondered if he was talking about the painting again. He put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her away from the crowd surrounding the centre piece of the room. He pulled them back to a corner and kissed her. She felt the strength of such an action. He was nervous in crowds and to make such a bold statement meant more than just the kiss. The kiss continued on and the whole room seemed to fall away. It was just the two of them. They were alone in this magnificent room.

Lizzy jumped as she felt a tap on her shoulder.

“Excusez-moi…” The newcomer looked nervous, and Lizzy wondered why he was bothering to interrupt them.

“Nous ne parlons pas francais. Parlez-vous anglais?”

“Oh, yes. You need to take that outside. We can't have you kissing in here.”

Lizzy looked down at the man's name tag and realised he was an employee. She laughed and pulled William out of the room, away from all of the eyes that had turned to watch them instead of the painting.

The rest of the day was much less eventful. They left the Louvre, opting out of large crowds and massive lines. They crossed the river and went to the Musee D'Orsay. This museum was one of Lizzy's favourite. It housed some of the most famous impressionists in the world. Van Gogh, Manet, and Monet could all be found in the rooms of this old train station.

Opposed to le Louvre, D'Orsay is a relaxed building. The relaxed feel of the area seemed to make its way to William. Lizzy felt his body loosen as they walked throughout the chambers.

They stopped frequently to look at paintings, enjoying the brushstrokes of the master painters. Neither commenting on the artwork, they continued throughout the rooms. Lizzy was at peace. She felt the warmth of William next to her, and she wondered how they could have so many arguments. They seemed to be so perfect with one another; as long as no one opened their mouths they could be happy.

They finished wandering, and William was the first to speak.

“Do you want to do something else? The museums will all be closed soon, so it's time for non-museum activities.”

“So is it still lady's choice, or is it your turn?”

“Well, it's not quite dinner time so I'd say it's still your choice.”

“Then let's make a run to Tuileries. It's in the area, and we can sit and have crepes.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

They left the old train station and walked down the river, crossing and finding themselves near Le Louvre again. They strolled together arm in arm feeling the other's being.

The park felt rigid and overdone after experiencing the atmosphere at D'Orsay. The trees were in straight lines, and the paths never wandered. Children played, and lovers kissed, but it felt more structured than expected. The mood had changed, and she felt William take the lead.


William had always liked this garden. It felt organised and welcoming. Everything had its place, and he felt like he belonged. This caused him to take the position of power. He led her to a kiosk that sold drinks, crepes, and other snacks. He bought two crepes without asking her what she wanted. He felt he knew her well enough to guess what kind of crepe she would want.

When he handed her the snack, he felt her tense and saw a look of hurt in her eyes, but she said nothing. He kissed her lips lightly and led her to a bench to sit and enjoy.

“So tonight, I have an idea to go to this restaurant not far from here actually. It's supposed to be really good. We could then go back to my place, or you could go home. Whatever you feel most comfortable with.”

“We can just go back to your's. I'll go home tomorrow morning. I'll have a lot to do this week.”

“Is that a forewarning that I won't see you much this week?”

“It's a forewarning that Billy Collins is coming for a visit, and he's going to suck the life out of me.”

“Billy Collins? Who's he?”

“Some sleazy guy my mother made me date in high school because he was wealthy. She's pushing for a romantic reunion in Paris. I'm pushing for getting him deported.”

William became nervous. They had been fighting all weekend, and he was grasping for reasons why. Her mother made her date someone for money? Is that why she's dating him? Is it possible she couldn't feel anything more for him than she could feel in his wallet? Lizzy didn't seem like the type, but like mother like daughter. William was ready to take on any hypothesis as long as it explained their problems over the extended date.

“So why are you showing him around if you don't want to spend time with him?”

“To please my mother - sometimes it's easiest to just do what she wants than to argue with her.”

“Is that why you're with me?” It slipped. He hadn't meant to say it. He hadn't meant to doubt her. Why had he said it? He saw the look on her face and felt her body tense.

“No, I'm with you because I like you. Jesus Christ William is that what you really think? That I'm just after your money? Wow. Just wow. If that was the case wouldn't I be trying to use more of your money this weekend?” He watched her get up, throw the remainder of her crepe in the bin, and begin to walk away.

“I didn't mean to say it. Lizzy stop. Lizzy please.”

“Don't tell me to stop. Don't tell me to turn around. Don't you dare even beg me. How dare you. How dare you think I'm after you for your money. Is that what the arguing has been about this weekend? Testing me? Seeing if that's why I'm with you? William, I'd like you more if you were poor.”

“No stop, I don't think you're after me for my money. I just think that sometimes people can be convinced to do things they wouldn't do. It's your mother after all, as you said - sometimes it's easier to just do what she says rather than argue.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around. He held her face in his hands and kissed her deeply. He felt her pushing on his chest, pushing him away.

She prized herself out of his hands. “Stop. You don't apologise you just go directly for the kiss. Just apologise. It's not that hard. You were wrong, so admit it.”

“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Lizzy. For all of this weekend, it's been nothing but trouble. I don't really think you're after my money. I was wrong.”

“You'll never do it again?” The look in her eyes was one of hope.

“I'll try.”


She was furious with him, but Lizzy understood. It was something he had to watch out for. She just wondered if it would always be about the money. If he'd always remind her that he had something she didn't.

They had finished their crepes and decided it was time to make a move. They walked through the park, William's arm around her back leading and holding her at the same time. Her mind was hard at work deciding if this was something she wanted to do. Did she want to continue forward with him? Did she want to engage her heart somewhere where her mind was having difficulties?

They continued down the path making their way towards the main exit. Concorde stood before them. Children were playing in the fountain and Paris seemed alive before them. This spot housed one of the most interesting views in the city. You could see Concorde, the Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, Les Invalides, the Grand Palace and so on. The whole city was laid out before them. Cars and streetlights lit their way down one of the most famous streets in Paris.

Down the Champs Elysees they found themselves at a restaurant Lizzy had always wanted to go in. The Pavillon Elysees had always been the fantasy restaurant for her. It was on the Champs Elysees, and in between all of the major sights of the city. Her heart skipped a beat as William opened the door for her. They made their way through the restaurant, led through by one of the staff.

Her anger had long since faded away. It was a dream of hers to come to this restaurant. It was one that she could have obtained without him, but it was one that was better for having him here now. They ordered and ate in relative silence. There was very little left to be said. She watched him as he ate. His manners softened, and his body language showed openness and interest towards her. She looked at him, examining his every feature and move. He was becoming her Adonis. She felt the urge to show him how she was starting to feel. She started when she felt something touch her leg. Realising it was his leg she slowly moved her leg closer to his increasing the pressure, showing him she felt something for him. They continued eating, not looking each other in the eye. As she took another bite, his leg moved against her slowly rubbing against her.


William looked at Lizzy across the table and she felt the desire for this man she seemed to barely know. She wanted him and needed him more than anything else in the world. Feeling a bit like a petulant school girl she cried, “William why are we still at this restaurant? I want nothing more than to leave this instant.”

He started, unsure of what to do next. Waving the waitress to him, he handed his credit card over and shooed her away to finish. The bill was paid, and Lizzy got out of her seat so fast he hardly had time to put his napkin down. Grabbing his hand, she led him out the door of the restaurant.

Pushing him back against the wall of the building she started kissing him passionately. She felt his surprise, but he wanted her as much as she him. She broke off the kiss and left him standing there, only to walk away to hail a taxi. She looked back over her shoulder and smiled. The look she gave him screamed sex and desire. Nearly breaking into a run, he followed her into the taxi.

He barely had time to give the driver the directions to his apartment before Lizzy had begun kissing him again. She didn't seem to care that there was an audience within less than 2 feet. Moving her hands down his chest he had to grab her in order to stop her from doing something completely inappropriate.

