Angielski PS, some any

PRESENT SIMPLE (czas teraźniejszy prosty)

The Present Simple is used :

  1. to express an action that happens again and again or is a habit

I wash my hair twice a week.

My father goes to work by car.

She smokes 10 cigarettes a day.

  1. to express a fact which is always true

Ralf comes from Germany.

Some birds fly south in winter.

I have blue eyes.

  1. to express a fact which stays the same for a long time (a state)

He works in a bank.

I live in a flat near the centre of town.

I believe in God.

Tworzenie pytań w Present Simple.

1. Yes-No Questions

- budowa:

operator - wykonawca czynności - forma podstawowa czasownika - określenia

DO / DOES - I, you, we.../ he, she, it - niezależnie od osoby nieodmieniona (bez -s)

np. Do you like television?

Does she play football?

- tłumaczenie - odpowiadają polskim pytaniom zaczynającym się od słówka „czy”

- odpowiedź:

Yes, podmiot operator. np. Yes, I do. Yes, she does.

No, podmiot zaprzeczony operator. np. No, we don't. No, he doesn't.

2.Special Questions (pytania opisowe)

- budowa:

słówko pytające - operator - wykonawca czynności - forma podstawowa czasownika - określenia

Question Word - DO / DOES - I, you, we.../ he, she, it - niezależnie od osoby (bez -s)

[Question Words - wyrazy pytające to min. who - kto?, whose - kogo, czyj? , what - co?, which - który?, where - gdzie?, when - kiedy?, how - jak? (także how long, how much, how many, how old itp.), why - dlaczego?]

np. What is your name? Where do you live? How old are you?

- tłumaczenie - nie tłumaczy się operatora

- odpowiedź - nie może być jednowyrazowa - pytania takie wymagają opisowej odpowiedzi.

3. Pytania z czasownikami TO BE i HAVE GOT

  1. Yes-No Questions - tworzy się je przestawiając odmienioną formę czasownika na początek zdania, tłumaczy jako zaczynające się od „czy”

np. Is Mary your sister? Have you got a dog?

  1. Special Questions (pytania opisowe) -zaczyna się od słówka pytającego, dalej następuje odmieniona forma czasownika, podmiot i reszta.

np. Who are you? What is that?

ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY (przysłówki częstotliwości)

We often use adverbs of frequency with the Present Simple.

0% never -- rarely / seldom -- not often -- 50% sometimes -- often -- usually -- always 100%

( nigdy, rzadko, niezbyt często, czasami, często, najczęściej, zawsze )

They go after the verb TO BE ( np. I am usually hurry in the morning. She is sometimes nice. You are always late for school.) but before other verbs ( np. I often go swimming. He rarely goes to bed before 23 o'clock. We never eat meat.)

I. Translate these words:

  1. into English: jeść , lubić, mieszkać / żyć, tańczyć, syn, córka, ojciec, matka, Polska, Anglia, Grek, Japończyk, klasa, krzesło, biurko, kobieta, mężczyzna, dziecko, wtorek, czwartek, niedziela

  1. into Polish: hello, call, cook, grandparents, Spain, United Kingdom, Monday, Friday, favourite, north, south, apple, sandwich, orange

II. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of each verb.

  1. Rob never (smoke) ....................... at home. I (smoke) ................................... at all.

  1. My parents (watch) ......................... TV at night, but my younger sister ............................. watch TV after 8 p.m.

  1. It often (rain) ....................... in Poland in the spring.

  1. Sonia (like) ..................... cooking and in the future she (want) .................... to have her own restaurant.

  1. They always (spend) ........................ their holidays in Spain.

  1. The sun (rise) ........................ at 6 o'clock every day.

III. Fill in the gaps. Use: is / are, isn't / aren't.

1. There ........... a shelf in the room. ............. there any books on the shelf?

Yes, there ............. some geography books.

  1. ........... there a history book on the shelf? No, there .......... .