“Wait, we're almost there.”

She sighed and forced herself back into her seat. The toes of her shoes tapping nervously on the rug of the car she couldn't wait to bolt from. As soon as it stopped, she jumped out of the taxi and ran to the door of the building. Entering the code, she held the door open and clicked her toe as William paid and made his way to the building.

His tie was the first thing she grabbed as she walked backwards and led him into the corridor, her other hand searching the wall for the elevator button. She lunged for his lips and started devouring him with kisses again. She wanted him, and she did not have time to wait for him to make the first move.

When they got to his floor, she led him out by his tie again. As they reached the door, she kissed his neck from behind and reached around to the front of him to rub his chest while he tried to keep focus enough to unlock the door. Once the door opened and allowed them in, she kicked her shoes across the entryway. Slamming the door shut behind her, she started unbuttoning his shirt.

“Oh you do it!” she cried, frustrated with buttons. She lifted her dress over her head with one movement and he was amazed to see her body for the first time. The only light in his apartment coming from the open windows meant that moonlight lit the way for them. He watched her as she unhooked her bra and turned her back to him. The straps of the garment sliding down her arms, she threw it behind her where it landed at his feet.

He followed her, shirtless and awestruck, to his bedroom. As she seemed to be in a hurry she got there well before him. She was lying in the middle of his bed, completely naked when he got there. She felt like she had waited hours, and he felt like he had missed a major step somewhere. He completely disrobed and looked at her. She was absolutely amazing.

“Are you just going to stare at me all night?”

He shook his head back and forth, his jaw hanging open a little bit.

“Well come on then, get into bed.”

He followed her orders. It wouldn't do to ignore her wishes tonight. Once he was in bed, she pushed him onto his back and straddled his midsection.

“I've waited so long to do this. It seems like I've been waiting forever.”

She hadn't taken a chance to look at him completely. Realising this she stopped and backed up a little. Taking in all of his body she smiled sweetly. Had she not been completely naked, straddling him, he could have thought her an innocent woman. Tonight was teaching him something completely different.

Chapter 10

They had done it. They had broken the last barrier to their relationship. Throughout all of their arguing they had jumped the hurdle. Lizzy lay in William's bed, the covers pulled up nearly to her chin. She was completely embarrassed about last night. It was a rare occurrence that she took the lead like that. She fished around the bed looking for any sign of her clothing that seemed to go flinging every which direction, and she couldn't find any of it.

“What are you doing Elizabeth?” The use of her full name struck her. It was too early for parental tones.

“I'm looking for my clothes. What did you think I would be doing?”

“I wasn't sure, that's why I asked. Did you sleep well? It's already 9? Oh wow, I'm late for a meeting. Oh wow wow wow.”

William got out of bed without a second look at her. She felt small and insignificant as he just walked out of the room without another word. Realising he was busy and late and it was not a snub she decided to get up and get ready for her trip home. It was time for the real world, and she didn't want it to be.

“Lizzy, feel free to take your time getting ready my house keeper will let you out when you're ready to go. I need to go now otherwise I'll never be able to save face. I can claim problems in traffic for now.” He stood at his doorway speaking to her, not coming any closer. He looked her up and down once, and she realised her hair was standing out in every direction and she probably had makeup smeared down her face. Smiling, he turned and left.

She got up and started collecting her clothes from around the room. She found her bag and made a bee-line for the bathroom. The bathroom was a man's world. She could smell the masculine scents wafting over her as she stepped into the shower. It smelled of him and reminded her of the warmth he made her feel.

When the water ran down her body, she felt the insecurities of the weekend wash away. She ran her fingers through her hair, taking her time to wash herself and feel relaxed. As she bent over to clean her legs she heard the door behind her open. Wondering if William had come back to see her, she turned around to face the door. Before she could cover herself up she heard a scream.

“Oh my God! Lizzy! Oh my God oh my God oh my God! I didn't mean to. Oh my. I'm going out of the room. Oh my God.”

Georgiana had come back to her brother's apartment. Rinsing off and jumping out of the shower she dried and dressed as quickly as possible. She rushed into the living room to find Georgiana sitting on the sofa, legs crossed, foot bouncing quickly.

“Georgiana, I'm so sorry. I was just on my way out. I need to get to work sometime today.”

“No, I'm the one who's sorry. I didn't mean to walk in on you. I didn't hear the shower going. I was looking for a pair of tweezers.”

Lizzy smiled, “It's ok, don't worry about it. Look I need to get going, but it was really good to meet you.”

“No, wait. I wanted to talk to you. Where are you off to? I can maybe go with you part way or something, and we can talk. I'd like to get to know you.”

“Uh, well I'm off to Vincennes. It's where I live. It's on Line 1 of the Metro.”

“Ok, well how about I go with you, and we talk on the way. That way you're not late.”

She grabbed her things and looked at Georgiana. Lizzy was shocked at Georgiana's confidence. She felt sadness from her, but she didn't know why. They walked out the door together, and Georgiana was the first to speak.

“I know this is serious and not a way to gain friendship with you, but Lizzy, do you understand what it means to be with William?”

“What do you mean?”

“It's not sunshine and roses. With money like his, ours, it means responsibility. We own property all over the globe. Our family employs over 300 people. That's not including the company, or his responsibility to numerous charities. The weight of the world is on his shoulders.”

The look on Georgiana's face was serious. It seemed as if the whole Darcy family had this belief that they were the centre of the world, and that they had to take so much upon themselves. They walked into the metro together, Lizzy barely lifting up her head to look at the other woman.

“He doesn't have to take it all upon himself.”

“But don't you see? He does. It's not a matter of him dropping out of his world and joining yours. He's a part of too much. You'll have to go to him, not the other way around. White picket fences and 2.5 children left him years ago. The kids are still an option, but the fences are security fences. The kids will be cared for by nannies, au pairs, and the mother when she can fit time in. By staying with him you have to accept the wealth.”

The indignation was rising. The thought of William hiring someone like her to do his parenting for him seemed so out of place. It wasn't appropriate.

“It could be different; he could come down a few pegs.”

“Let me tell you about the last time he `slummed' it. He went to a club in London, and someone let the press in as it was his 18th birthday. The crowd got to be too much, and a girl was severely injured. That was the last time he ever seriously dated. That girl recovered but refused to see him again. She blamed everything on him.”

“But it wasn't his fault, how could he… How is it…” Lizzy dropped her bag in defeat. She couldn't argue. She saw where the seriousness of William came from. At 18, the world had come smashing down for him. “Thank you Georgiana. I uhm, well I really have to go now.”

“Lizzy. Stop, we can talk about this.”

“I don't want it to be that way Georgiana. I don't know if I can handle everything I need to handle to be with him.”


William sat at his desk flipping through his schedule for the next couple of weeks. Things with Lizzy had gone wonderfully the night before. His body ached to repeat what they had done. Turning page after page, he realised he had no free time. There were stacks of things he had been ignoring to spend more time with her, and it had come to the point that they had to be tended to. He slammed his diary shut and scanned around the room. He looked at the phone, longing to call her and tell her he wanted to be with her but just couldn't right now.

“Mr. Darcy, there's a phone call for you, it's your sister.”

“I'll take it in here.” As the phone clicked to life, William didn't have a chance to say hello to his sister.

“Fitzwilliam Darcy, how dare you get a woman involved with you without telling her the implications of a relationship.”

“What on Earth are you talking about? And Hello Georgiana, how are you? How was your spa weekend?”

“Oh don't you dare change the subject, we'll get back to my annoyance on that subject.”

“Well, tell me, what are you talking about?”

“I'm talking about the fact that Elizabeth got it into her head that she didn't have to come into your world, that she could manage to bring you down a notch or two in the world of privilege and wealth. You didn't disabuse her of that knowledge? What is wrong with you? The poor girl is shell-shocked.”

“What did you do?”

“I had the talk you should have had.”

“Why did you do that? Why did you ruin what chances I had with her?” His heart had fallen through the floor. He knew that she would blame him for everything. Her heartbreak and the rest were his fault.

“I didn't ruin your chances. If she's meant to be, she needs to accept a few things.”

“And what few things are those Georgiana?”

“I reminded her that you are busy, that you get swamped by photographers, that the American Dream can't be your dream. I really hope I don't need to remind you of all of those things. You have responsibilities to our family name. She's a sweet girl, but you can't give up everything for her. There's too much at risk.”

William sighed into the phone. He felt his new found freedom with a wonderful woman slip through his fingers.

“William, are you ok?”

“I'm fine. Just a bit of a reality check that's all. I need to go in a few minutes. George Wickham will be here to talk about the possibility of settling.”

“You're not are you? Settling I mean? You can't let him have that satisfaction. You did nothing wrong.”

“Georgie you have to remember its business, that's all. I need to keep the company together, and a long drawn out court drama won't help that at all.”

“So he's in Paris? How long is he here for?” The worry in her voice was apparent and he felt absolutely heart broken that he couldn't do more to protect his little sister.

“You've got nothing to worry about Georgie. He's not going to come back after you. He's going after me directly now.”

The conversation soon ended, and he didn't know what to do. He felt the urge to call Lizzy, but after her morning, would she even feel like talking to him?


She had arrived home in good time. Walking into the house was a bit of a shock for her. The rooms looked like a tornado had gone through them, and there were two screaming kids running and throwing things over their shoulders. Thankful she didn't have to calm the children down; she put down her things and prepared a snack for Vincent and Anicka.

Lizzy walked out the door. She had chosen to walk to pick up the children instead of drive. Her body needed some physical exercise to remove the stresses of the day. As she walked to the school, her mobile rang.

“Lizzy, hello. How are you? Is this Lizzy?”

“Yes, who is this?”

“This is George Wickham, we met the other day on the metro. I Googled you and found your phone number.”

“Oh, hello! Sorry I haven't phoned you, I've been so busy. What are you doing today?”

“Not too much. I'm on my way back to Vincennes in order to take a much needed rest before going in for a settlement meeting.”

“Oh, on your case? How is that going?”

“Well, what are you doing now, maybe we could meet up and have a chat about it?”

“I'm actually starting work. Maybe after work we can get together? There's a great café by the metro. We could meet there?”

“Sounds great. What time are you off work?”

“Eight. So I can meet you at the café at eight thirty.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

The afternoon with the children continued quietly. Both Anicka and Vincent had homework, and their afternoon was free from activities. Sophia prepared dinner, and the children did the washing up. There was little for Lizzy to do except sit back and watch. Before she knew it, it was time to be done for the evening.

Without preparing Lizzy walked out the front gates and turned right and headed in the direction of the café she was meeting George. She walked a few blocks and felt as if someone were following her. She felt someone watching and moving with her. Nerves began to pile up and when her mobile rang she nearly screamed.

“Hello?” She said anxiously.

A wheezy voice responded to her query, “Hello, Lizzy? Your mother gave me this number.”

“Oh Bill. Now's not really a good time. I'm just headed out to meet a friend.”

“That's great! I'm in Paris; maybe we could meet and catch up. I'd love to meet your friends here.”

“Billy, this is really not a good time.”

“Oh we're old friends; of course it's a good time. Your mother wouldn't be happy if you turned me down. She's hoping we become much better than friends, and so do I.”

“I really can't tonight.”

“Of course you can. Your mother told me which Metro stop is yours, and I'm nearly there. I stopped off at Nation to give you a phone call and make sure we can meet up.”

“Just, give me an hour. I'll make some calls. Meet me at Chateau de Vincennes in one hour. Take the Chateau exit.”

“Great! Great! You won't be sorry.”

Lizzy hung up the phone feeling the regret creep through her. She dialled William's number and prayed that he would be able to meet her within an hour. She needed some protection, someone to support her.

“William, hi it's me. Can you come to see me?”

“Lizzy, I can't. Not tonight. I'm really busy.”

“Please, Bill Collins is in town, and he's coming to meet me and I really want you there with me. I need you here with me. Please come.”

“I can't. I'm up to my neck in paperwork. Even if I could it would just be a flying visit.”

“Then please make it a flying visit. He's meeting me in an hour. You just have to come and help me scare him off. Don't leave me alone with him… he'll propose. I know that's why he's here, and I just can't deal with it.”

“Fine. One hour. I'm guessing your metro stop?”

“Yes. Thank you so much William! I owe you the World.”

They didn't exchange pleasantries, and she was completely put off by his attitude and shortness. As she put her phone back in her purse she managed to find herself in front of the café. She looked around the tables and didn't see George anywhere. Taking a seat outside she ordered a coffee and tried to relax. All she could hope was that tonight wouldn't turn out as horribly as she thought it would.

Chapter 11

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

-Langston Hughes

William couldn't believe his eyes when he met Lizzy at the station. There stood the one person he had hoped he would never see again. The settlement meeting had gone well. George had accepted the offer, and that should have been the end of Wickham's interaction with the Darcys. Unfortunately there he stood, next to Lizzy with a smile.

“Lizzy we need to talk, come with me.”

“Excuse me?”

“Come with me now, please.”

“Hold on just a minute. I'm here with a friend, and I'm meeting someone else. I can't just leave George to sit here on his own.”

“You can and will. Just come with me, you'll be back here in a matter of moments.”

He watched as the smile turned into a grin across his rival's face. George's eyes lit up with the prospect of making William uncomfortable. William took a deep breath. How could he compete with this now? He watched as George started to put his arm around Lizzy's shoulder. Before the action was complete, William reacted.

“Well, I don't think you need me here after all. You said you needed me here so you wouldn't be alone with your friend from home. Apparently that's not a problem now.”

William turned to go back through the turnstile. He felt his heart beating faster. All he could hope is that Lizzy would stop him, make some effort to find out why.

“Have a good night William.” He could feel the sarcasm drip off of George's comment. As William turned to give a last look at Lizzy, he saw the hurt and confusion on her face and decided he'd explain it to her later.


Coffee with George had gone well. He was friendly and spent the time discussing his case. He told Lizzy about how his mentor's son had kicked him out of the company that he was destined to help run. His mentor had wished that the son and George should run the company. George refused to name names, but Lizzy could tell that he was upset by the betrayal. They discussed Lizzy's job and what she wanted to do for the future. When it was time to meet William, she was excited to introduce her new friend to him.

As she watched the interaction with George and William, she began to wonder if there was more to both of their stories. It was obvious they knew each other, but how well? She couldn't help but be annoyed with him as he tried to force her away from George. She figured that if it was that important, he wouldn't have left her. As she watched William walk away, she wanted to ask George what had happened, but Billy came out of the station next. She sighed and prepared herself for what was to come.

“My dearest Elizabeth, it has been ages.” The attempt at charm seemed slimier than his normal self.

“Yes, Billy. I know. Billy, let me introduce my friend George Wickham. George, this is Billy Collins, an old friend from the States. Billy, this is George, a new friend.”

He reached for George's hand and shook it loosely, “Any friend of my dear Elizabeth's is a friend of mine. How great it is to meet you.”

Looking at her with a question in his eyes George responded in kind, shaking Billy's hand. The introduction went as smoothly as possible, and Lizzy lead the boys on a walk around the castle. They walked around the path near the moat, Billy continuously trying to find his way closer to her, occasionally grasping for her hand. George tried to stop the movement by getting in the middle, and the dance continued with Billy reaching, and George intercepting.