IV. Write these words in the correct order:

1. I, history, but, like , like, don't, geography I

  1. where, they, live, do

  1. to, school, goes, she, bus, by

V. What time is it? - read or write

18 : 39 , 12 : 24 , 6 : 15 , 10 : 30 , 15 : 43 ,13 : 30 , 2 : 18 ,10 : 56 , 11: 00 , 15 : 23

seven o'clock , eight past eleven , twenty - two to twelve , fourteen past thirteen

eleven to four , twelve past three ,a quarter to eleven , two past nine

VI. Use the correct possessive adjective (my, your, his ....)

  1. I like going out with ......... friends.

  2. Mark has ........... own room.

  3. Mrs Smith loves ........... children.

  4. Sue and ............ brother live with ............. grandparents.

  5. We don't like ............. school.

  6. You wear ............ favourite shirt.

VII.Translate into English :

  1. Mój pies lubi biegać i skakać.

  1. Ich tata pracuje w szkole. On jest nauczycielem.

  1. Ona nosi krótkie sukienki.

  1. Moja mama nie pomaga mi przy zadaniu domowym.

  1. Ja i moja rodzina mieszkamy w Grudziądzu.

  1. Wakacje spędziłem w górach.

VIII. Translate, write positive, negative and question.

  1. Oni mieszkają w Warszawie (Warsaw)

  1. Lubię słodycze. (sweets)

  1. Paul gra w piłkę nożną w każdą sobotę. (football, every)

IX. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of each verb.

  1. I (go) .................. to the cinema once a month, but my friend (go) ................... there every Saturday.

  1. My mother (work) ............ with children and my father (work) ................... in an office.

  1. John and Bob (run) ............. really fast .

  1. Peter (like) ..................... listening to the music. In the future he (want) .............. to be a famous musician.

  1. Her brothers (play), but her favourite sport (be) ............. volleyball.

X. Fill in the gaps. Use: is / are, isn't / aren't.

1. There ......... a desk in my room. What ........ there on the desk. .......... there any pencils?

Yes, there ............. some colour pencils.

  1. ........... there a pen on the desk? No, there .......... .

XI. Write these words in the correct order:

1. how, you, are 2. nice, is, to, meet, it, you 3. like, you, do, dancing

XII. Use the correct possessive adjective

  1. She likes going out with ......... friends.

  2. Sue and ............ brother love ............. grandparents.

  3. Do you like ............. town?

  4. Olga doesn't have ........... own room.

  5. Mrs and Mr Smith spend ........... holidays in France.

  6. I wear ............ favourite dress.

XIII. Translate into English, write positive or negative and question:

  1. Nie mieszkam w Grecji.

  1. Jego tata pracuje w fabryce. (factory)

  1. Ona nie lubi psów.

  1. Moja siostra sprząta swój pokój. (clean)

  1. Moi dziadkowie mają duży dom.

STOP AND CHECK (Headway - elementary)

  1. Each sentence has a mistake. Find and correct it.

  1. London is a city very big.

  2. My mother works in a hotel is a receptionist.

  3. My father watch TV in the evening.

  4. He's like watching football.

  5. Hans is businessman.

  6. You family is very nice.

  7. I like dance.

  8. Our school have a lot of students.

  9. The childrens go to school near here.

  10. My brother no have a job.

  11. Do you want a ice-cream?

  12. Mark and John is my brothers.

  13. We like going to cinema.

  14. Does she likes you?

  15. I live at Grudziądz.

  1. Put the words in the correct order.

a) Madrid, Jorge, from, comes

b) married, sister, is, your

c) your, name, what, teacher's, is

d) name, spell, how, you, do, your

e) often, weekends, go, I, swimming, at.

  1. Put the verb [ am/`m not, is/isn't, are/aren't, do/don't, does/doesn't ] into each gap.

Vienna .......... in Poland. It .......... in Austria.

Where .......... you from?

I .......... on holiday - I am at work.

My teacher .......... very funny.

What time .......... the bank open?

My sister meat because she .......... like it.

I .......... hungry. How much .......... a sandwich?

Where .......... you go on holiday?

Daddy, we .......... want to go to bed. We .......... tired.

Learning English .......... boring. It .......... interesting.

  1. Write the questions to these answers:

Peter starts work at 8 o'clock.

They come from France.

Her name is Jackie.

We are 16 years old.

She lives in Poland.

  1. Translate the sentences.

I am a student. I live in a flat. My mother works in a bank. My father doesn't like rock music. John's flat is in the centre of town. Do you go to school on foot?

On nie pali. Jesteśmy Polakami. Mieszkam w małym domu. Mojej siostry nie ma w domu. Ona jest w pracy. Tu jest pióro na biurku.

Translate these verbs:

Love , relax , stay , cook , have , like , chat , arrive, eat, go , live , come , visit , bring , listen , go out ,

get up , leave, start , look ,make , buy , take , watch ,talk , see , walk , meet ,show , visit , work , want

Write sentences with some of them.