The evening didn't last long as Billy got fed up with the dance. He asked for forgiveness and begged off early - jetlag he explained. He set up a time to meet Lizzy the following day at the Eiffel Tower. George followed suit, explaining he was tired from his day of meetings. He said he would phone tomorrow and set up another time to see her.

She walked back to the house in a bit of a haze. The day had been such a whirl wind. It had started with William, and ended with two other men. One who had designs on her, and the other she wasn't sure. Who was George Wickham? Where had he come from, and what was his interest in her?


William walked into his apartment absolutely fuming. What was George Wickham doing with his girlfriend? Why did George have to encroach on everything that was his? As he stormed around his apartment he nearly jumped out of his skin when Georgiana came out of her room asking what all of the noise was about.

“Georgie, I'm sorry. Go back to your room. I'm just a bit upset.”

“I could tell, what happened? I thought you were going out with Lizzy, to save her from some mess she got herself into?”

“I was. You'll never guess who was with her.”

“Well, it has to be someone you don't like, as you're absolutely annoyed. Was it Aunt Cathy?”

“No, it wasn't Aunt Cathy, although I don't know if I'd feel much better with her about.”

“Well then who Will?”


The colour in Georgiana's face drained quickly. He could tell her nerves were going, and she was about ready to cry. He watched as she took a deep breath and steeled herself for whatever he was to say. “Have you told her Will? Does she know who he is? What he's done?”

“No, I don't know if I need to tell her though.” He sighed. His heart was breaking for his sister. She had been through so much, and now her peace was being invaded once again.

“Of course you need to tell her; she's your girlfriend. She needs to know what she's up against. Why can't you just be honest with her? I can't do your dirty work for you. I'm not your big sister, you're my big brother - remember?

“About that - you should not have had that discussion with her. It was not your place, nor was it any of your business.”

“You wouldn't tell her. It had to be done.” She looked down at her fingernails, and he watched as she investigated each nail.

“Georgie, how am I supposed to tell her what he did to you? How am I supposed to tell her I stopped him from raping you? I can't tell her that. I can't do that.”

“Why? What if he tries it with her? Would you ever forgive yourself?”

“That's not fair.”

“No it isn't, but it is a question that needs to be asked. You could barely forgive yourself with me, and you stopped him before anything happened. What if you couldn't stop him next time?”

It was his turn to look at his fingernails. The experience with Wickham had aged his little sister. Now she was wise beyond her years. She got up, touched his shoulder, and went back to her room. He sat on the sofa, examining his hands as thoughts rolled through his mind. He wouldn't forgive himself if Wickham harmed Lizzy. Georgie was right; he still hadn't forgiven himself for what nearly happened to her.


Lizzy's sleep was fitful. She had dreams of William wrapping his arms around her, keeping her safe. She had dreams of George making fun of Billy, and dreams of Billy kidnapping her and forcing her to marry him. When she woke up, she noticed the light dancing on the ceiling. There was a light breeze blowing the leaves of the tree outside her window, making the shadows move. She watched them as they came together and parted. She felt the leaves were symbolizing her life at the moment - coming together and being blown apart.

As she got ready for the day, she dreaded what was to come at the Eiffel Tower. She knew that Billy was waiting for the perfect moment to propose. What's more romantic than the Eiffel Tower?

She made her way to the Eiffel Tower, hoping a lightning bolt would strike the Tower and close it for the day. She hoped a tornado would wipe out the area, anything to stop what was coming. Walking to the Great Phallus she wondered what the other great knob would be doing when she arrived. Would Billy be on one knee already, or would he wait until he took her to the top?

Billy ran up to her as she reached the landing. “Oh dearest, you're finally here! Come, I've already purchased tickets. We're going all the way to the top.”

Proposal at the top of the erection - that was the choice he made. Who would have guessed?

They waited in line and made their way onto the elevator. People crowded in all around, and she found herself being smashed by Billy. “Sorry my darling, there isn't anywhere else for me to go.” She still hadn't responded to anything he said. Instead she chose to sigh and look to the ceiling, praying for support and guidance. She would need her strength today.

They walked out of the first elevator and without taking time to look out at the city from the second level he dragged her to the second elevator. He tapped his toes as the small elevator flew up the shaft. As the doors opened, he beamed at her. They walked out together, and he tried to put his arm around her waist, and she continuously pushed his arm away from her.

“My dearest, your modesty, so far from doing you any disservice, adds to your other perfections. You would have been less wonderful in my eyes had there not been this little unwillingness; but allow me to assure you that I have your mother's permission to ask you this. You cannot doubt the reason for me coming to Paris, however your personality may lead you to dissemble; my attention has been too, well I've always paid attention to you. Almost as soon as I met you I knew I wanted to marry you, and make you my lover for the rest of my days.” As he said this, Lizzy watched the sweat drip down his forehead and tried not to cringe at the idea of being his lover. “But before I run away discussing my feelings on this, perhaps I ought to tell you my reasons for wanting to marry you.”

Lizzy groaned, and wished there was somewhere for her to run away to. She cursed the moment she got into the elevator with Billy. She tuned out as he rambled on, occasionally catching a word or two about her lack of wealth. She nearly tuned out completely but she heard something that made her jump.

“Once we are married I will never discuss your lack of a trust fund. It will never pass my lips once you and I are lovers in more ways than one.”

“My God! You forget that I haven't answered you. I thank you for your affection but you must know I don't return it. I've never asked for your love, nor have I ever returned it. I am very sorry you came to Paris only to be disappointed in your love. Now please, excuse me. I have to get to work.”

She ran. She had never run away from anyone before, generally choosing to stay and fight rather than turn tail. When she got out of the last elevator she didn't stop running until she reached the platform at the Metro station.


He hadn't left the living room all night. Keeping his station on the sofa, staring at his fingernails, he thought the whole night through. How was he to keep his dream of a life with Lizzy alive when Wickham was there to poison it with the petals of oleander? George's words to her would be sweet he knew, and he would be able to bend her to his will eventually, unless William did something. The next morning he went to work, refusing to contact Lizzy because his pride was hurt. He was a force to be reckoned with the next day. No one, not even Bingley dared to get in his way. He went home early and followed the routine he set up the night before - he sat on the couch and thought over what was to be done.

The next morning he left his apartment early, grabbing only his keys, phone, and wallet. He wandered the streets around his neighbourhood finally deciding to call Lizzy and meet up with her before her classes.

A muffled, sleepy voice answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Lizzy, it's Will; can you meet me before your class today?”

“Will, it's six o'clock in the morning. Can it wait? I can meet you after? Or for lunch?”

“No, I want to see you now.”

“Ok, give me an hour. I need to at the very least take a shower. Meet me at Etoile; you can walk me to Victor Hugo.”

“One hour. See you then.”

He walked to the Arc and stood outside the exit waiting for her. The walk wasn't a long one, but it wore him out extremely. As he made long strides through the city, he thought of what to do about Wickham. Could he tell her? Should he tell her? He couldn't, and wouldn't tell. The whole situation was horrible for Georgiana, and he wouldn't be able to tell Lizzy. She was an adult; she wouldn't allow herself to get into the same situations Georgiana had found herself in, so there was no need to warn her.

When they greeted at the top of the stairs, he felt that she had changed towards him, her embrace was much colder than ever before.


Lizzy was exhausted. She couldn't sleep the night before because of all the thoughts running through her mind. Her brain felt as if it was too busy dancing the tango to rest for any length of time. To think she had been proposed to by Billy Collins. Her mother would be furious if she ever found out. There was one thing that her mother would never forgive - and that was a refusal of a perfectly good husband.

When William called she was a combination of concerned and excited. She had missed him. He had let her down, surely, but it was her fault she had been in that mess. She couldn't blame him for her faults. She wanted to tell him all about Billy's proposal and her refusal. She wanted to show him that she had wanted him for protection, but it wasn't necessary.

When she saw William for the first time that morning, she felt anger and hatred emanating from every pore in his body. She was afraid she had done the wrong thing. Why did he dislike Wickham so much? What had happened between them?

Chapter 12


“Hi Will.”

“I'm really sorry about the other night.”

“You and me both.”

“Can I do anything to make it up to you?”

“Look, I don't really think I have anything to say to you. There's nothing you can say or do to make me pleased with you at the moment. You've said you're sorry. Give me time, and I'll get over it. Just please, give me some time.”

“You can't just brush me off.”

“Oh for the love of… Yes I can. I'm so tired of presumptuous men. Why can't you all just listen to me for once? Listen to my wants and desires and what I need.” She was near tears at this point. She was beyond frustrated with men and their overwhelming concern with themselves.

“Presumptuous? Do you have any idea what you have gotten yourself into? You're such a silly little girl sometimes. I feel like I have two little sisters.”

“Thanks. Is there anything else you wanted to say to me? Did you want to insult my family? My job? My friends? I'm sure there are a number of things you think are just completely out of line about me.” The tears started spilling down her cheeks. Embarrassment at being in the middle of a large crowd on the Champs Elysee; people rushing to work glancing over their shoulder to see the show.

“Lizzy, stop crying.”

“Stop telling me what to do! I really did need you around the other night. Just like I needed you the morning after we made love. You can never be there for me. You're too wrapped up in your own life to consider what your actions will mean to me. You're so self-absorbed your own sister felt it necessary to warn me what our life together would be like.”

“I didn't want Georgie to do that.”

“No of course you didn't. It didn't work with your agenda. It wasn't part of your plan. It wasn't part of what you needed.” She was starting to sob. She watched as he moved his hand out towards her, acting like he was preparing to console her.

“Would you like to go get some coffee? Sit down and discuss this like adults?”

“I don't have much time for that. I have to get to class.”

“You can skip class for this.”

“Listen to you! Giving me permission again! I can skip class? No I can't. It's important to me. My education is important to me. I want to be fluent in French, and that isn't going to happen with me skipping my classes.”

“I'm skipping meetings this morning because you're more important.”

“Well, I appreciate the compliment but right now I don't know what's more important, you or my education, so I'll stick with the one that won't leave me when it gets rough.”

“I'm not going to leave you. In case you missed it, it's kind of rough now.”

“Rough now? How is it rough now?”

“Well, you're too concerned about your low-level job and French lessons to give me the time of day.”

“Low-level job? Are you kidding me? You might as well leave me alone for good. You've no right to insult me like this. If you hate every part about me, why do you waste your time on me?”

“I don't waste my time on you. You're the only person in the world I could tolerate all of this from.”

“Only person in the world that you can…you've got to be kidding me! Is there anything else you have a problem with?”

“You're hanging out with the one guy who has managed to make my life a living hell, and you seem to be ok with it.”

“The one guy that's made your life a living hell?” She hadn't realised it, but he had led them to a café, and they were seated at a small table in front. Her breath caught as she started to put things together.
George Wickham. “George? What's he done? What happened?”

“It's a long story, and I have to ask you to sit and stay. I can't have you get up and leave half way through. This is hard for me. I need your undivided attention.”

She looked at her hands and her bag and said, “Ok, I'll miss class today.”

“Ok, well then here goes the story. George Wickham is a long time family friend. My father took care of him like he was one of his own children. My father loved him as he loved me and Georgiana. I saw what he was becoming. The older he got the more spoiled he became. My father asked that I gave him a position within the company, making sure he was well taken care of. I agreed, knowing that my father didn't ask for things he didn't feel were necessary.

George and I became co-workers, and it was difficult. I was always cleaning up the mess he left behind. We kept trying to make him more comfortable, rearranging his schedule and his workload. About two years after my father died, leaving the company entirely to me, George decided he would stop coming to work. We kept him on the payroll for several years; I did everything I could to keep him satisfied and able to support himself. It wasn't enough.

He accused me of harassment, and in the end, the Board decided we should let George go. We offered him a handsome severance package and sent him on his way. He seemed in agreement, and we thought all was settled. That was until last year. He sued the Paris side of the company for losses incurred while travelling on supposed business, and he also sued us for unfair dismissal.”

“That was the case he was talking about. He kept telling me about it, but I had no idea what he meant.”

“Yes, well he got his way once again. We settled out of court. He received another £30,000 as well as a retirement nest egg of £100,000. It seems like it isn't much, but when you add the £3,000,000 severance package we offered him, that man should be well off.”


“Please don't interrupt me, I'm far from finished and this is the hard part.” He took a sip of his coffee and took a deep breath. “He is one of the worst men I've ever met. About a year ago, he met my sister. She was visiting friends in England, Ramsgate to be precise, and she ran into George. I made sure to keep things quiet. I never wanted her to know about what George had become. I wanted to protect her. They spent time together, and he worked on wooing her. Eventually, he managed to get her to take him back to the family apartment in London. At the same time, I decided I wanted to visit my sister. She was quite lucky.

I came home, and as I walked in, I heard screaming from her bedroom. I stormed in and I saw him… I saw him… I saw him forcing himself upon her. He hadn't succeeded, but he had almost raped her. She was naked, and he was on top of her ready to do the act.

I don't remember what happened after that. It's quite possible I could have killed him had she not been there. Her screaming woke me from my rage. I kicked him out, and he fled the country before the police could be called.”

Tears streamed down Lizzy's face. She never imagined him to be so awful. Family disagreements are one thing, but rape? How could she have missed that? How could she have misunderstood his character that much? She grew absolutely ashamed of herself. Of neither William nor George could she think,\ without feeling that she had been blind, partial, and absurd. She, who had prided herself on her discernment, who had valued herself on her abilities, had gotten hoodwinked.

“I tried to drag you away the other night because I was afraid for you. I'm sorry I ran away before talking to you. I saw him put his arm around you, and I didn't know what to do. You allowed him to touch you.”

“I did not. He tried it, and I pushed him away. That was after you turned. You must not have seen it.” In absolute shock she knew not what to do. “But how could you do that to me? You left me in danger because of your jealousy? How dare you. You're supposed to care for me, and yet you let him stay with me. You let me trust him.”

“I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings Lizzy, I just didn't know what to do.”

“You didn't know what to do? You could have warned me, you could have made a scene! You could have protected me.”

“I'm so sorry. I just didn't know how you would take it.”

“I've been horrible to you. I don't blame you for second guessing me the way you have. I've not been the best girlfriend in the world exactly. Just please, next time warn me. Fight for me.”

“Instead of deciding who has the most blame, how about we spend the day together?”

“I have to work this afternoon.”

“Well, we have until three right?”

“Yeah, three.”

“Well, it's only ten, so let's go for a river cruise, and then have some lunch. It'll give us a chance to spend some time together.

Her guilt and her concern for William's feelings had caused her to give up the argument much quicker than she would have done otherwise. He cared for her, and he was willing to put aside his concerns and anger. He had been hurt by her actions, and the least she owed him was to give him another chance.


Jane paced in Charles' living room. She used her key and came in to do something important. She was late - really late.

She had hoped he would be home today. She had hoped that he could read her mind and sense something was going on. She paced through his living room holding the test in her hand, staring at it, waiting for the answer. On one of her rotations through the room Caroline Bingley entered the apartment, but not before she saw the results.

“Oh Jane darling! It's been so long since I've seen you.”