  1. Rewrite statements below like in the example. Example: I am a boy. - I am not a boy. - I am a girl.

a)The Pope comes from Australia.

b)People drive on the right side in Britain.

c)The sun rises in the west.

  1. Find and correct mistakes

Never Tom wears a tie.

I often am hungry in the evening.

We go for a shopping always on Friday.

Every afternoon they watch television.

You play tennis seldom.

  1. Write about you and your friends - what do you do never, seldom, sometimes, often ...

1. Put a, an, the or nothing into the gaps.

Mr and Mrs Forester have ....... son and ....... daughter. ....... son lives at ....... home and ....... daughter is ....... student. Mrs Forester is ....... actress and her husband is ....... journalist. He writes ....... articles about ....... restaurants. Every spring ....... children go skiing, so Mr and Mrs Forester go to Paris on ....... holiday. They stay in ....... hotel near ....... River Seine. After ....... holidays they don't want to go ....... home and go back to ....... work.

2.Translate into English

  1. Mój ojciec jest architektem. (architect)

  2. Te kwiaty to tulipany. (tulips)

  3. Tom Brown jest lotnikiem. (pilot)

  4. Jego bracia są muzykami.

  5. Wisła jest najdłuższą rzeką w Polsce. (longest river)

  1. Answer these questions:

  1. What's your name?

  2. How old are you?

  3. How many brothers and sisters have you?

  4. What is your address?

  5. Where do you go to school?

  6. Do you like Maths?

  1. Translate questions:

  1. Dlaczego palisz?

  2. Gdzie mieszka John?

  3. Jak myślisz? (think)

  4. Czy pijesz kawę ? (coffee)

  5. Co o tym myślisz?

  6. Kim on jest?

  7. Ile ona ma lat?

  8. Czy lubisz Kasię?

III. Ask about the underline word.

  1. George is 25 years old.

  2. This is my pencil.

  3. I am from Poland.

  4. Her father likes Pele.

  5. That is an orange.

IV. Napisz pytania do podkreślonych części zdania.

Uzupełnij luki
1. I............ Polish.
2................ he a student?
3. We............ pupils.
4. This............... our teacher.
5.................. this your dog?
6. She............ a doctor.
7............. he your father?
8. We............... not at school.
9. He............... my best friend.
10. She............ not my sister.
11. We............... not students.
12. He............ not Polish.
13. You............. English.
14.................. your name Mary?

Odpowiedz na pytania
1. Is your name Mary?
2. Are you Polish?
3. Is you house big?
4. Is Mary a teacher?

Ułóż pytania i przeczenia do zadań podanych poniżej
1. Their house is small.
2. She is my sister.
3. He is from London.
4. Mr Scott and family are in Warsaw.
5. John and Mike are brothers.

Przetłumacz zdania
1. Czy jesteś Polakiem?
2.Czy nazywasz się Smith?
3.Czy twój dom jest duży?
4.Jak masz na imię?
5. Nie jestem Anglikiem.
6. On jest nauczycielem.
7.Ona nie jest moją siostrą.
8. On jest moim ojcem.

9.Czy to twój pies?
10. Tom jest twoim bratem.

  1. Some i any używamy, gdy nie interesuje nas konkretna ilość.

np. I have some friends in Berlin. ( Mam kilku przyjaciół w Berlinie.)

  1. Some używamy w zdaniach twierdzących.

np. There are some flowers. ( Tu są jakieś kwiaty.)

  1. Any używamy w zdaniach przeczących i w pytaniach.

np. Are there any photographs? ( Czy są tu jakieś zdjęcia?)

I don't have any apples. ( Nie mam żadnych jabłek.)

Podobnie w zdaniach zachowują się takie słówka jak:

Somebody, someone \ anybody, anyone; something \ anything itp.

I. Wpisz SOME lub ANY.

  1. There are _____ books in our classroom.

  2. There aren't _____ plants.

  3. Are there _____ German students in your class?

  4. There aren't _____ Chinese students.

  5. We have _____ dictionaries in the cupboard.

  6. There are _____ pens on the table.

II. Które zdanie jest prawidłowe?

There aren't some sandwiches.

There aren't any sandwiches.

Do you have some good dictionaries?

Do you have any good dictionaries?

I have some photos of my dog.

I have any photos of my dog.

Give me some books.

Give me any books.


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