Jane hid the test behind her back. “Hi Caro, yeah it's been ages. Sorry I'm a bit out of it at the moment. I think I'm going to go lay down.”

“Are you well?”

“I will be later.”

Caroline didn't miss the object that was hidden behind Jane's back. She was wondering how to bring it up. Deciding the best way of attack was a direct attack, Caroline went straight for the jugular.

“So my dear Jane, who's the father?”

Jane turned around quickly, forgetting entirely about the test in hand. “What do you mean who's the father?”

“Well, there's a pregnancy test in your hand there. Who's the father? It couldn't possibly be my brother. You're not quite his type.”

“I… What?”

“Well, he prefers… you know… attractive women, wealthy women. Women who aren't like you.”

“I really don't know what you mean.”

“Of course you do. I saw the pregnancy test - is it positive? Why are you in my brother's house? You shouldn't be here. I would prefer to be subtle, but honestly this is too much. I've tolerated this situation long enough.” Caroline turned her back on Jane and threw her nose into the air, leaving Jane in no doubt of who won this argument.

The tears came faster and harder than ever before. She had never felt anguish like she was feeling it now. Jane didn't know what to do, so she did the only thing she could think of - she ran out the door.


Charles was tired. He had spent the entire night wide awake wondering what was to be done. He wanted to marry her - big giant diamond ring and proposal at the top of the Eiffel Tower. He was unsure of how to tell his sister, and Darcy hadn't shown up for work. He paced his office trying to figure out what to do next. He could call Jane, invite her over to the house, rent a limo, and take her to the Eiffel Tower to propose, or he could go home and think it over.

He chose the latter. He decided that going home and concentrating on this was something he needed. As he packed up for home, he typed up a quick email for William. “Call me” was all it said. He walked out of the office, not saying goodbye to anyone. At this time of the morning, the metro was empty. He sighed in relief as he grabbed a seat on the Line 1 train.

Walking into his apartment, he was in shock at the disarray. He wasn't a neat freak, but his housekeeper was. There was no reason for magazines to be strewn all over the floor and dishes to be taken out of cupboards. There were things everywhere. He hadn't left the apartment like this, and he was certain that Jane hadn't either.

“Hello, anyone here?”

“Charles! It's about time you got here. You'll never guess what I saw when I came in…Jane. She was here like she owned the place - pacing through looking like she lived here. I couldn't believe it. I put her in her place and off she went.”

“Caro, what did you do?”

“I did what needed to be done. What are you doing dallying with her anyway? You can do so much better. There are many more girls with much more money to choose from. You don't need some snotty, poor American girl.”

“Caro, what did you do?”

“Oh, I just took her down a few notches. Honestly Charles - you could do so much better. We need to find you a proper woman to date.”

“I had a proper woman, and if you didn't ruin my chances with her, I'll have one forever. I can't believe you, interfering like this.”

“Well, for your sake. I hope I did ruin your chances.”

They stood facing each other, like cowboys in an old western. Daring the other to make the first move, it was a proper sibling face off.

Chapter 13

Her life was not a difficult one. Sure her parents had died, but really what's that to her? They left her money, and she was well provided for. She had cars, money, boyfriends and whatever else she could imagine. If it wasn't for her brother she would lead a fantastic life. He was always stirring things up, for example, this thing with Jane, what was he thinking? This wasn't the first time her brother had fallen for the wrong girl. Like that time with the housekeeper or better yet that time with his secretary. There was always some naïve girl, this time it was just a plain Jane from the States.

She sat at his kitchen table slowly stirring a sugar cube into a cup of espresso. She had to think of how to stop this. She had started work on Jane. The small seed of insecurity had been planted, but she needed to fertilize it and help it grow - otherwise all of the work would mean nothing in the end. Sipping the coffee she thought about Charles storming out of his apartment. She had stayed here for three days, and he had not returned. She considered her options. Without being able to contact Charles, the only way was to go after Jane.

Logging on to her brother's computer she scrolled through the contacts. J.B. that must be her. Caroline dialed the number and listened to the rings hoping that she would answer.

“Charles?” a feminine voice answered the phone.

“Hi. Jane? This is Caroline.”

“Caroline, I don't feel like talking to you.”

“It's important. You need to come to Charles' apartment. Preferably immediately.”

She heard the intake of breath on the other end of the phone and she smiled. Jane was playing into the plan. There was no discussion, only a click on the other end. She would wait, and Jane would come. She put the phone down on the desk and took a deep breath. There were numerous options. She could easily convince Jane that Charles had called her in to clean up the mess he made. Better yet, she could tell Jane that Charles didn't want a child with her that he was married. She would offer to pay for an abortion, and set her up with enough money to keep her quiet.

She sat herself gracefully down on the sofa and waited as patiently as she could. She figured she wouldn't have long to wait. Jane lived in the neighbouring district of the city so it should not take her long to arrive to the apartment. Impatience was not a virtue, so she worked on diverting her attention.

Her mind rambled through multiple subjects until she stopped on the fact she hadn't seen William for awhile. She and William had an agreement of a peculiar kind. She knew he adored her, she could just tell. She needed him. Truth be told her trust fund was dwindling slowly. She stayed with her brother in his rambles around the world because she knew if she ever needed any help with money he would be there. But one day he would marry and this would become difficult. She couldn't ask a married man for money. That said, she could marry a rich man and then it wouldn't matter. William Darcy was a catch. The moment you met him you realised as much. If he graced you with his smile you could feel the depth of emotions he was capable of. You just had to look at his clothes to see the depth his bank account was capable of, therefore, he was the perfect choice. However, currently this was not the issue. She needed to keep Charles from proposing to this whore of an American in order maintain her income for just a little longer.

She heard footsteps down the hallway, and a key inserting into the door knob. This was it - it was time for her to attack. When the door opened, she had a shock - it wasn't just Jane it was that other sly American girl, Lizzy.

“Oh, so this is Caroline. Now I remember her. She's the giraffe woman. You could have just told me that Jane.”

“I didn't want to be rude.”

The pair of women spoke about her like she wasn't in the room. This was not to be borne.

“Jane, I asked to speak to you. Who is this? Do you feel you need protection from me?”

“Protection? Why would she need protection, Caroline? Did you attack her previously to make her think that? There must have been something that happened to make you say something like that - to have your mind go directly for protection? Why couldn't we have been in the neighbourhood together when you phoned? Or out to lunch together? Why would she need protection from you?”

“Lizzy, please. Calm down.”

“No Jane, this has gone on long enough. Look at her sitting there like she's some princess. You know I googled her last night when you called me upset. She's nearly bankrupt. The only thing keeping her afloat is her quote, unquote arrangements with wealthy men.”

Caroline watched the two women. She realised Jane looked absolutely terrified. Considering her options at this unexpected turn, Caroline gazed thoughtfully at the space above the two women's heads. How was she supposed to turn Jane away while the other bitch was in the room? Caroline decided the best defence was a good offence, so she was going to attack.

“Elizabeth, may I call you Elizabeth? Who do you think you are to come into my brother's house? I don't remember him inviting you and I know I didn't. And Jane, I understand you have a key, my brother would like it back.” Caroline stared at Jane throughout her speech, hoping that maybe this level of intimidation would work.

Lizzy brought herself up to her full height, which didn't seem like much, but the posture was enough to worry Caroline. It showed that Lizzy wasn't afraid to be on the attack - Caroline had better prepare to defend herself.

“Sorry, Caroline. I didn't think that you lived here. In fact from my understanding you live in England, visiting here rarely to see your brother. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that would make you your brother's
guest which would in turn make you Jane's guest. Jane lives here by your brother's request which makes you the one who loses here, I think. In fact, I would suggest you be kind to Jane here. She could call the police. Who do you think they would believe? The woman who receives mail here or the lounge about without a job?”

Caroline took her time thinking about what she was going to say next. Making the wrong move would not be intelligent. She was correct one phone call to the police would have her locked away in a Paris jail cell. From her understanding Paris may be the city of lights but the prison system wasn't as luxurious as the rest of the city. Jane looked at Lizzy and Caroline saw the weak spot. Jane was the Achilles heel of this argument. Jane didn't appear at all in control of this situation. She would be the way that Caroline could protect herself.

“Jane, I really don't think my brother would appreciate you talking to me like this. Or rather, your friends talking to me like this.” She watched as Jane sent a furtive glance in Lizzy's direction.
That's it, she thought, take the bait. Make her back down.

What she didn't see was the look in Lizzy's eyes when they made eye contact.


Jane had decided enough was enough. Lizzy was a fantastic friend standing up for her, but this was her battle and she knew it. She just needed a little push in the right direction.

“Caroline, I am going to ask you something, and I expect you to follow through with what I ask.” Jane looked Caroline up and down trying to predict how she would react. Never being one to stir up trouble, Jane wasn't sure how she liked this situation.

“Jane, please don't bother me with your simple requests. I'm a very busy woman.”

“Yes, I understand that. As am I and you are - to put it quite simply - wasting my time. I love your brother, and I understand that you as a good sister love your brother as well. I had hoped we could one day be friends. That said, I will not let your brother go. I love him dearly and I hope he will be in my life for the rest of my days. Your petty, ignorant assumptions have done nothing but prove to me that it is I who should be worried about his friends and his connections. It could be said that I am the one that is taking a step down.”

Lizzy looked at her best friend with admiration and Jane smiled at her briefly before turning her attention back to the errant sister.

“I understand your love and affection, but what I ask you now must be complied with or I will phone the police… or worse, the press. You must leave here immediately. You must phone your brother and tell him something important has come up and you have to return to England. You must also tell him that you were mistaken in whatever you said about me. Or at the very least inform him I am here whenever he is ready to talk to me.”

“Why in Heavens' name would I do that?”

“Because I am quite serious in what I say. I will phone the police and quite possibly the press Caroline Bingley. Then the embarrassment of your family would be too much to deal with. Charles would understand. He never pays attention to the news coverage of your family. He thinks tabloids are absolute `rubbish'. So that leaves you the only one hurt by that course of action.”

Jane watched as Caroline tried to hold her ground. She watched as Caroline fidgeted and appeared quite flustered at the situation. Much like the parent who counts to five hoping the child complies instead of actually following through with the threat, Jane considered Caroline with some trepidation. What would she really do if Caroline did not comply?

“I will do part of what you ask.”

“No, you will do all of what I ask. In fact I need you to phone Charles with either Lizzy or myself present, so, I would appreciate if you get this completed now. There is work to be done.”


Caroline recognised the stale mate. If she pushed Jane, things could turn very ugly. However, if she told her brother of her interference he would undoubtedly cut her off. Her inheritance had dwindled and she wasn't sure what she could do for herself if she were in fact disowned.

Picking up the phone she dialled her brother's office. Jane and Lizzy stared at her, unflinching and quite frightening really. She did exactly what was asked of her. Informing her brother she would be going to England, her good friends, the Hursts, had requested she visit. While looking directly into Jane's eyes she said, “Charles, Jane has requested that I inform you that she is at your apartment if you need to speak to her.” She listened to the barrage of questions and responded with a simple, “Really Charles, I am incredibly busy and I don't have time to deal with your questions. Ask Jane.”

Standing up she wiped off her skirt and pushed her nose high into the air. It would never be said that Caroline Bingley ran away with her tail between her legs. No she would walk out of this apartment with grace and decorum.

Packing her things was an easy task. Jane and Lizzy had helped her by throwing her things out of the dresser drawers and onto the floor. They had raided the bathroom and dumped everything into a pile. Lizzy stood at the door tapping her foot while Jane paced the rest of the apartment. As she wheeled her suitcase out into the corridor, the pair did not rest a moment before the door slammed behind her.

She heard an American accent cry out “Good Riddance” as she began to walk away.


Jane gleamed as the door left her fingers. Crying out, "Good Riddance," seemed a natural thing to do, and she felt great relief as she did so. For the first time in her life she was standing up for herself. It could never be said that her dear friend Lizzy was a bad influence. Without her, Jane would have never taken her life into her own hands.

“Lizzy, I don't know what I will do. I think I will go crazy with my nerves. What if he is angry? What if he hates me for what I did to his sister?”

“He loves you Jane. He will respect you for having done what was right. But really hon, I need to go. I have to call Will before I go to work.”

“How are things working out between you two?”

“That's a good question. He's still proud and sometimes very rude, but he doesn't mean to be. I think he really does care about me. I really don't know what I can do to make us work. But he is trying, he really is.”

“Do you love him?”

“Despite his flaws? Despite his childish anger and random freak-outs? Yes, I think I do.”

“Then tell him. And don't let him push you away by being a baby.”

Jane smiled and realised that the tables were turning. She was now giving advice to her dear friend.

“What do you think Lizzy? Have we grown up?”

“I think it's safe to say Paris is changing us.”

“For the better?”

“We'll see.”

They kissed both cheeks and laughed as they said in unison, “We're so French!” Lizzy left the apartment wondering how to handle the next obstacle before her.


Lizzy opened her cell phone and took a deep breath. This conversation would not be an easy one. Dialling William's number she paced as she listened to the rings.

“Darcy here.”

“Will, hi. It's me.”

“Darling! How are you! I've been meaning to call you. You know the other day with the tour…”

“William, I need you to listen to me.”

“What's wrong? Are you ok?”

She sniffed as she tried to gather her thoughts. “I'm ok. But there's something I need to tell you.”

“You can tell me anything.”

“I love you William, I love you with all of my heart.” She heard his sigh of relief and she took another gulp of air, “I love you, but I cannot be with you.”

“You what?! What are you saying? Why can't you be with me? What are you thinking? You're such a child sometimes. What didn't you get this time that you wanted?”

By this time she was standing outside of the Metro, waiting to finish the call before she entered. Without thinking she screamed at the top of her lungs. Finally shutting up his rampage.

“For God's sake William. Listen to yourself. You're too busy being my father to be my lover.”

“I… I…” She heard the quiet and it was deafening. “I love you Elizabeth Bennet. I will do whatever I can to make you understand that I just want to protect you.”

“I don't need your protection, I need your love. Until you can show me your love pure and unaffected, I need to take a break. Just please…” Before thinking she hung up the phone.


William sat in his office completely stunned. He sat looking at his phone for sometime. It was unexpected. He knew that they were going to have issues. She was so wrapped up in her own little world and he, well. He could only tolerate so much. He couldn't believe the audacity of her. His anger was beginning to consume him in a way he didn't quite understand. If only he had time to let his anger loose. His sister was expected at any moment, and it wouldn't do to be a total mess.

He placed his phone on his desk and sat staring straight ahead, working on his thoughts and trying to govern his emotions. It was during this that Georgiana walked in. She didn't need to look at him for long to realise he was in a tough spot.

“Bad time, Bro?”

“Yeah, well. No. It's never a bad time for you, as you well know.”

“Trouble with Lizzy?”

He glanced at her, wondering if he was that transparent.

“Well, I didn't do anything wrong, so, it couldn't have possibly been me. Who else would have you so wrapped up within yourself?”

He glanced at her. Not wanting to look his sister in the eyes he stared at his fingers. Inspecting each line at his joints.

“For God's sake Fitzwilliam Darcy, look at me.”

“Georgiana don't you start. I don't need this from you today, you of all people.”

She slammed her purse down on his desk and stood in a posture that reminded him of their aunt. Both hands flat on the desk a couple of feet apart, her leaning in for the kill.

“You smothered her. I sensed this was coming. You have a tendency to be wrapped up within yourself, concerning yourself more with your happiness rather than those you love. You do things not for them, but for yourself. You can be so proud. I hope she put you in your place, Fitzwilliam. I hope she told you she didn't need another father. You've spent too much time recently being a father to everyone - a father to your girlfriend and a father to your sister. Did you ever think we just needed you for you? Lizzy needs a lover not a father, and I need my brother. Maybe if you pulled your head out you would realise that.”

She picked up her purse and without another look behind she stormed out of his office - slamming the door behind her.

William was left confused and shocked. For the second time in recent months he had been left in utter shock by the women in his life.

Chapter 14

Part 1

It had been a couple of months, and Lizzy had kept busy. It was nearly Christmas, and she hadn't heard from William since she made that fateful phone call. She would have never guessed it would have ended this way. Her heart had been broken in a way she didn't know possible. The only thing she could do was turn tail and run back home. Shortly after she rang in the New Year that was what she was going to do.

Everyone had noticed the change in her. Her mother had forgotten the lecture of the best way to snag a husband. Instead Mrs. Bennet went straight for consolation. Her father was a different story. He felt that Lizzy was giving up much too soon and she should forget that man who made her feel the way she did. If only it were that easy.

She tried dating again. She had several momentous occasions and decided it wasn't for her. There was of course the man that Jane had deemed Hump Boy - a man who at first sight had seemed fantastic. He had tried to woo her in the stereotypical French way of groping.

Billy Collins had stopped phoning after he found a girlfriend in Lizzy's long time friend Charlotte Lucas. There would be no consolation in his unfailing devotion. George Wickham had phoned a few times, much to her consternation. She never answered, and after several desperate messages they just stopped. She had no idea what had happened to him.

Lizzy's only consolation was the fact that Jane was happy. She and Charles had reconciled finding the happily ever after route to their fairy tale. The positive pregnancy test had been a false-positive. It was a lesson to them all - first year French students should not trust their language skills enough to read instructions on pregnancy tests. Jane was happy that her problems had all been solved. She quit the family she was working for, and went to live with Charles. They would be getting married soon enough.

Georgiana had phoned several times in order to let her know she understood and hoped that Lizzy would keep in touch. Georgiana left Paris to spend time with her family in England - apparently too disgusted to stay with her brother.

There seemed to be heartbreak all around Lizzy in this time of happiness. She could find no solace in the beauty of Paris. Each of the sights reminded her of her love. She knew she did the right thing in leaving William, but it didn't make the split any easier.

This night was to be her last night with the family. The children would be leaving the next morning to spend their holidays in the Alps. She would have the house to herself until it was time for her to leave. The children had been angels over the past months. She had laughed and played with them, celebrating each moment as best as possible. They were dear children, spoiled, but loving.

Tonight was the family Christmas party. Friends and family members were invited to the house to eat all sorts of delicacies. There were presents to be exchanged, and alcohol to be drunk, but Lizzy was having trouble leaving the mirror. She focused on each freckle, each pore, and each imperfection in her skin - wishing she could make herself better for the one she loved. She wouldn't see him tonight. She had meant to invite him, but she could never get her nerve up. How was she to invite the man who had broken her heart?


William sat at his desk sipping a cup of tea while he contemplated the evening ahead of him. He had received an invitation to a Christmas party tonight that he had to attend. He knew the family well: their connections were ones that could not be ignored. He would have to go, regardless of the case of nerves he had encountered upon first seeing the invitation.

The past months had been difficult on him. Between the departure of both his sister and Lizzy, he had never felt so completely alone. Since the fateful telephone call, there had not been a word of discussion between Lizzy and himself - not so much as an email to acknowledge their connection. Georgiana had spoken to him, at length about their situation, and what the problem was.

They sat across a table in a café, looking at one another as they discussed what was going on. Tears streamed down her face, and he knew he was at fault. He had been so preoccupied with his own life that he had forgotten about his little sister. She had grown up to be such a beautiful strong woman that he forgot that deep down inside she was still a teenager, still someone who needed guidance.

“William, don't you see? You left me alone! Everyone leaves me alone in the end.” He reached for her hand to try to sooth her, and she snatched it away. “Do not touch me. I need to talk right now.”

“I'm all ears.”

“The day Lizzy left you, do you remember what day that was?”

“Of course I do, I could tell you the exact date and time.”

“No, do you even remember what the date means?”

“No, I can't say I do.”

“That day is the anniversary of the worst day in my life, and I would have imagined yours.”


“It's the day you found George and I.”

“Oh Georgie, I'm so sorry. I should have remembered.”

She looked at him, her pale blue eyes searching his face. “I needed you, and you were too worried about someone I barely knew. I like Lizzy, don't get me wrong, but you're my brother, my guardian and my protector. That day just served as a reminder that you can't guard me from everything.”

They discussed things for a little longer - wondering about how to go about the future. The truth was, William wasn't at a point in his life where he could protect her and care for her like she needed. He needed some freedom to think and do for himself. She understood and they discussed their options.

It was decided that she would go stay with their cousin, Jonathan Fitzwilliam, for a few months until she was ready to go to University. Then, William would move back to England and they would live together, leaving Paris behind them for good.


As Elizabeth opened the door to greet the newest guests of the party, she wasn't expecting what she found on the other side. There he stood, his big black coat wrapped around him, protecting himself from the cold. His dark eyes showed their shock, and he tried to smile.

“Do come in, it would seem that you've missed the first rush of guests. Beware, there are fortune hunters here of the highest calibre.”

She watched as his attempt at a smile broadened into a true whole-hearted grin. “Yes, I had imagined so. They seem to be everywhere I go lately.”

She looked down, examining her shoes and she tried not to show her confusion. Did he mean her? Did he really think she was after his money?

Sensing her confusion, “No Lizzy, I did not mean you. I just meant. Well. You know what I mean.”

She took his jacket, hanging it up in the hall closet and she led him into the group of people. She watched as he tried to mingle with the crowd. He tried to appear jovial, but he kept his eyes on her. She wandered through the crowd, trying to make herself feel comfortable with the fact that the man she so desperately loved was in the same room with her once again. She felt a surge of jealousy rise up inside her each time he spoke to another woman, and she couldn't help but wonder if he felt the same when he watched her.

He never let his eyes leave her and she felt his gaze burning a hole in her back, side, cheek - whatever portion of her body was facing him as he stared. They stayed apart for several hours. Each conversing with anyone available. As she was talking with one of the guests, she felt a touch on her arm, as she turned around she recognised who it was by the scent of his cologne.

“Lizzy, I'm going to go. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.”

“I'm not uncomfortable.”

“Well you're not speaking to me. You won't even look at me.”

“I am nervous. Besides, you didn't speak to me either.”

“One who felt less might have.”

“One who…” Her heart fluttered and she didn't know what to say.

“Lizzy, can I see you again this week? Before Christmas?” He looked at her with a sense of hope and desire.

“I… uh… yes William you may.” She smiled and looked at him hoping that he saw how excited she was.

“When can I see you?”

“I'm off work until the new year, so anytime.”

“What are you doing for Christmas?”

“Ok, well. Can I see you the day after tomorrow? And I'm not sure yet…” She wondered what he was getting at.

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.” He looked at her, wondering if he should invite her to England for Christmas.

“Trocadero, at noon?”

“I'll see you then.”

William turned to leave, but as he looked at Lizzy one last time he saw her pointing at the threshold. He smiled at the mistletoe and kissed her on the cheek.


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